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Cant Catch a Break

Cant Catch a Break

By DeeJay & Dr. Char Phillips Johnson

Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: There is no shortage of opinions and ideas. By taking a little bit from each culture and reshaping it, maybe we can get the break we need, as the manuscript to life is complicated. This podcast will explore the stubborn stains of defeat that lays dormant but ready to snag your Dreams and purpose in life. lets build bridges that move people forward in this multicultural society. if I take what you know and you take what I know then we will be twice as smart. and with you help and Contribution
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Women are more in Leadership Than Man..

Cant Catch a BreakMay 09, 2024

Sibling Rivalry? how you are going to fix it

Sibling Rivalry? how you are going to fix it


Rivalry can even affect your kids as they get older

adults can develop sibling rivalry later on in life, “Long-term sibling rivalry can wear on you emotionally and turn holidays and family get-togethers into unhappy occasion. “Role modeling is one of the most powerful and effective ways to teach your children  Family dinners, playing board games, spending time at the park and doing activities are great

A good way to get at the root cause of conflict is to sit everyone down together, talk about how everyone involved is feeling and find helpful ways to manage that conflict better in the future. The focus on acknowledging those feelings

“Nothing makes a parent happier than harmony in their family, particularly between their children,” “The good news is many families can work through the rivalry and turn conflict into deep connection.”


May 31, 202425:13
why sibling are not close in a family?

why sibling are not close in a family?

There doesn't have to be a reason for it, but sometimes you're just not comfortable enough with your sibling to open up to them. We all have our people whom we trust with our secrets, but if that person isn't related to you, it's no big deal. There can still be a solid understanding that you care for them, without you having to confide in them.

My mother has begged me time and time again to try and be closer with my brother, but we just don't mesh. And the more I tried to push the issue, the more I began to realize that things weren't

I want to say if you are still not coming together after adult hood then seek Therapy because this is seen rapidly in some families who were in a upbringing were love was not shown and or even when a mom or Dad passed away instead of getting closer it got more Distance


May 28, 202415:45
Why was I born? Does life have meaning

Why was I born? Does life have meaning

We enter this world weak and helpless, but each of us is born with tremendous potential. Our parents likely watched us and wondered: What will our baby do with his or her life? What kind of person will he or she become? God did not create moral automatons, human robots programmed to do what is right. Instead, He gave mankind—beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—free moral choice, embodied by two trees: the “tree of life,” representing moral goodness according to God’s standard, and the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” representing humans choosing for themselves what is right and wrong. BEYOND THEWALLS KINGDOM LIFE MINISTRIES

May 24, 202427:08
Why was I born? Does life have meaning

Why was I born? Does life have meaning

as we were birthed and enter this world weak and helpless we typically ponder our past. What did I do with my life as you sit up now as the old age settling in I know there are many questions but you were put here for reason because you were chosen by God and some have rejected him to serve him and do his will and come not to reality that it was his plan so you can live again and come back when this world end .I know some do not want to hear that but God loves everyone John 3:16 and even in his creation he has known who were going to accept him and reject who he is with proof down through out Generation to come because he has been given everyone one a chance to accept him there life and this is why one of the reason you were born to worship and serve him so you can have a right to go Heaven because some have missed that chance after they leave this earth but we pray for them that did not accept him as lord and savior because it affect us all not knowing if they will come back when the new Heaven and Earth starts because God is the the Judge of everyone so we were born because has a plan for our lives still why here on this earth read his bible only one who is trying to stop you is the Devil one of God Fallen angel his real me is lucifer before he was kicked out of Heaven ..who has been chained in Hell the Bottomless pit. Ephesian 6 chapter read so we all can live again Romans 10:8,9,10 verse and believe it is real we are not perfect but Jesus made away "for everyone it is your choice what you Decide" it is free will. Dealing with life issues is our motto because we are better together no matter race you are


May 24, 202411:57
Does being Afraid of change it can causes Fear?

Does being Afraid of change it can causes Fear?

So are you ready to Overcome your fears and Change?

As human beings, we fear change for several reasons. Our internal predispositions teach us to resist change because consistency gives a feeling of being in control. But you can’t predict everything in life, and accepting that change is a normal part of everyday life helps to lower the fear factor.

While it’s natural to fear change, some people deal with a more severe fear of change called metathesiophobia. People with metathesiophobia fear change intensely, making it difficult to live a normal or comfortable life. seek out professional Help if you can not move forward to Change


May 22, 202415:35
Does Changing your Surrounding causes you to be Afraid
May 22, 202410:30
Helping People in Crisis Help saves lives ..

Helping People in Crisis Help saves lives ..

  • Make the time and space to connect: “Want to grab some coffee and talk?”
  • Tell the person what you are noticing: “I’ve noticed you seem more isolated than usual.”
  • Validate with care and empathy: “I’m so glad you opened up to me.”; “I’m here to listen.”
  • Use active listening skills like open-ended questions and summarizing what the speaker said: “How have you been coping?”; ”It sounds like you have been struggling.”
  • Explore options for the problem & connect to resources: “How can I support you?”; “How would you feel contacting the counseling center? I am happy to go with you.”

Do not turn your head this is real


May 19, 202417:46
Why do people reject others

Why do people reject others

Are you Dealing with Rejection and it seems like no cares you are not along ..

can be defined as the act of pushing someone or something away. One may experience rejection from one's family of origin, a friend, or a romantic partner, and the resulting emotions can often be painful.

Rejection can be experienced on a large scale or in small ways in everyday life. While rejection is typically a part of life, some types of rejection may be more difficult to cope with than others.

we love to here from you lets help been there and came out of it ..


email us and

May 15, 202424:13
Why do people Reject others who want to be Friends

Why do people Reject others who want to be Friends

If you find Christian who always Rejected others they are not true to themselves or God?

And though it is true that we sometimes associate and attribute our behavior with our identities, it’s not really the case. After all, if you change some of your behavior, aren’t you still the same person? Just because you choose to act in a different way, that doesn’t mean you’re not yourself.

There are lots of behaviors that make almost everyone feel uncomfortable, including dumping our complaints on others, acting needy and clingy, bragging about ourselves, being defensive and argumentative, being overly critical and judgmental of other people, and many more.

Addressing these behaviors takes some introspection. We have to discover what’s motivating them in the first place. And what usually motivates them, ironically, is the desire to gain approval from others.

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May 14, 202408:55
 Overcoming Abandonment from others

Overcoming Abandonment from others

no one is alone that's the truth and you can step up and help others of what you might been through to help the Person move forward in life

common sign that a person has abandonment issues is when they are preoccupied with thoughts a someone leaving, feeling uncomfortable with departures or brief encounters

What can you do if you are showing signs of having abandonment issues? If you want to overcome the feeling of being abandoned, you can seek treatment for abandonment issues.


May 11, 202415:47
Overcome the Feeling of Hurt and Abandonment?

Overcome the Feeling of Hurt and Abandonment?

This is happening right now and people lives are being Affected ?

Being abandoned can be one of the most difficult situations any of us will ever have to face. Abandonment issues can trigger depression, mistrust, and irrational amounts of fear. These issues affect daily life, careers, friendships and romantic relationships. But if you've been abandoned, you're not alone — even though you might feel that way.

we will be Talking more on Abandonment"

Identify your symptoms"


May 10, 202407:59
Women are more in Leadership Than Man..

Women are more in Leadership Than Man..


Women have made significant progress in recent years in terms of breaking through the glass ceiling and achieving leadership

If you don’t have women within your organization that you can reach out to, seek inspiration elsewhere. Role models don’t even have to live in your city or be someone you speak with directly—you can read a book by an inspiring woman in your industry or listen to a podcast interview to gain insights.


May 09, 202422:04
Have some Christian Artist Left God?

Have some Christian Artist Left God?

Pay Attention to the music because it means everything when Comes to Rejoicing in God..Because it just not any kind of Music he Approves of

To those of you creating something, anything, I hope that you read this and take it seriously. The arts are desperately important within the church to speak hope and life into this dead and dying world. But not in the way you might think. It’s time to be dangerously authentic, to be woefully excellent and to be brave enough to let your art be seen. And maybe that will just help others find God in the process.


May 03, 202420:26
what are Advantages or Disadvantages in your city?

what are Advantages or Disadvantages in your city?

There should be More of it in the Discussion always..

Do you See more increase in the cost of living as Time move forward i do because no one Speaking up about it

Weigh up all your options before you make the decision to move to an urban area. It might be the perfect time to move to a city if you’re looking to start a new job or education course and if not make sure you do your Research for yourself


May 02, 202424:40
Do you Admit to Gulit or Make others feel Bad?

Do you Admit to Gulit or Make others feel Bad?

I say never use Guilt to make other feel bad because you of your hidden Agenda that you may have to cover up your own personal flaws .

Guilt-tripping can also be a form of emotional abuse, especially if your partner:

  • will never accept your apologies for mistakes
  • makes no efforts to change or stop manipulating you
  • makes you feel like you can’t do anything right


May 01, 202410:43
Do you you shows signs of Autism are you on the Spectrum?

Do you you shows signs of Autism are you on the Spectrum?

There is a Chart you can take to see if you are in the Spectrum and it does not mean you have it...

  • language skills
  • social interactions
  • facial expressions when talking
  • interest in interacting with others
  • attitudes toward change
  • motor coordination and motor skills

these are some Example and being aware is Good


Apr 29, 202420:54
Should the Declartion of Indepence be added to the Bible

Should the Declartion of Indepence be added to the Bible

I know this for sure if the Anti Christ was around you will have some Christian believing him because of what we see is happening now in some of the Evangelical Churches

This idea of adding and taking away from the word of God comes from the end of the book of Revelation: “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city” (Rev. 22:18–19).

Study the Bible for yourself very important


Apr 26, 202416:09
Are You trying to get to know Your Neighbors or fearful?

Are You trying to get to know Your Neighbors or fearful?

1. Do you wave at them

2.Do you try to introduce yourself

3. Have you went and Knocked on the Door

Due to the times we are living in fear has become a Great Divide in coming together in many communities and even bring them cookies or Baking them a cake

Getting to know your new neighbors isn’t something that happens immediately. It takes time to build relationships. However, if you make the effort, you’ll reap the rewards in no time.


Apr 25, 202422:47
Treat People with Respect love and Kindness ?

Treat People with Respect love and Kindness ?

Respect is Earned so do it and show others This is the right way because the young are watching you ...

Now that you have “pruned” your relationships, and hand-picked those whom you want to surround yourself with, now that you know you are worthy of being treated with kindness and gentleness, now that you have stood up for yourself, and done it not out of anger or resentment but out of a desire for inner peace and joy, you are ready to be a role model.

Apr 25, 202418:24
Treat People the way you wanted to be Treated ?

Treat People the way you wanted to be Treated ?

I know you Heard that before and still until now our society have for some not come up to doing that with out causing confusion and why is That explain..

source of pride, and others are best left behind. But whatever their past, people do change and grow, so instead of judging, stand by and support them as they move toward their future. Treat them with respect and make their journey your own.

'Appreciate those who have supported you, forgive those who have hurt you, help those who need you. Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadership is Difficult. Treat all people--including yourself--with love and compassion, and you can't go wrong.


Apr 23, 202420:03
Have Social Media Helped in Today Society World Wide?

Have Social Media Helped in Today Society World Wide?

Reach out to other Social Media Podcast because Knowledge is Power Together..

If Social Media were to go down in the near future, it would be a huge adjustment for many people. It would be difficult for those who rely on it for communication and networking to find alternative ways to stay connected. It could potentially lead to an increase in other forms of communication, such as face-to-face conversations

Apr 20, 202409:04
Have Social Media Helped in Today Society?

Have Social Media Helped in Today Society?

Just be True to what you are sharing with others..

Social media is an amazing tool for staying connected with the people in your life. It's great for staying up-to-date on friends' and family members' lives, sharing pictures and memories, and even making new connections. There are so many different platforms, each with its own unique features, so you can pick and choose which ones work best for you.


Apr 20, 202410:35
Can A Christian, build Hate up in there Heart?

Can A Christian, build Hate up in there Heart?

NO? Keep living because you are going to see some people who you fellowship with Change "because there is nothing new under the Sun" but you love them anyhow ..

If we go to Proverbs 6:16-19, we see the 7 things God hates.

Let’s stop giving the enemy a foothold, and let’s get back to being honest with God and with ourselves. Romans 3:23 says we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The last time I checked, “all” means ALL. Yes, the people on social media that don’t vote like you or think like you have fallen short of God’s glory. But “all” means you and I have, too. And I can’t control the ‘others’…. I’m not called to even try. I can only control me, the man in the mirror.

So I’m going to stop and look in the mirror today (spiritually speaking). Would you join me? I’m going to sit in silence and let the Lord speak to me about the things in my life that he hates. I didn’t say it would be fun or easy, but it is necessary in order to grow. And even though it may be painful to sort through what needs to be rooted out of my own heart, I know that I’ll do it with the loving arms of Jesus around me. He loves me, He loves you, and He loves all the ‘others’ too.


Apr 20, 202418:09
What does being Delivered means to you?

What does being Delivered means to you?

he Lord has power to deliver us from problems and troubles from day to day. As we experience His deliverance daily, we increase our faith in His ultimate power to deliver us from our greatest challenges: sin and death. As we remember the Lord and His deliverance, He remembers us.

Soul-ties are another bind affecting people particularly those that have lived promiscuous lifestyles. During sexual relations, there is a transfer of the entire being (spirit, soul & body) as the Bible says

This one is Big because it Destroys Families and Relationship and cause Bodily Harm in the after effect it is a proven fact look at the Generation of loss and Pain..


Apr 18, 202417:13
Do no not Fall for a Liar, Research the Truth?

Do no not Fall for a Liar, Research the Truth?

They are coming your way and what are you are going to do about it ,,

We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, we sometimes continue lying to ourselves long after reality seems unavoidable.


Apr 13, 202412:50
Who Told you that hot weather cause violence ?

Who Told you that hot weather cause violence ?

I have to Disagree with hot weather makes people violent because of the heat and there have never no one been controlled by the weather speaking to them saying to act any kind of way. I did notice the affects is mood swings, not Drinking water and causes health issues and some people will always try to find excuse to misbehave to try to justify why they have acted out.


Apr 13, 202412:29
Let Your Conscience be your Guide in saving your life..

Let Your Conscience be your Guide in saving your life..

The Choices we make with out paying Attention to our Mind.. cause many Pit falls in life.

It alerts us when we are doing damage to our convictions. And like pain, we can become desensitized toward our consciences if we aren’t careful (2 Timothy 4:1-2). So when it comes to the issue of Christian liberty, one of the questions we need to ask is, “Will this train me to ignore my conscience?”

As human beings, we have the law of God written in our hearts from birth (Romans 2:14-15). There is a foundational sense of right and wrong built into the human mind.


Apr 13, 202411:55
What does this Solar eclipse mean to you?

What does this Solar eclipse mean to you?

The solar eclipse on Monday afternoon will have a large number of Americans looking skyward trying to get a glimpse of the moon passing in front of the sun.

The astronomical phenomenon, which occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, totally or partially obscuring the sun, is the first since 2017. While it has dominated news coverage for weeks, it's for good reason: There won't be another solar eclipse in the U.S. for 20 years.

just be alert because it might not be another solar eclipse not trying to scare no one but the Rapture is coming for real soon


Apr 09, 202423:38
Discrimination Against Women are Happening Across Races

Discrimination Against Women are Happening Across Races

Indeed, a poll released by Quinnipiac University, asking specifically about sexual assault, suggests women may be more comfortable reporting such experiences now that more women are coming forward and revealing past abuse. question: "Do you believe that you or someone in your family who is also a female has experienced sexual harassment because you or she is female?")


Apr 08, 202413:31
 what are some of things you would like to do on Earth before you Die

what are some of things you would like to do on Earth before you Die

Accept Jesus in there life as lord and Savior JOHN 3:16 ROMANS 10:8,9,10,

1. Travel all around the world 2. Learn a new language 3. Try a profession in a different field 4. Achieve your ideal weight 5. Run a marathon 6. Take part in a triathlon 7. Take up a new sport 8. Go scuba diving / snorkeling and experience marine life up close 9. Go skiing 10. Make a difference in someone’s life 10. Be a mentor to someone 11. Pursue your passion 13. Start your business


Apr 08, 202427:03
Don't Turn your will Power over to people who wants to use you..
Apr 07, 202428:22
Avoid Blaming Others for your Mistakes in Life

Avoid Blaming Others for your Mistakes in Life

sometimes not letting go your past hurts can hinder you in moving forward in life ..

Blame offers a quick escape from guilt and is effortless when feeling defensive. After all, if you never hold yourself accountable for adverse consequences or contributions to a problem,

Work on Your Self-Esteem. 

. Change How You View Mistakes

Seeing a professional counselor or therapist helps to identify the causes of blaming behavior


Apr 05, 202424:37
Avoid Judging Others for your Gain...

Avoid Judging Others for your Gain...

Wrongful judging demonstrates an erroneous view of God.

Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye,” and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s

Stop criticizing.” Who are you to criticize other people? That’s the issue.

Life issues are real lets find ways to help not Judge ..

God is the Judge he will do what he says going to do in his Bible ..


Apr 03, 202429:20
Should you as a Christians Celebrate Easter?

Should you as a Christians Celebrate Easter?

Easter; therefore, it should not be celebrated. This argument also falls short, given that Jesus observed a “man-made” holiday that God did not command

“Why do you look down on another believer?Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.”


Apr 02, 202417:50
Is It Wrong to Profit From the Bible to pay Bills.

Is It Wrong to Profit From the Bible to pay Bills.


God entrusts to each of us, and our money and possessions can and should be used to glorify God. Seeking profit, therefore, or seeking to multiply our resources, is seen as fundamentally good. Not to do so is condemned by the master when he returns.

The Bible should not be made a Mockery of all because of A Man and his word says I am a Jealous God and thou should not have no other God Before Me.


Mar 29, 202416:26
Do not let Fame or Fortune become your Vanity

Do not let Fame or Fortune become your Vanity

As Christians, often the thought of giving up on our faith arrests us, and when this strikes us, we often hibernate into lukewarm mode. So when this happens, our mood becomes serious and we often says that we don’t ‘feel’ God. As it is, we often blame God for not answering our prayers and at times we avoid all contact with other Christians. If that is where you find yourself today, my brother or sister, jump out of that cycle of defeat. Your faith is dying, and soon wicked and carnal desires will prowl on you like a bandit to possess you and gradually lower  your faith consciousness from being a friend of God to an enemy of God


Mar 27, 202429:19
Can being Fake Hinder you as a Person

Can being Fake Hinder you as a Person

There is nothing true, straightforward, or sincere about manipulation, guilt trips, intimidation, emotional blackmail, blaming others, denial, hyperbole, gaslighting, playing the victim, or threats. It’s all a routine designed to gain the upper hand. Even doing “good” is fake if it’s done to pressure or control others.


Mar 25, 202421:48
You Can Encourage Others in time of a need

You Can Encourage Others in time of a need

No one is an island.

Listening to someone else is important and the other person feels heard when we just listen without interruption. It’s a great way to build rapport and understanding to what they are going through. Ask what they need

we can acknowledge and encourage others. Other phrases such as: “well done”, “you were great”, can also be encouraging


Mar 22, 202411:40
Beware of the side effects of Taking Medicines

Beware of the side effects of Taking Medicines

  • If you are worried about any of your medicines, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Active ingredients in medicines can ‘clash’. So, taking more than one medicine at the same time can increase the risk of side effects.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. You may like to have an annual review of all your medications.
  • Drinking alcohol with some medicines can also cause unwanted (and sometimes dangerous) side effects. For example:

    • Alcohol can cause drowsiness or dizziness when taken with (some) antihistamines, antidepressants, sleeping tablets or medicines for anxiety.
    • Alcohol can affect medicines for high blood pressure and travel sickness.
    • When alcohol is mixed with strong prescription medicines like opioid pain medicines, the combination can increase the chances of overdose. Alcohol with opioids can slow down a person’s breathing rate and lead to drowsiness and loss of consciousness.
    • Consult your Doctor if to many pills are given is changing your Body

Mar 19, 202417:37
Working to improve your Memory

Working to improve your Memory

Our memories are an integral part of who we are, but as we age our memory declines. For many older adults, the decline becomes so serious

Keep yourself busy

A busy schedule can maintain your brain’s episodic memory. One study linked busy schedules to better cognitive funcSleep on a regular scheduleGo to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same

time each morning. Try not to break your routine on the weekends. This can greatly improve sleep qualitytion. This study, however, was limited by self-reporting.

  • plant-based foods, especially green, leafy
    vegetables and berries
  • whole grains
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • chicken or turkey
  • olive oil or coconut oil
  • herbs and spices
  • fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines
  • Avoid the following foods:


Mar 16, 202422:32
To Many wrong Prescription the Doctor-Lawsuit

To Many wrong Prescription the Doctor-Lawsuit

medical malpractice lawsuit,breach of the duty of care. 

The injury victim needs to prove the doctor owed the plaintiff a duty of care and the defendant breached the duty of care, causing injury and harm. Once the plaintiff has established that there was a doctor-patient relationship, the question of breach of care may be a question of fact left up to the jury. Doctors have a medical standard of care, based on the:

  • Degree of skill
  • Degree of care
  • Medical practice area
  • Education and training
  • Medical community


Mar 12, 202424:41
 To Many Prescription Errors be- CAREFUL

To Many Prescription Errors be- CAREFUL

Prescription errors can be dangerous and costly, so it is important to take steps to prevent them. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the risk of prescription errors. 

First and foremost, prescribers should always double-check medications and doses before administering them. They should ensure the prescriptions are accurate and that the patients take the correct medication and dose. Additionally, when speaking with pharmacists, doctors should double-check the name, strength, and quantity of the medication. 

You Do not need to be on 7 to 9 pills ok


Mar 12, 202419:03
Too Many Prescription Medication

Too Many Prescription Medication

The percentage of Americans taking more than five prescription medications has nearly tripled in the past 20 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And in our survey, over a third of people 55 and older were taking that many drugs; 9 percent were taking more than 10.


Mar 12, 202419:20
Breaking The Cycle of Unforgiveness

Breaking The Cycle of Unforgiveness

In the journey of life, unforgiveness can be a heavy burden that weighs down our souls and hinders our spiritual growth. However, through the power of a prayer against unforgiveness and the grace of God, we can find the strength to release the grip of bitterness and resentment. These healing prayers against unforgiveness serve as a guide to help you embark on a path of forgiveness, reconciliation, and inner healing.


Mar 11, 202409:29
Breaking The Cycle of Unforgiveness

Breaking The Cycle of Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is a heavy burden that can weigh down our hearts and souls, hindering our spiritual growth and well-being. It is a wall that separates us from the peace and love that God intends for us. In this world filled with hurt and disappointment, it’s easy to hold onto grudges, but doing so only perpetuates pain. The good news is that there is a path to healing, and it starts with prayer.


Mar 10, 202429:19
Are There Similarities Hip Hop And Gospel Music

Are There Similarities Hip Hop And Gospel Music

While most African American churches have stayed with the traditional music and hymns, we also have gospel artist such as Kirk Franklin or Hezekiah Walker producing music. Their attempt is to draw more youth from hip-hop or anything negative have tried to combine the way of rapping with Christian lyrics using what is called contemporary gospel to appeal to the younger audience to keep them away from harmful things occurring in the world and this is not Correct

Mar 10, 202413:39


COV-19 IS STILL HERE IT IS NOT OVER SO STAY SAFE Upon evaluating job roles and responsibilities and how employees do their work, employers have learned which positions can be done from home 

Once people return to work in a physical office, expect that there will also be changes in your physical workplace. Above all else, employee safety and wellbeing will be a top priority. Sanitation protocols, temperature checks, and social distancing measures are likely to be implemented.

There will also be a shift towards a more collaborative workplace as people seek social interaction

Mar 05, 202415:19
Why US churches are on the decline

Why US churches are on the decline

The closures, even for a temporary period of time, impacted a lot of churches. People breaking that habit of attending church means a lot of churches had to work hard to get people back to attending again,”

And so the younger generation just doesn’t feel like they’re being accepted in a church environment or some of their choices aren’t being accepted by those at church.”

About a quarter of the young adults who dropped out of church said they disagreed with their church’s stance on political and social issues

Mar 03, 202413:09
Choosing the Right Church For You..

Choosing the Right Church For You..

Finding a place that helps you grow closer to God and His people will significantly enrich your life.  So take the time and give yourself permission to assess whether you are able to relate to the preaching, connect with the music, build relationships, take active steps toward growth, and make a difference.

It is perfectly acceptable to evaluate if a church is right for you.  Being selective does not mean you are being critical

1. Is the Preaching engaging and relevant for me? 

2. Does the music draw me into a place of worshiping and connecting with God?

3. Do I feel welcome and see prospects for relationships?

4. Do the service and small group meeting times work for my schedule

5. Will I be able to find a group of people who are going through a similar stage of life as I am? 


Mar 03, 202419:17
The Game that's going to send shockwaves through the investments?

The Game that's going to send shockwaves through the investments?

Buckle up, folks, because the stock market is taking us on a wild roller coaster ride this year!

Get ready to witness the exponential growth and mind-blowing potential

Technology. As we begin 2024, prepare for a heart-pounding rally that will leave you breathless.

Taking a risk.. not Responsible for what is being Written

Feb 29, 202418:02