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Connected Roots

Connected Roots

By Connected Roots

Connecting people to each other
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Episode 04: What to do when your feeling stuck or lost

Connected RootsJun 06, 2022

Episode 17: Don't Accept Cheating In Relationships

Episode 17: Don't Accept Cheating In Relationships

As we all know relationships are complicated!! What destroys most relationships is loss of love (not keeping it spicy) and lack of communication with someone we deem to be our life partner. Crazy right?? If your dealing with a relationship where there are complications of any kind with faithfulness then you have found the podcast for you. We have, as we always do, an open ended conversation between two intelligent men to get to the root of the issue. This issue is one that plagues millions of people around the world so Brian and Matt thought it was a must to jump into deeper discussion about it. Please use our words to guide you through your journey of love and relation. Continue to work on yourself and your relationships so that the relationships you do create can truly reach somewhere special. Be hopeful and with positive thought of not where your at today but where you can be tomorrow. We are all connected by the ROOTS!!

Feb 25, 202301:11:16
Episode 16: Does The Good Guy Finish Last???

Episode 16: Does The Good Guy Finish Last???

We dig deep into the idea, "nice guys finish last", when it comes to the dating scene. In 2023, does the mold of the gentleman still show favorable results or will that leave you to be looked over more times than not. Matt and Brian of Connected Roots chimes in to get to the bottom of this discussion. But before that it's good to keep in mind that every relationship/person is different, this discussion is to figure out this answer on a general basis on what works with woman. My favorite part is the psychological reasons behind this topic to see where the answer could be and also if the answer changes depending on the generation. The answer is within the podcast, I will not spoil. We are connected by the ROOTS!!

Feb 19, 202301:32:02
Episode 15: Battle between Polygamy and Monogamy

Episode 15: Battle between Polygamy and Monogamy

Since the beginning of time, people have been conflicted about how many people does a functioning and or happy relationship should have. I'd say today monogamy has dominated most cultures as the preference in conjunction to whats socially considered normal amongst the majority of relationships. What some may not know is that historically polygamy has been considered normal for relationships that have had men with enough resources to support more than one spouse in several cultures around the world. Today we discuss our opinions on polygamy and monogamy in todays climate in the western side of the world as it's starting to become a bigger topic popping up in conversations in our everyday lives. We get down to discussing the pros and cons of each one to figure out what will work best for people depending on their situation. At connected roots we have no bias on either side as long as genuine connections are being made that produce happy homes for everyone involved. Thats always been our goal and it will continue to be our goal. Don't forget, we are all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Jan 24, 202301:46:13
Episode 14: @DJ_HR Growing Up With A Troubled Father

Episode 14: @DJ_HR Growing Up With A Troubled Father

In this episode we have an engaging conversation with @DJ_HR (Paul)  over many topics but the one that stands out was when he mentioned how his father had negatively impacted him while he was growing up. We go into the importance of parenthood and the crucial decisions parents make everyday that some don't realize can have destructive lifelong affects. Kids need a lot as every parent knows, however love and support are a must that cannot be ignored. We are products of our environment and it's how we were nurtured in our developmental stages that shape us into who we become. This podcast is full of surprises as Paul dabbles into several topics surrounded by relationships, girls, and past experiences. We really enjoyed having him on. Don't forget, we are all connected by the ROOTS!

Jan 21, 202302:48:56
Episode 13: How Connected Roots Has Changed Us

Episode 13: How Connected Roots Has Changed Us

Matt and Brian reflect on how starting the Connected Roots podcast has changed them. Connected Roots was designed to make people think outside their box in hopes they grow to become the greatest and if not a greater version of themselves. Funny enough, the hosts of Connected Roots have noticed that through our conversations on this podcast, we've grown in our own ways that is noticeable from our first pod till now. We feel that this growth in us just talking on different topics that revolve around people proves we are on the right path to help people with this beautiful experience called life. We never predicted that our journey to heal/help people would turn around and affect us in a positive way but I guess thats how energy works. To have a desire to help others, that energy is so pure that it begins to rain back on us. Tune in to see where we feel we haven grown and in addition where we feel we have yet to reach in this journey. Thank you all for being apart of this journey. We are all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Dec 16, 202202:05:15
Episode 12: Don't Let Society Play You With It's Double Standards!

Episode 12: Don't Let Society Play You With It's Double Standards!

Double standards is an annoyance we all deal with where people, groups, and or organizations are treated unfairly to uphold a certain narrative that in most cases lack unbiased truth. We see this in the relationships we form with people both in the real world and online that begin to create social norms that influence the way we act around each other. However a norm that is formed from unfair/uneven roots, will only bring about an non prosperous environment where growth is stunted. Why Brian and Matt take this stuff seriously is a lot of people don't even realize they are living their lives off of the influence of a double standard that doesn't have their best interests in mind. We see this all the time and social media and media in general have huge influences on the masses that form certain beliefs regardless of the authenticity of said belief. I hope this podcast opens up minds to actually think and maybe reconsider the decisions we make on a daily basis. Double standards creates and unfair playing field that can ruin livelihoods if we let it happen. Peace and love into everything we put out and everything we do. We're all connected by the ROOTS!!

Nov 12, 202201:33:01
Episode 11: Why Does the Black Community Keep Failing?

Episode 11: Why Does the Black Community Keep Failing?

Brian and Matt, the hosts of Connected Roots are both black males who are passionate about the black community. Deep down we don't like to label ourselves as, "black", but we do to make it easier for most people to understand what we are talking about. This issue we have identified within the black community is powered by societal and internal forces that have hindered the growth of the people who belong to this community. The main reason we feel this is going on is from the influences that make their way into our communities, households, and relationships through multiple sources that a lot of people aren't aware of. Brian likes to call people in the black community who succumb to influences that hold them back from reaching the truest heights of their potential as living life in the, "Sunken Place." In this podcast you will hear why we think this is going on and how knowing the issues of the community can help us prevent these negative situations from entering our own lives. Enjoy the podcast and don't forget, we're all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Nov 06, 202201:35:46
Episode 10: How to Avoid Manipulation and Scams Within Your Circle

Episode 10: How to Avoid Manipulation and Scams Within Your Circle

This podcast is very important to how we make connections in the current climate of today. Unfortunately, we live in a world where regardless of your gender, religion, race, geographic location, and or background at anytime we can be subjected to manipulation in the relationships we have. This can come from long term friends, people we meet, relationships and even the people we tend to leave our guard down the most which can at times be our own family. All forms of manipulation deals with the fact that an initial trust is established which can happen within various amount of time for various amount of reasons. In addition, the manipulator may or may not be doing what they do with maul intent as sometimes people don't realize their actions are done without the proper consideration of the position it can be placing the person in question. That person in question can be you or someone you know so that's why it's important we get outside opinions on things to combat these situations. This podcast wouldn't be needed if people had a great understanding of human psychology and that sometimes people are consciously or unconsciously selfish at times when it comes to their needs/wants. It's important to be able to identify these things in people as to avoid being on the wrong end of manipulation and or the unfortunate scam when intent is there to place you in a compromising situation. Brian and Matt provide some advice of what can be done to work around this and build connections with the right people who will have your best interest in mind along with theres. Top build long lasting relationships we first must build mutualistic ones. Don't forget, we are all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Oct 15, 202201:23:01
Episode 09: @chunndee How She Deals with Her Masculine and Feminine Energies as a Girl Who Likes Girls!!!

Episode 09: @chunndee How She Deals with Her Masculine and Feminine Energies as a Girl Who Likes Girls!!!

Great discussion with a friend of the channel @chunndee, better known as Dee, as she discusses her life growing up as a girl trying to fit in with the other girls. Only issue is that Dee isn't like most girls and she realized her interest in girls far exceeds the one she had for guys. Her personality, way she dresses, and attitude had to change as she grew up to be the person she always wanted to be as a proud member of the LGBTQ community. She continues to work on herself as 23 year old young woman whose in a relationship with another woman. She lets us in on her relationship along with it's challenges that a 2 female relationship can have. All relationships regardless of the dynamics can have it's issues but it's key to understand what it is and address them in a timely manner. Connected Roots hosts, Brian and Matt, listen to Dee about her life and share advice and opinions on her life in hopes it provides some guidance in her journey. This conversation also goes into her career and whether she relates to you or not, she has an intriguing life full of stories that I'm sure most can enjoy. Always remember we are one and we're all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Sep 18, 202202:25:20
Episode 08: Is The Criminal Justice System Mistreating Felons in Society?

Episode 08: Is The Criminal Justice System Mistreating Felons in Society?

Big deep dive into a portion of the Criminal Justice system that Matt and Brian believe could use some attention from Lawmakers. Politics aside, this podcast is about people. The Criminal Justice system has a major impact on people and the lives we live which is why this topic is extremely important to anyone in the United States. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Now we are aware that many people have different views on whether or not there is injustice in the Criminal Justice system. Some believe that the system for the most part works fine and doesn't need any tweaks to the system. Your opinion is respected if you feel that way. We believe the system has it's strengths and stuff it does well in and other stuff not so much. However it is key to note that a system like the criminal justice system doesn't get experienced or studied fully by a good portion of people. So when we factor in that, in addition to the fact that the news has desensitized us to not show too much consideration for the livelihoods of inmates by consistently showing crimes being committed in our neighboring area. What happens in correctional facilties whether good or bad is underreported in news outlets and not talked about much during political discussions/ elections, in our opinion. Lastly, what happens in correctional facilities isn't seen by law abiding citizens as frequently. This can produce an "out of sight, out of mind" complex where if there was an issue about how inmates are rehabilitated in prison, chances are it won't get as much attention to be considered an actual issue. Matt and Brian go into detail about how felons are treated and how the criminal justice system can be improved for the sake of humanity. Have a listen and don't forget. We are all connected by the ROOTS!!! 

Aug 14, 202201:09:33
Episode 07: Chris Vaughan, Overcoming Addiction to Reach the Bottles Last Drop

Episode 07: Chris Vaughan, Overcoming Addiction to Reach the Bottles Last Drop

Hello family!!! Brian and Matt interview a childhood friend (Chris), about several rough patches he has went through in his past. We are putting in the effort to have this discussion with him, in hopes this reaches people who have gone through tough life experiences and are in need of solace. Chris at the time of this podcast recording is a 24 year old young man, who has gotten here despite going through many stages of life that provided figurative hurtles that he either had to jump over or crash into along the way of his journey. From drugs, partying, trying to jumpstart a rap career, and putting himself into danger more times than one should, the life of Chris is nothing short of a story of engaging situations he had to overcome. However, Chris' story isn't over and a lot of whats mentioned in this podcast is still things he's going through today as he figures the new path he wants to carve out for himself. With the love from his friends, family, and his own desire to become the best version of himself, his path will only get brighter from here on out. We hope you enjoy listening to Chris' story and if you have any questions you can ask us at the Connected Roots instagram.         IG: @connected_roots_                   Chris' personal  IG: @youngwayv

Don't forget we are all connected by the ROOTS!!!


Aug 04, 202201:14:54
Episode 06: Ways You Could Be Silently Ruining Your Relationship

Episode 06: Ways You Could Be Silently Ruining Your Relationship

Today we have a discussion that single people could use for an upcoming relationship and or couples who seem to have hit a rough patch. Relationships can be complicated at times, so much so that even when we think we're doing the best we can to uphold the health of a relationship, the bond is slowly being separated with each passing day. Whether it's arguments, disagreements, naivety and most importantly lack of communication, these all can be contributing factors that have to be addressed as soon as possible. Matt and Brian do a deep dive to get to the root of the problem as we've figured a lot of people can use this advice to help build stronger/desirable connections that'll hopefully last a lifetime. Don't forget to be vulnerable about your true thoughts and ambitions to bring about a positive stress-free relationship for all parties involved. Be the addition to each others lives and work together to achieve the highest highs of life. Never forget, we are all connected by the ROOTS!!!

Jul 12, 202201:10:14
Episode 05: Inflation and Recessions. How We Can Benefit from It!

Episode 05: Inflation and Recessions. How We Can Benefit from It!

We go into a discussion on the current economic conditions and how ANYONE can benefit from these times. This is not financial advice but it's key to understand that lack of financial knowledge in addition to emotions, can be the recipe for financial ruin (money killer). We don't get a time machine to reap the rewards of the opportunities of the past but it's important to educate oneself to know how to identify future one's to capitalize on. Times like the ones we're dealing with currently in 2022 are crucial and we believe offer a huge opportunity for those looking to improve their wealth over the long haul. With interests rate being raised by the Fed, we are witnessing opportunities in the stock and crypto markets that even notice to intermediate investors can invest in for the future. Of course for more experienced investors they'll always find good deals and business opportunities regardless of the macro economic conditions but in our opinion, we believe that search becomes a lot easier regardless of your level of expertise, during times of uncertainty. Right know people are uncertain on inflation and the feds efforts to put that under control. People are uncertain about the war happening in Ukraine. We don't know how long this will last and how low markets will go, no one knows that. However, it's very possible the moves you make regardless of when you make them, can have a huge impact of your family into the future. That is why we made this podcast. If a family can use this knowledge to improve their lifestyle and or make the first steps to a stable environment for the next generation to grow up, then we've done our job. Remember, we are all connected by the ROOTS.

Jul 06, 202201:01:07
Episode 04: What to do when your feeling stuck or lost

Episode 04: What to do when your feeling stuck or lost

Discussion between Matt and Brian about what anyone can do if they feel like their life is stagnant. In addition, pinpointing the different ways most people feel stuck whether in their mindset or their day to day lives. As we all know the mind has so many complexities to it that times of becoming scatterbrained/ unfocused is almost inevitable for most living in the world we live in. It's important as people we identify when this is happening as soon as we can so that we can do the necessary steps to correct it, heal from it, and move forward with our lives. We are all connected by ROOTS!

Jun 06, 202242:08
Episode 03: "Throw Yourself in the Sea and You'll Fight to Survive" discussion on finding inner peace

Episode 03: "Throw Yourself in the Sea and You'll Fight to Survive" discussion on finding inner peace

Matt and Brian discuss about the pressure's associated with depression, anxiety, and mental illness as they go over an Arabic saying. The saying goes as, "You want to die? Then throw yourself into the sea and you'll see yourself fighting to survive. You do not want to kill yourself, rather you want to kill something inside of you." In this discussion, ways of how to cope with depression is mentioned in hopes that any listeners who are going through hard times pick favorable options when dealing with it. In all, this podcast can be listened to even without dealing with hard times. As we all know, hard times come when we least expect it so be mindful of that and be mindful of those around you who are dealing with something internally. DON'T FORGET. We are all Connected by the roots.

May 25, 202247:46
Episode 02: Kevin Samuels Tribute and Discussion on His Legacy

Episode 02: Kevin Samuels Tribute and Discussion on His Legacy

Matt and Brian go into discussion about the controversial youtuber who was best known for his relationship advise, image consultations, and self improvement that dug deep into telling people his opinions on where he felt the reality of their situation is. This brought about a huge amount of admiration for Kevin as he improved people's lives and got several couples married and into the next chapters of their lives. Unfortunately for Kevin not everyone agreed to his opinions and in addition took great offense that in his untimely passing on May 5th, 2022, several people took onto social media to show their excitement over his passing. Let's discuss it! DON'T FORGET we're all connected by the roots!

May 21, 202255:23
Episode 01 (Part 2): Is Fatherless Homes an Issue in America

Episode 01 (Part 2): Is Fatherless Homes an Issue in America

Matt and Brian go over the statistics and personal thoughts of fatherless households in America. In detail the discussion attempts to dig deeper into the root of the problem in terms of why this is happening and what steps we can take as a society to combat the issue. Is the family better off without the father? Is separation and time away from the father the best thing for the psyche of and environment of children. In addition, separation and child laws come into question as we continue to unpack any underlying causes to the numbers of fatherless households rising. Remember we are all connected by the roots!!!

May 21, 202256:31
Episode 01(Part 1): Is Fatherless Homes an Issue In America???

Episode 01(Part 1): Is Fatherless Homes an Issue In America???

Matt and Brian go over the statistics and personal thoughts of fatherless households in America. In detail the discussion attempts to dig deeper into the root of the problem in terms of why this is happening and what steps we can take as a society to combat the issue. Is the family better off without the father? Is separation and time away from the father the best thing for the psyche of and environment of children. In addition, separation and child laws come into question as we continue to unpack any underlying causes to the numbers of fatherless households rising. Remember we are all connected by the roots!!!

May 15, 202251:18