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Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Belonging To A Godly Community - Pastor Lynn - 05/12/2024

Crossroads Christian Center May 12, 2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Godly Conflict Pt 1 - Pastor Lynn - 05/26/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Godly Conflict Pt 1 - Pastor Lynn - 05/26/2024

Conflict will happen in relationships and communities. This is a part of being human and a byproduct of being different from one another.  Paul writes about the Body of Christ, the Church: "We being many are one body in Christ" (Romans 12:5). In other words, we are different from one another, we have different vantage points and roles, but we are unified through Christ! However, in scripture we see that these differences can create conflict!  At the same time scripture gives us clear directions on how to resolve conflict in a godly way. When we do this we become more mature and we honor Christ. We also increase in our love for one another and become closer, more unified, and glorify Him.

This Sunday Pastor Lynn talks about godly conflict and provide examples in scripture on how to address conflict in a way that honors Christ and builds up the community of faith. In order to be a safe, Christ-honoring community, we must learn to address conflict in a way that is in obedience to God's Word. John 13:35 Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

When we can grow together through resolving conflict with one another we show Christ's love to the world around us!

You do not want to miss this very important message! 

May 26, 202402:03:12
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Being People of the Spirit - Pastor David - 05/19/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Being People of the Spirit - Pastor David - 05/19/2024

Time to Grow Up:  Being People of the Spirit
Pentecost Sunday is the day in the church calendar that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the church. As believers, many fail to recognize and embrace the power, authority and purpose of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This Sunday, we will look at the need to be People of the Spirit.

Jesus wants all of us to grow up. Christian maturity is one of His greatest desires for our lives. In fact, Hebrews 6:1 tells us, let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity."  God the Father intends for us to always pursue spiritual growth so that we may “be conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29).  

One of the Lord’s greatest desires for Crossroads is to help grow in your personal spiritual maturity. But there’s a lot of confusion about what Christian maturity looks like. As Crossroads help your mature in your faith, it’s important that you are clear about what it means to become more like Jesus. 

Maturity isn’t about age. You can be a Christian for 50 years and still not be mature. 

Maturity isn’t about appearance. Some people may look spiritually mature, but they aren’t. Just because someone appears dignified, it doesn’t mean they are holy. 

Maturity isn’t about achievement. You can accomplish much without being mature in your faith. 

Maturity isn’t about academics. A seminary degree or a Bible college degree doesn’t make you spiritually mature. 

You don’t get to be mature by comparing yourself to anyone else. You become mature by comparing yourself to the Word of God, to the life of Jesus Christ and to surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Crossroads is called as a community of faith to make "oaks of righteousness" (Isaiah 61:3).  That means we help you grow deeper in your faith, deeper in your understanding of God's Word, and deeper in obedience to the Holy Spirit's voice.

May 19, 202402:06:19
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Belonging To A Godly Community - Pastor Lynn - 05/12/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Belonging To A Godly Community - Pastor Lynn - 05/12/2024

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares about belonging to a Godly faith community which is central to our maturity in Christ. One of the biggest lies the enemy sows into the minds of Christians is that they do not need a faith community. 

This deception can arise from extreme individualism or pain in our past. The truth is we are not to be solitary believers but rather we are to belong to Christ's Body which is made up of other believers that are very different than we are!

 The Lord Jesus chose to bring us together as one to cultivate Christ-likeness in us. Belonging to a faith community increases His love in us--the same love that He desires to be spread to the world through us.

Being a part of a diverse community is also part of the Holy Spirit's sanctifying work in our lives! We are challenged to be more like Jesus!

Listen and be encouraged by this word.

May 12, 202401:59:30
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Facing The Storms of Life - Pastor David - 05/05/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Facing The Storms of Life - Pastor David - 05/05/2024

As believers we don't always see the connection between our actions and the current storms we are facing. Sometimes there's a time warp that takes place before finally you start to reap the consequences of our actions and our inner storm, whether it be in our marriage, family, finances, personal or work life.   

Far too many times our storms are the result of neglect or poor choices. You're going to have to not just pray about it and blame the devil on it. You've actually got to own and take full responsibility. We only have power over the storm if we own responsibility.

This Sunday we address how to handle our storms of life. You don't want to miss this message.

May 05, 202402:03:58
Guest Speaker - Pastor Robert Coffelt - Eternal Legacy - 04/21/2024

Guest Speaker - Pastor Robert Coffelt - Eternal Legacy - 04/21/2024

This Sunday we have our wonderful guest speaker Pastor Robert Coffelt preaching on the subject-
 "Our legacy's impact is eternal. This truth can help us focus on investing in that which will change lives for eternity."

Pastor Robert Coffelt has been here many times and delivered powerful messages to us. You do not want to miss this message!

Apr 21, 202401:56:21
Series: It's Time To Grow Up: Overcoming Injustice - Pastor David - 04/14/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up: Overcoming Injustice - Pastor David - 04/14/2024

Far too many Christians, far too many believers struggle with unforgiveness.

This Sunday Pastor David preaches on this subject to give you biblical guidelines on how to address areas of injustice in your life. 
You do not want to miss this message!

Apr 14, 202401:59:54
Series: It's Time To Grow Up: Defeating the Sophisticated Enemy Part 1 - Pastor Lynn - 04/07/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up: Defeating the Sophisticated Enemy Part 1 - Pastor Lynn - 04/07/2024

Since the beginning, the enemy has built sophisticated arguments that serve as intimidating idols in our world. These sophisticated arguments look like human reasonings, arguments and  solutions without God’s truth as the standard or filter. Because of this, sophisticated arguments can be deceiving, intimidating and convincing to the Child of God who is not daily applying God's Word or living full of the Holy Spirit. As a result, these sophisticated arguments can lead into bondage thinking and belief systems.

Scripture tells us in order to live victoriously we must take every thought captive that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5  "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
This Sunday Pastor Lynn challenges you on how to defeat the sophisticated enemy and live victoriously, being the influencer rather than the influenced! Too long have Christians lived intimidated, deceived or influenced by the enemy's sophisticated arguments, and this was never God's design for them! 

Apr 07, 202402:08:48
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Living In The Power of Christ's Resurrection (Easter Service) - Pastor David - 03/31/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Living In The Power of Christ's Resurrection (Easter Service) - Pastor David - 03/31/2024

The resurrection of Christ is not just a historical fact. It is an ever-increasing reality to the believer.

This Sunday, Pastor David continues the series “It Is
Time To Grow Up” by preaching a message entitled “Living in the Power of Christ’s Resurrection.” This message will challenge us to live in the fullness of what Christ Jesus’ death and was resurrection provided for us.

You will not want to miss this message.

Mar 31, 202401:57:59
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - In Obedience Part 2 - Pastor Lynn - 03/24/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - In Obedience Part 2 - Pastor Lynn - 03/24/2024

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares PART 2 of a message entitled, "It's Time to Grow Up In Obedience!"
You are more powerful than you think, than you even allow yourself to be! When we serve the flesh rather than surrender to the Holy Spirit through our obedience, we are choosing powerlessness. Jesus made a covenant of love with us and our obedience is foundational to that covenant. Jesus said in John 14:15: "If you love me you will keep my commands." Too many times we say we love God but we choose to not obey Him or His Word. Central to our journey with the Lord is growing in obedience. This is how we become mature in our relationship with Him. It is time to put away childish things, including our excuses, and fully obey the Lord when He speaks to us.
You will not want to miss this challenging message that will equip you to be a powerful follower of Christ!

Mar 24, 202402:00:57
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Loving God's Word - Pastor David - 03/17/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - Loving God's Word - Pastor David - 03/17/2024

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled, "It's Time to Grow Up: Loving God's Word!" 

For the Christian, the Bible is considered the "Word of God," and there is much to discover in it so that you can  grow in your faith. The Bible is called the Word of God, meaning it can be considered a direct line of communication from the Lord, divinely inspired by the authors of the respective books.

Jesus Christ Himself is also called the Word of God. This concept is based on the truth that Jesus embodied God's message to humanity. According to the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). This passage suggests that Jesus is not only a messenger of God's Word but that He is the very essence of that Word.
If you want to mature in your faith, there is no other way but to love God's Word.  This message will challenge you to love Him and His Word more.
You will not want to miss this challenging message that will equip you to be a powerful follower of Christ!

Mar 17, 202402:06:56
Series: It's Time To Grow Up - In Obedience - Pastor Lynn - 03/10/2024

Series: It's Time To Grow Up - In Obedience - Pastor Lynn - 03/10/2024

New Series: It's Time To Grow Up!

Jesus wants all of us to grow up. Christian maturity is one of His greatest desires for our lives. In fact, Hebrews 6:1 tells us, let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity."  God the Father intends for us to always pursue spiritual growth so that we may “be conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29).  

One of the Lord’s greatest desires for Crossroads is to help grow in your personal spiritual maturity. But there’s a lot of confusion about what Christian maturity looks like. As Crossroads help your mature in your faith, it’s important that you are clear about what it means to become more like Jesus. 

Maturity isn’t about age. You can be a Christian for 50 years and still not be mature. 

Maturity isn’t about appearance. Some people may look spiritually mature, but they aren’t. Just because someone appears dignified, it doesn’t mean they are holy. 

Maturity isn’t about achievement. You can accomplish much without being mature in your faith. 

Maturity isn’t about academics. A seminary degree or a Bible college degree doesn’t make you spiritually mature. 

You don’t get to be mature by comparing yourself to anyone else. You become mature by comparing yourself to the Word of God, to the life of Jesus Christ and to surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Crossroads is called as a community of faith to make "oaks of righteousness" (Isaiah 61:3).  That means we help you grow deeper in your faith, deeper in your understanding of God's Word, and deeper in obedience to the Holy Spirit's voice.


This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled, "It's Time to Grow Up In Obedience!" 
You are more powerful than you think, than you even allow yourself to be! When we serve the flesh rather than surrender to the Holy Spirit through our obedience, we are choosing powerlessness. Jesus made a covenant of love with us and our obedience is foundational to that covenant. Jesus said in John 14:15: "If you love me you will keep my commands." Too many times we say we love God but we choose to not obey Him or His Word. Central to our journey with the Lord is growing in obedience. This is how we become mature in our relationship with Him. It is time to put away childish things, including our excuses, and fully obey the Lord when He speaks to us.
You will not want to miss this challenging message that will equip you to be a powerful follower of Christ!

Mar 11, 202402:06:01
Series: Things That Get In The Way: Going It Alone - Pastor David - 03/03/2024

Series: Things That Get In The Way: Going It Alone - Pastor David - 03/03/2024

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled, "Things That Get In The Way:  Going It Alone!" 
Have you ever heard someone say, “I can worship God on my own. I don't need other people!” I have.  Even though this may be spoken with a deep conviction, it is not Biblical.
It  raises the question: "Do we need to be involved with other Christians in a local church in order to effectively serve God? After all, salvation is an individual decision. Why afterwards must we involve other people? What’s wrong with flying solo?" This message will address those questions and show how the life of the believer was never intended to be a "Going It Alone Faith!"
You will not want to miss this wonderful service.

Mar 04, 202402:09:38
Special Missions Service - Pastor Lynn - 02/25/2024

Special Missions Service - Pastor Lynn - 02/25/2024

This Sunday, our missions team returns and shares how the Lord impacted them greatly during their time overseas as well as how He is moving during a political shift. Most of the time of sharing happens offline, however the Lord also moved during the worship and exhortation time.
Feb 25, 202401:28:40
Youth Sunday - Unshakeable Faith - Pastor Nick - 02/18/2024

Youth Sunday - Unshakeable Faith - Pastor Nick - 02/18/2024

This Sunday, Crossroads Awakened Youth Ministry leads the service. They lead in worship, prayer, testimony and Pastor Nick delivers the message.

In 1 Timothy 4:12 Paul told his young disciple Timothy, "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." Crossroads is all about training up the next generation to be passionate about the things of the Lord. This is a great opportunity for the church to gather and support the youth as they lead us in celebration of what the Lord is doing in their lives.
Listen and be encouraged!
Feb 18, 202401:59:19
Guest Speaker - Pastor Robert Coffelt - Hearing the Good Shepherd - 02/11/2024

Guest Speaker - Pastor Robert Coffelt - Hearing the Good Shepherd - 02/11/2024

This Sunday we have a powerful message delivered by Pastor Robert Coffelt. Robert is no stranger to Crossroads and his preaching is always biblically solid and powerfully delivered.

Listen and be encouraged by this word!

Feb 12, 202401:34:55
Series: Things That Get In The Way: Failure To Launch - Pastor Lynn - 02/04/2024

Series: Things That Get In The Way: Failure To Launch - Pastor Lynn - 02/04/2024

This Sunday Pastor Lynn delivers the message, "Things That Get In The Way: Failure To Launch."

We have just ended our Daniel Fast and "I Thirst For You" Holy Spirit Conference, and the Lord has spoken to us. We have heard from the Lord and now it is time to apply what He has spoken to us. Our obedience is evidence of our faith in God's Word to us!

Many times people hear God speak to them but they fail to obey because they allow circumstances around them or even their own thought life to prevent it. Our obedience will be tested by the world and the enemy. According to Luke 4, during His time of testing , Jesus said to the enemy, "Man does not live by bread alone." The enemy was attempting to have Jesus turn to the physical realm first rather than turn to the Holy Spirit for His strength. Jesus' was quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word the proceeds from the mouth of God." Jesus was saying, "I find my sustenance from the Word of God first not the physical realm. I obey the Word of my Father first and do not succumb to the desires of the flesh." This is how we are to also live. Listen and be challenged by this word.

Are you obeying what God has told you?

Are you stepping out today to make the changes that will result in Holy Spirit transformation in your life?

Feb 04, 202401:54:55
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Distorted Vision - Pastor David - 01/21/2024

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Distorted Vision - Pastor David - 01/21/2024

As believers we are called to know who we are in Christ and what we are to do with our lives.  However, far too many people who know the Lord lack the revelation of who they are in Christ and what they should be doing in this life.  

In the message, we address your calling and commissioning from the Lord.  It all begins with how you see yourself. If you have a distorted vision about who you are and what you are to do, the logical conclusion is confusion.  However, that is never the will of the Lord for your life.
Listen and be challenged by this revelatory message about distorted vision and walk away with a clearer understanding of your calling.

Jan 21, 202402:10:05
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Dryness - Pastor Lynn - 01/14/2024

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Dryness - Pastor Lynn - 01/14/2024

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series and shares the message entitled "Things That Get In The Way:
Spiritual Dryness!"

During this time of fasting we are going after any area of spiritual dryness in our lives. Spiritual dryness comes from unplowed ground--places we have not surrendered to the Holy Spirit. When we have unsurrendered areas, we become spiritual dry and, like Israel, turn to other things, other gods, idols, and even our flesh to fill us and  empower us. But this is not God's will and it is dangerous because it can lead us down a path of separation and destruction. Hosea 10:12 says, "Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you." 

Let us take inventory of our lives during this time of fasting and submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit so that He can break up the unplowed spiritual ground in our lives. This will result in the fruit of righteousness--which is simply being like Jesus! And being like Jesus is powerful, abundant living!

Jan 15, 202402:12:35
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Pride and Arrogance - Pastor David - 01/07/2024

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Pride and Arrogance - Pastor David - 01/07/2024

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series and share the message entitled "Things That Get In The Way: Pride & Arrogance!"

Far too often in the Christian life we allow our pride and arrogance to derail our faith journey.  In this message, Pastor David calls out these tandem killers that prevent a Spirit-filled life.   
Listen and be challenged by this word!

Jan 07, 202402:03:30
Series: Things That Get In The Way: Unlawful Dominion, Part 2 - Pastor Lynn - 12/31/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way: Unlawful Dominion, Part 2 - Pastor Lynn - 12/31/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series and shares the second part of her previous message entitled, "Things That Get In The Way: Unlawful Dominion: Part Two!"

As a Christian who is filled with the Holy Spirit, the enemy has no right to any area of your life! Do you recognize when the enemy has access to an area of your life and is exercising unlawful dominion?

Christ has defeated the enemy and has been given all authority!  Our dwelling place is in Him.  He has given to us the keys of His Kingdom! Yet, many believers struggle with defeat and lack victory. This comes from unlawful dominion by the enemy.

This message is part two of a two part message. In part two of this message, Pastor Lynn breaks down ways in which the enemy tries to deceive us into allowing unlawful dominion and how we are to take back what the enemy has stolen through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Listen and be encouraged by this word to launch you into rightful dominion by the power of the Holy Spirit in 2024!

Dec 31, 202302:20:26
Series: Things That Get In The Way: Only Seeing Jesus in the Manger and Not as the Risen Lord! - Pastor David - 12/24/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way: Only Seeing Jesus in the Manger and Not as the Risen Lord! - Pastor David - 12/24/2023

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Only Seeing Jesus in the Manger and Not as the Risen Lord!"

As the year comes to an end, many celebrate Christmas and do not even think of the full life of Jesus Christ.   Far too many believers focus on Jesus in the manger, but forget the rest of His life.   Jesus lived, was crucified, went to the grave, was resurrected and ascended into heaven.  
As a believer, you cannot separate Jesus from the entirety of His life.
This message challenges us to keep a biblical perspective on our Christmas celebration.

Dec 24, 202302:06:19
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Unlawful Dominion - Pastor Lynn & Children's Christmas Program - 12/17/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Unlawful Dominion - Pastor Lynn & Children's Christmas Program - 12/17/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Unlawful Dominion!"

As a Christian who is filled with the Holy Spirit, the enemy has no right to any area of your life! Do you recognize when the enemy has access to an area of your life and is exercising unlawful dominion? Christ has defeated the enemy and has been given all authority! 

Our dwelling place is in Him.  He has given to us the keys of His Kingdom! Yet, many believers struggle with defeat and lack victory. This comes from unlawful dominion by the enemy. This message is part one of a two part message.

Pastor Lynn breaks down ways in which the enemy tries to deceive us into allowing unlawful dominion and how we are to take back what the enemy has stolen through the power of the Holy Spirit.

This Sunday morning is our Children's Ministry Christmas Program where all of our Crossroads children--nursery through 5th grade--will participate in a very special Christmas program as a part of the Sunday Morning Service.

Listen and be encouraged by this powerful word and program!

Dec 18, 202302:10:38
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Eyes Closed To Things of the Lord! - Pastor David - 12/10/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Eyes Closed To Things of the Lord! - Pastor David - 12/10/2023

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Eyes Closed To Things of the Lord!"

This is a continuation in our series and will address one's inability to see what the Lord is doing because they are not walking with the eyes of their hearts open to the things of the Lord.
Jesus wants you to have spiritual enlightenment, discernment, and unobstructed revelation of His plans and purposes for your life.
Listen and be encouraged by this Word!

Dec 11, 202302:09:24
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Distorted Thoughts and Dirty Filters - Pastor Lynn - 12/3/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Distorted Thoughts and Dirty Filters - Pastor Lynn - 12/3/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn brings a message about getting rid of distorted thoughts and dirty filters.

For us to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit we need to take every thought captive and bring it under submission to Christ. For us to be powerful believers that tear down strongholds we need the mind of Christ! This is daily and it is a process as we grow in the Lord! The world constantly bombards us with information and there are things we can consume--intentionally or unintentionally--that can contribute to distorted thoughts and mindsets that become poisonous to our Christian faith and walk.

Listen with an open heart and mind. This will be a challenging word for us all. We will respond to the message with a time of communion.

Dec 03, 202302:14:44
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Injustice - Pastor David - 11/26/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Injustice - Pastor David - 11/26/2023

This week, we continue with our series, "Things That Get In The Way" with the message on "Spiritual Injustice".

Life has a way of throwing us curves.   Often we allow difficult times to cause us to be hurt or offended by others.   If we are not careful, this can cause a great deal of spiritual damage to our lives.  

This message addresses how this injustice impacts our spiritual lives and our walk with the Lord.
Plan on listening and be challenged by this Word!

Nov 27, 202301:46:48
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Slothfulness - Pastor David - 11/12/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Slothfulness - Pastor David - 11/12/2023

This Sunday, Pastor David continues our series of "Things That Get In The Way" with the topic of "Slothfhulness".

An all too common problem with believers - being lazy about developing their faith. Being slack in their dedication to knowing the Word of God. Being too chilled to grow spiritually.

You will not want to miss this message.

Nov 22, 202302:08:08
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Vacuum - Pastor Lynn - 11/19/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Vacuum - Pastor Lynn - 11/19/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Spiritual Vacuum!"
As children of God we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day. This is what the Apostle Paul calls. "walking in the Spirit." When we fail to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day we open ourselves to a spiritual vacuum that can be filled by other things. This can quickly compromise us and expose us to being ruled by the flesh or by the powers of the world.

This is a timely message that will uncover the enemy's schemes against us. This message also challenges us to live a powerful Christian life that was given to us by Jesus who "disarmed the power and authorities" that stood against us (Colossians 2:14-15).

You do not want to miss this life changing message!

Nov 19, 202302:35:13
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Mismanaged and Misplaced Blessings - Pastor Lynn - 11/05/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Mismanaged and Misplaced Blessings - Pastor Lynn - 11/05/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Mismanaged and Misplaced Blessings!"
The Lord loves to bless His children; this is His nature. His blessings are never to be prioritized over the Lord. The greatest commandment is that we are to have no other gods before Him. The Lord provides tests in our lives to see where our heart's affections lie. He also has provided commandments for us to obey. God has given the community of Crossroads a word about His blessings upon us.

At the same time, He is also challenging us to unwavering obedience. As we move forward in this new season before us, the Holy Spirit is searching our hearts to make sure these blessings are not mismanaged or misplaced.  We are never to choose the blessings we have been given by God to manage over obedience to Him and His Word!

You do not want to miss this challenging message.

Nov 05, 202302:11:10
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Failure To Yield - Pastor David - 10/29/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Failure To Yield - Pastor David - 10/29/2023

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: Failure To Yield."
Learning to drive and walking with the Lord have a great deal in common.  Both require you to learn the rules of the road. Failing to yield in driving is both dangerous and deadly. So too in the Christian faith. Those who refuse to yield to the Lord will inflict damage on others or themselves. I've seen far too many believers who want to do their own thing and not yield to the Lord.  Failing to yield to God causes you to fall short of God's design for your life and your potential.  

This message will challenge you to rise to the occasion!

Oct 29, 202302:01:14
Series: Things That Get In The Way - A Powerless Christian Life - Pastor Lynn - 10/22/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - A Powerless Christian Life - Pastor Lynn - 10/22/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way: A Powerless Christian Life."

 The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy in his final letter that in the last days people will have a "form of godliness but denying its power." Paul addresses this imitation, counterfeit power that some people fall for because they are following false teachers who encourage pride and gratification of the flesh.

When we choose to gratify and serve our flesh we are choosing powerlessness. Christ came to earth, died, and was resurrected so that we could have His power in us!

This power is the very same power that raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:20). We are living in the last days and we do not want to fall into the enemy's trap of powerlessness!

Listen and be challenged by the Word of God that commands us to live a powerful life now!

Oct 23, 202302:04:23
Series: Things That Get In The Way - A Righteous Spirit - Pastor David - 10/15/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - A Righteous Spirit - Pastor David - 10/15/2023

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way!" by speaking about "A Religious Spirit."
People who come to faith must live out their faith through a growing and dynamic relationship with Christ.   If they don't, they adopt a religious spirit to replace the genuine passion for the things of the Lord.  Addressing that spirit is essential for healthy growth and spiritual maturity.    
Listen and be challenged by this word!

Oct 16, 202301:50:26
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Slumber - Pastor Lynn - 10/08/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Spiritual Slumber - Pastor Lynn - 10/08/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way!" by speaking about "Spiritual Slumber."
In this world and culture that is calling out for our attention, there are many opportunities for spiritual complacency! There are many Christians who are in a spiritual coma which is dangerous; spiritual death is on the other side of this coma. The Holy Spirit is calling His children to increased awareness and responsiveness to His presence!  Being in tune to the Spirit of God requires eliminating distractions and things that don't belong in our lives, prioritizing Him by nurturing our relationship with Him daily.

The Lord wants to do a great work in you and through you for such a time as this but it begins by your awareness and responsiveness to His presence! This Sunday you will be impacted by a challenging word! Are you spiritually distracted? Are you spiritually asleep? Are you spiritually dull because you have cultivated your appetite elsewhere? "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!" (Ephesians 5:14). 

Listen and be strengthened with this word!

Oct 08, 202302:45:17
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Wrong Priorities - Pastor David - 10/01/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Wrong Priorities - Pastor David - 10/01/2023

This Sunday Pastor David continues our series on "Things That Get In The Way!" by speaking about "Wrong Priorities."
When our priorities are wrong, it doesn’t matter how hard we work at them. It’s like swimming against the current. You put in all the work and effort but cannot get any return for your labor. 
When we make the wrong things the priority, it skews all of our judgements and perspectives.  On the other hand, having right priorities impacts all we do in a much more positive manner.  This week's message will challenge all of us to put first things first.

Listen and be challenged by this word!

Oct 02, 202302:08:50
Testimonies - Poland Mission Team - 09/24/2023

Testimonies - Poland Mission Team - 09/24/2023

This Sunday we have an update from the Crossroads Poland Missions Team.
Hear what everyone did and how your prayers were answered. This will be an exciting time of testimony, prayer, and challenging us toward even greater faith and expectation! You do not want to miss this Sunday service!

Sep 24, 202302:34:54
Guest Speaker - Lacey Leota - Running With The Giants - 09/17/2023

Guest Speaker - Lacey Leota - Running With The Giants - 09/17/2023

This Sunday we have a very special guest speaker, Lacey Leota, our ministry partner to the Middle East, who will be sharing the Word of God with us and giving us an update on her family's ministry.
Lacey will be sharing a message entitled,
"Running With Giants!"
You will not want to miss this powerful message!

Sep 18, 202301:51:37
Series: Things That Get In The Way - Me, Myself, and I - Pastor Lynn - 09/10/2023

Series: Things That Get In The Way - Me, Myself, and I - Pastor Lynn - 09/10/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled,
"Things That Get In The Way!"
This Sunday Pastor Lynn addresses the obstacle of "Me! Myself! And I!" that is "self." One of our greatest challenges in our walk with Christ is getting out of our own way!  Galatians 5:17 tells us that the sinful flesh wants to combat our spiritual man for control. Romans 8 expounds on this truth and says we have an obligation to living according to the Spirit! Every day we are to confront our sinful flesh and put command it to be in submission to Christ Jesus and His Lordship. This is what the Apostle Paul writes about in Romans 12:1 "...offer your bodies as a living sacrifice."  When we do this we are submitting to the transformation by the Holy Spirit!  Confronting the obstacle of self is a challenge, yet we have been given Holy Spirit power to do so. This message is a powerful word that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ! 

Sep 10, 202302:00:39
Fall Launch - Series: Things That Get in the Way - Pastor David - 09/03/2023

Fall Launch - Series: Things That Get in the Way - Pastor David - 09/03/2023

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled,
"Things That Get In The Way!"
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series that will address things in our lives that get in the way of how we serve the Lord and allow Him to operate in our lives. Far too many believers blame other things on why they are not growing deeper in their relationship with the Lord. This message will challenge you to confront those things that get in the way in order to take responsibility for your own spiritual growth and maturity.

Sep 03, 202302:05:19
Series: Love - I Love When God Changes Me! - (Pastor Lynn) - 08/27/2023

Series: Love - I Love When God Changes Me! - (Pastor Lynn) - 08/27/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled,
"I Love When God Changes Me!"
Growth is central to God's purpose being fulfilled in our lives. But growth requires change! The truth is God's change brings disruption and many times we respond with groans of discomfort. God's change challenges the status quo of our lives, which really is our comfort zone. The Lord is bringing you into a new season--enlarging your territory--but with this comes uncomfortable, yet necessary change! Many times we pray for the change to be comfortable and  according to our own design, but this is not God's way! Isaiah 43:19 "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland!"
This Sunday Pastor Lynn challenges you with a word about the purpose of God's Change in our lives and how it brings us into our God given destiny! 
Plan on listening to the message!

Aug 27, 202301:59:50
Series: Love - I Love Generosity! - (Pastor David) - 08/20/2023

Series: Love - I Love Generosity! - (Pastor David) - 08/20/2023

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled,
"I Love Generosity!"
As a believer, we are called to behave different than the world around us. In this message, you will learn the importance and power of being a person who is generous. Scripture tells us over and over that as a follower of Christ, generosity should flow from our lives.

Listen and be challenged to be an even more generous person.

Aug 20, 202301:55:55
Series: Love - I Love Confidence From God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 08/13/2023

Series: Love - I Love Confidence From God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 08/13/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled,
"I Love the Confidence from God!"

Confidence is "the state of feeling certain about the truth of something." Every morning the flesh will fight for our agreement with it rather than confidence in God! The enemy attacks our confidence through challenging the truth of God's word to us! There are even things we do or think that can open the door to functioning in human confidence rather than the confidence from God! But to live a life of faith and dwell in Christ's promise of abundant life we must live in the confidence from God. Proverbs 3:26 says, "For the Lord will be your confidence. And will keep your foot from being caught." The Lord says to us, "I want to give you unwavering confidence from me!"

Listen and be challenged by this word! 

Aug 13, 202301:57:51
Series: Love - I Love God's Peace! - (Pastor David) - 08/06/2023

Series: Love - I Love God's Peace! - (Pastor David) - 08/06/2023

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled,
"I Love God's Peace!"

The understanding of who you are in Christ will affect you and impact your world.  In a day and age of spiraling mental health issues, believers have a wonderful resource at their disposal. We have the power of God's Word, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Himself, who is our Peace, interceding for us. This Sunday we will look at the power of God's Peace - the understanding of Shalom through the lenses of God's Word.

Listen and be encouraged by this word!

Aug 07, 202302:02:42
Series: Love - I Love God's Laugh! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/30/2023

Series: Love - I Love God's Laugh! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/30/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled,
"I Love God's Laugh!"

Did you know that God laughs? Scripture uses this terminology to reveal that our God is not intimidated by the enemy, nor our circumstances, and He knows He is victorious. We have also been made to laugh and to live in the fullness of joy as we walk daily in His presence. This Sunday we learn about how God laughs, why God laughs, and how much He enjoys His children!

You do not want to miss this inspiring and challenging message! 

Jul 30, 202302:07:52
Tongues of Fire - Spiritual Grit - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/28/2023

Tongues of Fire - Spiritual Grit - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/28/2023

Tongues of Fire Service!
(Friday, July 28th @ 8 p.m.)

This is a bi-lingual service (English and Hindi) when our partners in the nations gather with us in real time! Our brothers and sisters from India, Nepal and Bangladesh log on live to participate with us in our service. Also, our regional ministry partner, the San Jose Teen Challenge Center, is also be with us in the on campus service. 

Currently our partners in India are experiencing increased persecution so right now they are in need of this encouragement and spiritual outpouring! This is a time when we not only receive from the Lord but give to others who are in need of His presence in a powerful way! 
Don't miss out on this dynamic, spiritually empowered service together! The Lord has a word for you and for others through you! He wants to saturate you with His presence.

Jul 29, 202302:36:26
Series: Love - I Love Forgiveness! - (Pastor David) - 7/23/2023

Series: Love - I Love Forgiveness! - (Pastor David) - 7/23/2023

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled,
"I Love Forgiveness!"
Forgiveness is a key component in the life of a believer. Forgiveness is more about you than the other person.   Jesus teaches us the power of forgiveness and how it should be used in our lives. 
Listen and be challenged by this word! 

Jul 23, 202302:03:39
Series: Love - I Love God's Design! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/16/2023

Series: Love - I Love God's Design! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/16/2023

This Sunday Pastor Lynn shares a message entitled,
"I Love God's Design!"

Loving God's presence is loving God's design! God's design for humans is dwelling in His presence every day. Sin destroyed the capacity to receive what God had for us until Jesus made the way for us to once again dwell in His presence! When we dwell in His presence we flourish because the Holy Spirit governs every area of our lives!
Listen and be challenged by this word! 

Jul 17, 202302:12:42
Series: Love - I Love A Good Fight! - (Pastor David) - 07/09/2023

Series: Love - I Love A Good Fight! - (Pastor David) - 07/09/2023

This Sunday Pastor David shares a message entitled,
"I Love A Good Fight!"

As believers we are called to be people of peace, grace and kindness, yet our culture is becoming increasingly more and more violent.   How are we to respond?  
This Sunday, you will be challenged with a message from the Lord on how we should be people of the Word of God and respond to our culture as instructed in Scripture.
You will not want to miss this message!

Jul 09, 202302:06:21
Series: Love - I Love the Righteousness of God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/02/2023

Series: Love - I Love the Righteousness of God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 07/02/2023

The Lord has given us everything we need for victory in life. He has paid the price for our sin and given us His righteousness! What is righteousness? It is being realigned from crooked standards and being lined up according to God's perfect standards. When God sees us, He sees Christ's righteousness! Christ did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves and now we live with the effects of Christ's righteousness.

In this message, Pastor Lynn shares how the righteousness we have been given is a weapon against the enemy! And that Christ's righteousness is central to our identity as His children! We are powerful people because of the righteousness we have received!  Listen and be challenged and empowered by this message.
You will not want to miss this Sunday.

Jul 02, 202302:06:10
"The Wheat, The Grape and the Olive" - (Pastor Shelly) - 06/25/23

"The Wheat, The Grape and the Olive" - (Pastor Shelly) - 06/25/23

This Sunday Pastor Shelly preaches a message entitled, "The Wheat, The Grape and the Olive:  The Process of Believing, Belonging and Becoming In Christ!"

Listen and be challenged and empowered by this message.
You will not want to miss this word.

Jun 25, 202301:43:41
Series: Love - I Love Raising Up Powerful People of Faith! - (Pastor David) - 06/18/23

Series: Love - I Love Raising Up Powerful People of Faith! - (Pastor David) - 06/18/23

In a world of compromise, God is looking for men, women and children who are not afraid of standing up for Him.  He is looking for people of valor who have a love for God and His Word.  With all the other voices screaming at you to take a stand, why not take one for Jesus?
Listen and be challenged and empowered by this message.
You will not want to miss this Sunday!

Jun 18, 202301:57:06
Series: Love - I Love to Please God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 06/11/2023

Series: Love - I Love to Please God! - (Pastor Lynn) - 06/11/2023

The desire to please God is more than mere obedience. It includes being passionately in love with Jesus in such a way that you embrace your journey with Him--every part of it!

As children of God we must recognize that as we please God our light will shine brighter to the world around us. Because His Kingdom is within us, we bring it to others through our lives. Therefore, we must expect that there will be a clash between the Kingdom of God (Light) and the Kingdom of Darkness. The world will hate us because the light of Christ exposes the deeds in the darkness. At the same time, this is the mission of our lives--His Kingdom bringing freedom, healing, and God's love to others!

This Sunday Pastor Lynn challenges us not to merely obey the Lord, but passionately desire to please Him! 

Jun 15, 202302:01:09