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What does it take to win?

What does it take to win?

By Church Dee

In this day and age we see the end result, but rarely the process. We see the success but rarely do we see the steps leading up to it. This show will shed light on what individuals like you and I must do in order to succeed. Connect with Church Dee, music entrepreneur and certified mental health coach here:
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Pain in my neck!

What does it take to win?Oct 15, 2019

Is it worth the risk?
Apr 18, 202420:33
No Pressure
Apr 11, 202424:15
Hope makes it happen
Apr 04, 202419:54
Don't get stuck!
Feb 08, 202420:13
What's the difference?

What's the difference?

What's the difference between you and the person who has the life you want? In this episode, we find out that there really isn't much.

Feb 01, 202415:29
The Mental Break Pt. 3: Are You The Problem?

The Mental Break Pt. 3: Are You The Problem?

This is a tough pill to swallow and often something we never want to face. Sometimes we're standing in the way of our own happiness... Let's explore.

Jan 25, 202421:35
Make it make sense

Make it make sense

The purpose of a teacher or leader is to ensure that their students fully grasp what is being taught. The problem today is that many teachers or leaders are just failing their students.

Jan 18, 202416:52
Consistency is Key
Jan 04, 202419:44
Lead the charge
Feb 09, 202326:38
Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Talking is probably one of the most misused skills we possess. In this episode, we'll explore the power of simply talking.

Feb 02, 202320:01
Don't believe the lie

Don't believe the lie

There are times in which thoughts and ideas enter our minds which are not true. It's our duty to not believe or accept the lies.

Jan 26, 202319:49


In order to build anything, the foundation must first be stable. Let's explore the importance of being stable and how it will help us to win.

Jan 19, 202317:58


Have you ever noticed negative patterns repeating in your life? Those are cycles and in this episode, we'll explore some ways to break cycles.

Jan 12, 202318:53
Get your priorities in order

Get your priorities in order

Why are you doing what you're doing? Where's your focus? What are you prioritizing?

Sep 09, 202217:44
Does it really matter?

Does it really matter?

If we're going to ensure that we are mentally healthy, we must learn to separate what's important from what's trivial. 

Sep 01, 202220:48
You don't have's ok to say no

You don't have's ok to say no

Have you ever felt obligated to be a part of something you really did not want to be a part of? In this episode, we explore why it's ok to say no sometimes.

Aug 25, 202217:58
It's a mindset pt. 2

It's a mindset pt. 2

Did you know you can actually think yourself into what or where you want to be? In this episode, we will explore the power of training our minds.

Aug 18, 202216:32
Head Start

Head Start

The early bird truly does get the worm. In this episode we will explore the benefits of starting early.

Aug 11, 202220:14
Say Something

Say Something

If you're going to be successful, you're going to have to say something.

Aug 04, 202220:39
Baby Steps

Baby Steps

Have you ever had a vision to do something great but felt overwhelmed by the process? In this episode, we'll explore the power of taking baby steps.

Jul 28, 202224:44
The Mental Health Break Part 2: Get your life together in 30 minutes

The Mental Health Break Part 2: Get your life together in 30 minutes

Sometimes we become so occupied with life that we neglect our obligations. Before you know it, you have a bunch of things on your to-do list and no time to get them done. In this episode, we consider some ways to make sure this doesn't happen to you.

Aug 12, 202114:32
Good Intentions...Better Decisions

Good Intentions...Better Decisions

We often receive support and direction from those who we look up to. Sometimes, even the best intentions might not be coupled with the best advice. While on our pursuit we must not allow good intentions to deviate us from making better decisions...or even the best decision. 

Aug 05, 202119:52
The Power of Privacy

The Power of Privacy

Have you heard the phrase "Keep it private until it becomes permanent"? Well there's a good reason as to why this should be done. This episode will examine the benefits of keeping your life, relationships, and goals private.

Jul 29, 202115:16
Life happens...Or does it?

Life happens...Or does it?

Have you ever received advice on life from someone and it just put you in a negative space? They may have concluded this advice with the phrase "Life just happens". I'm here to tell you that this may not always be the case...

Jul 22, 202118:12
Just Shut Up!

Just Shut Up!

We don't know everything and that's fine. Sometimes we put our feet in our mouths by over-talking and showing others that we lack knowledge on certain topics. In many cases, it's ok to just shut up and listen. 

Jul 15, 202119:37
Don't be scared

Don't be scared

Fear has torment. Don't allow your fears to dictate your life and cause you to remain stagnant. In this episode we will examine what fear is and how to conquer our fears.

Mar 25, 202114:57
It'll make sense later

It'll make sense later

We're constantly putting in our efforts to live our best lives, but things don't always seem to happen the way we want. It's happening this way for a reason, and will make sense in due time.

Mar 18, 202118:18
You're not perfect...and that's what makes you perfect

You're not perfect...and that's what makes you perfect

We're always striving to be perfect but sometimes it's the imperfections that make us better people. In this episode, we discuss the importance of not chasing perfection and the freedom that comes with it.

Mar 11, 202121:40
Respect your Elders

Respect your Elders

We're always seeking answers in life, but sometimes the answers we're looking for lie within the knowledge of our elders. This episode dives into the importance of respecting our elders and how we can learn from their experiences to create better lives for ourselves. 

Mar 04, 202115:26
The Mental Health Break

The Mental Health Break

We sometimes have too much drama in our lives that needs to be dealt with. While we can't fully eliminate stress, we can find ways to minimize and mange it. Let's take a mental health break together.

Feb 25, 202118:15
It's going to hurt: Pain's Purpose

It's going to hurt: Pain's Purpose

They say tough times don't last, but tough people do. This statement is especially true in regards to becoming successful. In this episode, we dig deeper into the purpose of pain and the success that awaits on the other side of it.

Feb 18, 202118:34
Prepare yourself! Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.

Prepare yourself! Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.

We can't always control what happens in our lives or when these things will happen, but we can always prepare for what's to come. In this episode, we discuss the importance of preparation and where it can take us.

Feb 11, 202117:35
Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

It seems as though we're always told to stay busy and keep working, but never to be productive. This episode explores the importance of productivity and its role in obtaining success.

Feb 04, 202115:36
Loyalty Pays

Loyalty Pays

It's easy to celebrate wins and success, but what happens when we experience road blocks? Will you press on or give up? When things aren't going as planned will you jump ship or ride the waves? This episode explores the importance of loyalty and its benefits.
Jan 28, 202117:40
You're not for everyone

You're not for everyone

Let's face it, we've all put our best foot forward in an attempt to impress someone. Whether is was a crush, an executive, or someone who has access to an opportunity we want, we've tried to be ourselves and more. This episode explores the importance of staying true to who we are and the issues with trying to be who we aren't.
Jan 21, 202116:06
Don't forget it!

Don't forget it!

We work hard for what we want and that can be extremely exhausting both physically and mentally. Sometimes remembering our wins is just what me need to inspire us (and others around us) to keep going.
Sep 10, 202014:37
Heart Health

Heart Health

Those who have good hearts are often taken advantage of as their kindness is assumed to be a weakness. In this episode I talk about the importance of guarding our hearts and how that affects our journey to success.
Sep 03, 202016:16
Learn from your mistakes

Learn from your mistakes

Don't you wish you could wake up and be perfect? Well sorry to burst your bubble, nobody's perfect and that's the beauty of life. In this episode I share some knowledge on how mistakes can actually help us if we take full accountability of our actions and realign.
Aug 27, 202013:18
Listen Closely

Listen Closely

During my undergrad days I took a class on leadership which opened my eyes to the power of listening. The main point was that people fail in life because they can't listen and follow simple instructions. Don't let that person be you...just listen!
Aug 20, 202014:04
Life Sucks!

Life Sucks!

We've all encountered roadblocks at some point in our lives. In this episode, I share some steps on how we can overcome these roadblocks when we feel like life sucks.
Aug 13, 202016:55
Don't let your hunger for opportunities turn you into an opportunist

Don't let your hunger for opportunities turn you into an opportunist

While opportunities are crucial to our success, it's very important to make sure our motives behind chasing them are pure. In this episode I give examples on how to take advantage of new opportunities without compromising our character.
Aug 06, 202019:32
Time Out!

Time Out!

In this episode, I talk about the importance of time. It is natural to get caught up rushing our lives to move along and get frustrated when things don't happen according to our timelines. However, in due season, things will come together when we let them happen organically.
Jul 30, 202023:03
Life Support!

Life Support!

We have become so independent these days that we forgot about the need to support and be supported. In this episode, I talk about the necessity of support and what we can do to show support to other.
Oct 21, 201914:58
Pain in my neck!

Pain in my neck!

In this episode, we explore the effect emotional pain can have on our journey to success, and the steps needed to overcome the pain.
Oct 15, 201914:42
Don't let temporary problems distract you from the bigger picture

Don't let temporary problems distract you from the bigger picture

A lot of the life lessons I'm now beginning to understand have actually been taught to me at a young age. I was unable to fully grasp these concepts due to my focus being on the problem rather than the bigger picture. In this episode, we look at how to overcome this.
Jul 16, 201914:42
The Importance of having a solid foundation

The Importance of having a solid foundation

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. In this day and age, it's becoming easier for people to be easily swayed and knocked off course. In this episode, I speak on why we need to have a solid foundation.
Jul 08, 201915:28
Conquer unresolved trauma, don't let it conquer you!

Conquer unresolved trauma, don't let it conquer you!

Maintaining healthy relationships are crucial to our overall success, but sometimes our past experiences stand in the way. In this episode, I address how conquering our unresolved traumas will help us lead a better and more fulfilling lifestyle.
Jul 01, 201916:30
Issues? Solve them!

Issues? Solve them!

We are no good if we allow our issues to haunt us. There is always a solution to any and every problem. It is our duty to find the solution, solve our problems, and move on.
Oct 04, 201812:12


It seems as though during this day and age, nobody wants to answer to anybody. We just want to do what we want, whenever we want, and however we want without any judgement. But the truth is, we must all be held accountable for our actions. This episode examines the importance of accountability.
Sep 25, 201813:33
The Art of staying out of the loop

The Art of staying out of the loop

It is so easy to be connected these days. We have access to virtually anything and anyone right at our fingertips. Being connected is good, but we sometimes have to stay out of the loop in order to better ourselves.
Sep 14, 201812:18