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The Visibility Queen Show

The Visibility Queen Show

By Crissy Conner

Imagine creating deeper relationships with your visibility and content.
Imagine being more authentic online.
Imagine up-leveling every part of your business, including marketing, for massive growth to create the dream life you’ve designed.

It’s time to elevate!

Find out more at
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Monday Motivation Minute: Intentions [206]

The Visibility Queen ShowOct 24, 2022

Consistent Beats Everything! [220]

Consistent Beats Everything! [220]

If you ever want to know what's helped lead to my success.

Consistent inspired actions.

I feel it and I move.

But I also move when I don't feel 'like' it.

Nov 11, 202204:06
How I Make Moves Being More Decisive vs. Indecisive [219]

How I Make Moves Being More Decisive vs. Indecisive [219]

I used to be so indecisive. It took me forever to make a decision.

I questioned everything until this started happening. follow me at

Nov 10, 202207:01
This Weird, Different, Crazy Entrepreneur Life... [218]

This Weird, Different, Crazy Entrepreneur Life... [218]

This weird, different, crazy entrepreneur life...

I think Dave Ramsey says live today like no one else and live tomorrow like no one else...the same is true with entrrpreneurship.

Message me here

Nov 09, 202210:12
Move over NOvember, it's time for MOVEmber [217]

Move over NOvember, it's time for MOVEmber [217]

Why I changed the name of November to MOVEmber?

I see most people go into hibernation this time of year.

It's time to make big moves instead!

Nov 08, 202205:08
Monday Marketing Minute: Upping Your Content Game [216]

Monday Marketing Minute: Upping Your Content Game [216]

What if our social media content was at the bottom of our value ladder as a lead generation tool?

What if our social media content was BETTER than some people's paid content?

I'm issuing and challenge and I'm taking it!  Watch for mini lead magnets and mini masterclasses popping up all over my feeds!

Let's do this

Nov 07, 202204:10
The #1 Thing Lacking for Most Entrepreneurs [215]

The #1 Thing Lacking for Most Entrepreneurs [215]

The #1 Thing Lacking for Most Entrepreneurs is actually 2 things but I'm only covering 1 here.

Where can you use more support with this?

How can I help?

Message me at

Nov 04, 202208:23
My Content Creation Framework That Converts [214]

My Content Creation Framework That Converts [214]

I've never shared this publicly before, but I created a content framework that I teach and works on every platform.

Welcome to the content framework that converts to sales.

This is an easy to follow and fool proof (aka you cannot mess it up) way to create your content.

Learn this and more deeper inside of OMNI VIP year long program

Nov 03, 202207:58
Use This Hack to Create Content for Your Next Offer [213]

Use This Hack to Create Content for Your Next Offer [213]

Use This Hack to Create Content for Your Next Offer

So many people create offers but don't deep dive into the person it's for.

We don't talk about why we created the offer.

We forget the feeling that drove us to want to serve people.

And then we forget to use all the above in our content.

Enjoy this hack to create content for your next offer you are selling.

Nov 02, 202208:48
Are You Leaving Money on the Table? It's time for a Cash Injection. [212]

Are You Leaving Money on the Table? It's time for a Cash Injection. [212]

Are You Leaving Money on the Table? It's time for a Cash Injection.

You've heard it all, evergreen, passive, e-learning, courses, upsells, downsells, order bumps, OTO's, trip wires and more.

But how do they help you increase your revenue?

I've got you in this episode.

Finish 2022 strong with this free master class here.

Nov 01, 202207:60
Do It Scared!!! [211]

Do It Scared!!! [211]

Today isn't a short Monday episode, but I felt like it was important to share.

What's keeping you playing small? What's holding you back from reaching your goals?

Where do you want to be at year-end?  Let's freaking go and play bigger while doing it scared.

Oct 31, 202218:23
The Holiday Noise is Coming...Are You Prepared? [210]

The Holiday Noise is Coming...Are You Prepared? [210]

The Holiday Noise is Coming...Are You Prepared? 

Competition, competitors are all going to be taking up more space on the newsfeeds in the coming weeks. Is your sales, social media and marketing strategy prepared for it?

Are you wanting to end the year strong with all the sales?  Let's do this!

Join The Black Friday Accelerator Here

Oct 28, 202205:50
Setting Your Holiday Offer Up For Success [209]

Setting Your Holiday Offer Up For Success [209]

Are you ready to set your holiday offer up for success?  

The best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is today.

Ready for it?

Oct 27, 202203:43
Where is Your Holiday Strategy? [208]

Where is Your Holiday Strategy? [208]

Where is Your Holiday Strategy? Does it include consistency?

Does it include amazing offers? Does it include a "I gotta have this" vibe?

Does it include creating a cash injection for your business for the year end?

Let's make sure it does

Oct 26, 202210:04
Ready for Black Friday and Holiday Sales? [207]

Ready for Black Friday and Holiday Sales? [207]

Did you know these stats about last Black Friday and holiday sales?

Are you ready for the cash injection that the holidays can bring?

Is your offer ready, your content, email sequences and more?

Let's find a way to make this happen.

Oct 25, 202206:38
Monday Motivation Minute: Intentions [206]

Monday Motivation Minute: Intentions [206]

What intentions are you setting this week?  Is everything aligned with your intentions?

Oct 24, 202202:39
It's My Birthday, I'm Sharing What's Changed in the Past Year [205]

It's My Birthday, I'm Sharing What's Changed in the Past Year [205]

It's my birthday!! I want to reflect on the past year and take you back to what's changed and what's different now, especially in my business as a mentor, CEO, strategist and more.

So many changes, all good.

Oct 21, 202221:04
Coaches, Programs and Mentorship Doesn't Work...or Do they? [204]

Coaches, Programs and Mentorship Doesn't Work...or Do they? [204]

Coaches, Programs and Mentorship Doesn't Work...or Do they?

How I take full advantage of every container I become a part of. I maximize every opportunity, implement, do the homework and see the results after I've taken consistent actions.

Oct 20, 202208:24
It's Time to Own Your Bigness! [203]

It's Time to Own Your Bigness! [203]

Step into who the heck you really are!!!  It makes loving, showing up and being in your business more fun!

Even if you don't think what you do is life changing, let's break it down. Marketing may not be life-changing, but if it increases sales, supports increased salary, it is lifechanging to that person. If you bring someone confidence, strategy, growth, can't that all lead back to being life-changing?

Oct 19, 202209:44
Where Do I Start with Pricing? [202]

Where Do I Start with Pricing? [202]

If you are struggling with pricing, here is where I'd start. It's my best advice to get momentum. This will help you make better decisions and grow your business.  Think increased sales, revenue, income, etc to help you get to where you want to go that you are an energetic match for.

Oct 18, 202205:18
Monday Marketing Minute: 4th Quarter Let's Go! [201]

Monday Marketing Minute: 4th Quarter Let's Go! [201]

It's time to go hard or go home! 4th quarter is about putting in the work and seeing results. Let's go!

LFG, it's time!

October Bundle here

Oct 17, 202203:46
20 Strategies, Tactics and Actions to Grow a Big Business [200]

20 Strategies, Tactics and Actions to Grow a Big Business [200]

20 Strategies, Tactics and Actions to Grow a Big Business.

Write these down or voice memo yourself to add these to your to do list.

They are vital for growing a big business. Which will you do and add?

Share with me on Instagram @itscrissyconner

Find out what's happening at

Oct 14, 202222:56
Playing Small and Being So So All in the Name of Becoming Likable [199]

Playing Small and Being So So All in the Name of Becoming Likable [199]

It's time to ignite feelings from your audience and stop playing small. 

It's time to be authentic, trigger and activate people and get them to make moves and feel something with how you show up.

Oct 13, 202210:00
Cold, Warm and Hot Leads...every day! [198]

Cold, Warm and Hot Leads...every day! [198]

Do you experience this every day?  If not, we get to change that...this is how you grow a business you desire.

Leads are important.  Taking someone who just found you to a warm and hot lead is important. The question is, are you keeping that pipeline full are you excited to see what happens when you take consistent actions?

Oct 12, 202210:53
Are you ready to start taking up space? [197]
Oct 11, 202204:01
Monday Minute: Can you Hold the Energy, Movement & Execution When it's Quiet? [196]

Monday Minute: Can you Hold the Energy, Movement & Execution When it's Quiet? [196]

Can you Hold the Energy, Movement & Execution When it's Quiet?

When the conference is over, can you keep going?

When the retreat is over, can you hold that feeling?

When the call is over, can you hold the energy to keep the momentum?

Oct 10, 202204:24
Why I paid someone $14k that I unfriended. [195]

Why I paid someone $14k that I unfriended. [195]

Why I paid someone $14k that I unfriended.

It all came down to content.

It all came down to me being a raving fan.

Ready to attract Raving Fans?

Oct 07, 202212:20
 Service Providers and gets to be easier!! [194]

Service Providers and gets to be easier!! [194]

 Service Providers and gets to be easier. You get to have more time freedom, you get to help more people, you get to have more financial freedom. The world is limitless if you change your mindset on how you bring in revenue and potentially look at programs, group programs, live programs, passive income, passive products and passive revenue as the option.

Oct 06, 202209:42
STOP Waiting to go Viral!!! [193]

STOP Waiting to go Viral!!! [193]

STOP Waiting to go Viral!!!

Instead of waiting to go viral, put out better content every day.

Oct 05, 202203:42
Is Fear Holding You Back in Your Content? [192]

Is Fear Holding You Back in Your Content? [192]

Is fear holding you back?

Do you show up authentically?

Are you worried about what others think?

It's time to breakthrough this false belief and fear you are letting hold you back.

Oct 04, 202209:21
Money Monday Minute: Money Guidelines I Follow [191]

Money Monday Minute: Money Guidelines I Follow [191]

Listen to this quick 5 minute episode about money guidelines I follow.

Money, money blocks, money guidelines, calling in more money and more!

Oct 03, 202205:02
BONUS EPISODE: Get Ready for October

BONUS EPISODE: Get Ready for October

There is so much going on in October and I wanted to make sure you knew what was happening and how you could get involved.

Free Masterclass 10/3/22 -

Ignite Your Raving Fans or Bundle -

Black Friday Accelerator or Bundle -


On the Go Marketing Mentor -

Visible Inner Circle -

Oct 01, 202216:12
Captivating content is contagious! [190]

Captivating content is contagious! [190]

In a world where we're constantly bombarded with content, it's more important than ever to make sure your content is captivating. Let's put more passion, potency and purpose behind our content creation.  It's the first place where many potential customers will find us, so why are we dreading it so much? 

Grab your bundle here.

Sep 30, 202208:56
Are you confusing your audience? [189]

Are you confusing your audience? [189]

Your content strategy is only as good as the consistency in both your messaging and timing.  

How successful is your content in bringing new followers, sales and more to your business?

Sep 29, 202210:57
Want easier sales? Here's the answer! [188]

Want easier sales? Here's the answer! [188]

Want easier sales? 

As a business owner, without sales you have an expensive hobby.

Here's one way to support you with sales.

Sep 28, 202209:43
How do you build relationships through your content? [187]

How do you build relationships through your content? [187]

How do you build relationships through your content? 

The question I hear often and here's the showing up consistently. Want to hear all the deets? Listen to this episode.

Sep 27, 202210:29
Monday Marketing Minute: Visibility is More Than Video [187]

Monday Marketing Minute: Visibility is More Than Video [187]

Visibility equals

  • How people see you.
  • How people find you.
  • How you show up in their feed & how often.
  • How you show up in media.
  • How you attract others to you.
  • How clear & consistent your messaging is.
  • How you position yourself as THE GO TO expert.
  • How magnetic your content is.
  • The consistent way you make your audience feel.
  • How easy it is to buy from you aka a clear path.
  • How obvious it is what your offers do for your potential leads.
  • How visible "you" are in your content... it's yours, comes from your heart and using your IP, etc. which makes it contagious.
  • How clear your convictions are to you.
  • How well-known your process and framework is.

So much more than video right? What's your visibility strategy?

Sep 26, 202205:55
Emotions, Triggers, Inner Work, Emotional Intelligence and the BS Stories [186]

Emotions, Triggers, Inner Work, Emotional Intelligence and the BS Stories [186]

Emotions, Triggers, Inner Work, Emotional Intelligence and the BS Stories

We've all got them and they block us from reaching our business goals and success.

I want you to thrive, not just survive. Nothing goes as planned but it doesn't have to stop it from ever happening.

It's time to dig deeper and do the unsexy work.

Sep 23, 202209:11
Say it Like You Say It Content [185]

Say it Like You Say It Content [185]

Who are you? Does your audience know that?

What do you love? Does your audience know that?

What are you passionate about? Does your audience know that?

Another content strategy episode for you to dive into that doesn't involve being another Google.

Content Strategy Program

Sep 22, 202207:26
Increasing Visibility Through Search [184]

Increasing Visibility Through Search [184]

Increasing Visibility Through Search

Are you searchable? Are you findable? Are you using the keyword identifiers your audience is typing in to search for you?

You could be missing out on this vital visibility strategy.

Sep 21, 202208:56
3 Signs Your Content Strategy Could Use an Upgrade [183]

3 Signs Your Content Strategy Could Use an Upgrade [183]

3 Signs Your Content Strategy Could Use an Upgrade

If your content isn't increasing sales, increasing questions or increasing your engagement, it's time to rethink it.

Ignite Your Content here

Sep 20, 202211:28
Monday Motivation Minute: Find that Spark [182]

Monday Motivation Minute: Find that Spark [182]

Find that Spark that can change the trajectory of your business and/or life. Find the transformation that you are meant to have. It's all possible and I cannot wait to get mine this week!

Sep 19, 202204:13
5 Strategies You are Missing Out on to Increase Your Visibility [181]

5 Strategies You are Missing Out on to Increase Your Visibility [181]

5 Strategies You are Missing Out on to Increase Your Visibility

Being searchable

Consistent short form video that gets spread past current followers

Repurposing content you’ve already created

Being a guest for interviews, summits or podcasts

Creating branded GIFs and Stickers for your business.

Which are you implementing next?

Sep 16, 202209:37
Are you letting this stop you? [181]

Are you letting this stop you? [181]

Life...we can let it stop us or integrate it into what we get to do.

All too often I hear I don't have time, but creating a 30 second value based clip every time I take my dog out to pee is showing in the most unglamorous situations that yes you can.

Sep 15, 202206:11
Every day you show up...that's building a business. [180]

Every day you show up...that's building a business. [180]

Showing up helps you become consistent.

Businesses aren't built in a day. There are no overnight successes. It's the day in and day out that builds the business, the places where you choose to show up consistently.

Sep 14, 202206:26
Protect this part of your business, it's an asset but we don't always treat it as such. [179]

Protect this part of your business, it's an asset but we don't always treat it as such. [179]

Your platforms are a part of your business, it's time to protect them like they are. They are part of your marketing, your CRM, your launch strategy, paid ads strategy, your relationship builder, your lead generation, etc.

I'm a message away if you have any questions.

Sep 13, 202208:41
Monday Money Making Minute: Sell Before Creating [178]

Monday Money Making Minute: Sell Before Creating [178]

Selling before you create, used to scare me, but now it ignites me to move. 

It is great to test to see if our audience is resonating.  It's a great way to increase revenue, you can give a date or sometime in October. You can give a really no brainer price and then increase after it's created.  There are so many possibilities.  What can you sell today that you haven't created yet?

Create with me

Sep 12, 202204:48
My Favorite Tools...These Make Biz Life So Much Easier! [177]

My Favorite Tools...These Make Biz Life So Much Easier! [177]

My favorite tools...that make "working smarter not harder" part of my daily life. Especially when it comes to marketing, content creation, video and showing up as the face of your business aka visibility.

Grab the links here

Sep 09, 202210:47
Wondering what your content should be doing for you? Quite a lot actually. [176]

Wondering what your content should be doing for you? Quite a lot actually. [176]

Wondering what your content should be doing for you? Quite a lot actually. You are your best content creator.

Like increasing sales, increasing relationships, positioning you as the expert, educating your audience and more!

Find out more at

Sep 08, 202211:45
Introverts? I got you when it comes to visibility [175]

Introverts? I got you when it comes to visibility [175]

Introverts...yes you can be visible! In a way that works for you.  It does not always mean video, even though I have my own thoughts about that. Are you ready for more? Ready for what's next?

Want the guide to Being Visible as an Introvert? Message me at IG @itscrissyconner

Sep 07, 202211:34
Finding Your Purpose with Guest Expert Arika Davenport [174]

Finding Your Purpose with Guest Expert Arika Davenport [174]

Finding Your Purpose with Guest Expert Arika Davenport.

Listen into this episode as Arika speaks about what life looks like before working with her and how she strategizes with you to find your purpose.

More about Arika:

Arika Davenport, author, speaker and founder of She Pursues Purpose, leads women of faith into discovering and walking in their purpose. As a Purpose Coach, Arika helps women to identify and monetize their God given gifts, so that they can build profitable & meaningful businesses as entrepreneurs. As a wife & a mother herself, she understands the struggle between managing home life & work life. Arika has helped women across the globe to find balance, meaning & purpose in their lives through her coaching programs, her weekly purpose prayer line and her inspiring messages. She Pursues Purpose offers a variety of resources that brings inspiration, education and transformation to every purpose-driven woman.

Join her prayer line here

Sep 06, 202219:06