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Creative Odyssey

Creative Odyssey

By Emil Drud

“Creative Odyssey” is your journey into the realms of Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Personal Growth. Navigating from topics from design and design thinking to personal branding. Sharing all kinds of valuable learning experiences. Aimed to help you explore, connect and create in new ways. 🔭🗯️

More about me and of my content can be found at
Currently playing episode

EP16 - "Befriending Inner Monsters, Cultivating Trust, How to Communicate Clearly, Belonging vs. Fitting In and Cohort-Based Learning" with Rick Kitagawa

Creative OdysseyMay 02, 2024

EP18 - "Somatic Coaching, Authentic Coaching vs. Fake-Gurus, Empowerment & Collaboration Pt.1" with Mike Simon

EP18 - "Somatic Coaching, Authentic Coaching vs. Fake-Gurus, Empowerment & Collaboration Pt.1" with Mike Simon

In this conversation, Emil Drud interviews Mike Simon, a somatic coach, about the practice of somatic coaching and its impact on personal development. Somatic coaching focuses on the mind-body connection and helps individuals become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and sensations on a somatic level. It is a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional coaching by incorporating the body and emotions. Mike shares his journey from being a professional dancer to becoming a somatic coach and how his background in dance informs his current work. He also discusses the importance of empowerment in coaching and the dangers of false guru coaches.

"I support individuals to become more aware of not only how they think, but also how they feel on a somatic, body, energetic, cellular level."

May 30, 202441:41
EP17 - "Transformative Coaching, Guidance, Authentic Selling, The Intersection of Art and Business, Consciousness in Being and Expression, Polymath Pathways" with Nik Huno

EP17 - "Transformative Coaching, Guidance, Authentic Selling, The Intersection of Art and Business, Consciousness in Being and Expression, Polymath Pathways" with Nik Huno

In this conversation, the multi-passionate creative Nik Huno discusses his role as a guide and the difference between guidance and coaching. He emphasizes the importance of intuition and presence in his work. Nik also shares his journey of moving away from manipulative sales tactics and embracing authentic selling. He highlights the significance of trust in building relationships with clients. Additionally, he talks about the connection between entrepreneurship and creativity, and how embracing his creativity has influenced his entrepreneurial journey. The conversation explores the topics of creativity, consciousness, and the intersection of art and business. The speakers discuss the importance of aligning with one's internal creative spirit and the balance between creativity and productivity. They also touch on the interconnectedness of different fields and the benefits of being a polymath. The conversation emphasizes the power of intuition and following one's curiosity in the creative process.

00:00 Introduction and Background

06:30 Building Trust

37:38 The Balance Between Creativity and Productivity

49:27 The Power of Being a Polymath

57:52 The Intersection of Art and Business


X/Twitter: @NikHuno

LinkedIn: Nik Huno

May 16, 202459:00
EP16 - "Befriending Inner Monsters, Cultivating Trust, How to Communicate Clearly, Belonging vs. Fitting In and Cohort-Based Learning" with Rick Kitagawa

EP16 - "Befriending Inner Monsters, Cultivating Trust, How to Communicate Clearly, Belonging vs. Fitting In and Cohort-Based Learning" with Rick Kitagawa

Welcome to a compelling episode of "Creative Odyssey" with our thoughtful guests, bringing insights from the depths of self-awareness and the heights of collective experience. In today's exploration, we unravel the complexities of inner trust, clear communication, the essence of belonging, and the transformative power of learning together.

**Befriending Your Inner Monster: The Path to Self-Trust**
Embarking on a journey within, we discuss the pivotal role of self-trust. Unveiling the 'inner monsters' that reside in all of us, we delve into how confronting and embracing these aspects can lead to a profound foundation of trust in oneself.

**Transitioning to Clear Communication: Building Trust and Avoiding Misunderstandings**
We pivot to the cornerstone of all relationships: communication. Our discussion focuses on the nuances of conveying thoughts and feelings clearly, fostering understanding, and the indispensable role of active listening in avoiding misunderstandings.

**Belonging vs. Fitting In**
Navigating the nuanced differences between belonging and fitting in, this segment illuminates the importance of finding spaces where we are accepted for who we are, rather than adapting ourselves to fit the expectations of others.

**The Power of Cohort-Based Learning**
Highlighting the unparalleled value of learning in a community, we explore how cohort-based learning environments create a sense of belonging, amplify learning experiences, and foster mutual trust among peers.

In this episode, we've journeyed through the intricate landscapes of trusting oneself, mastering the art of communication, understanding the depth of belonging, and the collective power of learning. These discussions not only shed light on personal growth but also underscore the importance of creating spaces where individuals can thrive together.

Connect with our guests and dive deeper into their insights and stories:

Thank you for joining us on this voyage of discovery and connection. Stay curious, and keep forging paths of trust and belonging, both within yourself and in the world around you.
May 02, 202401:02:32
EP15 - "Exploring Paths from Academia to Marketplace: Writing, Self-Awareness, Philosophy, Iteration, and the Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Thinking" with Mahmoud Rasmi (@decafquest)

EP15 - "Exploring Paths from Academia to Marketplace: Writing, Self-Awareness, Philosophy, Iteration, and the Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Thinking" with Mahmoud Rasmi (@decafquest)

Welcome to an exciting episode of Creative Odyssey with our special guest, Mahmoud Rasmi, also known as @decafquest. Today, we'll move from academic life to the exciting world of business, diving into creativity, the importance of making and improving, and how philosophy influences business ideas.

Transitioning from Academia to the Marketplace

Unpacking Mahmoud's journey from a structured academic environment to the dynamic marketplace.
Key insights on adapting to new roles and environments.

Finding Passion in Writing and Publishing

The discovery of writing as a passion and the journey to publishing.
Mahmoud's approach to storytelling and sharing knowledge.

The Importance of Shipping and Iterating

Emphasizing the 'done is better than perfect' philosophy.
Strategies for continuous improvement and feedback incorporation.

Widening Perspectives and Developing New Skills

The significance of lifelong learning and skill acquisition.
Mahmoud's tips for expanding one’s skill set and perspective.

Simplifying Ideas in Philosophy and Entrepreneurship

Breaking down complex concepts into accessible insights.
The art of making philosophy and entrepreneurship relatable.

Bridging the Gap between Theory and Customer Perception

Strategies for aligning theoretical knowledge and self-perception with market needs.
Understanding and empathizing with the customer's perspective.

Working with People and Developing Ideas

The dynamics of collaboration and idea development.
Building effective teams and fostering innovation.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Reflecting on the journey of self-discovery and mindfulness.
Mahmoud’s advice on cultivating self-awareness in creative endeavors.

In this episode with Mahmoud Rasmi, we've navigated through the intricacies of transitioning careers, the power of passion in creative pursuits, and the imperative of simplicity in conveying profound ideas. Mahmoud's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness, continuous learning, and the courage to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Join us on this Creative Odyssey as we continue to explore the landscapes of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, and philosophical exploration. Thank you for tuning in.

Connect with Mahmoud
His newsletter:

Connect with Emil

Apr 18, 202401:03:34
Creative Odyssey EP14 - "Value of Time and Time Management"

Creative Odyssey EP14 - "Value of Time and Time Management"

In this brief episode I emphasize the value of time and how we can use our time effectively.

Apr 05, 202405:45
Creative Odyssey - EP13 "Writing: A Creative Landscape"

Creative Odyssey - EP13 "Writing: A Creative Landscape"

In today's special episode, I'm happy to share some thoughts from my latest essay, 'A Creative Landscape.' Here, I dive into the idea that creativity is all about seeing things in two ways at the same time, like looking at both sides of a coin. It's fascinating how those who make art, invent new things, or come up with fresh ideas are the ones who really push us all forward, making our world a more interesting place.

But that's not all – I'm also giving you a little preview of what I'm working on next. I've got another writing project in the pipeline, and I can't wait to share more about it with you soon. So, stay with me as we explore the power of creativity, how it changes our perspective, and why it's so crucial for innovation and progress. It's going to be an insightful journey through the landscape of creativity, highlighting not just the impact of creative minds but also what we can look forward to in the realm of new ideas and projects.
Mar 29, 202406:34
Creative Odyssey - EP12 "Idea to Output"

Creative Odyssey - EP12 "Idea to Output"

In this episode, we delve into a topic that's often overshadowed by the usual discourse on creative blocks: the journey from ideation to realization. It's not just about having ideas; it's about the crucial step many of us miss - bringing those ideas into the public eye. I discuss the common pitfalls that prevent projects from seeing the light of day, offering practical advice and strategies to overcome these barriers. Join me as we explore the path to not only generating great ideas but also the fulfilling process of sharing them with the world, making this discussion a must-listen for anyone looking to break the cycle of unfinished projects.

Mar 19, 202406:51
Creative Odyssey - EP11 "How to Avoid Surface-Level Content"

Creative Odyssey - EP11 "How to Avoid Surface-Level Content"

In this episode, "How to Avoid Surface-Level Content," we'll share seven simple tips to make your content and products more interesting and meaningful. By doing this, you'll attract a more dedicated community and audience.

Mar 14, 202409:30
Creative Odyssey - EP10 "Leverage for Creativity"

Creative Odyssey - EP10 "Leverage for Creativity"

In this episode, we delve into the essentials of fostering creativity in today's world, touching on the role of AI, philosophy, and the power of small choices. Learn practical ways to amplify your creative capabilities and bring innovative ideas to life.

Mar 07, 202413:19
Creative Odyssey - EP09 "Effective Writing"

Creative Odyssey - EP09 "Effective Writing"

Discover the power of writing as a tool for knowledge in this episode. I'll share top resources and tips that have improved my writing. Tune in to learn how to better connect the dots through writing.

Mar 01, 202411:18
Creative Odyssey - EP08 "Joy and Success from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant"

Creative Odyssey - EP08 "Joy and Success from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant"

How can one achieve both success and happiness? In this episode, I delve into my key insights on the intertwining of joy and success as explored in Eric Jorgenson's "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant". Naval Ravikant, a renowned entrepreneur and philosopher, offers profound wisdom on leveraging wealth, wisdom, and happiness to create a fulfilling life. I'll share how Ravikant's principles can be applied in daily life, emphasizing the importance of a growth mindset, the power of compound interest in personal development, and the art of making better decisions. Join me as we unpack the strategies that can lead not only to financial success but also to a deeply satisfying existence, inspired by the timeless lessons distilled in "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant".

Feb 20, 202411:19
Creative Odyssey - EP07 "Creative Mental Models"

Creative Odyssey - EP07 "Creative Mental Models"

Why do some people seem to effortlessly solve complex problems while others struggle? Episode 07, "Creative Mental Models," dives into the fascinating world of mental models, highlighting their utility in fostering clearer thinking and spawning creative solutions. Drawing insights from "Poor Charlie's Almanack" and the "Great Mental Models" series by Farnam Street, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to enhance their decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Feb 16, 202411:12
Creative Odyssey - EP06 "The DNA of Ideas"

Creative Odyssey - EP06 "The DNA of Ideas"

In this engaging episode, we journey into the fascinating world of ideas—their connections, origins, and the intricate pathways they travel through the landscapes of our minds. Ideas are the seeds of innovation, but where do they come from, and how do they connect to form the breakthroughs that shape our world? We'll explore the hidden networks that ideas travel, the unexpected places they originate from, and how the synthesis of diverse thoughts can lead to novel solutions. This exploration isn't just academic; it's a practical guide to understanding how you can cultivate a mindset that's receptive to new ideas, how to connect seemingly disparate concepts to generate innovation, and how to create an environment where ideas can flourish and evolve. Whether you're a creative professional, entrepreneur, or simply someone curious about the cognitive processes behind idea generation, this episode will provide you with insights and strategies to enhance your creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and ultimately, your ability to generate and connect ideas in a way that's transformative. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of ideas and their power to change the world.

Feb 13, 202411:18
Creative Odyssey - EP05 "5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity"

Creative Odyssey - EP05 "5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity"

In this concise yet insightful episode, we delve into the art and science of enhancing your creativity. Unleashing your creative potential isn't just about waiting for inspiration to strike; it's about cultivating an environment and mindset that fosters innovation and originality. Whether you're an artist, entrepreneur, or anyone looking to infuse more creativity into their daily life, this episode offers five practical strategies that can help you break through creative blocks, stimulate your imagination, and elevate your projects to new heights. From embracing constraints to the power of collaboration, we explore how these techniques not only boost your creativity but also enhance your problem-solving skills and adaptability. Join us as we unlock the secrets to becoming more creative, productive, and inspired in your personal and professional endeavors.

Feb 09, 202405:34
Creative Odyssey - EP04 "Information Overload and Creativity"

Creative Odyssey - EP04 "Information Overload and Creativity"

How can we be creative when our minds are overloaded with information? How can we access creativity and focus? Why is boredom important?

In this episode, I talk and share a bit of perspective on these questions about information overload and creativity.

Feb 02, 202408:15
Creative Odyssey - EP03 "Capturing Ideas"

Creative Odyssey - EP03 "Capturing Ideas"

In this episode I talk a about the way I usually capture Ideas in a way that can be applied by almost everyone.

Jan 30, 202408:15
Creative Odyssey - EP02 "Perfectionism and Improvement"

Creative Odyssey - EP02 "Perfectionism and Improvement"

In this episode I talk about perfectionism and improvement, the struggles that come with it, when you try your best and thoughts on how to overcome perfectionism, while still trying to perform your best.

Jan 25, 202409:02
Creative Odyssey - EP01 "A Bit About Emil"

Creative Odyssey - EP01 "A Bit About Emil"

In this episode, I'll talk a little bit about myself.

I'm Emil and I bring you "Creative Odyssey," a podcast about making it in the world of business and design. If you're someone who's starting a business, loves to create new things, or just wants to get better every day, this is for you.We talk about what it takes to build a successful business, how to make products that people love, and ways to think outside the box. Plus, we discuss how to keep improving yourself, because being great at what you do also means being a great person.Join me on "Creative Odyssey" to pick up tips, hear from people who've done it, and get inspired for your own journey.

Jan 09, 202409:58
Creative Odyssey - The Introduction (Trailer)

Creative Odyssey - The Introduction (Trailer)

I'm Emil and I bring you "Creative Odyssey," a podcast about making it in the world of business and design. If you're someone who's starting a business, loves to create new things, or just wants to get better every day, this is for you.
We talk about what it takes to build a successful business, how to make products that people love, and ways to think outside the box. Plus, we discuss how to keep improving yourself, because being great at what you do also means being a great person.
Join me on "Creative Odyssey" to pick up tips, hear from people who've done it, and get inspired for your own journey.

Jan 08, 202401:46