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Connections with Rich and Bobbi

Connections with Rich and Bobbi

By Rich Homeres and Bobbi Hamlyn

From broadcast studios, to conference halls, to subways, streets, and park benches... Rich Homeres and Bobbi Hamlyn have traveled across our country for years, meeting and interviewing people of all walks of life! With a heart for uniting people in the joy and oneness we have in Christ, they strive to share stories far and wide, to encourage, inform, and point listeners to our Savior.
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"When the Communists took over Cambodia, like turned the world upside down!”-Pastor Chamron Phal-1

Connections with Rich and BobbiMay 13, 2024

"When the Communists took over Cambodia, like turned the world upside down!”-Pastor Chamron Phal-1

"When the Communists took over Cambodia, like turned the world upside down!”-Pastor Chamron Phal-1

We had the privilege of meeting and interviewing a person who’s had an extraordinary life of severe challenges, followed by victory! He’s Pastor Chamron Phal. Hear him tell his story of how the simple words, “Save me Jesus!” helped him endure a terror that was soon to engulf his peaceful village in Cambodia.

May 13, 202415:00
It took a lot of suffering for Matthew to trust God! From the streets, to jail, to a life of freedom!

It took a lot of suffering for Matthew to trust God! From the streets, to jail, to a life of freedom!

To many, life in the inner-city can be extremely rough- the rising homeless population, crime rate, and substance abuse plague the community. Our guest came through this lifestyle, and shares how the Lord gave him a new lease on life! He’s Matthew Costa.

May 06, 202415:00
"Adam & Eve-were they real?" - Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability

"Adam & Eve-were they real?" - Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability

We’re visiting with Australian biblical apologist Ken Ham, a dynamic speaker whose ministry, “Answers in Genesis,” also includes a highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, a full-size replica of Noah’s ArkHe passionately explains with simplicity and clarity what “apologetics” is, and why it’s crucial for every Christian to study it!

Apr 29, 202415:00
Twin master craftsmen leaning on the Master Creator when hired to build dreams! - Vargas Brothers

Twin master craftsmen leaning on the Master Creator when hired to build dreams! - Vargas Brothers

Dan and Armando Vargas are our guests. Monaco's Grand Prix is a spectacular event in Europe! Just imagine if someone asked you to create a model layout of the raceway, which includes the entire city of Monaco in all of its grandeur! Sounds unlikely?! Well, not to Dan and Armando! Hear how they created it, and many other meticulous models, by leaning on their Heavenly Father- the Creator of all things! 

Apr 22, 202415:00
When there were no Kurdish Christians, God spoke to Kirk: "I prepared you for such a time as this" - Kirk Legacy, Part 3

When there were no Kurdish Christians, God spoke to Kirk: "I prepared you for such a time as this" - Kirk Legacy, Part 3

In our concluding visit with Kirk Legacy, he shares how he and his wife Jane were called to serve God to the nomadic Kurdish people along the war-torn region of the Turkish - Iraqi border, and how the Lord had prepared yet another surprising life-changing event for them!

Apr 15, 202415:00
"I was bedridden, had to inhale anti-fungal medication. In short, I was sick & I was dying” - Kirk Legacy, Part 2

"I was bedridden, had to inhale anti-fungal medication. In short, I was sick & I was dying” - Kirk Legacy, Part 2

We’re continuing our visit with Kirk Legacy. Kirk has been used mightily of the Lord to minister to a nomadic people that had no nation to call their own. They are the Kurdish people along the border of Turkey, Iraq and Iran. But, before embarking on his missionary endeavors, Kirk was battling the dreadful disease of Cystic Fibrosis, lying in his hospital bed not knowing if tomorrow on earth would ever come.

Apr 08, 202415:00
"This is the air I breathe...” Kirk Legacy - Part 1

"This is the air I breathe...” Kirk Legacy - Part 1

Most of us take for granted the air we breathe. Not so for our guest Kirk Legacy, as he shares his story of growing up with Cystic Fibrosis. We met Kirk at a very unusual forum dedicated to 12 hours of continuous prayer and worship! It was held at Facebook (Meta) - on their main campus in California.      

Apr 01, 202415:00
The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how we are enslaved to sin - Joe Jacowitz

The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how we are enslaved to sin - Joe Jacowitz

This is Holy or Passion Week. With us to talk about the significance of this week and the various observed days leading up to Resurrection Sunday is Pastor Joe Jacowitz. Pastor Joe is the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.

Mar 25, 202415:00
"We’re talking about living for this world-stuff that every believer has to face" - Patrick Hudson, 2

"We’re talking about living for this world-stuff that every believer has to face" - Patrick Hudson, 2

We’re continuing our visit with Patrick Hudson. On our last program, he described how he was living a life of denial, walking in sin even as a Christian. Here he shares if and how overcoming this is possible, and how his life has changed! 

Mar 18, 202415:00
“Throughout my teenage years, I was in church...& missions; I was also in sin” - Patrick Hudson, 1

“Throughout my teenage years, I was in church...& missions; I was also in sin” - Patrick Hudson, 1

Our guest on this program has a sobering testimony - he’s Patrick Hudson. Although he grew up in the church, he possessed an addiction that, sadly to say, allures many into a life of denial and sin. Hear how he went from not even knowing he was in trouble, to overcoming it, to helping others!

Mar 11, 202415:00
"Here was the One they had been waiting for!" Who He is & what He did as revealed in John 1! - Joe Jacowitz

"Here was the One they had been waiting for!" Who He is & what He did as revealed in John 1! - Joe Jacowitz

Our topic is Jesus, the Messiah, and we’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We’re looking at a few verses in the Bible book of John, Chapter 1, to find out what happened when Jesus came to John the Baptist as a young man!

Mar 11, 202415:00
"We will never cease to praise the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.” God's Love-Why so precious? Part 2

"We will never cease to praise the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.” God's Love-Why so precious? Part 2

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We’re continuing our look at what the Bible has to say about God’s love, His most precious gift to His children-what makes it so precious to us? 

Mar 11, 202415:00
Some people believe that the only character trait God has is-He loves everybody! - Joe Jacowitz, 1

Some people believe that the only character trait God has is-He loves everybody! - Joe Jacowitz, 1

We’re looking at the topic“God’s Love,” with Bible teacher and pastor Joe Jacowitz. Pastor Jacowitz is the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.  We asked him to explain what the Bible has to say about God’s love for believers as well as non-believers - the world!

Feb 19, 202415:00
"Here on Mount Zion-just across the street there-a rare Roman coin was discovered!”-Brian Bush, 2

"Here on Mount Zion-just across the street there-a rare Roman coin was discovered!”-Brian Bush, 2

On our concluding interview with Christian news correspondent Brian Bush, he shares how he’s delighted to be able to help listeners learn about what’s really happening there, particularly as a Christian person who has lived in Jerusalem for over 25 years!

Feb 12, 202415:00
“The message of Christianity is being pushed out & there’s a rewriting of history...”-Brian Bush-1

“The message of Christianity is being pushed out & there’s a rewriting of history...”-Brian Bush-1

Brian Bush is our guest -- he’s a news and biblical correspondent in the Middle East who has lived in Jerusalem for over 25 years. He gives us a firsthand perspective of life in the Holy Lands.

Feb 05, 202415:00
“There’re going to be a lot of religious people in hell-they did not know the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“There’re going to be a lot of religious people in hell-they did not know the Lord Jesus Christ.”

We’re talking with Bible teacher Pastor Joe Jacowitz about the difference between being religious and actually having a personal relationship with the Lord. Pastor Joe is the president of FirstLove Ministries and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.

Jan 29, 202415:00
"We will never cease to worship, and honor, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...” - God's Love, Part 2

"We will never cease to worship, and honor, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...” - God's Love, Part 2

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We’re continuing our look at what the Bible has to say about God’s love, and His most precious gift to His children!

Jan 22, 202415:00
“Preach the Gospel out in the streets in hopes that God would save some.”- Former Pro-Fighter

“Preach the Gospel out in the streets in hopes that God would save some.”- Former Pro-Fighter

We’re visiting with Adam Albright, who shares how he’s taking the Gospel out into the highways and byways of life-literally! He has an interesting background as a former professional cage fighter - now, he’s fighting for the Lord! 

Jan 22, 202415:00
"Many people don’t understand the true meaning of Christmas.” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz

"Many people don’t understand the true meaning of Christmas.” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz

Christmas is a special time for many throughout the world. But, how and why is it celebrated? Her to help discover the true meaning of this holiday is Bible teacher Pastor Joe Jacowtiz, the president of FirstLove Ministries and pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.

Jan 22, 202415:00
"A Christian today has almost limitless ways to evangelize - to share the Gospel!”-Joe Jacowitz

"A Christian today has almost limitless ways to evangelize - to share the Gospel!”-Joe Jacowitz

With us today is Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We’re talking with him about various ways that we as believers in Jesus Christ can share our faith, whether it be through our conversations with somebody... or seeing a sign like “Jesus Saves”!

Jan 22, 202415:00
"They run to Christ ... they fly to Christ, & they repent!” But how is one Saved? - Joe Jacowitz

"They run to Christ ... they fly to Christ, & they repent!” But how is one Saved? - Joe Jacowitz

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. Our topic is vital! It’s life-saving! It’s salvation! Pastor Joe presents a clear biblical and practical description of salvation, and what it means for seekers and believers alike!

Jan 22, 202415:00
Many people (even many Christians), don’t know what the word, 'Gospel,' means! - Joe Jacowitz

Many people (even many Christians), don’t know what the word, 'Gospel,' means! - Joe Jacowitz

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. Our topic is, clarifying the meaning of the word, "Gospel!"

Jan 15, 202415:00
A guy in India dressed in Muslim garb says, "I really want to know what this means!" - Leigh Prater

A guy in India dressed in Muslim garb says, "I really want to know what this means!" - Leigh Prater

Leigh Prater, our guest on our podcast, shares about serving the Lord as a dad with a house full of kids, a pastor ministering to a congregation, and a missionary visiting various countries throughout the world! He serves as an associate pastor at Beth-El Baptist Church in Morgan Hill, CA.

Jan 08, 202415:00
"Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit which does just what the name says - it revives us...” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz

"Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit which does just what the name says - it revives us...” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president and founder of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. Our topic is Revival! And, during these times of social unrest and uncertainty, are we ripe for revival?

Dec 25, 202315:00
“Some people believe that the only attribute or character trait that God has is His love. The only love that God has, they say, is that He loves everybody...”

“Some people believe that the only attribute or character trait that God has is His love. The only love that God has, they say, is that He loves everybody...”

We’re looking at the topic “God’s Love” with Bible Teacher and Pastor, Joe Jacowitz. Pastor Jacowitz is the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA.

Nov 27, 202315:01
Thanksgiving is a constant way of thinking about & worshiping God every single day - Joe Jacowitz

Thanksgiving is a constant way of thinking about & worshiping God every single day - Joe Jacowitz

To help us to reflect upon Thanksgiving, particularly as children of God, we’ve called upon the great communicator and Bible teacher, Pastor Joe Jacowitz of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA, to share his thoughts with us!

Nov 20, 202315:00
"I have gone there and I’m back...I can’t be myself again! What do I do from now?!”- Clare Effiong, Part3

"I have gone there and I’m back...I can’t be myself again! What do I do from now?!”- Clare Effiong, Part3

We’re concluding our visit with Clare Effiong, who’s been sharing how the Lord led her away from working in the diplomat corps to a clear calling to help in Rwanda, where a horrific genocide had left hundreds of thousands of children without parents, roaming the streets. Hear her passion for answering a calling, God’s faithfulness when we say yes, and one amazing example of the difference it makes!   

Nov 13, 202315:00
When I arrived there I didn’t know anybody, but God put somebody in my path...- Clare Effiong, Part 2

When I arrived there I didn’t know anybody, but God put somebody in my path...- Clare Effiong, Part 2

We’re continuing our visit with Clare Effiong. She was a former worker in the diplomat corps for Nigeria in New York City. She told how she left her position there to follow in faith God’s call to help the orphan children of Rwanda! The horrific genocide had devastated the country, leaving hundreds of thousands of children homeless, without parents, roaming the streets. 

Nov 06, 202315:00
"After a while God moved me to another direction!"-a life-changing calling!-Clare Effiong, Part 1

"After a while God moved me to another direction!"-a life-changing calling!-Clare Effiong, Part 1

We'd like to introduce you to a valiant servant of the Lord’s-she's Clare Effiong. She came to the United States as a diplomat for the Nigerian consulate in New York City. She tells of her amazing journey, seeking the Lord’s true calling on her life, and how He led her to a completely different part of the world that was crying out for help!

Oct 30, 202315:00
Christianity in Kenya compared to that in America-intriguing observations by Murungi Igweta, Part 1

Christianity in Kenya compared to that in America-intriguing observations by Murungi Igweta, Part 1

We're visiting today with Pastor Murungi Igweta from Kenya - pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. We caught up with him on his visit to the United States, and he shares his interesting observations about shining the Light! 

Oct 24, 202315:00
The basic understanding of the Bible is this: Jesus Christ is the only Savior! - Murunga Igweta, Part 2

The basic understanding of the Bible is this: Jesus Christ is the only Savior! - Murunga Igweta, Part 2

We're continuing our visit with Pastor Murungi Igweta from Kenya, the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. In our concluding visit with him, he talks about some of the differences he's found between declaring your faith as a Christian in his country, and in the United States; as well as, where - and how - to find Truth! 

Oct 23, 202315:00
Pride and selfishness, living for this world...what every believer has to face - Patrick Hudson, Part 2

Pride and selfishness, living for this world...what every believer has to face - Patrick Hudson, Part 2

We're continuing our visit with Patrick Hudson. On our last program, he described how he was living a life of denial, walking in sin even though he was a church member. He shares here how he sought help and counseling through Pure Life Ministries, and what the Lord had in store for him! 

Oct 09, 202315:00
"Throughout my teenage years, even though I was in church, I was also in sin..." - Patrick Hudson, Part 1

"Throughout my teenage years, even though I was in church, I was also in sin..." - Patrick Hudson, Part 1

Our guest on this program has a sobering testimony - he's Patrick Hudson. Although he grew up in the church, he possessed an addiction that, sadly to say, allures many into a life of denial and sin.

Oct 02, 202315:00
You might not see results, but don't be discouraged as long as you are that one link! - Johan Schep, Part 4

You might not see results, but don't be discouraged as long as you are that one link! - Johan Schep, Part 4

We've come to our concluding visit with the inspiring Johan Schep from Holland, who was living in Israel when we met him. In this episode, he presents a life-provoking challenge! To hear it, tune-in to our podcast with him! 

Sep 25, 202315:00
"And I can just say to all of these people that have Bibles in their homes, use it!" - Johan Schep, Part 3

"And I can just say to all of these people that have Bibles in their homes, use it!" - Johan Schep, Part 3

We're continuing our visit with Johan Schep, a Hollander who wound up in Israel. Listen to his amazing story of his life's journeys, and the challenges of bringing the Good News through the desert, and then to the city, as a Christian in Israel!

Sep 18, 202315:00
"As my own life was changed, renewed in my own heart, peace flooded like a river" - Johan Schep, Part 2

"As my own life was changed, renewed in my own heart, peace flooded like a river" - Johan Schep, Part 2

We're continuing our visit with Johan Schep, a Dutchman from Holland who found himself living in a little hut in the desert in Israel! Listen to his wonderful story of how he came to a life-altering decision!

Sep 11, 202315:00
I've always loved Jesus, but I didn't like church; and I didn't understand the cross. - Johan Schep, Part 1

I've always loved Jesus, but I didn't like church; and I didn't understand the cross. - Johan Schep, Part 1

We'd like to introduce you to Johan Schep, a Dutchman from Holland who shares his amazing story of being an adventurous young man who faced many difficult challenges...felt caged in...and needed to be set free!

Sep 04, 202315:00
"It's time to pray-not tomorrow, not next month, NOW--in whatever way you know how!" - Carter Conlon 2

"It's time to pray-not tomorrow, not next month, NOW--in whatever way you know how!" - Carter Conlon 2

We’re continuing our visit with Pastor Carter Conlon. He’s the General Overseer of Times Square Church in the heart of New York City--a diverse ministry with over 10,000 locals and tourists in attendance, representing over 100 different nationalities. He’s sharing where our HOPE lies!

Aug 28, 202315:00
You can just fill a church with people; or bring people to Christ to live for God - Carter Conlon, Part 1

You can just fill a church with people; or bring people to Christ to live for God - Carter Conlon, Part 1

We’re visiting with the General Overseer of a well-known church in the heart of New York City. He’s Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church. He talks about their mission and outreach within this city, a vast metropolis, and beyond!

Aug 20, 202315:01
From Olympic victory to obscurity in China, Eric Liddell sought his greater calling - Eric Eichinger, Part 4

From Olympic victory to obscurity in China, Eric Liddell sought his greater calling - Eric Eichinger, Part 4

That calling was to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who had not heard this life-saving message in the Far East. Pastor Eric Eichinger, author of the book, “The Final Race,” is our guest. He shares some of the most interesting insights he discovered while writing this intimate  biography of Eric Liddell!

Aug 14, 202315:01
The story of Eric Liddell stretches way beyond the glory of winning Olympic gold - Eric Eichinger, Part 3

The story of Eric Liddell stretches way beyond the glory of winning Olympic gold - Eric Eichinger, Part 3

Although many in Scotland and the UK reverenced Eric Liddell as their hero and champion, he didn’t bask in his Olympic fame! Author and Pastor Eric Eichinger is our guest, and he continues sharing some of the amazing details he discovered about Eric Liddell’s life as brilliantly portrayed in his book, “The Final Race.”

Aug 07, 202315:00
Doing the right thing when nobody is looking-that's typically what he was known for - Eric Eichinger, Part 2

Doing the right thing when nobody is looking-that's typically what he was known for - Eric Eichinger, Part 2

We’re hearing about the story of the famed 1920s Olympian Eric Liddell, beyond his “Chariots of Fire” glory as brilliantly portrayed in the book, “The Final Race.” Author and Pastor Eric Eichinger is our guest, as he shares some of the interesting insights he discovered while writing this biography.

Jul 31, 202315:01
"Eric Liddell and 'Chariots of Fire' was one of those touchstones in my life" - Eric Eichinger, Part 1

"Eric Liddell and 'Chariots of Fire' was one of those touchstones in my life" - Eric Eichinger, Part 1

We’re visiting with Pastor and author Eric Eichinger. He’s written an inspiring book called, “The Final Race,” about the heroic life story of the 1920s Scottish Olympian Eric Liddell, featured in the film “Chariots of Fire”- but completing the amazing story!

Jul 23, 202315:00
"If you keep reading the Bible, and pray to God, He will reveal Himself to You" - Pastor Joe Jacowitz, 2

"If you keep reading the Bible, and pray to God, He will reveal Himself to You" - Pastor Joe Jacowitz, 2

We’re continuing our talk at a local café with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, president of First Love Ministries and pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. He shares the various ways that God speaks to all of mankind as we look at the topic, “Why the Bible?”

Jul 17, 202315:00
“Success and happiness ultimately [are] not found in this world” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz, Part 1

“Success and happiness ultimately [are] not found in this world” - Pastor Joe Jacowitz, Part 1

We’re talking with Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of First Love Ministries, and the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. We asked Pastor Joe to explain to those who are searching for truth why we as Christians look to the Bible for guidance and direction. They may say, “Why the Bible?”

Jul 10, 202315:00
“A nation that honors God’s laws reaps God’s blessings...” and what about individuals? - Joe Jacowitz

“A nation that honors God’s laws reaps God’s blessings...” and what about individuals? - Joe Jacowitz

The United States has just celebrated its anniversary. With us to discuss how a nation - and individuals - are blessed by God - or not! - is Pastor Joe Jacowitz, the president of FirstLove Ministries and pastor of Christ Bible Church in Pleasanton, CA. These biblical principles apply to all nations and people throughout the world!  

Jul 03, 202315:01
He wants Jesus known-and to give people the opportunity to give their hearts to Him - Chamron Phal, Part 6

He wants Jesus known-and to give people the opportunity to give their hearts to Him - Chamron Phal, Part 6

On the last several programs we’ve been hearing Pastor Chamron Phal share his heart-wrenching story of life and survival in the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia during the late 70's. Now, on our concluding visit, Chamron shares how he’s fulfilling his pledge to God to serve Him with his life.   

Jun 25, 202315:00
“Chamron, remember-you made the first covenant with Me in the ‘Killing Fields’” - Chamron Phal, Part 5

“Chamron, remember-you made the first covenant with Me in the ‘Killing Fields’” - Chamron Phal, Part 5

We’re continuing with Pastor Chamron Phal’s story of his survival through the “Killing Fields” in Cambodia during the mid-1970's. Chamron tells of his escape to freedom in Thailand, and finally to the U.S.; and how he had made a vow to God when he was in the depths of terror and almost lost his life!

Jun 19, 202315:00
 “Three years, 8 months, and 20 days, I experienced like a real hell on earth” - Pastor Chamron Phal, Part 4

“Three years, 8 months, and 20 days, I experienced like a real hell on earth” - Pastor Chamron Phal, Part 4

We’re continuing our visit with Pastor Chamron Phal. He’s been sharing his story of his survival through the “Killing Fields” in Cambodia during the mid-1970's, and talks here about his escape and challenging life in Thailand!

Jun 12, 202315:00
I prayed that God would blind the eyes of those guards so they can’t see me - Pastor Chamron Phal, Part 3

I prayed that God would blind the eyes of those guards so they can’t see me - Pastor Chamron Phal, Part 3

We’re continuing our visit with Pastor Chamron Phal, who’s been sharing his incredible story of life and survival through the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia during the mid-1970’s. He explained how life changed when the Communist Khmer Rouge soldiers marched into his village, and how the Lord had already been preparing him for the torturous trials that lay ahead!

Jun 05, 202315:00