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Theology in a Thermos

Theology in a Thermos

By Central Baptist Church of Pawling

This is a podcast dedicated to tackling the tough Bible topics over a cup of coffee.
Currently playing episode

Coffee Shop Testimony

Theology in a ThermosApr 04, 2024

Coffee Shop Testimony

Coffee Shop Testimony

Where have I been for last year? I've been busy opening up a new coffee shop in the village of Pawling. Please tune in as I share how God has been working in this special new adventure!

Background music credit to Music by Bensound.com_royalty-free-music License code_ TSNL8UFE7VZQXVDA

Ambient coffee shop sounds credit to 423689_kfosse13_busy-coffee-shop

Apr 04, 202422:15
How do we prepare our children for life? These 16 Things Ministry

How do we prepare our children for life? These 16 Things Ministry

Special guest interview with Luke Grim and Brian Perry. Please sign up for their bi-weekly newsletter at

Feb 15, 202332:35
Why do people make/believe failed prophecy?

Why do people make/believe failed prophecy?

There have been numerous failed prophetic predictions over the past couple hundred years or so. Yet despite how badly each one fails, or how frequently the group fails, people continue believing them. Why?

Feb 08, 202330:34
How does failed prophecy hurt the church?

How does failed prophecy hurt the church?

There are few things more damaging to the reputation of not only individuals, but entire churches than the issue of failed prophecy predictions. Today we'll be talking less about the prophecies themselves and more about the long-term consequences that have occurred.

Feb 01, 202328:40
Beth Thorpe Interview

Beth Thorpe Interview

Today's topic is all about handling loss, especially the loss of a loved one. I will be interviewing my first guest on this podcast.

Beth Thorp is a philanthropist, author, speaker, and Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Mitchell Thorp Foundation, a public 501c3 organization. The mission is to support families whose children suffer from life-threatening illnesses, diseases, and disorders, by providing financial, emotional and resources to their desperate situation.

Beth’s new book, ANEW Creation, was written as a labor of love for her son Mitchell who passed away from an undiagnosed illness after five years searching the planet for answers. This journey took her and the family’s life experiences, and turned it from tragedy into inspiration to help other children fighting for their tomorrow.

You can purchase Beth's book here:

Jan 25, 202335:14
2023 State of Communion Address

2023 State of Communion Address

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your [b]reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2 

As we reflect on the challenges and accomplishments of 2022 and look forward to 2023, this is the mindset we must all have as we embark on this new year together in Christ!

Jan 18, 202344:00
How the media is destroying the Church.

How the media is destroying the Church.

It's not what you think. I'm not talking about CNN or MSNBC, I'm actually talking about the conservative news outlets like Fox News. 

Jan 11, 202329:09
The Quiet-Quitter Christian

The Quiet-Quitter Christian

The concept of only doing enough to barely get by is becoming a bigger and bigger problem nowadays, but are Christians immune to it or are we worse about it? 

Jan 04, 202327:49
Avoiding the demonic.
Dec 28, 202223:40
What about Christmas?

What about Christmas?

Some Christians believe Christmas is a pagan holiday, while others are willing to fight to the death to keep Christ in Christmas. Where do you stand on the issue?

Dec 21, 202225:38
Can Christians be demon-possessed?

Can Christians be demon-possessed?

This is a question that is hotly debated between those who believe demons aren't real and those who believe demons are everywhere. 

Dec 14, 202221:28
Are Demons Real?

Are Demons Real?

This is a particularly dark topic we're getting into, but it's important to have good dialogue about these things. Not only is it a hotly debated issue, but it's quite dangerous. 

Dec 08, 202226:55
Compromising Churches

Compromising Churches

Who's the greatest enemy of the church? The church! Be sure to tune in and find out why and how so many churches over the years have gone from preaching the Bible to some lousy social club.

Dec 01, 202229:49
The Atheist Confusion

The Atheist Confusion

Being an atheist is incompatible with many lifestyles. Anything that involves the phrase, "Actually, I was supposed to be..." is incompatible with atheism. Be sure to tune in to learn more about this issue!

Nov 24, 202230:34
Loving the LGBTQ Community

Loving the LGBTQ Community

This will be the first of a 3-part series dealing with this issue. The first thing I want to share with you is what to do if someone from this community shows up at your church. Will you be able to identify them? Will you be able to make them feel welcome without affirming their lifestyle? Most importantly, how do we share the Gospel with someone from this community?

Nov 17, 202231:01
Tithing: The Least-Discussed Discipline

Tithing: The Least-Discussed Discipline

How do you view tithes and offerings? Do you believe in the strict 10%, or are you simply a cheerful giver? Do you have objections to the idea of giving financially to your local church? 

Nov 10, 202232:39
How should we handle politics as Christians?

How should we handle politics as Christians?

It's been well said that religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin are the three things you're not allowed to discuss in public. The problem is, we're losing our ability to understand what's going on and how to respond. So today's episode is timed to be right next to Election day for the purpose of practicing Godly citizenship in the Lord.

Nov 03, 202230:32
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

There are many different ways Christians look at Halloween night. Whether you avoid the night altogether, dive deep into it or use it as an opportunity for the Gospel, we're talking about it all this week!

Oct 27, 202227:44
The If's and Then's in the Bible.

The If's and Then's in the Bible.

If salvation is completely unconditional, why does there exist in the Scriptures the words "IF", "THEN", and "BUT?" Today we'll explore such things.

Oct 20, 202225:37
Can you lose your salvation?

Can you lose your salvation?

The age-old question, debated for centuries, 100% settled by some random guy on a podcast! Not really, I'm just presenting here some things to consider whether you hold to "Once saved, always saved." or something a little different.

Oct 06, 202227:05
Does God Predestine People to Salvation?

Does God Predestine People to Salvation?

Once again, hotly debated question of whether God actually decides before someone is born whether or not they go to Heaven or Hell. 

Oct 01, 202226:36
Welcome to Theology in a Thermos!

Welcome to Theology in a Thermos!

This is the introduction to the show. Listen in to get to know Pastor Willie a little bit and get an idea of how the podcast is going to go.

Sep 29, 202220:37