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Praying Through Psalms

Praying Through Psalms

By Cindy Hamilton

A weekly contemplative meditation on the Psalms using Anglican prayer beads.
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PSALM 93 A Psalm of Praise

Praying Through PsalmsMay 08, 2023

PSALM 86 Prayer for help.

PSALM 86 Prayer for help.

IN THE BOOK 'PRAYING THROUGH PSALMS..' I have written this on the journal page: 'Forgive me Lord for how slow I am to make your truth my own, your love for others--my love for others.' Lord, I must still pray this in your great name, Amen.

Jun 03, 202406:41
Psalm 84 A Hymn of Praise.

Psalm 84 A Hymn of Praise.

MEDITATE on Psalm 84:5: "Blessed are those whose strength is in you who have set their hearts on pilgrimage." What does it mean for you to be on pilgrimage with the Lord? Journal. Pray.

The paperback Praying through Psalms: A Guide for Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads can be purchased on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

May 27, 202406:16
PSALM 71 A Prayer for help.

PSALM 71 A Prayer for help.

CONSIDER PSALM 71:5: "For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth." Hope in the Scripture is hope in a sure thing. It is not wishful thinking. Our hope is in the sure and steady sovereign Lord, in whom there is no shadow due to change. Therefore, we can have confidence that he will rescue us.

I rewrote this in the book as a prayer for my family.

"In you oh Lord we have taken refuge.

Let my family never be put to shame. Rescue us and deliver us. Give the command to save us, our rock and fortress. Be not far from us. But as for our family we will always have hope. Help us to praise you more and more. Give the command to save us. Let us tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though we know not its measure. We will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone."

May 20, 202406:34


IN OUR FREEDOM to grumble, we often leave out thanksgiving; by doing so, we forget who we belong to. We forget how glorious it is to have access to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Psalm 69:30 says, "glorify him with thanksgiving." God is glorified when we are thankful. When you hear yourself grumbling, ask the Lord to help you practice thanksgiving instead. Gratitude is a practice that actually leads to rewiring our brains and healing and overcoming unhealthy habits.

Psalm 69:16 says, "Answer me out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me." When asking for his mercy, it is to God's great love that we look. When we do not know how to pray in a given situation, to ask for the Lord's mercy covers it all. We are ever in need of it.

May 13, 202406:23


I LOVE THIS PSALM There is so much joy in it. Make a joyful noise because God has done awesome things! Come and see what God has done among us! Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard! This is what we do on a Sunday morning: we make a joyful noise and remember all the good things that God has done among us, and we celebrate!

Frequently in the Psalms the psalmist takes a moment amidst the declarations of praise in order to instruct the people. In verse 18 the Psalmist does just that when he reminds his listeners that "If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened." This is a call to purity and repentance. Is there anything we are treasuring in our hearts that God wants to remove, that in fact must be removed before the Lord will act?

Ask the Lord, listen and journal.

May 06, 202407:33


OFTEN WHILE READING or praying the Psalms, I am convicted. The source of that conviction is found in the first set of beads for this psalm, Psalm 63:3: "because your love is better than life." This is a glorious truth and I believe it to be true, but I do not always live in this truth. Being loved by the Father is better than life, better than anything--there is nothing greater to be desired. My desire is to meditate on this truth so that my faith grows in such a way that I live in this truth.

Apr 29, 202406:26


MY PRAYER FOR YOU is that this psalm will become a wonderful song of trust that you return to again and again. As you pray through it, rest in God's presence within and without. I pray that you know Jesus as your fortress and that your faith will not be shaken.

If, as you have prayed this psalm, the Lord has brought to your mind places or people or things that you have put your trust in that are not God, give those to him now. Repent where God brings conviction to do so.

Close by thanking God that he is strong and that he is loving.

Apr 22, 202407:08


SO OFTEN WE FORGET to cry to God for help. We agonize over our troubles or set out to solve them on our own. Emotions overcome us, and we have no peace because we forget we have a Father in heaven who cares about every detail of our lives. What troubles have you hesitated to offer to God or forgotten to cry out to God about? Cast your burdens on him and rest in his sustaining love.

Apr 15, 202407:20


THE FOURTH SET of beads says, "Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, make hast to help me." I have discovered that when the Lord delivers me from fear, or I have repented of a sin and feel much lighter, there is a sense of having "a new song put in my mouth by the Lord." Indeed, I walk with a new lightness that results in a hymn of praise in my heart.

It is good to recall the places where the Lord has helped and delivered us, to bring them to him in a song or prayer of praise. Revisiting the things God has done for us strengthens us. That is one of the reasons that remembrance is such a key theme of the Bible.

Take a moment to enter into the practice of gratitude for a place God has helped you. Journal.

Apr 08, 202406:56


DEAR FRIENDS, WE ARE IN HOLY WEEK. I can think of no finer Psalm than Psalm 51 to pray through during Holy Week. Whether you pray this Psalm first thing in the morning or last thing at night it is a Psalm to meet our Lord in and ask him for our greatest need, to be washed from iniquity and cleansed from sin.

I encourage you to attend Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and of course Resurrection Sunday services. Enter in to the beautiful and sorrowful narrative of our Salvation.

Mar 25, 202406:52
PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent

PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent


I hope you have found a rhythm for Lent that has brought you nearer to our Lord. Praying a Psalm that leads us to repent is good for our daily lives, but certainly in Lent. I find it is a sweet way to close out my day.

Psalm 51 provides a way to repent and to ask for the things the Lord longs to give to us: cleansing from sin, his presence, joy in his salvation and lips that will declare his praise.

Have mercy on us, O God.

Mar 04, 202406:52
PSALM 32 Song of the Penitent.

PSALM 32 Song of the Penitent.

THE PSALMIST BEGINS this prayer with a beatitude. "Blessed is the one" who is forgiven.

As we press into this second week of Lent, a time of repentance, it is good to recall that we are forgiven, that our sin is covered by the blood of Jesus.

We are Blessed when we are Christ's own.

Paperback copies of 'Praying through Psalms,' can be found here:

Feb 26, 202407:35
PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent

PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent


I invite you to begin or end your day by praying this prayer of repentance...'According to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my inquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.'

All of these verses give a clear picture of what it means to be dependent on God, to be made right with him and right with the world. We can have confidence that the Lord can and will create a clean heart within those who call on his name. It is, in fact, his deepest desire to renew a right spirit within us.

Feb 19, 202406:52
PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent

PSALM 51 Prayer of the Penitent

TODAY IS ASH WEDNESDAY the beginning of Lent. For the next 40 days the church prepares for Easter. I invite you into a Holy Lent, a time of self-examination and repentance; prayer, fasting, giving to worthy causes and reading and meditating on God's Holy Word.

I will begin each morning in Lent by praying through Psalm 51 a prayer of the penitent, pray with me...repent with me.

Feb 14, 202406:52


THE FIRST VERSE of Psalm 34 always causes me to reflect, for the Lord's praise is not continually in my mouth. Sometimes I am led to repentance -- but always it is my prayer that it would be so, that his praise will be continually in my mouth.

The Psalmist quickly gives a reason why the Lord is to be praised: "I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." Take some time to remember the times you sought the Lord and he answered you, delivering you from all your fears.

Do we forget to cry for help? Tell God your troubles. Intercede for the trouble of others. Let the truth that "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" sink deeply into your spirit. This is the confidence we have when we pray for ourselves and for others

Jan 29, 202408:26


THIS HYMN is full of faith statements. The first set of beads says, "He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord." Sometimes it is difficult to see that the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord, so we need to take a closer look to spy out his faithfulness.

Spend some time this week meditating on the truth that God is steadfast, that his love for you is steadfast.

Write out your own definition of what it means to be steadfast. Perhaps record the many ways you have seen the steadfast love of the Lord in your life.

Jan 22, 202407:36
PSALM 32 Song of the Penitent

PSALM 32 Song of the Penitent

THE PSALMIST BEGINS this prayer with a beatitude, "Blessed is the one" who is forgiven. In verse 3 he takes us to the notion that as long as he kept silent and did not repent, he wasted away. When we continue in sin, we waste away; but when we repent, how blessed we are to walk in the knowledge that God forgives us.

Psalm 32 is a good place to recognize that the voice of the Psalms often changes. We begin with the penitent's voice in verses 1 to 5 telling us about the reasons to repent. In verse 6 he transitions to a teacher, instructing that "...everyone who is godly (should) offer prayer to you (to God) at a time when you (God) may be found."

In verse 8 and 9, God is actually the speaker and tells us that he will instruct us and teach us how to live.

Please read this Psalm in its entirety with the idea of watching for the change of "voice." When you become comfortable with voice changes in the Psalms, it will diminish some of the confusion we sometimes have as to who is speaking in any given psalm.

Jan 15, 202407:35


THE VERSE in the Cruciform Beads is core to our faith: " The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27:1). Place your fears in Jesus's hands. Imagine yourself doing that. After you put your fear in his hands, watch. What does Jesus do with your fear?

If you are new to praying with beads you can learn more about them by returning to the introduction in this podcast or in the book "Praying through Psalms: A Guide to Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads."

Also on the YouTube channel "Cindy Hamilton, Praying Psalms." You will find videos praying the Psalms and how to make prayer beads.

Jan 08, 202406:23
PSALM 25 A Cry for Help.

PSALM 25 A Cry for Help.

WHAT A GREAT WAY TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR, CRYING OUT TO GOD FOR HELP!! Nothing is left out of this magnificent lament: to you I lift up my soul, let me not be put to shame, teach me your paths, make me to know your ways, remember your mercy, bring me out of my distresses, consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins. Amen.

What part of this psalm will you carry with you today? Will it be to remember that the friendship of the Lord belongs to those who fear him? Or to beseech the Lord to guard your soul, or to ask him to deliver you? Or will it be that integrity will preserve you as you wait upon the Lord? Or another? All good prayer requests to guide your New Year.

Jan 01, 202407:26


PSALM 24 BEGINS with the reminder that "the earth is the Lord's;" he created it, he sustains it, he saves it, and he is the earth's owner. He is also the Creator of all who live on the earth. We depend on the Lord of heaven and earth because we live in his world.

The gates and the "everlasting doors" the writer of this psalm is referring to are both the entrance to the temple on Mt. Zion and the spiritual gates to God's heavenly kingdom. The gates are opened in recognition that the king of the earth has arrived.

Although this imagery is of a city and its gates, we can personalize this. Are there gates or entrances in your life that you joyfully open to let in the King of Glory? Is there a gate you have locked that the Lord is asking you to open for him? (Mays 119, 122).

What a great reminder on this Christmas Day that the earth is the Lord's! Let each of us open the gates of our hearts to let him come in.

Dec 25, 202307:48
Dec 18, 202306:41


BOTH PSALM 19 AND PSALM 119 instruct us that the Word of the Lord is the best place to learn the sacred way of living.

James L. Mays says of this psalm, "The world (gives witness) to God. The creation manifests the glory of its creator. The psalm offer us...a vision of poetic imaginative personification. It is based on the notion, not uncommon in biblical thinking, that every created thing has the capacity of a creature to acknowledge its originator" (20).

In support of Mays' interpretation, Romans 1:19-20 says, "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

Dec 11, 202309:35


THIS IS ONE of my favorite psalms. I hope you will read the whole psalm and savor the hyperbole.

Consider the second set of beads: "He sent from on high, he took me; he drew me out of many waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy." Your strong enemy could be a life event, emotions that are disproportionate to the circumstances in your life, or even a spiritual power of darkness. Imagine the Lord reaching down and rescuing you from the waters of your strong enemy. Let the Lord embrace you, hold you, and breathe rescue into your soul.

Look also at the third set of beads: "He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me." Do you believe that God delights in you? Spend some time with the Lord and ask him to help your unbelief. Ask the Lord what he thinks of you and how he describes you. Listen. Write in your journal.

You can find the book PRAYING THROUGH PSALMS: A Guide for Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads HERE:

Dec 04, 202308:51


THE THIRD SET of seven beads in the psalm says, "keep me as the apple of your eye." Do you have trouble believing you are the apple of the Father's eye? If so, begin journaling phrases and verses in the following meditations that confirm this is true. Remember that Christ died for you and allow yourself to enjoy the truth that God has deemed you worthy of that sacrifice. Indeed, only for the "apple of God's eye" would Christ die.

If the Psalmist teaches us anything, it is that we will have trouble. Jesus confirms this reality in John 16:33. In the midst of the trouble, the writers of the Psalms show us how to cry out to God in our grief and our sorrow, and God answers. David Muyskens writes, "Prayer did not deliver me from grief but grief became my prayer." This pathway of consolation is what the Psalmist expresses, as well as the hope of glory in God's presence.

Nov 27, 202307:02


PSALM 13 is the shortest prayer for help in the Psalter. It provides a wonderful framework for our cries to the Lord. It begins with "How long, O Lord?" I find I often approach the Lord in this way Usually my enemy is my own sin, sin I have struggled with in varying degrees for years. The Psalmist continues with what will happen if the Lord does not rescue him. He closes with wonderful statements of faith and expectation:

"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me." These true statements of faith make my heart soar.

Let's join the writer of the psalm and trust God's unfailing love and salvation. Let us remember all his goodness to us.

Nov 20, 202305:43


Dear Friends,

I am re-releasing the psalms from 'Praying through Psalms...' Thank you for praying with me in this selection prayers.

In Psalm 6 you will find the psalmist describing flooding his bed with tears, you may or may not relate to this particular description of being woken in the middle of the night. But anxious thoughts may wake you in the night and cause your heart to mourn, then with the Psalmist pray, "Save my life; deliver me for the sake of your steadfast love."

Nov 13, 202306:52
PSALM 150 Hymn of Praise

PSALM 150 Hymn of Praise

THE PSALTER concludes with this: "Praise the Lord!"

I leave this for all of us then: Praise the Lord!!

Where will you praise him?

Why will you praise him?

With what will you praise him?


Sep 25, 202306:07
PSALM 145 Hymn of Praise

PSALM 145 Hymn of Praise

"ONE GENERATION shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts." We have been given the sacred trust of being a generation that passes on the faith, the knowledge of the One True God, Maker and Keeper of the earth. Ask the Lord for his guidance in passing on the faith.

You can find Praying through Psalms A Guide for Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads in softcover, kindle and in Spanish on Amazon. Praying through Psalms is available wherever books are sold.

Sep 18, 202307:35
PSALM 139 Wonderfully made.

PSALM 139 Wonderfully made.

IT IS OFTEN DIFFICULT for us to believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet, this is exactly what the Lord would have us know about our creation.

James Mays says that Psalm 139 is a 'doctrinal classic because it portrays human existence in all its dimensions in terms of God's knowledge, presence, and power. It reflects an understanding of the human as enclosed in divine teaches and confesses in the fullest way that 'my times are in your hand'" (425).

You can find a hard copy of Praying through Psalms A Guide for Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads at :

Sep 11, 202310:24
PSALM 136 Hymn of Praise

PSALM 136 Hymn of Praise

REMEMBERING is a major theme in the Old Testament. In the Psalms we have the liturgy passed on to us in order to remember that God created and God saves.

Think of your journey of faith. What are the stones of remembrance in your own life? What stories do you find yourself retelling? Ask the Lord to bring to mind those stories of remembrance you may have forgotten, or perhaps did not, at the time, see his hand in the course of events. Ask him if there is more for you to learn from those moments. Give thanks by praising Our Father in heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Sep 04, 202309:02
PSALM 121 A Song of Ascent

PSALM 121 A Song of Ascent

PSALMS 120 THROUGH 134 are called the Songs of Ascent. These songs were sung when the people were on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Jerusalem sits at an elevation of about 2,700 feet, thus the idea of ascending, going up to Jerusalem. The Psalms of Ascent are filled with assurances of faith and the joy of expectation in going to the house of the Lord, as in Psalm 122:1: 'I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord."'

When I see Israel in the Psalms, I remember God's people could fit there just as well, and then I am included.

Aug 28, 202305:60
PSALM 119:1-8 The Way of Life

PSALM 119:1-8 The Way of Life

BLAMELESS is how the Father sees us when we are Christ's own.

As I pray this psalm, I wonder, what are his statutes? What are his precepts? The Old Testament has so many. Then, I remember what Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your soul and all your mind, and the second is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself." This word is enough for the day. These two are the precepts I press into, and I pray with the Psalmist that my ways may be steadfast in keeping God's statutes.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠⁠

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Aug 21, 202306:34
PSALM 116 Song of Thanksgiving

PSALM 116 Song of Thanksgiving

"I LOVE THE LORD, because..." because he has heard my voice so many times and he will again. He will hear my pleas for mercy. This knowledge restores my soul, and I am so full of thanksgiving.

When I wander into fear or anger or self-pity, I must return to the Lord's rest in order to find his peace. I must pray with the Psalmist, "O Lord I pray, deliver my soul."

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased here: ⁠⁠.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Aug 14, 202307:21
Psalm 112 Psalm of Praise

Psalm 112 Psalm of Praise

THIS PSALM begins with a beatitude; 'Happy are those" or "Blessed are those," introduces a beatitude. Happy are those who fear or trust the Lord. The Psalmist continues with life outcomes for those who trust the Lord. There is a clear idea throughout the psalm that trusting the Lord forms us, and we live differently because of it.

Ask the Lord if there are areas in your life where you do not trust him. Ask him to change that in your life. Listen. Journal.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠⁠here⁠⁠.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Aug 07, 202307:20
Psalm 111 A Hymn of Praise

Psalm 111 A Hymn of Praise

DAILY BREAD is more than just food. It is all of our met-needs. Spend some time with the Lord remembering ways Jesus has met your needs. Record these in your journal.

Spending time in the Word allows the Lord to be our teacher, as as a result, we grow in wisdom. Wisdom from the Lord produces a life lived in the knowledge of him and results in obedience to him. The desired outcome of studying Scripture is that we would become a people who praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠⁠here⁠⁠.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Jul 31, 202306:49
PSALM 106 Remembering God's mercy.

PSALM 106 Remembering God's mercy.

IN THE FIRST SET of beads, we prayed, "Our fathers, when they were in Egypt, did not consider your wondrous works." Sometimes it can seem that our lives are being lived in Egypt, but our home is in God's wondrous works. Just as those works happened here, on earth, God is with us now. Return to your own remembrance of God's saving mercy, recall how he has forgiven you over and over, and give thanks.

In the second set of beads, we prayed, "But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel." We must wait for his counsel; press into his presence today. Wait, listen. If you do not hear in this moment, go in faith that the Lord will answer. Listen as you go along the way of a "long obedience in the same direction" (from Eugene Peterson's book of same title).

Jul 24, 202308:02
PSALM 105 Hymn of Praise.

PSALM 105 Hymn of Praise.

PLEASE READ this psalm in its entirety. As with many of the psalms, I have left much of the wonderful psalm out in order to make them into a prayer of meditation. In this psalm you will find the story of Israel. The roots of this psalm are found in Genesis and Exodus.

The Invitatory Bead in this prayer comes from verse 1b, "Make known his deeds among the peoples." Though we do not forget the deeds of God recorded in the Old Testament, the work of Jesus Christ at the cross is the ultimate saving deed we are called to make known among the nations. It is good to record the saving deeds of Jesus in our own lives, to maintain our own stones of remembrance. Revisiting the healing and saving Jesus has done in our lives is a good way to praise the Lord. As you remember what he has already done, ask if there is more healing, more deliverance, more to learn in those areas of your life where the Father has been at work.

In the fourth set of beads, we pray, "He is mindful of his covenant forever." Explore what it means that our God is a Covenant God and that you are in Covenant with him.

Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord REJOICE.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠here⁠.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Jul 17, 202308:10
PSALM 104 Praising the Creator.

PSALM 104 Praising the Creator.

HOPEFULLY YOU HAVE BEGUN THE PRACTICE of taking a verse from the Psalms with you to meditate on during the day. If not, perhaps you will begin the practice today. What verse will you carry with you to meditate on, bringing praise to our Creator? Journal.

Jul 10, 202307:04
PSALM 103 Hymn of praise.

PSALM 103 Hymn of praise.

PSALM 103 IS A HYMN OF PRAISE. Praising the Lord is one of the best ways we have to share our faith. We become evangelists when we can share what God has done for us. Settle into the psalm, remembering his mercy and greatness, and praise the Lord.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠here⁠.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Jul 03, 202308:24
PSALM 102 Prayer of the penitent.

PSALM 102 Prayer of the penitent.

SOMETIMES WE KNOW we need to repent but do not know how to go about it. Along with this psalm, Psalms 32 and 51 in the book of prayers are excellent for repentance.

Jun 26, 202307:32


THIS IS A FAVORITE PSALM of mine, a sure psalm for providing a song of praise. Join the Psalmist and worship the Lord with gladness.

Praying through the Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads. You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads. We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.

Episode 1 offers more instruction as to how to use prayer beads and why.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠here:

This podcast is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton. Cindy Hamilton is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church of North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado). Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats; she trains prayer ministers to pray for others. Cindy is the Leader of Prayer for the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains of the ACNA. She is the designer and coordinator of the 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. 'Healing Journey 2023' will be help at Wellspring Church, Englewood, Colorado, October 6 and 7, 2023.

Produced by Maile Paris

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Jun 12, 202304:56


IN LIGHT OF GLORIOUS REVELATION, rejoicing is the right response. "The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations." "All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God." Therefore, the Psalmist says, "Let us shout for joy to the Lord!'

How would it change your confidence in sharing your faith with those who do not call on the name of the Lord if you believed in your heart that the Lord has made his salvation known? Knowing that the Lord has revealed his righteousness and that the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God is a great encouragement in sharing what we know to be true about Jesus.

Praying through the Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads. You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.

Episode 1 offers more instruction as to how to use prayer beads and why.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased ⁠here⁠.

This podcast is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy Hamilton is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church of North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia.  She has led prayer and Psalms retreats; she trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  Cindy is the Leader of Prayer for the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains of the ACNA.  She is the designer and coordinator of the 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar.  'Healing Journey 2023' will be help at Wellspring Church, Englewood, Colorado, October 6 and 7, 2023.

Produced by Maile Paris

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.


Jun 06, 202306:20


HOW GLORIOUS IT WOULD BE if the earth were glad because it recognized that the Lord reigns. Would the world be different if all of us who call on Christ as King rose up and walked in the glory and goodness of his reign?

In the verse found in the Cruciform Bead--"'The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth"--the Psalmist provides imagery of the absolute power and authority God has over his creation. Would the world around us be different if daily we walked in the knowledge that the Lord reigns, that he is powerful and ever at work?

Consider Psalm 97:10: "Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones." What does it mean for you to hate evil? Ask the Lord. Pray. Journal.

May 29, 202307:35


THE NATION OF ISRAEL and the writers of the Psalms declare the glory of the Lord among themselves and to the nations by recalling the creation, the rescue from Egypt, and the provision in the wilderness. How do you declare the glory of the Lord in your life? How do you declare the glory of God to others?

Ask Jesus to guide you in the Way, instruct you in the Truth and to fill you with his life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then be still. Journal what comes to mind. If there is silence, by faith take one of the movements from Psalm 96 to carry with you today.

May 22, 202306:29
Psalm 95 A Hymn of Praise

Psalm 95 A Hymn of Praise

THE ANCIENT WRITERS of the Old Testament frequently wrote about God in such a way as to explain his uniqueness, his greatness, when compared to the gods worshiped by cultures near them. The Near Eastern religions had many gods. The Psalmist and other writers of the Old Testament frequently established the fact that their God the one true God, is the greatest of all gods. For instance, "For the Lord is the great God, and a great King above all gods" is not written to include other gods but to explain to the nations that there is but one God.

The Psalms frequently worship God because he is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He created us; therefore, we should kneel before our maker and listen to his voice. Rest in the truth that you belong to God. Press into his presence. Listen. Journal.

May 15, 202307:07
PSALM 93 A Psalm of Praise

PSALM 93 A Psalm of Praise

IT IS THROUGH PRAISING the Lord that we declare he is King. In this psalm we are given a way to praise the kingship of God. How does this psalm help you to imagine the kingship of our Heavenly Father? What elements of this song empower your praise of the Lord? Pray. Praise. Journal.

May 08, 202306:22
Psalm 92 A Psalm of Praise.

Psalm 92 A Psalm of Praise.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased here.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

May 01, 202306:03
Psalm 91 A Psalm of Trust.

Psalm 91 A Psalm of Trust.

CONSIDER THE TERRORS that interrupt your sleep. Record them in your journal and talk about them with the Most High. Do the same with the arrows that fly by day. What are the struggles and difficulties that you face in the day? Record these also and trust that Jesus, who is mighty to save, will rescue you.

Praying through  Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased here.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Apr 24, 202306:20
Psalm 89:1-18 Praising the Lord's Faithfulness.

Psalm 89:1-18 Praising the Lord's Faithfulness.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased here.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Apr 17, 202307:21
Psalm 86 Prayer for Help.

Psalm 86 Prayer for Help.

Praying through Psalms is a Guide to Contemplative Prayer using Anglican Prayer Beads.  You may use prayer beads or simply listen and pray without prayer beads.  We recommend engaging your body through touch, using prayer beads as you embrace these ancient prayers of God's people.  More on how to use prayer beads is in the first episode of this podcast. My prayer for you is that you will find your home in the Psalms and be blessed by these rich ancient prayers.

Physical copies of the book can be purchased here.

Praying through Psalms is read by the author, Cindy Hamilton.  Cindy is an ordained deacon with the Anglican Church in North America and a trained Pastor of Prayer at Church of the Advent (Denver, Colorado).  Cindy has an MA in Christian Studies from Tabor College in Adelaide, South Australia. She has led prayer and Psalms retreats.  She trains prayer ministers to pray for others.  She is the designer and coordinator of 'Healing Journey' a two day healing prayer seminar. Healing Journey 2023, October 6 and 7 at Wellspring Anglican Church in Englewood, Colorado. Healing Journey is a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.

Podcast produced by Maile Paris.

Music composed and performed by Maile Paris.

Apr 10, 202306:41