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Created Naked

Created Naked

By R. M. Olson

Created naked but humanity has moved away from The Father’s original design and covered ourselves with shame. Naturism/Nudism is the middle way.
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Affects Mood

Created NakedMay 05, 2024

Incarceration to Normality

Incarceration to Normality

“Simple nudity was incarcerated by allowing a suspicion of skin to become an assumption of sin.” —David L. Hatton

“By baring it all, it makes it easier to see not just a body, but the individual. -Sylva Sternkopf

“ It was nudism that taught me to accept the normality of the human body in any form. Everyone is different, and that’s normal. People don’t exist to please other people’s eyes. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel something when you see another person. Whether it is appropriate to show them is a question of ethics. At the exact moment when you stop noticing that people are naked, you come to the idea that in some basic sense all people are the same, equal, regardless of age, constitution, or occupation.” — Naked Mike Writes, How I went to my first nudist’s beach and started loving my body
Jun 05, 202401:15
Less Self-Judgement
Jun 02, 202401:15
Return to What Was Lost
May 29, 202401:05
Celebrate with Us

Celebrate with Us

This week we celebrated the one year anniversary of the Created Naked Podcast. This is our 121st transmission to the wide world. Our hope is to continue to educate a population that needs to hear that their bodies are not inherently sinful, ugly and or less than. You, sweet listener were created as a masterpiece of the Great Artist, our Father. Celebrate our uniqueness and our similarities! Your body tells the story of your life, every hair, stretch mark, scar, and wrinkle! Strip down, dance in the warmth of the sun, feel the cleansing of the rain, the caress of the wind and the chill of the snow on that amazing skin in which you are clothed! Throw away society’s false modesty! Rejoice that the Father created you naked and said it was very good! —Randy O.
May 26, 202401:06
It Is Good

It Is Good

“The human body is the crown of God‘s creation, consummated by his declaration that it was good. That God’s people are unable to view the body without sinning is not an indictment of the body itself, but of the immaturity of the postmodern evangelical mind.” —Chad W. Thompson, That Famous Fig Leaf,

“Because the unclad human body is a natural and sacred part of God‘s creation, it is logical and spiritual perversion for religious leaders, and lawmakers to insult the artistry of its holy designer by defining and treating the mere nakedness of its anatomy as something pornographic” —David L. Hatton, Who Said You Were Naked?": Reflections on Body Acceptance
May 22, 202401:05
See Yourself

See Yourself

“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own” -Marcus Aurelius “Naked you are unencumbered with human decorations and coverings that cover God’s human masterpiece. Naked with others, you will be more aware of being as God sees you, someone He has created in His own image who is not unlike everyone else. You will have to be humble before Him and others.” —Paul M. Bowman, Nakedness & the Bible. “Naturism paves the way for seeing yourself and others as God sees, and elevates the concept of Imago Dei to new and greater heights.” -Phillip Oak, Surprised into Freedom ( )
May 19, 202401:09
We Are What We Are

We Are What We Are

“Nakedness can ... provoke or intensify the falling away of more than physical barriers, evoking an holistic vulnerability, a tangible soul honesty, not only in terms of how we relate to those around us ... but also with ourselves.” —Emma Restall Orr “There are six positive spiritual aspects of nudity.  Vulnerability, Openness, Intimacy, Genuineness, Wholeness, and Equality. Much of the spiritual qualities that nudity possesses are incomplete without others to experience them with you. We dress in work clothes to define our work.  We dress in athletic clothes to go work out.  We dress in casual clothes to relax.  We dress in sexy clothes to be romantic and make love.  We dress in formal clothes to impress people with who we are.  In a very real way clothing is used to compartmentalize our life.  When you are naked all that is gone and the reality of ALL that you truly are is there: body, soul and spirit in one package and there is no compartmentalization at all.  We simply and truly are what we are.” —Dr. Vian Aziz
May 15, 202401:25
Avoid Mystery

Avoid Mystery

“I didn’t grow up with a mother telling me what was under my clothes was bad or evil.” – Charlize Theron

“It is good for children to see each other and their parents naked whenever it so happens naturally. There will be a short period, probably at about three years old, when the child is interested in the differences between his father and his mother, and compares them with the differences between himself and his sister, but this period is soon over, and after this he takes no more interest in nudity than in clothes. So long as parents are unwilling to be seen naked by their children, the children will necessarily have a sense that there is a mystery, and having that sense they will become prurient and indecent. There is only one way to avoid indecency, and that is to avoid mystery.” —Bertrand Russell
May 12, 202401:12


“… but in order for that healthier attitude towards oneself, there has to first be some healing. Self-loathing has to be shut down, and an appreciation for out bodies must occur.” —RB Mears, “Our bodies, apart from their brilliant role as drawing exercises, are the temples of our being. Like the bodies of all fauna, they deserve both our study and our appreciation.” —Robert Genn “There is nothing in all the world more beautiful or significant of the laws of the universe than the nude human body. In fact it is not only among artists but among all people that a greater appreciation and respect for the human body should develop. When we respect the nude we will no longer have any shame about it.” — Robert Henri, The Art Spirit
May 08, 202401:17
Affects Mood
May 05, 202401:11
Losses and Gains

Losses and Gains

“It’s well known that criticising and judging your body has significant detrimental impacts on mental health and wellbeing.” —Sofie Louise, The benefits of embracing a 'clothing optional' house,

“For girls especially, there is so much pressure in our society to be a perfect size. As a result, there is a whole generation of people killing themselves to meet a standard that is impossible. Part of living a naturist lifestyle is accepting your body and regaining a normal body image.” —Nicky Hoffman

“What I gained by becoming a nudist: Freedom,confidence,acceptance,calmness,self-esteem, friendships, insight, body positivity, understanding, happiness, fearlessness, relaxation, trust, empathy, enjoyment, family. What I lost by becoming a nudist: The weight of other peoples opinions.” —Rick Dorociak

May 01, 202401:20


“Nudists really exist! Those crazy bastards are really for real. You see what it meant? It was the other world discovered. It was like coming home. It was the bright permanent antidote to the grey world-view of Smalltown Appalachia. It was freedom. My spirit soared, because I knew, in a flash of confirmation, that my earlier intuitions had been sound, I had found my people. And I have never left them since, nor ever will. From Bare in Mind, June 1974

“There’s something joyous about [naturism] and I urge everyone to try it ... If you can’t get your kicks in that incredibly innocent, joyful way, then the world is not a good place.” —Kate Humble
Apr 28, 202401:05
Learn, Transform, Understand
Apr 24, 202401:12
Slander and Offense

Slander and Offense

“But treating the body as “decent” only when dressed, and “obscene “ when naked , slanders the moral purity of the Maker’s handiwork.”— David L. Hatton, Who Said You were Naked? Reflections ofon Body Acceptance “

“Sure, some people might believe they are offended by nude bathers, but, if you never encounter anything that offends you in your community, you are not living in a free society.” – Corky Stanton – Founder ClothesFree International.

The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them “Prudist Camps”. They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive “I’m offended” behaviour whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us.” – Anonymous
Apr 21, 202401:14
Celebrate Connection

Celebrate Connection

“Naturism is clearly very different from the nudity portrayed in magazines, newspapers, video and television. It is not for titillation. Mass nudity is far from erotic. Uncovered genitalia do not lead to an inability to control sexual urges. Nor does clothing prevent rape or assault, or hinder amorous advances.”—Karen Gorham & Dave Leal “Social nudism/naturism is a transformational and healthy way to live. It involves accepting one’s own and others’ bodies, embracing nature without the influence of clothing, and celebrating one’s connection with the environment in a remarkable and unique way.” —William J. Schroer,
Apr 17, 202401:03
Road Blocks

Road Blocks

“Hollywood blockbusters suggest nudity can only exist to invoke a sense of sexuality or for shock value, and given how affected we are by the media we consume, these sensationalizing portrayals could be affecting your personal relationship with nudity. —Kavya Racheeti,

“Mental aversion to nude bodies effectively blinds us from envisioning our original corporate nudity as God’s way of carving out a living “image” of His Triune relational openness. Fearfully preconceived ideas prevent us from even entertaining such a possibility.” David L. Hatton, “Who Said You Were Naked?”
Apr 14, 202401:04
One Thing
Apr 10, 202401:07
Social Projection

Social Projection

“Nudism is such a worthy cause. We must bring the message to the people. We must teach them to unmask their poor suffocating bodies and let them breathe again. Clothes are the enemy.” —Billy Wilder & George Axelrod “Removal of clothing helps to unmask the protective roles we tend to project socially.’”—Barbara Roberts “I danced. I felt then that my shoes and clothes hindered me ... So I took everything off. And without any eyes watching me, all alone, I danced quite naked by the sea, and it seemed to me as if the sea and all the trees were dancing with me.” —Isadora Duncan
Apr 07, 202401:09
Born or Taught

Born or Taught

“Our genitals are neither vulgar or shameful, but the way we have been taught has made us subconsciously feel uneasy about the entire matter.” —Dennis Craig Smith, Naked Fear

“As a naturist myself I find it astonishing that a religion can worship a particular deity yet regard its most miraculous creation - the human body - as obscene and wicked and so shameful that it should be hidden from view. —Liz Egger

“We believe that everyone is born a nudist. They are taught to be textiles using methods like shame and sexualization…” —@KimandJim1 on
Apr 03, 202401:08
True Humans

True Humans

“Seeing other naked bodies, though, did not make me feel disrespectful. It was wondrous. The shared ease made being human more palatable. And I soon realized there is nothing exhibitionist about being naked.” —Jeannette Cooperman

“I realized that skinny dipping normalized naked bodies as something natural and universal. Bodies are much less threatening when they have been liberated. Liberation from our clothes lets us see one another as true human beings.” ~ Ella Kopelman

“I am in absolute awe of the naturist community. Oh to be that liberated and comfortable in your own skin that you can go rock climbing or hot air ballooning without a stitch of clothing on. You magnificent humans.” Simone Mitchell,
Mar 31, 202401:16
Biblical Body Acceptance

Biblical Body Acceptance

“Scripture, tradition, reason, experience: all point to the value of body acceptance, not to the virtue of body shame. Some argue that church tradition doesn’t corroborate the experience of body acceptance. No, the modern church’s tradition certainly doesn’t. But the early church’s rejection of a Gnostic devaluation of the human body says otherwise. Its outdoor nude baptisms say so even louder! To return to the experiential, rational, Biblical, body-friendly viewpoint of early church would indeed be against the modern church’s taboo of body shame, but in full accord with orthodox Christian theology.” — David L. Hatton, "Who Said You Were Naked?": Reflections on Body Acceptance(page 153)
Mar 27, 202401:01
Experience Solidifies Benefits
Mar 24, 202401:08
Pride &Healing

Pride &Healing

“Of course, there is nothing to stop you thinking immoral thoughts in a naturist environment. But most people think they look much better with their clothes on. That may be the main reason why so many people worry so much about the 'need' to keep wearing clothes - it is not modesty, but pride.” — Bob and Sue Hazelden, “…The role of being nude, especially outside in sunshine, adds a physiological dimension to the act of healing. Learning to be comfortable with one’s outer self, the physical self, goes a long way to enabling one to learn to trust and accept the inner self.” —Dr. Vian Aziz,
Mar 20, 202401:02
Sacred Self
Mar 17, 202401:09
Dispel the Dark Lies

Dispel the Dark Lies

“The forbidden fruit of mere physical sex differences has come to assume an undue importance, and nakedness regarded as an aphrodisiac subject to pornographic exploitation.” -Frances & Mason Merrill “…one of the reasons I think that naturism is such a death blow to pornography bondage... Because it means that since it is not any sort of sin or forbidden experience to see the nude human form, it totally deactivates the adrenaline rush that has always been associated with it.” — Matthew Neal, read more from Matthew at “If only we are as upfront about our nakedness as God originally intended, we will dispel the dark lies of pornography and also come To appreciate our own unique, very real beauty “ —Jim Cunningham
Mar 13, 202401:13


“Man is the sole animal whose nudity offends his own companions, and the only one who, in his natural actions, withdraws and hides himself from his own kind.” – Michel de Montaigne, writer, 1533-1592

“Sure, some people might believe they are offended by nude bathers, but, if you never encounter anything that offends you in your community, you are not living in a free society.” – Corky Stanton – Founder ClothesFree International.

“We have come into the world naked, and all the animals are naked, why should man hide his body behind clothes?” —Osho
Mar 10, 202401:03
Reflect the Image of God
Mar 06, 202401:06
Why Be Given a Body
Mar 03, 202401:15
Bare Bodies: Much More than Objects

Bare Bodies: Much More than Objects

“It’s not a girl’s responsibility how a man looks at her or how he acts…”—Olivia Dunne, Elle,

“Nudity is not and does not have to be inherently sexual. To expose our flesh does not “invite” sexual attention or excuse the behaviour of predators.” —Natasha Devon

“Exposed to different bodies and breasts, my kids are seeing much more than the ones that exist in Hollywood or on social media feeds, and learning that their bare bodies and breasts are so much more than sexual objects.” —Kristina Crandall, Ph.D.
Feb 28, 202401:03
Nudity is Liberty

Nudity is Liberty

“Naturism is liberation from the attitude that you have to have the perfect body. What you’ve got doesn’t matter because naturists see people for their spirit, for what they are.” —Micaela Stanford, quoted in

“Sunbathing nude was a liberating experience. It felt unbelievably crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun. I've not had that much fun in so long." —Amy Grant

“Nudity is liberty. Our bodies thank us for disrobing and allowing air to touch them. . . when we shed our clothes, it feels fantastic! It feels right! . . . it’s magic!” – Izaera
Feb 25, 202401:03
Fashion & The Naturist

Fashion & The Naturist

“Body image is such a big thing in the 21st century. Most people feel there is something about themselves that is not so wonderful but people find when they get into naturism that no one is bothered about it. It’s the media and fashion industries that makes you feel you should hide yourself in a room if you don’t have the perfect body, which doesn’t exist anyway.” —Andrew Welch, quoted in "It is nonetheless something of an irony that those who vehemently reject clothes tend to think more deeply about dress than most, at least in relation to its shortcomings. In so doing— especially in the earliest days of the movement — nudist practitioners have produced detailed, distinctive, and sometimes sophisticated understandings of fashion and its discontent, which have largely been overlooked as a site of dress theory." — Dr. Annebella Pollen,
Feb 21, 202401:06
A Way of Living

A Way of Living

“The whole point is it is freedom - the freedom of deciding if you want to wear clothing or not because you don't care about being seen naked.."There is a difference between wanting to be seen naked and not caring. It is an irrelevance whether I am nude or not. Naturism isn't something you do, it is not a hobby - it is a way of living." —Simon Berriman (@sberriman on, “Naturism helps me break through my insecurities, and at last I can be myself, and be completely happy and comfortable, with no need for the fake smiles. It feels like being a kid again, with no regrets of the past or thoughts of the future. I got rid of body shame, which I had since childhood because of the society and religion. I share my posts in the hope that many other women can get rid of their body shaming and insecurities too.” —Dr. Vian Aziz @VIANAZIZFRCOGUK on #bodypositivity #naturism #creatednaked #wonerfullymade #normalizingnaturism #nonsexualnudity #bodyfreedom
Feb 18, 202401:02
People are Just People

People are Just People

What I am getting at is that we build it all up in our minds that it's going to be crazy and weird to see penises and butts and breasts everywhere - that we're going to have some sort of sexual response, or be grossed out, or not know where to look, or be embarrassed. And I will admit that my first time, there were a few points when I asked myself what the heck I was doing - more when I looked down at myself than when I looked at other people. But all I had to do was quickly remind myself of everything I had read and become convicted of, and the fact that no one was being rude or sexual - very respectful, in fact - and those feelings dissipated. And once I got beyond that, it was just so apparent that it wasn't a big deal at all, and there was absolutely nothing to object to. People are just people, and that's it.” —Name Withheld, Female
Feb 14, 202401:10
Different and Worthy of Being Naked
Feb 11, 202401:30
Upon Seeing a Naked Person

Upon Seeing a Naked Person

"One thing that convinced me that naturism is good was asking myself which is healthier: to be afraid, bashful, ashamed, or embarrassed to look at another person's body, perhaps commenting that "nobody wants to see that" or objectifying it? Or to be able to look at a person as he or she really is without any fear, shame, judgment, embarrassment, or objectification, and just accept the person calmly without batting an eye? What would (and did) Jesus do upon seeing a naked person? Would He have turned away until he or she had put on some clothes, or would He have looked at the person in love, compassion, and acceptance? Which is the godlier response to nudity? Why is it considered godlier to be horrified of each other's bodies and to turn away as if one has just witnessed something monstrous and grotesque? —Young Female Naturist, Name Withheld
Feb 07, 202401:06
The Penis in it’s Proper Place

The Penis in it’s Proper Place

“Most people in current society only see a real live penis in a sexual setting and therefore only see it as a sexual object. There is no mental separation between the flaccid penis and the phallus their only experience with the penis is the phallus. The earlier cultures had the experience of seeing a penis as part of the normal events of living and could realize there is more to a penis than just being a phallus. Sometimes a penis is just a penis, nothing more than like a finger is just a finger, the penis has no greater meaning than any other part of the body. Normalizing nudity puts the penis in its proper place, it is just part of the whole human body. The penis doesn’t deserve the attention it gets from current society, which has morphed our view of the person’s masculinity into a visible object, rather than an assessment of the person’s character.” —Ted Hillberg
Feb 04, 202401:10
Naked: Harmless or Positive

Naked: Harmless or Positive

“What we learned was that the viewing of the unclothed human body, is far from being destructive to the psyche, seems to be either benign and totally harmless or to actually provide positive benefits to the individual involved.” —Dennis Craig Smith and Dr. William Sparks, Growing Up Without Shame “While this [children’s experience of social nudity] can be a highly emotional, even controversial issue, it seems prudent to gather and be guided by empirical evidence, rather than mere emotion, and to avoid unhelpful or inaccurate stigmatization. The empirical evidence to date, including this current research, has failed to find negative effects or associations between naturism and outcomes for children. Following that evidence, calls to ban children from naturist events seems premature and unhelpful,” —Keon West, “Think of the Children!: Relationships between Nudity-Related Experiences in Childhood, Body Image, Self-Esteem and Adjustments,” Children & Society 37.4(July 2023): 1187-1202.
Jan 31, 202401:14
Normal Human
Jan 28, 202401:08
Deep Reverence

Deep Reverence

“It is no small thing to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. —Marty Rubin

“In terms of deep reverence, being naked allows us to feel more acutely the relationship with the breeze, the wind, the skies, the light and the dark … the fullness of the natural world, and so encourages a richer, more genuinely felt interaction.” — Emma Restall Orr

“Nudity is liberty. Our bodies thank us for disrobing and allowing air to touch them. . . when we shed our clothes, it feels fantastic! It feels right! . . . it’s magic!” – Izaera
Jan 24, 202401:09
Nothing Better

Nothing Better

“There's nothing better than strolling down the beach the way God made you." —Bruce Willis

“[When] one is nude, your senses are heightened ... You become open to the universe, not only physically, but emotionally, unprotected, unmasked. It may be symbolic of allowing the Divine and the World to see you as you really are.” —Alkemie Jane

“Demystifying or desexualising doesn’t happen by hiding things away, it happens by bringing things into the light. We are called to be free, not to cling to the falsehoods that tie us to this twisted world.” — Martin Cliffe.
Jan 21, 202401:05
Seize Your Freedom

Seize Your Freedom

“The freedom that comes from exposing yourself, you’ll find you end up connecting soul to soul and not body to body, because that stripping bare brings you down to who you are inside” — Dee, minute 17:36-17:43,

“Don’t let those who have body negative values define what is and what is not acceptable. Seize your freedom and restore your dignity!” – defunct website BodyFreedom.***

“Sometimes I like to run naked in the moonlight and the wind, on a little trail behind our house, when the honeysuckle blooms. It’s a feeling of freedom, so close to God and nature.” —Dolly Parton
Jan 17, 202401:02
Nakedness: Exhilarating, Deeper, Freer

Nakedness: Exhilarating, Deeper, Freer

“When I free my body from its clothes, from all their buttons, belts, and laces, it seems to me that my soul takes a deeper, freer breath.” – August Strindberg, playwright, 1849-1912

“Sweet, sane, still Nakedness in Nature! –ah if poor, sick, prurient humanity in cities might really know you once more! Is not nakedness then indecent? No, not inherently. It is your thought, your sophistication, your fear, your respectability that is indecent. There come moods when these clothes of ours are not only too irksome to wear, but are themselves indecent. Perhaps indeed he or she to whom the free exhilarating ecstasy of nakedness in Nature has never been eligible (and how many thousands there are!) has not really known what purity is–nor what faith or art or health really is.” —Walt Whitman, Specimen Days

Jan 14, 202401:18


“When you’re nude, it doesn’t matter where you come from and it doesn’t matter what job you have or how much money you make,” she says. “The act of just stripping off and scrubbing – it’s like a universal relaxation.” — Mocca Masuoka.

“If you feel shameful of your body or don’t think you measure up, this is exactly what you need. You know, it’s, it’s this natural medicine. And, to be perfectly honest I see naturism as a radical act of self acceptance.” —Dee, minutes 11:13-19:03:

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” —Brené Brown
Jan 10, 202401:08


“I believe people are conditioned to the textile world- again clothes. The problem is social media is teaching us to be sexy. Right? I mean duck lips, and women are plumping up their breasts, and jeans with fake tushies in them. And you know just altering our bodies to what we are supposed to believe that is beautiful. We all have funny bodies. We all have lumps and bumps, stretch marks and beautiful parts of us, but we’re covered up. So, naturism is scary because it’s breaking down all of that stuff, you can’t hide anything in naturism.” —Michelle, minutes 14:40-15:15, “Discovering naturism has given me the freedom to be myself, free from judgement & expectation, teaching me to love & embrace my body. Society gives us an unrealistic idea of what a beautiful body is. Naturism breaks us free of that. Everyone’s body is unique & beautiful!”—author unknown
Jan 07, 202401:18
Jan 03, 202401:14
Our Clothes, An Advertisement

Our Clothes, An Advertisement

“Our clothes … are on us to expose us -- to advertise what we wear them to conceal. They are a sign; a sign of insincerity; a sign of suppressed vanity; a pretense that we desire gorgeous colors and the graces of harmony and form; and we put them on to propagate that lie and back it up.” — Mark Twain, Following the Equator

“Nudity is not and does not have to be inherently sexual. To expose our flesh does not “invite” sexual attention or excuse the behaviour of predators.” —Natasha Devon

“Now, I’m not delusional. I’m aware that we’ve sexualized the human body to such an extent that it’s hard for many to see it in another light. But nudity and sex aren’t always linked, in fact, in most cases they aren’t. And it’s really nice to be around people who understand that.” —Spencer Jones
Dec 31, 202301:34


“Right from the beginning, clothing was man’s feeble attempt at self righteousness. It still is.”—BertlessOne,

“[T]o undress is to expose our story. When someone has the courage to stand truly naked before us, the courage to share that story, something deep within us has the potential to be unveiled too.” —Maria Ede-Weaving (quoted by Philip Carr-Gomm)

“Naturism allows people to make peace with their bodies as-is, without all the unrealistic ideals and judgments our society otherwise places on them. As we expose our bare selves, we expose the flaws in how we’ve been taught to see nudity as well. We begin to shed the irrational shame that has weighed on us for so long.” —Marc,
Dec 27, 202301:16
The Rule Removed

The Rule Removed

“Clothing has been put on us from the day we were born, and we were trained to wear it at a pre-rational, purely emotional stage in life. It was never questioned; we never ask *whether* we are going to wear clothes, but only what clothes we are going to wear. This lesson was instilled in us with dogmatic vehemence by our parents, who reacted with horror and embarrassment if we didn't follow the rules, further impressing on us the seriousness of the rule.” —Name Withheld

“Nudity’s normalisation challenges objectification and promotes equality by removing status markers like clothing. Moreover, it cultivates a more authentic, non-judgmental social environment, emphasising people over appearances. While cultural sensitivities vary, embracing nudity can contribute to a society that values individuality, self-expression, and interconnectedness, celebrating the natural human form as a unifying symbol.” ——COLM, Chipping away at the norm, cloth by cloth. - Irish Naturist Association
Dec 22, 202301:24
What Would Happen?

What Would Happen?

“What would happen if we accepted our bodies the same way we accepted everything else? What would happen if we stopped covering up and started stripping down? What would happen if we all just let our bodies hang out in the open and didn’t hide them in dark worlds of porn, indecency and fetishes?” —Lauren Martin,

“When approached with maturity and respect, nudity can offer society profound benefits. It promotes body positivity and self-acceptance, breaking down unrealistic beauty standards. Open nudity encourages honest conversations about bodies, health, and diversity, fostering a culture of empathy. It demystifies human anatomy, enhancing sexual education and reducing shame. —COLM, Chipping away at the norm, cloth by cloth. - Irish Naturist Association
Dec 20, 202301:05
Grounds of Health
Dec 17, 202301:07