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By Christopher Watters

Have you thought about building your own Real Estate business and creating your empire? CEO SECRETS podcast is for you! Chris will be addressing questions from real estate agents across the country who are on their own journeys to building successful top producing teams… Send in your biggest, deepest, hardest to answer questions about what it takes to be successful in the real estate world today. Avoid the same mistakes along the road and take advantage of their big wins! Tune in!

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Cold Calling & Prospecting Are They Getting Obsolete? with Daniel Ramsey, Co-Founder & CEO of MyOutDesk

CEO SECRETSDec 01, 2020

How to Succeed in Real Estate as an Introvert with Ashley Harwood, CEO at Move Over Extroverts

How to Succeed in Real Estate as an Introvert with Ashley Harwood, CEO at Move Over Extroverts

A successful career in real estate requires a mix of people skills and salesmanship, which can be a challenging combination for introverts. However, introverts can learn to use their strengths to their advantage in the field of real estate.

By seeking out guidance and advice, introverts can learn how to navigate the industry and make the most of their strengths. With hard work and dedication, introverts can succeed in real estate and build a rewarding career.

Join our guest, Ashley Harwood, CEO at Move Over Extroverts and Director of Agent Growth - Keller Williams Boston Metrowest, as she talks about helping introverts build successful careers in real estate.

Top Takeaways:
02:59 Can introversion be fixed?
04:54 What helps Ashley speak in public comfortably
06:24 Alternatives to cold-calling that introverted agents can try
09:53 What the Quiet Success workshop is all about
13:37 What made Ashley decide to help people overcome the challenges of being an introvert
16:48 The advantage introverts have over extroverts
19:00 Ashley’s big grandiose plans
21:27 Is it difficult for introverts to be on social media?
22:49 Ashley’s favorite part of being on a stage
23:44 Strategy to connect with people

To get in touch with Ashley Harwood, go to:

About the guest:

Ashley Harwood has been in the real estate industry for nine years.  She spent the first six years in production and the past three years on the training and coaching side of things.

In 2018, she founded Move Over Extroverts with the goal of helping introverted real estate agents avoid burnout, enjoy their lives, and build authentic businesses.

Today, Ashley serves as Director of Agent Growth for three Keller Williams offices: KW Boston Metro, KW Chestnut Hill, and KW Boston Metrowest. She is also the CEO of Move Over Extroverts where she offers one-on-one coaching, teaches workshops, and speaks on the topic of introversion in real estate.

Ashley was named as one of the top real estate coaches by The Close, was featured at INMAN News, and is a speaker at INMAN Connect 2022.

Sep 02, 202227:44
#271 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) Why Recruiters Are Key Strategic Partners for Any Growing Business with Jordan Franklin, CEO at Stratice, LLC

#271 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) Why Recruiters Are Key Strategic Partners for Any Growing Business with Jordan Franklin, CEO at Stratice, LLC

Staffing is one of the most important aspects of growing a business but can also be one of the most challenging.

Not only do employers need to find suitable candidates, but they also need to make sure that those candidates are a good fit for the company culture and will be able to hit the ground running.

That's where recruiters come in. A good recruiter will have a vast network of stellar candidates to choose from, and they will also have the expertise necessary to evaluate each candidate's skills, experience, and personality. As a result, working with a recruiter is often the best way for business owners to find the high-quality employees they need to take their business to the next level.

Join our guest, Jordan Franklin, CEO at Stratice LLC, as she shares an in-depth look at the role of recruiters in helping companies attract top talent and her secrets on how she grew her company by 103% in just three years.

Top Takeaways:
00:50 What Stratice is doing on the lead generation side to bring on clients
07:21 What an org structure looks like in a staffing agency
09:24 The avatar of the ideal recruiter
11:27 What a day in the life of a recruiter looks like
13:36 The cost of hiring a recruiter
17:42 How Jordan found their niche working with the I.T./Automation Engineering Industry
19:28 The greatest secret to snapping talent from your competitors
20:40 What you need to do to prevent your team from being stolen away
21:50 Is it an excellent strategy to create social media profiles on behalf of your employees?
24:37 Creative things companies are doing to attract people to work for them
27:47 How business owners can overcome challenges with minimum requirements for 401k and insurance
32:48 How bootstrapped tech companies should deal with recruiting
34:31 A big engine to Stratice’s growth (besides networking)

To get in touch with Jordan Franklin, go to:

Website: and




About the guest:

In her youth, Jordan Franklin dreamed of becoming a doctor because she believed that it would be the only way to help people. She got her degree in Chemistry but somehow ended up working for a staffing agency.  She then realized that there was another way to help people without spending a lot of money to get a doctorate.

Jordan likes to sit next to people she doesn’t know, strike up a conversation with them, and ask them what they do. She believes that building your network is how you build your net worth. And since she’s in the staffing industry, this “party trick” has worked for her.

Today, Jordan Franklin is the CEO at Stratice, LLC, a women-owned talent management firm.  They offer specialized plans with the goal of connecting employers with exceptional talents that are the right fit for their organization.

Episode Transcript:

Aug 04, 202241:41
#349 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Propel Your Growth Through Affiliation, with Keegan Caldwell, Managing Partner at Caldwell Intellectual Property Law

#349 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Propel Your Growth Through Affiliation, with Keegan Caldwell, Managing Partner at Caldwell Intellectual Property Law

For many businesses, patents protect more than just an idea or a concept. It also safeguards true business assets that are critical to a company’s existence in the long term.

Aside from the protection it provides, patents can also be used as leverage to give companies a competitive advantage. It can also drive revenues and profitability, which in some cases, could turn into 9 to 10-figure monetization events.

That is why every growing company, regardless if they choose to pursue a patent or not, should have an Intellectual Property (IP) strategy to help them develop, grow, leverage, and monetize their portfolio of IP assets such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.

However, with technological innovations happening rapidly and a new “shiny” object being invented almost every day, what seems logical to get patented now could become obsolete tomorrow.  In this case, would a patent still be worth it?  Or will it be just another piece of very expensive paper?

We are pleased to hear from Keegan Caldwell, Managing Partner at Caldwell Intellectual Property Law, as he shares his insights on patent-related matters and his unique journey from struggling with narcotics addiction, to having a Ph.D. in chemistry, to building the #1 fastest-growing law firm in the country.

Top Takeaways:

05:48 One of the sad things about law firms
06:27 How Keegan got his first client
11:01 How Keegan grew his business
16:13 What most successful people have in common
19:11 The value of morale in building a unicorn company
21:30 How to define if something is or isn’t patentable
25:51 How to determine a patent’s value
28:59 The potential dangers of not having your innovations patented
34:21 How much does it cost to get something patented
40:44 Why every company needs an IP strategy
43:47 What the patent system was initially created for
51:19 Keegan’s advice for someone who is planning to become an attorney
54.35 The most exciting invention from Keegan’s current clients

To get in touch with Keegan Caldwell, go to

About the guest:

After finishing high school, Keegan Caldwell joined the Marines and worked as an engineer. He got into the construction business for a couple of years when he got out. Unfortunately, this was also when he had some substance abuse issues and got into legal trouble.

Eventually, he was able to turn his life around and got the help he needed. With his grandmother’s advice, he went to college to take up biomedical science and earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry.

While doing his Ph.D., he worked as an intern in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He discovered he could become a patent lawyer without going to law school. Upon graduating with his Ph.D., he decided to take the Patent Bar and pass.

But Keegan didn't want to be limited to Patent Law. Certain states in the US allow one to take the state bar without going to law school. So he took the state bar and is now a full-pledged lawyer.

Today, Keegan Caldwell is a Managing Partner at Caldwell Intellectual Property Law. They provide technical expertise and post-grant experience to help organizations convert innovation into defensible intellectual property.

Jun 23, 202252:17
#256 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) The Benefits of Hitting Rock Bottom with Andrew Horn, CEO at Tribute

#256 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) The Benefits of Hitting Rock Bottom with Andrew Horn, CEO at Tribute

Andrew Horn didn’t know what he wanted to do next coming out of college. While his friends were excited to head off to their first jobs, he didn’t have a sense of purpose in his life and felt that he’d hit rock bottom. So when one of his friends pointed out that sitting there sulking about his situation wouldn’t change anything, he knew he had to do something.

He realized that he had a desire to be of service to other people deep down.  And the times he volunteered to help disabled youth to go into adaptive sports were one of the few experiences that he was proud of. This led him to start a children's nonprofit, which would grow to become one of the premier adaptive athletic providers in the DC metro area.

Finding his purpose gave Andrew that sustainable energy source to be better than what he thought he could be and to keep pushing forward. This is the same energy that encouraged him to successfully launch his business and help propel its growth by 1,734% over the past three years.

Let us hear from Andrew Horn, CEO at Tribute, as he shares his journey from being a delinquent frat boy to finding his true purpose and building a business that uses technology to foster meaningful connections in the world.

Top Takeaways:
06:07 The lowest point in Andrew’s life that prompted him to turn things around
07:46 One of the benefits of hitting rock bottom
10:14 The reason behind Andrew’s success
11:16 What science says about meaningful relationships
16:31 How Andrew built his network
19:09 The importance of purposeful work
23:34 How the idea for Tribute came about
31:29 How Tribute deals with acquiring new customers
35:19 What Junto is all about
39:25 Andrew's thoughts on psychedelics and their healing properties

Book recommendations:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  • Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh

To get in touch with Andrew Horn, go to



About the guest:

Andrew Horn started a children's nonprofit organization called Dreams for Kids DC when he was 21 years old. It is now one of the premier adaptive athletic providers in the DC metro area.

He also leads Junto, a community for men.  It is a practical curriculum that helps men come together in a candid and vulnerable setting to talk about things, get more clarity about their own sense of masculinity, and connect their identity to their values to have a more profound understanding of purpose.

Today, Andrew Horn is an Austin-based social entrepreneur and the CEO of This platform allows users to celebrate the people they care about through a video montage. He is also a writer and communication coach. Forbes Magazine named him "Dale Carnegie for the Digital Age."

Jun 03, 202244:11
#128 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) Revolutionizing Healthcare and Driving Value to Both Patients and Hospitals with Christine Spraker and Aki Al-Zubaidi, co-CEOs of Eon

#128 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021) Revolutionizing Healthcare and Driving Value to Both Patients and Hospitals with Christine Spraker and Aki Al-Zubaidi, co-CEOs of Eon

Lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. If not detected early, 80% of patients do not make it after five years. Dr. Aki Al-Zubaidi, an interventional pulmonologist, knew that the best way to beat the statistics is early detection.  He wanted to identify all the patients in his own clinic who had a specific abnormality, or a spot on the lungs that could become a cancer.

Yet, flagging all these patients and trying to keep up with all of them became too overwhelming.  He tried to look for a solution out there but found none. Thus, the idea of using a software to help with the early detection of lung cancer was born.

With the help of Christine Spraker, a serial entrepreneur, they developed a software that is focused on gathering, curating, and sharing healthcare information to make sure that the right data reaches the right people at the right time so that lives can be saved.

Let us hear from Dr. Aki Al-Zubaidi and Christine Spraker, Co-CEOs of Eon, as they share how Eon’s journey began, and how they continue to become the market leader in improving patient care and lowering healthcare costs all over the country.

Top Takeaways:
01:37 How Aki and Christine got connected
04:16 How did they get their first clients on board
05:33 How can incidental findings increase EBITDA?
06:35 What is Eon?
13:37 How cold-calling billionaires (and non-billionaires) paid off
14:58 What made them decide to inject more capital into their business
16:00 Aki & Christine’s big AHA’s in raising money for the business.
17:16 Why you should never leverage your mission or your core beliefs
25:12 Eon’s core mission
26:35 Why Eon is aiming for total market domination
28:39 Eon’s biggest advantage over their competitors

To get in touch with Dr. Aki Al-Zubaidi and Christine Spraker, go to their website

About the guests:

Dr. Akrum (Aki) Al-Zubaidi, Founder and Co-CEO

Aki is an Interventional Pulmonologist who has dedicated his career to pulmonary nodule management. His background in human genetics and oncology research made him realize that the way to have disruptive change is to combine innovation and action.  Today, he is on a mission to close the gap between technological ability and healthcare implementation.

Christine Spraker, Co-CEO

Christine has more than 16 years of experience in the industry. As a domain expert, and having been touched by lung cancer loss herself, she continuously seeks improved outcomes for nodule and lung cancer patients. She has made it her mission to impact patient lives, and the providers who serve them, with improved technology and tools.

Apr 14, 202231:22
How a Dyslexic Kid Became One of the Country’s Most Powerful and Innovative Builders with John Fish, Chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction

How a Dyslexic Kid Became One of the Country’s Most Powerful and Innovative Builders with John Fish, Chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction

They say the path to success is never a straight line.  The road to get there has many ups and downs and is riddled with challenges along the way.  And for those who were born with a disadvantage, the journey becomes even more difficult.

John Fish grew up with dyslexia and struggled with reading and writing.  In spite of having a learning disability, his football coach saw his potential and took him under his wing. This helped John realize that being dyslexic is not necessarily a barrier to success and that he can actually use it to his advantage.

Today, John Fish is chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction, one of the most successful privately-owned construction management companies in the United States.   He is also a philanthropist whose mission is to give back to those who can’t help themselves.

Let us hear from John, as he shares how having dyslexia led him to discover his characteristics that catapulted him to a high level of success, how his company is using data and technology to disrupt the construction industry, and why he thinks supporting the underprivileged is extremely important.

Top Takeaways
14:38 Hacks for people with dyslexia to help absorb things they’re reading
16:33 Why running a company is like playing in a football game
21:20 The most essential thing about any business
25:56 The biggest accelerator of Suffolk’s growth
31:35 What Vision 2025 is all about
36:15 How to find the most productive workers
36:58 The best way to get ahead in life
40:10 The downside of having equity partners
41:11 Why John believes in giving back
41:50 What are the uses of A.I. and tech in the construction management world?
45:40 What is the ultimate goal in the construction industry?
47:14 What does “winning is not normal” mean?

Contact John Fish

About the guest
John Fish was born and raised in a fourth generation construction family.  When he was young, he always struggled in school and realized he was dyslexic. His condition worsened as he went through high school and he only learned to read while he was in ninth grade.

When John went to prep school, he met a coach who took him under his wing.  He introduced John to a tutor that taught him how to read and write.  This allowed John to confront his weaknesses and use them to his advantage.

John knew that he wouldn’t achieve the level of success that he had if not for the people who helped him. John realized that it’s now his turn to give back, so when he turned 28,  he started getting involved in boards in different nonprofits.

In 1982, John’s father lent him some money to start Suffolk.  The company began to grow pretty quickly as an organization. They eventually worked in the northeast part of the country, grew to the southeast, and then the southwest. And before the year 2000, Suffolk became almost a 2.5 billion dollar business.

By 2017, Suffolk had grown to be one of the country’s top construction companies, responsible for several high-profile projects such as Boston's Millennium Tower, Encore Boston Harbor, and The Guitar Hotel in Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood.

John’s awards include, Boston magazine’s #1 most powerful person in Boston in 2012 and 2015, and was #8 on that list in 2020. In addition, he was named the 6th most influential person in Boston philanthropy in 2013. The Boston Globe named him Bostonian of the Year in 2015 and 2018. And Boston Business Journal's also included him in the  "POWER 50" list.

Mar 22, 202242:23
#351 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Build a Tech Solution For Your Business with Andrew Amann, CEO and Co-Founder of NineTwoThree Digital Ventures

#351 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Build a Tech Solution For Your Business with Andrew Amann, CEO and Co-Founder of NineTwoThree Digital Ventures

For any business, growth is absolutely essential - most especially now that we are in the digital age. And while more and more people are using their smartphones and devices to purchase their needs, many businesses are now considering having their own web and mobile apps as a means to connect with their customers.

Web and mobile apps can be an extremely useful tool for most companies, but developing one can consume a lot of time and money.  And if your systems are outdated or you lack the technical know-how when it comes to developing web and mobile technology solutions, your efforts will only be wasted.

Which is why having the right people that you can rely on to help grow your business by providing the right tools and can partner with you to build the product from concept to completion, is crucially important.

Let us hear from Andrew Amman, CEO of NineTwoThree Digital Ventures, as he shares his journey from working as a nuclear submarine engineer, to becoming an intrapreneur, then eventually as an entrepreneur with a business that achieved a 1,344% 3-Year Growth and have landed a spot in the top 10% of 2021 INC 5000 list.

Top Takeaways:
00:59 What NineTwoThree Digital Ventures is all about
05:01 Hiring an agency vs. freelance developers
08:05 Is it important to find an agency that has worked in a specific industry
08:19 What separates NineTwoThree Digital Ventures from their competitors
09:59 How Andrew got into the business
11:58 What has been their biggest financial windfall
14:35 A mobile app that real estate brokerages can use to provide lock box access to their consumers
28:25 The difference between hiring a US based agency from going directly to an agency in Kiev, Ukraine
31:59 What is their main lead source?
40:40 The 3 factors that they are looking for in a client

To get in touch with Andrew Amann
Twitter =
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Blog =
Website =

About the guest:

Andrew Amann graduated with a degree in B.S. Mechanical Engineering.  He worked as a nuclear submarine engineer where he created designs on the side that showed the company different ways they could do their operations.

He practiced the method of asking companies to “productize” some of his ideas. Eventually, he ended up getting a patent in Bluetooth tracking for manufacturing facilities. And through that repeatable process of working for a company and selling them a product idea, Andrew realized that I had the confidence to go off and do it as an entrepreneur.

In 2012, Andrew met Pavel Kirillov, an Intel Engineer from Israel.  They shared the same passion so they came together to create their first mobile app.  They were building the product from 9PM to 3AM and that’s where the name NineTwoThree Digital Studio came from.

Today, Andrew Amann is the CEO and Co-Founder of NineTwoThree Digital Studio. They invent, design, launch and grow digital ventures.  He currently focuses on helping businesses grow with innovative web and mobile technology solutions and built over 50 applications supporting millions of end users.

Mar 15, 202242:19
#98 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Harnessing the Power of CRO to Propel Your E-Commerce Business with Brenden Marquardt, Co-Founder of Homestead Brands

#98 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Harnessing the Power of CRO to Propel Your E-Commerce Business with Brenden Marquardt, Co-Founder of Homestead Brands

When Brenden Marquardt acquired his first furniture brand, he thought that all he had to do was put it up on the internet and then people would start buying it.  As it turned out it was a lot more complicated than that.

Convincing people to come to your website and convert them into customers is a difficult process.  Yet everything about your site - from the design, to how you answer your customer’s questions - should have that process in mind at all times.  That’s where Conversion Rate Optimization comes in.

Let us hear from Brenden Marquardt, Co-Founder of Homestead Brand, as he shares his journey from working in the finance world to starting his own e-commerce business selling furniture, and how focusing on Conversion Rate Optimization helped them achieve a 3,916% growth rate over the past three years.

Top Takeaways:
02:53 How the book, The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris changed his mentality
04:59 How he got into selling furniture
08:15 The first thing you should focus on if you’re having trouble making sales
09:27 One of the key things about being a CEO
12:08 What’s a good rate to pay for a Conversion Rate Optimization expert?
14:21 How they structured their first acquisition
20:38 Why they’re not using influencers to push their product on social media
21:15 How Homestead Brand deals with their “cheaper” competition
26:23 What was his company’s hockey stick moment?
30:35 One of the most exciting things about being a business owner
31:16 Brenden’s philosophy about work

To get in touch with Brenden Marquardt, visit

About the guest:

Brenden Marquardt worked as an investment analyst for Merrill-Lynch and Rice University’s $6B endowment fund.  He’s also worked as a Business Development Manager for Kinder Morgan.

In 2014, He and his brother Kyle, met a lady who had a very cool design for a Murphy bed.  It was affordable and can be assembled easily, but the lady was having a hard time with production, and she really wanted more time for herself.  That’s when they decided to acquire the business from her.

From there, they studied how to scale the business, and worked on putting the right structures in place to ensure its growth.

Today, Brenden is the Co-Founder of Homestead Brands.  They acquire, invest, and grow multi-functional furniture brands and include them into their growing family of e-commerce businesses.

Mar 04, 202236:11
#363 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Discovering the Solar Industry with Keith Murphy, President of Astrawatt Solar

#363 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Discovering the Solar Industry with Keith Murphy, President of Astrawatt Solar

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Our guest today was ranked number 363 on the Inc500 list of the fastest privately held companies in America. He was also on this list in 2020 and ranked number 169. That's no small feat to be a part of the list two years in a row. Let's welcome to the show, the President of Astrawatt Solar, Keith Murphy.

Keith began his career as a salesperson but saw an opportunity to do things better. After working in the industry for four years, he started his own company in January 2016, living in his sister's garage and with only $65 in his bank account. They ranked third fastest growing solar company in 2020 and eighth fastest-growing energy company in 2021. The company has 60 employees in four major U.S. cities and has made the Inc500 list.

Astrawatt Solar is extremely focused on providing value and educating homeowners. Keith advises not to look at what your competition is doing. Instead, look for what your customers want. He further stresses finding innovative ways to create efficiencies in the company, which will help save money and create a better workplace for your employees. He and his team believe that big things will happen if you dedicate yourself to small, incremental improvements.

Let us hear from Keith why he believes that the best, the easiest, the most efficient way to get new business is by creating happy customers and why you need to be very picky about where you spend your marketing dollars.

Top Takeaways:

01:20 The marketing strategy that led Astrawatt Solar land a spot in Inc500
05:22 How the solar industry is one of the fastest-growing industries
07:16 The importance of building an avatar of different buyer personas
10:34 Why educating people about the business should be one of the goals
11:36 How to find a good copywriter
13:55 Biggest differentiator for Keith's company versus competitors
14:41 How did Keith start his business
18:55 How franchisees can save more money, be more efficient and sell more
26:24 What is Net Metering?  
35:00 How to achieve a high growth rate in business?
36:35 The key to having an efficient and effective organization
37:20 The Law of Differentiation in marketing
37:45 The necessity of customer and employee feedback

To get a hold of Keith Murphy, visit

Episode Transcript:

Jan 20, 202239:28
#376 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Get the Maximum Dollar for your Business

#376 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Get the Maximum Dollar for your Business

Hello, and welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today’s guest is an accomplished business consultant with almost three decades of professional accounting experience. Her company ranked 376th in 2021’s  Inc Top 500 list of fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the US. Let’s welcome to the show, the Owner & CEO of Raincatcher, Marla DiCarlo.

Marla initially wanted to become a social worker but it was her love of numbers and math that made her go into accounting. Eventually, she branched off with a business owner that she was working with into mergers and acquisitions. That's when she fell in love with small businesses and started her own fractional CFO company.

Today, Marla is the Owner and CEO of Raincatcher, a national business brokerage that specializes in small and mid-market businesses. Their mission is to help transform small to medium-sized businesses into companies that are built to sell, and also help buyers find remarkable enterprises in which to create their own legacy.

Let us hear from Marla as she shares her journey and her insights on how small and medium-sized enterprises can have the ultimate edge in the marketplace and get top dollar for their business when they sell it.

Top Takeaways:
01:54 How Marla got into helping people learn how to get ready to sell
04:06 Marla’s #1 CEO Secret
07:56 Where to find the 8 factors that contribute to building a premium business
13:15 What happens when your company gets $10 million+ in revenue?
15:09 Why having the right partners involved in the business is so important
17:57 What are the different types of buyers
19:32 The value of “taking the blinders off”
21:09 Is there a way to acquire businesses through seller financing?
25:21 How to market a business for sale
29:00 One of the things that set Raincatcher apart from the competition
32:44 The red flags to look out for buying a business

To get a hold of Marla DiCarlo, visit

Dec 20, 202138:49
#69 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Going Public Through a SPAC with Jeffrey Harris, Co-Founder and CEO of springbig Inc.

#69 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Going Public Through a SPAC with Jeffrey Harris, Co-Founder and CEO of springbig Inc.

Hello everyone and welcome back to CEO Secrets. Our guest for today has over three decades of experience in marketing sales and management, specifically in the field of incentive and loyalty marketing. Achieving a 5,485% 3-year growth, his company ranked 69th in 2021’s  Inc Top 500 list of fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the US. Let’s welcome to the show, the Co-Founder & CEO of springbig Inc., Jeffrey Harris.

In 1998, Jeff started a loyalty marketing agency that catered mainly to servicing retailers, financial services companies, and insurance companies.  After 25 years, he handed over the active management side of his business to his team, who was doing a better job than him, and decided to focus on a new opportunity.

He created a platform that would give small businesses the ability to create and manage their customer loyalty program. In 2016, two cannabis retailers joined the platform.  Jeff and his team realized that the cannabis industry was still in its infancy but it has great potential to grow tremendously fast.  A year later, they decided to focus entirely on the retailers, brands, and wholesalers that are servicing the cannabis industry.

Today, Jeff is the Co-Founder and CEO of springbig, a provider of customer-loyalty software to cannabis retailers across the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.  Recently, his company announced that they’re going public through a merger with Tuatara Capital Acquisition Corp., a SPAC or a blank check company.

Let us hear from Jeff as he shares how he found success working in the cannabis industry and his insights on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs).

Top Takeaways:
04:20  How loyalty programs allow business owners to have a really good view into what's happening in the industry.
04:34 Is there a blanket incentive to the consumer that will drive them back to the retail shop?
04:53 A misnomer on opening up a cannabis retail shop
06:59 Is there an industry-agnostic plan you can implement to increase repeat and referrals?
07:26 What loyalty is all about
08:21 Is it advisable to implement a loyalty program for a real estate business?
09:49 What made them decide to merge with a SPAC
20:31 The greatest Aha’s Jeff had hit that kind of revenue growth?
21:56 Why Jeff prefers his salespeople to “report the news” than to just sell.
22:39 Why providing great service is a real differentiator among tech companies in the industry.
23:40 How to get technology partners to become ambassadors for your software.

To get a hold of Jeff Harris, email him at or visit

Episode Transcript:

Dec 08, 202127:11
#374 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Invest with a Purpose with Ivan Anz, Founder of Equity and Help Inc.

#374 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Invest with a Purpose with Ivan Anz, Founder of Equity and Help Inc.

Hello everyone and welcome back to CEO Secrets. Our special guest for today is a global entrepreneur, speaker, author, and the Founder of PhilanthroInvesting. His company landed a spot on the Inc Top 500 list of fastest-growing businesses in the country for 3 consecutive years. This year, his company achieved a 1,285% growth securing the 374th spot on the list. Let’s welcome to the show, the Founder of Equity & Help, Ivan Anz.

Ivan developed his entrepreneurial skills at a very young age.  At 7 years old, he used to lease his Go-Kart to his friends and neighbors.  At 14, he started leasing and training people on how to use 4x4’s on mountains.  He sold a million dollars worth of Herbalife products annually, making him the youngest person to make it to the millionaire’s team.

He eventually ventured into real estate. He also got involved in speculative investments like stocks, forex, and cryptocurrency.  However, even as he was earning a lot of money then, he felt that there was no sense of fulfillment in what he’s doing.  So in 2009, he started to look for ways not just to invest but to invest with a purpose.

Then one day, he met a buyer who really wanted to purchase a property but was unable to afford it. It’s a sad reality that a lot of people still don’t have access to traditional mortgages. He realized that this was an opportunity for investing while helping a deserving family at the same time.  That’s when the concept of philanthroinvesting was born.

Today, Ivan is the Founder of Equity & Help, a real estate investment company that aims to help investors achieve their financial goals while making a real difference in people’s lives.

Let us hear from Ivan as he shares his journey on how he started his business and how he helped it grow its revenue by 14,000% in just 3 years.

Top Takeaways:
01:43 What drove Ivan to leave Argentina and come to the US
04:44 How philanthroinvesting started
07:27 What is philanthroinvesting?
09:34 How Equity and Help started
11:45 What vendor does their company use to provide data
12:18 The strategy they use to acquire properties
22:04 What their company does if people are unable to pay

To get in touch with Ivan Anz and to find out more about philanthroinvesting and his book, go to:

Episode Transcript:

Nov 22, 202127:49
#20 in the Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): From Wall Street Banker to Healthwear Innovator with Chaitenya Razdan, Founder and CEO at Care + Wear

#20 in the Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): From Wall Street Banker to Healthwear Innovator with Chaitenya Razdan, Founder and CEO at Care + Wear

Hello everyone and welcome back to CEO Secrets. Our special guest for today was listed as part of the 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs by Goldman Sachs in 2015, became one of the Rising stars: 90 healthcare leaders under 40 in 2018, and belonged to the Top 40 under 40 Leaders in Minority Health in 2020.  His company, a leading provider of innovative healthwear, achieved 14,000% growth over the past 36 months and this has secured them the 20th spot on the top 500 fastest growing companies in the country. Let’s welcome to the show, the Founder and CEO at Care + Wear, Chaitenya (Chat) Razdan.

Prior to starting Care + Wear, Chat Razdan was an investment banker at Goldman and Sachs and a strategy consultant at Kearney. While his professional background is not directly related to healthcare, it was his experience with having loved ones who were diagnosed with cancer and were told to wear socks over their PICC lines that led him to recognize the growing need to bring innovation and design to the healthcare industry.

In 2014, Chat decided to build a company that will provide healthwear that is focused on creating positive and effective healing experiences for patients everywhere.  Today, Chat has worked in partnership with leading hospitals, patients, and clinicians to create Care+Wear’s clothing and accessories. The company has also collaborated with sports leagues, brands, schools, and foundations such as MLB, the NBA, Oscar de la Renta, Parsons School of Design, March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, and Stand Up 2 Cancer.

Chat wanted to make sure to get the right people in the room with him to design and develop all of their products.

Let us hear from Chat as he shares his journey on how he started his business and how he helped it grow its revenue by 14,000% in just 3 years.

Top Takeaways:
01:08 How Care + Wear came about
03:59 The 3 P’s to success
09:11 What Care + Wear does on the marketing side to increase sales exponentially
12:33 Chat’s absolute marketing tactic must-have
14:55 A good marketing strategy to spend money on
16:30 What does the value checklist look like for Care + Wear
21:56 Chat’s insight on influencer marketing
23:11 Tactical things Chat would’ve changed in their early year to grow even faster
30:08 Chat’s biggest failure and what he learned from it

To get in touch with Chat Razdan, go to:


LinkedIn: ChaitenyaRazdan

Oct 22, 202137:20
#11 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Focus on Your Core Strategy and Grow Your Revenue to 22,000% with Mike Sardo, President and CEO at Texas Solar

#11 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): Focus on Your Core Strategy and Grow Your Revenue to 22,000% with Mike Sardo, President and CEO at Texas Solar

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today’s guest is a successful serial entrepreneur.  He has helped his company grow its revenue by 22,381% between 2017 and 2020 which landed them the 11th spot out of 5000 of the fastest-growing companies in America. Let’s welcome to the show, the President and CEO at Texas Solar, Mike Sardo.

Mike Sardo pursued a degree in coaching because wanted to be a public school coach. Yet, his path took on a different course and it was his passion for cheerleading that led him to put up his first business - a cheerleading gym. It served 900 students at that time and expanded to three other locations that served close to 1400 kids per week.

One of the things he learned about himself during this time is that he didn’t like jobs.  And once the challenge of starting from scratch or turning a business around wears off, it turns into a job.  He felt like the business was not for him and he ended up selling it after a couple of years.

This set him into a pattern of buying struggling businesses and turning them around.  Two years ago, Mike came across Texas Solar, a company that had been going up and down for the last 13 years and needed some management help.  He and his partner eventually bought most of the company and decided to focus on the product which caused substantial growth for the business.

Let us hear from Mike as he shares his journey and how he helped a struggling company turn around and achieve exponential growth in a short span of time.

Top Takeaways:
06:30 How Mike got involved with Texas Solar
09:07 How to get a competitive advantage over multi-billion dollar companies
15:05 The impact of the massive power outage in Texas had on their business
16:14 The “silver bullet” to achieve massive growth for your business
18:04 What is Texas Solar’s #1 channel for sales?
19:19 Does Texas Solar use brand awareness to make affiliates find them
21:44 Texa Solar’s core strategy
29:15 How to get salespeople to go door knocking
31:12 Mike’s advice to anyone wanting to successfully grow their business
33:42 What does the future look like for Texas Solar?

To get in touch with Mike Sardo, go to:

Oct 18, 202136:24
#49 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Compete With a Multi-Billion Dollar Business Like Zillow with John Berkowitz, CEO and Founder of OJO Labs

#49 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2021): How to Compete With a Multi-Billion Dollar Business Like Zillow with John Berkowitz, CEO and Founder of OJO Labs

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Our special guest for today was named an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2021 Central Texas Award winner.  He is the CEO and Founder of OJO Labs, which ranked 49th out of 5000 of the fastest-growing companies in America. I’m super excited to welcome on the show, John Berkowitz.

John came from a family of entrepreneurs. This fueled his desire to seek out problems that have never been solved before, find solutions, and build a business around them. In 2005, he co-founded Yodle, an all-in-one digital marketing platform for more than 50,000 SMB customers. It was later acquired by for $342 million.

However, John felt unfulfilled after the exit from Yodle. He felt that he didn’t meet their company’s goal, making a significant difference in favor of small business owners. This is why in 2015, he started OJO Labs to empower real estate consumers to make better decisions with the help of deeply personalized technology.  

Today, OJO Labs has expanded to five regions with over 500 employees. They’ve also acquired several technology companies over the years and are expected to grow by 250% by the end of the year.

Let us hear from John as he shares how his biggest failure led him to build a business that is a powerhouse in the industry and provides real-world value.  

Top Takeaways:
9:07 How the Prime Minister of St.Lucia jumpstarted their company’s startup.
12:49 What do OJO Labs’ growth and growing bamboo have in common?
15:10 Does John consider Zillow as a competitor?
16:34 What is OJO Labs’ strategy to overcome a behemoth like Zillow?
17:42 Why not being number one on Google doesn't mean you can't be a more prominent company
17:55 The importance of identifying the right partners
20:36 The one feature you could focus on that would just suck off so much traffic from portals like and Zillow
22:43 The most significant innovation in real estate
24:24 Why John thinks that iBuyers and cash offers are just iterations on an old business
25:37 What makes OJO Labs significantly different or better than Zillow?
27:17 The thing that John has been obsessing about for the last five years
29:44 What was John’s most significant failure?
33:26 Why John feels super-uncomfortable when it comes to awards
34:51 When to raise money, and when to bootstrap?

To get a hold of John Berkowitz, send an email to:

Episode Transcript

Oct 08, 202146:41
Predicting the Future of Real Estate: Which Brokerages are Going to Make it, and Which Ones will Fall Behind?

Predicting the Future of Real Estate: Which Brokerages are Going to Make it, and Which Ones will Fall Behind?

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today we have a very special guest.  He is the founder of one of the leading CRM platforms in the real estate space. Let’s welcome, the Co-Founder and CEO of BoomTown, Grier Allen.

Grier grew up in a family of real estate agents and this fuelled his passion for the industry early on.  This is why even as he started a digital advertising company after college, he felt drawn to go back and focus on real estate.  He wanted to build a product that would impact more lives within the real estate space.

In 2006, he and the members of his founding team pooled their knowledge, experience, and skill sets together and spent an entire year trying to understand where they could make a real impact on the industry.  This is how they came up with software products that will help real estate professionals provide a better experience for their prospects and customers - thus, BoomTown was born.

Today, Boomtown has grown to be one of the leading CRM providers in the entire industry. They are considered to be the behemoth in the real estate CRM space and have been able to maintain their top-notch status despite having numerous competitors come up over the years.

Let us hear from Grier as he shares his insights on hiring leaders, the importance of culture, and his journey to making BoomTown a success.

Top Takeaways:

03:46  The distinct competitive advantage for Boomtown
04:58  How important team-building has been to the success of Boomtown
08:21  What is BoomTown doing on the product side to help customers stay relevant
10:29  BoomTown’s mission from the get-go
11:39  Grier’s views on the future of the real estate industry
12:50  The greatest secret to identifying, selecting, and getting the right leader in place
18:06  Which leadership roles could be performed remotely and which ones should be performed next to the team?
19:18  Is it ideal to offshore key leadership roles to other countries?
21:10  Where were the roadblocks BoomTown had to deal with from a revenue perspective?
21:50  When did BoomTown decide to define their core values
26:26  Why you shouldn’t let search fatigue dictate your hiring decisions.
25:51  The value of finding someone who fits your culture
28:10  The “silver bullet” in the interview process to make sure that people gel together
33:39  What's the next big grandiose plan for Boomtown to stay on top?
36:02  Grier’s advice for the small players to find opportunities to grow and have success
44:06  Which teams/companies does Grier think will have incredible growth in the future and which ones does he think will fall behind? 

Episode Transcript

Oct 01, 202150:03
#219 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2020) - How to Rank on Google’s First Page with Christopher Day, CEO and Co-Founder of DemandJump

#219 Inc500 Fastest Growing Companies in America (2020) - How to Rank on Google’s First Page with Christopher Day, CEO and Co-Founder of DemandJump

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets.  I’m super excited to introduce our guest for today.  He is an entrepreneur, a marketing genius, and the Co-Founder and CEO of DemandJump.  Let's welcome, Christopher Day.

Over the last 30 years, Christopher Day has become part of the founding team of nine different businesses.  One of the major things he learned from his experience is that throughout all those businesses, the marketing aspect has remained a black hole. Companies would invest in marketing but the results are difficult to measure that’s why marketers never really know if it’s working or not.

Christopher made it his mission to solve this pain point in a unique, elegant, new way.  This led him to start DemandJump in 2015.  DemandJump’s Customer Behavior and Marketing Attribution Platform has revolutionized how businesses see if their marketing strategies are actually driving pipeline and creating revenue. The platform then uses the data to help these companies align their content, become more relevant, and create the next plan of action across all marketing channels.

Let us hear from Christopher as he shares his marketing insights and how DemandJump was able to achieve 1,200% growth year over year and land a spot on the most prestigious ranking of the country’s fastest-growing private companies.

Top Takeaways:
03:37 What is the marketing secret to drive brand awareness
04:48 How the DemandJump platform works
14:51 Christopher’s advice to anyone who’s looking into venture capital funding
16:45 How to get a Fortune 250 company to work with a startup
19:34 How their company deals with offers of acquisition
22:10 How does a small local company compete with well-funded large enterprises
23:15 Why content is 100x more important than it used to be.
23:23 How to structure your content so you can win every time
23:55 The 2 hyper-competitive keywords that DemandJump ranks well for
28:32 What should a marketing department look like from a role’s perspective?
34:04 The percentage of all web pages and blogs that actually get seen
36:44 The healthy budget to allocate to content creation
44:33 The value of having a creative person in your marketing team
50:38 What are the top tools from a technology perspective that marketing leaders should be using?
54:20 Why businesses should focus on aligning their content and becoming relevant to our market

To know more about DemandJump, visit their website
Christopher Day's LinkedIn:

Episode Transcript

Sep 24, 202156:36
#18 INC500 Fastest Growing Companies in America - Getting Influencers to Grow Your Business!

#18 INC500 Fastest Growing Companies in America - Getting Influencers to Grow Your Business!

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets.  Our guest for today is the CEO and Co-Founder at Kitu Life Inc., makers of Super Coffee. He and his brother’s company ranked #18 on Inc. 5000 and they also made it to Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2019.  Let's welcome, Jim DeCicco.

Jim DeCicco came from a humble, blue-collar family.  Growing up, he and his brothers became student-athletes.  When they were in college, Jim's younger brother Jordan, had to attend basketball practices early in the morning and stay up late at night to study.  He wanted a drink that is delicious, healthy, and could sustain his energy for the day.  Yet, the only ones available then were loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients.  That's when he decided to brew his own healthy coffee and pitched the idea to his brothers to start Super Coffee.

Hoping to expand their brand on a national scale, Jim and his brothers joined ABC’s Shark Tank, in 2018. One of the judges on the show commented that although their coffee is still very healthy compared to other energy drinks out there, the sweetener they used in their coffee left an unpleasant aftertaste.  This prompted them to use a different sweetener and came up with a 100% sugar-free coffee with just 70 calories.  This new formula has become a key differentiator for their brand.

Let us hear from Jim as he shares how he and his brothers grew their brand to become the number 3 bottled coffee drink in the US, achieved 55M in annual revenue, and 400M in valuation in 6 years.  

Top Takeaways:
01:46 How to find meaningful partnerships
04:00 Why Jim felt they had to win New York
06:41 How to get big players and influencers involved in your business
09:07 The mentor who’s had the biggest impact on their business
13:59 Marketing hacks to help accelerate growth
15:42 Why you shouldn’t rely on influencers to drive sales
18:30 How influencers affect consumer confidence
20:18 The Biggest breakthroughs their company had in the past 7 years
26:46 What’s the Big Hairy Audacious Goal for Super Coffee
29:02 What they plan to do next after Super Coffee

Sep 17, 202137:29
A Military Strategy Used to Make Your Business Thrive with Scott J. Lewis, CEO of Spartan Investment Group LLC

A Military Strategy Used to Make Your Business Thrive with Scott J. Lewis, CEO of Spartan Investment Group LLC

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today’s guest is the CEO of Spartan Investment Group LLC, a company that was included in the INC 500 list for 2 years in a row.  They ranked 308th last year and jumped to 166th this year. Let's welcome, Scott J. Lewis.

Scott gained his leadership and management skills while he worked as a regional sales manager for a biotech company.  Years later, he had the opportunity to join the army.  He knew that he’d get really good leadership training and experience there so he enlisted himself. After four years, he came off of active duty then went into the federal government. This is where he learned a lot about strategic planning, project management, and risk management.

All the skills and knowledge that Scott gained from his past experiences positioned him to start his company and be able to set the foundation to build a real estate investment firm.

Let us hear from Scott as he shares how he built his company and ended up on the top 500 fastest-growing private companies in the country.

Top Takeaways:
1. The big catalysts for growth that put Spartan on the Inc 500 list for the past 2 years (1:58)
2. How does Spartan raise funds? (3:25)
3. What caused Scott to decide to go into the self-storage asset class. (6:06)
4. How Scott took the thinking process he learned from the military and applied it to his business (6:24)
5. Scott’s reason for starting the business  (11:54)
6. How to achieve growth by adhering to systems and processes (13:17)
7. How they came up with the 740-item due diligence checklist (15:30)
8. Scott’s advice on how to drive growth for your business (21:33)

To learn more about Scott and the Spartan Investment Group LLC, go to

Sep 07, 202126:04
Preparing for the Armageddon of Real Estate with Brendan Bartic, CEO and Founder of The Bartic Group

Preparing for the Armageddon of Real Estate with Brendan Bartic, CEO and Founder of The Bartic Group

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today’s guest is a powerhouse in the real estate industry.  He’s a top producer, an elite real estate coach and trainer, and the owner of the #1 real estate team in Denver. Let's welcome, Brendan Bartic.

Before making it big in real estate, Brendan had been in the Army and worked as a property manager for a private contractor. However, when he went to real estate school, he discovered that his skills were more suited for an agent.  Brendan then trained under a top producer and learned everything he could from her until he could venture independently. Eventually, he built his team and transitioned into starting his own brokerage.

Over the course of his career, Brendan has sold over 1 billion in residential volume. And with more than 20 years of experience in this business, Brendan has also made it his mission to help other agents achieve the same success as he did through his real estate coaching company.
Let us hear from Brendan as he shares how his journey helped shape who he is today, his views on how technology and data are changing the real estate industry, and how the book - 4 Disciplines of Execution influenced his success.

Top Takeaways:
1. What pushed Brendan to pursue a career in real estate  (2:48)
2. How all the success in real estate comes down to a formula  (3:46)
3. What Brendan thinks of Zillow’s acquisition of Showing Time(13:42)
4. If technology companies take over 80% of the consumer journey, How would agents make more money? (17:59)
5. What Brendan considers the “Ferrari’s” of this industry when it comes to technology (22:44)
6. Brendan’s secret to building his business (26:33)

To know more about Brendan and if you’re interested in his coaching services, visit

Podcast Transcript

Aug 19, 202132:08
Discounted Condos in NYC Trump Buildings to Snatch Up with Patrick Lilly, Founder of Patrick Lilly Team

Discounted Condos in NYC Trump Buildings to Snatch Up with Patrick Lilly, Founder of Patrick Lilly Team

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. I am thrilled to introduce our returning guest for today, a multi-awarded New York City real estate broker, transformational coach, and founder of the Patrick Lilly Team. Let's welcome Patrick Lilly

Patrick Lilly has been in the real estate industry for more than 34 years. He has sold over a thousand properties worth more than $1.35 billion in his career. He also received the Keller Williams Pinnacle Award, a distinction presented to the top 20 exceptional agents across all North American firms.

Patrick received his life coaching credentials in 2007, allowing him to conduct transformational seminars on discovering one's essence and purpose in life all over the world.

Let us hear today from Patrick as he shares his insights on how New York’s real estate market is doing a year after the pandemic started and what transformational coaching is all about.

Top Takeaways:
1. What has it been like in New York over the past year (00:44)
2. From a pricing standpoint, has New York remained stagnant since 2015? (3:01)
3. Is it a good idea to invest in Trump properties right now? (11:15)
4. Why New York doesn’t have an MLS (16:25)
5. How has Compass affected the brokerage world in New York? (18:35)
6. What’s the difference between brokerages and teams (25:14)
7. What Patrick likes about the brokerage model (27:27)
8. How hard is it to get started in the real estate industry in New York (29:02)
9. What does transformational coaching mean (35:37)
10. The best real estate book by far (39:09)

To get in touch with Patrick, visit

Episode Transcript:

Jun 15, 202145:59
Building a Referral Machine with Jennie Wolek, Founder of The Wolek Group with Keller Williams Realty Advantage
Jun 08, 202128:12
Advice for New Real Estate Agents with Dean deTonnacourt, CEO of HomeSmart Professionals Real Estate

Advice for New Real Estate Agents with Dean deTonnacourt, CEO of HomeSmart Professionals Real Estate

Hello everyone, welcome back to CEO Secrets. I am excited to interview another successful business owner in the real estate world. Let's welcome, Dean deTonnacourt, CEO of HomeSmart Professionals Real Estate

Dean used to run a video store before he got into real estate. One of his customers encouraged him to try the real estate world and he never went back as soon as he got into selling houses.  He was previously a founding member of Keller Williams Realty in Rhode Island in 2000. In 2014, he founded HomeSmart Professionals Real Estate and has grown the company to over 100 agents. Currently, he is also the President of the Rhode Island Association of Realtors.

Let’s hear today from Dean, his story in building his business with more than a hundred agents serving three marketplaces, and the secrets to becoming a top producer.

Top Takeaways:
(00:47)  How Dean got into real estate
(5:48) Why Dean moved to the HomeSmart brokerage model
(8:01) Strategy to recruit agents
(11:24) How is HomeSmart competing with companies investing in technologies like Zillow, Redfin, and Opendoor
(12:58) Should agents worry about companies who are trying to eliminate agents in the business
(17:25) Are more brokerages going virtual in the next coming years?
(20:14) What pandemic has taught us
(21:50) Dean's advice to new real estate agents
(27:23) Where Dean is investing aside from selling homes
(29:01) Are we expecting market corrections to come?
(31:32) Dean's greatest secret to being a successful business owner

Reach out to Dean deTonnancourt at or visit

Podcast Transcript:

May 28, 202135:48
The Biggest Surprise in the Real Estate Industry in the Next 12-24 Months

The Biggest Surprise in the Real Estate Industry in the Next 12-24 Months

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to CEO Secrets. I am thrilled to have our guest on the show and I am so honored to be interviewing him today. Please welcome, Rick Cunningham.

Rick Cunningham was a licensed Landscape Architect before he got into the real estate world. Although he was getting clients for his business, he felt that he was not on the right path. After he finished his MBA, he realized that his real passion was in real estate. That was when he started his career as a real estate agent. Today, he is the Owner and Investor of multiple Keller Williams Franchises throughout California and Hawaii.

Let us hear today from Rick about his journey from being a real estate agent to becoming an owner and investor of multiple Keller Williams franchises, the technologies surfacing the industry and what the future holds for the real estate business.

Top takeaways:
(1:03) The difference between KW's Regional Partners and Franchise Owners
(4:18) Why Rick decided to be a franchise owner instead of being an agent where he could earn more
(7:08) Rick's biggest learning while building his business
(8:47) The future of Keller Williams
(11:02) How agents can compete with the tech giants in closing deals
(16:26) Building a national lead generation platform
(17:58) Rick's other business ventures
(22:14) Rick's investing strategies in real estate
(24:31) Why it is not a good market for a listing agent today
(26:44) Rick's prediction as to when the market will stabilize
(27:07) How will real estate be affected by lots of people moving to another state
(34:52) Split strategy for brokers who provide lead generation to agents
(43:46) What people in real estate should watch out for in the next couple of years

Reach out to Rick Cunningham at

Episode Transcript:

Apr 21, 202150:53
Prediction on When the BUBBLE in Real Estate Pops with Gary Boomershine, CEO & Founder of RealEstateInvestor

Prediction on When the BUBBLE in Real Estate Pops with Gary Boomershine, CEO & Founder of RealEstateInvestor

Hello everyone, welcome back to CEO Secrets. I am extremely excited today to be joined by the creator of one of the leading investment platforms for a done-for-you solution, let's welcome Gary Boomershine.

Gary grew up in a family of real estate brokers and entrepreneurs. At the age of 18, he got his license and started selling real estate as a means to pay up for his college education. After he finished college with a degree in Computer Engineering, he worked with one of the largest technology consulting firms in the world. Later on, he was recruited for a company doing enterprise sales for a software start-up. This is where he learned to run a business and sell high-end solutions to executives. In 2004, he started investing in real estate and began to grow. Today, he is the CEO and Founder of RealEstateInvestment.

Let us hear today from Gary his experiences in going through real estate investing and the opportunities to look forward to in the next coming years.

Top takeaways:
(4:04) Gary's insight on the InfusionSoft tool and who should be using it
(14:02) Challenges in finding off-market deals and how Gary resolved it
(15:22) The proven method in generating leads that convert
(16:43) Gary’s diagnosis of Chris's team initiatives in finding distressed deals
(18:38) The difference between pull and push marketing
(27:38) Where to find investing opportunities in the next 5-10 years
(33:45) 4 types of market
(35:58) What to expect from Gary's new book "The Freedom Code"
(37:29) The future of cryptocurrency

To get a copy of Gary's book, visit or email him at

Episode Transcript:

Apr 08, 202143:56
How Rich People Get Richer with Bradford Shepherd, Managing Partner at Sugarhouse Investments

How Rich People Get Richer with Bradford Shepherd, Managing Partner at Sugarhouse Investments

Mar 31, 202123:37
How to Become a Best-Selling Author on Amazon with Erin Urban, Owner of UPP Solutions

How to Become a Best-Selling Author on Amazon with Erin Urban, Owner of UPP Solutions

Mar 23, 202129:33
Listing Leads Through Investment Mediums with Mike Simmons Owner of Just Start Real Estate
Mar 09, 202133:33
The ROI on Talent Retention and How to Execute with Dr. Troy Hall, CSO of South Carolina Federal Credit Union & Talent Retention Expert
Feb 02, 202146:51
How to Find Listing Leads in Low Inventory Market with Chris Prefontaine, CEO & Founder of Smart Real Estate Coach

How to Find Listing Leads in Low Inventory Market with Chris Prefontaine, CEO & Founder of Smart Real Estate Coach

Jan 26, 202138:60
Starting A Technology Business in Real Estate with Dan Corkill, CEO & Co-Founder of Follow Up Boss

Starting A Technology Business in Real Estate with Dan Corkill, CEO & Co-Founder of Follow Up Boss

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today, I am excited to be joined by another real estate technology entrepreneur. Join me in welcoming, Dan Corkill.

Dan Corkill is the CEO & Co-Founder of Follow Up Boss. A full-scale sales solution for top-performing real estate teams and agents. Dan is an entrepreneur, has a background in finance, and also worked for a marketing company. In 2011, he was invited by his friend to put up a software company even though he had no tech background. Today, they are serving thousands of real estate professionals, helping them with their day-to-day businesses.

Let us hear from Dan how Follow Up Boss started, the challenges of funding a new company, and how they were able to establish their brand despite struggles and challenges.

Top Takeaways:
1. How Follow Up Boss is different from other tech company (3:59)
2. What Dan and his partner did to fund their company (7:03)
3. Determining what to focus on as a start-up business (9:28)
4. How to convince people to buy a newly launched product with limited features (12:01)
5. Challenges in adding new features requested by the customers (15:07)
6. The biggest mistake Broker/Owners do in terms of using technology (23:04)
7. The future of technology in real estate (26:01)
8. New shiny object Dan recommends promoting accountability (46:48)
9. The job description of a CEO (52:13)

To know more about Follow Up Boss, visit

Episode Transcript:

Jan 19, 202154:30
Will Real Estate Agents Be Extinct In The Coming Years? with David Anderson, CEO & Founder of LionDesk
Jan 06, 202144:55
Former NFL Player Enters Real Estate and Crushes It, Learn How...with Terrence Murphy, CEO, Broker, and Founder of TM5 Properties
Dec 29, 202036:37
Big Aha After 17 Years in Prison that Helps Agents with Greg Flanagan, Founder of Power Onward Mastermind
Dec 17, 202031:02
Cold Calling & Prospecting Are They Getting Obsolete? with Daniel Ramsey, Co-Founder & CEO of MyOutDesk
Dec 01, 202032:18
Bankruptcy and Financial Freedom, the Blood to Mud... with Damion Lupo, Founder of eQRP Co.
Nov 13, 202030:31
From Agent to Educator in Real Estate with Jennifer Seeno Tucker, Associate Broker & Vice President of Business Development of Exit Realty
Oct 26, 202021:54
Competing in the Backyard of I-Buyers HQ with Kenny Klaus, Founder of CLME and Team Leader at The Kenny Klaus Team

Competing in the Backyard of I-Buyers HQ with Kenny Klaus, Founder of CLME and Team Leader at The Kenny Klaus Team

Oct 15, 202040:47
The Power of Ad Copy and How to Go BROKE Marketing with Frank Klesitz, CEO & Co-Founder of Vyral Marketing
Sep 28, 202044:14
How Real Estate Will Be Impacted by The Election with Greg Harrelson, CEO at Century 21 Expert Advisors
Sep 22, 202049:05
Self-Storage vs Residential Real Estate - Which is a More Profitable Business? with Kris Benson, Chief Investment Officer for Reliant Investments
Sep 16, 202034:47
Can Hypnotism Boost Your Sales? with Paul Ross, CEO, Head Trainer at Subtle Words That Sell

Can Hypnotism Boost Your Sales? with Paul Ross, CEO, Head Trainer at Subtle Words That Sell

Hello everyone, welcome to CEO Secrets! I am excited about our guest today here in our show to give us a different perspective on the art of selling. Let us welcome Paul Ross.

Paul Ross is an author, speaker, trainer, Master Hypnotist, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. For the past 30 years, he has taught tens of thousands of people the power of language to persuade, sell, heal, turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones, and pain into passion.

Let us hear today from Paul on how we could use the language to unleash the power of selling and connect to people effectively to grow your business.

Top Takeaways:
1. How the language you use affects people to buying your product or services (1:36)
2. The secret to having a superstar mindset (3:52)
3. Paul's 3-Minute cure for fear of public speaking (5:43)
4. The difference of connecting to people in linear vs. non-linear way (10:58)
5. What salespeople should focus on to skyrocket the sales (16:35)
6. The universal law of the mind (20:26)
7. What to say when a client is asking to lower commission (32:18)

Episode Transcript:

Sep 03, 202035:00
How to Accelerate Your Real Estate Career with Jim Remley, Founder of eRealEstateCoach

How to Accelerate Your Real Estate Career with Jim Remley, Founder of eRealEstateCoach

Aug 14, 202019:27
How to Be a Billionaire in Real Estate with Tim Heyl, CEO & Founder of Homeward
Aug 07, 202051:41
How To Fail At Real Estate With Keri Shull, CEO of The Keri Shull Team and Co-Founder of HyperFast Agent

How To Fail At Real Estate With Keri Shull, CEO of The Keri Shull Team and Co-Founder of HyperFast Agent

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The Next Big Disruptor in the Real Estate Industry With Denee Evans, CEO of the Council of Multiple Listing Services (CMLS)
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Breaking Into The Luxury Real Estate Market with Scott Durkin, President and COO of Douglas Elliman
Jul 16, 202039:28
Advertising Secrets to Find Distressed Real Estate Deals with Jeremy Brandt, CEO of We Buy Houses
Jul 09, 202042:15
Terrifying 5-Year Prediction in Real Estate Industry with Byron Lazine, CEO of Company Cubed
Jul 04, 202054:31
Learn How To Get Luxury Leads with Bess Freedman, CEO of Brown Harris Stevens (BHS)
Jun 29, 202048:07