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Possibility of Positivity

Possibility of Positivity

By Chris McPherson

Welcome to the Positive Place as this channel aims to open your mind to infinite possibilities through the universal power of positive thinking. My objective is to educate, encourage, and empower you to achieve your goals, and reach destinations beyond your imagination.
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Cut The C.R.A.P.

Possibility of PositivityJul 12, 2019

Choose "YOU" This Day

Choose "YOU" This Day

The Positive Place Episode 57: Choose "YOU" This Day. The best way to help others is by choosing to do so...and the choice is always yours! "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." - Steve Jobs

May 21, 202003:46
Finding Yourself

Finding Yourself

The Positive Place Episode 56: Finding Yourself. If you are alive then you have at some point in your existence experienced being lost. Whether that happens to be navigating roadways in a foreign city, looking for a store in a shopping mall, or wanting to figure out which direction to go, it seems that in life we are constantly working to find our next move. In this message we discuss strategies to help you find your self love, self worth, self efficacy, and be empowered to simply be YOU!

Mar 06, 202004:14
Oh "My" God

Oh "My" God

The Positive Place Episode 55: Oh "My" God. 

Omnipresent - present everywhere at the same time.  

As within so without

Feb 07, 202001:17


The Positive Place Episode 54: Serendipity. Whatever will be will be, and as we learn to control our thoughts and actions we will see that somethings work out beyond what we imagine. In this message I discuss a personal story of disappointment that lead to success, and the events that came together in the right and proper time just as they were meant to.

Jan 24, 202004:29
2020 Vision

2020 Vision

The Positive Place Episode 53: 2020 Vision. 20/20 is a term for clear vision, and it is also an indicator of the current year, and a new decade. If you believe that "seeing is believing" then you understand that in order to achieve a goal it is important to have a vision of what your success looks like. In this message we discuss the purpose of creating a vision not only for the new year, but a clear vision for your goals and aspirations in order to achieve them everyday

Jan 14, 202005:22
Level Up

Level Up

The Positive Place Episode 52: Level Up. 

Elevate your mind, lively up your soul, and level up as you work to master your life.

Dec 27, 201905:17
Living The Rich Life

Living The Rich Life

The Positive Place Episode 51: Living The Rich Life. It is safe to assume that most people would love to be rich, but what is it that allows us to live a rich life. Is it a certain amount of money, a certain number of homes, or even owning your own plane for travel? Although these things are great to have, none of these will allow you to be truly rich as money alone is only one part of the equation. In this episode we discuss your experiences, your relationships with others, and your personal achievements as ways to live richly fulfilled everyday of your life.

Nov 22, 201905:09
How To Think Positively

How To Think Positively

The Positive Place Episode 50: How To Think Positively. Many people will say and agree that we should all seek to think positively to create positive reactions in our lives...but how do we change the way we think? In this message we discuss the powerful phrase of "why not", and consider how questioning why not allows us to create positive thinking in the direction of our goals. Life is good, and the best life possible is available to you if you are willing to believe and work for it. If you don't believe the prior sentence, then you must begin to apply this exercise and question yourself to understand "why not".

Nov 11, 201904:54
24 Hours to Live

24 Hours to Live

The Positive Place Episode 49: 24 Hours to Live. What would you do if you had 24 hours to live? In this message we explore many answers to this question, and bring light to the truth that we all have only 24 hours to live right now. So whatever it is, today is the day to do it as 24 hours are all we ever have. It's February 2nd everyday.

Oct 18, 201905:07
Creating Chain Reactions

Creating Chain Reactions

The Positive Place Episode 48: Creating Chain Reactions. According to Newton's laws of physics, for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. This truth can be applied in many aspects of our lives, and should be used to create positive actions and reactions in the direction that we choose. In this message we discuss how to create a process of continuous action that will allow us to align our progress step by step in order to achieve any goal.

Oct 11, 201905:32
Building Brand YOU

Building Brand YOU

The Positive Place Episode 47: Building Brand You. Building brand YOU is an essential part of being successful. Although we may not think of ourselves as a brand, we in fact are branding ourselves in everything that we do. Through our appearance, our actions, and even our words, we create the way in which other people and other brands receive us. So in everything that you do remember that your brand promise, tagline, and logo are created directly by you.

Sep 30, 201906:12
Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

The Positive Place Episode 46: Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep. In this message we reflect on the topic of beauty, and take a dive into what makes people beautiful. Although we should desire to look our best as we present ourselves in the world, it is important for us to remember that what makes us beautiful is not just our appearance as true beauty is the sum of all of the positive characteristics we posses within us. So today accept my complement as I believe you are beautiful, and I just want you to know that you are really special.

Sep 20, 201904:46
Keep Fighting

Keep Fighting

The Positive Place Episode 45: Keep Fighting. Whether it be  MMA, Boxing, Wrestling, or two birds in a tree, fighting is a part of survival in life and we must always be prepared to fight for what we want. This message is designed to provide some motivation for you to continue in the good fight, as you work to defeat any opponent that may come. We review the training process of physical and mental conditioning, practicing, creating good corner supporters, and fighting with all you've got as the keys to be able to overcome any blows that life throws your way.

Sep 13, 201905:10
The Puzzle Of Life

The Puzzle Of Life

The Positive Place Episode 44: The Puzzle of Life. If you have every worked to assemble a jigsaw puzzle you know that there is a process of putting things together piece by piece that has to be done in order to create an intended vision. Most puzzles don't come with directions, but if they did they may advise that you start with a vision of what you want to create, identify all of the pieces needed for success, develop an outline for your goal, and begin to put pieces in place to build the masterpiece of your desire. In a way, life is like a puzzle and in this message we take these instructions to heart and challenge ourselves to look at these steps as a way to create the perfect picture of the life that we want for ourselves.

Aug 30, 201907:07
Act As If

Act As If

The Positive Place Episode 43: Act As If is a technique that is used in the creation of everything as we know it to be. It simply takes our imagination and allows us to convey thoughts into actions that propel us in the direction of success. In this form of practice we are able to not only go through the motions, but be engaged with the emotions, feelings, and actions that accompany what we desire most. It is said that we should start with the end in mind and our ability to act as if not only allows us to think of a goal, but to truly accept and live in the accomplishment of having it as ours already. So today, realize that you are what you desire to be right now. As the more you act as if you are, the more you will become who you are.

Aug 23, 201905:07
The Gift of Being Present

The Gift of Being Present

The Positive Place Episode 42: The Gift of Being Present. Are you capturing the moment, or are you living in it? This is a question that I ask participants in my development sessions as we discuss the topic of presence and our ability to be present. In a world that continues to move faster everyday we lose touch with making personal connections, and creating lasting relationships with ourselves and others. It is easier to text than call, easier to try than do, and easier to say why we can't than to show up fully as ourselves. So today, take a moment and realize that your presence is powerful and it is important for you to be present in your life, and the life of those that you value the most. Since the majority of your success in life will simply be based on your ability to show up, be sure that you give yourself the ultimate gift of being present.

Aug 16, 201907:11
Growing Through Grief

Growing Through Grief

The Positive Place Episode 41: Growing Through Grief. Grief is an emotional state that all humans experience as a reaction to the many forms of loss that we encounter. Although the process of grieving is one that challenges us both mentally and physically to overcome, it is essential that we grieve as this is a natural part of the healing process. In order to get over the pain that comes in situations of loss, we must allow ourselves the time, space, and conditions to grow through our grief properly so that we can restore ourselves and grow better. 

"that which does not kill us makes us stronger" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Aug 09, 201906:59
Stay Woke

Stay Woke

The Positive Place Episode 40: Stay Woke. The concept of being awake or staying woke is something that gets commercial attention, but what does it really mean? In this episode we discuss what it is to refresh and renew yourself to avoid the state of slumber by presenting thoughts that will allow you to awaken your mind to see everything in life anew. No alarm clock is ever needed when you learn to live awake, aware, and responsive to your existence.

Aug 02, 201905:14
Creating an ECHO - Everyone Can Help Others

Creating an ECHO - Everyone Can Help Others

The Positive Place Episode 39: Everyone Can Help Others. In this message we review the phenomenon of an echo, and discuss how one initial sound can continue to be heard and duplicated. We all have a voice that can be used to create positive messages in the world, and once we choose to share our message it has the ability to ECHO for days, months, years, and even generations. So today share your message and work to create a literal echo, because we are all in this together, and together Everyone Can Help Others.

Jul 26, 201905:14
Cut The C.R.A.P.

Cut The C.R.A.P.

The Positive Place Episode 38: Cut The C.R.A.P. In this episode we discuss the topic of crap and bring to light the acronym of Can't Return A Profit. If something is unable to be of profit of or betterment for you, then it is something that you must learn to cut out of your life. When working to become our best there will always be some crap for us to get rid of, as it is simply a form of waste that may be holding us back. So today, take personal inventory of your life and cherish the things that profit you, as you work to remove and cut out all of the crap that might be doing you no good.

letting go of what you have is needed to make room for what you want

Jul 12, 201904:58
Happy Independence Everyday

Happy Independence Everyday

The Positive Place Episode 37: Happy Independence Everyday

Many countries around the world celebrate their freedom and independence from the rule of others on various days of the year, and in this message we discuss what it means to be independent and why we should live completely free. Your ability to be unapologetically you is exactly what independence is, and since your freedom has been earned you must live freely to be who you are and celebrate your independence everyday. 

"freedom is as freedom does"

Jul 06, 201904:33
Take Pride In Yourself

Take Pride In Yourself

The Positive Place Episode 36: Take Pride In Yourself. June is known as Pride month in many places around the world, as there are hundreds of parades and social gatherings that occur to celebrate love and  inclusion for all people. The word pride is defined as a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, and this message is created to allow us all to reflect on our individuality and take pride for who we are. Despite any differences that we may have, as citizens of the planet we are challenged to learn how we can unite in celebration and appreciation of our individualities. So today, take a moment to reflect on you as a person by taking personal pride in yourself and all of the uniqueness that makes you.

Jun 28, 201906:45
Running The Race of Life

Running The Race of Life

The Positive Place Episode 35: Running The Race of Life. It's that time again, and you are invited to take a moment to celebrate and appreciate your freedom today as we discuss the race of your life. Life is often described as a race to pay reference to our ability to move in the direction of our destiny,  and cross the finish line of our goals. In running a race persons often get fatigued physically and mentally, and sometimes desire to stop running all together and give up. This message is designed to encourage us all to keep going, and run the best race that we can. In running our life's race the focus shouldn't be on competing with others, but only to compete within and against ourselves. So on your mark...get set...go...into the direction of your goals and never give up as you set personal records in your own race of life.

I just kept running - Forest Gump

Jun 21, 201906:59
Make Vacation Your Destination - Enjoy Yourself

Make Vacation Your Destination - Enjoy Yourself

The Positive Place Episode 34: Make Vacation Your Destination. 

In this message we discuss the topic of enjoyment, and why it is essential to get away and refresh your mind, body, and soul. If all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl, then it is important for us all to stay sharp by intermittent fasting on life to keep ourselves balanced. You deserve to have time to yourself, and getting away from your normal routine will make your heart and mind grow fonder of rest, renewal, and self restoration. After all, only you can enjoy yourself for you.

Jun 17, 201903:03
Conditioning Your Condition

Conditioning Your Condition

The Positive Place Episode 33: Conditioning Your Condition. In this message we discuss the topic of conditioning, and provide examples and tips to how we can change our conditions through our conditioning. Conditioning happens to us as a result of the thoughts, actions, and behaviors that we consistently participate in, and a conditioned mind learns to view things is a certain way only. Because our minds are the tools that we use to share, create, and manifest anything in this world we must be conscious to observe our situations, create changes within them, and break any conditioned habits that yield results that we want to change. By changing our minds we change everything, and through this change we also create the reality of anything that we want to acquire.

Jun 07, 201907:04
Pushing Your Limits

Pushing Your Limits

The Positive Place Episode 32: Pushing Your Limits. For a moment I want you to imagine the feeling of joy that comes with a new success. Whether that success be personal, professional, mental, or physical, I want you to think of how good it feels. Well in order to have these feelings we must have done something which surpasses our previous best, and pushes our limit. Pushing our limits begins in the mind, and our ability to think and visualize the best outcomes helps to create them. This message serves to help us remember that we can always find a way to achieve a goal by working to remove any barriers or limits. If we can overcome our limits, then there will truly be nothing that can stop us.

May 31, 201904:51
True Lies

True Lies

Have you ever paid attention to the word phrases that we use in conversation to wonder what they really mean? In this message we will look at phrases such as "slow and steady wind the race" and ask the question...against who? You see in any race that is being ran the winning spot goes to the fastest competitor who completed the journey in the least amount of time. Phrases like "slow and steady wins the race" have been around for centuries, and today we will work to remove the myth and get to the true meaning of how we should encourage ourselves through our words. 

What we say affects what we do, and what we do creates who we are.

May 25, 201907:50
Reflecting on Reflection

Reflecting on Reflection

The Positive Place Episode 30: Reflecting on Reflection. Have you ever looked in the mirror and worked to change the image it shows you by correcting the mirror? Well If you are like me you have, and as a result you changed things about the mirror only to have the image it reflects stay the exact same. However only once I realized that the mirrors job was to only reflect an image back to me, that I decided to not change the mirror but change the mindset, actions, and ultimately the image that it is reflecting. This message is designed to remind us that in order to change our lives and reflect the things that we desire, we must first change the core image that is being reflected. Throughout our life's journey this one constant will remain true, as the core image in your life's reflection will always be YOU!

May 17, 201905:29
The Value of HELLO

The Value of HELLO

This message is a reminder to encourage you to always be active in working to meet new people as a way of bettering yourself. As humans we are social creatures and our ability to thrive and succeed can be directly correlated to the relationships that we keep, and the people that we interact with. As a formal training resource I have created and acronym H.E.L.L.O which is designed to help you keep these 5 core values top of mind as you work to meet new people and reciprocate value in all of your endeavors. A closed mouth doesn't get fed, but if you are willing to open up simply start by saying hello.

May 10, 201905:23
Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday To You

The Positive Place Episode 28 - Happy Birthday to you! The experience of having that one day that we can connect to that makes it special for us to be alive is awesome.  Think of the feeling that your birthday brings, regardless of what age milestone you celebrate it is a great accomplishment to experience one more year of life. On this unique day we are able to reflect on our lives, and the distance we have come  through a celebration of our happiness. The word birth is defined as the beginning or origin of something. So regardless of what that “something” happens to be for you, today is the day of birth and beginnings for the rest of your life. Today is the day of birth for your ideas, your dreams, your goals, and your future. Today is the birth of change, new beginnings, forgiveness and whatever it is that you need most. 

Always remember to celebrate your life and believe that today is the birth of anything that you want to achieve. 

May 03, 201905:38
Now Or Never

Now Or Never

The Positive Place Episode 28 - Now or Never. 

This weeks message is created to assist us in our freedom crusade by serving to remind us to utilize the time that we have productively by enjoying the moment. The concept of "Now or Never" challenges us all to prioritize what is important in our lives, and figure out how to create sustainable action in that direction. The more we continue to develop and grow in the now, the more we remove the possibility of us never achieving a goal occurring. The only time that we continue to live in is "right now", and working to become your best "right now" will insure that you are prosperous in every "right now" of your life.

Do something now that your future self will be happy that you did!

Apr 26, 201905:14
The Book Of Life

The Book Of Life

The Positive Place Episode 27 - The Book of Life. 

What’s up though? I am excited to be with you another week as we come together to celebrate our freedom today.  This week’s message is a narrative titled “The Book of Life”.  In this story we learn about the journey of a young man and a book that has been created and handed down to him as a tutorial reference on how to live the “good life”. Through this story we are reminded that learning is a constant activity, that doesn’t come with an outline or manual that can be followed to achieve success. True success comes from writing the book of our lives page by page as we create our own success story, as this is the best way to insure that we are able to live happily ever after. 

Apr 19, 201909:18
Life’s Operating System

Life’s Operating System

The Positive Place Episode: 26 - Life's Operating System

Technology is all around us, and in someways has become an essential part of our daily lives. As a result there are constant downloads, updates, and fixes that are designed to improve systems and produce better results. In this message we discuss how updating the operating systems of our devices can correlate to our lives, and why we should constantly look for updates and fixes in effort to help us perform better. If your phone, tablet, or computer is updating its systems, processes, and applications constantly in order to operate at its best, then shouldn't we as people be doing the same?

Apr 05, 201907:43
Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

The Positive Place Episode 25: Overcoming Fear. Have you ever been afraid? I have, and the way I have learned to overcome them is by leaning in and taking action. As we go through life our fears like many thing will change. The  good news is the process to overcoming a fear does not change, and our ability to experience and do the thing that makes us afraid is how we truly overcome it. When the truth is revealed fear is removed, and once our mind is made up about the positive outcome of a situation we will no longer be fearful of it. Learning to overcome our fears happens through learning to believe optimistically in ourselves.

Mar 29, 201908:35
Getting Over Being DisappoinTED

Getting Over Being DisappoinTED

The Positive Place Episode 24: Getting Over Being Disappointed 

This weeks message is a personal testimony describing a recent situation in which I had an unexpected audio/visual failure during my participation as a presenter at a TEDx event. What I learned through my experience is that acceptance of the situation, identifying what went wrong, learning to let it go, and finding the good that exists were key factors that helped me remove feelings of disappointment, and replacing them with confidence and appreciation of self. We must face the facts and understand that at times in life we may experience brief setbacks and disappointment. As they say "schyt happens", and when it does we must remember to flush the toilet and keep moving forward so that this too will pass. In the net sum of life it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down, as the most important factor will be how many times you decide to get back up...Bounce Back!

Mar 22, 201909:08
This I Know

This I Know

The Positive Place Episode 23: This I Know

This weeks message is delivered in the form of an exercise that is designed to assist you to build confidence within yourself by confirming and affirming the things we know to be true.  All of us have a system of beliefs that govern how we act, react, and what we deem to be real. Our ability to question and state what we know allows us to learn new information, as well as relearn what we already know. Through this exercise we are able to grow in our self mastery as we boldly discuss our truths, and solidify them as a statement of our personal ethos by exclaiming "this I know".

Mar 15, 201905:53
The Power of One

The Power of One

This weeks message is provided to give you some encouragement to keep going, as we discuss the strength and success that comes from doing one thing to better yourself. For some it may be calling one friend you haven't spoken to in a while, or for others possibly writing one article that you can publish to share as your own intellectual property. Either way, when we do one thing to better ourselves we then get better out of those things in return. In sports the game starts out in a tie and the way an individual or team is able to claim victory is by gaining one run, one point, one goal, or one stroke over their competition. I believe the same can happen in our lives and we should work to create the desire within ourselves to learn, try, and do the one thing that may change everything in our lives for the better.

No matter where you are, and regardless of how many people are around you, always be confident and remember that you are the one!

Mar 08, 201909:38
Obey The Signs

Obey The Signs

The Positive Place Episode 21: In Life's Journey Obey The Signs 

Imagine that you are driving through the streets of your life, and everyone has their own vehicle to navigate along their way. As we continue in our journeys there are certain rules that we must follow as they govern the way we travel, and help to aid us along the path towards our destination.  Life is similar to this analogy as there are certain road signs that we should abide by in order to get to our destinations safely. There are many traffic signs and rules of the road, and through this message we discuss how they are designed to help us succeed.

Well my friends life is a journey, and on the road to your success please consider the wisdom that I learned on a casual drive. You can slow down, take a new route, reverse a situation, and even idle for rest...but please don't stop and put your life in park. 

Mar 01, 201909:58
The Blame Game

The Blame Game

The Positive Place Episode 20: The Blame Game

Come on down as you’re the next contestant on the blame game.

Although the blame game has no winners, it is a game that we often participate in when things don’t go our way, as we blame someone or something else for their part  in creating outcomes that affect us. Once you are able to take ownership of your own actions, you realize that you don’t have to blame anyone but yourself for both your successes and your failures.  You are the most important person in your reality, and whatever outcomes you receive in your life have to be in someway a result of your actions.

Feb 22, 201910:07
Love Yourself

Love Yourself

The Positive Place Episode 19: Love Yourself

Love Yourself Happy Love Yourself Day! As we turn the page on Valentines Day which is a holiday when many people celebrate their love for others, it is important for us to be mindful and reflect upon the love that we have for ourselves. To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and celebrate yourself for being who you are. Self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance are key ingredients to building self-love, as the love of ourselves first is what will allow us to truly love others.

Feb 14, 201908:14
Build Your Hustle

Build Your Hustle

The Positive Place Episode 18: Build Your Hustle

Hustling is a skill set that the most successful people in the world have learned how to master, as it is the art of constantly creating new opportunities and capitalizing on them. In this episode we discuss what true hustle looks like, and why we should always continue to grow and mature through finding endeavors that allows us to prosper. Either you go get it for yourself, or watch those who hustle get even more.

Feb 07, 201909:50
No Worries

No Worries

The Positive Place Episode 17: No Worries

Let's face it, everyone worries at times however the best way to reduce the feelings of anxiety and stress is to take action. Worrying can occur when we over analyze the “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios, but instead we should consider the best outcomes and work towards those. Chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken, and this weeks message is presented to give you some tips to help you work to change a situation more than you worry about it.

Feb 01, 201907:56
Reaping Abundantly - How To Grow Anything

Reaping Abundantly - How To Grow Anything

The Positive Place Episode 16: Reaping Abundantly

This weeks message allows us to reflect through nature as a reminder to work for success, because through hard work you will receive an infinite return. Seeds are the initial element of growth, and represent the promise of new life.  Well, our dreams and aspirations are seeds of hope for a prosperous future, and in order to grow them we must sew our seed to create an abundant harvest in our lives.

Jan 25, 201910:49
Creating Magic

Creating Magic

The Positive Place Episode 14: Creating Magic 

Do you believe in magic? Well I hope you do as magic is the power of seemingly influencing the course of events by using supernatural force. You are the supernatural force in your own life, and you alone can influence the outcomes that you create. The moment you begin to impose your will in seeing a vision, creating the illusion, and executing through action..."voila" you have just created magic!

Jan 18, 201908:49
Guarding Your Mind - Overcoming Self Sabotage

Guarding Your Mind - Overcoming Self Sabotage

Episode 15- Guarding Your Mind - Overcoming Self Sabotage

Guarding your mind is something that we should consciously look to do in effort to overcome negative imagery, and any form of self sabotage. Our minds control how we think and act, and we feed our minds by what we allow to come into them. The things we say, the music we listen to, and the images we watch are constant programing, so we must be sure to program our minds for the best. In order to achieve sustainable success you must be your biggest ally, and not your worst enemy.

Jan 18, 201911:10
The Time Value of Time

The Time Value of Time

The Positive Place Episode 13: The Time Value of Time

If you are serious about achieving a goal...well it's about time...literally! Time is a treasure and yet at times we all can be guilty of using it foolishly. If we take care of time, other things we will take care of themselves automatically. We all grow in time, live in the times and will have existed in a time frame. The great men and women of the world who create legacy make the best use of time in their own way, and through their efforts create infinite relevance through the time value of their time. 

Jan 04, 201907:12
Who are you? Defining your “ I am”

Who are you? Defining your “ I am”

The Positive Place Episode 12: Who are you - Defining your “ I Am” 

When people ask "what do you do?", we often respond with a profession, job title, or relationship status which we allow to define us. However, in our lifetime these things often will change and the only constant that will remain is ourselves.  Defining who you are through your "I Am" is a great way to make sure that we never lose sight of ourselves, as the things around us are always a result of us. 

Dec 28, 201810:01
Destination Relaxation

Destination Relaxation

 The Positive Place Episode 11: Destination Relaxation - Relaxation is something that we need to do in order to release and let go of the things that create negative mindsets in our lives. In this episode we discuss the importance of relaxation, and the the benefits of being able to rid the mind of any toxic thoughts, and discuss ways to create and maintain positive vibes. 

Dec 21, 201807:27
The Positive Place Episode 10: Act Now - The Re-Solution To Any Problem

The Positive Place Episode 10: Act Now - The Re-Solution To Any Problem

New Years resolutions are typically formed as a promise that we make to ourselves to start doing something beneficial for in the new year. Today let's break this thinking, because the moment you identify that you are off track for your personal goals you don't have wait for any future date to get back on course. You have the ability to solve for our problems right now today everyday!
Dec 14, 201808:32
The Positive Place Episode 9: Getting High

The Positive Place Episode 9: Getting High

Ever wonder why or how we naturally get high? Scientist believe it is a result of psychoactive compounds that work by manipulating our brains to release chemical responses. In simple terms, we get high because our bodies are created to provide feelings of joy and happiness that bring us satisfaction and pleasure. So today I challenge you to leave any low state that you may have been frequenting and rise to new heights as you work to get high and even higher.

Level up in your life and ascend to new heights as you choose to live high everyday!
Dec 07, 201807:57