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Congregation Shema Yisrael

Congregation Shema Yisrael

By Congregation Shema Yisrael

Congregation Shema Yisrael is a congregation of Jews and Gentiles who believe in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), and who worship the G-d of Israel in a Jewish way. We are committed to restoring the Jewish Roots of our faith in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
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Torah Is a Treasure

Congregation Shema YisraelMay 12, 2024

Yeshuanomics and Judah's Bar Mitzvah

Yeshuanomics and Judah's Bar Mitzvah

What agricultural practice did G-d instruct the Israelites to follow 3000 years before it was discovered by scientists? What economic practice did G-d instruct the Israelites to follow that would have eliminated today's economic cycles of inflation and depression? What economic blessings did Yeshua promise His followers if they obeyed His command to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? What did He mean by "seeking His righteousness"? Judah and Rabbi Jim answer these questions and more in these teachings given on May 25, 2024, the 17th day of Iyar, 5784.

To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

May 27, 202401:04:25
Where Are You God?

Where Are You God?

Have you ever been going through difficult times and wondered where God is, or if there even is a God? Do you ever wonder if God hears us when we pray? Have you ever felt like you were being tested or disciplined by God? Do you ever wonder why we have to go through painful circumstances? Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in the message entitled, "Where Are You, God?" To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

May 19, 202453:15
Torah Is a Treasure

Torah Is a Treasure

What effect has the Bible had on the world? How would your life be changed if there were no Bible? How do you demonstrate the value of the Torah to you? Rabbi Ron Goldberg answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 11, 2024 the 3rd day of Iyar, 5784.

To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

May 12, 202446:56
From the Ghetto to the Homeland

From the Ghetto to the Homeland

What is the significance of the date chosen for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)? How should the establishment of the State of Israel strengthen your faith in G-d's promises? Why does God allow evil to exist? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on May 4, 2024 the 26th day of Nissan, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

May 04, 202458:21
Holy People resurrected for Firstfruits/Resurrection Day

Holy People resurrected for Firstfruits/Resurrection Day

When were people resurrected in Jerusalem? Who were these people? Why did G-d make this happen? What will your body be like when you are resurrected? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on Firstfruits/Resurrection Day, April 28, 2024, the 20th day of Nissan, 5784.
To learn more about Congregation Shema Yisrael, visit our Facebook page or website at

Apr 29, 202447:55
Resurrection Like a Seed

Resurrection Like a Seed

Do you know what resurrection is? What is the hope of resurrection? Do you understand why there are cycles of deterioration and revival in creation? Have you ever wondered why there is a continuous cycle of life and death in creation? Do you know the full Biblical meaning of the word "seed"? Do you understand the connection between the seed and resurrection? What part can you play in determining your destination?

Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 20, 2024, the 12th day of Nissan, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Apr 20, 202444:15
Shabbat Ha Gadol

Shabbat Ha Gadol

Why did Moses say the Israelites had to leave Egypt to worship G-d? Why would the Egyptians react negatively to the Israelites sacrificing lambs? What does the Talmud tell us about how the firstborn sons of Egypt reacted to Moses announcement of the coming of the 10th plague? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 13, 2024, the 5th day of Nissan, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Apr 15, 202454:08
The Biblical New Year

The Biblical New Year

What day does God consider to be the beginning of a new year? What significant event in the spiritual history of the world happened on this day? How was the world changed by what happened on this day? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on April 6, 2024 the 27th day of Adar II, 5784.

Apr 08, 202459:25
The Great Paradigm Shift

The Great Paradigm Shift

Why does the Bible say G-d sent an evil spirit on King Saul? How did people in the Tenakh deal evil spirits? How did Yeshua deal with evil spirits? How are Yeshua's disciples supposed to deal with evil spirits? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on the 30th day of March, 2024 the 20th day of Adar II, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Apr 01, 202458:20
Purim Revisited

Purim Revisited

In the Book of Esther why did Mordecai refuse to bow to Haman? Why did Haman attempt to destroy the Jewish people? Why didn't Queen Esther make her plea to save the Jewish people at the first banquet she arranged with the King and Haman? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 23, 2024 the 13th day of Adar II, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Mar 23, 202456:08
The Courage of King David

The Courage of King David

How were King David and Queen Esther similar? Why do you need courage to serve the L-rd? What promise in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Covenant gives us courage to even face death? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 16, 2024, the 6th day of Adar II, 5784.

To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Mar 17, 202453:59
Rising Anti-Semitism

Rising Anti-Semitism

What was the motivation behind Hamas' attack on Israel? What is the source of Anti-Semitism? How is "inter-sectionality" spreading Anti-Semitism? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 9, 2024 the 29th day of Adar I, 5784.
To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Mar 10, 202401:07:01
Your Hope of Glory

Your Hope of Glory

What does the word glory mean? What does the L-rd say His glory is? Does the Bible say you will be glorified? What does that mean? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on March 2, 2024 the 22nd day or Adar I, 5784. To learn about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Mar 04, 202451:20
The Power of Immersion

The Power of Immersion

What are the Jewish Roots of immersion (baptism or t'vilah)? What do you prophetically act out when you are immersed? How will immersion give you power over sin? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 24, 2024 the 15th day of Adar I, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Feb 26, 202453:29
First of 2024 Twelve Days of Prayer and Fasting

First of 2024 Twelve Days of Prayer and Fasting

Congregation Prayer Leader Mark Stone teaches on preparing for spiritual warfare in 2024.

Feb 22, 202401:42:48
Giving to Ukraine by Pat Labarbera

Giving to Ukraine by Pat Labarbera

What is life like for Ukrainians during the war? What is it like for Ukrainians who have migrated to Europe and other places? What do we learn about giving from the account of Elisha and the widow he helped? Pat answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 17, 2024 the 8th day of Adar I, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Feb 19, 202447:51
Love Never Ends

Love Never Ends

What is the difference between knowing about God's love and knowing God's love? How does experiencing God's love effect the spiritual roots of disease? How is the unloving spirit a generational curse? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 10, 2024 the 1st day of Adar 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Feb 12, 202450:14
Generational Curses

Generational Curses

What are generational curses? Is a generational curse active in your life? How can that curse be broken? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on February 3, 2024 the 24th day of Shevat, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Feb 05, 202452:15
Grafted In for Tu B'Shevat

Grafted In for Tu B'Shevat

What was the purpose for the "New Year for the Trees" in ancient Israel? How does the ancient method of olive cultivation give deeper insight into Romans 11? What will be enabled when Jews and Gentiles become joint members of the Body of Messiah? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 27, 2024, the 17th day of Shevat, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Jan 29, 202458:54
Being Part of the Joshua Generation at Awakened

Being Part of the Joshua Generation at Awakened

What kept the Israelites who came out of slavery in Egypt from entering the Promised Land? Why was the Joshua generation able to enter the Promised Land? How do the lives of followers of Yeshua follow the Biblical accounts of these two generations? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given at the Slavic Awakened Conference on January 20, 2024 the 10th day of Shevat, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Jan 22, 202453:30
The Rod and the Rock

The Rod and the Rock

What material thing did God use to perform great miracles in freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? How was that thing also used to overcome an attack by the Amalekites? How was it used to bring salvation to the world? Guest speaker Bishop Ron Mathis answers these questions and more on January 20th, 2024, the 10th day of Shevat, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Jan 22, 202447:52
Your Part in God's End Time Plan at Awakened

Your Part in God's End Time Plan at Awakened

Why have the Jewish people experienced so much persecution for the past 2000 years? How will Yeshua defend Jerusalem in the end times? Who were the Gentiles who were instrumental in the re-establishing of Israel as a nation? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 20th, 2024, the 3rd day of Shevat, 5784 at the Slavic Awakened Conference. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook or website at

Jan 22, 202401:13:19
Your Part in God's End Time Plan

Your Part in God's End Time Plan

Why have the Jewish people experienced so much persecution for the past 2000 years? How will Yeshua defend Jerusalem in the end times? Who were the Gentiles who were instrumental in the re-establishing of Israel as a nation? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 13th, 2024, the 3rd day of Shevat, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook or website at

Jan 15, 202455:06
What Am I Misunderstanding?

What Am I Misunderstanding?

Do you know the definition of misunderstanding? Do you know misunderstandings can be unintentional or intentional? Do you understand what God says about intentional misunderstanding? Do you know how to resolve a dispute stemming from a misunderstanding? Pastor Tom answers these questions and more in this teaching given on January 6, 2024 the 25th of Tevet, 5784.

Jan 08, 202450:28
Seated In Heaven

Seated In Heaven

How many heavens are there?  What is the 2nd heaven?  What is the value of the gift of discerning of spirits? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 30, 2023 the 18anth of Tevet, 5784.
To learn more about Congregation Shema Yisrael, visit our Facebook page or website at

Jan 02, 202401:01:13
Swaddling Clothes

Swaddling Clothes

How does the location of Yeshua's birth fulfill a prediction by Micah and point to Him being the Messiah? Where did the swaddling clothes He was wrapped in come from and how does their source point to Him being the Messiah? Does Yeshua's ancestry trace back to both King David and Aaron? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 23, 2023 the 11th of Tevet, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Dec 26, 202355:42
The Destiny of Joseph and Yeshua

The Destiny of Joseph and Yeshua

Why did G-d allow Joseph to be mistreated by his brothers? How was the life of Joseph similar to the life of Yeshua? How will Yeshua fulfill the Bible's prediction that the Messiah will suffer and die and also be a great king who will rule all nations? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 16, 2023 the 4th day of Teves, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Dec 18, 202350:21
Be Holy Thankful Maccabees

Be Holy Thankful Maccabees

How would the spiritual history of the world have changed if the Maccabees had not defeated the Syrian-Greeks in the war remembered at Chanukkah? Why should every follower of Yeshua, Jewish and non-Jewish celebrate Chanukkah? How are the times we are living in similar to the times of the Maccabees? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 9th, 2023, the 26th day of Kislev, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Dec 10, 202351:10
Be Holy

Be Holy

What are the four meanings of the Hebrew word kadosh? Have you been set apart to the Lord for some purpose? What did Yeshua mean when He said many are called but few are chosen? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on December 2, 2023 the 19th day of Kislev, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Dec 03, 202357:29
Be Thankful
Nov 26, 202342:08
Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

What are the surprising words in the Bible that precede the well known phrase "love your neighbor as yourself"? What happens to you if you do not "firmly rebuke" your neighbor when you observe him sinning? How does obeying the instructions in this passage enable a congregation or any organization to "dwell together in unity"? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on November 18, 2023 the 5th day of Kislev, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Nov 21, 202343:48
Good Grief

Good Grief

Is grief a good or bad thing? What do people look for when they are in the anger stage of grief? How can you get past the anger stage? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on November 11, 2023 the 27th day of Chesvan, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook or website at

Nov 13, 202352:36
Awaiting the Master's Return

Awaiting the Master's Return

What signs of the Lord's return have already been seen? What signs still need to be seen? What instruction did Yeshua give us on how to live while we await His return? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in the teaching given on November 4, 2023 the 20th day of Chesvan, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Nov 07, 202353:20
Pressing On
Oct 30, 202359:34
Understanding Swords of Iron
Oct 21, 202340:16
The Torah Is Our Deed

The Torah Is Our Deed

What does the word Torah actually mean? What is the Torah of Messiah or Law of Christ? How is the Torah a deed to the land of Israel? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on October 14, 2023, the 29th day of Tishrei, 5784. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Oct 15, 202348:13
Rivers of Living Water by Rabbi David Levitt

Rivers of Living Water by Rabbi David Levitt

Learn more about Congregation Shema Yisrael at

Oct 09, 202354:01
L-rd, Who May Abide in Your Tabernacle? By Rabbi David Levitt

L-rd, Who May Abide in Your Tabernacle? By Rabbi David Levitt

Does God have house rules? During Sukkot, we focus on G-d's presence with us now and G-d tabernacling with us in the future. However, there are conditions to dwelling in G-d's Tabernacle just like there are conditions for people living in your home. Join Rabbi David as he teaches Psalm 15 which answers the question, "Lord Who Shall Abide In Your Tabernacle?" To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Oct 09, 202352:55
I Delight to do Your Will O G-d by Rabbi David Levitt

I Delight to do Your Will O G-d by Rabbi David Levitt

Most people only give mental ascent to knowing Gods will for mankind.  But the scriptures tell us to understand the will of the Lord.  This means we are to be continually understanding the depth and heart of His will.  His will for us in the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua is deeper and wider than any of us could imagine, and it is all for our good.  Join Rabbi David Levitt as he shares how God is showing him the depth of His will and how that can draw us nearer to Him and makes us more secure in Him.

Sep 27, 202345:10
After G-d's Own Heart by Rabbi David Levitt

After G-d's Own Heart by Rabbi David Levitt

The phrase " A man or a woman after God's own heart" has become a cliche in the Body of Messiah to the point most people don't really understand the depth and simplicity of what it means.  Join Rabbi David Levitt as he gets to the bottom of the true heart of repentance and defines what it really means to be a man or woman after God's own heart.

Visit Https:// for more.

Sep 27, 202354:40
Breaking Ungodly Vows by Rabbi Jim Appel
Sep 27, 202340:35
Erev Rosh Hashanah by Pastor Tom Burgo

Erev Rosh Hashanah by Pastor Tom Burgo

To learn more about Shema Yisrael visit our website at

Sep 20, 202345:26
Rosh Hashanah Joy by Rabbi Jim Appel
Sep 19, 202344:48
Elul Insights by Rabbi Jim Appel

Elul Insights by Rabbi Jim Appel

If you would like to learn more about Shema Yisrael visit our website at

Sep 15, 202351:26
Come Together by Rabbi Jim Appel

Come Together by Rabbi Jim Appel

To Learn more about Shema Yisrael visit our website at

Sep 13, 202359:29
Don't Be Nearsighted by Rabbi David Levitt

Don't Be Nearsighted by Rabbi David Levitt

Visit for more from Congregation Shema Yisrael.

Aug 27, 202301:05:17
What am I Thankful for? by Pastor Tom Burgo

What am I Thankful for? by Pastor Tom Burgo

Do you understand the importance of being thankful? Do you know that being thankful is not a choice? How can we be thankful in the usual times? What can we do to be thankful when times are not so good? Is it possible to be thankful in the worst of times? This was taught on August 19, 2023, the 2nd day of Elul 5783. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Aug 23, 202349:22
Called to Endure part 2: Our Source of Strength to Endure

Called to Endure part 2: Our Source of Strength to Endure

To learn more visit our website at

Aug 17, 202357:43
How to be Great in G-d's Kingdom by Rabbi Jim Appel

How to be Great in G-d's Kingdom by Rabbi Jim Appel

Who did Yeshua say would be great in His Kingdom? What is the connection between being under godly authority and the power of your prayers over the forces of satan? Why doesn't American culture encourage people to have servants' hearts? How will having a servant's heart affect your career and ministry? Rabbi Jim answers these questions and more in this teaching given on August 5, 2023, the 18th of Av, 5783. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Aug 11, 202357:26
The Famine! by Pastor Tom Burgo

The Famine! by Pastor Tom Burgo

Do you know that there is a global famine going on right now, including in the United States of America? Do you understand the source and the nature of the famine? Do you know how the famine is impacting you and your loved ones? Do you know how to protect yourself from being overcome by the famine? This message was taught on May 20, 2023, the 29th day of Iyar 5783. To learn more about or from Congregation Shema Yisrael visit our Facebook page or website at

Aug 01, 202352:59