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CHIC CHITRA TALK SHOW- SHEpreneurs (Successful High earning Entrepreneurs) Podcast

CHIC CHITRA TALK SHOW- SHEpreneurs (Successful High earning Entrepreneurs) Podcast

By Chitra

Chic Chitra talk show is all about how she creates #SHEpreneurs, successful high earning entrepreneurs, *Chitra unveils the secrets, her journey, pain points, success mindset, personal branding, social media marketing tools etc to become 6+ figure income entrepreneurs.
*This talk show is for the entrepreneurs who wants to achieve their highest potential through quantum leap success.
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How to make dreams into reality? GOAL SETTING

CHIC CHITRA TALK SHOW- SHEpreneurs (Successful High earning Entrepreneurs) PodcastJun 28, 2020



Just when you thought everything was going good, nature throws you a curveball. What can you do when unforeseeable events like the COVID-19 pandemic and government shutdown orders wreak havoc in your personal life and business.

 Life is filled with uncertainty and worries about the future. While many things remain outside your control, your mindset is key to coping with difficult circumstances and confidently facing the unknown. Uncertainty is all around us, never more so than today. Whether it concerns a global pandemic, the economy, or your finances, health, much of what lies ahead in life remains uncertain. Yet as human beings, we crave security. We want to feel safe and have a sense of control over our lives and well-being.

 Fear and uncertainty can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and powerless over the direction of your life. It can drain you emotionally and trap you in a downward spiral of endless “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios about what tomorrow may bring. We’re all different in how much uncertainty we can tolerate in life. Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others find the randomness of life deeply distressing. But all of us have a limit. If you feel overwhelmed by uncertainty and worry, it’s important to know that you’re not alone; many of us are in the same boat. It’s also important to realize that no matter how helpless and hopeless you feel, there are steps you can take to better deal with uncontrollable circumstances, alleviate your anxiety, and face the unknown with more confidence. While we may not wish to acknowledge it, uncertainty is a natural and unavoidable part of life. 

Very little about our lives is constant or totally certain, and while we have control over many things, we can’t control everything that happens to us. As the coronavirus pandemic demonstrated, life can change very quickly and very unpredictably. One day things may be just fine, the next you’ve suddenly become sick, lost your job, or found yourself struggling to put food on the table or provide for your family. To cope with all this uncertainty, many of us use worrying as a tool for trying to predict the future and avoid nasty surprises. Worrying can make it seem like you have some control over uncertain circumstances. You may believe that it will help you find a solution to your problems or prepare you for the worst. Maybe if you just agonize over a problem long enough, just think through every possibility, or read every opinion online, you’ll find a solution and be able to control the outcome. Unfortunately, none of this works. Chronic worrying can’t give you more control over uncontrollable events; it just robs you of enjoyment in the present, saps your energy, and keeps you up at night. But there are healthier ways to cope with uncertainty—and that begins with adjusting your mindset.

Leave a comment & review the episodes if you could resonate with what I share :) I would really appreciate that. 

Thank you & have a great day. 

Jun 01, 202151:28


Do what you hate to succeed -

I know its a controversial topic but think about it, things we hate to do are the things which helps us to succeed . Not the things that make you happy . I am sure that some of you don’t like the way I phrased this topic and that’s OK because it’s the exact opposite of what we’ve been taught all our lives: “just do what you love and you will be happy” and we generally don’t like when our fundamental beliefs are challenged. Things we hate are outside our comfort zone thats where success lies. Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to get what we do want.

“Doing what you love” sounds like a good advice at first, but it does not help us lead a happy or successful life. In fact, it will often do the opposite.

To feel happy, there is much more to it than just doing the things you enjoy. We enjoy eating junkfood or food that isn’t exactly the best, instead of watching our diet; we prefer to watch a movie or play videogames instead of tackling the tough math problem for our exam; and watching YouTube videos, spending time on social media or having a few (too many) drinks with our friends is generally more pleasurable than a hard gym workout or a 10k run in the cold.

Having said that, there is surely a place for leisure time and we don’t only have to go through our lives like robots, running from achievement to achievement. But if you have big dreams and goals and you find yourself complaining often, this episode is for you.

Why You Should Do It

Life has it’s ups and downs as we all know. However, I see many people denying the downs and not willing to face them or deal with them. You can’t do that. You have to properly deal with whatever it is you’re going through in order to successfully come out the other end as a better person and more learned individual.

In addition, to expand on this further, when it comes to accomplishing goals and achieving your dreams, not every part of that path will be fun, or easy.

There’s a lot of crap to wade through when you’re going through life. You have to understand that it’s happening for a reason; the hard parts, the difficult times, the struggle is all teaching you what you need to know to get to the finish.

Some Examples of Embracing the Suck From My Own Life

Allow me to explain using a few examples from my own life.  I’m not saying I’m super successful, but to get to where I am today, I’ve had to do what I hate over and over again.

I don’t like to go to the gym but if I don’t I gain weight,

I don’t like to talk a lot but if I don’t I don’t change my life..

I don’t like to go out much as an introvert or meet people, but if I don’t I don’t meet new people or create association which will help me in the future.

Most breakout success comes from going AGAINST the conventional wisdom of the day.

Ignore how others think something should be done — do what’s authentic to you and learn from your mistakes.

There are no “rules,” so don’t worry about them. Make your own.

Because that’s what successful people do.

Its March already, you have 10 months left in 2021 including this 15 days . Plenty of time for you to improve your mindset, learn a new skill, change your routine, increase your income, lose weight, gain muscle & whatever goals that you set for yourself, go for it. Until next time Cheers from me!

Mar 15, 202144:51
CHANGE YOUR LIFE BY DOING C T A - Clarity of Thoughts, Clarity of Communication, Clarity of Action!!

CHANGE YOUR LIFE BY DOING C T A - Clarity of Thoughts, Clarity of Communication, Clarity of Action!!

Change your life by doing CTA not call to action by the way but

Clarity of Thoughts

Clarity of Communication

Clarity of Action

This episode is like the sequel of the last one. With just CTA we can actually change our life to 10x… Just thin about this , Every action or choices you make is based on your beliefs & values , is it not? Your life is transforming based on that 2 factors, your beliefs & values, depending on your early life experiences & association these factors gets stronger. Good news is you can change those beliefs & values to enhance your life through CTA - Clarity of thoughts, communication & action.

As I was sitting here this morning I began thinking about what it is that separates the haves from the have-nots.  I don’t necessarily mean the rich and famous and I definitely don’t mean those that have been handed their defined success on a silver platter.  The category of people who I am talking about are the people who have worked hard for what they have achieved in life.

As I pondered, it became crystal clear to me that clarity of thought catapults the “haves” to their own defined level of success.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that they had a very clear idea of what they wanted to carry out.  The more the idea became clear, it then became a vision in their heads.  They could clearly see where they were going.  The more clarity of the vision, the more defined their purpose became.  What you will find is that when all three of these pieces (thought, vision, purpose) come into play, your focus shifts to the attainment of your goals.  You began to ask “how do I make it happen?”

Questions  That Lead to Clarity

But sometimes getting to that clarity of thought is the problem.  That’s when it may become necessary to talk it out with someone who can bring objectivity to the table and someone who has no preconceived notions about your idea or situation.  What you may discover is that your perceived goal is not your “real” goal.  However, as the process of discovery continues, the clarity methodically surfaces.

As a life coach, I help to bring razor-sharp focus on the steps necessary to meet your goals.  I just love it when, through the coaching process, clients reach way down and discover the missing piece of the plan.  Helping to bring them to those “light bulb” moments has to be among the most rewarding things that I do.

Mar 15, 202146:10


Hello everyone, one of my suggested me to do an episode on a topic which is Clarity of thoughts - Boon or Bane ! So I will be sharing my thoughts on this today..

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved” Charles Kettering

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking around thinking.

Particularly around mental clarity and the clearness/intentionality with which I approach my day to day actions, projects, companies, etc. I feel like there’s been something really missing there — when you’re in the trenches and just doing the work, things can get really monotonous and just rote. It’s useful then, sometimes, to take a step back and re-evaluate things.

Re-evaluate the big picture of whatever it is I’m doing. Like the classic Steve Jobs quote goes:

“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

I feel that somewhere along the lines I’ve lost touch with myself. Or maybe I never really WAS in touch with myself. I’ve been meaning for ages to sit down and pen a reflection — a reflection of where I am, what I’m interested in, why I’m interested in them, my thesis, my ideas and putting this all together into a life “ethos” or mission so-to-speak.

What seems clear in your head is not clear.  What you can write out and it still remains clear… this is clarity of thought. If you talk about it its a dream, if you envision it its possible, but if you schedule it its real.

Here’s a question for you.

Do you have a clear, calm mind for a lot of your day or do you find that on a daily basis your mind is generally cluttered with a whole load of ‘internal mind chatter’?

Perhaps random, pointless or unhelpful thoughts that just create ‘noise’ inside your head.

If you feel you have no clarity of thought work with a coach. One of the joys of working with a coach is you’re now on the fast track to clarity. And when you’re clear, everything else – beliefs, behaviours, decisions, actions, learning – falls into place. Life. Just. Flows.

When you’re unclear, it’s quite the opposite.

And notice now that when we don’t have the benefit of a thinking partner, holding the space and supporting our focus and attention, our efforts to think our way to clarity are heavily laboured, time- and energy-consuming processes that very often don’t achieve our ultimate result.

Unless the result we wanted was to stay stuck.

So, let’s change that approach and STOP THINKING our way to clarity; and instead, START ACTING our way there.

Practise noticing the stuckness, in the form of thinking. Practise noticing just how little action you’re in. And challenge yourself with the question: how can I test this thinking? How can I experiment? How can I have action lead the way – and leave my thinking to be an emergent follow-on?

Do it now: Choose an area of life or work in which you’re not where you want to be; where, in your own mind at least, you feel stuck. And now, create a small starter action that might just be the stepping stone you need towards the clarity you’d love to enjoy. Don’t labour over this: just set a small action – one you’ve probably thought of previously. And go for it, all-the-while monitoring the learning.

Stop thinking your way to clarity. Start acting. Its a boon if you start acting & its bane when you overthink it & not taking action.

Mar 14, 202139:35


Self Worth vs Net worth … How self love directly influences your net worth?

What better topic to explore on this day as its Womens Day today than talking about Self Love!! we are often conditioned to put people's needs and happiness above ours and working towards everyone's comfort in the process forgetting who we truly are and what makes us happy! Self-love is not a one-size-fits-all formula that fixes self-doubt

Enough has been said and discussed about the importance of self-love and self-care in ... But it's very important to discuss these two in the life of a woman. Which is self love & Net Worth. Being independent is so important being a woman.

I started my career as an Image consultant, my job was to enhance the outward appearance to accentuate their job profile or their personality trait but as the years passed I realised & recognised a pattern among people , the way they dress depends on their self worth, it made me rethink the way I started connecting with my clients, from then on I started redefining their inner self to redefine their new YOU!!

Bcoz of this pandemic, many of them have lost their self worth & are confused how to start fresh. Welcome to the “New Normal” of work, making money, & creating success.

We have moved in just a few years from an age of affluence when the stock market was booming , the unemployment rate was below 5% & people were becoming millionaires & billionaires all around us, to a new age of turbulence, when all bets are off. Today the economic situations has changed completely & it is not going to change back in our life times.

We are going through a massive paradigm shift. When a shift like this in thinking or in society takes place, only in few people recognise that is occurring. Most people are stuck in a comfort zone where they keep on ding the same old things in the same old way, simply assuming that the economic & financial melt down was a bump in the road & then everything will soon get back to normal.

They are right in a way but the definition of normal has changed. From this day forward if you want to succeed & achieve everything that is possible for you, you are going to have to work smarter & more diligently than ever before. To move to the top of the field you are going to have to start a little earlier, work a little harder & stay a little later.

The race is on.

You are earning today exactly the amount that you have decided to earn, no more & no less. You are where you are financially because you have chosen to be there. Only you. No one else.

You have decided to earn this amount as a result of your actions & as a result of your inactions. There are specific actions you have taken to get your income to the point where it is today. And there are actions that you failed to take that have caused your income to stay far below what you are truly capable of earning. Whatever you are earning today, you have decided to earn that amount.

When I first heard this, that I was determining my own income, I was shocked & angry. I denied it vigorously “thats not true, I said “no-one would choose to earn this amount, & worry about money all the time”.

I blamed my low income to my parents, my education, my husband, my industry, my competition & of course the government & the economy. Then i looked around me & I realised that there were hundreds & even thousands of people who had the same problems & limitations did but who were earning far more than I was & living much better lives.

I finally accepted that I was where I was & what I was because of me, nobody else. It was my responsibility . If I was not happy about my life &. My income there was only one person in the world who could change it - ME.

Mar 08, 202133:46
POWER OF WORDS - How to harness the uniqueness of power of words to create a life you desire?

POWER OF WORDS - How to harness the uniqueness of power of words to create a life you desire?

POWER OF WORDS - Figure Your Speech

Hello everyone, its so good to be back after a hiatus… & hope all is well from your side!

This episode is all about How we can harness the unique power of words to motivate & inspire as an entrepreneur…

This topic is dear to me because, by using power of thoughts & power of words I have transformed my life completely from the scratch without nothing, from being a shy, introvert with zero credibility , low self confidence, to become an entrepreneur of 4 companies, an author of 3 books, investor, online trader… I deeply truly believe in power of words can mould your future what you desire for…

Do you know of those people who fly off the handle without stopping to think about the consequences of what they're saying? Someone who just reacts to something someone said or did and starts attacking that person with cruel accusations? The damage could be so profound, it will forever sever the relationship. In business, this could forever impact a career in a negative way.

You’ve probably observed this in others many times. Maybe even in yourself. Whether it’s at work, with friends or in some type of social situation, many people speak their minds before thinking. There are many who “fly off the handle” and don’t stop to think about the repercussions of their words. I cringe when this happens because I know people are going to get hurt, and later on people will be sorry for what they said. But the damage is done.

Let me echo what Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

Words influence others and build relationships at work and personally. They can tear down relationships. Simply put, language holds massive, colossal power to manifest change, whether it’s good or bad.

We can take this a step further and say: “Speak every word you say in life as though it were your last.”

Sometimes, it might be best to not say anything at all. I was always told that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”

Choose the words that you speak very carefully because they have the potential of accomplishing nearly anything or destroying nearly anything. Just one negative comment can ruin a person’s day. A few might even ruin the person’s life. On the flip side, one positive and encouraging comment can be just enough to increase employee engagement, create healthier cultures and make more of a difference in an individual's life than you will ever know. We tend to overlook the small things in life.

The way you speak -- the attitude and tone -- reflects the person you are and impacts everything around you. It can greatly contribute to your success or “non-success” both in business and your personal life. So next time, think before you speak. It will make all the difference.

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ClubHouse - @chicchitra

Feb 28, 202137:21


Optimise Your Life for 2021

Many people I know are on a quest to optimize their lives — some of my favorite people in the world will spend days trying to perfect a productivity system, get things automated, or find the perfect software for anything they’re doing. They are on a continual search for the perfect diet, the perfect work routine, the perfect travel setup.

Optimizing can take quite a bit of time and energy.

What would happen if we let go of optimizing? Who would we be without the idea that we should optimize everything?

One idea is that if we decided not to optimize everything, we’d stop caring, stop trying to make things better, and live suboptimal lives. But I know myself pretty well — I will always care, even if I am not trying to optimize. I will always do my best, which is different than optimizing — it’s taking care and giving love, even if things aren’t optimized. I believe most of you are this way, pouring your hearts into something with pure love, without needing to make everything perfect.

Have you heard about this term CARPE DIEM- which means Seize the life, or seize the day…

Lets talk about the phrase carpe diem—seize the day. The more accurate translation would be “Pluck the day”—as in: it’s ripe and ready to enjoy!

But, here’s the deal.

We can’t actually pluck or seize a DAY.

We can only pluck or seize (or squander) the MOMENT. Which means Carpe Punctum.

We all are aware of the fact how stressful it can be when we try to perfect our day or how depressing it can be seeing others the so called perfect life shown in social media.

Last week, I heard these gorgeous words on the radio:

‘It’s not about the length, it’s about the depth, it’s not about the minutes, it’s about the moments.’*

Gorgeous right. Then yesterday, I was reading  Dan Millman’s book, The Twelve Gateways to Freedom.  I have devoured his words before and will do so again. He’s an absolute gem of motivation, inspiration and personal growth.

In it, he talks about carpe punctum … seizing the moment.

Carpe diem is normally the phrase that we know and use. Seize the day. But how can you seize a day? An entire day? You can’t. You can however cease moments.

Carpe punctum is a reminder to live each day fully. Life is a series of moments and it’s the quality of each moment that determines the quality of our lives. Living in the moment makes our lives simpler and at the same time richer. It’s about accepting what life throws at us with poise and grace, dealing with every scenario in the best way we can and remembering every little moment that every little moment counts. Whatever we decide to do with each moment, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

The brilliant Abraham Maslow said that each moment presents us with an opportunity, one where we can either step forward into growth or step back into safety.

Which one will you choose? Carpe Diem or Carpe Punctum.

Dec 17, 202042:50


In a blink of an eye its December & its a wrap of 2020. As 2020 comes to a close, it brings with it a promising beginning. As we look ahead to a more optimistic tomorrow it is important to reflect on the year thats been so as to carry toward all the hard hitting life lessons it has taught us.

But you must be thinking yeah yeah chitra we all understand about being optimistic & hopeful for the coming year but you have no idea what I have been through, & I resist being optimistic or hopeful about anything . I hear you!! Trust me…. Everything has a solution when you have a bigger perspective . When we change our thinking mindset attitude everything changes, & it all starts with tiny habits which will give remarkable results in everything you aspire to achieve.

This episode is all about how your habits can shape your future, your identity & your success.

Dec 14, 202023:17


Happy December ✨ 1 more month to go for 2021 ..

I’ve been thinking a lot about how 2020 has been the year of fear and uncertainty... how it’s made us realise that there are no guarantees for any of us.

So as we start making plans for 2021, I want you to know the one thing we all need to make it our most successful year ever for our businesses.What would you do if I promised you that you wouldn't fail? That I will garner every resource & support that will guarantee your success.

What would you step up & attempt that you have been contemplating of doing & becoming for time immemorial. 

What is that one big dream that you are nurturing but not acting upon? That one crazy idea that you day dream about, that one dream that you will trade anything for?

Every story begins with a dream & ends with a legacy. But what transpires in between makes your story truly inspiring, a story full of passion, of vision, of inspiration , of aspiration , of learnings, of teachings, of milestones, or setbacks & above all of that dream come true....

Do not procrastinate , its my humble request...

Instead I encourage you to do whatever it takes to transcend from being ordinary to extraordinary , this is the genesis of a true thought leader after all. 

And I am proud to be your partner in this beautiful journey of your transcendence....

Have a great week & a happy new year 2021... LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. 

Dec 08, 202035:32
SUCCESS MINDSET- Why certain people become successful & the rest doesn't ?

SUCCESS MINDSET- Why certain people become successful & the rest doesn't ?

Success Mindset -

What goes on in our minds affects everything, and I mean everything, including how much money we have.

I know this for a fact because when I first started out, I worked hard, but I just couldn’t build a profitable business. Then, one day, when I was reading an autobiography of Steve jobs I realised  rich people have a certain mindset and to be successful, I needed to adopt that mindset, too.

With nothing to lose, I dove into studying the psychology of the wealthiest people in the world. rich people really do think differently!

Success and happiness are all about mindset. What you think you become.

Your mindset doesn’t just affect how you see the world. It shapes your responses and actions even if you don’t realize it.

Developing the right mindset is crucial to succeeding in anything. Here’s how to upgrade yours.

My name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of 3 companies, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my quantum success programs.

What is a mindset?

A mindset is a frame of mind. It’s the sum of beliefs, opinions, and thoughts that you formed about the world and yourself. Think of your mindset as a lens through which you filter reality.

Our education, religion, upbringing, and experience shape our beliefs and thoughts. That’s why our mindset is a fixed state of mind — we have our mind “set.” Thus, determine how you perceive and react to specific events.

Napoleon Hill said, “There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.”

Mindsets can change, but they tend to change slowly. It’s easier to correct our attitude than our mindset.

An attitude is a short-term reaction shaped by our mindset. It is a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something specific.

A mindset is a collection of beliefs and thoughts that shape your thought habits. They impact how you make sense of the world (and yourself).

An attitude has a short-term impact. That’s why they are easier to modify. Our mindsets are deeply ingrained in our beliefs. They require extra effort to change them.

“Your mindset is a fixed mental disposition that predetermines our responses to and interpretations of situations. Your mindset filters reality.”

Your mindset predetermines your interpretations and responses. It shapes your relationship with the world and with yourself. Choose your mindset wisely. You can create positive consequences instead of negative ones.

Success is not an action that you take, it’s a way of life. If you want to accomplish great things, greatness must be reflected in everything that you do.

Thus, regardless of what it is you want to accomplish, the path to success must begin by adopting the right mindset.

I am a strong believer that success and happiness are all about mindset. Your mindset and belief system affect everything in your life from what you think and feel to what you do and how you react to the world around you.

In order to achieve your goals, your mindset needs to match your aspirations, otherwise it will hold you back from being successful in your endeavours.

I can tell you for sure that mastering your mind WILL change your life.

Need more proof? I’ve got plenty. 

Listen fully to the podcast to know more!!

Nov 22, 202019:22
5 Ways to combat Monday Blues!!

5 Ways to combat Monday Blues!!

5 ways to combat Monday blues

And here starts the Monday- the most dreaded day of the week.

Does the start of your workweek trigger overwhelming feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress? Do you lack passion and motivation on Monday morning? Are you sluggish or tense?

If you’re nodding affirmatively, you might have a case of the Monday Blues.

The very sound of the word “Monday” can send chills down one’s spine. Undoubtedly, it is the most fretted day of the week where nothing seems right, and nothing makes you smile. Unexpectedly, all the signs of depression are visible on your face- sadness, irritability, restlessness, loss of appetite, and worse of all- you feel sleepy first day at work!

Anybody can relate to this??

You may have felt the above symptoms while stepping into your workplace every week, but how many times did you ponder about the WHY? Were you able to identify the reason behind your Monday Blues?

What a cliché thing to say: “I hate Mondays.”

You don’t hate Mondays. What you hate is the fact that you’ve lost sight of your vision.

Do you want to know what a Monday feels like to an entrepreneur?

Let me tell you: There is no such thing as a Monday. In fact, Monday is every day. All the catching up that happens on a Monday, that’s every day. All of the responsibilities that come with showing up Monday morning, that’s every day. All of the stresses that come with planning for the week ahead, that’s every day.

To an entrepreneur, a Monday is a Tuesday is a Wednesday is a Sunday.

Every day matters.

If you want to be an entrepreneur and you’re showing up to work on Mondays saying to yourself, “Wow, I hate Mondays,” it’s not the day of the week you hate. It’s the fact that you no longer remember what it is you’re working toward. You have lost the clarity that comes with manifesting your dream and what it is you’d rather be doing.

In order to actually take the leap and become a successful entrepreneur, you need to start seeing Mondays as every day. There is no difference. Every day is a day is a day.

This is a topic I’m extremely passionate about. Any successful person I know treats every day like a brand-new canvas. It’s theirs to paint, and they do so with excitement and enthusiasm for their work.

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it won’t do anything to cure you of a case of the Mondays. Making a successful transition from weekend mode to workweek mode can require practice. After all, we have a lot working against us on Mondays.

Successful entrepreneurs know that good habits don’t start on Monday and end on Friday. Entrepreneurs expect to work longer hours than anyone else, but they also know that they have to fuel that success.

Nov 22, 202016:02
Building your personal brand during uncertain times

Building your personal brand during uncertain times

Hey everyone its been nearly 2 months since I stopped doing any kinda work, I was infected with covid a month back & I was recovering from it a while now, even though its negative now you feel tired most of the times & don’t have the energy to do much, luckily got better now & slowly getting into my routine…

The corona virus has upended our daily lives. You have likely been called upon to act, adapt & rethink how you manage yourself & others. Now more than ever organisations need resilient leaders who can navigate through turbulent times, many have lost their jobs, not enough savings, money to lead life, people are stranded with uncertainty & this is the great time to have options in life. Create your own signature brand which can help you find options & opportunities .

Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s the pathway for greater visibility and a better career. Learn how to transform your personal brand through a step-by-step process . Whether you're inside a traditional company, or an entrepreneur building the next big thing, I will share tactical steps and strategies to create and amplify a personal brand. Discover how to overcome impostor syndrome and differentiate yourself, and then craft and share a powerful brand story.

My name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my quantum success programs.

I specialize in reputation management, and personal branding. For more than 15 years, I've worked with executives, professionals, and corporate teams who all want to learn how to be more focused and strategic in how they show up in their career in all professional situations. In this episode, I'm gonna teach you how to build your personal brand, and promote yourself with credibility and passion to stand out from the competition.

I'll show you how to create and amplify your personal brand, generate an effective communication strategy, and how to set goals that let you live your brand. There's a lot to learn, so let's go.

Nov 22, 202019:34


Create your life of success & happiness-

Success and happiness are the two most common things people go after.

It’s one thing to be successful and another to be happy. Only a few people gain the wisdom and knowledge to pursue both.

So I’m on a quest to find a way to combine the habits of successful and happy people.

When I read the habits of successful people, I’m always impressed by how organized their day looks like.

But what about the habits of happy people who tend to live long? Do you think they live with a rigid schedule too?

As you may have guessed, the answer is no in most cases.

That’s when I realized…

The way you approach your day says a lot about how successful or happy you will become.

Some people chase success while others chase happiness more.

But if you’re like me, you want to experience both. 😉

And now, you’re thinking…

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds?

Can you design your day in a way that makes you successful without feeling too stressed or anxious?

So I analyzed both approaches for understanding the pros and cons better.

Hi my name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my 90 day game plan for quantum success.

Let me share my Top Tips to Become Happier

1. Smile more often. Smiling switches off the fight and flight response and releases natural good hormones into your system.

2. Take time out to just sit quietly so that you can be more aware of all that you have and all that you can be grateful of and thankful for.

3. Do something nice for someone else. Set yourself a task of doing at least one thing a day that will make someone else happy. Altruism is a great way of increasing happiness.

4. Keep a note pad with you at all times. You’ll be surprised how many new ideas will come flooding your way once you become happier!

5. Take more exercise. Exercise, even a brisk walk, relieves stress from the body and increases the flow of more positive and functional natural chemicals.

6. Take risks. Do one thing each day that you wouldn’t normally do that by doing it will make you smile.

7. Dance and sing. You can do this anywhere although you may wish to do so away from public view. Don’t worry about feeling stupid – take a risk on yourself.

8. And most importantly, read positive books, listen to positive audios and watch positive programmes. Books are a great source of free or relatively cheap information. In short, you can get inside the minds of many of the worlds great thinkers and achievers for little or no cost.

9. Go on a negativity fast. Avoid all sources of negative media and information.

10.Be consistent in your approach. Remember, you mind is like any other muscle. If you want it to work effectively you have to train it by feeding it the right information and limiting the negative.

Have a great week everyone…

Oct 11, 202031:28


Build a Personal Brand

Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s the pathway for greater visibility and a better career. Learn how to transform your personal brand through a step-by-step process . Whether you're inside a traditional company, or an entrepreneur building the next big thing, I will share tactical steps and strategies to create and amplify a personal brand. Discover how to overcome impostor syndrome and differentiate yourself, and then craft and share a powerful brand story.

This episode is the sequel of my last episode create your personal brand.

It's time to build your brand

- Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. And I've got good news. Creating an amazing personal brand is something you can do today. You don't need a team and you don't need to be famous. You just need to put together a plan and make it shine. It's time to transform your personal brand and that's what I'm going to teach you in this episode.

My name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my 90 day gameplan for quantum success.

I specialize in reputation management, and personal branding. For more than 15 years, I've worked with executives, professionals, and corporate teams who all want to learn how to be more focused and strategic in how they show up in their career in all professional situations. In this episode, I'm gonna teach you how to build your personal brand, and promote yourself with credibility and passion to stand out from the competition.

I'll show you how to create and amplify your personal brand, generate an effective communication strategy, and how to set goals that let you live your brand. There's a lot to learn, so let's go.

Subscribe @Apple Podcast & you can follow me on Instagram for more inspiration @chicchitra21 

Have a great week xoxo

Sep 04, 202059:46


Creating your personal brand

Your personal brand is your reputation and legacy. A strong personal brand can lead to job and career opportunities. A weak personal brand leaves you liable to be passed by. In this episode, as a personal branding expert I will help you identify what your personal brand is now and align it with the brand you want for yourself in the future. In the process, I will help you target the individuals or groups who have the opportunities you seek, strategize the marketing for your brand, and identify who you need to know and where to find them. & I will also help you figure out how to portray your personal brand on social media outlets such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Plus, learn how to craft an elevator pitch for your personal brand so you can make a good impression even on short notice.

Build a Personal Brand

Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s the pathway for greater visibility and a better career. Learn how to transform your personal brand through a step-by-step process . Whether you're inside a traditional company, or an entrepreneur building the next big thing, I will share tactical steps and strategies to create and amplify a personal brand. Discover how to overcome impostor syndrome and differentiate yourself, and then craft and share a powerful brand story.

Learning objectives

  • Why invest in your personal brand
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Building and telling your brand story
  • Following IDEAL method
  • Communicating your brand at work and on social media

It's time to build your brand

- Creating and owning a strong personal brand is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. And I've got good news. Creating an amazing personal brand is something you can do today. You don't need a team and you don't need to be famous. You just need to put together a plan and make it shine. It's time to transform your personal brand and that's what I'm going to teach you in this episode.

- If I asked five people who know you what they think you're good at, or what they think makes you unique, what would they say? Would they give you the same answer that you might say about yourself? Personal branding puts the intention, and the focus in your reputation, and ensures that other people see you the way you want.

My name is Chitra, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs . I specialize in reputation management, and personal branding. For more than 15 years, I've worked with executives, professionals, and corporate teams who all want to learn how to be more focused and strategic in how they show up in their career in all professional situations. In this episode, I'm gonna teach you how to build your personal brand, and promote yourself with credibility and passion to stand out from the competition. I'll show you how to create and amplify your personal brand, generate an effective communication strategy, and how to set goals that let you live your brand. 

There's a lot to learn, so let's go.

let's get started, and create your personal brand.

Aug 26, 202054:38


Hello everyone welcome back to my podcast & I would like to start by thanking you for listening to my podcast, when see the listeners comments it makes worth a while taking the time in documenting my experiences in audio form… so todays episode is about

How To Educate Yourself: To create your true freedom?

Hi my name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my 90 day gameplan for quantum success.

Get The Most Out Of Reading In Less Time

There are three kinds of people in the world:

  1. Those who educate themselves and take action to make their lives or themselves better.
  2. Those who jump from one article, or podcast to another making no changes in their lives.
  3. Those who don’t give a damn about self-education. They have no urge to click on self-help titles. Even if they somehow stumble upon such articles, they would read or listen as if it is written in an alien language for an alien population. This episode is for people who are either in the first or second category. I used to be in the second category until I applied the methods mentioned in this episode. I cover how to educate yourself by reading and retaining the most important information in self-help materials (audio, video, text). Then, I go on to explain how to make a system to apply what you learn & create a life of freedom.

Step 1: Hunt Useful Articles, podcasts, videos To Educate Yourself
Step 2: Optimize Your Reading & listening Experience And Save Time
Step 3: Remember And Apply The Information


Lifestyle design can set you free when you follow its cycle. But even after that, you’d only get two types of freedom. The third kind of freedom, which is the rarest and most valuable is the “freedom to be”.

Your job is simple — know your path, have the courage to walk it, act with virtue and be indifferent about things that are not under your control. That’s the key to tranquility. And that’s how you attain the ultimate freedom and become a true lifestyle designer.

Hope the steps provided in this episode will Make you take some deliberate action to design your life of freedom. Happy week everyone.

Aug 25, 202038:25


To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” (Buddha)

What if I were to tell you that everything you experience comes from the mind? Well, this is true. Now, think of this: If everything you experience comes from the mind then wouldn’t it make sense to walk the path of mastery in terms of mastering yourself and your own mind?

The mind is where all of the magic takes place in your life as well as all the misery. You can either make your life a living hell through the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that your mind comes up with or you can make your life into a living heaven through the very same mechanism.

Self-mastery is hard.

But it's always worth it.

Most people try to control their life. They want to change the past, the want to "get better" or they want to control the outcome.

In reality, the only thing you can control is yourself in the present moment.

Yes, you, here and now. That's the ONLY thing you can control.

So if you master yourself in the present moment, you can literally make anything possible. Past issues will resolve, the future will take care of itself and life won't be able to beat you down no matter what it throws at you.

With self-mastery...

• Self-discipline becomes easier

• Self-love becomes effortless

• Self-confidence becomes natural

• Happiness becomes a side-effect

• Success becomes automatic

You stop complaining, blaming or hating. You become more self-aware and self-reliant. You take 100% responsibility for yourself and your life.

From there, anything becomes possible, one day at a time. Small steps every day towards self-mastery is all you need,

It all begins with looking in the mirror.  Success in the public world goes hand-in-hand with success in your private life.  Effective leadership flows from effectively leading yourself. I love this quote, so simple yet so profound. Effective leadership flows from effectively leading yourself. You have to know yourself first before you can make a change to better yourself. Self mastery is the ultimate stage of the law of attraction, that is you become what you think about.

Self-mastery gives you control over the one thing you CAN control in any situation: yourself. It allows you to move toward your goals with discipline, persistence and focus. It helps you control emotional impulses and make decisions based on rational thinking instead of heightened emotions.

You can do it if you choose to. Make self-mastery a priority. Everybody gets tempted and afraid, but you can work on it and overcome those temptations and fears.

It’s easy to blame circumstances and give up.

It’s tough to work hard and keep fighting.

You choose which path to go. One is way more impressive (and scarce).

Transform yourself slowly, steadily, and daily. Don’t Let the Motivation Melt Away, Take Purposeful Action. 

Have a transforming week xoxo

Aug 12, 202025:02
How to transcend from self limiting beliefs to success?

How to transcend from self limiting beliefs to success?

I was depressed during my failures...

I was lonely during my successes.

As I lost my inner child, "busyness" became my new toy to play with.

I was always on, not trying to waste a second of my life.

Anyone who looked at my life from outside thought I was living a perfect life.

But only I knew I was ignoring my life and sabotaging my happiness in the name of work. My work suffered too when there was no spark left in my life.

I was miserable when I was living an unbalanced life as a workaholic.

Sure, an unbalanced life helped me achieve more, but I lived a poor life and felt empty from inside. I lost my friends and I was more worried than ever before.

I wanted to stop being busy all the time. I wanted freedom.

So I started living a balanced life but still, I wasn't happy with my life.

A balanced life made me less anxious, but I couldn't make significant progress in any area of my life.

No matter what I did, I couldn't find balance, harmony, peace, and joy.

I felt like I was doing everything right, but something was missing. I couldn't figure out how I could fill that unknown void in my life.

I had freedom, yet I didn't feel free.

I was trapped inside my own routines and habits. I feared that if I stop, my life will fall apart.

• I was afraid of NOT working.

• I was afraid of making MORE money.

• I was afraid of LIVING.

I had to find out the solution. A solution that wasn't "sitting on the Himalayas" or "sacrificing everything until success".

I realized that I didn't just want success. I wanted to enjoy success.

I wanted both – happiness and success.  

So I went on a quest to improve the quality of my life without sacrificing performance and progress.

I fired multiple clients and refused most offers. I stopped being a crappy boss to myself. I started investing in myself. I became a high-performing CEO of my life.

My performance and life became one. High-performance lead to a rich life and vice versa.

I started figuring out the pieces of the puzzle that lead to high-performance and applied it to my epic life framework:

I applied the framework to my knowledge of behavioural psychology and neuroscience.

After hundreds of self-experiments and clients I coached, I'm a lot better at the art of living a meaningful and exciting life.

Take the steps & create a dream life you desire. 

Have a great week everyone. 


Aug 11, 202045:24
90 Day Game plan for Quantum Success

90 Day Game plan for Quantum Success

Today in this episode I will be sharing my 90 day game plan - blue print for a quantum leap growth..

Imagine this - Where would you love to see yourself in the next 90 days from now regardless of the circumstances that we are in right now?

Whatever it is, whether you’re clear with it or not yet...

In order for you to move forward, to create unparalleled clarity, to know what to focus on, and to learn how to hold yourself accountable…

You’ll need to let go of what’s holding you back from actually doing so.

In order to do this, you need to learn how to let go of what’s been holding us back to doing so in the first place.

As Jordan Belfort once said:

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the BS story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.”

The key here is to let go of the subconscious stories you’ve been telling yourself as to why you can’t START NOW…

And then, discovering how you can let them go to shift to a newer, better identity that allows you to achieve anything you want in life.

Hi my name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through my 90 day gameplan for quantum success

As we all know we are this situation we are at home quarantined with uncertainty about our life how its gonna unfold in the future, & if we don’t take any action to change the situation its going to be even bad. Top of it we left with the noisy world of internet, distractions which creeps in every second, every time you get bored staying at home you end up taking social media as a means to make yourself entertained rather than learning something new which will help you in the future. Don’t make social media noises, Netflix, other apps to take your time in creating the future you want. Keep updating yourself & if you don’t you will become extinct in the near future. Don’t lean on the social media for entertainment purpose only.

On this DAY 1, this is exactly what we focus on. Focus on activities which comes with consuming content which is going to help your mindset or any area of your life which is needed to be updated. I am sure just by consuming the content your life won’t change but by taking actions every time you consume it. Just consuming all the film or series in the Netflix all day along isn’t going to help you in anyway rather than entertainment itself.

So be clear on your goal, be disciplined, get committed.

Make sure of your intentions, what would you want to achieve in 3 days to come? Just think about that. Take a moment , pause the audio & make a note of it. What would you see yourself in 90 days to come? Imagine what would like to achieve ? Think about it & write it down.

Regardless of the situation you are right now, what would like to achieve in terms of finance, business, health, relationships?

Just imagine what will happen when you shift your focus for the better? Know your purpose of your life, the situation we are now its like a pinball where we are pushed kicked without any purpose,

Change Can Happen in an Instant

It is vital to understand that change can happen in an instant – very often, the hardest part is making the decision to change. Once you get past this, the rest is plan sailing. Never underestimate your capacity to achieve or your ability to reach your goals. Don’t let limitations or outdated beliefs hold you back – take action on a daily basis and watch as you become unstoppable!

SO When are you going to start taking action? Have a great actionable week …

Aug 06, 202033:01
How can you change your life for success ?

How can you change your life for success ?

1. Would you like to make more money & be more successful?

2. Would you like to have more energy & feel happier every day?

3. Would you like to start living the life of your dreams?

Most people can think of a time when their life changed in just a few moments, an epiphany which helped them to change their life, master their emotions & run your own brain, to have supreme self confidence & become the person you truly they want to be. 

Success & happiness are not accidents that just happen to some people & not to others-  they are practicable results created by deliberate ways of thinking & acting ways that I will be sharing with you. 

Question most of us ask most of the times would be - Can I change my life? 

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are probably right" Henry Ford. 

Here is the reason why change can happen so quickly. 

In this episode I will talking about how we can reprogram our brain by elevating our self image for success. 

What is self image?

How it can help in your success?

How we can reprogram our self image for success? 

Hope you will make use of this steps to enhance your self image for success. 

Have a great week everyone :)

Cheers xoxo

Aug 05, 202032:08
How to use your inner voice for subconscious success programming?

How to use your inner voice for subconscious success programming?

“You’re not enough”. “You don’t have enough”. “You can’t do enough”. This kind of negative chatter is the consequence of an untrained internal monologue.

If you’re like me, deep inside, there is an inner voice in your mind. It can be your greatest friend or your biggest enemy.

An average person’s inner dialogue is mostly negative self-talk because their mental programming is messed up. From childhood, they’ve been shamed, blamed and scolded. They learn to talk to themselves the same way.

The reason most people stay mediocre is that their beliefs about themselves are messed up too. They never know the genius within them. They never find the gift within them. They stay deprived of their own greatness.

According to research, most of the time, our inner speech comprises negative things about ourselves, our negative emotions, or us trying to decide if we’re good enough.

Your internal voice is the manifestation of your subconscious programming and beliefs. You become more of what you believe about yourself. If you don’t change the subconscious programming, it will keep dragging you down.

The good news is that there’s a way to change that programming. But it’s not as easy as saying “I’m a good enough” once. It’s not a magic pill, and it takes effort. But today, I’ll show you what it takes to change that programming so you can become the person you’re meant to be and actualize your wildest dreams.

Conclusion – Your Inner Monologue Is Your Destiny

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.”

T. Harv Eker

Self-talk is a powerful weapon in your arsenal. Are you using the weapon to hurt yourself? Or are you using it to cut through the bullshit? Are you making yourself miserable or are you elevating yourself?

Your internal monologue is like a radio. If you get stuck on a negative frequency, all you have to do is change it, and tune in to a different frequency that serves you better.

Your subconscious mental programming is designed to make you miserable by default. But your inner dialogue opens up the possibility to install a new program in your mind. It turns obstacles into opportunities; Failures into fuel; Hate into love.

Show yourself the love and respect you deserve. High-five your inner self and make it your best friend. What will you say when you talk to yourself?

Hope you will start using positive monologue & change your destiny. 

Subscribe podcast in Anchor, Apple Podcast, Spotify to get instant notifications  when I do new episode. 

Aug 03, 202029:17
How To Optimise Your Life And Work With The Dosage Principle

How To Optimise Your Life And Work With The Dosage Principle

You've probably heard of the habits of successful people.

But let's be honest here...

...we're not perfect. We fall short. We feel unmotivated. Things come up.

It happens to all of us but no one ever talks about it.

So today, I want to address it and discuss a solution to it.

I could list all the habits of successful people and all the things you should stop doing but it wouldn’t matter.


Because there are already thousands of articles on that and I’m sure you already know the difference between “good” and “bad” habits.

When people tell you what you should do but you still don’t do it, it hurts your feelings because it comes down to your self-image.

You think to yourself…

Am I not motivated enough?

Or am I a type of person who makes excuses?

From there, it’s easy to fall into a downward spiral of negative thoughts and bad behavior.

I know it sucks but I understand.

As someone who writes a lot about of behaviour, motivation, and habits; it’s hard for me to not just throw advice at people.

Final Words

You don’t have to be perfect.

You can stop the feelings of shame, guilt or regret.

By using the dosage principle, you can define your own rules without anyone else telling you what you should or should not do.

Take ownership of your imperfect self by using the dosage principle.

Know yourself, choose your dose and live smarter.

Success is a result of daily actions…

Jul 21, 202014:44
Why you must stop reading too much & start taking action?

Why you must stop reading too much & start taking action?

Today in this episode I want to talk to you about why taking action is imperative to have success,

Just think about this, If you’ve ever learnt how to drive a car, cook your favorite meal, or learnt another language; then you know that achieving success requires that you go beyond simply reading. It’s easy enough to read through a bunch of self-help books, guidance notes and success techniques, but the fact is that all the resources in the world can only get you so far.

What good does it do you to simply know of an effective technique if you never try it out?!

Why you must stop reading and start taking action now

Reading is a great first step to making the necessary changes in your life, however, the changes can only be made once you actually take action. If you keep reading and reading and you don’t do anything with what you are learning, it’s a form of procrastination and success and procrastinating aren’t friends.

Success is like a catching an air from under water submerged. After a deep diving without oxygen, you have to get up under water as fast as you could to catch air. That's how we badly needed success. We will do anything as we could to catch an air from deep diving submerged.

What are the reason behind all the things that you are doing right now? Are there anything good that will lead you to become successful someday? There are people who are satisfied with their life despite of difficulties, despite of poverty and problem. But we cant deny the fact, that these people are also dreaming for something that they want to happen in their life.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso

Hope you will take action in order to achieve success!!

Jul 21, 202020:03
7 Goal Setting Secrets that will make you successful.

7 Goal Setting Secrets that will make you successful.

Do you find SMART goals overwhelming? Do you dread the process of goal-setting?

You’re not alone.

We all know goal setting is not as easy as writing or visualizing what you want and attracting it in your life. Yet, most of us don’t take goal-setting seriously.

Today, let me make it easy and simple for you to set goals  and create a roadmap to success on your own. This roadmap process works for any goal – including health, fitness, finance, business, relationship, learning and other personal development goals.

But Here’s the problem: success can easily become a dirty comparison game. When you aim for success without a roadmap, you never make enough progress and it becomes a chronic source of overwhelming stress.

Success can be fun when you define it and achieve it on your own terms.

That’s why creating a success roadmap will not only help you get clear, but it will also show you how far you have come. That way, you’ll be inspired to progress and still be grateful for your growth.

Here are a few productivity systems you can try:

a) Weekly/daily goals system by Scott H Young: A simple system of creating weekly and daily to-do lists.

b) Fixed-Schedule productivity by Cal Newport: Limiting the number of hours you work (Parkinson’s law – “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”).

c) The Ivy Lee Method: A way to focus on the most important task one at a time.

d) The Getting Things Done Method by David Allen: A full-blown system for organizing your life.

e) The Zen To Done Method by Leo Babauta: A simpler system than GTD.

f) The Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll: Journal your way to productivity (or BuJoPro method by Cal Newport).

g) Personal Kanban: Organize the flow of work from start to finish.

h) The Action Method by Scott Belsky: Another productivity system for creatives to get things done.

i) MoSCoW Method: Tasks organized into Must, Should, Could and Won’t.

j) The Eisenhower Matrix: A matrix to organize your tasks.

k) Agile Results: A system focused to get you results.

l) ABCDE Method by Brian Tracy: A way of defining tasks and doing the most important task first.

m) Personal Productivity System: Your own unique productivity system. You’re the boss so experiment and find out how you work best.

Hope you got clear vision of goal setting & take action to create a dream life you want. Have a great week.

Cheers xoxo

Jul 11, 202043:03
How to get noticed in a noisy world? Social Media

How to get noticed in a noisy world? Social Media

This episode is the sequel of our last episode of. Social Media Influencer - how to get noticed in a noisy world? I will be giving you some tips to how to generate hype with an epic launch, how to get 1000 followers, & about the success mindset we need to have to succeed in social media influencing…

Take a note, write goals & organise your monthly content with planoly.

Create hype with epic launch- 

1. Earn credibility by growing your audience. 

2. Build a community that will anticipate your product launch.

3. Create a product teaser by stimulating their curiosity. 

Grow your 1000 followers-

1. Optimise your profile.

2. Create engaging quality content.

3. Create a consistent feed.

4. Always use hashtags strategically. 

5. Cross promote your Instagram profile.

6. Partner with influencers.

7. Engage with target audience.

8. Post consistently. 

"Success is exponential. Once you get started and stay consistent, the results will follow".

Hope you make a list of the points and take actions according to your goals. Have a great week lovelies. 

Do follow subscribe my podcast in anchor, apple podcast, Spotify  & other platforms for instant notifications when I make new episodes. 

Cheers xoxo.

Jul 11, 202022:15
Social Media Influencer - How to get noticed in a noisy world...

Social Media Influencer - How to get noticed in a noisy world...

Social Media Influencer - How to get noticed in a noisy world?

Hey everyone, in this episode I want to talk about how you can build your personal brand through social media platforms… & also how you can monetise your influence as a content creator..

I started to show up consistently from the month of May 2nd without fail every single day providing content in Instagram, on may 1st my ac size was 348, just in 1 month my ac size grew to 3500, not only I got new followers but also clients who came from that plus collaborations from different company, it was mind-blowing the result I got just by showing up everyday for a month…

Trust me as an entrepreneur I know how frustratingly painful is to spend money on ads, website & social media marketing.. in the name of strategy building or adding content in social media which can be done by us for the activity which takes place a min to do they literally charge a bomb… & mind you the design theme content is given by us yet we pay for them to post… I feel what you are thinking, I know right ?

Anyway, after this bitter experiences like these, I decided, I have to take charge on this & I was scared in the begining thinking how I would have the time to do everything on my own, but when I made up my mind & prioritised myself & planned about the message & the content I will be posting everyday it made so clear about my goal of social media… it gave a clear picture how the whole month is gone look like & It literally got me excited to start, & when I started from may 2nd & till now it was a magical experience…

Hi my name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneur

What you will learn in this episode.... 

1. How to do effective market research so that you are implementing a profitable business strategy from the start.

2. How to identify your niche and ideal clients so that you can create content that speaks directly to them.

3. How to create content that attracts your target audience so that you don’t have to go chasing after them.

4. How to establish your visual brand strategy so that your potential customers can relate to your brand voice and story.

5. How to generate hype around your brand and create an epic launch.

6. How to gain your first 1,000 followers who are relevant and literally waiting for what you have to offer.

7. How to create a massive tribe of raving fans by building a community around your brand.

8. How to master your mindset and develop good habits, which is the backbone of every successful business.

And MUCH more than this!

Hope you take notes of the steps and strategies mentioned in this episode & create a compelling Instagram launch... Now my podcast is available in 8 platforms & you can subscribe for instant notifications whenever I make a new podcast. 

Have a great week :) 

Cheers xoxo... 

Jul 05, 202048:04
Introduction of Change your Look Change your Life Book

Introduction of Change your Look Change your Life Book

Hello everyone, in this episode, I have given a succinct introduction of my book Change your Look Change your Life, where I have given why it is important to elevate your personal image for success, the science behind positive first impression, how you can tweak positive first impression to elevate your personal brand quotient... 

Subscribe my podcast to allow instant notifications when I make a new episode, now its available in 8 podcast platforms including apple podcast ...You can look for CHICCHITRA TALKSHOW & do subscribe. 

Hope you enjoy listening to this introduction of my book & also you can also purchase the book in amazon. 

cheers xoxo

Jul 03, 202016:49
How to make dreams into reality? GOAL SETTING

How to make dreams into reality? GOAL SETTING

Today in this episode I am going to share with you some steps, or you can call as secrets which will make your dreams into reality. Excited much :) I am, bcoz this has helped me redefine my life in a positive way.

NOW, These steps will make your goals into reality , this involves writing stuff down, I know some of you don’t like writing but trust me it helps, be prepared to pause your audio & grab some paper & a pen so you can jot it down while I am mentioning the steps… I am going to tell you the truth, when you have a gaal its not even a goal, its a fantasy , its a dream, always have a separate book & call it as a goal book, & you write out your goals. & go through it every day,

Now I am just about to take you through bit by bit stage by stage in making a goal a reality, you can come back to it & look at it, touch it, feel it, remember this if you do not write out your goals, then they are not real goals, have a plan & write out how to accomplish them. If you don’t have a goal, its a wish, its just a dream. If you want to make it real, grab a book, pen & make a note of it right now…

Hi my name is Chitra Balasubramaniam, I am a quantum leap coach, entrepreneur, author of 3 books, founder of Tresʼchic Academe, online Gold trader, mentor at cherie Blair foundation UK, a wife, mother of 2 beautiful boys. I create #SHEpreneurs meaning Successful High Earning entrepreneurs.

Daily reflection routines help you be aware of how you are on the inside. Writing down answers to powerful questions help you gauge and determine what we really want in life. It helps you extract richer learning from our experiences. You can do daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly reflection exercises.

Here you have some ideas of what we can do together:

Define your goals, priorities, and stay focused Develop a successful mindset to achieve results Reduce your stress and manage your emotions Improve your work-life balance

Become an effective leader.

Be more productive and organized Take your career to the next levels.

e.g. for Daily Reflection questions -

1 minute







 you can do for weekly, monthly reflection questions as well….

Weekly reflection questions-


Level of satisfaction Give no of stars, 1 2 3 4 5





Monthly reflection questions -

January - December-


Level of satisfaction with my progress





To summarise, - your thoughts & feelings are very powerful, don’t react bcoz of your circumstances, & have negative thoughts, instead you have the power over your thoughts & feelings which in turn turns to actions & results. When you work on this, the goals you write down become the genie in a bottle, it will come as a reality. It definitely works.

Hope you got out some clear vision about your goals from this episode & do write it down & keep thinking positive thoughts & feel good about it. Have a great week writing your goals & create a dream life you want..

Now you can subscribe in 8 podcast platforms, iTunes, Anchor, Spotify, etc 

Jun 28, 202026:56
Zeigarnik Effect!! How you can improve your life with Zeigarnik Effect?

Zeigarnik Effect!! How you can improve your life with Zeigarnik Effect?

Are you someone who find it hard to leave things incomplete?

Have you ever wondered why is it so  hard to leave things incomplete?

Are you someone who gets impatient when you don't finish a task?

Have you ever found yourself interrupted by intrusive thoughts about unfinished work?

Perhaps they were about a partially finished work project keeping you up at night or the plot of a half read novel that keeps circling in your thoughts. To be honest I am one like that, because I definitely have this OCD of thinking about unfinished work or work not done at the stipulated time & it keeps bombarding in my thoughts until finish the task. There is a reason why its so hard to stop thinking about uncompleted & interrupted tasks. 

Psychologists refer to this as the Zeigarnik Effect, or the tendency to better remember unfinished tasks than completed ones & that is the reason most of us instead of celebrating the finished tasks we end up thinking about the unfinished ones. uncompleted tasks stick in your mind more than completed ones. When I am not crazy!! you know what I mean... 

Thank you for listening to this episode & I hope you will use this effect to improve your life. 

Kindly do subscribe me in any podcast platforms so you get notifications whenever I make a new one. Do review in Apple Podcast . 

Thank you in advance & have a great week .....

Jun 24, 202009:38
How to change your life in 30 mins a day? Secrets of Compound Effect!!

How to change your life in 30 mins a day? Secrets of Compound Effect!!

Have you heard or witnessed this effect called compound effect or exponential growth in any time of your life? I called it quantum leap success. It's a revolutionary system to get just 1% better every single day, I am not talking about doing 100% but just 1% a day. Real change comes form the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions for e.g.- doing 2 push ups a day, waking up 5 mins earlier, or just reading 1 page a day or doing something minuscule which will help in your personal, professional & financial growth, these small changes all have a transformative effect on your career, your relationships & your life. 

Whenever I feel my life is "unproductive" in any area, I do a quick audit & app my 30 minute rule. And VOILA, I feel balanced & productive again. 

Want to try it for yourself? 

Hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much I did by documenting it. Have a great week... 

Really appreciate to everyone who are following & listening to my podcast. If you haven't subscribed please do so, so you get notifications whenever I create a new podcast episode.. 

My podcast is now available in 8 platforms including Apple Podcast, Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcast, Overcast etc... 

Kindly review in Apple Podcast & subscribing fo it ... Thank you in advance.  

Jun 24, 202014:23
Change Your Look Change Your Life - Book

Change Your Look Change Your Life - Book


Change your Look Change your Life is a proven step-by-step book for creating a unique, fashionable YOU! Chitra reveals the secrets for creating the perfect first impression with 7 simple steps. This book gives you the power & wisdom to create the life of your dreams. Illustrated with true client stories & powerful anecdotes, the book gives you the steps & actions necessary to achieve whatever you desire. 

Some of the things you will learn are:

# The 7 universal habits of highly stylish people that guarantee success & how to utilise them in your personal & professional life. 

# How you can control & improve how others see you through improving your personal appearance. 

# How you can communicate a positive image through non-verbal signals. 

Chang your Look Change your Life by Chitra Balasubramaniam is a collection of actionable tips to help you master the art of human communication, leave great first impressions & make people feel comfortable around you in all walks of life. It is a modern day handbook with which the traditional art of sprezzatura is now possible. 

Hope you love listening about this succinct message of my book & continue to support me by subscribing me in every podcast platforms.. Subscribe in Apple Podcast & write a review . 

Cheers & have a pleasant week ahead ... 

Jun 22, 202004:40
Key Leadership mindset in crisis - Personal Growth

Key Leadership mindset in crisis - Personal Growth

hello everyone, so good to be back after a week, hope you all are doing great, In this episode i wanted to share some interesting events which happened this whole week, i quite religiously show up everyday these days on social media, i started to show up everyday from may 2nd without a miss, just in one month i had amazing results in terms of new connections, followers & clients,

I had different experience in terms of success mindset crisis with mentors & mentees this week, & I wanted to share this experience with you to know how powerful personal growth can be in every situation, as a mentor or a mentee if your mindset is not as expected to be for the level of success you want to achieve, you will react in a different way how unsuccessful people react. 

This topic is very dear & near to me, because of personal growth my life has changed drastically in many areas. From an introvert to an ambivert now buiding my own business as a quantum leap coach helping many women entrepreneurs to acheive their potential. Author of 4 books, speaker, & an online trader. i could acheive this only because of the investment i did in my personal growth.

 i would definitely say that the greatest wealth of all time is the time & money which i invested on myself. Investing in yourself is one of the best return on investments you can ever have. Whether its investing in learning a new skill, or developing yourself personally or professionally, or tapping in to your creativity by hiring a coach to acheive your potential. When you invest in yourself, a world of opportunities will open for you. & if you have a business where you sell a product or your services, you must invest in your personal growth because it helps in your mindset, your thoughts, actions which in turn reflects in your success of your business.

Jun 14, 202021:52
How to elevate you success through personal brand?

How to elevate you success through personal brand?

How to Leverage your signature traffic builder?

 Ask yourself, what is it that makes your brand unique, compelling, and engaging? In other words, what's your signature? If you don't know the answer yet, that's totally fine. My goal here is to introduce you to a concept that is guaranteed to get your gears turning. I'm talking about creating a signature traffic builder. So, what is a signature traffic builder? A signature traffic builder is the content you commit to sharing on a consistent basis.

Jun 07, 202005:06
How to elevate you success through personal brand?

How to elevate you success through personal brand?

In this episode I will be talking about Five things you can do to monetize your personal brand

There are tremendous benefits to building your personal brand. Whether you're a business owner or an employee. One great perk is that you can actually monetize your personal brand if you master the art of packing your expertise and building an online community. Believe me, I would know. After dedicating three years to building my personal brand, starting back in 2008, in year four, I started monetizing my platform and channels which has ultimately turned into a six-figure business. Here are five things you need to have on lock if you want to start making money from your personal brand.

Jun 07, 202005:52
How to elevate your success through personal branding?

How to elevate your success through personal branding?

Your personal brand on social media

It's a good idea to think of each social media profile as a landing page for your personal brand. 

With that in mind, here are five things to consider as you look at your social media channels. 

Jun 07, 202003:09
How to elevate your success through personal branding?

How to elevate your success through personal branding?

Creating your personal brand content calendar

 Content creation. A time commitment is we all struggle with. As chief content marketer of your own personal brand, it can be tough to create consistent, quality content to share with your audience.Without a doubt, the most beneficial thing you could do for your personal brand is take the time to map out a content calendar. Most content shared on social media has that real-time feel considering the short life cycle and rapid pace information moves across each platform, but in reality, a lot of it's planned in advance and comes from a content calendar. Having your own will help you prepare evergreen and seasonal content in advance so that you can focus on engaging in real-time trending conversations. I recommend crafting your content calendar and rollout plan 30 days out, and here's how to do it.

Jun 07, 202004:41
How to elevate your success through personal branding?

How to elevate your success through personal branding?

Four tips for defining a target audience  Getting clear on your target market is essential. When it comes to marketing your services, you simply can't please everyone. Think about it. Who will benefit most from your products or services? Is it single moms, college students, first-time home buyers, job seekers, or people who work from home?Consumer demographics might not be top of mind for you, but let me tell you. The more clear you are on your target audience, the faster you'll grow your network and convert more customers. So let's start with a definition. A target audience is a specific group of people that are more likely to need and buy what you have to offer. So to help you find your target audience, here are four tips to zero in on the ideal consumer.

Jun 07, 202004:52
How to elevate your success through personal branding?

How to elevate your success through personal branding?

How to craft your personal brand story

Crafting your persona brand through story is the most powerful way of building it. The average attention span of an adult today is between seven and 12 seconds, which puts the pressure on us to captivate and hook our audience from the get-go. So how do we do that? Well, think back to the last conference you attended, or the last compelling podcast or webinar you listened to. I bet you remember the stories and experiences that were told, and could barely remember any statistics or numbers that were shared. It turns out our brains are designed to remember the stories, not the data. The power of storytelling is infectious, so it's in our best interest to incorporate it in our brand assets and content marketing efforts.

This gives more credibility & connection with the clients. 

Jun 07, 202004:02
How to elevate your success through personal brand?

How to elevate your success through personal brand?

So we are talking about Personal Branding - & Why You need to brand yourself? .

Your personal brand is your resume.

How you present yourself, is how people first view you. What are you showcasing?

Today, the impressions you cast on other people do matter a lot.  The way people perceive your image holds a lot of weight in life. Some people would say we cannot control how other people think of us. But, this is a myth. We can certainly control the way people perceive us. We can project the image that we want to. All we need is an Image Makeover.

Thats how I started my company Tres’chic Academe, Tres’chic is all about Redefining Refined YOU

Jun 07, 202009:04
How to elevate your success through personal brand?

How to elevate your success through personal brand?

Your personal brand is the complete extension of who you are and what you stand for. Ultimately, it's what differentiates you from the competition and it's something no one could take away from you so it's important to look within.

How you are dressed not only affects how other people perceive you but how you view yourself. The kind of dress you wear, the way you groom yourself or how you appear, actually depends on how you feel that day or how feel about yourself as a whole.

Ultimately, by changing the way you dress you can change your life. 

Jun 07, 202005:18
How to elevate your success through Personal Branding

How to elevate your success through Personal Branding

In this episode, I will be sharing some insights about how you can elevate your success through personal branding. 

Have you ever felt judged or perceived in a wrong way even though you didn’t mean to show case yourself that way?

Fortunately or unfortunately people judge in a matter of seconds depending on what you show case at that moment of time.

You are the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal. If you are starting a business, establishing your thought leadership, or trying to get ahead in your career, it's a great time to start investing in the brand of you. Learn the secrets of personal branding.

Jun 07, 202004:23
Personal Journey

Personal Journey

In this episode I am talking about my entrepreneurial journey, how I achieved my 7+ figure income, my set backs, the quantum leap process. It all started with my personal growth & how it elevated my success level from ground zero to where I am now as an entrepreneur . Happy Listening :)

Jun 06, 202003:33
About Chitra Balasubramaniam

About Chitra Balasubramaniam

An Author, Entrepreneur, Quantum Leap Coach, and an Online Trader, Chitra is a passionate visionary. Chitra has always been a firm believer in the power of dreams and bold visions. 

Chitra's vision & mission is to create #SHEpreneurs - Successful High Earning entrepreneurs through her quantum leap coaching program, to achieve their potential of quantum leap success. 

Through this podcast, she shares her knowledge, wisdom of how she achieved her goals of becoming the 7 figure income woman in short span of her entrepreneurial journey. 

Being a certified Image Consultant, Soft Skill Coach, Dale Carnegie coach & her innate passion to help other women has given her many accolades in magazines, news paper & awarded as the best image consultant, coach & an entrepreneur. 

She helps women entrepreneurs in creating a positive

1. Success Mindset

2. Personal Development

3. Personal Branding

4. Entrepreneurial Success

5. Financial Freedom

Jun 06, 202002:44