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Grace and Truth for Today

Grace and Truth for Today

By Cleveland Baptist Church

Born out of a desire to connect with our church family during the coronavirus pandemic, Grace and Truth for Today exists to highlight the need for fullness of grace and truth in the lives of believers and to encourage you in your daily walk with God.
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Grace and Truth for TodaySep 08, 2020



We have much to be thankful for. What are you grateful for today?
Nov 20, 202013:25
Spiritual Blessings

Spiritual Blessings

We are going to focus on Thankfulness for the next several podcasts. Today, we express gratitude for spiritual blessings.
Nov 17, 202015:13
What Are You Living For?

What Are You Living For?

The uncertainty and lack of closure left the door to hope open just a tiny bit. Jacob was living for some things.
Nov 12, 202008:13
Jacob Goes Down to Egypt

Jacob Goes Down to Egypt

Several things happen on Jacob’s journey to visit Joseph that are significant.
Nov 10, 202013:07
Don’t Tell Me, Show Me

Don’t Tell Me, Show Me

Jacob would not believe his sons until he saw the gifts that had been sent from Egypt. What small thing could you give to communicate your love to someone today?
Nov 03, 202009:22
Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me

Joseph’s stellar reputation and testimony opened the door wide open for them to enjoy blessings and favor!
Oct 27, 202009:36
You Sold Me, but God Sent Me

You Sold Me, but God Sent Me

Joseph’s story is a clear picture of the powerful hand of God to overcome any circumstance that might divert his plan for our lives.
Oct 15, 202011:09
Coming Clean

Coming Clean

Joseph’s brothers determined they had to come clean and Judah finally confesses their sin. This acknowledgment begins the process of healing and restoration.
Oct 13, 202013:01
Five Things I Admire About the Apostle Paul

Five Things I Admire About the Apostle Paul

Jon Blankenship gives the devotion today about the Apostle Paul.
Oct 01, 202008:37
Desire to be Faithful

Desire to be Faithful

Tom Goodman gives the devotion today about faithfulness.
Sep 29, 202010:32
He Knows Too Much

He Knows Too Much

Just as Joseph knew all about his brothers so Jesus knows all about you.
Sep 25, 202008:16
Something Positive

Something Positive

Periodically we just need something good or positive to happen. Are you in need of something positive? Remember these truths.
Sep 24, 202009:58
When All Else Fails

When All Else Fails

When we have tried everything we know to do, if God is on our side we still have hope.
Sep 23, 202012:26
Taking Risks

Taking Risks

It seems our society thinks that life can be lived without taking risks. This is impossible. Life is full of risks.
Sep 11, 202014:04
Kick the Can Down the Road

Kick the Can Down the Road

Many times when we are confronted by problems and issues we refuse to deal with it and we hope it will magically disappear.
Sep 10, 202012:31
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Joseph’s dad and his brothers all struggled mightily with PTSD. We see evidences of this disorder in this text.
Sep 08, 202012:53
The Principle of Sowing and Reaping

The Principle of Sowing and Reaping

Years prior Jospeh’s brothers had forced him into a pit. Now he put them into prison for three days. The principle of sowing and reaping is a law that simply cannot be reversed.
Sep 04, 202014:09
Never Say Never

Never Say Never

The thing you might never consider doing could become a possibility. We truly never know what the future may hold.
Sep 03, 202012:33
Don’t Burn Bridges

Don’t Burn Bridges

Joseph’s brothers were in a position where they thought they would never need Joseph again so they lit a fuse to burn the bridge connecting them one to another. I want to urge you to be very careful about burning bridges in your life.
Sep 01, 202014:13
How to Have Bread in Drought

How to Have Bread in Drought

Because of Joseph's presence and influence, the nation of Egypt had bread throughout a 7 year drought/famine. We will all go through times of want and struggle. I believe Genesis 41 reveals how we can navigate these times of drought while still enjoying bread.
Aug 28, 202013:10
Overcoming Bitterness

Overcoming Bitterness

Joseph has an enemy that threatened to ruin him - bitterness. Joseph has two sons. The names of these boys represent two key steps to overcoming bitterness.
Aug 27, 202012:47
A Big Job Can Only Be Done By Certain People

A Big Job Can Only Be Done By Certain People

When a big job needs to be done you don’t just five it to anyone. You look for certain individuals who can be trusted.
Aug 25, 202013:00
Don’t Just Interpret, Apply

Don’t Just Interpret, Apply

There are many who can tel you what something says but they struggle to make application to our daily lives.
Aug 21, 202010:02
Quick to Deflect Praise

Quick to Deflect Praise

"It is not in me..." When someone compliments or praises you do you accept it or do you possess the mindset of Joseph who recognized any good in him wasn't his but from the Lord? This is a convicting thought and challenging truth.
Aug 20, 202010:16
As He Interpreted... So It Was

As He Interpreted... So It Was

Pharaoh's chief butler remembered about Joseph " he it was" (Genesis 41:13). My prayer is that the lost world would be able to say about me that as it is in God's Word so it is in my life, home and family. Our goal should be the same in our church.
Aug 18, 202008:48
There Was None That Could Interpret Them

There Was None That Could Interpret Them

There are some things that only God's people can do. Joseph was the only one in the kingdom of Egypt who was able to interpret the dream of Pharaoh, and he did it. Only those who know the Lord can do some of the things we discuss on this edition of Grace and Truth for Today.
Aug 14, 202010:26


Have you ever been forgotten? Joseph hung high hopes and dreams on the butler remembering him. That was his ticket out of prison, he was sure of it. But days turned to weeks, months and ultimately two years would pass before he would be remembered. On Grace and Truth for Today we discuss this period in Joseph’s life.
Aug 13, 202010:17
He Served Them

He Served Them

Yesterday we discussed Joseph's leadership position in the prison. Today, we will see that leadership is service. You will never be a great leader until you first learn how to serve.
Aug 07, 202013:32
The Inmate Was Running The Asylum

The Inmate Was Running The Asylum

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase "The inmates are running the asylum?" In the case of Joseph, truly the inmate was running the asylum as Joseph was given complete control and authority as a jailed inmate over the the rest of the inmate population. Why was Joseph given such authority, leadership and influence? Grace and Truth for Today reveals that answer and more.
Aug 06, 202013:55
Blessings In An Unusual Place

Blessings In An Unusual Place

We can’t imagine anything good coming out of a place like prison. And yet God blessed Joseph there. Listen to see how you can be blessed even in seasons of great difficult and trial.
Jul 17, 202014:02
Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Joseph was accused of wrongdoing, the evidence seemed to indicate that he was guilty, Joseph's accuser was believed and Joseph was sent to prison. But Joseph was innocent all along and an innocent man had to suffer as a result. As we judge matters, Joseph's story reminds us to remember that things are not always what they seem.
Jul 16, 202014:02
Joseph Successfully Navigates Temptation

Joseph Successfully Navigates Temptation

I've long admired Joseph's response to the temptation that came to him from Potiphar's wife. He sets an incredible example for all of us to follow. We discuss some steps he took to help him resist the temptation that came to him on Grace and Truth for Today. Genesis 39:7-13
Jul 14, 202008:40
Lie With Me

Lie With Me

Three little words but what damage and temptation they convey. Joseph’s life and future could have been dramatically altered had he yielded to the temptation found in Genesis 39:7. He had every excuse to use which we often employ.

Jul 10, 202011:31
Blooming Where You’re Planted

Blooming Where You’re Planted

Take a few moments to listen to Grace and Truth for Today as we discuss "Blooming where you are planted." Joseph was shipped off to Egypt and sold to Potiphar as a slave and yet, he continued to stand out and grow even in the midst of adverse circumstances. No matter what you're dealing with, the Lord can enable you to bloom right where you are!
Jul 09, 202012:42
Joseph Thrown Into a Pit and Sold Into Slavery

Joseph Thrown Into a Pit and Sold Into Slavery

An evil beast really did devour Joseph, but it's not the evil beast you might be thinking of. The evil beast that attacked Joseph was the beast of hatred, envy, greed and lying. Join us for Grace and Truth for Today to find out more about this beast and how you should destroy it in your own life if you see it rearing its ugly head.

Jul 07, 202012:49
After the Flood

After the Flood

Noah lived for 350 years after the flood. The flood was a defining moment in Noah's life. These three words, "After the Flood" provide hope for us and a chance at resuming life.

May 15, 202011:58
Noah's Altar

Noah's Altar

What will be the very first thing you do coming out of quarantine? What was the very first thing Noah did after he came off the ark? Noah built an altar first because that was the chief priority for him. What we do first reveals what is most important to us. Consider these thoughts about Noah’s altar in this edition of Grace and Truth for Today.

May 14, 202013:09
Emerging From the Ark

Emerging From the Ark

Did you know that Noah and his family spent more than a year, quarantined on the ark? The rain only fell for 40 days and nights, yet the effects of the flood kept them in isolation for more than one year's time. On Grace and Truth for Today, we look at how Noah and his family finally emerged from the ark. As we consider coming out of quarantine, I believe their approach is helpful in our lives.

May 12, 202015:10