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By Angela and Cindy

Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace. | EMAIL US!
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48: Learnings from a (long?) year 🍸

BehindBasicThoughtsDec 10, 2022

60: Are we where we want to be? 🤔

60: Are we where we want to be? 🤔

As the first quarter of 2023 passes by (already!), we reflect on whether we’ve reached where we “want” to be in terms of our career and personal achievements. We also think about where we want to head towards in the near future!

*** We have now updated our uploading frequency to fortnightly as we try to navigate travel schedules!***

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!) 


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Apr 10, 202312:57
59: Everyday we hustlin’ 👀

59: Everyday we hustlin’ 👀

It’s become more and more common for people to have some sort of “side hustle” in addition to their “main job” - but this doesn’t mean it’s just for some extra $$$. We discuss what we think a side hustle is, and more importantly how to actually maintain and remain realistic on what you can achieve.

BONUS: Don't forget, we are also looking to host a Q&A episode in a few weeks, where we answer some of the questions sent in by our listeners! Time for you to ask us anything you want! If you have any burning questions (about anything at all), please send them through to us at!


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 26, 202311:20
58: Traits we look for in a role model

58: Traits we look for in a role model

As we meet and work with more people, certain traits make us think “wow, this is really a leader to look up to”.  In today’s episode, we share some of these qualities, which are things we hope we practice ourselves!

BONUS: Don't forget, we are also looking to host a Q&A episode in a few weeks, where we answer some of the questions sent in by our listeners! Time for you to ask us anything you want! If you have any burning questions (about anything at all), please send them through to us at!


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 17, 202316:25
57: Celebrating IWD - and story time as females in the workforce 🙋‍♀️

57: Celebrating IWD - and story time as females in the workforce 🙋‍♀️

8th March marks international women’s day, which sheds light on gender equality. In this episode, we feel it’s also important to shed light on the difficulties we have experienced  as females in the workplace - some of which we didn’t even think would happen… until it did! Hopefully, this helps to raise awareness and make it more “normal” to talk about these challenges. On a brighter note - happy international women’s day to all the amazing women out there, and to everyone who supported us along the way!

BONUS: Don't forget, we are also looking to host a Q&A episode in a few weeks, where we answer some of the questions sent in by our listeners! Time for you to ask us anything you want! If you have any burning questions (about anything at all), please send them through to us at!


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 08, 202317:43
56: Our predictions for 2023 🔮

56: Our predictions for 2023 🔮

It’s already March! Recently, we have seen a lot of economists doing some predictions about the year ahead. January and February were a crazy ride, and we thought now would be the time to make some ~predictions~ around what the rest of the year holds for us. We’ll definitely do an episode towards the end of the year to see how accurate our guesses were!

BONUS: Don't forget, we are also looking to host a Q&A episode in a few weeks, where we answer some of the questions sent in by our listeners! Time for you to ask us anything you want! If you have any burning questions (about anything at all), please send them through to us at!


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 05, 202323:49
55: Do your tick boxes ✅ matter when you meet the right person 💕?

55: Do your tick boxes ✅ matter when you meet the right person 💕?

Riding the Valentines wave - do tick boxes for a potential partner actually matter when you meet “Mr Right”? Today we answer this question while we speak from our own experiences! 👀

BONUS: We are also looking to host a Q&A episode in 3 weeks, where we answer some of the questions sent in by our listeners! Time for you to ask us anything you want! If you have any burning questions (about anything at all), please send them through to us at!


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Feb 22, 202316:19
54: Moving teams - is it as easy as you think?

54: Moving teams - is it as easy as you think?

One thing we have in common is we both started in audit, then moved teams. It’s also very common to have the idea that since the Big 4 have so many different “service lines”, it should be relatively simple and fast to switch. But is this really the case? In today’s episode, we discuss our own experiences with making the change - and the answer might not be what you’d expect!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Feb 19, 202315:27
53: “Adulting” - how hard can it actually be?

53: “Adulting” - how hard can it actually be?

Once you’re over 18 (here in NZ at least), you’re considered a legal adult. But what does successfully “adulting” actually mean? As we are now both over 25, it appears we should be “adults”, but it sure doesn’t feel that way sometimes! Today we talk about how we've struggled along the "becoming an adult" journey (still not really feeling it!), and what it means to us. Listen in and let us know what you think, what does '"adulting" means to you? Have you also encountered the same struggles? 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Feb 10, 202316:34
52: A good presentation - can it make or break the deal?

52: A good presentation - can it make or break the deal?

Some people just seem so confident in front of a crowd, you wonder how they do it! Speeches were something we both dreaded, particularly impromptu - nothing like fronting up to a sea of Q&A without a plan and needing to sound confident on what you say next! As scary as it seems, public speaking and presentations are indeed crucial for working with clients and interacting with others. In today’s episode, we talk about what makes a “good” presentation, and how we find opportunities to practise public speaking - and eventually, it won’t seem as scary anymore!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Feb 02, 202317:58
51: New Year, round 2 - what does it mean for us? 🏮

51: New Year, round 2 - what does it mean for us? 🏮

As we celebrated Chinese New Year last week, this led to an idea for today’s episode, which reflects on how being from a different cultural background shapes our identities. It definitely wasn’t easy at times to uphold traditions, especially living in an environment where the Asian population is in the minority. We often hear the words "belonging" and "identity" and sometimes, us "third-culture" kids growing up struggled with that in particular. Today we have a chat about how we define who we are and where we come from, as well as how we keep in touch with our cultural heritage. 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jan 26, 202316:59
50: The return to reality 😶‍🌫️

50: The return to reality 😶‍🌫️

As most of us have started to return from our long summer breaks, the thought of another year of work may seem daunting… at least to us! In our first episode back, we discuss what we miss most about our holidays, what we’re looking forward to in the new year, and how we’re eeeeeasing ourselves back into our “normal” routines.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jan 21, 202314:47
49: 2022 - what a year! 🎇

49: 2022 - what a year! 🎇

To echo our intro episode - what a year (yet again)! We both feel somewhat tired and excited for the long break - and our conversation today centres around how the end of this year feels different, or similar to the last - including why "feeling tired" seems to be a strong theme in December.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who have followed or tuned in to our episodes, sent in words of encouragement, ideas, feedback... we really appreciate it. We look forward to our second season next year (with bubble teas in hand of course 🍵) - see you all back on 18 Jan 2023!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Dec 18, 202218:58
48: Learnings from a (long?) year 🍸

48: Learnings from a (long?) year 🍸

As we look back on the past 330-ish days, we reflect on some of our favourite pieces of advice this year, and why they made it onto the list. Some might sound generic, but we discuss why we still thought it was impactful - tune into the conversation 💬 to find out more!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Dec 10, 202218:14
47: Would we work for Elon Musk? 🤔

47: Would we work for Elon Musk? 🤔

With the recent controversy surrounding Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and subsequent change in management style, it got us thinking… would we want to work in a similar environment? Sure, you’ll probably be working at your maximum utilisation and learn heaps along the way, but would we ever want to be full time at an office that’s more like a pressure cooker? And do we agree with his theory that working in person means higher productivity? Listen in to find out!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Nov 30, 202220:39
46: A session on a (possible) recession 📉

46: A session on a (possible) recession 📉

As the OCR increases (yet again), we discuss why interest rates continue rising, despite this making mortgage repayments and loans more expensive in an already highly inflationary environment. The stress of evergrowing living costs hasn’t been helped by talks about a recession hitting - but what does this really mean for us, and is it actually as scary as it sounds? Tune in to find out!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Nov 23, 202223:05
45: Dealing with disappointment in the workplace

45: Dealing with disappointment in the workplace

Something that most of us will (unfortunately) experience in our lives is a disappointing performance review outcome, especially if it doesn’t match what you’ve been set up to expect (or as one wise person once said, you can’t be prepared, but don’t be surprised). The mismatch can hurt, and whilst anger might take centre stage at first, today we talk about how to process, accept, then eventually move on (which doesn’t always mean changing jobs!).

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Nov 16, 202219:52
44: Living within your own timezone ⌛

44: Living within your own timezone ⌛

It seems that in our 20s, we’re expected to achieve such big milestones - family, career, travel, perhaps even getting a house… it seems like a lot to cram into 10 years! In today’s episode, we discuss whether we feel the pressure to “achieve” in all these areas comparing to others around us, and also a concept we found interesting - that everyone is actually living in their own timezone.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Nov 09, 202217:04
43: [Office hours] What to “expect” in an internship 🤓

43: [Office hours] What to “expect” in an internship 🤓

We’ve already reached November, and you know what that means - intern season. Whilst we’d love to say to our interns that you’ll feel prepared and know exactly what to expect, the reality can’t be more different! It won’t be as hectic as the internship that Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn went through, but now that it’s been a while since our internships, we reflect on our intern times, and what we actually valued the most, as well as little nuggets of advice!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Nov 02, 202221:40
42: Staying “stress-free” (or so it seems!)

42: Staying “stress-free” (or so it seems!)

In an ideal world, we would leave work at work, and also not bring stress from home into the workplace. While we might have the best intentions, at times it could be difficult to “compartmentalise” – and some people may even take out stress on others. In today’s episode, we talk about how we try to not externalise our stress, and also how to deal with situations where you might be on the receiving end of someone else’s bad mood!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Oct 26, 202214:37
41: Are “extra-curriculars” needed for work? 🏌️‍♂️

41: Are “extra-curriculars” needed for work? 🏌️‍♂️

During our school days, we were told the importance of having extracurricular activities to become more “well rounded”. Today, we discuss whether we think this also extends to a work context, and whether we feel the “pressure” to conform.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Oct 19, 202215:37
40: Does work life balance exist? 🥴

40: Does work life balance exist? 🥴

It seems like a myth that’s been floating around for a while - the elusive “work life balance”, but we believe a better way to frame it would be an “integration”. Today, our discussion revolves around how we have evolved our working habits + warning signs we look for to avoid blurring boundaries, and what apps we’ve been using to help us switch off!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Oct 12, 202223:06
39: Is $$$ all that matters in a new job?

39: Is $$$ all that matters in a new job?

With the labour shortages and continued trend of an “employees’ market” out there, many of our friends have recently changed, or are thinking about, changing jobs. In today’s episode, we discuss some of the less “obvious” things to look for when searching for your next role - beyond the pay (and maybe the title), what are some of the other things that contribute to the “perfect” jump? Or, is it better to stay?

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Oct 05, 202217:52
38: Living with(out) regrets

38: Living with(out) regrets

As we have well and truly passed the quarter-century mark of existence, today’s episode brings us down memory lane and makes us wonder whether we’ve had any regrets in our lives… and why we think maybe life is meant to be a bumpy ride. 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Sep 29, 202216:42
37: The real purpose of making money 💸

37: The real purpose of making money 💸

Last week, Patagonia announced “Earth is our only shareholder”, with the founder Yvon Chouinard donating the company, worth $3 billion, into charitable trusts (2% to Patagonia Purpose Trust, and 98% into Holdfast Collective), effectively “giving away” the majority of his wealth. This got us thinking - does money define success, and why does the saying “money doesn’t buy happiness” never seem to fade? Tune in to today’s episode where we share our thoughts on the role money plays in our lives.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Sep 21, 202218:06
36: Old friends > New friends? Rebuilding your support network in a new place 🥶

36: Old friends > New friends? Rebuilding your support network in a new place 🥶

Making friends seems like such a simple concept, but when we both think about the people we regularly catch up with now, the majority of our friends have either grown up with us, went to school/university with us, or people we’ve met through work. Since we haven’t moved overseas yet, it made us wonder - what happens when you move to a new city or country… how do you make new friends (especially outside of work)? Maybe making close friends when you’re older is actually more difficult than we initially thought, since we just never seem to have enough time as it is! In this episode, we discuss ways that you can make new friends and rebuild your support network, particularly if you have moved or are considering moving. 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Sep 14, 202214:43
35: Working smarter ≠ working harder

35: Working smarter ≠ working harder

When we first started working, we both thought longer hours would lead to better output, and since we deliver “more” work, this would impress our seniors. After a few years, we now realise this is not the whole truth… and that working longer hours actually decreases productivity, leads to burnout more easily, and may also have negative physical impacts - and after all that, senior team members may get concerned at the hours you’re working, instead of being impressed. So how do we work smarter - producing more output, in less hours? Tune into this episode to find out!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Sep 07, 202217:49
34: Is travelling for work as glamorous as it sounds?🛫

34: Is travelling for work as glamorous as it sounds?🛫

We’ve all heard stories of consultants jetting around, staying in swanky hotels… and the best part is, it’s all paid by their workplace! Sounds pretty cool, right? Now that we have both actually travelled a bit for work, we share the less glamorous side of travelling for work - the travel time, cancelling plans, it’s actually more exhausting than we both initially thought! Listen in for some good times and bad times we had with work travels. 


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Aug 31, 202213:55
33: Creating the perfect coffee catch-up ☕

33: Creating the perfect coffee catch-up ☕

During our time in university and even throughout our careers, we would hear words like “networking” and “mentorship” being tossed around. But what does this actually mean, and how do you make it not feel… awkward? In today’s episode, we talk about the value of having coffee catch-ups, how to approach setting one up, and some do’s and don’ts when meeting up!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Aug 24, 202218:02
32: How to back yourself in the workplace 💪

32: How to back yourself in the workplace 💪

Whilst work is mostly mellow, there can be times it feels like a bit of a boxing ring 🥊. It’s something we can’t really prepare for, so how do we back ourselves up, and not ruffle too many feathers at the same time? We also discuss the importance of speaking up and standing firm… even though it’s not easy!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Aug 17, 202216:12
31: Relationship red flags 🚩🚩🚩

31: Relationship red flags 🚩🚩🚩

In episode 22, we talked about finding Mr. Right… today we take the flip side and talk about the red flags that make us run a mile away (not quite literally, but close enough). So get comfy and get ready for story time (no name and shames, of course 👀)

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Aug 10, 202214:19
30: Making (and accepting) mistakes 🤡

30: Making (and accepting) mistakes 🤡

It’s often much easier “blaming” anything else but yourself when something goes wrong - but this might mean we never learn from our mistakes… until eventually, you realise that in all those situations, the common factor is actually yourself. In today’s episode, we discuss how we came to the realisation that whilst no one likes making mistakes, it’s how you react afterwards that makes the biggest difference in the outcome.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Aug 03, 202213:39
29: Friends = forever?

29: Friends = forever?

Humans are social creatures, and we may have made close friends as we go through primary school, high school and university… but are friends actually forever, or do we need to sometimes let go? Today we discuss the idea of how to make (and keep!) lifelong friends, and how to know when it’s time to move on from a friendship.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jul 27, 202212:06
28: The inflation situation ಼_಼

28: The inflation situation ಼_಼

2022 has hit us with a new curve ball - inflation. Inflation is quickly becoming the next big topic, with annual inflation in NZ rising to 7.3% since the June 2022 quarter, the largest jump in 32 years. Today we discuss (in relatively simple terms!) what inflation actually is, the factors that cause inflation, and how governments are trying to “control” or “reduce” inflation rates...

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jul 20, 202217:20
27: The 6-month milestone 📆

27: The 6-month milestone 📆

They say time flies when you’re having fun… and just like that, it’s already July (where has the year gone?!), and also six months since we launched our first episode of our podcast. Today, we keep it light-hearted and reflect on why we started our podcast, what we’ve learnt so far (both the good and the bad!), the unexpected surprises and where we see ourselves heading next! A huge thank you to everyone who has listened or shared feedback so far… keep them coming!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jul 13, 202215:05
26: Managing expectations from everyone and… yourself!

26: Managing expectations from everyone and… yourself!

Work, family, friends, partners… sometimes meeting everyone’s expectations (including your own!) can feel overwhelming. Today, we have a conversation about how we’re working on balancing these expectations, and why managing expectations is becoming increasingly important for our own wellbeing.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jul 06, 202217:09
25: A leader vs a manager - what’s the difference?

25: A leader vs a manager - what’s the difference?

We often see (especially on LinkedIn!) people talking about what a good leader someone is, and this got us thinking about what actually makes a good leader, besides the more “generic” qualities. Whilst we don’t know a “perfect” leader, we discuss some traits we’ve observed that make someone more enjoyable and inspiring to work with… which is definitely easier said than done!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jun 29, 202211:52
24: What makes a city livable? 🌍

24: What makes a city livable? 🌍

Now that the borders have reopened, it seems like a lot of people are moving overseas (especially to the UK!). Today, we talk about our thoughts on moving overseas, what makes a city livable, why are so many people moving recently (brain drain!) and what we look for in choosing a city/country if we were considering a move. 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jun 23, 202217:54
23: Being comfortable with change

23: Being comfortable with change

Not everything goes according to plan… and sometimes plans go to sh*t. In today’s episode, we discuss what “being adaptable” means (a phrase we hear a lot!) and how to plough ahead even when your plans do change - which seems to happen pretty often nowadays.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jun 15, 202212:34
22: Finding Mr. Right

22: Finding Mr. Right

A bit of a curve ball episode, but we thought it’s time to change it up this week and discuss what we consider to be some “top qualities” that we look for in our other halves (or future other halves!) When we were (relatively) younger, finding someone might involve ticking off a checklist, but in this episode we reflect on whether our stance on this has changed, and why we don’t think a list really applies anymore…

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jun 08, 202214:29
21: How to make time to read on the go 🏃‍♀️

21: How to make time to read on the go 🏃‍♀️

If there’s one thing we wish we had more of, it’d be time! There’s so many things that we wish we had time to learn, but it always seems like a struggle to find the time to do so. We discuss how we squeeze in keeping up to date with current events and news on the go, as well as our reading habits that help us finish our (ever-growing) book list!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Jun 01, 202215:14
20: WFH… still a thing?

20: WFH… still a thing?

Now that life is somewhat “back to normal”, in today’s episode we chat about whether we’re still working from home, the perks of working in the office, and why we think 100% remote might not be so great after all. 

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

May 25, 202215:29
19: Taking the guilt out of taking a break

19: Taking the guilt out of taking a break

“Work life balance” may seem like a thing that exists in fairytales, and seems almost impossible to achieve in our busy schedules. Whilst working from home has definitely provided a more flexible working culture, the flip side means we feel the need to be responsive and available. In this episode, we discuss the little steps we can take throughout our day or week to “switch off” that actually make noticeable differences in our mental wellbeing, and also the importance of setting expectations on what working flexibly means to you.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

May 18, 202211:25
18: [Investing Hours] The new niche - NFTs 🎨

18: [Investing Hours] The new niche - NFTs 🎨

Many of us may have read about a piece of digital art selling for exuberant amounts of money, and pondered the idea of creating our own (anything for some extra cash!). We invite Clement Oh back in today’s episode to discuss NFTs - how it works, why some are selling for a healthy stack of $, what to consider before making an investment, and what marketplaces exist currently.  
Clement Oh is our (unofficial) crypto and blockchain expert. Previously an engineering manager at Immutable X, he co-led the team which launched the IMX, GODS and GOG tokens, which were worth over US$18bn. He was also involved in the launch of Immutable X Marketplace, a leading NFT marketplace to rival existing incumbents such as OpenSea. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in this space, we talk to him in today’s episode around what web3 actually is, how cryptocurrencies values work, and the use of blockchain technology in current applications.
Say hi to Clement!
Disclaimer: any opinions provided on investing in this episode are for informational purposes only, we are not providing any financial advice nor recommending any buy and sale of any financial products. Investing is risky, and we always recommend performing your own independent due diligence before choosing on an investment.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

May 12, 202219:22
17: [Investing Hours] Decrypt-ifying the crypto space

17: [Investing Hours] Decrypt-ifying the crypto space

As crypto, web3 and blockchain become more prevalent (including the launch of NZ’s first crypto & web3 focused VC fund, GD1 Crypto Fund 1, this week), we thought now would be the time to invite our first guest onto our podcast!
Clement Oh is our (unofficial) crypto and blockchain expert. Previously an engineering manager at Immutable X, he co-led the team which launched the IMX, GODS and GOG tokens, which were worth over US$18bn. He was also involved in the launch of Immutable X Marketplace, a leading NFT marketplace to rival existing incumbents such as OpenSea. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in this space, we talk to him in today’s episode around what web3 actually is, how cryptocurrencies values work, and the use of blockchain technology in current applications.
Say hi to Clement!
Disclaimer: any opinions provided on investing in this episode are for informational purposes only, we are not providing financial advice nor recommending any buy and sale of any financial products. Investing is risky, and we always recommend performing your own independent due diligence before choosing on an investment.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

May 04, 202227:54
16: The migration equation

16: The migration equation

As more families migrate, this gives rise to second generation migrants (like us!) who grow up in a foreign country or were born there but raised in a bi-cultural environment and might feel a bit out of place at times. In this episode, we share a bit of personal experience growing up in a country different from our birth country, and the ways we’ve adapted and slowly consider this new country to be “home”.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Apr 27, 202213:59
15: To study or not to study… that is the question

15: To study or not to study… that is the question

Just when you thought getting a bachelor’s at university would be the last of your studies… you get hit with CA, CFA, Masters, Honours, GMAT, MBA, certifications… the list is endless. In this episode, we share our thoughts on the pros and cons of studying while working, whether it’s “worth it”, and how to squeeze it in when you’ve already got work to keep you busy!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Apr 20, 202214:51
14: The practice of being present

14: The practice of being present

Distracted. Mentally absent. In a world where we’re increasingly connected to our phones, along with our growing to-do lists, how do we make sure we are still focused and engaged when spending time with family and friends? In this episode we explore why it’s important to be fully present and the impact it has on our relationships and productivity.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Apr 13, 202212:55
13: [Investing Hours] What’s out there to invest in?

13: [Investing Hours] What’s out there to invest in?

Growing up, we might think our salary is the main way to make money - whilst this may be true, an increasing amount of people are looking to invest their money (or make their money ‘work’ for them). Not sure what the differences are between investment options, or what options are even available? We’ve got you covered in this episode, where we run through some of the main types of investments people make - and while we aren’t investment experts ourselves, it never hurts to share! 'Investing Hours' is a sub-series where we discuss and share our interests in investing and invite guests to join us and speak on more specific areas.
Disclaimer: while we discuss investment information, this is general information only, and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. We are not recommending any buy or sell of any financial products. Investing carries risk, therefore proper due diligence and research should be done before any investment decisions are made.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Apr 06, 202223:19
12: Managing your manager('s working style)

12: Managing your manager('s working style)

There are always some people you enjoy working with more than others - but sadly, we don’t always get to pick and choose who we work with. In this episode we discuss the most common working styles, and how we manage to adapt to the differing business chemistry of our teams and bosses. Working relationships are definitely very different from personal ones!

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 30, 202213:29
11: [Office Hours] Getting hired in 2022! What are employers looking for?

11: [Office Hours] Getting hired in 2022! What are employers looking for?

What if I didn’t get straight A+? What if I can’t code or haven’t done an internship before? As interviewers currently busy in the midst of recruitment season, we demyth on what we really look for in those that are applying for their first job, and also touch on the differences for those that are looking to change jobs as an experienced hire.

EMAIL US! (feedback/stories/questions/ideas are always welcome!)


Keeping up with Angela & Cindy - maybe not as glamorous, and while we might battle through laptop failures, Excel crashes, late buses and lukewarm coffees now and again, we also celebrate together over BBT and fried chicken on our wins - as first home owners, modern investors, corporate go-getters (what glass ceiling?). Want to know how we manage our money, relationships, and stay on top of our busy careers? Grab your coffee/BBT/G&T as we chat through our stories, experiences and lessons learnt as two 20-somethings in the modern workplace.

Mar 23, 202214:49