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Coaches Close Clients: High Ticket Sales & Marketing for Coaches

Coaches Close Clients: High Ticket Sales & Marketing for Coaches

By Nika Moeini

The Coaches Close Clients Podcast is for the coach who wants to master the art of high ticket sales to scale their business and amplify their impact. I’m your host Nika Moeini, CEO of the Closers Collective where our sales team takes sales calls for personal growth coaches on a commission basis. On this podcast we cover all things sales for coaches! Book an Enrollment Process Breakthrough Session: Connect with us on Instagram: Join our Facebook community:
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Ep 13: Sam Ovens' Sales Superstar Interview: Why You Aren't Creating Transformation on Your Calls

Coaches Close Clients: High Ticket Sales & Marketing for CoachesFeb 22, 2019

Ep 25: How to Receive Wealth, Success & Pleasure with Autumn Bensette of Bossy Babe

Ep 25: How to Receive Wealth, Success & Pleasure with Autumn Bensette of Bossy Babe

Autumn is the Host of The Wealthy Babe Podcast, founder of The Bossy Babe Brand and Facebook hub, Business & Money Coach for the Online Coach craving a business, life and bank account without limits and self-published author. She built a baby and to six-figures in a year + coaches women to receive money, success and pleasure like a Queen, build luxury branding and deepen their impact! The work she does is deeper than strategy, it's soul transformation. Her clients consistently manifest realities that make no logical sense, step fully into passion & soul-aligned businesses and elevate WHO they are so they can claim a life even more extraordinary than their dreams. Her mission is to guide women world-wide to feel the fear and do it anyway in their pursuit of an abundant and fulfilling life in not only their business but with their family!

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Jun 19, 201923:51
Ep 24: How Women Can Sell Authentically & Effectively with Julia Andrews
May 01, 201938:59
Ep 23: Get Fully Booked As A Coach with Sara J Loureiro
Apr 11, 201925:44
Ep 22: Make Passive Income through Membership Sites as a Coach with Declan Wilson

Ep 22: Make Passive Income through Membership Sites as a Coach with Declan Wilson

Passive income is a goal for many coaches and in 2019 there are a variety of ways to make that dream a reality. In this episode we chat about how membership sites can be a stream of passive income for coaches and consultants and how coaches can leverage them to generate passive income.

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Declan is an entrepreneur based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he runs a small web development agency focused on building custom online courses and membership sites for coaches and consultants. You can learn more about his business here:

Apr 02, 201920:42
Ep 21: Follow Ups Made Easy, Selling Coaching vs Products, Building Trust & more with Oliver Wolf

Ep 21: Follow Ups Made Easy, Selling Coaching vs Products, Building Trust & more with Oliver Wolf

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Oliver Wolf is a Business Strategist, Sales Coach and Visionary for The Wolf Syndicate. 

He began his entrepreneurial journey almost a decade ago in Montreal in a non-typical way. Having come from a dark place, he has completely recreated himself, his universe and has become a beacon of inspiration. Oliver, now 26 years old, has been a top 1% performer in every endeavor he has taken on. His consecutive success has lead him to coach more than 50 separate businesses in different industries as well as be a keynote speaker about philosophies for success and sales for as many as 100 entrepreneurs at a time.

Oliver's top performance has earned him prestigious awards such as the "Leadership" award for being the top influential leader within his organization and the "Manager of the Year" award for having top revenue, profit and customer satisfaction out of 112 other franchises across Canada within the organization.

When he isn't out solving problems and creating win-win relationships, Oliver invests his time in being athletic through rock climbing, basketball, soccer, frisbee or hitting the gym; you may also find him meditating on the roof of a 15 story building, although you probably shouldn't go try to say hi if you see him there because he definitely didn’t get there by the stairs! 

He is currently building The Wolf Syndicate into an Empire of Integrity, Transparency and Open-Mindedness. You can reach him at

Mar 28, 201944:45
Ep 20: How To Create a Perfect Offer for your Coaching Program with Christina Elizabeth

Ep 20: How To Create a Perfect Offer for your Coaching Program with Christina Elizabeth

In this episode Christina shares with us how to turn our gifts into a scalable coaching program perfect for our ideal client! We chat about feminine leadership, understanding your ideal client, and so much more!

Want to learn more about working with Christina and the Embodied Influencer? Her program is amazing for new coaches just starting out, and as one of her current clients, I have only amazing things to say about working with her! Head over to to learn more!

Start scaling your coaching business by outsourcing your sales calls today:

Become a CEO Coach in your business and take charge of your sales and marketing:

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Christina Elizabeth is a Witch in Business. She is the Co founder of the Embodied Influencer and founder of Awaken Your Magic. She loves coaching and loves to help her clients reach new heights of success in both their income but especially in their connection to themselves.

For 11 years, she had been in and out of entrepreneurship- always believing in love, courage and magic. It's her mission to activate others to stepping into their truth and building a better world where we are connected to each other, the planet, and all the unseen.

She has experienced first hand what happens when you overcome trauma and use it a fuel to better your life. Through her programs she helps coaches/healers and entrepreneurs to create successful and heart aligned online coaching businesses. 

She also helps high achieving women to embrace their feminine leadership and awaken the witch within. Her experience in both magic and business will help you bridge the worlds and create success and impact for you.

Mar 20, 201932:08
Ep 19: Why Coaches Fail with Will, the New Age Coach (how he grew a multi-6 figure fitness coaching brand)
Mar 17, 201920:29
Ep 18: The 6 Essential Keys of a Successful Sales Conversation with Master Coach Cheryl Thacker

Ep 18: The 6 Essential Keys of a Successful Sales Conversation with Master Coach Cheryl Thacker

In this episode we chat with Master Board Certified Coach Cheryl Thacker, who walks us through the 6 essential keys every coach needs to close their calls.

Book a call to learn how to outsource your sales to free up your time (on a commission basis!):

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Cheryl Thacker partners with emerging Coaches and Entrepreneurs to take structured action to define and scale their business, reach their personal and professional goals and improve health and balance in their life. Coach Cheryl is a Master Board Certified Coach and holds several certifications and is PCC Credentialed through the International Coach Federation and BCC Credentialed through the Center for Credentialing and Education. 

Freebie - Master Your Coaching Biz Checklist -

Master Your Coaching Biz Bootcamp

Mar 13, 201923:13
Ep 17: How to Slay your Emotions to Master Sales with Tyson Sharpe
Mar 06, 201923:10
Ep 16: How Your Personal Brand Never Dies with Christian Bresser

Ep 16: How Your Personal Brand Never Dies with Christian Bresser

Book a call with us to learn about scaling your business through outsourcing your leads on a commission basis:

Join our Facebook group to connect with other coaches and master the sales process:

Christian Bresser is a 19 year old entrepreneur who, despite it being his "dream", dropped out of his ATPL (airline pilot) studies. He did so with the confidence of being able to live life under his own terms. 

Such was his determination, that with little to no knowledge about business and marketing, he decided to start his own social media marketing agency. He went as far as asking one os his best friends for a loan to buy an online course that would provide him with the necessary skills to start and run the agency.

9 months later, a small number of people started asking Christian to help them monetise their passion and succeed in life, so he decided to start his second business, a business that was more in alignment with his purpose and changed more lives, which is his goal.

Christian is now a coach and consultant that helps people start their own coaching/consulting business around their passion and expertise and scale it beyond 6 figures with the power of personal branding and service productisation. 

After investing over $20,000 into mentorship, coaches and courses, Christian provides his clients not only with the necessary skills, systems and tools, but he makes sure they walk away with a new mindset, a new way of viewing money and an overall new world paradigm

Christian Bresser works with coaches to scale them to 6 figures through personal branding. You can learn more through his webinar here:

Mar 04, 201914:03
Episode 15: How to start a MOVEMENT around your Coaching Business with Purposepreneur, Alex Agresta

Episode 15: How to start a MOVEMENT around your Coaching Business with Purposepreneur, Alex Agresta

Feb 27, 201919:24
Ep 14: New Coaches - What You NEED to Develop Confidence with Demi Price

Ep 14: New Coaches - What You NEED to Develop Confidence with Demi Price

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Demi Price is a success mentor for coaches helping them scale to 6 figures. She shares some of her top tips for new coaches in this podcast, and how new coaches can find confidence in their work. 

Feb 25, 201922:05
Ep 13: Sam Ovens' Sales Superstar Interview: Why You Aren't Creating Transformation on Your Calls

Ep 13: Sam Ovens' Sales Superstar Interview: Why You Aren't Creating Transformation on Your Calls

As one of Sam Oven's Consulting Accelerator awesome closers, Brad Newman breaks down the mindset and daily routines of what it takes to actually create a transformation on a call and hold space to allow others to take action. As a High Ticket Closer, what does it take to succeed? We chat about why you aren't fully COMMITTED and how to be great on your calls. What does it REALLY take to succeed? 

For more, join us in the Coaches Close Clients Facebook group:

Schedule a call to learn more about ways to work with us:

Feb 22, 201946:53
Ep 12: Taylor Manning on How to Use Other Facebook Groups to Attract Clients, Transparent Sales & More

Ep 12: Taylor Manning on How to Use Other Facebook Groups to Attract Clients, Transparent Sales & More

Facebook group marketing for your own business and how to use other facebook groups to generate leads, are just some of the topics covered in this episode of the Coaches Close Clients podcast with Taylor Manning!

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How has Taylor Manning generated so many clients from other Facebook groups while running a fun and transparent sales process? 

Taylor Manning is a business mentor for coaches and passionate service-based business owners who want to share their story, make true change in the world and become Fully Free. At 23, Taylor has already made multiple 6-figures in her business. Taylor regularly helps her clients reach multiple five figure months months while experiencing true freedom and joy in their lives.

Check out her free guide to writing content that converts:

Feb 11, 201929:25
Episode 11: Nicholas Bayerle's Top High Ticket Sales Tips

Episode 11: Nicholas Bayerle's Top High Ticket Sales Tips

Nicholas Bayerle is a high ticket sales genius and has sold over 600 high ticket packages while transforming the lives of hundreds of men as an international speaker and podcaster.

In this episode of the Coaches Close Clients podcast he shares his sales process for coaches to attract and close high ticket clients, how coaches can best structure their business for success, and even his top funnel for coaches.

Nicholas has shared the stage with Lewis Howes, Cole Hatter, and Jordan Harbinger and been interviewed on the top business podcasts. He is creator of the #1 annual businessmen’s event, Billion Dollar Body Live and has curated a successful community of men called The Billion Dollar Brotherhood.

Join him at his live event:

Join the Coaches Close Clients community here:

Feb 07, 201930:32
Ep 10: Fiercely Unstoppable Sales with Brooke Allison

Ep 10: Fiercely Unstoppable Sales with Brooke Allison

Schedule a call with us here:

What do "fiercely unstoppable" sales look like?

Brooke Allison is a Mind Shift Coach and Achievement Strategist, she helps badass women master their confidence, find clarity, and up level their cash flow so they can create a business and a mindset that is fiercely unstoppable! She helps her clients design a purpose filled business, raise their prices, hit high level income goals, and truly mixes mindset and strategy to get massive results!

Brooke believes that confidence is the key to everything you want in your life! With clarity, confidence, and strategy you become unstoppable towards your deepest desires and create a lot more abundance in your life! Her mission is to empower entrepreneurs to step into their most powerful selves and live out their soul desires with a business and a life they are obsessed with.

She is also the founder of Brooke Allison Coaching and the podcast, Fiercely Unstoppable, which is all about helping entrepreneurs become fiercely unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire through confidence, clarity, and strategy!

Jan 31, 201923:01
Ep 9: How To Sell Without Selling (& top 2019 content hacks) with Malina B

Ep 9: How To Sell Without Selling (& top 2019 content hacks) with Malina B

In this episode, we chat with Malina B of Malina B Coaching on how to sell without selling and sell coaching services and actually produce content that attracts clients. We chat about how to get specific on the niche problem you solve, understand your ideal client, and get the right message so your ideal client comes with ease. 

Book a call with us:

Jan 27, 201918:40
Episode 8: How To Get Clients Without Paid Ads (3 Easy Ways 2019)

Episode 8: How To Get Clients Without Paid Ads (3 Easy Ways 2019)

In this episode, business coach Marc Mawhinney chats about 3 easy ways to generate leads, what holds people back from creating awesome content, ways to create an engaged Facebook group (of over 15,000), and how to seamlessly integrate CTAs into your content.

Make sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review if you enjoyed it!

Book a call to chat with us: 

Jan 23, 201928:57
Ep 7: Attract High Paying Clients in 3 Steps with Jessica Yarbrough
Jan 16, 201915:39
Ep 6: 2019 Sales Tips, High Ticket Sales Best Practices & more with Jen Casey

Ep 6: 2019 Sales Tips, High Ticket Sales Best Practices & more with Jen Casey

Jen Casey is a social media to sales expert and host of the Inner Boss podcast. 

Jan 09, 201936:33
Ep 4: Resisting Sales? Mindset Hacks for Sales Confidence with Kim Argetsinger

Ep 4: Resisting Sales? Mindset Hacks for Sales Confidence with Kim Argetsinger

In this episode we chat with Kim Argetsinger, Mindset Coach and Biz Mentor all about her sales mindset and how she transformed resisting sales to loving it and owning it!

Connect with Kim here:

Connect with Kim on Instagram:

Connect with Nika on Instagram:

Apply to work with the Closers Collective:

Jan 04, 201928:12
Ep 3: Think Like A CEO with David Paré
Dec 12, 201815:03
Ep 2: An Obligation To Sell?
Nov 12, 201809:49
Ep 1: How I Found High Ticket Sales & What It Takes To Close
Nov 02, 201810:56