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The Gifts of the Universe by Chris Willcock

The Gifts of the Universe by Chris Willcock

By Chris C Willcock

These Podcast are be based on my my book "The Gifts of the Universe” now available on Amazon. Each week we will focus on a topic from my book which is focused on the Twelve Laws of the Universe including the Law of Attraction. Each week will will dig a little deeper into the fascinating world of manifesting. Come with me as we discuss how to create the world you desire. Follow me on Instagram @chriswillcockauthor
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Intro to The Gifts of the Universe- trailer

The Gifts of the Universe by Chris WillcockJul 27, 2020

Episode 29- Sankalpa

Episode 29- Sankalpa

Sankalpa is a yogic philosophy for setting your heart felt intention or desire. In this episode we will learn how to use Sankalpa, which is traditionally used during Yoga Nidra ( which we will learn to do in the next episode ). We will learn to use Sankalpa as soon as you wake up or just before you fall sleep to help you set your intention deep into your subconscious. Whether you are wanting to lose weight, improve a relationship, increase wealth or any other intention that your heart desires. 

Oct 28, 202124:51
Episode 28- Thoughts!

Episode 28- Thoughts!

In this episode we explore why thoughts are so important and how to work to keep your thoughts positive. Your thoughts form the bases of your reality and are at the foundation of our ability to manifest what we desire in our worlds. Become a Gate Keeper to your thoughts 

I wanted to talk about your wonderful emails with all the ideas and questions for upcoming shows, but we will explore that in the next episode.

Keep your great emails coming to

Oct 21, 202133:39
Episode 27- Moving forward with the Gifts of the Universe.

Episode 27- Moving forward with the Gifts of the Universe.

After covering the majority of concepts in "The Gifts of the Universe" I took a natural break from the Podcasts, moved to a new home and now I am ready to get back to exploring various concepts that help us understand the Law of Attraction and manifesting your best life. In this episode I talk about what's next.  

Sep 24, 202113:58
Episode 26-Change.Embracing it to move forward.

Episode 26-Change.Embracing it to move forward.

For most of us change is hard, we hold on even when we know it is for the best. In this episode I discuss the need to release the old for the new as we change. I have sold my house and I am moving on, so in this episode I use that as an analogy for change. Change your beliefs change your life!
Mar 25, 202123:58
Episode 25- Lighting a Fire for Your Beliefs

Episode 25- Lighting a Fire for Your Beliefs

Awareness is the key to working on your limiting Beliefs. If you are struggling to manifest what you desire into your life, you need to work on your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. In this episode we talk about how to replace your limiting beliefs and discover what is holding you back!

Feb 11, 202136:15
Episode 24- My Friends and the Law Of Attraction

Episode 24- My Friends and the Law Of Attraction

For the first time on the show I have four good friends join me as we explore the Law of Attraction, Beliefs, Coping with COVID and the Movie "Ground Hog Day". In this episode we have an unscripted discussion via the phone (Social Distance) about these topics and more. Join us as we have a few laughs while exploring these very important topics. Come join Robin, John, Mark, Faisal and your host Chris Willcock, as we focus on some important questions around the Law Of Attraction.
Feb 04, 202150:43
Episode Twenty Three- New Beginnings-Your Perception

Episode Twenty Three- New Beginnings-Your Perception

We are in a New Year and many of us look to use that to change ourselves, but we find ourselves overwhelmed with the way the world is at the moment. In this episode I discuss how important our views of ourselves and our world really are. Learn to shift your perspective and change your perception as you work to Manifest the life you seek. We will discuss how important it is to remain positive!

Jan 28, 202131:16
Episode Twenty Two- Heart Intelligence

Episode Twenty Two- Heart Intelligence

In this episode we will discuss how to use your Heart's Intelligence to connect with your Intuition. Learn how you can develop coherence between your mind and your heart. Discover how to fully connect to your Intentions through both your mind and your heart. 

Jan 22, 202124:16
Episode Twenty One- Vision Boards

Episode Twenty One- Vision Boards

In this Episode we will explore the use of Vision Boards or Dream Boards so that you can elevate your Intention Statements to a new level. Also because we are living in a digital world we will also discuss digital version of vison boards.
Jan 14, 202132:27
Episode Twenty- New Years Resolutions

Episode Twenty- New Years Resolutions

Finally 2020 has gone! With the coming of 2021 maybe you made some New Years resolutions. Well, great because resolutions are intention statements. Learn in this episode how to make your resolutions into solid concrete realistic Intention statements that get results and bring them to life.

Jan 08, 202118:38
Episode Nineteen- Allowing

Episode Nineteen- Allowing

With your intention statements and affirmations in place the next step is critical. You must " Allow " things to manifest into your life. So in this episode we tackle the often mis-understood practice of "Allowing." 

Dec 11, 202032:48
Episode Eighteen-Intention Statements and Affirmations

Episode Eighteen-Intention Statements and Affirmations

Learn how to use Intention statements and affirmations to bring out what it is you desire when you manifest. Discover how to use these very powerful tools effectively on your journey. 

Nov 27, 202018:17
Episode Seventeen- Beliefs and How to Change Them.

Episode Seventeen- Beliefs and How to Change Them.

In this episode we will begin to look at replacing your limiting beliefs, taking you that much closer to what it is you want to manifest into your life. If you have tried working with the Law of Attraction and manifesting, but just cant seem to draw what you want into your life, you are most likely being held back by your limiting beliefs. Come along as we explore several ways of changing those beliefs!

Nov 20, 202033:27
Episode Sixteen-Beliefs and why they are so Important.

Episode Sixteen-Beliefs and why they are so Important.

Beliefs are everything, You have heard " Change Your Beliefs Change your Life! " In this episode we will explore why your beliefs are so important to what you can Manifest. Lets look at your beliefs and begin the work of changing them so you can Manifest the life you desire.
Nov 12, 202033:47
Episode Fifteen- Putting it All Together

Episode Fifteen- Putting it All Together

In this episode we explore how we can use all Twelve Laws of the Universe. The main takeaway from the laws is to remember to try to be balanced and positive in situations and interactions, but understanding that we are human and it that at times it can be difficult to remain positive and not be effected by negative situations. These Laws teach us to look carefully at situations and our feelings and work to evaluate how we are really feeling and attempt to stay neutral. 

Nov 06, 202023:39
Episode Fourteen- The Law of Gender

Episode Fourteen- The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender reminds us that everything in the Universe contains both masculine and feminine qualities, and teaches us to use both in all our interactions to help remain balanced.
Oct 29, 202018:56
Episode Thirteen- The Law of Rhythm

Episode Thirteen- The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm teaches us that everything has a cycle, ups and downs. The tide goes out and the tide comes back in. The pendulum swings to the left and equally to the right. Once you understand that everything has an up and a down you can learn to use that to your advantage.

Oct 22, 202017:35
Episode Twelve-The Law of Polarity

Episode Twelve-The Law of Polarity

This Law teaches us that everything has an opposite, cold vs hot. bad vs good, positive and negative. Being aware of this helps us become calmer, more positive and therefore more in control of our thoughts and feelings.
Oct 16, 202024:37
Episode Eleven- The Law of Relativity

Episode Eleven- The Law of Relativity

This Law teaches us to decide if something is good or bad based on our perception, experiences and beliefs and to use our own scale of relativity when making decisions in our lives.
Oct 08, 202024:25
Episode Ten-The Law of Attraction Part 2

Episode Ten-The Law of Attraction Part 2

In this weeks episode we wrap up The Law of Attraction episode from last week, focusing on how this Law fits with the other Eleven Laws that make up the Twelve Laws of the Universe.

Oct 01, 202045:33
Episode Nine- The Law of Attraction Part 1

Episode Nine- The Law of Attraction Part 1

Learn how to use the Universal Law of Attraction to manifest what you want into your life. This is an in-depth look at how to use this law so I have broken this episode into two parts. Part 2 will air next week.
Sep 24, 202033:40
Episode Eight- The Law of Compensation

Episode Eight- The Law of Compensation

This Law teaches us that 'We Reap What We Sow,'  Plant positive seeds with your thoughts, feelings and actions and you will receive positive interactions in return. 

Sep 17, 202033:18
Episode Seven- The Law of Cause and Effect

Episode Seven- The Law of Cause and Effect

Learn to use Cause and Effect to stay positive in your life to raise your frequency so you can be in alignment with what you wish to manifest. Observe don't Judge.
Sep 10, 202031:08
Episode Six- The Law of Action

Episode Six- The Law of Action

In this episode we talk about the Law of Action but we also focus on a question from a listener asking. "do we really need to understand  " The Twelve Laws of the Universe" to be able to use the Law of Attraction effectively? 

Sep 03, 202040:54
Episode Five- The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy

Episode Five- The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy

Turning negative energy into positive energy
Aug 28, 202034:22
Episode Four- The Law of Vibration

Episode Four- The Law of Vibration

Join me as we explore this extremely important Law of the Universe. We are all energy and have a Vibration. Learn how to raise your Vibration!

Aug 21, 202035:30
Episode Three- The Law of Correspondence

Episode Three- The Law of Correspondence

Join me as we explore the second Law of The Universe, The Law of Correspondence

Aug 14, 202029:45
Episode Two- The Law of Oneness

Episode Two- The Law of Oneness

In my book "The Gifts of the Universe" I explore how the Twelve Laws of the Universe including the Law of Attraction are all connected to each other. Join me here as we look at the Law of Oneness.

Aug 06, 202026:60
Episode One -The Twelve Laws of the Universe including the Law of Attraction

Episode One -The Twelve Laws of the Universe including the Law of Attraction

Episode One explores the basics of the Law of Attraction and what are the other lesser known Laws of the Universe that make up the " Twelve Laws of the Universe"

Jul 27, 202017:44
Intro to The Gifts of the Universe- trailer

Intro to The Gifts of the Universe- trailer

Each week I will deliver a Podcast based on my book, "The Gifts of the Universe".  Join me as we explore what works and what doesn't work in the fascinating world of "The Law of Attraction" helping manifest your best life now!

Jul 27, 202001:40