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Content Lab

Content Lab


Are you a marketer or content manager struggling to create content? Are you tired of high-level “insights” that don’t give you anything to do right now to make your content better? Do you wish someone would just spill the secrets on what works, what doesn’t, and what’s next?

If so, Content Lab is for you.

Join IMPACT content strategist Liz Murphy each week for shenanigans, candid conversations with fellow content nerds and industry experts, and the inside scoop on the tools and tactics that will transform you into a content rockstar.
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"Why Empathy Is the Secret Ingredient in Magical Content" with Marc Amigone

Content LabNov 14, 2018

How much does marketing news really matter?

How much does marketing news really matter?

As an inbound marketer, what marketing news matters to you ... if any? And how can you even tell the difference?
Aug 12, 202143:43
They Ask, You Answer and diversity, equity, and inclusion

They Ask, You Answer and diversity, equity, and inclusion

The core thrust behind They Ask, You Answer is that buying behavior has changed a lot in the last 10 to 15 years. On top of that, however, the pool of your ideal customers is a lot more diverse than ever before.
Jul 29, 202136:17
What the heck is going on with all the Google updates?

What the heck is going on with all the Google updates?

In less than 2 months, Google has rolled out six different updates. Is Google trying to hurt us content marketers?

(Also, during the conversation, I made a mistake. I inadvertently said the new page performance report is in Google Analytics, when it is actually in Google Search Console. Sorry!)
Jul 15, 202154:14
Realities of outsourcing content for inbound marketing

Realities of outsourcing content for inbound marketing

Let's say you want to get started with inbound marketing and creating the content you need to establish yourself as the No. 1 authority in your space about what it is that you do or sell. However, there's just one eensy, weensy problem – you don't have anyone on staff who can be a dedicated in-house content manager. What do you do? Is outsourcing really the right answer?
Jul 01, 202142:17
How to get started creating video

How to get started creating video

When I was given the gift of running IMPACT's video program, I was not thrilled. I always viewed myself as a writer and editor, and video was for... someone (anyone) who wasn't me.

Clearly, today is a different story.

How did we launch a robust video program during a pandemic? And how can other content and marketing leaders like you get their own video marketing program off the ground, no matter how limited your time, resources, or experience is?
Jun 17, 202141:39
Creating content your buyers will love

Creating content your buyers will love

We're all in the business of attracting our ideal buyers through our content. But how do you actually make the right people fall in love with your words?
Apr 25, 202145:29
'Dumbing down' your content isn't dumb

'Dumbing down' your content isn't dumb

When you're asked to make your content "more accessible" to your audience, it can feel like you're being asked to "dumb down" something you're an expert in... and that's not a great feeling.
Feb 08, 202150:05
Why personality in content is profitable and how to do it

Why personality in content is profitable and how to do it

Countless business leaders say their people are their greatest asset... so, why does everyone's content sound the same?
Jan 25, 202154:12
Writing about competition in content

Writing about competition in content

You need to create content about your competition. But how do you do it in a way that makes sense and doesn't feel... awkward?
Jan 11, 202146:56
Unexpected 2020 lessons and resolutions for 2021

Unexpected 2020 lessons and resolutions for 2021

Oh, what a decade this year has been, am I right?
Jan 02, 202148:18
Happy holidays and expert tips on content interviewing
Dec 28, 202047:22
Content coaching vs traditional editing

Content coaching vs traditional editing

This throwback episode was originally recorded in October, but we think it's a good one to listen to as you evaluate your content approach for 2021.
Dec 21, 202052:31
What you want to say vs. what you need to say (Summertime Throwback)

What you want to say vs. what you need to say (Summertime Throwback)

Recorded May 2020. It's a lot harder to not be self-absorbed in our content creation, wherein we focus almost exclusively on the positive, "look at me!" messaging.
Dec 07, 202047:43
What we're thankful for (Happy Thanksgiving!)

What we're thankful for (Happy Thanksgiving!)

If you'd like to know what Millard Filmore, Rasputin, Keanu Reeves, and Genghis Khan all have in common, you'll need to listen to this wild, hilarious, and heartwarming episode.
Nov 26, 202048:11
Landing page copywriting (Recorded, May 2020)

Landing page copywriting (Recorded, May 2020)

While there are a lot of variables and factors that drive your conversion rates on a landing page up and down (videos, form placement, and so on), one of the most important components of your landing page is the copy. (Originally recorded May 2020.)
Nov 23, 202040:15
Tips for getting started as a first-time content manager

Tips for getting started as a first-time content manager

Starting out as a first-time content manager can be an exciting adventure. It can also present a lot of challenges, as you're often the first person in your role... and the only one with your specialties.
Nov 16, 202055:33
Rhetoric and the power of precise language in content

Rhetoric and the power of precise language in content

"Words... words... words!" Love 'em or hate 'em, words are the lifeblood of every video script you'll write, every website page you'll craft, and every blog article you'll ever publish. Choose them wisely.
Nov 09, 202054:40
6 haunting content manager tasks and realities

6 haunting content manager tasks and realities

John and I love our jobs, truly. But this Halloween, we're taking a moment to be honest about the spooky-scaries of being content managers, and those commas that go bump in the night.
Oct 30, 202038:30
How to write a video script for marketers

How to write a video script for marketers

In this episode, I pull back the curtain on my surprisingly easy process for creating video scripts, and integrating the creation of video for sales and marketing into an existing content strategy.
Oct 26, 202052:57
How Liz wrote a blog in under 24 hours

How Liz wrote a blog in under 24 hours

While I was excited to share my experience with John of how I pulled this piece together, it wasn't until the end of the conversation that I realized how illuminating and educational this kind of deep-dive into a single piece of content can be.
Apr 24, 202051:00
Behind the Scenes of The Daily IMPACT with COO Brie Rangel

Behind the Scenes of The Daily IMPACT with COO Brie Rangel

We spend a lot of time talking about creating content for your audience. But during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we at IMPACT have learned first-hand how important the content you create for your own team really is.
Apr 18, 202022:35
Behold, the power of the content style guide

Behold, the power of the content style guide

A content style guide is a documented set of guidelines and rules that break down your brand personality, and how it is (and isn’t) expressed through your content.

That sounds straightforward enough, right? But while content style guides don't seem particularly sexy or complex, it will be one of the most important documents you’ll ever create for your business.

To understand why, however, you need to learn the true purpose of a content style guide, beyond its surface-level definition.
Apr 04, 202057:39
Coronavirus content strategy: How to prioritize amid chaos

Coronavirus content strategy: How to prioritize amid chaos

"I could use some pointers on how to prioritize my growing content calendar. I’ve suddenly become one of the busier employees at my office since content marketing is very much needed in an office supply company. Suddenly, home office equipment is in high demand."

In this episode, we answer this question for all industries.
Mar 27, 202001:02:48
Top SEO best practices for content marketers in 2020

Top SEO best practices for content marketers in 2020

There are a lot of things digital marketers and content marketers need to pay attention to, SEO-wise every single day. But what are the most important SEO principles and best practices we should be focusing on this year?
Jan 07, 202032:41
Merry Christmas from Content Lab

Merry Christmas from Content Lab

A little treat from John and Liz on Christmas morning.
Dec 25, 201902:22
Academic writing vs human content marketing writing

Academic writing vs human content marketing writing

Humanity and personality are how you become memorable and stand out from your competitors in content. But how do you undo years of reflexive mental programming to not express individuality or personality in your writing?
Dec 12, 201936:50
How to write an irresistible blog introduction

How to write an irresistible blog introduction

If you're a content marketer, this is a must-listen episode! Say goodbye to writer's block, as Liz Moorehead shares the precise formulas she uses to craft swoon-worthy blog post introductions every single time.
Dec 02, 201931:06
Showing vs. telling in content marketing

Showing vs. telling in content marketing

No matter what type of content you’re creating, generalities are the kiss of death. You need to show instead of tell. But what do we mean by that?
Nov 22, 201927:52
How to give feedback on a bad draft

How to give feedback on a bad draft

I've put my cohost, John Becker, in the hot seat this week to answer this very question. If you were to ask anyone at IMPACT what it's like to work with John as an editor, you'll hear nothing but glowing reviews.

"Honestly, he makes me a better writer."

"I love, love, love working with John!"

"I can't thank John enough for helping me!"

If you want to get feedback like John does, even when he has to get a little more heavy-handed with his virtual red pen, this episode is for you.
Nov 02, 201931:47
How to run a content brainstorm

How to run a content brainstorm

Content brainstorms with expert teams and client-facing departments are absolutely essential to creating content that drives revenue, and keeping your entire company engaged and excited about the content you're producing.
Nov 01, 201941:11
How to create authentic human content your buyers will love

How to create authentic human content your buyers will love

It doesn't matter what industry you're in. You can be an authentic and funny human in your content in a way that makes you money. And that's what this episode is all about.
Oct 18, 201938:55
How to Interview Subject Matter Experts with John Becker

How to Interview Subject Matter Experts with John Becker

Here's the thing about interviewing subject matter experts -- it's not as easy as it sounds.
Jun 14, 201901:03:25
The Pain of Outlining & an Airing of Grievances with Kali & Alexa of Verblio

The Pain of Outlining & an Airing of Grievances with Kali & Alexa of Verblio

This week, I had the distinct pleasure of having Head of Content & Marketing Manager Kali Greff and Manager of Operations Alexa Baray of Verblio (formerly Blog Mutt) on the Content Lab to talk about one of the most unpopular content marketing tasks in existence -- creating outlines.
May 31, 201946:55
Collaborating on Content & Liz Learns About Google Ads with Jason Linde & Dan Baum

Collaborating on Content & Liz Learns About Google Ads with Jason Linde & Dan Baum

Creating a piece of content at this scale is hard enough, but doing so with a partner instead of flying solo is another matter entirely.
May 24, 201944:57
MINISODE: I Give You Permission to Sound Like Yourself

MINISODE: I Give You Permission to Sound Like Yourself

“This is really great. But also anyone could have written it. I need more of you in it.”
May 17, 201902:32
Google's Duplicate Content Penalty Isn't Real with Franco Valentino

Google's Duplicate Content Penalty Isn't Real with Franco Valentino

If the duplicate content penalty isn't real, why do so many of us think it is? And how should we be thinking about duplicating content across our content pillars, geo-targeted landing pages, and more? Don't panic. Franco is here to help make sense of all of this.
May 10, 201931:52
What's on My Content Mind (April 2019)

What's on My Content Mind (April 2019)

Instead of the usual running list of things I'm thinking about this month, April has left me only with one question in my mind -- how do we handle those moments when we let ourselves down as content creators?
Apr 26, 201918:11
Google Ads Copywriting

Google Ads Copywriting

If you're a digital marketer who is still trying to wrap your head around copywriting for Google Ads in the new age of inbound, buckle in. This pod is for you.
Apr 20, 201927:00
The Challenges & Rewards of Being Vulnerable with Brie Rangel

The Challenges & Rewards of Being Vulnerable with Brie Rangel

We want to be thought leaders. But how do we get to those necessary moments of vulnerability in our content and ground them well enough in a productive foundation to make those stories valuable for others? And what are the rewards that come from being willing to get yourself to that place in your content?
Apr 12, 201935:38
Content Strategy Best Practices vs. Reality

Content Strategy Best Practices vs. Reality

How do we bridge the divide between inbound and content marketing best practices and the limitations inherent to our realities as marketers? I've invited Scripted CEO Doug Breaker to talk through this meaty issue on this week's episode of Content Lab.
Mar 22, 201946:20
What's on My (Content) Mind, March 2019 Edition

What's on My (Content) Mind, March 2019 Edition

I'm taking a break from chatting with others to share with you all what’s inspiring me, any major content milestones from the past month, and what I’m going to be focusing on in the month to come.
Mar 15, 201915:07
"Link-Building & Guest Blogging the Right Way" with Justin Champion of HubSpot

"Link-Building & Guest Blogging the Right Way" with Justin Champion of HubSpot

We talk about link-building, guest blogging, and my puppy's flatulence. That's really all you need to know.
Mar 01, 201901:06:16
"What to Write & When in Content Marketing" with Kevin Phillips

"What to Write & When in Content Marketing" with Kevin Phillips

I have a wonderful conversation for you this week between myself and IMPACT Content Marketing Consultant Kevin Phillips, who you may remember from one of the first episodes of the Content Lab podcast!
Feb 22, 201949:04
"What's on My (Content) Mind, Feb. 2019"

"What's on My (Content) Mind, Feb. 2019"

"The biggest mistake brands make when making the shift to publishing is to think in terms of “campaigns.” Being a brand publisher doesn’t mean you create an e-book. And it’s certainly NOT about making “viral videos.” It’s really a cultural shift away from the “campaign brain” and towards continuous content development, curation and distribution of content that results in conversations, community and ultimately conversion."
Feb 08, 201922:41
"Pay Attention to Tone & Context" with Will Murphy of MessagePath

"Pay Attention to Tone & Context" with Will Murphy of MessagePath

This may not seem like a big deal, but it blew my mind that Will Murphy had developed a piece of technology in MessagePath that tackles one of the biggest challenges marketers face -- so many of us know what to say, but we get tripped up by tone and context, or the how of what we're saying
Feb 01, 201940:27
Video or Written Content, or Video & Written Content? with Zach Basner

Video or Written Content, or Video & Written Content? with Zach Basner

Is video set to take over and replace written content, or is there a future where the written word and video can live together in harmony? And how the heck does someone with a ton of fear, but no equipment or experience, get started creating video for their own marketing and sales purposes?
Jan 25, 201941:36
My Content Obsessions for 2019

My Content Obsessions for 2019

For the vast majority of the past month, I've lived in a holiday-induced haze of drifting between eating pie and feeling shame about eating said pie while lifting at the gym. So, I am ready to shake off the cobwebs.

The best part about a new year is that it's a new beginning, clichéd as that may sound. I'm a big fan of fresh starts, so I want to spend this episode sharing with you what's on my mind for the coming year.

Both with content creation, and for the Content Lab.
Jan 11, 201915:52
Using Data to Make Your Content Remarkable, Claudia Pilgrim of Ms. Copywriter

Using Data to Make Your Content Remarkable, Claudia Pilgrim of Ms. Copywriter

Why is data so important? And when we say "data" in the context of content marketing, what do we mean?
Dec 05, 201840:22
Content Tips, Apps & Inspirations I'm Thankful for

Content Tips, Apps & Inspirations I'm Thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving, Content Nerds!
Nov 21, 201813:03
"Why Empathy Is the Secret Ingredient in Magical Content" with Marc Amigone

"Why Empathy Is the Secret Ingredient in Magical Content" with Marc Amigone

Why is empathy so important in creating helpful inbound content? Marc Amigone of IMPACT joins me this week to explain.
Nov 14, 201848:44