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Cornerstone Church in Watertown SD

Cornerstone Church in Watertown SD

By Cornerstone Church

Currently playing episode

Getting Perspective #1 - Be Still!

Cornerstone Church in Watertown SDMay 05, 2024

Figuring Out Life: #1 – Navigating Change

Figuring Out Life: #1 – Navigating Change

Figuring Out Life: #1 – Navigating Change

We learn to navigate change, expected or unexpected, by _______ the Lord and _______ Him.
When we fear God, we give him our _______ _______.
When we fear God we stand in _______ of Him.
When we fear God, we give him our _______.
Jesus is always _______ us into a deeper relationship with Him, and at the same time _______ us to change to become more like him.
Jesus wants us to _______ him our hearts so that He can help us have a _______ like his.
Next Steps:
-Choose to fear the Lord.
-Choose to trust the Lord.
-See change as an opportunity to grow.

Jun 02, 202426:48
Getting Perspective: #4 – Struggle! (Psalm 7

Getting Perspective: #4 – Struggle! (Psalm 7

Getting Perspective: #4 – Struggle! (Psalm 77)

By Steve Anderson.

Is God even listening? (Ps. 77:1-3)

Has God forgotten us? (Ps. 77:4-9)

Has God turned against me? (Ps. 77:10)

But I remember God’s faithfulness! (Ps. 77:11-12)

I remember who God is! (Ps. 77:13-15)

Remember the Exodus! (Ps. 77:16-20)

Next Steps:

• Be honest

• Trust

• Thank

May 27, 202420:56
Getting Perspective: #3 – Waiting Quietly (Psalm 62:1-8)

Getting Perspective: #3 – Waiting Quietly (Psalm 62:1-8)

Getting Perspective: #3 – Waiting Quietly (Psalm 62:1-8)

By Steve Anderson.

Is your life an incessant dog paddle or a relaxing back float?

How do we wait? Busy, making things happen, or waiting quietly before God?

Jesus waited quietly before his Father. (Luke 23:41-44)

Our entire earthly life is a waiting for the great restoration of all things. (Rom. 8:23)

Next Steps:

- A prayer for waiting quietly: Lord, life tempts my soul to be frantic and anxious. You invite me to trust you and wait patiently. Give me courage to pour out my heart to you. Grow my trust in your guidance and goodness. Thank you that you will bring me through. Amen.

- Identify one area or circumstance in which you want to move toward “waiting quietly before God.” Tell a friend and ask them to pray for you.

May 20, 202423:24
Getting Perspective: #2 – Happy Mother's Day

Getting Perspective: #2 – Happy Mother's Day

By Carla Johnson.

Mothers: - Sacrifice
- Protect
- Believe

May 12, 202423:35
Getting Perspective #1 - Be Still!

Getting Perspective #1 - Be Still!

By Mark Tracy.

May 05, 202428:34
The Resurrection Difference: #5 – We are Restored!

The Resurrection Difference: #5 – We are Restored!

The Resurrection Difference: #5 – We are Restored!

By Steve Anderson.

Scrap or restore?

Peter scraps his mission. (John 21:1-3)

Jesus lures Peter back. (John 21:4-14)

Jesus begins Peter’s restoration. (John 21:15-19a)

Jesus completes Peter’s restoration. (John 21:19b)

Self-restoration doesn’t work. (1 Peter 5:6)

Jesus chose to restore Peter. Jesus has chosen to restore you! (Rom. 5:10)

A prayer for restoration:

Jesus, even though I deserve to be scrapped, thank you that you have chosen to restore my life. I trust you to bring restoration to the broken areas in my life. Like Peter, I’m ready for a new start. Amen.

Want to talk to a pastor about taking a step towards Jesus restoring your life?

Text “Restore” to 605-777-7230

Apr 28, 202426:03
The Resurrection Difference: #4 – Jesus Gives Us What We Need to Believe!

The Resurrection Difference: #4 – Jesus Gives Us What We Need to Believe!

The Resurrection Difference: #4 – Jesus Gives Us What We Need to Believe!

By Steve Anderson.

Why do you believe?

Ever been the one left out? (John 20:24-25)

We must have a reason to believe in the risen Christ. (John 20:25)

Jesus shows up when Jesus shows up. (John 20:26)

The risen Christ gives us what we need to believe. (John 20:27; Mark 9:23-24)

We can ask Jesus to help us believe in him.

When Jesus reveals himself to us we respond by believing. (John 20:28-29)

Jesus blesses us! (John 20:29)

A prayer to believe:

Jesus, I need you to help me believe in you. I want to be able to say with Thomas, “My Lord and my God”! Give me what I need to believe in and trust you. Reveal yourself to me and I will respond in

faith. Amen.

Questions? Text your question to 605-777-7230

Apr 22, 202425:25
The Resurrection Difference: #3 – We Find Peace!

The Resurrection Difference: #3 – We Find Peace!

The Resurrection Difference: #3 – We Find Peace!

By Steve Anderson.

Peace is a puzzle that only the risen Christ can help us solve.

Fear chases away peace. (John 20:19a)

Jesus brings peace. (John 20:19b)

Peace is not the absence of suffering. Peace is confidence God will bring you through. (John 20:20)

Jesus’ peace comes from our being sent. (John 20:21)

The Holy Spirit is the peace of Jesus. (John 20:21-22)

A prayer to receive peace from the risen Christ:

Jesus, I cannot put the puzzle of my life together without you. I bring to you my fears. Meet me and speak your peace into my life. Give me confidence that you will bring me through. I accept your call to serve you with my life. Amen.

Apr 14, 202417:41
The Resurrection Difference: #2 – Our Cries Are Answered!

The Resurrection Difference: #2 – Our Cries Are Answered!

The Resurrection Difference: #2 – Our Cries Are Answered!

By Steve Anderson.

What is the cry of your heart?

I’ll never get the one thing I most want and need! (John 20:11-13)

Desperation can cause us to initially miss Jesus’ presence. (John 20:14-15)

Everything changes when we hear Jesus call our name! (John 20:16-20)

The Cry of My Heart Prayer:

Risen Christ Jesus, I confess that I have been distracted by crying out for things that do not matter most. Today I come to you. I turn my life toward you. My deepest desire is to know that you forgive me, love me, and walk beside me. Thank you that you call me by name. Amen.

Questions? Text “question” to 605-777-7230

Apr 07, 202424:07
The Resurrection Difference: #1 – We Live in Awe!

The Resurrection Difference: #1 – We Live in Awe!

The Resurrection Difference: #1 – We Live in Awe!

By Steve Anderson.

We all live in awe of something or someone.

Mistaken Awe. (John 20:1-2)

What happened? (John 20:3-5)

Uncertain awe. (John 20:6-7)

Resurrection awe: (John 20:8-10)

Where are you?

Prayer for Resurrection Awe:

Jesus, I’m done living in dark awe of the hard things in my life. I believe that you are the risen Lord. I choose to live in the life giving awe of what you can do in my life. Bring the forgiveness and healing that I crave. Amen.

Mar 31, 202419:53
Why Are We Here? #6 – Generosity!

Why Are We Here? #6 – Generosity!

Why Are We Here? #6 – Generosity!

Generosity! We generously give of our time, skills, and money to invest in God’s work. (John 3:16)

Our spiritual home in Jesus Christ is a place of generosity, not stinginess.

God’s generosity enables our generosity and results in God receiving thanksgiving. (2 Cor. 9:6-12)

Jesus is leading us on a journey out of tight fisted stinginess into open handed generosity!

Next Steps:

- 40 Day Worship Experience: A Surrender Journey (A daily Bible Reading Plan on You Version Bible


- Men’s Fire Night – March 25, 6-8 p.m. @ Travs Outfitters

- Women’s Event – April 6, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. @ Cornerstone

Mar 24, 202421:56
Why Are We Here? #5 – Serving!

Why Are We Here? #5 – Serving!

Why Are We Here? #5 – Serving!

By Mark Tracy.

John 13:1-17

Jesus IS our _____ !

Jesus is the _____ !

More than ever, people long to _____.

We are called to imitate Jesus. And, we l … Jesus is a _____.

Christian life begins by allowing Jesus to _____ you.

Your _____ for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35)

Mar 17, 202421:23
Why Are We Here? #4 – Community!

Why Are We Here? #4 – Community!

Why Are We Here? #4 – Community!

Community: We’re a diverse group of believers who encourage each other as we follow Jesus. (Acts


Community life: Humble, gentle, patient, making allowance. (Eph. 4:2, 4-6)

Jesus lived in community.

Next Steps:

- 40 Day Worship Experience: A Surrender Journey (A daily Bible Reading Plan on You Version Bible


- Men’s Fire Night – March 25, 6-8 p.m. @ Travs Outfitters

- Women’s Event – April 6, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. @ Cornerstone

Mar 11, 202411:40
Why Are We Here? #3 – God’s Spirit inspired and reveals God’s truth through the Bible

Why Are We Here? #3 – God’s Spirit inspired and reveals God’s truth through the Bible

Why Are We Here? #3 – God’s Spirit inspired and reveals God’s truth through the Bible.

By Steve Anderson.

There is no hope without truth.

Truth! God’s Spirit inspired and reveals God’s truth through the Bible. (Ps. 43:3)

Jesus – “I tell you the truth…” (John – 23 times)

Truth sets people free! (John 8:31-32)

At Cornerstone we share God’s truth so that people can be set free! (2 Tim. 2:2, 25)

Next Steps:

- Simple Prayer – Jesus, reveal to me God’s truth on this matter.

- 40 Day Worship Experience: A Surrender Journey (A daily Bible Reading Plan on You Version Bible App)

Mar 04, 202422:01
Why Are We Here? #2 – There is hope for every person in Jesus Christ!

Why Are We Here? #2 – There is hope for every person in Jesus Christ!

Why Are We Here? #2 – There is hope for every person in Jesus Christ!

By Steve Anderson.

My hopes have disappeared. (Job 17:11)

“There is hope for your future,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 31:17)

Jesus lifts us up out of despair into hope! (Psalm 40:1-2: Heb. 6:19)

Jesus journey to the cross demonstrated his hope in His Father. (Luke 18:31-33; 23:46)

Jesus has hope for us when we do not have hope for ourselves. (John 11:1-44)

Hope is not a wish. Hope is a confident expectation.

Next Steps:

- Prayer – Lord Jesus, Life is foggy and I can’t see a way through. Thank you that you have hope for me when I don’t. Thank you that you say there is hope for my future. Thank you that you can lift me up out of the pit of despair and set my feet on a firm foundation. Thank you that we don’t invite people into a wish, we invite people into a confident expectation that you will bring them through. Amen.

- 40 Day Worship Experience: A Surrender Journey (A daily Bible Reading Plan on You Version Bible


Feb 26, 202420:52
Why Are We Here? #1

Why Are We Here? #1

Why Are We Here? #1

By Steve Anderson.

- Why are we here?

- Our core values: Hope, Truth, Community, Serving, Generosity

- Jesus knew why he was here! (Lk. 2:49; 4:14-21; 5:31; 9:1-2; 9:21-27:23:34,46; 24:46-49)

- Our mission: Helping people find their spiritual home in Jesus Christ! (Mt. 9:35-38)

- Our confidence: Jesus Changes Everything! (Mt. 9:35-38)

Next Steps:

- Prayer – Lord Jesus, we live in a time where so many people are spiritually homeless. We know we are here to help people find their spiritual home in you. We are confident that you, Jesus, can change everything! Amen.

- 40 Day Worship Experience: A Surrender Journey (A daily Bible Reading Plan on You Version Bible


Feb 19, 202425:41
The Awakened Life: #6 – The Awakened Life is Rooted in Jesus!

The Awakened Life: #6 – The Awakened Life is Rooted in Jesus!

The Awakened Life: #6 – The Awakened Life is Rooted in Jesus!

By Steve Anderson.

- Valley of Dry Bones. (Ezek. 37:1-3)

- The River of Healing. (Ezek. 47:1-12)

- Remain in me. (Jesus – John 15:1-10)

Next Step:

#1 –Stay awake by listening to God’s Spirit.

#2 – 40 Day Worship Experience – A Surrender Journey (A You Version App Bible Reading Plan)

#3 – Pray for the healing of the nations.

Feb 11, 202417:41
The Awakened Life: #5 – Life In The River!

The Awakened Life: #5 – Life In The River!

The Awakened Life: #5 – Life In The River!

By Luke Smith.

Feb 05, 202429:25
The Awakened Life: #3 – God’s Word and God’s Spirit Give Life!

The Awakened Life: #3 – God’s Word and God’s Spirit Give Life!

The Awakened Life: #3 – God’s Word and God’s Spirit Give Life!

- Valley of Dry Bones . (Ezek. 37:4-9)

- Believe God’s Word. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

- Speak God’s Word. (Joshua 1:9)

- Rely on God’s Spirit.

- We are awakened to a new life by God’s Word and God’s Spirit!

- You are more than skin and bones!

Next Steps:

- The Awakened Life Daily devotionals – Text “Awake” to 605-777-7230

- Believe God’s Word and speak God’s Word over your life. “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord you God will go with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

- Fast. Pick a meal to skip and during that meal time fast from food and feed on God’s Word and God’s Spirit. Be honest with God about the areas in your life where you’re spiritually asleep and ask God to wake you up!

Jan 22, 202418:03
The Awakened Life: #2 – Can We Live the Awakened

The Awakened Life: #2 – Can We Live the Awakened

The Awakened Life: #2 – Can We Live the Awakened Life?

- Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-3)

- Son of man, can these bones become living people again? (Ezekiel 37:3; 2 Cor. 5:16-17)

- What are signs that we as a church are beginning to live the awakened life?

Taking a step to wake up!

- The Awakened Life Daily devotionals. Text “Awake” to 605-777-7230

- Prayer for the Awakened Life: Sovereign Lord, parts of my life feel like a valley of dry bones. I cannot put the pieces back together on my own. I cannot wake myself up from my spiritual sleep walking. But you can. I surrender to the life-giving power of your Holy Spirit. Wake me up! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jan 14, 202419:31
The Awakened Life #1 - To be Awakened is to be a Disciple. FOLLOW Jesus!

The Awakened Life #1 - To be Awakened is to be a Disciple. FOLLOW Jesus!

The Awakened Life #1

To be Awakened is to be a Disciple. FOLLOW Jesus!

There is only one body on the planet against which the gates of hell will not prevail: THE CHURCH.

“Just because you are in the church doesn’t mean you SEE the Kingdom.”

How many great loves are: GOD (UP), DISCIPLES (IN), and THE BROKEN (OUT)_.

In John 14:17 Jesus says the Holy Spirit lead into all TRUTH.

TASTE and SEE that the Lord is Good! (Psalm 34:8)

Jan 08, 202425:13
God’s Best Gifts - #4 – Chosen!

God’s Best Gifts - #4 – Chosen!

Christmas Eve Service.

God's Best Gifts - You Are Chosen! Will You Follow?

By Steve Anderson.

Dec 24, 202311:48
God’s Best Gifts - #3 – Salvation!

God’s Best Gifts - #3 – Salvation!

God’s Best Gifts - #3 – Salvation! By Steve Anderson. God’s best gift of salvation. (Mt. 1:18-25)

And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. (Mt. 1:21)

What happens when Jesus saves us from our sins?

Next Step:

Invite someone to our Christmas Eve Candlelight Services using our invitation card!

Dec 17, 202311:18
God’s Best Gifts - #2 – Church!

God’s Best Gifts - #2 – Church!

God’s Best Gifts - #2 – Church!

By Rick Post

Dec 10, 202331:34
God’s Best Gifts - #1 – Adoption!

God’s Best Gifts - #1 – Adoption!

God’s Best Gifts - #1 – Adoption!

By Steve Anderson.

The Father chose to adopt us, not out of pity, but because he loves us! (Eph. 1:4)

The Father’s plan is to adopt us through Jesus! (Eph. 1:5a)

Our adoption brings joy to the Father’s heart! (Eph. 1:5b)

We are no longer held hostage. We’re adopted in God’s family! (Rom. 8:15)

Our confidence is that through Jesus Christ, God the Father has chosen us!

Reminder who I am:

I have been chosen by God. I have signed my adoption papers by placing my full trust in Jesus Christ. I am no longer a hostage to sin, death, and the devil. I am free from fear. I bring joy to the Father’s heart. I am a child of God. Jesus has changed everything! Amen.

Dec 04, 202318:21
Jesus Stories – #5 – Jesus and Thanksgiving

Jesus Stories – #5 – Jesus and Thanksgiving

Jesus Stories – #5 – Jesus and Thanksgiving

By Steve Anderson.

Old Testament Thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 26:1-11)

Jesus is in the “wrong place”. (Luke 17:11)

Jesus is confronted by desperate people. (Luke 17:12-13)

Jesus commands a step of faith. (Luke 17:14)

Thanksgiving ratio of 1:10. (Luke 17:15-16)

Jesus’ questions. (Luke 17:17)

Thanksgiving is giving glory to God! (Luke 17:18)

A life without thanksgiving is a life without God.

Thanksgiving brings us into the presence of God.

Next Steps:

1. Put thanking God where it belongs!

2. Always include thanking God when you pray. Always. (Phil. 4:5:6-7)

Nov 27, 202322:44
Jesus Stories – #4 – Jesus and Kids

Jesus Stories – #4 – Jesus and Kids

Jesus Stories – #4 – Jesus and Kids

By Steve Anderson.

  • Kids enjoy connecting, safety, and trusting!
  • Parents want the best for their children! (Luke 18:15)
  • The disciples saw children as bother. (Luke 18:15)
  • Jesus welcomes children! (Luke 18:16)
  • Our faith in Jesus must be child-like! (Luke 18:17)
  • Child-like faith in Jesus enjoys connection, safety, and trusting.
Nov 20, 202313:12
Jesus Stories – #3 – The Father’s Heart

Jesus Stories – #3 – The Father’s Heart

Jesus Stories – #3 – The Father’s Heart

By Steve Anderson.

Jesus is uniquely qualified to reveal God the Father to us. (John 1:18)

A son with a rebellious heart. (Lk. 15:11-12)

A son’s rebellion runs its course. (Lk. 15:13-16)

A son gives up his rebellion. (Lk. 15:17-19)

The father’s heart revealed. (Lk. 15:20-24)

An angry oldest son. (Lk. 15:25-30)

The father’s heart revealed. (Lk. 15:31-32; John 3:16-17)

Prayer of thanksgiving:

Jesus, thank you for revealing the Father’s heart for me. Thank you that when I come to my senses and turn toward the Father, He runs to meet me, welcomes me with a smile, gives me a big hug, and celebrates that I am home with him where I belong. Amen.

Nov 13, 202313:31
Jesus Stories – #2 – Storms

Jesus Stories – #2 – Storms

By Steve Anderson & Zach Kingery

Nov 07, 202331:57
Jesus Stories – #1 – Temptation

Jesus Stories – #1 – Temptation

Jesus Stories – #1 – Temptation

By Steve Anderson.

We know a person by the stories we know about them.

Jesus changes everything as the stories we know about Jesus become our stories.

The question: Is Jesus secure in his identity? (Mt. 4:1-2)

Temptation/Test #1: What do you hunger for most? (Mt. 4:3-4)

Temptation/Test #2: Testing God or serving God? (Mt. 4:5-7)

Temptation/Test #3: Who or what do you really worship? (Mt. 4:8-11)

God enables us to turn a temptation to wrong into an affirmation of our identity in Christ! (1 Cor. 10:13)

Prayer to follow Jesus through temptation:

Jesus, thanks for your example. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that my hunger and worship will be focused on you. I renounce testing you; I want to serve you! Thank you that you allow a time of testing not to break me, but to bring me closer to You. Amen.

Oct 29, 202324:28
SC#7: Spiritual Check-Up! OUT – Networks and Neighborhoods

SC#7: Spiritual Check-Up! OUT – Networks and Neighborhoods

Spiritual Check-Up! OUT – Networks and Neighborhoods

By Steve Anderson.

How did you find out about Cornerstone?

The Good News about Jesus doesn’t spread by itself. (Rom. 10:13-15)

From the beginning the Good News spread through networks and neighborhoods. (Jn. 1:40-41; Jn. 1:43-45; Jn. 4:28-30)

Jesus commands his followers to share the Good News with others! (Matt. 28:18-20)

When something changes, everything begins to change!

Next Step: Look for the 1!

Daily Bible Reading and Question:

What does it look like to share the Good News of Jesus through my networks and neighborhood?

Mon. – John 1:35-42; Tues. – John 1:43-45; Wed. – John 4:25-29; Thurs. – Rom. 10:13-14; Fri. – Matt. 28:18-20

Oct 22, 202324:39
SC#6: Spiritual Check-Up! OUT - GOSPEL

SC#6: Spiritual Check-Up! OUT - GOSPEL

Spiritual Check-Up! OUT - GOSPEL

By Mark Tracy.

RELATIONSHIPS are key to outreach.

Jesus calls each and every one of us to partner with Him in advancing His KINGDOM.

Jesus says we are SALT of the earth. (Matthew 5:13)

When Jesus comes out of the desert in Mark 1:15 what Greek word does He use for time? KAIROS

Chronos is the Greek word for CHRONOLIGICAL time.

When you have Kairos moment God is trying to SPEAK.

One important task of the church is to EQUIP you.

If someone asks about your hope as a believer, you’ll always be ready to explain it. (1 Peter 3:15b)

Oct 15, 202324:12
SC#5: Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Healing in a Christ-Community

SC#5: Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Healing in a Christ-Community

Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Healing in a Christ-Community

By Steve Anderson.

How do we best heal when we are broken?

A Christ-community “sets” our broken places back in alignment, and like a cast, holds us steady while God’s Spirit brings healing. (Gal. 6:1-3)

Childish faith hides. Child-like faith seeks community.

In a Christ-Community we “sign” each other’s lives.

Daily Spiritual Check-Up UP Prayer:

Jesus, I need to be restored gently and humbly. I need help carrying a burden that’s too heavy for me alone. Give me child-like faith that seeks community and the healing I need. Guide me to where I can

plug in. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading and Question:

How does a Christ-community help us heal? Mon. – Gal. 5:1-3;

Tues. – Rom. 12:9-16; Wed. – Eccl. 4:9-12; Thurs. – 2 Cor. 1:8-11; Fri. – 1 John 3:16-19

Oct 08, 202315:28
SC#4: Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Are we living in isolation or community?

SC#4: Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Are we living in isolation or community?

Spiritual Check-Up! IN – Are we living in isolation or community?

By Steve Anderson

It’s not Jesus and me, it’s Jesus and us! (Acts 2:42-47)

Believing in and following Jesus is a team sport!

Every community has a linchpin. (Rom. 10:9-10)

Follow Jesus example of living in community: 1 – 3 – 12 – Crowds

What does a Christ community look like? (Col. 3 12-15)

We can have community but still live in spiritual isolation.

Daily Spiritual Check-Up UP Prayer:

Jesus, help me be honest if I’m spiritually isolated, and guide me into a Christ-community that is a place of belonging, joy, and hope. Heal past wounds so I’m able to trust people again. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading and Question:

What does a Christ-community look like?

Mon. – Acts 2:42-47; Tues. – Col. 3:12-15; Wed. – 1 Cor. 13; Thurs. – Ex. 20:1-17; Fri. – Jn. 17:20-23

Oct 01, 202325:56
SC#3: Spiritual Check-Up! UP Guided by Scripture, the Bible

SC#3: Spiritual Check-Up! UP Guided by Scripture, the Bible

Spiritual Check-Up! UP Guided by Scripture, the Bible

By Steve Anderson.

To whom or what do we worship and pray?

We do not create our own God. The true God reveals Himself to us through His Word, the Bible.

(2 Tim. 3:16-17)

The Bible reveals God’s truth and exposes the enemy’s lies. (John 8:31-32)

Nothing changes if nothing changes:

YouVersion Bible App, Discovery Bible Studies

Daily Spiritual Check-Up UP Prayer:

Jesus, thank you for revealing yourself to me through the Bible. Thank you that as I read or listen to the Bible you reveal your truth and expose the enemy’s lies. Thank you that your truth is setting me

free! Amen.

Daily Bible Reading and Question:

Of what benefit and value is the Bible?

Mon. – Matthew 4:1-11; Tues. – 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Wed. – Heb. 4:12; Thurs. – 2 Peter 1:20-21; Fri. – Isaiah 55:10-12

Sep 24, 202319:34
SC#2: Spiritual Check-Up! UP in Worship and Prayer

SC#2: Spiritual Check-Up! UP in Worship and Prayer

Spiritual Check-Up! UP in Worship and Prayer

By Steve Anderson.

Jesus said worship and prayer begins with humility. (Lk. 18:9-14)

Jesus said worship requires child-like trust. (Lk. 18:10-17)

If we do not go UP in worship and prayer, we stay DOWN. (Phil. 4:6-7)

We connect with God in worship and prayer.

Pastor Steve’s worship tips: The radio/online and “Yes”

Daily Spiritual Check-Up UP Prayer:

Jesus, I’m tired of trying to do everything on my own strength. I humbly come to you in child-like trust. Prompt me to pray instead of worry. Prompt me to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Give me thankful eyes to see your goodness in my life. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading and Question:

What does this passage teach me about worship and prayer?

Mon. – Matthew 7:7-13; Tues. – Matthew 11:28-30; Wed. – Philippians 4:6-7; Thurs. – Psalm 100; Fri. – Isaiah 6:1-7

Prayer resources:

YouVersion Bible App – “Today” – “Guided Prayer”; Lectio 365 App

Sep 17, 202320:07
SC#1: Spiritual Check-Up!
Sep 10, 202324:33
We Worship As We Work!
Sep 03, 202320:20
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #13 – Final Words…
Aug 27, 202321:34
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #12 – Living in a Community of Christ!
Aug 20, 202323:32
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #11 – We Clothe Ourselves with Jesus Christ!
Aug 13, 202316:19
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #10 – We Are Living Sacrifices!
Aug 06, 202335:37
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #9 – God is Merciful!
Jul 30, 202323:05
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #8 – God is in Charge!
Jul 23, 202323:38
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #7 - What it Means to Live in the Spirit!
Jul 16, 202321:49
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #6 – From Law Bound to Spirit Led!
Jul 09, 202316:48
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #5 – Free from the power of sin!
Jul 02, 202317:39
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans: #4 – Faith in Jesus Brings Joy!
Jun 25, 202324:29
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans #3 – Jesus Saves!
Jun 18, 202322:11
Jesus Christ the Cornerstone – Romans #2 – Sin Backfires!
Jun 11, 202312:19