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By Clenta D. Walker

Fresh 24 is a platform designed to shock the conscience with a jolt of inspiration, to remind us that no matter what your financial status, ethnicity, political views or title is, we all get 86, 400 seconds deposited in our account everyday. We all need a reminder, that all we get is 24 hours, the next 24 hours are not promised, so let us make the most of the day that we've been given.
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Fresh(24)Dec 20, 2021

Capacity Pt. 2

Capacity Pt. 2

People often focus on getting the stuff, and neglect the ability to keep it and that ability is called capacity. We work hard to get stronger, more money and many other things, but we seldom work on increasing our "Capacity". Most people have settled for their current capacity level, because they are not willing to push past their limitations and pain. It's not how you start, it is what you are able to handle, maintain and multiply. It's all about leveling up.
Mar 07, 202203:18
How To Increase Your Capacity

How To Increase Your Capacity

People often focus on getting the stuff, and neglect the ability to keep it and that ability is called capacity. We work hard to get stronger, more money and many other things, but we seldom work on increasing our "Capacity". Most people have settled for their current capacity level, because they are not willing to push past their limitations and pain. It's not how you start, it is what you are able to handle, maintain and multiply. It's all about leveling up.
Feb 28, 202204:12
The Greatest Tragedy In Life

The Greatest Tragedy In Life

The greatest tragedy in life is not what you think it is. We have all experienced some level of tragedy in our life time. Some say the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose. I agree with that statement to a certain degree. You will never get out of this life, without dealing with some type of tragedy, but your "NEXT" is critical: your mindset, your attitude, your emotions, your pain, your disappointment, your version, and your perception will be the catalyst and a co-signer to the greatest tragedy in life, if it is not processed properly. What do you think the greatest tragedy in life is? Tune in and see if we have the same answer.
Feb 21, 202204:19
The Plan

The Plan

Having a plan is important and critical to your success. We all have dreams and endeavors we would like to see come to fruition, but if we do not formulate a plan to achieve it, it will remain a dream. Just because you have a plan does not guarantee success, because just wanting something is not enough. Regardless how well you prepare, you are bound to encounter challenges along the way. If your plan does not work, change the plan, not the goal. A goal without a plan is a wish.
Feb 14, 202204:29
Focusing On The Wrong Thing

Focusing On The Wrong Thing

Have you ever focused on the wrong thing? How long do you stick with something that is not working out for you, before you change? What cause you to change? Focus takes and investment, a investment of your time and effort. What good is having the ability and the opportunity to do something, but you lack focus. Until you recalibrate your focus and get it back into alignment, you will always be Focusing On The Wrong Thing.
Feb 07, 202203:47
The Art Of Leaving

The Art Of Leaving

One of the hardest things to do is leave, whether it is a job, relationship, location or an old habit. The enemy of leaving is stuck. Leaving requires change and to change it is going to take courage. Never settle and get comfortable with things that keep your from fulfilling your destiny and purpose. Take inventory of your life right now, what are the things you need leave and let go? Remember you can be good where you are or be great somewhere else.
Jan 31, 202203:59


There are two things you get every day when you wake up, a chance and a choice, the choices that you make after you get your chance is on you. Everyone has opportunities. When opportunities comes it's too late to prepare. The question is, will you be ready when your opportunities comes?
Jan 24, 202202:55
Dealing With Opposition

Dealing With Opposition

If you're trying to do anything of significance you will face opposition. Becoming a better you, you are definitely going to face some opposition. You have to anticipate and be prepared to face opposition, because it coming. If you are going to reach your full potential, change is not optional, it is necessary. Once you see opposition from a different perspective, you will see opposition as a gift, which means you are doing something significant. If you are going to be great, your greatness is on the other side of the opposition you have to go through.

Jan 17, 202204:14
A Better You

A Better You

We should all strive to be better. How can we be great at something and then have unlikable personality. We are great at leading a company or a team, but we are terrible at leading our family. What is more important than working on yourself. Oftentimes for you to be a better, you have to hear the truth about yourself, no matter how painful it maybe. We can be our own worst enemy and not even know it, because we blame things on everybody else. A better you is a life long journey, which will require you to make improvements regarding yourself.
Jan 10, 202204:27
Change Has Changed

Change Has Changed

What are your expectations and goals? Whatever they are, it is going to require change. Change is required if you are expecting to grow and be successful, I am not talking about changing once, but often. As a person you must be will to evolve emotionally, mentally and physically. Winton Churchill said and I quote: "To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to change often. A caterpillar cannot become a butterfly until it changes. Change is not easy but it is required.
Jan 03, 202202:55


One of the most important things we could ever do, yet we disregard it and keep going without ever stopping to take a moment to "Reflect." Reflecting gives you a baseline, to know where you are, how long you have been there and if you are getting closer or further from the goals you have set for yourself. Without reflections how do you know what areas you need to improve on? How will you know what worked and what did not work for you? Reflection is critical to your success. Find time to do it more often, you will thank yourself later.
Dec 27, 202102:54


Everyone wants to be successful in life, but most of us have not defined what a successful looks like. What is your definition of success? Being successful no matter what it is, it is going to take drive, ambition, hard work, and focus on what you are trying to accomplish. Whether you are successful or not, depends on how you define success.
Dec 20, 202103:52
Bye Felicia

Bye Felicia

When you say, "Bye!" you mean "farewell" or "so long." or another familiar saying, "Bye Felicia!" It is time to dismiss some people and things out of your life. You must take a posture of closure along with your welcoming spirit. You are like a computer that is buffering and running slow, because you have too many tabs open, close those tab that you are no longer using in your life and get rid of the things that are slowing you down. Do not be afraid to tell someone "Bye Felicia!" say it, some peoples absence maybe your blessing in disguise.
Dec 13, 202103:00


When you know who you are and what you are capable of, you will realize that everyone and everything does not have the compatibility to connect with you. Things that are compatible with you, should enhance your life and not disrupt it. We are dealing with stuff too long and hoping that it eventually works out, to discover down the road that it was never compatible in the first place. The issue is that we knew it on the front, but decided to ignore it and hoped that it would one day work out. Know what you are capable of, so you do not waste your time dealing with things that are incompatible, that disguise themselves as compatibility.
Dec 06, 202103:14
It's On You

It's On You

Everyday we should welcome a new day, because we are gifted with a new one, which means new opportunities, new adventures, or a continuation on the things we have already been working toward. Take advantage of the new day, but remember "It's On You!" Do not let situations circumstances you have faced or are currently dealing with discourage, distract or discount you from your goals. No one is coming, so it's all on you. Get up, get out and get something.
Nov 29, 202102:59
How To Pick Your Circle?

How To Pick Your Circle?

You are influenced by the five most important people in your life. With that being said, you should choose your circle slowly and carefully. Who surrounds us, affects us. Having the right people in your life comes down to a decision, a decision for yourself, a decision for your future and a decision for who will be in your circle. Be aware of those who are in your circle, but not in your corner.
Nov 22, 202103:34


Every year we should do a self evaluation check. What is working? What is not working? What needs to be improved? Without honest assessments how can we improve and know that we are on course to reaching our goals. If we are not careful, stuff will remain attached to us, longer than it should be, because we did not evaluate it's worth. Do not keep put things that are dead to you and draining the life out of you on life support, pull the plug and move on. remember if it is not pushing you toward your destiny, then it is holding you back.
Nov 15, 202103:18
The Pressure Of The Moment

The Pressure Of The Moment

There are two kinds of pressure, internal and external. In life you will experience pressure at times, and during that time, you will learn a lot about yourself, you will find out how well or how bad you perform under pressure. You will know if you can handle pressure or will avoid it with all cost. Dealing with pressure, you have two choices, you either react impulsively or you respond intentionally. If you are going to grow, you are going to have to deal with pressure. Do not run from pressure, meet it head on and rise to the occasion.
Nov 08, 202104:40
Facing Your Giant's

Facing Your Giant's

Challenges of life are unavoidable. As much as we all may want to run from the fight, we will never be able to outrun the giant. Giants cannot be ignored or transformed, they must be confronted. Giants by nature are the enemy and try to hinder your forward momentum as you strive to reach your God given purpose. Most of the things that have become giants in our lives, were once small and manageable. Refusing or ignoring a issue or situation does not make it go away. Sometimes the only way through to the other side, is through your giant. Giants, if seen in the right perspective can be and are a blessing in disguise. Life will always present us with tough situations, but we must have the heart of a warrior
Nov 01, 202104:22
The Bounce Back Factor

The Bounce Back Factor

Most people are not willing to get back up, dust themselves off and figure out how to overcome the very thing that has defeated them. Failure is a necessary evil and is unavoidable. It is not about failure, it does not matter how many times you fail, it does not matter how painful those failures were. What matters is what you did after the failure? Failure is a moment and not a destination.
Oct 25, 202104:18
Put Average On Notice

Put Average On Notice

Are you sick and tired of living an ordinary life? Are you tired of going through the motions? Are you tired of just letting life happen? I encourage you today, to close your eyes, take a deep breath and tell yourself, I refuse to be average today, I'm Putting Average On Notice. The difference between average and great is a decision. You have everything you need today, right now to be great, you just need to give yourself permission to tap into your greatness. Remember greatness is not a onetime thing, it is a lifestyle. Let the world and people around you noticed something different about you today, and when they ask, "what is different about you?" you tell them that you Put Average On Notice.
Oct 18, 202103:14
Live Up To Your Potential

Live Up To Your Potential

There are two important days in your life, the first is, the day you were born and the second one, is discovering why. Potential is God's gift to us, we just have to be willing to work and be discipline to discover it. Discovering your potential and living up to it, means you are in purpose and that you are doing what you were created to do. We all have goals in life, but nothing should be above Living Up To Your Potential.
Oct 11, 202102:59
Focus On What You Can Control

Focus On What You Can Control

Everyday we are faced with challenges, everything is demanding our attention. How do we stay focused on what is important? Everything cannot have our attention, so we must focus on the thing we can control, and that is ourselves . Things we cannot control is: the weather, people, natural disasters, time and when someone dies. You must have a clear understanding about what is within your control and what is not. If you focus on the three things you can control everyday, which is, your attitude, your effort and your actions, you will be less stressed and a lot happier.
Oct 04, 202103:10
Leave Your Mark

Leave Your Mark

They say you only get one chance to make a first impression. What are people left with after meeting you? Did you add value to them or do they feel drain after the encounter. To leave one's mark, is to have an effect that changes someone or something. We should all strive to add value to everyone we encounter. When it is all said and done, how many people will say, their life is better since they met you. Be the difference, not just today but everyday. Leave Your Mark.

Sep 27, 202103:32
People You Cannot Help

People You Cannot Help

We should all have a heart to help people, but on the flip side you must realize that you cannot help everyone. There are some people you just cannot help. You can help them out of a hole, which they intentionally keep falling into. When helping someone you have to assess if they are ready for help at that very moment. We should all desire to help people when the opportunity arises, without forgetting that at the same time they many not be ready for your help. If you help the wrong people, you can miss the opportunities to help the right ones. Do not let the people who do not want your help, stop you from helping the ones who do.
Sep 20, 202103:10
Putting It All Together

Putting It All Together

Life is similar to putting a puzzle together, you need the pieces and they need to be in the right place. Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together without seeing the picture on the box? It is hard but not impossible, it is just going to take you longer to figure it out, because you do not know how the pieces are supposed to go together. Your life is a puzzle and it is put together by the choices that you make. Remember everything that feels good or you like it, does not mean it is meant for you. You have to choose Purpose over Feelings. It is never too late to start over. Make sure you have the right pieces in the right place.
Sep 13, 202104:16
The Complacency Trap Part 2

The Complacency Trap Part 2

We have all experienced complacency at some point in our lives. What did you do to un-trap yourself? How long did it take for you to realize that you were a victim of the complacency trap? Complacency is the enemy of progress. You must deliberately and intentionally questions things and change them before they become a problem. Do not get so caught up and satisfied with the things you have already done, that you forget about what you still need to do. Shake things up in your life every once in awhile. Do not be a victim of The Complacency Trap.
Sep 06, 202104:07
This Ain't Working For Me!

This Ain't Working For Me!

How long do you allow things that are not working in your life to continue to go wrong? When do you decide? When do you determine? When do you make up in your mind that "This Ain't Working For You? We have to quit saying to ourselves secretly that certain things are not working out, but in public we act like everything is o.k. Oftentimes we keep things on life support, that we should have pulled the plug on a long time ago. Do not allow people or things to setup transactions that do not work for you. Do not be afraid to speak up and acknowledge the things that are not working for you.
Aug 30, 202103:56
Are You Coachable?

Are You Coachable?

Life is hard enough, especially without a coach or a mentor to help you along the way. Coaches play a major role in our lives, whether it is a football, baseball, cheerleading, track, life or pastor, they have a gifting and the ability to bring out the best in us, if we would submit to their coaching. Coachability is defined by your ability to be coached. You must come with the mindset to listen with the intent to learn rather than show what you know. It does not matter if you have a Hall of Fame coach, and you do not bring coachability to the table, it is meaningless. Being coachable is a choice, regardless of what you know before you get there, you have to decide, if you are going to do it your way or the coaches way. Do some real soul searching and ask yourself, "Am I Coachable?"
Aug 23, 202103:59
Move With Purpose

Move With Purpose

Every move is important, so you must move in intentionality, because it has the potential to set you up or set you back. The purpose behind your movement does not require anything extraordinary, but every move must have a purpose. In order to move forward, you have to put yourself in the right frame of mind. With anything that you decide to do, do it with conviction and do it with a purpose. You are the only one who can make a decision to change your life. Move With Purpose!
Aug 16, 202103:13
Know Your Assignment

Know Your Assignment

God has given everyone an assignment, but it is your responsibility to discover it. Your assignment is critical, it is directly tied to your purpose. The worst thing you can do is focus on the wrong thing. Every person is not your assignment, every thing is not your assignment, but you must know who and what you are assigned too. Remember God gave you a assignment and a purpose long before anyone had an opinion about you. Know Your Assignment.
Aug 09, 202103:57
The Enemy In Me

The Enemy In Me

We all have faced an enemy at some point in our lives. Once you identify your enemy, you act accordingly, your head is on a swivel and you are on your P's and Q's. How do you deal with that enemy, when it's you? Oftentimes we will blame others for our issues and neglect to shine the light on ourselves. You cannot achieve certain things in life because you have bad habits. You are too negative, lazy and self-righteous about everything you do. You have to ask yourself, how long have I been like this? What do I need to do to fix it? Do I want to change? The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Once you conquer The Enemy In You, doors and opportunities will begin to open up for you. Be committed to developing good habits.
Aug 02, 202104:17
Are You There?

Are You There?

In order to get there you must have a clear understanding of where you are currently. You must figure out what route you are going to take, and how long it is going to take you to get there. Life is too short, to be somewhere other than There. It is not what you're NOT, that gets you in trouble, but what you refuse to become. Most people rather watch others do and be what they were afraid to try. Get up and go live your life to the fullest.
Aug 02, 202103:27
The Complacency Trap

The Complacency Trap

Complacency is the enemy of progress and if we are not careful, we will slip into a comfort zone, because it is familiar and safe. Complacency can rob you of taking advantage of new opportunities. Complacency is like a dull axe chopping a tree, swinging, but it lacks the sharpness to complete the job. Everyday we have to avoid "The Complacency Trap.
Jul 19, 202104:08
Watch Your Mouth

Watch Your Mouth

The average person speaks between 18,000 and 25,000 words a day. We do not realize the incredible force behind the words we use. Choose your words carefully. Do not speak out of anger, because you cannot take those words back. There is a old saying, "If you do not have nothing nice to say, then do not say anything at all." Use your word to encourage and build someone up. Remember your words are powerful they motivate or discourage yourself or others. Watch your mouth and choose your words wisely.
Jul 12, 202103:10
All Popcorn Don't Pop At The Same Time

All Popcorn Don't Pop At The Same Time

We often say to ourselves when will it be my time? When will I get the chance to shine? The real question we should be asking ourselves is, what am I doing so that I will be ready when my time comes. All popcorn does not pop at the same time. In order for popcorn to be able to pop, it must be put into an environment that pushes the kernels beyond it's limits. The kernel first must be able to hold the amount of water it needs to produce steam and have no gaps in the hull, and then be able to handle the heat and not fold under pressure. Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil, but they do not pop at the same time. Don't compare yourself to others, your time to pop is coming.
Jul 05, 202104:10
Silence The Haters

Silence The Haters

How do you pursue your dreams, when your surrounded by so much negativity? A battery has a positive post and negative post, but in order for the battery to function, both sides has to be connected. Avoiding negativity and scrutiny is impossible, because someone will always have something to say. You will never be able to please everyone, so I would not waste any energy trying. Never allow your haters to stop you from moving forward. Their will always be haters, their will always be doubters, and their will always be non-believers, so you must rise to the occasion every time they show up. Continue to be the best version of yourself, because their is only one you. Silence The Haters.
Jun 28, 202103:25
It's Now Or Never

It's Now Or Never

To live is one thing, but to live this life on purpose is going to require a sense of urgency and a different version of yourself. It's Now or Never. You must not get into a place of contentment, meaning we have stop advancing, growing and improving yourself. All you have is right now, so you must take advantage of it. Living is easy, but improving yourself is going to take some work. Face your fears, overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. Be specific about what you want and let deter you from it. You are one decision away from a totally different life. It's Now Or Never!
Jun 21, 202103:51
What's Your 20?

What's Your 20?

Where are you in life? Life is hard enough without you self-sabotaging yourself. You must admit where you are and deal with it, if you do not like where you are right now, then do something about it, instead of complaining. Anytime you change something, it gonna take courage. You cannot be afraid to fail, that is a part of the process. You can be in different location, but in the same place. What's Your 20?
Jun 14, 202104:50


Wake up everyday with the Audacity to deal with, handle, conquer, defeat and overcome whatever comes your way. You have to tell your circumstances, issues and situations that you did not show up this morning, but you are here on purpose and you brought some Audacity with you. You have choice, you can live a happy life or you can live a miserable one, but whatever you choose, you still only get one. Make the best of it.
Jun 07, 202103:25
Which One?

Which One?

You have to be two people to survive in this world, and if you do not understand that, life will have it's way with you and you will be forever frustrated. Jesus told us to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves". The question is knowing which one to be at any given time. How do you find balance and respond accurately, meaning when you should be the serpent, but you show up as the dove, and when you should be the dove, you should have been the serpent. When you show up, bring both, because situations and circumstances change.
May 31, 202103:54
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

What do you want to be known for, always making promises and never following through or a person who always keeps his word. At the end of the day, your word should be your bond. Live up to who you say you are, if not your actions will always tell on you. Do not talk about it, be about it. Take action today.
May 24, 202103:48
Circle Of Influence

Circle Of Influence

Your circle of influence are the things you care about and can impact. Our circle of influence is surrounded by our circle of concerns. You must be clear about what you can and cannot control. You need to be very clear about the areas that you influence versus the areas in which you have a concern. Focus on what you can control and do not waste your time and energy on things you cannot.
May 17, 202103:45


We all have expectations and plans for our lives. What happens when things do not go as planned. We must expect the unexpected. You must ask yourself, how do I not become a statistic. We all want to be successful, but what is success? We must quit allowing the mainstream to dictate to us what success is. We must not be so heavily influenced by what we see and set that as a standard for happiness, hope and stability for our lives. Our lives are affected heavily on the choices and decision that we make. We are all different and unique in our own way, which means we all define success differently. Live life to the fullest and exceed the expectations.
May 10, 202104:35


We all have limits, but most of our limits are mirages. Limits we have allowed ourselves, people and circumstances to hold us back, which become limitations. We must always test the things that stand in front of us, because most of the the time, it is just an obstacle and if we do not overcome it, it will become a limit or a issues that we are not able to overcome. We muster up the strength to always test the limit, push beyond our natural ability and do that which seems impossible to others. Live a limitless life.
May 03, 202103:56


We all have a perspective, but the real answer is, we are going to need more than one, in order to be successful in life. We must approach everything with a reasonable perspective, to view things correctly. We need more than one angle of the camera to get a better view of what's really going on. The opposite of perspective is, indistinctness, which means a lack of clarity. The Power of Perspective is: being able to step in somebody else's shoes. Most of believe we can see and that their is nothing wrong with our vision, until we go to optometrist (eye doctor) and he tells you that you need glasses or contacts. When was the last time you had your perspective checked?
Apr 26, 202103:23
What Will Be Different

What Will Be Different

Can you tell the difference between authentic and fake, true or false? if nothing different, than nothing changes. We are not called to be like each other, but we are called to compliment each one another. We should not want to be different for the sake of it, we should be different with purpose and meaning. You can be different with no change.
Apr 19, 202102:52
Leave Nothing To Chance

Leave Nothing To Chance

We are given so many chances and opportunities a day, but how do we capitalize on and how many do we miss? Have you ever left anything to chance? And if so, what was the outcome? Excuses will always be there, but opportunities will not. How do you seize an opportunity? When you are able to recognize that it is one. One of the most expensive things is, paying attention to the wrong thing.
Apr 12, 202104:06
Slow Your Roll

Slow Your Roll

Life is meant be enjoyable, and not for just working all the time. We all need some "ME" time. We often neglect ourselves, because somebody or something else seems to always need us. Regardless if we are working on something else, or that we are tied up at the moment, but no, they expect you to come now and fix, help or take them where they need to go. Oftentimes people don't consider the condition the person is in that is helping them, nor do they care, so as long as they are doing what they need them to do. Slow Your Roll, and take care of you, get some rest, and work on your own dreams. Life is short and you only get one, so make the best of it.
Apr 05, 202103:42


Connection is one of our basic human needs. We are not created to do this life alone. We need connections, that make our lives better, and add value to us. You have to make a decision, if you are not trying to help, encourage, motivate and invest in the other person, what's the point? Who you are connected to, is just as important to what you are connected too. Some connections are for a season and some connections are for a lifetime, know the difference.
Mar 29, 202103:41