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How to Fall Like a Superhero

How to Fall Like a Superhero

By How to Fall Like a Superhero

To our superhero listeners:
Which mindset (growth mindset vs. fixed mindset) makes you stronger? Which is your kryptonite?

We ask ourselves these kinds of questions on How to Fall Like a Superhero, The Podcast. Our stories are about how our mistakes, failures and challenges help us to grow and become stronger. This podcast is for the 7 – 13-year-old superheroes, like yourself, that you see at school, at the playground and on your local sports team. And, it’s for your supportive, superhero parents, who are looking for stories about persistence, grit and creativity.
Currently playing episode

Does age determine your superhero status?

How to Fall Like a SuperheroMay 09, 2022

Kids. Money. Mindset. with Content Creator Hannah Koumakis *Financial Literacy*
Nov 06, 202320:27
Kids. Money. Mindset. Personal Finance Expert Barry Choi shares his money memories

Kids. Money. Mindset. Personal Finance Expert Barry Choi shares his money memories

Setting money goals can help teach responsibility and discipline. Barry Choi, Personal Finance and Travel Expert, talks about the money goals and money memories from his teen years.

First job:

"My first paying job...I was probably 16 or 17. It was data entry. It was at my uncle's company, and he was the CFO. So obviously that's how I got that hookup..."

First purchase:

"So, when I got first access to my debit card...I immediately spent half my savings, which wasn't a lot. In high school...PlayStation had just come out. It was the biggest thing ever. I spent all my money on that. But then once I got a consistent job, I was probably like 18,...that's when I started to save. And the reason I started to because my parents encouraged me to open up an the time I was only setting aside $25 or $50 a month, but...that's when I became a saver."

"...I keep talking about this PlayStation and how it blew my savings, but I got so much joy out of it. I think it was worth it. And this is what I was saying... If you set aside for your goals and you spend guilt-free after, don't feel bad about it."

Money Mindset

"Just knowing that money is there to work for you...So, if you can earn more money, obviously that's more beneficial. For most people, having a high income is the best, but once you start investing your money, the power of compound interest can go a very long way. So generally speaking, if you can invest early, save early, you'll be set up for financial success."

For more information about Barry Choi, visit his website

Leave us a comment or message. We'd love to hear from you!

Nov 01, 202303:21
Kids. Money. Mindset. with Personal Finance Expert Barry Choi *Financial Literacy*

Kids. Money. Mindset. with Personal Finance Expert Barry Choi *Financial Literacy*

Should our kids use a debit card vs. cash? Finance and Travel Expert, Barry Choi (, talks about this topic and the following:

  • introducing basic money concepts to young kids

"One basic's like an ice cream truck comes around every single's like $4 a cone, but we can buy a giant bucket for $8. So, it's like, 'listen, you can get two ice cream cones from the truck, or you can have a bucket that will last you a month.'"

  • debit card vs. cash

"...depending on the age of your kids, cash is still's very important for kids to understand [that] this is the money you currently have [and that] if you start spending it, you're going to start losing it...

"...studies have shown that when you're paying strictly with credit or debit, you typically spend more. But if you're using cash, you'll physically see money disappearing from your wallet, purse,...

"So, despite the fact that we're going towards a cashless society or contactless society, I still think it makes a lot of sense for kids to use cash. So, as a parent, maybe you give your kids a cash allowance, instead of debit. That said, I would say once your kids are in a double digit, just like 10, 11, you want to start introducing them to their own debit card...[and] hopefully before you get to that point, you've taught them valuable lessons about money, so they don't feel inclined to just start withdrawing all their funds from the bank account."

  • spending limits

For more information about Barry Choi, visit his website

What do you think about this episode and the debit card vs. cash question?

Leave us a comment or message. We'd love to hear from you!

Oct 30, 202315:22
Kids. Money. Mindset. - Author Anthony Delauney shares his money memories

Kids. Money. Mindset. - Author Anthony Delauney shares his money memories

Author Anthony Delauney, author of the Owning the Dash series of books, talks about his own Money Mistakes and:

  • memorable purchases
  • his cautious tendencies
  • understanding your child's mindset

What is one purchase you made when you were young that you remember fondly?

A gift for his mom
"Seeing the joy that you can bring to other people with the tool of money is really exciting. Giving is one of the best sensations in the world..."

What is one thing you now realize was a waste, but at the time you really wanted?

"I think that waste is not so much a thing...I think the waste is worry...and I'm being a hypocrite in this... I was voted in high school among my peers as the most worrisome person in our school...but I think that a lot of times, we make decisions - some good, some bad...but the amount of time we spend worrying about our decisions is really what the biggest waste is...because the worry doesn't do anything to help and only hurts us mentally and physically."

So, you were cautious with money growing up...

"Yes, I would say that I was cautious, but that the caution can be as much of a drawback...sometimes being too cautious can put you in harm's way as well...I've learned the mistakes of being too cautious."

What Anthony has learned...

Telling people what to do, doesn't work all the time.
"...two people could be in very different situations, different mindsets..."

" fear of discussing things, my fear of asking questions is what caused me to fail early in life and I think it's really important...young adults, children, to feel the confidence of asking questions...there's no such thing as a stupid question..."

To hear Anthony talk about the following, check out Episode 5:

- incorporating teaching moments into daily life
- understanding that mindset influences the way money lessons are learned
- delayed gratification
- young kids may not understand the concept of money. Dash and Nikki and the Jellybean Game (part of the Owning the Dash series of books) uses jellybeans to explain the concepts of delayed gratification, saving, and earning interest.
- money mistakes

For more information about Anthony Delauney and his series of books (Owning the Dash), click HERE.

Leave us a comment or message. We'd love to hear from you!

Oct 25, 202305:00
Kids. Money. Mindset. with Author Anthony Delauney *Financial Literacy Series*

Kids. Money. Mindset. with Author Anthony Delauney *Financial Literacy Series*

Anthony Delauney, author of the Owning the Dash book series for kids, wants to emphasize that money is a tool.

In this episode, he also talks about:

  • how you can empower kids by letting them make decisions. Give them the opportunity to feel ownership over their own money.
  • how you can teach delayed gratification to young kids, who may not understand what money is, by using relatable objects, like candy.
  • how you can foster confidence by allowing kids to make mistakes in a safe environment and without fear of being criticized or belittled.
  • being mindful that kids are always watching and taking note of your money-related emotions.

"Children tend to monitor and learn from the things we do and how we act with our own when we go to the grocery store or when we go to certain activities ...and we spend money or we use that tool, how do we use it? ...and what's our behaviour like around it? Do we like talking about it? Do we not talk about it at all? Those behaviours are things children pick up on very quickly."

"Just because you tell children what to do, does not mean they will follow that the most important thing as a parent...that parents need to be aware of, is what they're doing themselves...Are they being honest with themselves? If they're telling their children to do one thing, but they're not doing it themselves, that's a recipe for trouble down the road."

"They don't understand, per se, all the concepts around money...but they certainly pay attention to the emotion that parents have around money..."

The full episode (also available on your preferred podcast player) contains specific techniques and teaching moments to emphasize that money is a tool.

Looking for more? Revisit on Wednesday for a bonus episode. Don't miss out on hearing Anthony reflect on his money past, including details about:

  • his first job
  • his first purchase
  • saver or a spender?

For more information about Anthony Delauney and his series of books (Owning the Dash) click HERE.

Leave us a comment or message. We'd love to hear from you!

Oct 23, 202328:16
Kids. Money. Mindset. - Author Ellen Sabin shares her money memories
Oct 16, 202304:30
Kids. Money. Mindset. with Author Ellen Sabin *Financial Literacy Series*

Kids. Money. Mindset. with Author Ellen Sabin *Financial Literacy Series*

Ellen Sabin, author of The Nickels, Dimes and Dollars Book, talks about Financial Literacy, specifically:

  • needs vs. wants
  • making money mistakes
  • teaching moments

...on the challenges of parents teaching financial literacy:

"....while adults know it's an important topic, very few have been given the skills on how to teach it...that don't sound preachy or academic..."

" of the challenges of parents delving into this topic parents don't talk about money in front of children...or when they are talking about money, it's not in a positive way or they're arguing or it's a debate..."

How do you foster confidence in make good money choices?

- start with the basics

"Children first need to be presented with what people do with money...the idea that money is something to spend; to share; to save; to earn; to grow; and that you can budget with it...children wouldn't be able to make choices unless they knew the realm of what money does."

- mindset about mistakes

"We all make mistakes...and it's helpful for money matters to be an easy conversation...make the conversation a regular conversation."

The full episode (also available on your preferred podcast player) contains specific techniques and teaching moments for you and your children. Listen to the BONUS episode, where Ellen talks about her first job, her first purchase and her first money mistake.

For more information about Ellen Sabin and her series of books, click HERE.

Leave us a comment or message. We'd love to hear from you!

Oct 16, 202316:29
Goal Setting - What do you do with a great idea?

Goal Setting - What do you do with a great idea?

8-year-old Sammie had a great idea; to have a buddy bench installed in her school yard.

This idea could have been dismissed or forgotten.

Instead, she collaborated with her mom, did some research and brought the idea to her school principal.

That was the beginning of Sammie's Buddy Bench Project!

Listen to this episode to hear 14-year-old Sammie talk about:

- What is a Buddy Bench?

"If someone is lonely, they can go sit on the bench and others know to go up and ask them to play."

- How the idea of benches made out of recycled plastic came about

(her mom found out about GreenTree Plastics, an Evansville, Indiana company)

- How the Buddy Bench project is a "3-in-one" (it helps the environment; it encourages kindness; and it encourages collaboration)

- Why are some great ideas are ignored?

"I'm really thankful that I have people in my life that helped me make this project come to life."

- How rewarding and fulfilling it has been to work on the Buddy Bench Project

"It's insane. When I was 8 years old, I didn't think that I would be shipping Buddy Benches to Ghana. I didn't think I would be talking on the Today Show. really is, I think, making a difference."

Sep 18, 202306:04
No social media for 60 days. Can you do it?

No social media for 60 days. Can you do it?

During the height of the pandemic when lockdowns were common and schools were closed, social media was key to staying connected. But that's when 16-year-old Keegan Lee, decided to give it up and record her observations and feelings.

And now at 18-years-old and in her first year at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she says that she is "so much happier because I found that not everything in your life needs to be put on the internet."

Keegan Lee wrote the book, 60 Days of Disconnect, about her social media cleanse.

Listen to this episode to hear Keegan talk about:

- her motivation for giving up social media

"I saw that it was affecting my mental health."

"I was spending a lot of time on Instagram...tik tok..."

- how she took action

"I deleted all my social media apps throughout the 60-day cleanse, but I still had my phone."

- her observations

"I think that because I depended so much on the likes and the connection that I received on social media, I think that...that just translated into me being aware and on alert for notifications..."

"Right now, honestly, there are times where I still struggle with healthy social media regulation, but I am more consciously aware of it. I'm in a good place right now. I'm really happy with my relationship with social media right now."

Sep 14, 202312:52
Got talent? Don't hide it. Share it!

Got talent? Don't hide it. Share it!

Can girls play the drums?

Aiwen Voth, an 11-year-old student from Calgary, Alberta definitely thinks so.

We saw her on a GlobalTV news piece earlier this year talking about the annual Hit Like a Girl Contest, that she had entered. The international contest showcases the talent of female drummers around the world. Aiwen ultimately walked away with the 2023 Zultan Emerging Talents Award and The School of Rock scholarship through the contest.

Listen to this episode to hear:

- Aiwen play the drums and the innovative way she mixed the drums with the guzheng (Chinese zither or harp)

- Aiwen explain her style and passion for drumming

- Aiwen talk about how drumming helped with her confidence

For more information and to see Aiwen play more, you can check out her YouTube channel or follow her on her Instagram page @moonlightdrummer.

Sep 12, 202305:42
Math Anxiety - Do math labels and stereotypes influence your fear?
Nov 28, 202207:25
Social Comparison - Do you compare yourself with others?
Nov 21, 202208:41
Online or IRL? - Are you spending too much time online and not enough in real life?
Nov 14, 202207:18
FOMO - Do you have a fear of missing out?

FOMO - Do you have a fear of missing out?

Do you check your phone for social media updates too much? Is it the first thing you do in the morning?

Those are a couple of questions that Mya Xeller is aware of when it comes to her relationship with social media. The 18-year old Miss Connecticut Teen USA, graduated from high school in June and is now taking a "gap year" to career explore. As she is interested in getting into the entertainment industry, she must have a social media presence. However, she is aware of the importance of her mental health. She knows that sometimes it's all right, and even necessary to take a break.

Listen to the full episode for some of Mya’s thoughts. Listen on our website or on your preferred podcast player.

For information about More Than Likes, the non-profit that Mya is working with, visit:

Nov 07, 202205:56
Sleep - Do you recharge to 100% or to just enough?

Sleep - Do you recharge to 100% or to just enough?

Do you get enough sleep? At the peak of the pandemic, 15-year-old Viraj Malhotra was only getting four hours of sleep every night and he could feel the negative effects. Viraj and his classmates, who live in Singapore, started Project Sleep Wizard to research and share information about global sleep trends among teens. Listen to the full episode to hear what they discovered.

Oct 31, 202208:10
Goals - Do you ever stop before getting to the finish line?

Goals - Do you ever stop before getting to the finish line?

10-year-old Sawyer Nicholson, student and athlete from Stouffville, Ontario, started playing soccer three years ago and then started running during the first covid lockdown. Since then she's meddled in over 20 track, cross country and road races.

Sawyer's competitive attitude keeps her motivated. But it's her growth mindset, during those off days and bad races, that keeps her training and listening to her coaches.

Listen to the full episode to hear from Saywer. She has some great advice on how to set realistic goals and how to handle defeat.

Oct 24, 202204:49
Public Speaking - Love it or Fear it?
Oct 17, 202206:39
Other Peoples' Opinions - Do you care too much?
Oct 10, 202211:17
Take the shot!

Take the shot!

Host RJ welcomes listeners to season 2. New episodes every Monday. 

Oct 03, 202204:37
Are you afraid of making mistakes? (Blooper Reel)

Are you afraid of making mistakes? (Blooper Reel)

In episode #3, high school gymnast Paige Magel shared a blooper reel of her falls (see our YouTube page for the video), and said, "...I'm going to make mistakes. And it's OK to make mistakes." So, we thought it only fitting that we share a short blooper reel from season 1.  

We'll be back in the fall with new episodes (September 26, 2022). Until then, revisit our stories, share with your kids and friends...oh, and please leave a comment and rating where you listen to podcasts.

Picture: Episode Narrator (Flash at 3 years old); Piano player (Wizard at 5 years old)

May 23, 202202:44
How can a scrunchie get you to England?

How can a scrunchie get you to England?

Eva and Ophelia Johnston, 10 and 8-year-old sisters, from Calgary, Alberta, have discovered the power of a scrunchie. Or rather, they’ve discovered how selling homemade scrunchies can get them to England, contribute to the Ukrainian Crisis and even buy a dog!

May 16, 202204:55
Does age determine your superhero status?

Does age determine your superhero status?

According to Cash Daniels, a boy from Chattanooga, Tennessee, age is not a factor when it comes to his environmental activism. After all, he started his conservation work at the age of 7. At 9 he became a published author, writing a book called “One Small Piece,” and at 12 years old, he was named a Top 5 honoree for Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year.

To Cash, age has no bearing on whether he can make a difference to his community, the environment or to the planet…what matters most are his actions. And every action counts.

May 09, 202203:35
Have you heard about the 11-year-old superhero from Alabama?

Have you heard about the 11-year-old superhero from Alabama?

Ethan Hill, 11, is a real life superhero. Along with his family, friends and community members, Ethan collects and distributes supplies (sleeping bags, food, toiletries, blankets, etc.) for the homeless.  

May 02, 202205:40
First, you've got to think like a superhero (Compilation Episode)

First, you've got to think like a superhero (Compilation Episode)

Growth mindset quotes from the previous episodes.

Gems of wisdom for your kids. A quick play during those pre-bedtime talks, nervous car drives to the tournament or pre-test anxiety.

Apr 25, 202205:21
Trailer - "That's not my problem" Mindset - Helping the Homeless

Trailer - "That's not my problem" Mindset - Helping the Homeless

On May 2, we'll hear from Ethan Hill, an 11-year-old boy from Alabama, who has been collecting sleeping bags and other supplies for the homeless.

Apr 18, 202200:52
3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs FEAR - Am I resilient or do I resist change? (Part 3)

3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs FEAR - Am I resilient or do I resist change? (Part 3)

Jaimee Kadish is a classically-trained dancer, who dreamt of becoming a professional dancer and travelling the world. At 21, however, she was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition that causes vision loss. Initially in denial, Jaimee eventually "got out of her own way" to show up to life. 

Although Jaimee's dreams and goals have shifted a bit, she is still very passionate about movement (she is a Certified Pilates and Personal Trainer, an Early Childhood Educator and Movement Educator) and sharing her skills with both sighted and visually impaired individuals.

Listen to the full story to hear about Jaimee's #growthmindset.

Apr 11, 202212:18
3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs. FEAR - If humans can see with sound, what else is possible? (Part 2)

3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs. FEAR - If humans can see with sound, what else is possible? (Part 2)

Have you ever heard of echolocation? Maybe you have - in reference to superheroes, like Daredevil, or when talking about animals, like bats and dolphins.

In this episode, Brian Bushway explains how echolocation is a "human ability to understand sound reflecting off objects and that reflected sound creates an acoustic image in the brain."

Echolocation is the reason Brian has the freedom and confidence to travel around the world, to share his experiences and to encourage others to also live their best lives. It’s the reason he was named the World’s Best Blind Mountain Biker by Mountain Bike Magazine.

Brian uses echolocation to inspire and train both visually impaired and sighted individuals. He refers to it as a human quality that we can all learn and develop. Along with his long-time friend, Thomas Izdebski, Brian co-founded Acoustic Athletics, a performance and development company that offers personalized programs for elite athletes and sports teams.

#growthmindset #howtofalllikeasuperhero

Apr 04, 202207:39
3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs. FEAR - Did curiosity kill the...fear? (Part 1)

3-Part Series - CURIOSITY vs. FEAR - Did curiosity kill the...fear? (Part 1)

Brian Bushway experienced an identity crisis after losing his sight at the age of 14. Although he had a lot of insecurities and obstacles to overcome, he also had a lot of curiosity and a great desire to live. This motivated him get up, do the research, talk to people and figure out how to live his life independently and confidently. #growthmindset.

Mar 28, 202212:30
Can a 9-year-old be a teacher?

Can a 9-year-old be a teacher?

Reyansh Surani, who lives in Dubai with his family, was named the youngest certified yoga instructor (9 years and 220 days old) by Guinness World Records on July 27, 2021. He received his certification from the Anand Shekhar Yoga School after completing their 200-Hour Yoga Teacher's Training Course.

Listen to Reyansh speak about how yoga can bring calm and focus to your life, as well as help with the stresses of student life.

Visit our YouTube Page to watch Reyansh demonstrate some yoga postures, including the tree pose.

Mar 21, 202205:44
How many falls does it take for you to give up?

How many falls does it take for you to give up?

Teen gymnast, Paige Magel, talks about her love of the sport, supporting her teammates and coming to the realization that it's ok to make mistakes.

Listen to our interview with the 16-year-old Illinois native and then check out the videos (on our YouTube channel) that inspired this interview. #mindsetmatters

Mar 14, 202208:32
How does a 4-way amputee learn to ski?

How does a 4-way amputee learn to ski?

Tracy Schmitt, also known as Unstoppable Tracy, was born a 4-way amputee. All her life, she has had to prove her abilities. Whether it was being able to tie her own shoes in kindergarten, play tag with the other kids in the neighbourhood, learn how to sail a 110-foot tall ship or climb mountains in the Himalayas, Tracy has never been afraid of a challenge. And although people often tell her she can’t do something, she doesn’t let that stop her. When she has a goal, she doesn’t always know how she’s going to accomplish it; she just knows she has to start.

And that’s what she did when she decided that she wanted to ski. She simply started.

Listen to Tracy's story and visit us on our social media sites. We'll share pictures and details throughout the week.

Mar 07, 202207:24
Would you eat a chocolate chip cricket cookie?

Would you eat a chocolate chip cricket cookie?

My sons love bugs. They’ll pick them up and study them…they’ll even let them crawl on their arms and legs. But the big question is, will they eat them?

I heard that bugs are a great source of protein and if we chose to eat them, instead of meat, we would be greatly helping the planet.

So I found a site online,, and ordered a bag of cricket flour. The plan is for my sons and I to make some chocolate chip cricket cookies.

But first, I wanted to get some advice ahead of the big crunch. So I spoke with David George Gordon, aka, The Bug Chef.  

~For more information on The Bug Chef and to see pictures of the cookies we baked, visit our website and social media sites.

Feb 28, 202211:18