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CCC Medway Valley Sermons

CCC Medway Valley Sermons

By CCC Medway Valley Sermons

Catch up with the latest teaching from the Medway Valley Community of Cornerstone City Church, Medway.

We believe Christianity holds the truth to our purpose, and that Jesus has the power to transform lives. God loves us, Jesus died for us, the Spirit has been poured out on us.

Every week, we meet together to hear His truth preached from the Bible, and to experience His power, as we build one another up in faith, hope and love.

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The parable of the mustard seed // Mark // Mark 4 30-34 // Adam Voke

CCC Medway Valley SermonsMay 12, 2024

Word of God speak // Mark // Mark 4 35-41 // Mike Southall

Word of God speak // Mark // Mark 4 35-41 // Mike Southall

Storms come. But Jesus is with His people. He is Immanuel. He promised to be with them. And when He speaks, things happen.

Mike took us through the events recorded in Mark 4 35-41

Word of God speak

-       Control and command

o   Quiet! Be still!

-       Challenge and confront

o   Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?

o   Jesus’ priority is not to scold, but to bless and to challenge

-       Confirm and comfort

o  Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!


(“Word of God Speak” by MercyMe. Used without permission)


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

May 26, 202439:58
Pentecost // Cornerstone Together Sunday // John 2 1-11 // Stef & Davina Liston
May 19, 202438:33
The parable of the mustard seed // Mark // Mark 4 30-34 // Adam Voke
May 12, 202451:08
Belong Believe Behave // Stand alone message // Romans 12 3-21 // Mike Southall

Belong Believe Behave // Stand alone message // Romans 12 3-21 // Mike Southall

If we are believers in Christ, we are not just “together”, we are one body.  Mike takes us through Romans 12 3-21, challenging us to

-       Belong

-       Believe

-       Behave

One body in Christ, and individually members one of another, and individually members one of another.


1.    Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour.

2.   Put yourself out for others. Rejoice in hope, contribute to the needs of the saints, show hospitality.

3.    Bless and do not curse them.  Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

4.    Be humble. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.

5.    So far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

6.    Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



May 05, 202454:50
Growing seed // Mark // Mark 4 26-29 // Audrey Mafemera
Apr 28, 202453:16
A lamp on a stand // Mark // Mark 4 21-25 // Joe Brooks
Apr 21, 202437:21
The parable of the sower // Mark // Mark 4 1-20 // Mike Southall

The parable of the sower // Mark // Mark 4 1-20 // Mike Southall

In Mark 4 1-20 we hear Jesus speaking to a large crowd and then to a smaller group of his followers. What did the parable He told mean to them? What does it mean for us? Join us as Mike walks through the parable with us and encourages us with the good news, the word of the kingdom. Even though most things go wrong, there is a Mighty King and His Kingdom is coming. There will be a harvest, thirtyfold, sixtyfold and an hundredfold!

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Apr 14, 202442:24
The family of God // Mark // Mark 3 31-35 // Chris Norwood

The family of God // Mark // Mark 3 31-35 // Chris Norwood

Returning to our journey with Mark through the life and mission of Jesus, Chris Norwood takes us to Mark 3 31-35 and helps us understand more of the wonder that believers in Jesus are not simply saved and redeemed, but they are also part of God’s family.

Brothers and sisters (present or future), take a listen!

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Apr 07, 202440:37
Easter Sunday // Cornerstone Together Sunday // Adam Voke
Mar 31, 202438:26
Jesus prays, grieved and distressed // Prayer // Matthew 26 23-46 // Adam Voke

Jesus prays, grieved and distressed // Prayer // Matthew 26 23-46 // Adam Voke

In Matthew 26 36-46 we get a peak behind the curtain to see Jesus in private prayer. Join us as Adam leads us through how He prayed in a time of grief and distress. Jesus’ relationship with His Father and ours was real, raw and honest, and so was His praying. As so can ours be. We can pray honestly. Jesus was tempted in every way just as we are. He knows what we’re feeling. He understands. 

Let’s pray  


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community 



Mar 24, 202442:25
Dodgy Trees and Portable Mountains // Prayer // Matthew 21 18-22 // Audrey Mafemera

Dodgy Trees and Portable Mountains // Prayer // Matthew 21 18-22 // Audrey Mafemera

Continuing our series based on prayers from the Bible, Audrey takes us to Matthew 21 18-22. How should we pray? With faith.

But praying with faith is not just A+B=C “name it and claim it” praying.  God takes it very seriously when we handle the holy things of God in an unholy manner. Pray with faith to the One who is worthy of our faith, in line with His will.

(The slides used in the message)


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Mar 17, 202444:55
Paul’s Prayer for the Colossian Church // Prayer // Colossians 1 9–14 // Julian Perry

Paul’s Prayer for the Colossian Church // Prayer // Colossians 1 9–14 // Julian Perry

Continuing to pursue better praying, this week Julian guides us through Paul’s prayer for the Colossian Church Colossians 1 9-14.  He highlights four points from Paul’s prayer:

1.   That they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will for them through the Spirits work

2.    That they would live a life worthy of God, bearing fruit & growing in knowledge of God

3.    That they would be strengthened with all power in order to have great endurance & patience

4.    That they would joyfully give thanks to the Father who has qualified them.

(The slides used in the message)


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Mar 10, 202431:58
Living in, on and from His love // Prayer // Ephesians 3 14-21 // Chris Norwood

Living in, on and from His love // Prayer // Ephesians 3 14-21 // Chris Norwood

Relax! Soak in His love!

Chris encourages us to accept and revel in the bountiful love of God as we see it in Ephesians 3 14-21.

Love is a gift (v14-16)

Love is a foundation (v17-19)

Love is a witness (v20-21)

We bring glory by showing what He has done for us. But we cannot show it if He has not done it for us.


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Mar 03, 202433:03
Enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness // Prayer // Acts 4 23-31 // Mike Southall

Enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness // Prayer // Acts 4 23-31 // Mike Southall

In the third message of our Prayer series, Mike spoke from Acts 4 23-31.

How do we pray in times of crisis?

-       Come together in community

-       Raise your voices together in prayer

-       Pray Scripture

-       Be true to the Truth

-       Be true to the circumstances you are in

-       Be true to God’s plan and calling

-       Pray that

o   God will enable us (and His other servants) to speak His word with great boldness

o  God will stretch out His hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of His holy servant Jesus.

Let us pray!

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Feb 25, 202454:11
Unity and Community // Prayer // John 17 20-26 // Tony Sands
Feb 18, 202434:31
Lord, teach us to pray // Prayer // Luke 11 1-13 // Joe Brooks

Lord, teach us to pray // Prayer // Luke 11 1-13 // Joe Brooks

We are entering into our annual “40 Days of Prayer and Fasting”. Joe Brooks kicked off our series, helping us through Luke 11:1-13

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” And he said to them, “When you pray, say:

“Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins,
    for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation.”

And he said to them, “Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; and he will answer from within, ‘Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed. I cannot get up and give you anything’? I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs. And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Feb 11, 202438:48
A House Divided // Mark // Mark 3:20-30 // Adam Voke
Feb 04, 202446:32
The Twelve // Mark // Mark 3:13-19 // Audrey Mafemera

The Twelve // Mark // Mark 3:13-19 // Audrey Mafemera

Our good friend Doris Lemon tells us what happened that day - when Jesus went up the mountain away from the crowds, when he came back down with His twelve.

Mark 3 13-19  Luke 6 12-16

He summoned whom He willed.  His decision, bathed in prayer, for His purpose. Each of them was called by the Father, through the Son, for His purpose. No mistakes. John 15 16 ESV

Having been called, they came,…. And He made them – just as he made everything Genesis 1

Being a disciple is not what you do. It’s what He wants to make of you.  He wants you.  He wants you.

So what does it mean for us? Audrey pointed out the three things Jesus appoints the twelve to, and appoints us to.

1       to be with Him.  John 15 4-9  Acts 4 13

2       to preach. Purposeful evangelism; to be His mouthpiece to proclaim the good news. John 14 12

3       to have power and authority. The might and the right to demonstrate the power of the Kingdom of Light over the Kingdom of Darkness. Spiritual warfare is not a power struggle – it’s a Truth struggle. Whose “truth” is true?

The call of Christ's servants comes from above. Jesus stands on the mountain, evermore above the world in holiness, earnestness, love and power. Those whom he calls must go up the mountain to him, they must seek to rise to his level by living in constant communion with him. They may not be able to mount to classic honours, or attain scholastic eminence, but they must like Moses go up into the mount of God and have familiar intercourse with the unseen God, or they will never be fitted to proclaim the gospel of peace. Jesus went apart to hold high fellowship with the Father, and we must enter into the same divine companionship if we would bless our fellowmen. No wonder that the apostles were clothed with power when they came down fresh from the mountain where Jesus was. This morning we must endeavour to ascend the mount of communion, that there we may be ordained to the lifework for which we are set apart. Let us not see the face of man to-day till we have seen Jesus. Time spent with him is laid out at blessed interest. We too shall cast out devils and work wonders if we go down into the world girded with that divine energy which Christ alone can give. It is of no use going to the Lord's battle till we are armed with heavenly weapons. We must see Jesus, this is essential. (C.H Spurgeon Morning & Evening” : morning September 10th)

The Chosen: The 12 apostles find out they're the 12 apostles


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jan 28, 202446:27
The Main Thing // Mark // Mark 3:7-12 // Chris Norwood
Jan 21, 202433:40
Lord of the Sabbath // Mark // Mark 2:26-3:6 // Mike Southall
Jan 14, 202457:07
Reset // Cornerstone Together Sunday // Adam Voke & Tony Sands
Jan 07, 202457:45
The Big Christmas Story // Christmas // Mike Southall
Dec 24, 202322:32
Joy to the World! // Christmas // Joe Brooks
Dec 17, 202319:39
Magnificat! // CCC-MVC // Luke 1 46-55 // Adam Voke

Magnificat! // CCC-MVC // Luke 1 46-55 // Adam Voke

Luke 1v46-55

Magnificat! My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.

Magnifying and glorifying God.

Adam leads us through Mary’s song, (Luke 1v46-55), Hanna’s song (1 Samuel 2v1-10) and aspects of the Psalms.

Magnify the Lord! Make His Name Glorious!

Magnify Him with your whole being!

Magnify Him with humility! (1 Corinthians 1:26)

Magnify Him! Recognise and acknowledge His amazing works across the whole world and for all ages.

 Praise the Lord, my soul;     all my inmost being, praise his holy name. (Psalm 103)


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Dec 03, 202351:34
Missed Opportunities and Game Changers // Mark // Mark 2 18-22 // Chris Norwood

Missed Opportunities and Game Changers // Mark // Mark 2 18-22 // Chris Norwood

Mark 2 18-22

Chris Norwood challenged us from Mark 2 today, looking at a New Way to Worship, a New Gospel and a New Wineskin.

So many missed opportunities. Games changers – missed! We are Christ followers. We don’t believe in “fate” or “chance”. But we do believe in taking our God-given opportunities.

New Way to Worship Mark 2 18

Why do we fast? Chris took us to several passages to show why people used to fast (Ezra 8v23, Judges 20v26, 1 Samuel 31v13, 1 Samuel 7v6, Matthew 4v1-11 and Luke 2v37). Fasting is good! - but optional. Only once (Yom Kippur Leviticus 16v29-31) in the Old Testament are God’s people commanded to fast. But, by Jesus’ day, the Pharisees had corrupted fasting.

Jesus taught a different way Matthew 6 16-18. “It’s not about putting on a show. It’s about devotion to Me”.

New Gospel Mark 2 19-20

Jesus refers to himself as “the bridegroom”. He came to the Church, his bride (Revelation 21 2). It’s a new thing, a new gospel. It’s exciting! It’s glorious! A gospel that turns us from fasting to feasting.

And then in the midst of this joy, Jesus speaks of His coming death (v20). Jesus knows what His death is about – and it’s a cause to celebrate not mourn because of what is coming from it.

New Wineskin Mark 2 21-22

Missed opportunities miss game changers.

Jesus came to give a complete game changer. It’s no longer “patching up”. It’s a completely new way to relate to God. A whole new experience of God. A fresh start!

Grace. A complete game changer.

The Holy Spirit with us every day. A complete game changer.

Direct access to the Father. A complete game changer.

When we face game changers, we can decide to let it go. We can stick with the old.

Jesus came to give us the new. “I don’t want to give you a patch. I want to give you a new wineskin.”


What about you?

Have you accepted His new way?

Have you been trying to patch that which he wants to replace with new?


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community




Nov 26, 202332:28
Follow Me // Mark // Mark 2v13-17 // Matt Fox

Follow Me // Mark // Mark 2v13-17 // Matt Fox

Mark 2 13-17

Mark tell us that Jesus “saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he rose and followed him.”

Follow me.

What does Jesus mean when he says we should be following Him, continuously?

How does He, the Great Shepherd, lead us, His sheep?


We were hugely privileged to have Matt Fox with us today.

His slides are here


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Nov 19, 202347:51
Who is Jesus // Mark // Mark 2v1-12 // Tom Heaton

Who is Jesus // Mark // Mark 2v1-12 // Tom Heaton

Mark 2 1-12

Who is Jesus?

Jesus says “Child, your sins are forgiven”.

Jesus sees a need and deals with the root cause.

Jesus gives forgiveness, from which comes hope and peace.

Jesus is accused of blasphemy by those who do not know who He is.

Jesus knows what’s in our hearts. – He is God.

Jesus has authority to forgive sins – He is God.

Jesus is able to forgive sins. No one else is.

Jesus died an awful death for you and me.


Tom Heaton challenged us to trust Jesus.

Jesus will forgive your sins because He is God. Come to Him in faith.

Faith gets to Jesus at all costs. 1 John 4 12

Faith trusts that Jesus is able to forgive and to heal because He is God.

Faith brings others to Him.


Who is Jesus? Who is He to you?


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Nov 12, 202328:28
The Lord's Supper // Cornerstone Together Sunday // Adam Voke

The Lord's Supper // Cornerstone Together Sunday // Adam Voke

The Passover meal, deliverance from slavery, atonement for sin, the horror of the cross, a new covenant, the presence of God, a heavenly feast, all held together in a ritual meal... This all together Sunday, Adam, one of our elders, teaches us about the Lord's Supper.

Nov 05, 202348:27
Unclean! // Mark // Mark 1:40-45 // Adam Voke

Unclean! // Mark // Mark 1:40-45 // Adam Voke

Mark 1:40-45

Ever had a swelling? A rash? Something suspicious that you just know you need to get someone to take a look at?

It may not be leprosy, but we are all subject to the disfiguring, eroding, progressive impacts of sin. And Jesus is willing to heal. His death is what we need for our cleansing.

Adam joined us today as we looked at Mark 1:40-45 in the context of Leviticus 13 and 14 and other relevant Bible passages. 


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Oct 29, 202350:15
To a solitary place to pray // Mark // Mark 1:35-39 // CCC-MVC

To a solitary place to pray // Mark // Mark 1:35-39 // CCC-MVC

Mark 1:35-39

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

What about us?

Let us pray!


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Oct 22, 202339:05
Jesus Heals Many // Mark // Mark 1:29-34 // Julian Perry

Jesus Heals Many // Mark // Mark 1:29-34 // Julian Perry

Mark 1:21-28

In the fifth part of our journey through Mark’s gospel, Julian brings us to accounts of Jesus and His astounding healings. 

What about you? Can we pray for you today? Get in touch!


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Oct 15, 202326:22
Authority // Mark // Mark 1:21-28 // Chris Norwood

Authority // Mark // Mark 1:21-28 // Chris Norwood

Mark 1:21-28

The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 

Join Chris as we take a look at authority and what it means in our lives and in the church.

We all have authority to some level in some spheres. How do we use it? How do we avoid giving it away?

Structural authority is given to us by our place in a structure

Authority comes from integrity – and can be lost the same way.

And then there is spiritual authority. Authority given by God. Authority over spiritual things. Authority to be and do what God has for us.


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Oct 08, 202333:01
Jesus shares His mission // Mark // Mark 1:14-20 // Mike Southall

Jesus shares His mission // Mark // Mark 1:14-20 // Mike Southall

Mark 1:14-20

What do you do when you see opposition? You escalate.
Take others with you and press forward. Tell somebody. Tell lots of people. Share Jesus’ mission. Share His message.

Mike also spoke about how we are planning to love and serve our children in the coming months.


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community

Email: Podcasts:

Oct 01, 202332:48
Baptism // Cornerstone Together Sunday // Adam Voke
Sep 24, 202321:24
The Baptism of Jesus // Mark // Mark 1:9-13 // Joe Brooks

The Baptism of Jesus // Mark // Mark 1:9-13 // Joe Brooks

Mark 1:9-13

Joe picks up from Mark 1:9 and shows us again the amazing truths of Jesus, our hope and our saviour.

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Sep 17, 202323:30
Prepare the way // Mark // Mark 1:1-8 // Audrey Mafemera

Prepare the way // Mark // Mark 1:1-8 // Audrey Mafemera

Mark 1:1-8

Today we begin our new series in the Gospel of Mark.

Thank you Audrey for bringing us into the book and getting us going.


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Sep 10, 202346:22
Everyday suffering // Suffering // Chris Norwood

Everyday suffering // Suffering // Chris Norwood

Closing off our Suffering series, Chris takes us through the everyday sufferings and helps us see them as an opportunity to grow in God.

Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Peter 4:13 Romans 8:18

I - Persecution and suffering can bring revival. Acts 8:1-3

II – Suffering brings opportunity for healing. Matthew 8:5-13 Mark 5:24-32

III – God can make us fruitful. Genesis 39-41

Suffering builds perseverance. Romans 5:3-5 Isaiah 64:8

Suffering helps us to develop patience. James 5:7-11

IV – Through suffering we share in His suffering and His glory. 1 Peter 2:18-23 Philippians 3:7-11

V – Suffering brings opportunity to show the greatness of the Body of Christ, the Church. 1 Corinthians 12:26-27


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Sep 03, 202334:07
Loving those who suffer // Suffering // Matthew 25:31-46 // Mike Southall
Aug 27, 202331:36
Processing Suffering Well // Suffering // Catherine Norwood
Aug 20, 202348:02
The Suffering for the Gospel // Suffering // Julian Perry

The Suffering for the Gospel // Suffering // Julian Perry

Suffering for the gospel

In the third part of our “Suffering” series, Julian leads us through what it means to suffer for the gospel.

Why do we suffer as Christians?

•       We suffer because Jesus suffered and as his disciples we are called to suffering.

•       Luke 9 vs 23 – 24

•       2 Tim 1 8 – 9

•       Matthew 5 11-12

•       1 Peter 4 vs 12 – 19

In what ways do we suffer?

•       Through rejection, persecution, acts of service, moving to another area/country for the Gospel etc.

How do we respond?

•       We respond with joy, thanksgiving and gratitude.

•       Matthew 5 11-12

•       Acts 16 vs 22-25

•       1 Peter 4 vs 12 & James 1 vs 2

•       Acts 5 vs 40 – 41

What is the Outcome?

•       Testing of our faith, perseverance, maturity and not lacking anything.

•       James 1 vs 2 – 4

•       Matthew 6 vs 33

•       1 Tim 6 vs 17

“Our response to suffering provides irrefutable, undeniable testimony to the truth of the Gospel and the reality of God.  As we bear affliction joyfully, without bitterness & with love, this testifies to the world of a God of love who cares. For only God could produce this kind of spiritual reality and without suffering it could never be seen.”  --- Donald Williams

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community




Aug 06, 202326:31
The Suffering of Christ // Suffering // Isaiah 53 // Audrey Mafemera

The Suffering of Christ // Suffering // Isaiah 53 // Audrey Mafemera

In the second part of our series on suffering, Audrey starts from Isaiah 53 and shows us the wonder of Jesus' suffering. For us.

Isaiah 53:2-12

Why did Jesus suffer?

1.     Because He chose to be human

2.     So that we can never be in a place of suffering beyond what He knows. Hebrews 2:18

3.     So that you can be healed; brought to live from the death of your sin. Dead to sin and alive to righteousness Isaiah 53:5-6 1 Peter 2:24-25

4.     So that, in His death, Satan’s power is defeated and we are rescued from the prison of sin and darkness Hebrews 2:14-15

5.     To set us an example. 1 Peter 2:19-23

6.     The very core of the Gospel!

7.     To fulfil prophesy by His obedience; to be exalted and to give ultimate glory to God Hebrews 2: 9-11

Philippians 2:1-11


Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community




Jul 30, 202340:44
Suffering - It's not what you think // Suffering // Genesis 3 // Mike Southall
Jul 23, 202341:44
Look what the LORD has done! // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 24 // Chris Norwood

Look what the LORD has done! // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 24 // Chris Norwood

Joshua 24

Chris takes us through the final chapter of our journey with Joshua. It is a good time to look back with gratitude for all the LORD has done and to thank Him, not just for the past but for all He is still to do in the days to come.

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jul 16, 202334:50
Complete obedience // All Together part 2 // Joshua 23:3-8 // Audrey Mafemera

Complete obedience // All Together part 2 // Joshua 23:3-8 // Audrey Mafemera

Complete obedience // All Together part 2 // Joshua 23:3-8 // Audrey Mafemera

Joshua 23:3-8 In the second of two teaching slots this Sunday, Audrey urges us towards complete obedience to our Father God.

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jul 09, 202322:19
Living stones // All Together part 1 // 1 Peter 2 // Bola Mogaji

Living stones // All Together part 1 // 1 Peter 2 // Bola Mogaji

1 Peter 2

In the first of two teaching slots this Sunday, Bola shares some of his story, and encourages us on the basis of God's faithfulness to find our place in the church.

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jul 09, 202322:04
Joshua's first "farewell" speech // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 23 // Joe Brooks
Jul 02, 202327:48
A controversy over a monument // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 22 // Adam Voke

A controversy over a monument // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 22 // Adam Voke

Joshua 22

A controversy over a monument

It was our privilege to welcome Adam Voke to speak to us again

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jun 25, 202347:53
Joshua 20-21 // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 20-21 // Julian Perry

Joshua 20-21 // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 20-21 // Julian Perry

Joshua 20-21

This week, Julian picks up the Joshua story.

  1. Cities of Refuge – God’s provision of these cities as a grace filled loving act and the implications of this for us as Christians in that Christ is now our refuge and strength.
  2. The Levites – How their dedication and sacrifice is an example of how we are to live today as those passing through as sojourners in this life.
  3. God’s Fulfilment of His Promises – How completely God fulfilled His promises to the Israelites and this speaks to us today of how God will always fulfil His promises to us in our lives.

The slides from this message are here.

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jun 18, 202332:28
Tribal Inheritance // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 18-19 // Audrey Mafemera

Tribal Inheritance // Joshua - Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 18-19 // Audrey Mafemera

Joshua 18-19

Tribal Inheritance

Audrey continues on the foundation she laid two weeks ago and leads us through the next stage of the "Joshua" story.

When the tribes gets their inheritance, they get what God has prescibed for them. It fits the tribe's size, it fits the tribe's ways and it is the sole responsibilithy of the tribe to possess their inheritance.

They inherit, and so do we, His people today, based on the word of God (The Law), the Covenant, God's command and God's plan for the tribe, for us, and for humanity's dominion.

We inherit

The slides from this message are here.

[This audio is not complete because of technical issues. Sorry :( ]

Cornerstone City Church - Medway Valley Community



Jun 11, 202343:07
Give me this hill country // Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 14-17 // Mike Southall

Give me this hill country // Taking Ground, Holding Ground // Joshua 14-17 // Mike Southall

Joshua 14-17

Give me this hill country

Mike picks up the story from the book of Joshua and challenges us not to slow down, not to rest, but to take hold of all God has promised us and to ask Him for more of what He has available for us. The key passages referenced are

Joshua 14:6-15 - Caleb "Give me this hill country"

Joshua 15:13-17 - Share the load, share the inheritance

Joshua 15:18-19 - Aksah "I will ask my father for more" Psalm 2:8 "Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your heritage"

Joshua 17:3-4 - Zelophehad's daughters "Do not forget us. Give us our inheritance"

Joshua 17:14-17 - People of Joseph "We have the capacity, we're ready to do the work, let us have more to do"

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Mike also quotes John Piper's message from Passion OneDay 2000 which can be found on the website

Jun 04, 202342:44