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Thriving in Holiness

Thriving in Holiness

By Thriving in Holiness

Through Christ all we pray, seek and hope will get us.
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Daily Prayer 219, 2023

Thriving in HolinessAug 12, 2023

Daily Prayer 242, 2023

Daily Prayer 242, 2023

Dear God, my soul longs for your presence. When I turn my thoughts to You, I find peace and contentment. You are indeed the Prince of Peace.Grant that Your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart. Let those barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live together in justice and peace. Please build the heart of Christ into my heart that those around me will see Him clearly and desire to know Him too.Now all glory to You, mighty God, who is able to keep me from falling away and will bring me with great joy into Your glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to You who alone are God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are yours before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time.Amen

Sep 05, 202301:05
Daily Prayer 241, 2023

Daily Prayer 241, 2023

Dear God, I am full of the sound of my own voice, that lump of pride deep within me that will not go away, no matter how I try. Give me the strength through the power of Your Holy Spirit to hear your voice and follow it, fighting the temptation to sin that bubbles up inside me whenever my mind strays from you. Thy will be done.You have commanded us to love one another, this I know without a doubt. And yet all day I am filled with judgments, with resentments, with anger that sneaks in and grabs me when I am not paying attention to you. I pray dear God, that you will soften my heart to my fellow humans, no matter how sinfully they may act, and leave the judging to you, as you have commanded.Fill me with acceptance in place of judgment, sympathy in place of anger, faith in place of resentment. For my judgments and anger are the creatures of pride. May I do thy will this day, in the name of Christ I pray.Amen

Sep 05, 202301:08
Daily Prayer 240, 2023

Daily Prayer 240, 2023

Dear Lord, I thank You for all that You have done while I was asleep, watching over me and all Your children while we slept unaware. And, I pray that my thoughts and acts this day may show forth my love and thanks for You and all you have done for me. May Your spirit guide me to seek Your Loving presence more and more.Help me through Your Holy Spirit, that I may remember what You have taught me in the Bible and it may show forth in my every deed. Let me not wander into the hands of sin, nor into the hands of pride or perversity, nor into the hands of temptation, nor into the hands of shame, but steer my inclinations towards goodness and charity this morning and all the day. Guide me always to do Your holy will knowing that Your strength will carry me through.Now unto Him that is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.Amen

Sep 05, 202301:11
Daily Prayer 239, 2023

Daily Prayer 239, 2023

Dear God and most merciful father, who commanded the children of Israel to offer a daily sacrifice to thee, that thereby they might glorify and praise thee for thy protection both night and day; receive, O Lord, my morning sacrifice which I now offer up to thee. I yield thee humble and hearty thanks that thou has preserved me from the danger of the night past, and brought me to the light of the day, and the comforts thereof, a day which is consecrated to thine own service and for thine own honor. Let my heart, therefore, Gracious God, be so affected with the glory and majesty of it, that I may not do my own works, but wait on thee, and discharge those weighty duties thou require of me.Grant that the same Spirit may perfect in my life the work of Your grace and love, and that I may bear my cross with You. And with courage, overcome the obstacles that interfere with my salvation. Teach me to be Your faithful disciple and animate me in every way with Your Spirit.Bless all your people, and all your flock. Give your peace, your help, and your love unto us your servants, the sheep of your fold, that we may be united in the bond of peace and love, one body and one spirit, in one hope of our calling, in your divine and boundless love. Through Christ, Our Lord we pray.Amen

Sep 05, 202301:31
Daily Prayer 238, 2023

Daily Prayer 238, 2023

Dear God, blessed are You for ever. Great is your mercy for Your people. In the morning I cry out to You, Holy is Your Name.My sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what my lips tremble to name, what my heart can no longer bear, and what has become for me a consuming fire of judgment. Set me free from a past that I cannot change; open to me a future in which I can be changed; and grant me grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image.I bless You for calling me to be one of Your holy people. Remain in my heart, and guide me in my love and service all of this day. Help me to shine your light before others and lead them to the way of faith.Amen

Sep 05, 202300:55
Daily Prayer 237, 2023

Daily Prayer 237, 2023

Dear God, I bless You for the day You have made. I pray that I may spend this day rejoicing in Your creation. I pray for your Holy Spirit to fill me with the joy of my salvation, so that Your light may shine through me into the world, that Your honor and glory may be known to all people.Remind me of your blessings with every tribulation I may face, so that I may act with energy, forgiveness and love, ever mindful of the grace You have shown to me. Help me to perform the work which you have put at my hand. Deliver me, I pray, in my work, from coveting material goods, from falling into the temptation of serving mammon and putting money in the forefront of my life.May I go in peace, with God and with his other children. And, may we love one another as Christ taught us. May I follow the example of good men of old, and may God comfort and help me and all who believe in Him, both in this world and in the world which is to come.        



Sep 05, 202301:09
Daily Prayer 236, 2023

Daily Prayer 236, 2023

Dear God, as I face another day, I know I am going to face many challenges: to my faith, to my patience, to my love for others. I am going to have constant temptations to lapse into sin. Come to me now, Lord, and stay with me all day. Let Your Spirit encompass my mind. Let me know Your presence. Steer my hand, direct my words, guide my thoughts in everything I think and say and do. I resolve to live this day as a beacon of Your glory, the best I can, with Your help. I commit myself to give this day to You. In the name of Christ, be with me and help me.Amen

Sep 05, 202300:48
Daily Prayer 234, 2023

Daily Prayer 234, 2023

Dear Lord, let me read Your Word until something new sinks in. Let me pray until I hear Your voice, until all smugness has given way to gratitude. By the power of your Holy Spirit, renew me afresh in Your Word and power, today and every day, energizing me in Your great commission.

I have sinned against heaven and before You. Receive me like the Prodigal Son, and clothe me with the garment of innocence, of which I was deprived by sin. Have mercy upon Your Creatures and upon me, a great sinner, in the name of Christ.

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within me all this day. And whatever I do in word or deed, may I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. In Christ's name, I pray.


Aug 24, 202300:57
Daily Prayer 233, 2023

Daily Prayer 233, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, as I face this new day, let me be aware of the work you have done for me as I slept. I praise you that your loving care never slumbers, but has been with me while I was least aware of it. And that, You renew me and the whole world, fresh every day, preparing your plans for me.I pray that I may seek your will this day, your plan for my life, and carry out your plan in my every action. I lay my hopes and fears on an altar before you, that your Holy Spirit may guide my hopes toward the light of your holiness. And, may quiet my fears with the knowledge of your infinite peace, in total confidence that your grace will save me from the evils of this world. And finally, grant me O Lord, I pray, the lamp of charity which never fails, that it may burn in me and shed its light on those around me. And that by its brightness I may share a vision of that holy City, where dwells the true and never-failing Light, Jesus Christ our Lord.  In Jesus' name I pray.Amen

Aug 24, 202301:13
Daily Prayer 232, 2023

Daily Prayer 232, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Your love is overwhelmingly evident, yet so often we miss it. Thank You for the unfailing reminders of Your grace, love and mercy. Give us eyes to see Your beauty in Your creation.May grace come, and may this world pass away. Hosanna to the God of David. If anyone is holy, let him come; if anyone is not, let him repent. Come, oh Lord!I pray to be filled with your Holy Spirit for the rest of this day. Let me go forth, walking with your Spirit in my heart, that I may be filled with the joy and energy and praise for your entire creation, thankful in the many gifts you have given me, and showing forth your light in my every word and deed. This is all we ask through Christ our Lord.Amen

Aug 24, 202300:55
Daily Prayer 231, 2023

Daily Prayer 231, 2023

Dear God, as You gave us the sun to lighten our days, so You have given us Your Word to lighten our minds and our souls. I pray that You will pour out on me Your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart . and mind may be opened to your Word. And that, I may learn and accept Your will for my life.Today I celebrate the resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the supreme victory over death that belongs to You alone. I pray that I may, today and in the coming week, act in appreciation of the ultimate gift You have given to me and to all who confess the name of Christ. Fill me with love and humility.Make my heart clean within me, I pray, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that my every thought and deed will reflect the graciousness of the salvation given to me, not by my merit but by your love; and that I may continue to learn your word, and accept even what I do not want to hear, and always act in accordance with Your will. In the name of Christ I pray.Amen

Aug 24, 202301:09
Daily Prayer 230, 2023

Daily Prayer 230, 2023

Dear Lord, give me the strength to greet the coming day in peace. Help me in all things to rely on Your holy will. Reveal Your will to me every hour of the day.In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In unexpected events, let me not forget that all are sent by You. Direct my will, teach me to pray.May the Passion of Christ be ever in my heart. May Your law and Your goodness guide my every thought, O Lord. And may the power of Your Holy Spirit flow through my words and my actions today, and always.Amen

Aug 17, 202300:43
Daily Prayer 229, 2023

Daily Prayer 229, 2023

Dear God, with You, there is nothing that cannot be redeemed. You are love; You are Creator and Redeemer. I praise You with my every ounce.Grant me, I beseech You, Your divine helping grace. Endow me with patience and strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Your will. You know my misery and suffering.Eternal God, heavenly Father, You have graciously accepted me as a living member of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and You have blessed me with the grace of forgiveness through the sacrifice He made for me and for all people. Send me now into the world in peace, and grant me strength and courage to love and serve You with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord.Amen

Aug 17, 202300:53
Daily Prayer 228, 2023

Daily Prayer 228, 2023

Dear Lord, what is present to me is what has a hold on my becoming. I reflect on Your presence that is always there in love, amidst the many things that have a hold on me. I pause and pray that I may let You affect my becoming in this precise moment.You created me to live in freedom. May Your Holy Spirit guide me to follow You freely. Instill in my heart a desire to know and love You more each day.May Your Holy Spirit guide me in all my dealings with others. May I use the gift of speech with kindness. This is all I ask through Christ our Lord.Amen

Aug 17, 202300:44
Daily Prayer 227, 2023

Daily Prayer 227, 2023

Dear marvelous God, You are my light, my life, and my salvation. Grant to me, I pray, such fullness of faith and such a consciousness of Your love and goodness. Let Your blessed Spirit dwell within me, giving me healthy body, peace of mind, faithfulness of heart, and holiness of life and being.Hold us all in your loving arms. Let us be comforted by the strength and peace You make available to us through the birth of Your son, Jesus. Thank You for all the many gifts You offer us, during our life on earth and for all eternity.I dedicate this day to You, mighty God. I pray that your Spirit will lift me up this day. Let Your face shine upon me all the day long, that I might do Your will and lead a new life in Christ, reborn in the Spirit.Amen

Aug 17, 202300:58
Daily Prayer 226, 2023

Daily Prayer 226, 2023

Dear Lord, the heavens are telling of Your glory and the wonders of Your love. Yet, as clouds will cover Your sky in gloom, as the ceilings of men's buildings hide the sky from my sight, so the cares of this existence block Your majesty from my mind. I look with hope to the day when my knowledge of Your glory will never be hidden by the concerns of the world.Look upon me, O Lord, and let all the darkness of my soul vanish before the beams of thy brightness. Fill me with holy love, and open to me the treasures of thy wisdom. All my desire is known unto thee; therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy Spirit has awakened me to ask in prayer.I seek thy face. Turn thy face unto me and show me thy glory. Then shall my longing be satisfied, and my peace shall be perfect.Amen

Aug 17, 202301:00
Daily Prayer 225, 2023

Daily Prayer 225, 2023

Dear God, who has created all things, seen and unseen, this day is Your creation and I give thanks to live in it. I pray that I will not shut you out of the day you have made, blinded by the petty concerns of life, but that I may be always open to your presence. All that I am, I open to You and I return to You, giving thanks every moment of my life for the blessings that fill this day.I open my eyes and ears to You, thankful for the light of Your Word, which has brought me out of the shadow of ignorance. I open my heart to You, aglow with thanks for Your love, filling me with compassion, understanding, and peace. I open my soul to You, grateful for your Spirit, who fills me with wisdom when I take a moment to listen.Walk with me so that I may not be alone as I face this day, but always in your presence. Your joy is a lighthouse in a world often dark with sin, and I pray that I may reflect the light of your truth, to inspire others as I have been inspired. In the name of Christ, bless me this day, and all whom I may meet.Amen

Aug 17, 202301:18
Daily Prayer 224, 2023

Daily Prayer 224, 2023

Dear Lord, give me a thankful sense of the Blessings in which I live, of the many comforts of my lot; that I may not deserve to lose them by Discontent or Indifference. Be gracious to my Necessities, and guard me, and all I love, from Evil this day. May the sick and afflicted, be now, and ever thy care; and heartily do I pray for the safety of all that travel by Land or by Sea, for the comfort & protection of the Orphan and Widow and that thy pity may be shewn upon all Captives and Prisoners. Above all other blessings Oh! God, for myself, and my fellow-creatures, I implore Thee to quicken our sense of thy Mercy in the redemption of the World, of the Value of that Holy Religion in which we have been brought up, that we may not, by our own neglect, throw away the salvation thou hast given us, nor be Christians only in name. Hear me Almighty God, for His sake who has redeemed me, and taught me thus to pray. May the God the Father bless us. May Christ take care of us, the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life. The Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul, both now and for ever, to the ages of ages. Amen
Aug 12, 202301:23
Daily Prayer 223, 2023

Daily Prayer 223, 2023

Dear God, Jesus is calling me to a new beginning; to a fresh call to discipleship. You are asking me to deny myself, take up my cross and follow You. It was at my baptism that you claimed me as Your child.

Today, I affirm that I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. I surrender my will, my desires and my life to You, O God. I commit myself to Your call to discipleship: to pray, study Your Word, worship You, invite other people to a life of discipleship, encourage Christians in their life of faith, serve those in need, and give joyfully of the gifts that You first gave me.

The blessing of the Lord rest and remain upon all his people, in every land, of every tongue. The Lord meet in mercy all that seek him; the Lord comfort all who suffer and mourn. And, the Lord hasten His coming, and give us, his people, the blessing of peace, this day and always.


Aug 12, 202301:12
Daily Prayer 222, 2023

Daily Prayer 222, 2023

Dear Lord, show me the way. Let my light shine as an example of good to mankind. Help them to see the partners of Thee, shining in beauty, lived out in me.

Let me follow Jesus Christ. Let me shine as a light, a beacon in a world where darkness seeks to overcome us in every thing and at every moment. And help me to hold fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ's return I may be proud that I did not strive in vain.

Now, to God the Father, who first loved us, and made us accepted in the Beloved; to God the Son, who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood; to God the Holy Ghost, who sheddeth the love of God abroad in our hearts, be all love and all glory in time and to all eternity.


Aug 12, 202300:55
Daily Prayer 221, 2023

Daily Prayer 221, 2023

Dear Lord, hold me tight. Give me the strength to endure the pain. Give me the certainty of hope to avoid the anxiety.

Let me grow in You, that I might see my own wrongdoing and with the help of Your Spirit. Simply dissolve it away. It is in this world that Satan can find his prey, the fertile soil for evil.

Now all glory to God, who is able to keep me from falling away and will bring me with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time.


Aug 12, 202300:47
Daily Prayer 220, 2023

Daily Prayer 220, 2023

Dear Jesus, who returned from this world to the Father and loved those who were here in this world, make my mind turn from worldly preoccupations to the contemplation of heaven. For it to despise everything transitory and to yearn only for celestial things, and to burn with the glowing fire of your love. Cleanse also my heart by pouring in the radiance of the Holy Spirit, so that I may be able to love you, our Lord Jesus Christ, in all things and above all else.

We want our hopes and dreams and our hearts to align with Yours. We want to be in line to Your will. Teach us to praise You when we are tempted to doubt Your goodness.

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip me with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in me what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.


Aug 12, 202301:05
Daily Prayer 219, 2023

Daily Prayer 219, 2023

Dear Lord, You are good and You are our great comforter. No matter what will happen in our lives, whether it is pleasing or not, still You are a great God. We praise You for Your unending love to us.

Please forgive me if sometimes I am like a sheep that have gone astray. I am sorry if sometimes I am not listening to Your Words and directions. Comfort me Lord when trials come into my life, I sometimes fail and being stubborn.

Renew our minds, renew our strength. Help us to grow so that other people will be inspired by our lives, having You in our ups and downs. And, they will know that You are a good Father to us that provides tranquility.


Aug 12, 202300:51
Daily Prayer 218, 2023

Daily Prayer 218, 2023

Dear Lord, we give You glory and honor. It is You alone who can save our souls. O Lord, as You withdraw sleep from the eyes of my body, grant me wakefulness of mind so that I may stand before You in awe and sing Your praises worthily, all of this day.

I thank You that You have answered me and have become my salvation. Let me be strong in faith and strong in Your Spirit; for only by You, Lord Christ, may the gates of righteousness be opened to a sinner. I pray that I may be part of the foundation of Your church on earth and that by Your grace, the gates of righteousness may be opened to me and to all who confess Your holy name.

The God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant; Make me perfect in every good work to do Your will, working in me that which is well pleasing in Your sight; through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.


Aug 12, 202301:06
Daily Prayer 217, 2023

Daily Prayer 217, 2023

Dear Lord, help me to be fully alive to Your Holy presence. Enfold me in Your love. Let my heart become one with Yours.

Instill in my heart the desire to know and love you more. May I respond to Your will for my life. Fulfill now, O Lord, the desires, and petitions of Your servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of Your truth, and in the world to come life everlasting.

Let me not forget my prayers as I go out into the world. Holy Spirit, be with me and let me praise You and remember you in my every action and thought, for the entire week to come. In Christ's name, I ask this.


Aug 12, 202300:50
Daily Prayer 216, 2023

Daily Prayer 216, 2023

Dear Lord, I confess with faith and adore You. Dispel from my soul the darkness of sin and ignorance, and at this hour enlighten my mind, that I may pray to You according to Your will, and receive from You the fulfillment of my supplications. Have mercy upon Your Creatures and upon me, a great sinner.

Teach me to treat every person with the pure love of Christ. Do not let me hate any person, but to forgive them when they sin, and to disregard every external attribute that prejudices one person against another. For we are all your children, equally loved, although we be sinners all.

Into Your hands, O Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit. Bless me and all those who pray in faith of You this day. Save us and grant unto us everlasting life.


Aug 12, 202300:59
Daily Prayer 215, 2023

Daily Prayer 215, 2023

Dear Lord, grant me, I pray, Your divine helping grace. Endow me with patience and strength to endure my tribulations with complete submission to Your will. You know my misery and suffering and to you, my only hope and refuge, I flee for relief and comfort.

May it please You, my good Lord, that there may come a day when I can repay a little of my great debt to you. O Jesus, strengthen my soul, You who are good above all good. Here is my life, my honor and my will; I have given them all to You and they are Yours: use me to do whatever You want.

Give me grace today, so to live that by obedience I may increase in faith and in the understanding of Your Holy Word. I submit to Your Holy Word. Help me to meditate on it day and night.


Aug 12, 202300:58
Daily Prayer 214, 2023

Daily Prayer 214, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, I beseech You, for Your mercy’s sake, continue Your grace and favor towards me this day. Let the sun of Your gospel never go down out of my heart. Let Your truth abide and be established with me, and among all of us, forever.

Help my unbelief. Increase my faith. And in faith, clothe me with Christ, that he may live in me, and Your name may be glorified in me, in the sight of all the world.

Now all glory to You, mighty God, who is able to keep me from falling away and will bring me with great joy into Your glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to You who alone are God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are Yours before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time.


Aug 12, 202300:60
Daily Prayer 213, 2023

Daily Prayer 213, 2023

Dear God, how excellent is Your loving kindness. Therefore, do the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Satisfy me, and all who pray with me, with the goodness of Your House throughout this day.

In Your light make us to see light. May Your Holy Spirit be with us in prayer and praise, in speaking and hearing from Your holy Word. I ask that today You be with me at every moment, and fill me with the capacity for love that only Your Spirit can bring to me.

I dedicate this day to You, mighty God. I pray that Your Spirit will lift me up this day, and that Your face may shine upon me all the day long, that I might do Your will and lead a new life in Christ, reborn in the Spirit. And bless us with all spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ, for His name’s sake.


Aug 12, 202300:57
Daily Prayer 212, 2023

Daily Prayer 212, 2023

Dear Lord, I bring myself into your presence. My soul longs for your presence. May I always take time to notice and enjoy the beauty You have created for my pleasure.Thank You Lord for always being there for me. I know with certainty there were times when you carried me, Lord. When it was through, Your strength I got through the dark times in my life.Let Your forgiveness find me. Hold me in Your strong arms and give me Your new life. Live in me and with me day by day, that my heart may be made anew within me, and that together we may show the world a new and better path.Amen
Jul 31, 202300:45
Daily Prayer 211, 2023

Daily Prayer 211, 2023

Dear Lord, as I come to you today, fill my heart and my whole being with the wonder of Your presence. So that, I may gain wisdom of the heart. Help me do today the things that matter, not to waste the time I have.The moments I have are precious, Lord, see that I count them dear. Teach me to number my days aright. Fill me this day with your kindness, that I may be glad and rejoice all the days of my life.Teach me to live in the knowledge that You who care for me today. And, will care for me tomorrow and all the days of my life. Through Christ, I pray.Amen
Jul 31, 202300:46
Daily Prayer 210, 2023

Daily Prayer 210, 2023

Dear God, You are ushering in another day, untouched and freshly new, so here I come to ask You God for renewal. Forgive the many errors, that I made yesterday, and let me try again dear God, to walk closer in Thy way. But Father, I am well aware, I can't make it on my own, so take my hand and hold it tight, for I can't walk alone.I was born a weak, defenseless child, but Your angel spread his wings over my cradle to defend me. From birth until now, Your love has illumined my path and has wondrously guided me towards the light of eternity; from birth until now the generous gifts of Your providence have been marvelously showered upon me. I give You thanks for every step of my life's journey, together with all who have come to know you, who call upon your name.Support me all the day long of this troublous life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes. And, the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and my work is done. Then of Thy mercy, grant me a safe lodging, and a holy rest and a peace at last through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Jul 31, 202301:21
Daily Prayer 209, 2023

Daily Prayer 209, 2023

Dear Lord, let my heart rejoice and be glad in this time of prayer. Remind me often of the great blessings You have bestowed on me. Defend us thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies that we, surely trusting in thy defense, may not fear the power of any adversaries.Grant me this day that You may never be completely out of my thoughts. Let me carry You as a voice to guide my every step as I slip down the path of this precious day, that I might always remember Your will, and lighten the world around me. Help me to make every moment of my day, every word from my mouth, a prayer, that I might live in Your presence.Oh God who has made me, oh God who keeps me, oh God who will be my Lord through all eternity, shine down Your blessings and wisdom upon me like the sun upon a field. And may I keep You in the forefront of my every thought and deed, throughout this day, and evermore.Amen
Jul 31, 202301:07
Daily Prayer 208, 2023

Daily Prayer 208, 2023

Dear Lord, lead, guide, and tend me this day without Your restraining rod I err and stray. Hedge up my path lest I wander into unwholesome pleasure. Direct my feet that I be not entangled in Satan's secret snares, nor fall into his hidden traps.

I pray to be able to read the Bible and learn Your truth. Give me the spirit of understanding and wisdom, for You know how difficult it can be sometimes. Let me understand and absorb the words in Your Bible, dear God, and let me see beyond the words on the page and know Your true and full Word, Jesus Christ.

Oh Heavenly Father, in whom I live and move and have my being, I humbly pray You so to guide and govern me by your Holy Spirit, that in all the joys, occupations, and cares of this day I may never forget you, but remember that I am ever walking in your sight. In Christ's name, I pray.


Jul 31, 202301:04
Daily Prayer 205, 2023

Daily Prayer 205, 2023

Dear God, holy You have called me to come to You. I feel unworthy, for I have failed You again and again; I feel like running away, yet you keep calling me. Have mercy on me, and all of us, O God.

Bless and uphold all who are sick and suffering this day. Console them with Your Holy Spirit. And, if it is Your will, bring their suffering to a quick conclusion.

May the God of hope fill me and all of us with the joy and peace that comes from believing, so that we may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Holy God, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me for the sake of Your Son, who died to free me from our sins. To You be honor and glory!


Jul 26, 202300:52
Daily Prayer 207, 2023

Daily Prayer 207, 2023

Dear Lord, You are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. You have not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. All glory, all thanks be to You, wonderful God, who has by Your Son put away our sin, and cleansed us, that we might dwell with You forever.

Come to me, Holy Spirit, and drive away my apathy. Forgive me for the smallness and selfishness of my mind. Take away this sense of tedium with Your Word, Your love, the wondrous gift of eternal life.

I bind myself to You this day, oh Christ, in Your truth and in Your sacrifice. I give to You my anxiety and my fear, my depression and my doubt, for You have promised to take them if we only ask; and I take upon myself Your burden, for it is light and Your way is gentle. May I keep this in my heart and mind all this day.


Jul 26, 202301:07
Daily Prayer 206, 2023

Daily Prayer 206, 2023

Dear God, I thank You and love You for seeing who I really am. You know things about me that I don't even know myself, for You see with the clear eye of God. I most especially thank You, I fall upon my knees in gratitude, that You love me despite all of the sin and ugliness You see in me.

I thank You for teaching me how to live in the present moment. In this way I enjoy each simple task as I do it without thinking that I must hurry on to the next thing. I do what I am doing with all my ability and all my concentration.

I pray to be filled with Your Holy Spirit for the rest of this day. Let me go forth, walking with Your Spirit in my heart, that I may be filled with the joy and energy and praise for Your entire creation, thankful in the many gifts You have given me, and showing forth Your light in my every word and deed. This I pray in Christ's name.


Jul 26, 202301:04
Daily Prayer 204, 2023

Daily Prayer 204, 2023

Dear Lord, take my life and make it wholly Thine. Fill my poor heart with Thy great love divine. Take all my will, my passion, life, self and pride.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, oh Lord. Let Your Holy Spirit guide me in my prayer and in thought, and grant me the grace to listen and hear Your Word. Soften my heart, that I may be directed by Your truth, and not the devices of my body and mind.

Let me go forth in thanks for the victory I have been given through our Lord Jesus Christ. May I be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and always remembering that in the Lord our labor is not in vain. In the name of Christ I ask this.


Jul 25, 202300:56
Daily Prayer 203, 2023

Daily Prayer 203, 2023

Dear Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine. Let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty and Thy glory in my valley. Help me to yield my will to You and to follow where You lead.

Thank You, Lord, for Your love and care. Thank You for sending Your Son, our Savior, to fulfill Your promise of forgiveness and restoration. Show me how You want me to use my gifts for Your kingdom.

May I be willing to be hidden and unknown today, yet ready to speak a word to those who are weary. May Your Spirit touch my words and make them Your words that enrich and refresh others. Give me grace today, so to live by obedience that I may increase in faith and in the understanding of your Holy Word.


Jul 25, 202300:59
Daily Prayer 202, 2023

Daily Prayer 202, 2023

Dear God, most mighty and merciful father, I, Your unworthy creation and servant, once more approach Your presence. Though not worthy to appear before You, because of the many sins and transgressions which I have committed against Your divine majesty; yet I pray You, for the sake of him in whom You are well pleased, the Lord Jesus Christ, to let me give You thanks and praise for Your many and varied mercies extended toward me, for the quiet rest and repose of the past night, for food, clothing, health, peace, liberty, and the hopes of a better life through the merits of Your dear son's bitter passion.

Continue Your mercy and favor to me this day. And always, give resolution to all my lawful undertakings. Let me have all my directions from your Holy Spirit, and success from Your bountiful hand.

Bless the people of this land, be a father to the fatherless, a comforter to the comfortless, a deliverer to the captives, and a physician to the sick. Let your blessings guide me and all of us, this day and forever, through Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.


Jul 25, 202301:12
Ndipo Niliposema Tazama Nimekuja Kuyafanya MapenzibYako

Ndipo Niliposema Tazama Nimekuja Kuyafanya MapenzibYako

Wimbo wa katikati

Zaburi 40

Ndipo Niliposema Lyrics

Ndipo niliposema - tazama nimekuja*2

Nimekuja kwako (Bwana) Mungu wangu,
Kwa moyo wangu wote (Bwana) unipokee
Katikati ya hekalu lako nitasimama *4

Kwa moyo wangu wote - tazama nimekuja

Hima nimeingia - tazama nimekuja

Ndipo nimejongea - tazama nimekuja

Jul 25, 202305:16
Daily Prayer 201, 2023

Daily Prayer 201, 2023

Dear Lord, thank You for giving me another morning! I am blessed to be alive on Your beautiful planet, so full of marvelous things and the beautiful plants and animals and all the people You have created in Your image. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, now and all day long, until I go to sleep, because I want to live with You every minute of this day.

I want to live for You. May Your life and love flow through me as I go about my duties today. So that, others may see You through me and be drawn to the living water.

Now to Him who has given me grace in accordance with His gospel, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for many ages past, but now revealed and made known by the command of the eternal God, so that all mankind might find the obedience that comes from faith; to the only God, the God of wisdom and truth, be glory forever through His only son, Jesus Christ.


Jul 20, 202301:04
Daily Prayer 200, 2023

Daily Prayer 200, 2023

Dear Jesus, grant me Your grace, that it may be with me and labor with me and dwell within me, this day and all the days of my short life. Give me grace always to desire and seek what is most acceptable to You; whatever is most pleasing in Your sight, let me do that. Let my will always follow Yours; let Your will be mine.

Reform me into a spiritual perfection impossible for the world, which might be gained only by Your grace. And, help me to live in accord with it. Save me, Christ, I pray, out of love; for unworthy I might be, yet I love You dearly.

I am one of Your people, the sheep of Your flock. I pray for You to heal those who are wounded, touch those who are in pain, clean those who are soiled, warm those who are cold. Help me to know the Father's love through Jesus the shepherd, and through the Spirit.


Jul 20, 202301:04
Daily Prayer 199, 2023

Daily Prayer 199, 2023

Dear God, the author of all good, I come to You for the grace another day will require for its duties and events. I step out into a wicked world; I carry about with me an evil heart. I know that without You I can do nothing, that everything with which I shall be concerned, however harmless in itself, may prove an occasion of sin or folly, unless I am kept by Your power.

I pray to You for all the graces I need to know You, to love You and serve You faithfully unto death, and to save my soul. Give me a tender and fervent devotion to Your sacred passion by which I was redeemed, venerating You each day in prayer. And, teach me how to unite sorrows and sufferings of my life with Your own.

I thank You for salvation, for your mercy, full and free. Take my all in consecration. Glorify Yourself in me.


Jul 17, 202301:01
Daily Prayer 198, 2023

Daily Prayer 198, 2023

Dear Lord, when I come into Your presence, I know that You are here. You created me out of Love. Your presence, O Lord, is the greatest of all.

May I never take the gift of freedom for granted. You gave me the great blessing of freedom of spirit. Fill my spirit with Your peace and Your joy.

May I go in peace, with God and with his other children. And, may we love one another as Christ taught us. May I follow the example of good men of old, and may God comfort and help me and all who believe in Him, both in this world and in the world which is to come.


Jul 17, 202301:26
Daily Prayer 197, 2023

Daily Prayer 197, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the glory of the sun. And thank You for the health I have to get my duty done. I shall devote the hours of this golden day to You, by honoring Your Holy Name in everything I do.

I will pursue my daily art without complaint or fear and spend my every effort to be friendly and sincere. I know there have been many days that I have whiled away. But this is one that I will try, to make Your special day.

Please depend on me because I want to honor You for all eternity. I am so sorry, Lord, that I let the worries of the day push ahead of You in my mind. Please help me to keep Your Holy Spirit in the forefront of my thoughts, throughout the day.


Jul 17, 202300:53
Daily Prayer 196, 2023

Daily Prayer 196, 2023

Dear Lord, I acknowledge and confess my guilt, in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I have called on thee for pardon and forgiveness of sins, but so coldly and carelessly, that my prayers are become my sin and stand in need of pardon. Cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly love You and worthily praise Your holy name.

Lead me today as You see best. Use the gifts You've given me to encourage others on their journey. Help me not to compare myself with others but to be content.

And now let me go forth praising You, O Lord, with all my heart, telling of all yYur wonders, with my words and in my actions. I will be glad and rejoice in you this day. I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.


Jul 15, 202300:58
Daily Prayer 195

Daily Prayer 195

Dear Lord, I abandon myself into Your hands. Do with me what You will. I give You my whole self, Lord, that You may grow in me, so that it is you who lives, works and prays in me.

Whatever You may do, I thank You. I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only Your will be done in me, and in all Your creatures — I wish no more than this, O Lord.

Above all, I give You my heart that You may love in me. Let the whole earth also worship You, all nations obey You, all tongues confess and bless You, and men and women everywhere love You and serve You in peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray.


Jul 14, 202300:48
Daily Prayer 194, 2023

Daily Prayer 194, 2023

Dear Lord, take my life and make it wholly Thine. Fill my poor heart with Thy great love divine. Take all my will, my passions, self, and pride.

Thank You, that I can open up my heart to You and I can tell You everything that troubles me. I know You care about all the concerns in my life. Teach me to live in the knowledge that you who care for me today, will care for me tomorrow and all the days of my life.

I let go of the worries, resentments and fears that I can sometimes hold on to so tightly. Let me open my hands and my heart to receive freely all the gifts that I need at this time. May I always be aware of your presence, Your power and your Love, all the days of my life.


Jul 13, 202300:53
Daily Prayer 193, 2023

Daily Prayer 193, 2023

Dear Lord, You are the God the King eternal, who divides the day from the darkness, and has turned the shadow of death into the light of morning. I pray that this day You will incline my heart to keep Your commandments, driving temptation from my mind. Guide my feet into the way of peace; that having done Your will with cheerfulness while it was day, I may, when the night comes, rejoice in giving You thanks for a day lived in Your presence.

O Lord, have mercy upon me, miserable offender. Spare those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore those who are penitent; according to Your promises declared unto men in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Make me and all who confess Your holy name people of this light. Make me faithful to Your Word that I may bring your life to the waiting world. Grant this through Christ our Lord.


Jul 12, 202301:01