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Celebration Podcast

Celebration Podcast

By Celebration Church in Shreveport

Check out our church podcast to hear messages from Pastor Daniel, and sessions from conferences and other events! For more information about the church, visit!
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Passion Week 2024: Day 08

Celebration PodcastMar 31, 2024

Johnny Hunt: The Tale of Three Chairs

Johnny Hunt: The Tale of Three Chairs

The God who takes care of our past is the God who takes care of our future because He’s the one who meets us in the middle! What an honor it is to serve a God who is a God of all generations!

May 20, 202452:58
Easter at Celebration

Easter at Celebration

It's possible to overreact to many things, but never to the gospel of Jesus! His love is great, and His work on the cross is finished.

Listen here for Easter at Celebration.

May 01, 202437:42
Unburdened Series: The Burden of Offense

Unburdened Series: The Burden of Offense

Forgiving people is unnatural. It takes faith to forgive.

Listen to this Sunday's sermon to see how Jesus has not called us to live a life defined by offense.

May 01, 202444:46
Unburdened Series: The Burden of Sin

Unburdened Series: The Burden of Sin

Jesus bears our burdens by taking what we transfer to Him. If we never give it to God, He will not have it.

Listen to this Sunday's sermon to see how Jesus sets us free from the burden of sin!

May 01, 202443:43
Unburdened Series: Come to Me

Unburdened Series: Come to Me

Through the cross, Jesus offers us a path to live unburdened. His heart for us is not fleeting like an arrow or a runner who fades; it's enduring, like an avalanche gaining strength and a wildfire spreading.

Listen to this Sunday's message as Pastor David Daniel dives deeper into how Jesus invites us into His rest, assures us that we can find rest in Him, and promises rest for our souls.

May 01, 202441:50
Uncommon Parenting: A Conversation with Pastor David and Brian Opbroek
Apr 09, 202428:23
Passion Week 2024: Day 08

Passion Week 2024: Day 08

The men and women who saw Jesus after the resurrection couldn’t go back to the way things were. They wrote the gospels we’re reading 2,000 years later (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). They started the global church, spending their lives spreading the message that Jesus is alive. Their belief that Jesus died for their sins and rose from the grave changed them forever.

Mar 31, 202408:14
Passion Week 2024: Day 07
Mar 30, 202408:32
Passion Week 2024: Day 06

Passion Week 2024: Day 06

Jesus’ overcoming is also how we celebrate through suffering in our lives. Jesus overcame spiritual and physical death, and He has a plan for our suffering as well. There is glory on the other side. Through our pain, God ministers to others, teaches us to trust Him, reveals Himself to us, and reminds us this world is coming to a close. 

Mar 29, 202408:34
Passion Week 2024: Day 05

Passion Week 2024: Day 05

When you get overwhelmed, remember Jesus can relate

Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Hebrews 4:14-16

Teachers will tell you most students thrive under clear instruction. Even if a topic is difficult, if a teacher models how to do it first, students are far more likely to understand and be successful when they get home and have to do it themselves. 

Jesus, being a teacher, knew this. And right up to His death, He was giving His followers an example they could follow. When life gets hard, and we don’t know what to do next, we can look to what Jesus did in the hours leading to His arrest.

Mar 28, 202410:26
Passion Week 2024: Day 04

Passion Week 2024: Day 04

Is your life as fruitful as it seems?

Matthew 21:18-22, Mark 11:12-14

Imitations have gotten better and better over time. It’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between the artificial succulents and live plants. We need to be cautious in a friend’s kitchen because those beautiful apples on the counter may be for decor purposes only. 

We’ve all experienced a moment when we realized things are not as they seem. In Matthew 21, Jesus sees a fig tree full of beautiful leaves, a sign that it should be bearing fruit. But when He gets closer there’s no fruit. The tree had all the outward signs of fruitfulness, but nothing below the foliage. Jesus cursed the tree, and it withered. 

Mar 27, 202408:56
Passion Week 2024: Day 03
Mar 26, 202409:52
Passion Week 2024: Day 02

Passion Week 2024: Day 02

What happens when you’re looking to be right rather than understand

Matthew 21:23-46, Matthew 22:1-25, Mark 12:1-37, Matthew 22:26-46

The religious leaders needed to get rid of Jesus without causing a stir with Rome, so they hit Jesus up with a bunch of questions. The goal was to trick Jesus into blaspheming so they could prove He was not the Messiah, but a lunatic. 

If Jesus was merely a man claiming to be a god, He would be a traitor to Rome and a heretic among the Jews. But Jesus answered every question with wisdom, and His popularity grew instead of shrinking (Matthew 22:33).

Mar 25, 202410:42
Passion Week 2024: Day 01

Passion Week 2024: Day 01

The greatest question you’ll ever answer

Is Jesus the Messiah or not? That question marked the lives of everyone Jesus interacted with, just like it does for us today. What people did with Jesus, whether they decided to believe Him and how they positioned their hearts toward Him, was the greatest decision they would ever make.

Read Here:

Mar 24, 202411:21
Uncommon Part 7: Uncommon Destiny

Uncommon Part 7: Uncommon Destiny

Every believer’s destiny is to be like Jesus and to do what He did. Listen to this Sunday's sermon to see what our uncommon destiny looks like!

Mar 19, 202450:32
Uncommon Part 6: Uncommon Vision

Uncommon Part 6: Uncommon Vision

We are not looking to be better than anyone else; we are looking to be the best version of who God has called us to be. Listen to this Sunday's sermon to hear about what an uncommon vision for our lives looks like.

Mar 12, 202401:03:38
Uncommon Parenting: A Conversation with Pastor David and Clint Davis
Mar 03, 202421:06
Uncommon Part 4: Uncommon Gratitude

Uncommon Part 4: Uncommon Gratitude

Living in gratitude means serving the Lord with gladness, even in times of pain! It stems from knowing that the Lord is God, the source of our existence and the Shepherd of our lives. Listen to this Sunday's sermon as we dive deeper into uncommon gratitude!

Feb 27, 202452:56
Uncommon Part 3: Uncommon Unity

Uncommon Part 3: Uncommon Unity

Unity in the biblical community is about coming together for something bigger, better, and more important than anything else we could imagine. Listen to this Sunday's sermon as we dive into the importance of biblical community!

Feb 20, 202401:02:13
Marriage Q+A: Pastor David and Angela + Chris and Melissa Williams

Marriage Q+A: Pastor David and Angela + Chris and Melissa Williams

Happy Valentine's Day! We hope this conversation adds a little extra love to your day and encourages you on your journey in, or toward, marriage. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into some heart-to-heart chats about all things love and matrimony.

Feb 14, 202401:06:38
Uncommon Part 2: Uncommon Grace That Transforms Biblical Community

Uncommon Part 2: Uncommon Grace That Transforms Biblical Community

Biblical community is a place of shared brokenness and shared joy. It's a table where grace is served, and authenticity is the currency. In community, we learn that our stories, no matter how messy, are part of a grander narrative written by the Author of Life.  - Ann Voskamp Watch this Sunday's sermon to see how God's grace equips, and transforms biblical community.

Feb 13, 202445:19
Uncommon: You Are Designed For Community

Uncommon: You Are Designed For Community

We are created for relationships with others.


Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Feb 08, 202443:58
Good Success: The Importance of God's Word

Good Success: The Importance of God's Word

It is impossible to overestimate the power and importance of the Word of God. God has given us His Word to help us become the people He created us to be and accomplish the good work He’s prepared for us to do. Listen to this Sermon to see how God's word is a vital part of having good success.

Feb 08, 202443:59
Day 21: Heaven Come | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 21: Heaven Come | 21 Days of Prayer

Over these past 21 days of prayer and fasting, we have set aside our comfort to seek something more valuable. It is impossible to spend time calling on God, asking Him to bring Heaven down, and there be no change because God is faithful, and His Word promises that He responds to the prayers of His people.

Throughout these past few weeks, God has shown up and moved in an extraordinary way. People have been saved, set free, and miraculously healed. There’s so much to celebrate, but the exciting reality is that this is only the beginning. There is still more that God wants to do!

Jan 26, 202409:18
Day 20: Boldness to Witness | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 20: Boldness to Witness | 21 Days of Prayer

Have you ever found yourself in this place? You have a friend that you want to tell about Jesus. You know that they don’t have a relationship with God but have never had the courage to bring it up. Every time that you start to work up the confidence, your thoughts are flooded with “What if they think I’m weird?”, “What if I don’t know what to say?” or “What if they stop being my friend?” Ultimately, you decide that it’s better not to say anything. You’re frustrated with yourself because you know what you need to do, but you don’t have the boldness to do it.

If you resonate with that scenario, then know that you’re not alone. When we come to Acts 4, we find the early church in a situation where they need boldness. Except for them, the stakes are higher. If they share Christ, they wouldn’t just be losing a friend…they could lose their lives. The Jewish ruling council had just given the order that Peter, John, and the church could no longer speak in the name of Jesus. If they broke this charge, it could result in a beating, imprisonment, or even death.

For most people, if they hear a threat like that, they would start praying for God to remove the opposition. What the church did was completely different. They did not pray for God to remove their problem; instead, they prayed for boldness. The incredible reality about this account is that God immediately answered their prayer. What was God’s answer to their prayer for boldness? The baptism of the Holy Spirit. Every person in that meeting was filled with the Holy Spirit, which enabled them to speak the word of God boldly.

Jan 25, 202411:44
Day 18: Freely Give! | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 18: Freely Give! | 21 Days of Prayer

In this episode, envision a scenario where a friend generously covers a family's massive financial loss, and you become the messenger delivering the life-changing gift. Drawing a parallel, the podcast delves into the believer's role in operating within the power of the Spirit, emphasizing that, like the generous friend, believers are entrusted with God's power to make a difference in others' lives, freely sharing the miraculous resources they have received. Scriptures from Matthew 10:5-8 illuminate this concept, urging believers to go forth, minister, and share the freely given power of the Holy Spirit.

Jan 24, 202407:58
Day 19: Keep The Fire Burning | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 19: Keep The Fire Burning | 21 Days of Prayer

As we approach the end of this fast, you are probably sensing that over the last few weeks God has begun uniquely moving in your heart. Fasting has a way of quieting our hearts so that God will not only start to work in the situations we have been praying for, but he often works deeply in our hearts as we draw close to him. Leviticus 6:9 gives us a clear picture of God's presence in our lives. God had descended on the Tent of Meeting and kindled a fire. God's instructions to his people were to keep the fire burning. God told Moses: “Give Aaron and his sons this command: 'These are the regulations for the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the altar.'”

Jan 24, 202409:34
Day 17: The Harvest is Now | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 17: The Harvest is Now | 21 Days of Prayer

So often in our lives, we can miss what Jesus is doing because we are looking at our situation with physical vision rather than spiritual vision. Like the disciples, we can find ourselves going through a place filled with people who don’t know Jesus, and our primary concern is not sharing the Gospel; it is getting something for lunch.

Jan 22, 202407:08
Day 16: Fasting Brings Favor | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 16: Fasting Brings Favor | 21 Days of Prayer

One of the most encouraging aspects of fasting is that it invites God’s favor in our life. We desperately need God’s favor because there are times when life’s circumstances are out of our control. And when we are hit with an unforeseen difficulty, the results can be tragic. Although we may not be able to control our situation, we can dictate our response to them.

Jan 21, 202409:08
Day 15: The Light of the World | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 15: The Light of the World | 21 Days of Prayer

What’s interesting about Jesus saying that he is the light of the world is that it can seem to come in opposition with what he says in Matthew that “we are the light of the world.” So, which is it? Is Jesus the light of the world, or are we the light of the world? The answer is yes. We are the light of the world because Jesus, who is the light of the world, lives in us.

Jan 20, 202408:08
Day 14: Welcome to the Family | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 14: Welcome to the Family | 21 Days of Prayer

The same can be said for your spiritual life. Because of relationship through Jesus, each and every believer is grafted into the amazing family of God. Romans 8:14 puts it like this, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”

What an amazing reminder! When we surrender our lives to Christ, it’s as if God says, “Welcome to the Family!” and His Spirit comes to live in us and unite us with the body of Christ.

Jan 19, 202406:53
Day 13: The Power of Testimony | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 13: The Power of Testimony | 21 Days of Prayer

Whatever you are seeking the Lord about during this time, be careful about only coming to Him with a narrow perspective of just wanting your needs met. Instead, come to the Lord with the kind of faith and passion to see your prayers answered in a way that ultimately brings glory to God and has Kingdom impact.

A great way to help shift your perspective on this is by taking the time to pause and reflect on the goodness and richness of God.

Jan 18, 202407:30
Day 12: Jesus is Building His Church | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 12: Jesus is Building His Church | 21 Days of Prayer

In Matthew 16:13-19, we find an interesting and powerful story. As Jesus and His disciples approached the region of Caesarea Philippi, with Mt. Hermon looming in the distance, Jesus turned and asked them, “Who do people say that I am?” They gave various answers they had heard in their travels with Jesus; some said He was John the Baptist come back to life, and others said, Elijah or Jeremiah. But then Jesus quickly turned the conversation personal, “Who do you say I am?”

Seemingly without hesitation, Peter blurted out, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Out of that one statement, Jesus made a profound declaration that has since shaped the course of history, “…On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

Jan 17, 202406:24
Day 11: What Happens When the Church Prays | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 11: What Happens When the Church Prays | 21 Days of Prayer

Thousands of people fasting and praying together is setting the stage for God’s miraculous power unlike what we have ever seen before. There is something powerful in the number of people fighting spiritual battles together. In Acts 12, we see an amazing miracle as a result of the church praying together.

Jan 16, 202406:54
Day 10: The Power of Encouragement | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 10: The Power of Encouragement | 21 Days of Prayer

Over the years, psychologists have studied the power of our words and found that they have a profound effect on the human brain. One study of how encouragement helps athletes’ performance concluded that successful athletic performance is not just based on natural skill and level of training, but on frame of mind. When athletes are motivated with encouraging words, their performance increases for the better.

The truth is, words have great power. Words can either breathe life or death into the soul, build up someone’s spirit or tear it down. They either encourage or discourage – there is no middle ground.

That is why both the words we digest and the words we speak each day are so critical.

Reading the Word of God is a way to build yourself up. We are encouraged when we read Scriptures like Isaiah 41:10, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Jan 15, 202408:00
Day 9: The Weapon of Waiting Pt. 2 | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 9: The Weapon of Waiting Pt. 2 | 21 Days of Prayer

It’s hard to believe that as you are sitting reading this devotional today, you are on a planet that is spinning at 1,037 miles per hour and moving through space at 1,525 feet per second. Due to the force of the gravitational pull, we don’t feel the movement at all. This physical reality demonstrates a powerful spiritual truth: even when it seems like nothing is happening, things are always moving!

Yesterday we considered the power of our thoughts and words as a weapon to utilize when in a season of waiting. As King David and some of his loyal men are hiding in the mountains, he writes:

Psalm 62:5-8, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” 

Nowhere in this passage does King David deny his present circumstances, but instead of making his challenges the focus, he turns his trouble into trust and declares with confidence that “victory and honor come from God alone.”

Jan 14, 202407:00
Day 8: The Weapon of Waiting Pt.1 | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 8: The Weapon of Waiting Pt.1 | 21 Days of Prayer

In this episode, explore the surprising revelation that the average person spends five years waiting in lines, with six months of that time spent at traffic lights alone. Despite society's emphasis on speed and time management, the concept of waiting is redefined through a biblical lens.

Drawing inspiration from King David's waiting period during challenging times, discover the transformative power of patiently resting in God's nature, turning waiting into a spiritual discipline that strengthens faith and thwarts the plans of the enemy.

Jan 13, 202408:22
Day 7: The Path Ahead | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 7: The Path Ahead | 21 Days of Prayer

One of the wonderful results of extended time in prayer and fasting is an increased awareness of God’s presence.

As we spend extended time praying and fasting, we become increasingly aware of how powerful this season of spiritual fervor is. The prayers we are praying while fighting our physical cravings are significant, and a supernatural breakthrough is on the way.

One of the powerful spiritual weapons we can utilize each day is the power of praise.

Jan 12, 202407:44
Day 6: Fasting and the Power of Praise | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 6: Fasting and the Power of Praise | 21 Days of Prayer

One of the wonderful results of extended time in prayer and fasting is an increased awareness of God’s presence.

As we spend extended time praying and fasting, we become increasingly aware of how powerful this season of spiritual fervor is. The prayers we are praying while fighting our physical cravings are significant, and a supernatural breakthrough is on the way.

One of the powerful spiritual weapons we can utilize each day is the power of praise.

Jan 11, 202408:28
Day 5: How to Fast for Peace | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 5: How to Fast for Peace | 21 Days of Prayer

As believers, we have the most reliable source for life’s toughest questions. Scripture is clear that God desires to answer our prayers – not just some prayers, but all of our prayers.

He wants to provide wisdom, direction, and guidance for anything we need. We are invited to approach God with confidence and boldness, believing He will answer, and this truth is covered throughout the pages of Scripture.

Jan 10, 202408:52
Day 4: Designed for Answered Prayer | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 4: Designed for Answered Prayer | 21 Days of Prayer

One of the most frequent responses to the question of what our world needs today is peace. From wars to tragic shootings to an unstable economy, the opportunity to allow anxiety and fear to rule our lives is very real.

In fact, studies show that more people are experiencing increased anxiety and worry, which is leading to a host of physical conditions and illnesses. The Bible shows that we were designed for something much better: peace.

Jan 10, 202407:48
Day 3: Hearing from God | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 3: Hearing from God | 21 Days of Prayer

Have you ever found yourself in a place where it’s been so loud that you couldn’t hear the person you were talking to? Perhaps a concert for one of your favorite bands or a busy airport with constant announcements over the intercom. Regardless of the setting, the more noise in our surroundings, the more difficult it is to hear someone speaking to us.

The same thing can happen when it comes to hearing from God. It may not be the physical environment that limits our hearing but rather the place we find ourselves spiritually. This can be a dangerous place because hearing God is a critical component of walking in His plans and purposes for our lives

Jan 08, 202409:08
Good Success: Part One

Good Success: Part One

Discover how God is committed to your journey through your own desires, His divine equipping, the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the personal privilege of prayer. Join us as we explore what it truly means to become the person that God uniquely created you to be.

Jan 08, 202447:50
Day 2: How to Fast for Revelation | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 2: How to Fast for Revelation | 21 Days of Prayer

During these 21 days of prayer and fasting, God is going to speak to you. God speaks through His revealed Word, the Bible, but He also speaks through divine revelation. There is no doubt that God wants to bring powerful answers to the things you are praying for, but He also wants to reveal things to you through this fast.


Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.

John 14:26 (NLT)But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.

John 16:13-14 (NLT)When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me.

Proverbs 25:2 (ESV)It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.

Ephesians 1:16-17 (NIV) I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Jan 07, 202411:46
Day 1: Here as in Heaven | 21 Days of Prayer

Day 1: Here as in Heaven | 21 Days of Prayer

Today, we start our journey of prayer and fasting, seeking God's presence and power in our lives! We're praying for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, just as Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:10.

Join us as we explore this powerful prayer and its impact on our lives. As we align ourselves with the Kingdom of Heaven, we can expect to see positive changes. We can pray with confidence for healing and for God's peace to replace anxiety. Through prayer, we can see the impossible become possible.

As we prepare our hearts for the next 21 days, let's pray for Heaven to come down and for God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We believe that as we seek God in prayer and fasting, we'll experience His presence in new and powerful ways.


  • Matthew 6:5–10 (NIV) — Jesus teaches about prayer and the importance of sincerity and privacy in prayer.
  • Revelation 21:4 (NIV) — A glimpse of the future where God will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain.
Jan 06, 202407:34
Get Past The Past: Good Success

Get Past The Past: Good Success

Watch part one, of our new series, "Good Success", as we explore the wisdom of moving beyond our past and finding hope in Christ. Delve into insights from Philippians 3:13-14 and Isaiah 43:18, discovering how to heal from wounds and scars, and break free from the pain of unresolved anger, unforgiveness, self-pity, shame, and denial. Together, let's discover the freedom that comes from letting go and moving forward in faith.

Jan 04, 202454:03
Intro: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Intro: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Join us for a conversation about the '21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: we dive into the potential impact of intentional spiritual practices. Throughout this podcast, we delve into the power of prayer, the discipline of fasting, and the incredible spiritual growth that unfolds over 21 days.

We hope this episode offers insights, encouragement, and practical guidance to help you take the next toward spiritual renewal and connection with God.

Here are some prayer resources to help with your journey:

Jan 03, 202428:01
Advent Day 25: Celebrate Christmas All Year Long
Dec 25, 202310:50
Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve

Listen to this special Christmas message as we delve into the joy that God brings as He anticipates giving us the gift of Jesus Christ!

Dec 25, 202341:29
Advent Day 24: The Pull of Home is about More Than the Holidays
Dec 24, 202309:06