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Charity Faith Love

Charity Faith Love

By Charity Dockery

My goal for this podcast is to share the Gospel and teach scripture to you with the help of the Bible and through life experiences. I don't want you to think the Bible is this big confusing book. Each week I plan to break down some scriptures and hopefully teach you something new. The Bible is alive and active so we all might learn something new together. I hope you enjoy!
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A Father's Perspective on His Son's Autistic Diagnosis

Charity Faith LoveApr 09, 2024

A Father's Perspective on His Son's Autistic Diagnosis
Apr 09, 202442:10
Laundry, Cooking, and Murder Mysteries
Apr 02, 202447:31
Bonus: It's a Good Good Friday

Bonus: It's a Good Good Friday

Happy Holy Week!

Each year I feel this week hits me different. As my faith continues to grow and I learn more and more about the grace of Jesus, His death is much more powerful. I think as we grown up, each year we are reminded Jesus died for us, but we don't actually understand it. I feel that it can sound just as a story sometimes instead of real-life history.

But I am reminded of the love that Jesus has for us, and it makes me so happy that I want to share with others. I want us to remember this as a week of reflection. I want Friday to be a day we sit for a moment and remember what Jesus did for us. I want Sunday to come, and we celebrate that Christ beat death and came back to remind us of His power and love.

I hope that you get some of that out of this episode and dig deeper in your own faith this Easter weekend.

Mar 29, 202424:23
Are You a Leah or Rachel?
Mar 26, 202439:26
Becoming A Grandma at Thirty-Five

Becoming A Grandma at Thirty-Five

Today's episode talks about the time I found out I was pregnant at the young age of fifteen years old. My mom was sweet enough to walk us through what it was like to become a grandmother at the age of thirty-five. It was a challenging time for our family at that moment, but looking back now, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Mar 19, 202401:07:29
What it Was Like Fighting War in Iraq

What it Was Like Fighting War in Iraq

*Disclaimer--There are stories and language used in this episode that might not be appropriate for a younger audience. Listener discretion is advised. *

In this episode my dad, Weldon, shares his experiences with the military and his time of deployment in Iraq. He goes in detail on what it's like living with PTSD and still trying to live a normal life after coming home. There is so much light to be shed on the difficulties our men and woman go through to fight for us to have a free country. I am thankful to live in a country where others put in so much work to keep us safe. Thank you to all who have served!

Mar 12, 202401:15:16
That One Time Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Had a Chat
Jan 16, 202409:32
The Lord's Prayer Broken Down
Jan 09, 202410:18
Finding New Strength
Jan 02, 202408:55
It’s Just an Earthly Gain
Dec 27, 202309:06
What does Joy, Prayer, and Thankfulness Look Like
Dec 19, 202309:02
Girl, I Got You! Chapter Six

Girl, I Got You! Chapter Six

Introduction to Chapter Six

Oct 05, 202304:49
Girl, I Got You! Chapter Five

Girl, I Got You! Chapter Five

Introduction to Chapter Five

Oct 05, 202307:45
Girl, I Got You! Chapter Four

Girl, I Got You! Chapter Four

Introduction to Chapter Four

Oct 05, 202307:54
Girl, I Got You! Chapter Three

Girl, I Got You! Chapter Three

Introduction to Chapter Three

Oct 04, 202307:32
Girl, I Got You! Chapter Two

Girl, I Got You! Chapter Two

Introduction to Chapter Two

Oct 04, 202307:58
Girl, I Got You! Chapter One

Girl, I Got You! Chapter One

Listen before reading Chapter One of "Girl, I Got You!"

Oct 04, 202308:36
Let's be Humble

Let's be Humble

Humility is hard. Being willing to accept and love people with grace like God does with us, is hard. This episode we are diving into the great story of Jesus washing His disciples' feet. He washes the feet of someone that is ultimately going to help solidify His death. It's such a great reminder to us all to show grace and mercy with people in our everyday lives, no matter if its a struggle.

John 13:1-17

Jun 06, 202306:14
Have you Sought the Lord Lately?

Have you Sought the Lord Lately?

I love breaking down scripture to allow me to be able to resonate with the writer. This week, we are going to dig into a Psalm that David wrote while he was struggling. David went through some substantial amounts of hardship, but he was still able to find joy and trust in the Lord. We are going to discuss what it really means to seek the Lord and how that affects us.

Psalms 34:4-5

May 30, 202307:05
Slow Down and Enjoy the Moment

Slow Down and Enjoy the Moment

Being busy is considered a normal thing lately. If you are not running around to every event possible, it's like you do not fit it. If you have guests over, it's like you are supposed to be busy the whole-time catering to everyone that you cannot even sit down to enjoy your guests. Today's story talks about just that. Mary and Martha are some sisters that have their priorities a little opposite of each other. Mary wants to enjoy the moment and not worry about the housework. Martha feels that the housework is more important so they guests see how great it looks. Which is correct? Luke 10:38-42

May 23, 202307:49
To All of the Mom's Out There

To All of the Mom's Out There

Being a mother is hard. Moses' mother knows exactly just how hard it is to raise a baby during a time that everyone wanted him killed. Her story is unique in the fact that she helps save her baby and also gets allowed to keep him longer than expected. Pharow wanted the Hebrew boys to die, little did he know that one would come live in his house with him. This episode is a small nugget of a reminder that mothering is hard and that's ok. God has our kids set up for bigger and better things than we can imagine.

Exodus 2:2-10

May 16, 202311:35
Lord Help Me: Chapter 6
Feb 28, 202309:31
Are you Carrying a Load too Heavy?

Are you Carrying a Load too Heavy?

This episode is going to be about a small amount of struggles Moses faced when bringing God's people out of slavery. It's such a good discussion on ungratefulness and what happens when we become overwhelmed. This is a topic I think we can all relate to and find some hope in God's words. Most of us are carrying a load at some point in our lives that are too heavy, and we need to put it down. We weren't meant to do this alone, and we shouldn't have to. Thats what we are going to uncover in this episode. 

Numbers 11:4-17

Exodus 3:11

Exodus 16:3-5

Feb 21, 202311:52
Don't be so Quick to be Tempted

Don't be so Quick to be Tempted

We experience temptations every day, some are small, and some can be life changing. What matters is if you give into those temptations or if you are able to be strong in your walk with God and able to ignore them. This episode talks about how Jesus to charge when Satan temped him and what the book of James says about being tempted. Things in life are not easy, but this is something that we can make easy if we are walking with God in our decisions. 

James 1:12-14

Matthew 4:1-11

Feb 14, 202308:58
Am I Good Enough?

Am I Good Enough?

Do you ever have days that you feel like you are not practicing what you preach? You have good ideas for others when they are going through hard times, but you don't always follow them yourself? Unfortunately, I am guilty. I wish I wasn't, but I have had my days just like everyone else. 

This episode talks about some of my struggles I have gone through with trying to practice the words I am telling you all. I am in no way perfect, but I feel like it's something I should confess. I try my best just like everyone else, but I am also human like everyone else. 

John 11 is discussed in this episode and its one of my favorites. I highly recommend reading it and really studying this section of scripture. There is so many things to unpack in it and I encourage you to do so.

Feb 07, 202312:26
When You're Going Through It

When You're Going Through It

Sometimes it feels like every day we have something we are going through and we can’t seem to escape it. We feel alone and try to ask God for help but we don’t always feel like he is listening to us. This episode focuses on the armor of God and the importance of it. We don’t realize how much we really are up against when we are believers but Satan is constantly at work to bring us down. But we luckily have the Most High one on our side.

Ephesians 6:11-18

Matthew 6:7-13

Philippians 4:13

Dec 20, 202209:14
How Do You Stay Strong in Your Faith After Losing a Child?

How Do You Stay Strong in Your Faith After Losing a Child?

Today's episode is an interview with a dear friend of mine, Aisha Grant. She opens up about one of the hardest times in her life. Losing a child is a parent's worst nightmare. None of us can imagine that pain if we have not been in that situation. Aisha’s story is a light in this sinful world of how God can bring you through the worst circumstances. She shares how she struggled but most importantly shares how God is still guiding her through this never-ending journey. 

There are a lot of different circumstances in our lives that are challenging, and we sometimes question our faith.  Aisha's story brings hope that as long as we seek first Him and His kingdom, all other things will be added to us. We do not have to have a list of things we need to complete for God to love us. He is always there, through the easy and hard days, as long as we allow him.

Aisha is very soft spoken so be sure to listen closely.

Dec 13, 202242:27
Answers to Hard Questions for the Youth

Answers to Hard Questions for the Youth

Today’s guests include my daughter, Zoey and her friend, Lauren. They answer some hard questions related to God, Relationships, Intimacy, Friendship, and Mental Health. These questions were inspired by my next book I am working on to help answer hard questions for girls that normally we do not want to ask or talk about.

*Take note that these answers are biblical and opinionated, so of course, not everyone may agree. That is ok. *

My hope with this episode is to help the younger generations to learn and know God and his biblical plans for our lives. Being young is hard; and wanting answers is not easy. As parents, it is sometimes hard and uncomfortable to have these conversations. Hopefully, this episode can be something that younger individuals can listen to and invite more questions in their lives with people that are important to them, to help give them the answers they need to be successful in their future.

Dec 07, 202228:55
An Important Conversation on Mental Health
Nov 15, 202220:36
Who Should Throw the Stone?

Who Should Throw the Stone?

Jesus' love and grace shines in the story of the adulterous woman. When others thought they had her caught and tried putting Jesus between a rock and a hard place (get it?..), Jesus proved them wrong and showed her what no one else would. He showed her what he gives us each day, love. This episode is about evaluating ourselves and how we should be more like Jesus in our daily lives. Sometimes, it not what we always want to hear but it's the thing we need at the right time. 

John 8-1:11

Matthew 22:37-38

1 Corinthians 16:14

Nov 08, 202209:55
What are you Focused on?

What are you Focused on?

As we go through life, we are constantly hit with hard situations and tough days. We may think what we are going through isn't fair. We might feel like we are drowning in life. If we are, how do we fix it? How do we feel like we are completely calm and trusting in God. This episode talks about how Jesus walks on water and how we need to do some self-reflecting and see where our focus actually is. Sometimes we can be our own enemy when we do not have our focus on God. 

Matthew 14:22-33

Nov 01, 202208:29
When Things Don't Go as Planned

When Things Don't Go as Planned

We all have seasons in life when we experience situations that didn't go the way we expected. We envisioned it to go a certain way but then it does the opposite. Why? Well, I am not God, so I cannot answer that personally for you. But, of course, I can give you some scripture to reflect on and hopefully help you during a hard time when things don't go as planned. That is what this episode is about. Enjoy!

Genesis 39

Oct 25, 202210:27
Trusting God while Raising a Child with a Disability

Trusting God while Raising a Child with a Disability

Maria opens up with us about her and her family's journey of raising her little one, Adam. She discusses the emotional strain she went through when she learned the diagnosis and how it tested her faith. Her vulnerability and advice that she shares is educational and can be helpful to all of us parents. Even if you do not have a child with a disability, I can guarantee you will get your daily dose of Jesus from this episode!

Oct 18, 202235:59
Is it Well With Your Soul?

Is it Well With Your Soul?

What does it mean for it to be well with our soul? How do we continue to push forward after experiencing hardship?

When we, as believers, are able to get to a point in our lives that no matter how hard or painful things might be, we can consider it to be "well with our soul" because we know we can trust God in the plans he has for our lives. We are understanding that this life is temporary, and we are working for our greater reward, eternity with Jesus. 

We all go through hard times and grieving is completely normal. But allowing yourself to let go of the hard things and allow God to take care of you, can get you closer to a place for you to believe that it truly is well.

Jeremiah 29:11

Job Ch. 7 and 8

Job 1:13-22

Acts 1:9-11

Acts 1:8


Sep 27, 202210:01
Do you Feel Worthy?

Do you Feel Worthy?

Do you feel that you are not worthy of God's love? Do you think you have done things so bad in your past that God couldn't possibly love you? This episode talks about how we are loved children of God and we should stop being so hard on ourselves. We are not expected to wait to come to God after we think we are perfect. We are meant to go to God in our hardest times when we need him the most without having our life together. He ultimately is the one who will help us put ourselves together. 

John 4:7-26

John 7:37-38

Sep 21, 202210:43
Why is God Being Silent?

Why is God Being Silent?

In this discussion we are going to talk about one of my favorite men in the Bible, Abraham. The most important part of the whole talk today is for us to actually listen to what God may be telling us and being patient for when that will take place. Abraham was such an amazing man of God but also came up short when it came to being patient on when it was time to have a child. I can related to being inpatient so this was a good story for me to reflect on. I hope you enjoy!

Matthew 6:10

Genesis 11:30

Genesis 16:16

Genesis 17:1

Sep 13, 202210:08
How Do You Find Your Faith?

How Do You Find Your Faith?

Where does your faith lie? Do you consider yourself a believer? This episode is all about you and how you can become saved. Even if you already are, there might be some good reminders to help you continue to grow in your faith. Whether you find God when your happy or when your life is falling apart, the good news is he will accept you know matter what. 

There is a lot of different scriptures referenced so I wanted to be sure to put them below for you to be able to look up and read on your time. 

Romans 3:23

Romans 10:9-10

Romans 8:28

Romans 8:26-28

Acts 16:31

Jeremiah 29:12

Sep 06, 202211:45
When did I Become a Believer?

When did I Become a Believer?

This first episode I want to give you some background on myself and how I found my faith. I grew up in the church but that does not mean I was able to remain strong in my faith as I had gotten older. This episode talks about my struggles and what it took for me to finally become a believer. It does not matter if you have been a believer as long as you can remember, or if you are just starting to try it out; We are all just normal people trying to make it through this world before we reach Heaven.

Aug 30, 202209:50
Aug 16, 202200:57