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CEO's Secret Weapon with Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter

CEO's Secret Weapon with Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter

By Lewis Haydon & Stuart Walter

Equip you and your business' executives with the mental strategies and tools of world champions with Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter.

Learn next-generation skills and mindset of elite performers in business through an evidence-science based approach to human peak performance development that will give you:

• Strategies and techniques of world champions
• Complete competitive advantage
• Resilience and peak performance mindset for you and your team
• Psychological, NLP, and behaviour science that will give you and your team unlimited power to achieve and be at their full potential
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Ep26. Let's talk about Talking

CEO's Secret Weapon with Lewis Haydon and Stuart WalterApr 04, 2023

Ep42. How was 2024 for you? (Yes, that was the correct date)
Jan 18, 202412:40
Ep 41 Money Mindset from a deeper level (Stuart Walter)

Ep 41 Money Mindset from a deeper level (Stuart Walter)

Following on from Lewis's Ep38. Money Mindset for Fast Growth Business Owners, I have taken a deeper dive into the fundamentals of the mind. I think that it may be an advantage to listen to that one first if you have time.

Money is a very a real issue and blockage for so many, so I have dug down deep to help you understand the triggers and the fundamentals at play here.

I have to admit, that I started on a pathway and with notes on this one and as I do in my client sessions, I took a few diversions that were obviously needed.

This information is potentially the awareness that will stir things up in your unconscious mind. That fact that our conscious mind is 3-5% of how we think act and behave, this information with hit the 95-97% of the unconscious mind and begin to process internally and start to break down inner beliefs that may have been creating blockages or resistance points.

Grab yourself a cup of tea, coffee, glass of water and enjoy.

And again, a huge thank you from Lewis and myself for choosing to join us again.

Stuart Walter

Aug 11, 202327:14
Ep 40 A Personal Reflection by Stuart Walter
Aug 04, 202313:10
Ep39. What It REALLY Takes To Have Your Business Work Without You (with Marc Eccles and Lewis Haydon)

Ep39. What It REALLY Takes To Have Your Business Work Without You (with Marc Eccles and Lewis Haydon)

Business owners, entrepreneurs, CEOs... have you ever wondered what REALLY takes to have your business work without you?

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, two business coaches (that own businesses too) collide as they discuss the real life challenges business owners face whilst building a business that can work without them.

Today, your host coach Lewis Haydon interviews business coach Marc Eccles as he talks about his journey as a business owner and why he became a business coach. Marc talks about he started as an electrical apprentice all the way to the day he completed his business and it got to a stage that it could grow without him.

In this episode Marc discusses the various levels of the 'E-Ladder' becoming a manager, business owner, investor and entrepreneur, along with the roller coaster of emotions it had on him at each level — and how the right coach for him, Kent Rhodes, helped him go from electrician to entrepreneur and beyond.

If you are a business owner that is looking for leverage then be sure to grab a pen and listen to this epsiosde as Marc Eccles is as real as they come when it comes to being an entrepreneur and a business coach. You will be in serious danger of learning some great new tips and tools that will help you on your entrepreneur journey.

As always, be sure to connect with Lewis Haydon or Stuart Walter on LinkedIn to engage with the CEO Secret Weapon community.

Be great,


Jul 25, 202339:16
Board Room: Fundamentals #1 – You are in Control

Board Room: Fundamentals #1 – You are in Control

Board Room: Fundamentals #1 – You are in Control

And here we go, the journey continues, this time more specific, details and with the actual processes that my clients have used over the last 17 years to smash records in sport and business.

The basis of every one of my Peak Performance Programs for athletes or CEO's are the '16 Fundamentals of the Human Mind'.

They are rules/laws/filters/programs that we all operate by. understand these and you have mastery of your mind and an incredible awareness of everyone else too. These Fundamentals are powerful in helping you understand why you think and act the way you do. Even more powerful is when you use these Fundamentals to understand others around you. from your partner to kids, to friends, family, colleagues and customers.

There is really soo much to outline here. I will stop and let the episodes unravel as this structure begins.

I ( Stuart) will be sharing these Fundamentals and Lewis will be adding his systems and strategies additionally to support these. It is embedding the platform from which to propel you beyond the next level personally and professionally.

I am incredibly humbled by the fact you have chosen The CEO's Secret Weapon Podcast to invest in. Both Lewis and I do not take this lightly. We are both committed to building this into the go to Podcast for Peak Performance Mindset in Business.

So that is enough from me, thanks you and enjoy the journey.

Stuart Walter and Lewis Haydon.

Jul 13, 202315:40
Ep38. Money Mindset for Fast Growth Business Owners (with Lewis Haydon)
Jul 12, 202321:56
Ep37. Selling without Selling (Stuart Walter)

Ep37. Selling without Selling (Stuart Walter)

I hate selling...

I hate being sold to...

How do we then build a business, negotiate salary, deal with partners, employees and bring opportunities to the business if we dont sell?

Again, lets understand the difference at an emotional level and avoid the pitfalls of the 'new age selling process', that we all hate, except marketing companies who love to tell you how useless you are if you don't follow their system.

And then we have the self labelled 'experts', you know the ones that connect on social media. Does this sound familiar? "Hi I am _______ I would love to connect you understand your business". Now you have, let me ram a product down your throat and make you feel less that adequate or a failure if you don't use this system.

This seems to be the way all the 'experts' suggest you should approach a sale now. No wonder people hate selling, and being sold to.

It does not have to be this way, every one of my clients over the years can guarantee they have not been pushed, guilted or sold to. They enter the process, in their own time and most of the time I push them away initially, until I know they are committed and ready for the evolution. So why am I busy? results and the ability to understand the clients needs, how the they internally process and how to talk to them at their level.

2 simple and powerful words for any meeting, presentation or sales pitch, "Matching and Pacing". Master this and the world is yours.

Enjoy the episode,

Stuart Walter on behalf of Lewis Haydon

The CEO's Secret Weapon Podcast Team.

Jul 10, 202331:17
Ep 36. Managing negative news, calls or experiences (Stuart Walter)

Ep 36. Managing negative news, calls or experiences (Stuart Walter)

Jun 19, 202329:03
Ep 35. Podcast Subscription launch apologies.
Jun 12, 202306:47
Ep 34. Go Before You Know, a deeper dive (By Stuart Walter)
Jun 05, 202319:19
Ep33. 'Go Before You Know': Why planning is NOT good for you and your business
Jun 02, 202324:15
Ep32. Enough talking... time for action

Ep32. Enough talking... time for action

And here we go!... This is not next level thinking, this step is going 'Beyond the Next Level'.

Since Lewis came to Australia, we have been planning and building to becoming The Peak Performance Podcast for CEO's and business owners. We are both world leaders in our fields and combined we approach success from a strategic and mindset perspective. to date neither of us has found another podcast with a similar approach.

This Episode is the introduction to the Structure to build your Peak Performance and balanced mindset and business.

The old days of business, either work or life suffered if too much focus was on the other. Both Lewis Haydon (Business SuperCoach) and myself work on the paradigm of Self First. When you focus on your happiness, health and love... wealth is the beneficiary! a more content and relaxed person will always perform better in business and is easily able to manage any level of pressure.

To get this structure right, I (Stuart Walter) have outlined the '16 Fundamentals of the Human Mind' for your awareness and knowledge, on the paid Subscription platform to this podcast.

Lewis will add and share the Strategic Processes and I will add the Mindset Methods and Experiences that will apply this knowledge for you.

Now the same tools and processes that 41 World Champions and CEO Clients have used, will be available for you. And equally supported with Lewis and his Coaching Processes that have taken clients to over $100Million.

We are extremely proud of the content and we have positioned the investment at...

May 15, 202311:45
Ep31. Business Ownership or Business Owner-Sh*t

Ep31. Business Ownership or Business Owner-Sh*t

How often have you heard talk about how busy they are or that they don't have the time?

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast, your host Lewis Haydon gets real about the reality of working hard in business and how business owners are busy doing the wrong stuff.

Stuart Walter in previous episodes has talked about the phrase 'hustle' and how in elite performance it can also have negative effect on high performance athletes (and executives) effectiveness. In this episode, Lewis discusses further the negative impact that wearing the 'hustle' badge of honour can also have a negative effect on your organisation and your team's development.

We hope you enjoy the show.

Be great,

Lewis and Stuart.

May 12, 202321:10
Ep30. Strategic Decisions... How to make POWERFUL decisions in any business
Apr 28, 202328:11
Ep 29 Negativity in the workplace... And how to change it to a positive.

Ep 29 Negativity in the workplace... And how to change it to a positive.

"How do you soar like an eagle, when you are surrounded by turkeys?"
I know it is a common quote, I was not able to find credit anyone for this as the original owner.

Thanks to a listener who connected with me (Stuart Walter) on LinkedIn for this episode.
Their comment,
"An interesting thing which I’m coming up against at the moment is
dealing with negativity within the workforce, and how from one person it
Any insights into that would be welcome 😊"

Well here you go, from a mindset perspective, I will take this one off Lewis's hands.
I am focusing on the word 'Spreads', emotions and energy spreads, both good and bad. And generally, it is the ones at the top that set the energy for the workplace. If it is not the owner, allowing positive to flow down, it is the generally the workers on the ground that allow the negative to flow up.
Consider a toilet... you have the water source, the cistern, to hold the water, what is in the bowl and the plumbing underneath. Energy, in this case water, flows down. Where ever their is a blockage (shit) the toxic water flows back up. Both are as powerful as the other.
As CEO is is very hard all the time to keep the energy up, especially over the last 3 years of Covid. Everyone looks to you for direction, focus and positivity, and you are the one probably feeling it more as you have soo much on the line. How has your positivity or negativity influenced your business over the last 3 years? Take time to have a think.
A CEO last week, was saying over the Covid period, he allocated $ to his Management Team to distribute to those who had gone above and beyond their job. A week later, he was astounded that none of the money had been distributed as everyone was just 'doing their job' and that was all. I asked the CEO, 'would you have given yourself the money as a bonus for contributing more than expected, according your your business values?' He took a moment and said no.
Over the last 3 years CEO's have taken close to 40% of my availability, and this is also corporate teams and workshops I have run. And when we push the 'flush button' on the energy flow to remove the shit, the CEO and teams are once again in a positive flow.
OK time now to listen to this episode, and again, a huge thanks to a confidential listener, for this question.
To connect, head to to download 'The Dear Diary Process' eBook. I know that is the perfect tool to help in the flushing from negative to positive. and while you are there, connect and drop us a question and comment.

And thank you all, during the week we cracked the 1000 plays on our podcast.
until next time, this is Stuart saying thanks on behalf of Lewis the great!

Take care,

Apr 25, 202320:53
Ep28. Turbo charge your results! What FUEL should you be running your business on?
Apr 20, 202317:27
Ep27. Who you DON'T want around your boardroom table? Stuart's response to challenge by Lewis Haydon.

Ep27. Who you DON'T want around your boardroom table? Stuart's response to challenge by Lewis Haydon.

This journey around the Boardroom table started back in Episode 18 with Lewis, his clarity on who you need around your boardroom table really hit the mark for content.

The knowledge from his years running his own business and as an elite business coach in the UK (Have we shared that Lewis Haydon was named The UK Coach of the year late last year?) really made me think about the benefits from a peak performance mindset perspective.

We then had a great chat here in Australia when Lewis came here on holidays with his family and the episode 25 was a revisit to this with a difference... Who we don't need around your boardroom table.

From a mindset perspective, I am pleased Lewis asked me to add to the points we have both made in episodes. The limitations, barriers and dramas that can be created by having the wrong people around you, could potentially have a greater impact on your business and life than you realise.

Remember these boardroom tables are not just in business, consider your dining room table at home. Who do you need and not need in all aspects of life?

I will leave you to listen to this, the conversation and content awaits.

Remember the website if you want to ask a question, recommend a topic and download my eBook version of 'The Dear Diary Process' that is free to use for you, your team and family. Enjoy the process and love the results. For further details on 'The Dear Diary Process', listen to Episode 8 of the podcast.

Thanks or your support as always,

Chat again soon

Stuart Walter and Lewis Haydon

Apr 18, 202319:41
Ep26. Let's talk about Talking

Ep26. Let's talk about Talking

Hi and welcome back, Stuart here again with more mindset content.

Communication a very broad term and a huge subject that we will continue to explore throughout this podcast series.

Communication is not just talking as some people believe, it is greater than that, apparently it is only 7% words (I say apparently, because we do not know) the balance of 93% is tone, tempo, volume and the non verbal of body language.

We are only focussing here on verbal communication today.

The most powerful understanding is, communication is the feedback you get as a response, action, words.

This content will help you understand that 'Communication is a 7 step process' between 2 or more people.

And remember communication is also between your conscious and unconscious mind.

I find what people say to themselves, about themselves when they are by themselves, is disgusting. You would never talk to anyone like most people talk to themselves. If all you do is change your internal communication after this, you will have incredible success.

This episode opens up your mind to the power of words, intention, connection and projection.

And every individual has their own communication model and it is all based on your previous experiences, so one style of communication in business, will not work for everyone.

The power you have in communication to empower yourself and others is amazing. When you know how to master your communication, you master your actions and that of others... and so too it has the power to disempower just as quickly.

This episode also exposes how my communication has created the success that I have with my clients, how understanding communication has given me the edge in business and it will also in yours.

Enough of the introduction, time to listen.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, email us through the website and remember to download your eBook copy of Stuart's published book, 'The Dear Diary Process' from the website too.

Apr 04, 202318:26
Ep25. Who DON'T you need around your 'board room' table?

Ep25. Who DON'T you need around your 'board room' table?

Is your environment right for getting you where you want to be or is it time to change some people around?

In episode 18, Lewis Haydon spoke about 'Who do you need around your board room table?' In this episode, we turn the concept upside down to explore it from a different angle.

Are the people around your board room table stopping you from getting you where you want to be?

In this episode you will get:

1) How to get clarity on who you will need in your environment to get where you want to be?

2) What values to look out for in others, and in you!

3) How to shape your environment so it is right for your success mindset?

Be sure to listen and comment on this episode. Your feedback has been welcomed in past issues and helps shape more of CEO's and their teams really need in the day-to-day modern business world.

Have fun,

Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter

Mar 27, 202325:16
Ep24. Resilience, is it really a thing?

Ep24. Resilience, is it really a thing?

And another episode and another opportunity to question the normal, another Stuart perspective.

This episode is thanks to a listener who connected via LinkedIn, their details have been kept confidential, just as yours will be when you request an episode topic.

To request a topic or a person we can talk to on the subject of CEO and Performance, please visit our podcast website  connect, download 'The Dear Diary Process' eBook and send us an email.

Today's episode come from this comment. 

"I talk a fair bit about false expectations appearing real and I think there is a link to a potential lack of resilience that brings those feelings to the fore. Would be good to hear your experiences with athletes and business owners who have found this a struggle and found a way to overcome challenges and adversity through becoming more resilient"

My Initial response, "I am not a huge fan of the 'FEAR' statement. When I ask people what does that actually mean to you, most have no idea. We want you to have huge expectations of yourself, I want you to aim huge... And everything is real including your feelings. It is understanding why these feelings exist, that allow you to manage them".

And now, for a greater understanding, listen to the podcast.

Thanks on behalf of Lewis who is currently touring Australia, spending quality time with his family. 

Stuart Walter

Feb 20, 202319:01
Ep23. You are what you eat.

Ep23. You are what you eat.

Stuart here for this episode, Lewis is flat out with the final touches to his PHD for handing in and preparing to come to Australia to visit, so I am delivering another episode for you.

Eating smarties does not make you smart. What makes you smart is what you consume emotionally and mentally.

Some people may be the healthiest of eaters, yet be highly stressed and negative. Just because you eat well does not manifest into your actions and energy.

This episode outlines the brain's ability to take everything onboard and to filter out what is not wanted, to nourish the mind in a way that supports your outlook.

Unlike food, we can choose to eat what we want, the brain will absorb everything, you can not control it. Your brain is designed to protect you from potential hurt or harm, physically, emotionally and financially. It needs to absorb everything to keep you aware and therefore safe.

Ep8. The Dear Diary Process is now even more powerful in this process to filter thoughts. if you have not listened, I suggest maybe listen to that first then come back to this one. The Dear Diary Process when used correctly, can be your filter through the simple addition of... "1 more thing everyday made me laugh and smile." For today, 1 thing is nothing much, in a week, same. In a month 30 things are going to get you to smile, in a year 365! 

Our survival program is to be aware of possible threats, so we constantly look for negatives, that is what we see and how we experience life. The same is for the positives. In your diary write "I am very aware of the the brain to keep me safe and as it is doing automatically, I give myself permission to find the positive in everything today".

Time to listen and this is the 1st of the positives in your day, knowing you can change your outlook and responses.

Smile now... and have a great day!

Feb 08, 202315:02
Ep22. Are limiting beliefs holding you back?

Ep22. Are limiting beliefs holding you back?

Thanks to a listener for the content for this episode.

Her message reads... 'I’m noticing a lot of limiting beliefs popping up and a huge fear of success which is a new one. Listening to your podcasts are helping me a lot so thank you guys for doing such an awesome job on those.' 

Firstly, Thank you. I will not share your name for professional and confidential reasons. Anyone can ask such questions and request either Lewis or myself, Stuart, can answer your question and provide a solution for you. Just head to   and send us a message. While you are there, connect on LinkedIn and download 'The Dear Diary Process eBook' for free.

Limiting beliefs are exactly that 'your beliefs limiting you' so we change the beliefs and you are free!!!! I wish it was that easy. We have soo many fundamentals in conflict if we just did this. The reason we have limits is to protect us. We need to understand why we are being held back. When we understand we can change and in this episode I have included an interactive process, to ease the fears and begin to release you. 

Have a listen and follow the process if this connects to you your existing behaviours.

Stuart Walter and Lewis Haydon.

Feb 06, 202317:59
Ep21. How to use the success of others for your benefit.
Feb 03, 202315:13
Ep20. You are not a Leader... People choose to follow you.
Jan 30, 202319:34
Ep19. Life is a choice, how have you labelled yourself?

Ep19. Life is a choice, how have you labelled yourself?

"You are what you choose to believe you can be" Stuart Walter

Now take a moment to break this down.

1 You are what you choose

2 Choose to believe

3 Believe you can

4 You can be!

Yes, this one line quote of mine above, can be the basis of your success this year and every year following. You choose your emotions, actions, beliefs and behaviours. So therefore you choose success or failure, you choose happiness or anger.

This Episode, I have gone interactive, this is an incredibly powerful process that many of my clients, including myself, have gone through this year in their programs.

Thanks to my great friends John and Tania, who are great supporters of me and this podcast, recently I spoke through this process with Tania and she love it and was very excited to implement it immediately. I am sure you will too.

This requires full concentration and honesty from you. Get yourself pen and paper (maybe tissues also) and enjoy the process.

I go into great awareness and understanding in this podcast, so I will stop outlining this now, so you can enjoy it.

In future this is the content that will be going into the paid subscription part of this podcast.

Remember to access info and free downloads of The Dear Diary Process, connect to Lewis and myself on LinkedIn and and to send your thoughts and suggestions to us for amazing guests we can chat with and content you may want, check out the website 

Thanks and enjoy,

Stuart Walter and Lewis Haydon. (2023 UK Business Coach of the Year) Congrats Lewis for you award last week!

Jan 25, 202315:57
Ep18. Who do you NEED around your 'board room' table?
Jan 23, 202321:31
Ep17. Self sabotage, what is it and why do we do it?
Jan 18, 202315:11
Ep16. Habits DON'T Take 21 Days to Create
Dec 06, 202208:20
Ep15. Business is the Vehicle for Your Life
Dec 05, 202218:25
Ep14. 'All AND Nothing'... The New Concept to Stop Burnout! (with Stuart Walter)

Ep14. 'All AND Nothing'... The New Concept to Stop Burnout! (with Stuart Walter)

Without awareness nothing changes... if you're not aware then how do you know there isn't something better to do.

I'm sure you have heard the saying "all or nothing". You have probably heard of these self-acclaimed gurus saying "push", "grind", "hustle"... but if we were meant to be doing it then we would be already. 

I'm here to tell you is that it doesn't work.

The brain is there to keep us safe. It is not designed to be doing something that it doesn't want to. So why fight against it?

In this episode, mindset expert Stuart Walter talks about how the mind pushing harder and harder has actually slowed world class Olympic athletes down, instead of speed up.

Listen to this episode to learn:

• How you can harness a mindset of an elite athlete and how they go further without "hustle"

• How you can help others be at their best by changing the thoughts around success

• Become aware of what is holding you back, fear of failure, or fear of success?

• To become your 100% you have to switch off (if you want more at the top end, you have to do more at the bottom end).

Enjoy the episode,

Stuart and Lewis, CEO's Secret Weapon.

(Follow or subscribe for more tools of top CEO's)

Nov 21, 202218:52
Ep13. Get INTO Your Comfort Zone (with Stuart Walter)

Ep13. Get INTO Your Comfort Zone (with Stuart Walter)

Lots of people talk about getting out of your comfort zone, but in this episode Stuart Walter takes this to the next-level!

You may have seen a lot people sharing posts on social media about getting out of your comfort zone, but does this really help you as a busy professional?

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, mindset expert and hypnotherapist to elite performers, Stuart Walter, takes the idea of comfort zone to another level and beyond by explaining elite performer's psychology and how they think about comfort zones.

Where do you want to be in three years time?

What does that look like for you?

Are you thinking what that comfort zone is, or the one you are in currently?

Don't worry, listen to this episode and all we be explained and you will have a tool that you can use on your success journey.

Be great,

Stuart and Lewis

Remember to follow/subscribe for more Tools of Top CEOs.

Nov 18, 202210:37
Ep12. How I Overcome Self-Sabotage (... in 7 Simple Steps)

Ep12. How I Overcome Self-Sabotage (... in 7 Simple Steps)

Ever wondered, if everyone was given an equal opportunity... why would some succeed and others fail?

Episode of 12 of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast is now live and is hosted by coach Lewis Haydon.

Self-Sabotage is the biggest killer of potential.

It can also be the cause of a lot of stress, anxiety, and negative mental health.

In this episode Lewis talks about mindset in business from a practical side and how Self-Sabotage in particular has been something that has held Lewis back, and how he has developed to overcome it.

As CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Executives progress through their journey more opportunities will arise. These opportunities and how the professional business person responds to them will determine their success or failure.

As a listener, this episode will give you 7 tools and strategies that Lewis has used so that when you are faced with Self-Sabotage you can easily overcome it and develop your mental fitness, and allow new opportunities to come your way.

What you will get:

• How to spot Self-Sabotage so you can overcome it faster

• 7 tools for overcoming Self-Sabotage

• How you can help others overcome their Self-Sabotage too and improve their mental-fitness

• New opportunities in business coming your way because of your new mindset.

Lewis and Stuart Walter hope you enjoy the show.

Follow/subscribe for more CEO secret weapon tips and advice.

Nov 15, 202234:07
Ep11. Work-Life Balance is NOT the Solution (with Stuart Walter)

Ep11. Work-Life Balance is NOT the Solution (with Stuart Walter)

Achieving work-life balance is quite often the goal of many CEOs... however is it really helping us?

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, mindset expert Stuart Walter dives deep into how the thoughts of aiming for "work-life balance" can actually have an adverse effect on the mind.

Stuart has worked for years with elite performers in sport and business. The drive for the perfect work-life balance can quite often move the professional further away from their full potential.

Listen to this full episode to learn more.

(Follow/subscribe on iTunes or Spotify to be notified of the latest episodes of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast)

Nov 14, 202213:30
Ep10. Intrapreneur vs Entrepreneur... How to Become Successful Working For Someone Else

Ep10. Intrapreneur vs Entrepreneur... How to Become Successful Working For Someone Else

"You don't get rich working for someone else"... have you ever heard this saying? Well in this episode we challenge this myth and prove otherwise by showing you how to become an 'Intrapreneur'.

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast, coach to VERY high performance executives Lewis Haydon talks about Intrapreneurs vs Entrepreneurs — and how employees can be extremely successful.

Lewis explains how "you don't get rich working for someone else" is a myth and it can be easily busted with the steps business coach Lewis talks about in this podcast.

So what is an Intrapreneur?

What does an Intrapreneur do?

How can Intrapreneurs, become Intrapreneurs, and then... become very successful?

All these questions are answered in this podcast.

So... if you're an employee, you will not want to miss out on this episode. If you are a business owner, you will want to listen to this to understand why having Inrtapreneurs in your business will help you and your business grow.

What are your thoughts on Intrapreneur? Be sure to leave your comments.

Follow for more CEO tools that will help you on your success journey.

Nov 10, 202220:14
Ep9. The Number 1 Thing that STOPS People Achieving is... (with Stuart Walter)

Ep9. The Number 1 Thing that STOPS People Achieving is... (with Stuart Walter)

Sports people and business executives that are going for championship levels only ever operate at their 80% capacity of their full potential. Here's why...

After working with Elite Performers in sport and business, Stuart gives you the NUMBER ONE thing that stops people reaching their full potential.

Most elite performers are only operating at 80% of what they are truly capable of. So what holds them back?

Even though a high performance athlete may be giving it there all, there are inner-workings in them that prevent them reaching their 100%.

In this episode Stuart Walter shares his list of what those things are that hold people back and give you the listener an insight into the number one thing, and how you can overcome it, so that you (or your business team) can break through the barrier too.

You will get from this episode:

• Learnings and awareness of what is holding you, your team, and your business back – without even realising it

• How you can utilise Stuart's experience to breakthrough to new heights

• How examples of how world champion athletes can demonstrate new tools that business executives and CEOs can harness too.

In future episodes, business coach Lewis Haydon and mindset expert Stuart Walter will open up this discussion further into how this applies to other areas of business and success. Be sure to follow/subscribe to stay up to date.

Be great,

Stuart and Lewis

Be sure to follow/subscribe to stay up to date.

Nov 09, 202214:28
Ep8. The Dear Diary Process (Free Giveaway) – Create Tomorrow's Outcomes Today!

Ep8. The Dear Diary Process (Free Giveaway) – Create Tomorrow's Outcomes Today!

Listen to this episode to get your free copy of Stuart's book 'The Dear Diary Process', the tool used to create elite performers in business and sport.

Do you have the right tools to allow you to achieve your goals?... What if you were equipped with the mindset tools of Olympic Athletes that put your goals to work even while you sleep? 

Today's episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast is a special one! Elite hypnotist and mindset expert Stuart Walter not only shares with you his experience on what it takes to get world class champions to their best, but also gives away a copy of his best selling book — the tool used by elite performers in sport and business — so that you can take the next level in your business journey.

You can get your copy of Stuart's book by emailing Stuart on:

In this episode you will get:

• A copy of Stuart's best selling book... for free

• The Dear Diary Process tool explained so that you can use it in your business

• Coaching around how you can use The Dear Diary Process to achieve elite performance results in life

• Plus examples of how it has worked with clients of Stuart Walter to see the impact this has on not just business, but people's lives.

You do not want to miss out on this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon as this episode will be referred back to in episodes to come. 

Be sure to tune in to this episode and other episodes by Stuart Walter and Lewis Haydon for more ways you can use The Dear Diary Process, by following/subscribing to the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast.

A reminder of the link to get your copy of the book by emailing Stuart on:

Nov 09, 202218:32
Ep7. How to Find, Hire, and Build High Performance Employees

Ep7. How to Find, Hire, and Build High Performance Employees

As your business grows and begins to take over the market it will become essential that you start to find, hire, and build high performance employees... but how?

In this episode of CEO's Secret Weapon podcast, coach Lewis Haydon gives you the tools of how to get started in building a business that attracts (and keeps) high performing employees.

In this episode you will get:

• A new model for your recruiment process for your business that will attract high performers

• New tools that you can use to you can use that will allow your team members to go beyond their goals and win at a higher level

• Competitive advantage methods that you can harness in your business so your business and team become elite players in your industry

Remember, people are a great asset to your business. As the CEO or executive or employee, you are one of those people and are a huge asset... and you can achieve more of your organisation's true potential if it's harnessed in the right way.

We hope you enjoy the show,

Lewis Haydon & Stuart Walter (The CEO's Secret Weapon)

Remember to subscribe for more CEO tools.

Nov 04, 202231:54
Ep6. What is Mindset? (with Stuart Walter)

Ep6. What is Mindset? (with Stuart Walter)

The word 'mindset' is thrown around quite a lot in the business world lately, especially with the increased awareness of mental health, but what actually is mindset?

If there is one person to answer these questions then there is no better than the Athlete's Secret Weapon and CEO of the Elite Mindset Institute, Stuart Walter himself.

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, mindset expert and high performance NLP practitioner Stuart Walter shares his experience on the word 'mindset' and how a high performance mindset is critical for his work with his clients.

In this episode you will learn directly from one of the top mindset experts on:

• What mindset actually is

• How to use mindset to enhance your business and personal results

• Tools so you can start helping others improve their mindset

We hope you enjoy the show,

Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter

Follow on Instagram: CEO_SecretWeapon

Nov 01, 202210:38
Ep5. Does Hard Work Guarantee Business Success?

Ep5. Does Hard Work Guarantee Business Success?

Does hard work guarantee your business success? Well... Do you ever feel like you're just on a treadmill and it's not paying off?

Welcome to episode 5 of the CEO's Secret Weapon podcast. In this episode we answer the question from the audience about if "hustling" and working harder actually pays off?

Coach Lewis Haydon is the presenter for today's episode. Lewis discusses the pros and cons to pushing harder in business from what he has seen in clients (business owners, managers, employees, executives) from over a decade of business coaching in the UK and Australia.

This episode will give you the detail of how to escape the rat race and how you can start taking the steps to move you and your business forward.

What you will get from this episode:

• A step by step strategy that you can use in your business success

• How to use the tools inside this episode to motivate and inspire others

• A proven method that will make the hard work pay off faster!

We hope you enjoy the show.

Be great,


To engage with this episode or enquire about any of the services discussed follow/DM CEO_SecretWeapon on Instagram.

Oct 31, 202220:19
Ep4. What are you Focused on, Fear or Solutions? (with Stuart Walter)

Ep4. What are you Focused on, Fear or Solutions? (with Stuart Walter)

When it comes to going the next level in business, you get what you think about. In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, world leading mindset expert Stuart Walter explores the depths of psychology and the mind in business.

Stuart discusses the mindset of world leading CEOs and how they deal with everyday situations in business and in life; and how their unique mindset gets them results!

So what do you focus on?

Are you focusing on the right stuff?

How do you protect your mind from the negativity and stay positive?

And most of all, as CEOs, how do you help others stay mentally strong?

Listen to the episode to find out how.


Note: Want to interact with this episode?... follow and comment via Instagram: CEO_SecretWeapon

Oct 28, 202209:40
Ep3. CEOs are Elite Athletes of the Business World (with Stuart Walter)

Ep3. CEOs are Elite Athletes of the Business World (with Stuart Walter)

What does it REALLY take to become a CEO or Entrepreneur? Explore the psychology and mindset of high performing CEOs with Stuart Walter in this episode

An elite CEO and an elite athlete share similar traits and mental health to be at the top.

In this episode, Stuart Walter gives his experience as a hypnotist and mindset coach to some of the top athletes and CEOs in Australia.

From this episode you will get:

• An insight into what mental strategies will get you to the top

• How you can adapt your (and your team) thinking so that you can get the edge in business.

Enjoy the show.


Note: To interact with this episode follow CEO_SecretWeapon on Instagram

Oct 28, 202211:59
Ep2. The CEO Ladder... and Beyond! (with Lewis Haydon)

Ep2. The CEO Ladder... and Beyond! (with Lewis Haydon)

How do you become the CEO? How long does it take to become the CEO? What do you need to know to be a CEO?

In this episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon, business coach Lewis Haydon talks through the step by step process that it takes to become the CEO of a business.

Lewis discusses the difference in how a business owner or executive need to take different actions in order to progress up the CEO ladder; and how there are shifts in mental thinking that may hold you back.

You will learn from this podcast what to do and what not to do when it comes to climbing your success ladder as CEO and what to look out for along the way. How you can move from employee, to manager, to CEO, and even beyond to investor or entrepreneur.

Listen to the podcast to find out more.

Tune into future episodes with coach Lewis Haydon and Stuart Walter to learn more about how you can become at your full potential in business with the CEO Secret Weapon.

Be great,


Follow, comment, or DM on this episode on Instagram by searching: CEO_SecretWeapon

Oct 28, 202228:31
Ep.1 What is the 'CEO's Secret Weapon'? (Introduction to Lewis Haydon & Stuart Walter)

Ep.1 What is the 'CEO's Secret Weapon'? (Introduction to Lewis Haydon & Stuart Walter)

What is the CEO's Secret Weapon? How will it help me (you) reach the next-level? All is explained in this first episode.

So lots of questions about what this podcast is and how it will give you the edge in business, right? Well all is explained by listening to this first episode of the CEO's Secret Weapon.

In this episode you will hear from top global business coach Lewis Haydon and THE BEST in elite athlete performance, Stuart Walter.

Together Lewis and Stuart have become they CEO's Secret Weapon, giving you the tools, strategies, and mental fitness to be the top in your business field.

This podcast is designed for not just CEOs, but also for directors, partners, managers, sales teams, marketing, operations, and all employees in businesses that are on their executive journey to getting to the top.

• By listening to Lewis Haydon you will get all the tools and business strategies from MBA programmes, to PhD organisational psychology, to business coaching techniques that have got business owners to eight-figures and beyond.

• By listening to Stuart Walter you will gather the insight and specifics how to how the mind works, delivering you the top information on NLP, psychology, hypnotherapy, and business mindset that he has used for not just elite athletes, but also elite entrepreneurs and CEOs around the world.

Together, as a hybrid, Lewis and Stuart are your secret weapon in your pocket that will get you to CEO and beyond... the CEO's Secret Weapon.

To interact, DM and comment with the podcast, you can follow CEO_SecretWeapon on Instagram.

Oct 27, 202220:46