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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast

By Jacob Kuker (Cub)

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Battle for CHRIST: Paulianity vs. Mysteries of God Union!

Cub Kuker Supernatural PodcastMay 14, 2024

Anunnaki Flood Myth: The REAL Genesis Story! (Epic of Atrahasis)

Anunnaki Flood Myth: The REAL Genesis Story! (Epic of Atrahasis)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP432

  • Epic of Atrahasis: Approximately 1800 BCE
  • Book of Genesis: Final form around 6th-5th centuries BCE, with oldest sources dating to 10th-9th centuries BCE

When it comes to flood myths, there is no shortage of them throughout mythology. However, one myth that notably predates all others is the Anunnaki story of the Epic of Atrahasis (also known as the story of Noah).

The Epic of Atrahasis is an ancient Mesopotamian text that recounts a flood myth with notable parallels to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark. It begins with the creation of humanity to relieve the lesser gods (Igigi) from their labor. Over time, humans multiply and become noisy, disturbing the god Enlil. In response, Enlil attempts to control the population by sending a plague and then a famine, but the god of wisdom, Enki, instructs the humans on how to survive both calamities.

Frustrated with humanity's noise, Enlil decides to send a catastrophic flood to wipe out all humans. Enki, sympathetic to humanity, warns Atrahasis, the hero of the story, instructing him to build a large boat to save himself, his family, and various animals. Atrahasis follows Enki’s instructions, and the floodwaters cover the earth, destroying all life outside the boat. After several days and nights, the flood subsides, and Atrahasis’s boat comes to rest. Atrahasis releases birds to find dry land, much like in the story of Noah.

The gods regret their decision to send the flood, realizing they have wiped out their worshippers. To prevent future overpopulation, Enki introduces new measures, including infant mortality, celibacy among certain priestesses, and a fixed lifespan for humans. The epic concludes with an understanding between Atrahasis and the gods, ensuring humanity will not face such a catastrophe again. The story highlights themes of divine anger and mercy, human wisdom and survival, and the necessity of balance between humanity and the divine realm.

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Jun 05, 202401:28:52
This Vision of GOD Will Change You Forever! (Gita Ch. 11)

This Vision of GOD Will Change You Forever! (Gita Ch. 11)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP431

Growing up in and out of the Christian church, I always wondered who or what God is. I never received a clear answer, and the Bible and other texts offer many conflicting versions. However, I believe the Bhagavad-Gita provides the best description of an Infinite Consciousness that pervades everything.

In Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna reveals his universal form to Arjuna, showcasing the divine nature of God:

  • Infinite and Boundless: Krishna's form has countless faces, eyes, and mouths, symbolizing his omnipresence and omnipotence.

  • Radiant and Splendid: The form is brighter than a thousand suns, highlighting divine glory and power.

  • All-encompassing Vision: Arjuna sees the entire cosmos within Krishna, emphasizing that all existence is part of the divine.

  • Terrifying Aspects: The form includes fearsome elements, like fiery mouths, representing the destructive power of time.

  • Manifestations of Deities: Various gods appear within the form, indicating all deities are manifestations of the supreme reality.

  • Eternal and Unchanging: Krishna is the eternal foundation of the universe, unchanging despite his many forms.

  • Emotional Impact: Arjuna is awed and fearful, praising Krishna’s greatness and recognizing his own limitations.

  • Purpose: The vision aims to remind Arjuna of Krishna's supreme position and to inspire him to fulfill his duty without attachment.

This chapter illustrates the profound unity and divinity in all aspects of existence.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

Jun 04, 202401:28:05
Thoth’s Egyptian Prophecy HAPPENING?! (The Hermetica)

Thoth’s Egyptian Prophecy HAPPENING?! (The Hermetica)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP430

The prophecies of Hermes, as described in The Hermetica, reflect a profound concern about the future degradation of spiritual and philosophical pursuits. These prophecies seem to resonate with many contemporary observations about the state of society and spirituality. Here are several ways these prophecies might be manifesting in modern times:

1. Decline in Pure Philosophy:a

   Hermes foresaw a time when pure philosophy would be overshadowed by confusion and corruption. Today, philosophical pursuits are often entangled with materialistic and secular perspectives. The original purpose of philosophy—to attain a deeper understanding of the divine and the universe—has been diluted by complex and often conflicting theories, making it hard for many to grasp true spiritual knowledge.

2. Materialism and Skepticism:

   Hermes predicted that clever intellectuals would mislead people, turning them away from spiritual devotion. In the modern era, materialism and scientific skepticism dominate the discourse, often dismissing spiritual experiences and the divine as unscientific or irrelevant. This has led to a decline in genuine spiritual practice and reverence for the mysteries of existence.

3. Disconnection from Sacredness:

   The prophecy spoke of Egypt, symbolizing the seat of ancient wisdom and spirituality, being forsaken and overrun by those who neglect sacred ways. This can be seen today in the widespread disconnection from traditional spiritual practices and the sacredness of nature. Many ancient spiritual sites are neglected, and the wisdom inscribed on old monuments is often ignored or misunderstood.

In summary, the prophecies of Hermes, as outlined in The Hermetica, seem to align with many modern trends where materialism, skepticism, and the loss of spiritual depth are prevalent. The challenge remains to reconnect with the pure philosophy and spiritual devotion that Hermes advocated, fostering a renewed appreciation for the divine order and the mysteries of existence.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

Jun 04, 202401:40:35
Exvangelical Reveals Secrets of the Bhagavad-Gita!

Exvangelical Reveals Secrets of the Bhagavad-Gita!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP429

The Bhagavad-Gita and the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament offer profound spiritual insights, each emphasizing the importance of love, duty, and the divine connection within all beings. 

Below are some parallels between the teachings of Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita and Jesus in the New Testament.

On Love and Compassion

Krishna: "He who has no ill will to any being, who is friendly and compassionate, free from egoism and self-sense, even-minded in pain and pleasure, and patient..." (Bhagavad-Gita 12:13)

Jesus: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34)

"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:44-45)

On Duty and Righteousness

Krishna: "You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction." (Bhagavad-Gita 2:47)

Jesus: "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'" (Luke 17:10)

On Inner Divinity and Oneness

Krishna: "I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings." (Bhagavad-Gita 10:20)

Jesus: "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

On Faith and Devotion

Krishna: "But those who worship Me with devotion, meditating on My transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have." (Bhagavad-Gita 9:22)

Jesus: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24)

On Renunciation and Self-Surrender

Krishna: "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear." (Bhagavad-Gita 18:66)

Jesus: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

On Eternal Life and Salvation

Krishna: "One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna." (Bhagavad-Gita 4:9)

Jesus: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Both Krishna and Jesus emphasize the importance of love, duty, inner divinity, faith, renunciation, and the promise of eternal life. While their contexts and specific teachings may differ, the core messages align closely, encouraging a life of compassion, devotion, and spiritual realization… as well as devotion to the “Christ/Krishna” as the way.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 30, 202401:35:58
Are YOU A Christ/Krishna Avatar? Great Unveiling 2024!

Are YOU A Christ/Krishna Avatar? Great Unveiling 2024!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP428

The concept of more people waking up as avatars of Christ or Krishna in 2024 can be seen as a spiritual awakening or realization of one's divine nature. Here are some ways this could manifest:

1. Increased Awareness and Spiritual Practices

Meditation and Mindfulness: Regular practices can help individuals connect with their inner selves, fostering a sense of unity with the divine.

Yoga and Energy Work: Practices like yoga and energy healing (Reiki, chakra balancing) can help raise one's vibration, making it easier to tap into higher consciousness.

2. Access to Spiritual Knowledge

Books and Online Resources: The proliferation of spiritual literature and online resources can provide people with the knowledge they need to understand and embrace their divine nature.

Workshops and Retreats: Attending spiritual workshops and retreats can offer immersive experiences that catalyze awakening.

3. Community and Collective Consciousness

Spiritual Communities: Being part of a supportive community can help individuals feel less isolated in their spiritual journey and more confident in expressing their divine nature.

Global Movements: Movements that promote peace, love, and unity can create a collective shift towards higher consciousness.

4. Personal Experiences and Inner Transformations

Personal Crises: Often, personal crises serve as catalysts for spiritual awakening, pushing individuals to seek deeper meaning and connection with the divine.

Synchronicities and Signs: Paying attention to synchronicities and signs can guide individuals towards their spiritual path.

5. Technology and Virtual Platforms

Online Spiritual Communities: Platforms like the Cub Kuker Supernatural Tribe can provide spaces for individuals to explore and express their spirituality.

Virtual Reality: VR experiences can offer simulated spiritual experiences that might trigger realizations and awakenings.

6. Holistic and Integrative Approaches

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Embracing holistic health practices that integrate mind, body, and spirit can help individuals achieve balance and harmony, facilitating spiritual awakening.

Alternative Therapies: Engaging in therapies like breathwork, sound, and plant wellness can open pathways to deeper spiritual experiences.

7. Alignment with Universal Energies

Astrological Events: Aligning personal practices with significant astrological events can enhance the potential for spiritual insights and awakening.

Earth Energies: Connecting with natural sites known for their spiritual energies (like sacred mountains, forests, and rivers) can be profoundly transformative.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 29, 202401:49:47
xTree of Life: Why WE Were Kept From It?!

xTree of Life: Why WE Were Kept From It?!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP427

The connection between the Flower of Life and the Tree of Life from the Book of Revelation can be seen through their shared symbolism and underlying concepts. In the Book of Revelation, the Tree of Life is mentioned as a central symbol representing eternal life, spiritual growth, and divine connection. 

1. Symbol of Life and Immortality: Both the Flower of Life and the Tree of Life symbolize life, vitality, and immortality. In the Book of Revelation, the Tree of Life is described as bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month, and its leaves are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2). This imagery signifies abundance, renewal, and the perpetuation of life.

2. Unity and Harmony: The Flower of Life's geometric pattern reflects harmony, balance, and unity. Similarly, the Tree of Life in the Book of Revelation represents the harmonious connection between heaven and earth, the divine and the mortal realms. It symbolizes the restoration of harmony and unity between humanity and the divine.

3. Sacred Geometry and Divine Order: Both symbols are associated with sacred geometry and divine order. The Flower of Life's geometric perfection is believed to reflect the underlying order and structure of the universe. Likewise, the Tree of Life represents the divine order and purpose inherent in creation.

4. Spiritual Evolution: The Flower of Life's use in meditation and spiritual practices aligns with the concept of spiritual growth and evolution represented by the Tree of Life. In the Book of Revelation, the Tree of Life is described as being in the midst of the New Jerusalem, a symbol of spiritual transformation and renewal.

5. Healing and Wholeness: The healing properties attributed to the leaves of the Tree of Life in Revelation can be metaphorically linked to the concept of healing and wholeness associated with the Flower of Life. Both symbols emphasize the restoration of spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

6. Eternal Connection: The eternal nature of the Tree of Life, as depicted in Revelation, parallels the timeless and universal symbolism of the Flower of Life. Both symbols suggest a timeless connection to the divine and the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

In summary, the Flower of Life and the Tree of Life from the Book of Revelation share themes of life, unity, divine connection, spiritual growth, and eternal renewal, making them complementary symbols in exploring the deeper mysteries of existence and consciousness.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 24, 202401:37:36
Book of Revelation’s New Earth Appearing in 2024?!

Book of Revelation’s New Earth Appearing in 2024?!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP426

To lay the foundations for a New Earth, we can draw inspiration from the characteristics and frequencies associated with these twelve stones.

Jasper (Stability and Protection)

Foundation: Establish a strong and stable foundation for communities.

Characteristics: Cultivate reliability, dependability, and resilience. Protect and support each other, creating a safe and secure environment.

Sapphire (Wisdom and Clarity)

Foundation: Foster wisdom and clarity within the community.

Characteristics: Encourage deep insights and clear understanding. Promote thoughtful decision-making and a pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Agate (Strength and Balance)

Foundation: Maintain strength and balance in the city's energy.

Characteristics: Develop inner strength and maintain balance in all aspects of life. Strive for harmony within oneself and with others.

Emerald (Love and Renewal)

Foundation: Radiate love and facilitate continual renewal.

Characteristics: Show compassion, love, and empathy. Embrace renewal and growth, fostering a culture of forgiveness and rejuvenation.

Onyx (Will and Power)

Foundation: Ensure protection and empower transformative willpower.

Characteristics: Be protective of the community's spiritual essence. Exhibit strong willpower and determination to drive positive change.

Ruby (Passion and Vitality)

Foundation: Infuse passion and vitality into community life.

Characteristics: Pursue passions with enthusiasm and energy. Encourage vibrant, spirited endeavors that enrich community life.

Chrysolite (Prosperity and Positivity)

Foundation: Promote prosperity and positivity.

Characteristics: Encourage abundance in all forms and foster a positive outlook. Support endeavors that lead to collective prosperity and well-being.

Beryl (Purification and Focus)

Foundation: Maintain purification and focus.

Characteristics: Prioritize spiritual and emotional purification. Stay focused on goals and maintain a clear, harmonious environment.

Topaz (Truth and Joy)

Foundation: Uphold truth and cultivate joy.

Characteristics: Promote honesty, truthfulness, and integrity. Foster joyous experiences and a spirit of celebration.

Turquoise (Communication and Healing)

Foundation: Enhance communication and support healing.

Characteristics: Facilitate open, effective communication. Promote healing practices and support those in need of emotional or spiritual healing.

Jacinth (Transformation and Enlightenment)

Foundation: Support transformation and enlightenment.

Characteristics: Encourage personal and collective transformation. Strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Amethyst (Peace and Spiritual Awareness)

Foundation: Foster peace and spiritual awareness.

Characteristics: Cultivate a deep sense of peace and tranquility. Promote spiritual awareness and mindfulness practices.

By embodying these characteristics and integrating these foundational elements into daily life, individuals and communities can work towards creating a New Earth.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 22, 202401:55:14
Revelation 21: Foundations of God’s City! (Entering The Kingdom)

Revelation 21: Foundations of God’s City! (Entering The Kingdom)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP425

The celestial city described in Revelation 21 can be interpreted allegorically as a spiritual construct built on the frequencies of precious stones. Imagine this city not as a physical place, but as a state of heightened consciousness and spiritual harmony or another dimension entirely…

1. Jasper: This stone symbolizes stability and protection. In the city, its frequency provides a strong and stable foundation, ensuring spiritual stability and protection for its inhabitants.

2. Sapphire: Representing wisdom and clarity, the frequency of sapphire brings deep insights and clear spiritual understanding to the city's residents.

3. Agate: Known for strength and balance, the agate's frequency ensures a harmonious and balanced energy within the city, supporting its spiritual structure.

4. Emerald: Radiating love and renewal, the frequency of emerald fosters a sense of love, compassion, and continual renewal within the city.

5. Onyx: Offering protection and willpower, the onyx's frequency protects the city's spiritual essence and empowers transformative willpower.

6. Ruby: Infusing the city with passion and vitality, the ruby's frequency inspires passionate pursuits and energizes spiritual endeavors.

7. Chrysolite: Symbolizing prosperity and positivity, the chrysolite's frequency encourages abundance and a positive energy flow throughout the city.

8. Beryl: With its symbolism of purification and focus, the beryl's frequency purifies spiritual energies and maintains a focused, harmonious environment.

9. Topaz: Promoting truth and joy, the topaz's frequency brings forth truth, forgiveness, and joyous experiences for the city's inhabitants.

10. Turquoise: Facilitating communication and healing, the turquoise's frequency enhances spiritual connections and supports healing processes.

11. Jacinth: Supporting transformation and enlightenment, the jacinth's frequency aids in spiritual growth, transformation, and enlightenment.

12. Amethyst: Bringing peace and spiritual awareness, the amethyst's frequency fosters a deep sense of peace and heightened spiritual awareness within the city.

The city's streets of pure gold symbolize divine purity and truth, while its gates of pearls represent paths to higher consciousness through purity and wisdom. The absence of a physical temple indicates that divine presence is internal and omnipresent, and the eternal light within the city signifies perpetual divine illumination and wisdom.

In this interpretation, the celestial city represents a collective state of elevated consciousness, where each stone's frequency contributes to a harmonious and enlightened spiritual environment.

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May 17, 202401:43:15
People Are Becoming Supernaturally Aware: Are YOU Next?!

People Are Becoming Supernaturally Aware: Are YOU Next?!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP424

In 2024, I am personally witnessing a growing number of people are embracing supernatural awareness, tuning into their innate spiritual gifts and deeper connections with the universe. 

This collective awakening heralds a new age of divinely feminine energy, characterized by empathy, intuition, and nurturing power. 

As individuals align with these energies, they foster a more harmonious and compassionate world, where collaboration and unity prevail. 

This shift not only empowers personal transformation but also catalyzes global change, as the divine feminine guides humanity towards a more enlightened and balanced future.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 16, 202401:43:34
How YOUR Soul Travels: Escaping the Reality that Isn’t Real!

How YOUR Soul Travels: Escaping the Reality that Isn’t Real!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP423

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, also known as the "Bardo Thodol," is a classic Tibetan Buddhist text that offers guidance on the journey of the soul through the intermediate state (bardo) between death and rebirth. Here are seven lessons drawn from its teachings:

1. Impermanence of Life: The text emphasizes the transient nature of life and the inevitability of death. It teaches that recognizing and accepting impermanence can help one live more mindfully and prepare for the afterlife.

2. The Nature of the Mind: Understanding the mind's true nature is crucial. The text describes the clear light of the mind and the importance of recognizing it during the dying process to achieve liberation.

3. Bardo Experiences: The book outlines different bardos (intermediate states) one encounters after death, including the Chikhai Bardo (moment of death), Chönyid Bardo (experiencing reality), and Sidpa Bardo (seeking rebirth). Each state offers opportunities for spiritual progress or obstacles depending on one's awareness.

4. Karma and Rebirth: The concept of karma, or the law of cause and effect, plays a central role. The text explains how one's actions in life influence the experiences in the bardos and the nature of the next rebirth.

5. Visualization and Meditation Practices: The book recommends specific visualization and meditation practices to help the deceased navigate the bardos, recognize illusions, and attain liberation. These practices are also beneficial for the living to prepare for death.

6. Guidance from Deities and Protectors: The text describes encounters with peaceful and wrathful deities, which are manifestations of the mind's own projections. Recognizing these deities as aspects of one's mind can help the soul overcome fear and confusion in the bardos.

7. Compassion and Bodhicitta: Cultivating compassion and the altruistic intention of bodhicitta (the wish to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings) is essential. This mindset helps the soul navigate the bardos with a sense of purpose and connection to all beings, promoting a favorable rebirth or liberation.

These lessons offer profound insights into the nature of existence, the process of dying, and the journey beyond death, encouraging spiritual practice and mindfulness throughout one's life.

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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

May 15, 202401:30:40
Battle for CHRIST: Paulianity vs. Mysteries of God Union!

Battle for CHRIST: Paulianity vs. Mysteries of God Union!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP422

The idea that Paul might be considered the antichrist often stems from interpretations that contrast the teachings attributed to Jesus in the Gospels (the "red letters") with the theology developed by Paul in his epistles. Here are a few points that are sometimes raised in this discussion:

1. Different Emphases: Some argue that Paul's focus on faith, grace, and salvation through belief in Christ differs from the emphasis on ethical living, love, and forgiveness found in Jesus' teachings.

2. Legalism vs. Grace: Critics suggest that Paul's emphasis on grace and faith might be seen as a departure from the more stringent moral and legalistic aspects of Jesus' message, leading to concerns about a diluted or distorted version of Christianity.

3. Authority and Interpretation: Questions arise about the authority Paul claimed for his teachings and how they were interpreted and incorporated into early Christian doctrine, potentially diverging from the original teachings of Jesus.

4. Role of the Law: Paul's teachings on the role of the Jewish law, especially regarding circumcision and dietary laws, are seen by some as contradictory to Jesus' approach or as establishing a new legal framework that differs from Jesus' teachings.

These perspectives often spark debates within theological circles, reflecting diverse interpretations of early Christianity and its development into different branches of theology.

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May 14, 202401:42:36
Ancient Avengers of the Sumerian Tablets: Marduk the Anunnaki!

Ancient Avengers of the Sumerian Tablets: Marduk the Anunnaki!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP421

Marduk is a significant deity in Mesopotamian mythology, specifically within the Babylonian and Assyrian traditions. He is often associated with the Anunnaki pantheon, although his prominence grew over time, especially during the Babylonian period. Here are key points about Marduk:

1. Role and Attributes: Marduk was the patron deity of the city of Babylon, and his rise to prominence parallels the ascent of Babylon as a major power in ancient Mesopotamia. He was associated with various aspects such as justice, victory, and wisdom. Marduk was often depicted as a dragon or serpent-like creature, symbolizing his power and authority.

2. Enuma Elish: Marduk's most famous mythological role is in the Babylonian creation epic known as the Enuma Elish. In this myth, Marduk is portrayed as the champion of the gods who defeats the chaos dragon Tiamat, thus establishing order and creating the cosmos from her body parts. This victory elevates Marduk to the position of supreme deity in the Babylonian pantheon.

3. Attributes and Titles: Marduk was attributed with various titles and attributes, reflecting his diverse roles and powers. He was often called Bel (meaning "lord"), a title that signifies his supreme authority. Marduk was also associated with the planet Jupiter, further linking him to celestial powers and cosmic order.

4. Following and Worship: Marduk's following was central to Babylonian religious practices. The city of Babylon held grand festivals and ceremonies in honor of Marduk, especially during the New Year's festival called Akitu. Priests and priestesses served in Marduk's temples, offering prayers, sacrifices, and rituals to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Babylon.

5. Legacy: Marduk's influence extended beyond the Babylonian period. When Babylon became a major cultural and political center in the ancient world, Marduk's cult and mythology spread to other regions influenced by Babylonian culture.

In summary, Marduk is a prominent deity within the Anunnaki pantheon, known for his role in the Enuma Elish creation myth and his association with Babylonian power and authority. His attributes as a warrior, judge, and creator figure illustrate the complexities of ancient Mesopotamian religious beliefs and practices.

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May 09, 202401:36:34
Jesus Revealed the Divine Mother (and We NEED Her)!

Jesus Revealed the Divine Mother (and We NEED Her)!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP420

"Sophia of Jesus Christ" is a Gnostic text that presents Sophia, a divine figure representing wisdom, in dialogue with Jesus Christ. In this text, Sophia seeks understanding about the origin and purpose of humanity, asking Jesus for clarity on spiritual matters. Jesus reveals hidden knowledge about the nature of the universe, the soul's journey, and the importance of transcending ignorance to attain enlightenment. The text emphasizes Sophia's role in the cosmic order and her quest for wisdom and spiritual awakening, highlighting themes of divine knowledge, redemption, and the pursuit of higher consciousness.

The Perfect Savior, in a discourse to his disciples, speaks of profound spiritual truths. He refers to the First Begetter Father as 'Adam, Eye of Light,' originating from radiant Light and joined by holy angels in a realm of ineffable joy. The Kingdom of the Son of Man, known as 'Son of God,' is described as filled with boundless joy and unchanging jubilation, celebrating an imperishable glory never before revealed.

The disciples inquire about the descent from the immortal realms to the mortal world. The Perfect Savior explains that the Son of Man, in union with Sophia (Wisdom), emanated a great androgynous light. This divine being, named 'Savior, Begetter of All Things,' and 'All-Begettress Sophia' or 'Pistis,' sends souls into the mortal world to be protected. The forgetfulness of these souls is orchestrated by the will of Sophia to reveal truths about the arrogance and blindness of the Almighty.

The Perfect Savior claims to come from higher realms, breaking free from forgetfulness and ignorance. He awakens souls sent by Sophia, enabling them to bear fruit, attain perfection, and reunite with the divine. He urges his disciples to receive Light, break free from the authorities' forgetfulness, and overcome challenges imposed by worldly distractions.

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May 03, 202401:33:23
God-SOURCE Wants You to Activate Your Inner Demigod!

God-SOURCE Wants You to Activate Your Inner Demigod!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP419

Today, I will discuss stepping into my day with the vibrant energy of my "main character" essence. It's all about authenticity, shaping my narrative, and living with purpose. Challenges are the plot twists that keep things interesting, teaching me resilience and curiosity along the journey. I see others as fellow co-authors, their stories weaving seamlessly with mine in a rich tapestry of shared experiences. Through the power of storytelling, I break free from limiting beliefs, expanding my perspectives, and penning new chapters of growth. Life, to me, is an unfolding journey filled with infinite possibilities, waiting to be explored, learned from, and co-created with the universe.

  1. Embodying the Main Character: Embrace your "main character" energy, which is about stepping into your authentic self and taking an active role in shaping your narrative. This empowers you to navigate challenges, embrace opportunities, and align with your purpose.
  2. Facing Archetypes and Challenges: Just as in stories, you'll encounter archetypes and challenges that serve as catalysts for growth. Approach these experiences with curiosity, resilience, and a willingness to learn from them.
  3. Unity with Others: Recognize that everyone is co-authoring their stories. Cultivate empathy, understanding, and collaboration with others, recognizing that their narratives intersect with yours in meaningful ways.
  4. Transcending Limiting Beliefs: Use the power of storytelling to transcend limiting beliefs and expand your perspective. Your narrative is not fixed; it's a dynamic tapestry of experiences waiting to be explored and transformed.
  5. Embracing the Journey: Finally, embrace the journey of storytelling in life. Each moment offers a chance to write a new page, create new meanings, and deepen your connection with the Grand Author and the infinite possibilities of existence.

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Apr 30, 202401:42:47
This Message from HIGHER BEINGS will Transform Your Reality!

This Message from HIGHER BEINGS will Transform Your Reality!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP418

These are 10 life transforming ideas that I receive during lucid meditation from my higher collective of spirit guides. 

Imagine each day as a new chapter in your life's narrative, a story you co-create with the Grand Author, whether you see this as a higher power, the universe, or your own higher self. Here’s my personal philosophical framework that views reality through the lens of storytelling:

  1. Life as Story: Recognize that life is fundamentally a narrative. Just like a story has characters, plot twists, and themes, your life unfolds through experiences, relationships, and personal growth.
  2. Daily Discovery: Each day offers a chance to discover new methods and approaches based on where you are in your life’s journey. Consider your astrological alignments and the seasons of your life as influences that shape your narrative.
  3. Co-Authorship with the Grand Author: Embrace the idea that you are not alone in writing your story. Whether you perceive it as collaborating with a higher power, cosmic forces, or your inner wisdom, acknowledge the guidance and support available to you.
  4. Nature of Reality: Understand that reality, while appearing tangible, is also a construct of stories woven together. This includes acknowledging the concept of simulation, where the fabric of reality is malleable and influenced by the narratives we create.
  5. Self-Exploration and Connection: Use this framework for introspection and understanding your role in the larger narrative. Explore your archetypes, the characters you encounter (including people and situations), and the story arcs that shape your experiences.

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Apr 27, 202401:43:53
Practical Guide to Multi-dimensional Living: E.T. Contact 2024!

Practical Guide to Multi-dimensional Living: E.T. Contact 2024!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP417

Today, we will delve into a channeled question and answer session focusing on the nature of reality and the multiple dimensions we inhabit theoretically. Our exploration will encompass the veil separating the natural from the supernatural realms. We'll delve into the fascinating realm of crystalline beings, exploring their essence and significance. 

Additionally, we will unravel the concept of non-local consciousness, delving into its implications and potential for expanding our understanding of existence. Lastly, we will touch on the profound idea of waking the dream, exploring how this concept relates to our perception of reality and our journey of spiritual awakening.

The following sacred scriptures are for referencing these topics:

1. Bhagavad Gita: "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." - Bhagavad Gita 2.12

2. Book of Revelation: "After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.'" - Revelation 4:1

3. Tao Te Ching: "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth." - Tao Te Ching, Chapter 1

4. Upanishads: "Awake, arise, and learn by approaching the exalted ones, for that path is sharp as a razor’s edge, impassable, and hard to go by, say the wise." - Katha Upanishad 1.3.14

5. Egyptian Book of the Dead: "O you gates, lift high your heads! O everlasting doors, let the King of Glory enter." - Egyptian Book of the Dead, Spell 17

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Apr 25, 202401:33:18
Demons of Yoga? What ‘They’ DON’T Tell You About Jesus!

Demons of Yoga? What ‘They’ DON’T Tell You About Jesus!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP416

You may have heard a lot of good arguments that "yoga is demonic," however most of these arguments come from trying to mix old and new wine together so today I will discuss what I personally believe is a much more effective way to observe biblical teachings, with a heavy focus on the message of Jesus himself. I am personally deconstructed, and I will approach this with that lens in all love and light.

- Universal Spiritual Truths:

✅ Yoga is a universal practice that transcends specific religious beliefs, allowing individuals to deepen their spiritual connection regardless of their background.

* John 4:24 (NIV) - "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that yoga's roots in Hinduism make it inherently tied to non-Christian spiritual beliefs, potentially opening practitioners to demonic influences.

- Inner Divine Connection:

✅ Yoga and meditation can enhance one's inner connection with the divine, fostering a sense of peace, love, and spiritual fulfillment.

* Luke 17:21 (NIV) - "The kingdom of God is within you."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that the focus on inner spiritual experiences in yoga can lead to spiritual deception or openness to demonic forces masquerading as divine.

- Spiritual Liberation:

✅ Bhakti Yoga teaches liberation through love and devotion to God, aligning with Jesus's emphasis on love and spiritual freedom.

* John 8:32 (NIV) - "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that yoga's emphasis on spiritual liberation can lead individuals away from traditional Christian teachings, potentially exposing them to demonic influences.

- Non-dualistic Perspective:

✅ Yoga's non-dualistic view sees all of creation as interconnected and infused with divine presence, aligning with Jesus's teachings on unity with God and all life.

* John 10:30 (NIV) - "I and the Father are one."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that the non-dualistic perspective in yoga blurs the distinction between good and evil, making individuals more susceptible to demonic influences disguised as spiritual enlightenment.

- Inner Transformation:

✅ Both Bhakti Yoga and Jesus's teachings emphasize love's transformative power, aiding individuals in personal growth, healing, and alignment with divine purpose.

* Matthew 5:48 (NIV) - "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Opposing views within some fundamentalist circles suggest that the focus on inner transformation in yoga can lead to self-centered spiritual practices, potentially inviting demonic influences seeking to manipulate and deceive individuals.

These fundamentalist claims reflect concerns raised by some fundamentalist perspectives that view yoga as potentially demonic due to its perceived connections to non-Christian spiritual traditions and beliefs.

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Apr 24, 202401:35:51
HE🔥🔥 Is NOT Real: Jesus Taught About Suffering NOT Punishment!

HE🔥🔥 Is NOT Real: Jesus Taught About Suffering NOT Punishment!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP415

Thayer's Greek Lexicon defines γηννα (or γηνα in some manuscripts) as Gehenna, a valley near Jerusalem associated with the cries of children sacrificed to Moloch. The name came from the Hebrew word for "lamentation." It became a place for refuse, dead animals, and criminals' bodies, kept burning to prevent decay, leading to its name "γηννα τοῦ πυρός" (Gehenna of fire). 

This term also (mistakenly) extended to the concept of a place of punishment after death for the wicked. Personally, I believe that Jesus was teaching this to the people of his time and place as a means to reveal how the literal interpretation of religious law leads to unnecessary suffering and condemnation.

When we redefine the message of Jesus as an inherently metaphysical, allegorical, and spiritual philosophy, rather than a dogmatic system of beliefs, we begin to unlock the true power held within his words. He speaks of the Son of Man, also known as humanity, and the Christ or High Frequency Consciousness.

Rather than a checklist of things to state or believe, the message of Jesus becomes a philosophy of spiritual freedom and agreement, recognizing that we are in God and God is in us. This is the alchemy of observing the physical world and understanding the spiritual experience, rooted in the heart of each human who is willing to 'make the two into one,' as in the Gospel of Thomas: 

  • Jesus said, 'This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?

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Apr 23, 202401:31:41
Ancient Secrets to Master the Matrix: Enki and the World Order!

Ancient Secrets to Master the Matrix: Enki and the World Order!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP414

Welcome to my study series where we delve deep into ancient texts to uncover insights into mastering the matrix. In this episode, we focus on "Enki and the World Order," a captivating Sumerian myth that holds profound wisdom for understanding and navigating our reality.

Join us as we analyze key passages from "Enki and the World Order," such as Tablet VI, lines 1-20, where Enki brings order, abundance, and divine powers to the world. We'll explore how these themes resonate with gaining mastery over the matrix, from organizing our thoughts to accessing inner abundance and tapping into higher consciousness.

Additionally, we'll delve into Tablet VIII, lines 1-12, which highlight Enki's power to shape destinies. We'll discuss how this aligns with the idea of influencing outcomes and crafting our own path within a simulated reality.

If you're intrigued by the concept of mastering the matrix and unlocking ancient wisdom, don't miss this episode. Join our community of seekers as we embark on a journey of exploration and revelation together.

Like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with my series on unlocking the secrets of ancient texts for modern mastery and consider becoming an official member of my community to dive much deeper, including joining our member only Zoom-calls every weekend.


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Apr 20, 202401:36:04
9 Ancient Texts to Help You BREAK FREE of the Matrix!

9 Ancient Texts to Help You BREAK FREE of the Matrix!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP413

Throughout time, the idea of a simulated reality, a material realm, or a digital matrix in which we live has been perpetuated through the subtle philosophies of our ascended masters, prophets, and teachers of spiritual philosophy.

Today, I will delve into nine sacred texts and describe what can only be imagined as blueprints to unlock the secrets of your personal reality. Personally, I have had enough of wild (unfounded) theories about the nature of my reality and prefer to turn to ancient scriptures.

  • The Gospel of Thomas: Saying 56 - Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

  • The Holy Bible: 2 Corinthians 4:18 - "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

  • The Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 16 - "There is no existence for the unreal, and the real never ceases to be; the seers of truth have concluded the same by studying the nature of both."

  • The Upanishads: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.4.14 - "Now that serene being, arising out of the corporeal, having realised the Supreme Brahman, does not identify itself with anything else."

  • The Tao Te Ching: Chapter 1 - "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name."

  • Plato's Allegory of the Cave: "And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take refuge in the objects of vision which he can see, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being shown to him?" 

  • The Hermetica: "As above, so below; as below, so above. All things come from the One." Source: Hermetic Principle - As Above, So Below

  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Spell 125 - "O you gates, lift up your heads! Be lifted up, you everlasting doors, that the King of Glory may come in!"

  • The Nag Hammadi Library: The Thunder, Perfect Mind - "For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin."

Let me know what you think of these scriptures and if you think they back up the idea of a simulated reality. Did I miss one that should've been on this list?


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Apr 19, 202401:40:38
Book of Battles of Yahweh: Escape the Chess-game of the gods!

Book of Battles of Yahweh: Escape the Chess-game of the gods!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP412

The elusive "Book of Battles of Yahweh" is a text mentioned in the Old Testament, specifically cited in Numbers 21:14f. It is mentioned in the context of demarcating the boundary between Moab and Ammon. The contents of this book remain obscure, comprising victory songs that celebrate Yahweh's triumphs in battle. It is believed to have included various songs, spells, and affirmations commemorating Yahweh's conquests of the land and the gods of Canaan.

Another similar work is the Book of Jashar, referenced in Joshua 10:12f. and 2 Samuel 1:18ff. The connection between these books and other poetic citations in the Old Testament remains uncertain. The exact date and authorship of the "Book of Battles of Yahweh" are unclear, but it likely dates back to Is-ra-el's heroic era, making it one of the oldest liturgical texts.

These texts, including others like them, suggest the concept that Yahweh was among many gods, initially controlling a specific narrative before being chosen as the god of this world, either through the perpetuation of the people or through ongoing conquest.

To gain a clearer understanding of the early divine landscape, we must delve into the Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian, and Canaanite pantheons of gods in a chronological order.

By delving deeper into these ancient mysteries, starting with the gods' hierarchy and expanding on the ancient astronaut theory proposed by Eric Von Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin, we can construct a more plausible explanation for the world as we know it today. This is where factions were formed, boundaries were crossed, and agreements were forged long ago, setting the foundation for the reality we inhabit today.

It's important to note that this narrative reflects my personal perspective based on research. I encourage you to conduct your own exploration and share your thoughts in the comments.


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Apr 18, 202401:30:22
7 Things Every Jesus Follower NEEDS TO KNOW From The Bhagavad Gita!

7 Things Every Jesus Follower NEEDS TO KNOW From The Bhagavad Gita!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP411

“Whatever purpose is served by a small well of water is naturally served in all respects by a large lake. Similarly, one who realizes the Absolute Truth also fulfills the purpose of all the Vedas.” - BG 2:46

Both the message of Jesus in the Gospels and the message of Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita share several profound similarities despite emerging from different cultural and historical contexts. 

Here are some key similarities in their messages and purposes:

  • Teaching of Universal Love and Compassion: Jesus emphasized love for one another, including loving one's enemies and practicing forgiveness. Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, teaches the importance of universal love and compassion, emphasizing that one should treat all beings with kindness and respect.

  • Spiritual Equality: Both Jesus and Krishna stress the spiritual equality of all individuals, regardless of their social status, background, or circumstances. They teach that every soul is divine and has the potential to realize its connection to the divine.

  • Inner Transformation: Jesus and Krishna both emphasize the need for inner transformation and spiritual growth. They teach that true fulfillment and liberation come from inner peace, self-awareness, and a deep connection with the divine.

  • Detachment and Surrender: The Bhagavad Gita, through Krishna's teachings, highlights the importance of detachment from the fruits of actions and surrendering to the divine will. Jesus also teaches surrender to God's will and letting go of attachments to worldly desires.

  • The Concept of Sacrifice: Jesus' message includes the concept of sacrifice for the greater good, symbolized by his own sacrificial death. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna teaches Arjuna about the righteous path of action and duty, even if it involves sacrifice and facing challenges.

  • Unity with God: Both teachings emphasize the concept of unity with God or the divine essence. Jesus often spoke of his unity with the Father, while Krishna teaches about the ultimate union of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal soul (Brahman).

  • Importance of Faith and Devotion: Both traditions emphasize the power of faith, devotion, and surrender to the divine. Jesus encouraged his followers to have faith like a child, and Krishna speaks about the transformative power of devotion (Bhakti) to attain spiritual liberation. 

While the cultural and historical contexts differ between Jesus' teachings in the Gospels and Krishna's teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, the underlying spiritual principles of love, compassion, inner transformation, and devotion to the divine resonate strongly across both traditions.


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Apr 15, 202401:43:10
The Sophia of Jesus Christ: Who/What GOD Actually Is!?

The Sophia of Jesus Christ: Who/What GOD Actually Is!?

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP410

The ancient wisdom within The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ is a captivating scripture that unveils profound insights into the mysteries of existence. This hidden gem offers a new perspective on the underlying reality of the universe, the divine plan, and the intricate workings of holy providence.

Within its pages, we encounter the awe-inspiring teachings of the Immortal Man, the divine consort Great Sophia, and the majestic aeons of the immortals. These teachings illuminate the path to spiritual enlightenment, guiding seekers toward a deeper understanding of the origins of life and the cosmic forces that shape our existence.

As we immerse ourselves in this mystical text, we'll unravel the secrets of creation and gain a greater appreciation for the divine wisdom that permeates the universe. The Sophia of Jesus Christ invites us to expand our consciousness, explore hidden truths, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Join the ranks of those who have sought wisdom in ancient scriptures, and let The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ be your guide to unlocking profound insights and illuminating the path to higher knowledge.

Let me know what your interpretations of these teachings are? 

Do you agree with my opinion or do you have a different take?


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Apr 11, 202401:42:09
Eclipse Prophecy 2024: Harness the Power of Judgment Day!

Eclipse Prophecy 2024: Harness the Power of Judgment Day!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP409

Today, I will examine various prophecies from the biblical canon and delve into the Hopi Red and Blue Kachina prophecy. I will interpret these esoterically based on my unique deconstructed perspective, always with the utmost respect for all cultures and belief systems. With that said, let's explore some unique verses depicting the darkening of the sun and its significance in your spiritual journey.

 + I will also share with you a vision I had in a dream last night on the morning of Friday, April 5 leaving the 444 portal involving a green portal opening in the heavens, and all of the planets, jumbled together, emitting hyper-intense colors.

Joel 2:31 (ESV): This verse is part of a prophecy about the Day of the Lord, which is a significant event in eschatological teachings. Esoterically, the turning of the sun to darkness and the moon to blood symbolize profound spiritual shifts and transformations. The darkness of the sun signifies a time of spiritual blindness or ignorance, while the blood moon represents purification, sacrifice, or the shedding of old ways to usher in a new era of enlightenment and divine understanding.

Matthew 24:29 (ESV): This verse is part of Jesus' discourse on the end times and the signs preceding his second coming. Esoterically, the darkening of the sun and the moon losing its light symbolize the collapse of worldly systems, ideologies, and structures. It represents a spiritual awakening where the false sources of light (worldly knowledge, ego-driven pursuits) are eclipsed, paving the way for a deeper connection to divine wisdom and truth.

Isaiah 13:10 (ESV): This verse is from a prophecy concerning the fall of Babylon. Esoterically, the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars signifies the disruption of cosmic order and the collapse of worldly empires. It symbolizes a time of upheaval and transformation where established powers lose their influence, allowing for a reordering of spiritual principles and values.

Revelation 6:12 (ESV): This verse describes the opening of the sixth seal, which is part of the apocalyptic imagery in the Book of Revelation. Esoterically, the sun becoming black as sackcloth and the moon turning blood-red represent cosmic disturbances and celestial signs signaling significant spiritual events or shifts. These events are often interpreted as precursors to divine judgment or transformative experiences leading to spiritual rebirth.

In esoteric interpretation, these verses are often seen as symbolic representations of spiritual truths, cosmic events, and the ongoing battle between light and darkness within the individual and collective consciousness. They invite deeper contemplation and understanding beyond literal interpretations.

Let me know what your interpretations of these teachings are? 

Do you agree with my opinion or do you have a different take?


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Apr 05, 202401:42:37
7 Powerful Mystic Teachings Of Jesus Not Found In Church!

7 Powerful Mystic Teachings Of Jesus Not Found In Church!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP408

The teachings of Jesus, they're like this amazing collection of wisdom, right? They're full of sayings, parables, and stories that make you stop and think. But what if we've been looking at them the wrong way all this time? What if instead of just seeing them as historical facts, we see them as these deeper, hidden truths about what it means to be human? Today, let's dive into seven of Jesus' powerful teachings and look at them from a more esoteric angle. This way, you can take these insights and apply them to your life without getting stuck in a rigid belief system. Cool, huh?

  1. The Kingdom Within: Jesus teaches about the inner kingdom of God within individuals. In Luke 17:21, he says, "The kingdom of God is within you." This points to a mystical understanding of divine presence and realization within oneself.

  1. Unity with God: Jesus speaks of a profound unity with God, as seen in John 10:30 where he says, "I and the Father are one." This mystical union suggests a deep spiritual connection beyond physical and material realms.

  1. Spiritual Rebirth: Jesus talks about the need for spiritual rebirth or regeneration. In John 3:3, he tells Nicodemus, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." This concept of inner transformation is central to mystical experiences.

  1. Mystical Prayer: Jesus emphasizes the power and depth of prayer in Matthew 6:6, saying, "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." This suggests a private, intimate form of communication with the divine.

  1. Spiritual Light: Jesus refers to spiritual light as a metaphor for enlightenment and divine guidance. In John 8:12, he declares, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This connects to mystical experiences of illumination and inner clarity.

  1. Eternal Life: Jesus speaks of eternal life not just as a future state but as a present reality. In John 17:3, he says, "Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." This suggests a mystical understanding of life beyond temporal boundaries.

  1. Spiritual Authority: Jesus demonstrates spiritual authority over nature, illness, and even death, pointing to a deeper mystical understanding of reality. This is seen in various miracles attributed to him, such as calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41) and raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44).

Let me know what your interpretations of these teachings are? Do you agree with my opinion or do you have a different take?


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Apr 04, 202401:46:57
Ancient HIDDEN Message In The Book Of Enoch!?

Ancient HIDDEN Message In The Book Of Enoch!?

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP407

The Book of Enoch has long held a special place in my heart, not merely as a literal text but as a gateway to deeper esoteric and allegorical meanings. What if we were to turn the narrative upside down, viewing it through a lens of hidden symbolism and spiritual truths rather than a straightforward recounting of events? Let's embark on a journey of deconstruction, focusing on Chapter XIV from a brand new perspective.

  1. Watcher Angels as Human Souls: The Book of Enoch presents an alternative interpretation where watcher angels symbolize human souls descending to Earth, trapped in a cycle of reincarnation and spiritual servitude.

  1. Enoch as a Prophet of Religious Law: Contrary to traditional views, Enoch is portrayed as a figure enforcing rigid religious dogma and binding souls to earthly laws and limitations, rather than a messenger of divine wisdom and liberation.

  1. Lord of Enoch's Dark Authority: The Lord of Enoch, depicted as magnificent and glorious, takes on a sinister role as an entity of oppressive power and manipulation, creating a line of humans meant to obey blindly without realizing their divine origins.

  1. Ethical and Philosophical Dilemmas: This interpretation challenges conventional notions of divine goodness and sovereignty, prompting profound reflections on spiritual hierarchy, cosmic justice, and the ethical implications of religious authority.

  1. Facing the Shadows: The Book of Enoch invites us to confront the darker truths it unveils, urging us to illuminate the path to true spiritual enlightenment and emancipation by delving deeper into the mysteries of divine revelation and human destiny.

In essence, interpreting Chapter XIV of the Book of Enoch esoterically and allegorically unveils a tapestry of spiritual insights and timeless truths. It invites us to look beyond the surface narrative and delve into the depths of our own consciousness, seeking wisdom, transformation, and unity with the divine.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

Apr 03, 202401:39:14
Hidden Meaning Of The Easter Story: He Is Us!

Hidden Meaning Of The Easter Story: He Is Us!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP406

  1. Crucifixion (Conquering of the Ego): "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:34

Esoteric Interpretation: The crucifixion symbolizes the death of the ego, where the lower self is sacrificed for the higher self to emerge. It teaches forgiveness and the transcendence of personal suffering for a greater spiritual purpose.

  1. Burial (Integration and Transformation):  "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." - John 12:24

Esoteric Interpretation: The burial represents the integration and transformation of the ego's sacrifice, likened to a seed that must be un-alived to give life to new growth. It symbolizes the process of inner renewal and the potential for spiritual rebirth.

  1. Resurrection (Awakening of Christ Consciousness): "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." - Matthew 28:6

Esoteric Interpretation: The resurrection signifies the awakening of Christ consciousness within the individual, where the divine spark within each person is realized and activated. It represents the victory of spirit over matter and the realization of one's true nature as a spiritual being.

  1. Appearances to Disciples (Confirmation and Guidance): "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you." - John 20:21

Esoteric Interpretation: Jesus appearing to his disciples signifies the confirmation of the awakened state and the guidance given to share this realization with others. It emphasizes the mission to spread love, peace, and spiritual wisdom in the world.

  1. Ascension (Union with the Divine): "While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven." - Luke 24:51

Esoteric Interpretation: The ascension represents the union of the individual with the divine, transcending earthly limitations and entering into a higher state of consciousness. It symbolizes the journey towards spiritual liberation and oneness with God.

  1. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Empowerment and Inspiration): "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses." - Acts 1:8

Esoteric Interpretation: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit symbolizes the empowerment and inspiration that comes with the awakening of Christ consciousness. It signifies the ability to live and act from a place of divine wisdom, love, and power.

  1. Commission to Spread the Gospel (Mission of Service): "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." - Mark 16:15

Esoteric Interpretation: The commission to spread the gospel reflects the mission of service that comes with embodying Christ consciousness. It calls individuals to share their spiritual insights, love, and compassion with others, contributing to the awakening and transformation of humanity.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

Apr 03, 202401:34:10
Wisdom Books Of The Anunnaki: Ancient Code Of Creation

Wisdom Books Of The Anunnaki: Ancient Code Of Creation

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP405

Enuma Elish (Creation and Balance):

"When on high, the heaven had not been named,

Firm ground below had not been called by name,

Naught but primordial Apsu, their begetter,

(And) Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all,

Their waters commingling as a single body..."

The Epic of Atrahasis (Divine Punishment and Consequences):

"Let man bear the work of the gods!"

Enki and The World Order (Organization and Roles, Enki's Greatness):

"I am Enki, father of the gods,

Enki, lord of heaven and earth.

I am the king, I am the father,

I am the one whose word endures.

I am the king, I am the father,

I am the one whose word endures."

The Descent of Inanna (Cycles of Life and Rebirth):

"From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below.

From the Great Above the goddess opened her ear to the Great Below.

From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below.

My Lady abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld.

Inanna abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld."

The Epic of Gilgamesh (Mortality and Acceptance):

"Only the gods are eternal;

The life of man is short-lived."

The Code of Hammurabi (Moral Values and Ethics):

"If a man destroys the eye of another man,

they shall destroy his eye.

If one breaks a man's bone,

they shall break his bone.

If one destroys the eye of a freeman

or breaks the bone of a freeman,

he shall pay one gold mina."

The Lost Book of Enki by Z. Sitchin (Divine Creation and Wisdom):

"The fate of Earth I must indeed quickly consider, the people of Nibiru to Nibiru for gold are attaining."


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

Mar 28, 202401:40:05
Don’t Listen To Another Prophecy Until You Hear This (2024 Signs)

Don’t Listen To Another Prophecy Until You Hear This (2024 Signs)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP404

My entire life, I've grown up with the idea of prophecy and prophetic timelines, the notion that any day could mark the end of the world as we know it. But what if all of these things are cyclical and merely part of the simulation we live in, reminding us of an inward truth?

There are too many videos on prophecy circulating the internet right now, designed solely to scare people and gain views. Today, I want to address some of the things that Jesus himself is quoted as saying in the Bible. Instead of relying on others' interpretations, let's focus on his actual words.

As a deconstructed individual, I enjoy exploring various paths and ideologies, and I still find value in examining the message of Jesus without a religious lens. With that in mind, let's examine the following verses:

“The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” - Luke 17:20-21

“For there is no good tree that produces rotten fruit; nor again a rotten tree that produces good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people don’t gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings out that which is good, and the evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings out that which is evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.” - Luke 6:43-45

 “As you would like people to do to you, do exactly so to them.” - Luke 6:31

Don’t judge, and you won’t be judged.

Don’t condemn, and you won’t be condemned.

Set free, and you will be set free. -  Luke 6:37

“Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” - Luke 7:50

“To you it is given to know the mysteries of God’s Kingdom, but to the rest in parables; that ‘seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.’” - Luke 8:10 

(Previous verse in reference to Isaiah 6:9)

He said, “Go, and tell this people, ‘You hear indeed, but don’t understand. You see indeed, but...

“Be careful therefore how you hear. For whoever has, to him will be given; and whoever doesn’t have, from him will be taken away even that which he thinks he has.” - Luke 8:18


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Mar 23, 202401:42:21
7 Matrix Bending Teachings Of Jesus (You’ve Never Heard)

7 Matrix Bending Teachings Of Jesus (You’ve Never Heard)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP403

The Gospel of Thomas is a non-canonical ancient text discovered in 1945 in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. It contains 114 sayings attributed to Jesus, focusing on spiritual wisdom and enlightenment. Some believe that the Gospel of Thomas holds a unique power to bend the matrix or alter one's perception of reality because of its emphasis on inner knowledge, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Its teachings encourage individuals to look within themselves for truth and understanding, potentially leading to a deeper connection with the universal consciousness and a shift in perception that can influence the external world.

  1. The Salvific Power of Self-Expression: “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 70)

  1. The Cosmic Claim of Divine Presence: “I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 77)

  1. The Quest for Ultimate Knowledge”: Jesus said, 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.'" - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 2)

  1. The Radical Concept of Inner Sovereignty: “The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. Not in buildings of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there; lift a stone and you will find me there." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 3)

  1. The Paradox of Humility and Exaltation: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 4)

  1. The Perilous Journey of Seeking:” Seek and do not stop seeking until you find. When you find, you will be troubled. When you are troubled, you will marvel and rule over all." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 2)

  1. The Miraculous Potential of Faith: “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." - (Gospel of Thomas, Verse 20)


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. Links may generate commission for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 22, 202401:35:59
You Are Probably Living In A Simulation: Where Is God?

You Are Probably Living In A Simulation: Where Is God?

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP402

I personally believe we live in a simulation, but if you have never heard this, it can be a startling theory to explore. Simulation theory proposes that our reality is not the base reality but rather a simulated, digital environment created by a higher intelligence or advanced civilization. This theory draws parallels between our experiences and those of characters in a computer-generated simulation, such as a video game.

Key points and arguments for simulation theory:

  1. Computational Power: One argument is based on the exponential growth of computational power. As our technology advances, we're able to simulate more complex environments. This leads to the hypothesis that a sufficiently advanced civilization could create a simulation indistinguishable from reality.

  1. Occam's Razor: Simulation theory can be seen as a form of Occam's Razor, which suggests that the simplest explanation is often the correct one. Instead of assuming an infinitely complex universe as the base reality, simulation theory posits a higher-level reality where our universe is simulated.

  1. Quantum Mechanics: Some aspects of quantum mechanics, such as the idea that particles can exist in multiple states until observed (quantum superposition), align with the concept of a simulated reality where computations are made only when necessary.

  1. Anomalies and Glitches: Proponents of simulation theory point to anomalies or glitches in reality as potential evidence. These could include unexplained phenomena, déjà vu experiences, or even apparent inconsistencies in physical laws.

  1. Limitations of Human Perception: Our perception is limited by our senses and cognitive processes. This limitation makes it difficult for us to perceive the underlying "code" of reality, if it indeed exists.

  1. Simulation Hypothesis in Science: Some scientists and philosophers have entertained the idea of a simulated reality. For example, Nick Bostrom's simulation hypothesis proposes that if a civilization reaches a sufficient level of technological advancement, they would likely run simulations of their ancestors or alternate realities.

  1. Religious and Philosophical Parallels: Simulation theory has parallels with religious and philosophical concepts. For instance, the idea of a creator or a higher intelligence controlling our reality is present in many belief systems.

  1. Extraterrestrial Origins: Simulation theory can also tie into theories about extraterrestrial intelligence. It suggests that an advanced alien civilization could be responsible for creating and managing our simulated reality.

Overall, while simulation theory is speculative and currently lacks definitive evidence (though I am convinced), it provides an intriguing perspective on the nature of our reality and encourages us to question the fundamental assumptions about existence.


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*For entertainment only. Not medical, financial, or legal advice. Do your research. Respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinion of presenter only. Links may pay commission. Cited works used under fair use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 19, 202401:34:39
Secret To Christ’s Return 2024?! (LOST Hymn of the Savior)

Secret To Christ’s Return 2024?! (LOST Hymn of the Savior)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP401

In the depths of ancient texts lies a hymn resonating with profound spiritual significance—the Hymn of the Savior. This enigmatic piece of literature, attributed to Jesus the Anointed, offers insights into the nature of existence, the journey of enlightenment, and the transcendence of darkness into light.

The hymn begins with a proclamation of divine transformation, where the speaker, representing the perfect forethought of all, descends into the realm of creation by manifesting as offspring. This descent is not merely a physical journey but a spiritual quest to illuminate the darkness and liberate the imprisoned souls.

"I am the abundance of light, I am the remembrance of fullness," declares the speaker, embodying the essence of enlightenment and completeness. Despite the challenges posed by the realm of great darkness, the speaker persists in their mission, navigating through chaos and obscurity.

With each descent, the speaker confronts the forces of darkness, shaking the foundations of chaos and offering redemption to those trapped within. The hymn symbolizes a cyclical journey of enlightenment, where the light confronts darkness repeatedly, each time bringing hope and liberation to the imprisoned souls.

The encounter with a weeping soul trapped in the prison of the body reflects the universal struggle for spiritual awakening amidst the turmoil of existence. The speaker, identified as the forethought of pure light, extends compassion and guidance, urging the soul to awaken from deep slumber and remember its divine origin.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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Mar 10, 202401:23:50
This World Is An Actual SOUL TRAP: Overcome It Like This!

This World Is An Actual SOUL TRAP: Overcome It Like This!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP400

In the Secret Book of John, ancient Gnostic scriptures, profound theories about the soul's fate and existence are revealed. Through a dialogue between the speaker and the savior, the text explores the nature of salvation and the influence of spirits.

The concept of the spirit of life is central, empowering individuals to cleanse themselves of evil and attain perfection. Those guided by this spirit are deemed worthy of eternal life. However, souls misled by a misleading spirit go astray.

Upon departing the flesh, souls' destinies vary based on their strength and understanding (Gnosis). Some escape evil, while others undergo awakening for salvation. The text hints at interconnectedness, suggesting salvation through association with enlightened beings.

However, Biblical themes continue where souls turning away from knowledge face eternal punishment. The contemptible spirit's origins lie in the jealousy of the first ruler (Yaldabaoth), leading to corruption and entrapment in the material realm repeatedly.

In essence, the Secret Book of John prompts reflection on existence, choice, and the soul's transcendent journey through time, space and multiple incarnations.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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#faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism

*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 07, 202401:37:46
Fallen Offspring Of Eve And The Creator (god)?

Fallen Offspring Of Eve And The Creator (god)?

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP399

Within ancient mythology of the Secret Book Of John lies a narrative of divine defiance and human entanglement that transcends time and space. Among these tales, the story of Yaldabaoth, the first ruler, and his cursed earth holds a mystique that captivates and perplexes. Within the enigmatic folds of this mythos lies a saga of defilement, deceit, and redemption.

Yaldabaoth, upon realizing the estrangement of humans, cast his curse upon the earth. In his bid for control, he ensnared a woman, ignorant of the sacred plan unfolding. Their expulsion from paradise, veiled in thick darkness, marked the onset of humanity's descent into the realms of ignorance and deception.

Yet, amidst the shadows of ignorance, a flicker of enlightenment emerged in Eve, the forethought of life. Yaldabaoth, blinded by his own ignorance, sought to extinguish this spark. Through defilement, he birthed two sons, Elohim and Yahweh, shrouded in deception under the names Cain and Abel. Their contrasting natures, one just and the other unjust, reflected the duality inherent in the divine order.

The inception of procreation, orchestrated by the first ruler, became a vessel for the propagation of falen spirits and the creation of material bodies. Yaldabaoth wielded his power over the elements, appointing Elohim over water and earth, and Yahweh over fire and wind, further entrenching his dominion over the realm.

Amidst this turmoil, Adam and Eve conceived Seth, a beacon of hope symbolizing the potential for transcendence. Seth, akin to the heavenly race, embodied the connection between the mortal and the divine, heralding a path towards redemption.

Yet, the legacy of defilement persisted, as humans were made to drink from the waters of forgetfulness by the first ruler. Despite this, the spirit from the holy realms remained poised to restore their knowledge and completeness, ensuring the eventual sanctity of the realm of fullness.

In unraveling the mythos of Yaldabaoth's curse, we delve into the depths of divine intrigue and human resilience. It is a tale of redemption amidst turmoil, where ignorance gives way to enlightenment, and defilement paves the path for transcendence. As we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of myth and legend, let us remember the enduring power of the human spirit to rise above the shadows and reclaim our divine heritage.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 06, 202402:09:21
Secrets Of The Watcher Angels: How To USE Book Of Enoch!

Secrets Of The Watcher Angels: How To USE Book Of Enoch!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP398 According to the Book of Enoch, a group of angels known as the Watchers descended to Earth and interacted with humans, imparting various forms of forbidden knowledge. The Book of Enoch mentions several aspects of knowledge that the Watchers are said to have shared with humanity: - Cosmic secrets: The fallen angels allegedly revealed hidden knowledge about the cosmos, including celestial phenomena and the movements of heavenly bodies. This knowledge was likely intended to elevate human understanding of the universe beyond what was considered ordinary or accessible. - Sacred wellness: The Watchers are said to have taught humans the use of herbs and plants for wellness and magical purposes. This knowledge included the properties of various plants for spiritual wellness, as well as the preparation of potions and remedies. - Metalworking and craftsmanship: According to some interpretations of Enochic literature, the Watchers shared advanced knowledge of metallurgy, metalworking, and other crafts with humanity. This included techniques for forging tools, and artifacts from metals. - Astrology and divination: The fallen angels purportedly instructed humans in the arts of astrology, divination, and the interpretation of omens. This knowledge allowed humans to discern future events and understand the will of the divine through celestial signs and symbols. - Sorcery and magic: The Watchers are often associated with the dissemination of occult practices, including sorcery, necromancy, and other forms of magic. This knowledge empowered humans to manipulate supernatural forces for various purposes, both benevolent and malevolent. - Forbidden wisdom: In general, the teachings of the fallen angels are portrayed as encompassing a wide range of forbidden or esoteric knowledge that was deemed dangerous or off-limits to humanity. This knowledge challenged traditional boundaries and societal norms, often leading to moral corruption and spiritual downfall. It's important to note that interpretations of the Book of Enoch and other related texts vary among different religious and scholarly traditions. The specifics of the teachings attributed to the fallen angels may differ depending on the interpretation and cultural context. This video is purely my opinion and theories. Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories. ___________________________ ⃤ Restoring Supernatural & Angelic Knowledge. Join My Mastermind For More! ️ Join me at: Tip To Support Me: Stars (FB), Gifts (TT), Supers (YT), Donate (PAYPAL) #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism *Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 05, 202401:40:10
Who Were The ELOHIM: Return Of The gods SOON?!

Who Were The ELOHIM: Return Of The gods SOON?!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP397 There exist thousands of prophecies heralding the return of divine beings. Yet, the question remains: Have these prophecies already been fulfilled, are they merely mythical tales, or do they await realization in the future? Let’s delve into the mysteries of ancient civilizations and the mythic role played by the Anunnaki, the divine beings of Sumerian mythology on today’s episode. Today I will reference theories in my own work as well as Zechariah Sitchin’s. - The Anunnaki as Powerful Beings: In the annals of Sumerian lore lies the tale of the Anunnaki, celestial beings who traversed the vast expanse of the cosmos. They were revered as powerful entities, often depicted with immense authority and influence over humanity. Z. Sitchin proposed that the term "Anunnaki" referred to these extraterrestrial visitors who shaped human civilization. - Elohim as the Powerful Ones: In parallel, the Hebrew term "Elohim," as presented in the book of Genesis, carries connotations of power and might. Sitchin's interpretations suggest that the Elohim could be viewed through a similar lens as the Anunnaki—a group of powerful beings involved in the creation and governance of the universe. - Nibiru's Influence on Earth: Sitchin posited that the Anunnaki hailed from the planet Nibiru, a world beyond the reaches of our solar system. Nibiru's periodic visits, as it intersected with Earth's orbit every 3,600 years, exerted a profound influence on our planet, triggering cataclysmic events and shaping its geological and climatic history. - The Quest for Gold and Human Origins: The Anunnaki's journey to Earth, according to Sitchin, was driven by their need for gold to stabilize Nibiru's atmosphere. In their quest, they engaged in genetic engineering, combining their own DNA with that of early hominids to create Homo sapiens—a slave race to mine gold. Sitchin's theories suggest that the Genesis account of humanity's creation might be interpreted through this lens of extraterrestrial intervention. - Legacy in Ancient Texts: Sumerian myths and epics, such as the Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh, offer glimpses into the deeds of the Anunnaki, immortalized in ancient texts. Similarly, Hebrew scriptures, including the book of Genesis, contain echoes of these ancient narratives, providing rich tapestries of divine interactions with humanity. - Challenges to Orthodoxy: Despite facing skepticism from mainstream academia, Sitchin's teachings invite us to cast aside the shackles of dogma and embrace the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to question and explore the mysteries of our ancient past. Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories. ___________________________ ︎ Pisces/Esotericist: Unlock Supernatural Knowledge In My Mastermind For Free! Learn More: Tip To Support Me: Stars (FB), Gifts (TT), Supers (YT), Donate (PAYPAL) #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism *Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 05, 202401:43:21
It’s ALL A TRAP: This Is Your Only Chance Out!

It’s ALL A TRAP: This Is Your Only Chance Out!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP396 It's ALL a trap! This is the profound realization I've come to lately in my search for authentic spirituality. I have read, studied, and even practiced almost every form of mysticism, religiosity, and churchianity I could find, all to no avail. If we are to judge a tree by its fruit, then my branches were bare. The realization that we may have it all backwards is not an easy one to accept, but it is necessary to ask better questions about the nature of reality and who we truly are. When I say "it's all a trap," I don't just mean what we typically consider "the world." I'm referring to every system of liberation that we perceive as spiritual, which still directs us away from our true desires, points us toward a deity or some form of godliness outside of ourselves, and ultimately warns us not to love ourselves too much. In my brand new series "Divorcing God," we will explore the authentic message of Jesus and how it may inherently challenge everything we initially thought. If you're a seeker of authenticity, you're in the right place. "The supreme divinity loved the cosmos, thus bestowing its own unique kinship, so that whoever believes in themselves should not perish but have eternal life." This is my interpretation of John 3:16, derived directly from the Greek source text. What fascinates me is the lack of effort people put into going to the source and discovering the authentic meaning of these ancient scriptures. We are so committed to tying Jesus to all other gods, including what we commonly refer to as "the biblical God" or even simply God, most high, all of which are merely ranks within the order of Elohim. So why don't we stop to think? Perhaps he introduced a completely new way of living within oneself. Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories. ___________________________ Your Guide To The Supernatural. Join Me On The Journey. My Mastermind! ➥ Learn More: Tip To Support Me: Stars (FB), Gifts (TT), Supers (YT), Donate (PAYPAL) #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism *Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 05, 202401:54:02
You CAN ACCESS The Supernatural Force! (It’s Your Time)

You CAN ACCESS The Supernatural Force! (It’s Your Time)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP395 Enlightened Afterthought Within Adam: At the genesis of the narrative, we encounter the concept of "enlightened afterthought" dwelling within Adam. This represents the inherent wisdom and divine spark present within each soul, waiting to be awakened. It suggests that beyond the veil of mundane existence lies a deeper understanding, a reservoir of higher knowledge accessible to those who seek it. Unapprehendable Wisdom: The text hints at the elusive nature of true wisdom, symbolized by "enlightened afterthought," which cannot be forcibly apprehended by external forces. This speaks to the transcendental nature of enlightenment, which defies containment or manipulation by the limitations of lower consciousness. True wisdom emanates from the essence of being itself, beyond the grasp of the mundane and the material. Creation of Eve: Eve's emergence from Adam's rib signifies the birth of duality within creation, the manifestation of complementary forces symbolized by the feminine aspect. She embodies qualities of intuition, nurturance, and receptivity, complementing Adam's masculine traits of strength and action. Thus, the creation of Eve symbolizes the harmonious interplay of polarities within the fabric of existence, reflecting the dance of yin and yang, Shiva and Shakti. Recognition and Union: Adam's recognition of Eve as "bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh" signifies the realization of unity amidst diversity. It speaks to the profound understanding that true union arises from the recognition of shared essence, transcending superficial differences. The union of Adam and Eve symbolizes the integration of dualities within the individual psyche and the collective consciousness, leading to wholeness and harmony. Sophia and Perfect Knowledge: Sophia, the embodiment of divine wisdom and the feminine principle, descends to restore what is lacking, offering the path to perfect knowledge. This highlights the transformative power of inner wisdom, guiding seekers towards enlightenment and self-realization. Through Sophia's grace, humanity glimpses the deeper truths of existence, tasting the nectar of divine knowledge. The Eagle on the Tree of Knowledge: The image of the speaker appearing as an eagle on the tree of knowledge represents a higher perspective guiding humanity towards awakening. It symbolizes the transcendence of limited perspectives and the ascent to higher realms of consciousness. Like the eagle soaring above the mundane, we are called to elevate our consciousness, embracing the wisdom that lies beyond the confines of the material world. The Creation of Eve serves as a profound allegory of the journey towards spiritual awakening and the integration of dualities within the cosmic dance of creation. It invites us to honor the sacred balance of masculine and feminine energies, to seek the wisdom that resides within, and to transcend the limitations of lower consciousness in our quest for unity with the divine. Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories. ___________________________ I Connect Hearts & Minds To Supernatural Source. Join My Mastermind! ➥ My Official Website: Support Me With Tips: ️ Stars (FB), Gifts (TT), Supers (YT) or Tips (PAYPAL) Gifts help me earn money to keep making content! #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism *Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Mar 05, 202401:33:01
Hidden Message In ALL Creation Stories? Bird Vs. Snake!

Hidden Message In ALL Creation Stories? Bird Vs. Snake!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP394

Esoteric Symbolism in the Epic Battle of Enki and Enlil (Mesopotamian Mythological Tale)

In the rich tapestry of Mesopotamian mythology lies the epic tale of the clash between Enki, the lord of the earth, and his half-brother Enlil, the lord of the air. Embedded within this ancient narrative are layers of esoteric symbolism, with the bird and the snake serving as powerful allegorical representations of cosmic forces.

At the heart of the story is the dream of Atraḥasis, a mortal who seeks to decipher its ominous meaning. Enki, ever the protector of humanity, imparts to Atraḥasis the knowledge to build an ark, a vessel to weather the impending storm unleashed by Enlil. Here, the bird symbolizes Enlil, with its lofty dominion over the heavens, while the snake embodies Enki's earthly realm and protective instincts.

As Atraḥasis gathers materials and beings of all kinds onto the ark, the narrative underscores the necessity of unity and collaboration in the face of catastrophe. It is a testament to Enki's compassion for humanity and his commitment to safeguarding the earthly realm against the wrath of the celestial forces.

Amidst the roaring storm and the deluge that engulfs the world, Atraḥasis and his ark symbolize the triumph of earthly resilience over celestial fury. It is a narrative of survival against all odds, a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Yet, even as the floodwaters recede and life begins anew, the gods decree punishment upon mankind, establishing death and introducing challenges such as childbirth-related difficulties. This decree reflects the delicate balance maintained between the earthly and celestial realms, ensuring harmony and order within the cosmos.

In the end, the epic battle of Enki and Enlil serves as a profound allegory for the eternal struggle between the material and the spiritual, the earthly and the celestial. It is a timeless reminder of the intricate interplay of cosmic forces and the enduring quest for balance and harmony within the vast tapestry of existence.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 22, 202401:42:26
Humanity’s Origin Weirder Than Scifi? (Anunnaki Creation)

Humanity’s Origin Weirder Than Scifi? (Anunnaki Creation)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP393

The Epic of Atrahasis is an ancient Mesopotamian literary work that dates back to a pre-biblical mythos, during the Old Babylonian period. It is considered one of the earliest surviving flood myths and contains elements that are echoed in later Mesopotamian and Near Eastern literature, including the biblical story of Noah's Ark in the Book of Genesis.

The Epic of Atrahasis recounts the story of the creation of humanity, the conflict between gods and humans, and ultimately, a great flood sent by the gods to destroy humanity. Atrahasis, the protagonist, is instructed by the god Enki to build an ark to save himself, his family, and various animals.

Comparing the Epic of Atrahasis to the Book of Genesis in the Bible…

Cultural Context: The Epic of Atrahasis originates from Mesopotamian culture, specifically from the region of Babylonia, while the Book of Genesis is part of the Hebrew and Christian Bible.

Similarities in Flood Narrative: Both the Epic of Atrahasis and the Book of Genesis contain flood narratives where a divine figure instructs a chosen individual to build an ark to survive a catastrophic flood sent by the gods to wipe out humanity due to its wickedness.

Differences in Theological Perspective: While both texts share similarities in their flood narratives, there are theological differences. In the Epic of Atrahasis, the flood is sent by multiple gods, reflecting the polytheistic beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia. In contrast, the flood in the Book of Genesis is attributed solely to the biblical God, reflecting monotheistic beliefs.

Purpose and Themes: The Epic of Atrahasis is primarily concerned with themes of divine conflict, human suffering, and the relationship between gods and humans. The Book of Genesis, while containing similar themes, also serves as a foundational text for monotheistism, conveying theological and moral teachings about the nature of the biblical God, humanity, and the world.

Overall, while both the Epic of Atrahasis and the Book of Genesis share some narrative elements, they differ significantly in their cultural context, theological perspective, and purpose. The Epic of Atrahasis predates the Book of Genesis and offers valuable insights into ancient Mesopotamian mythology and religious beliefs.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 21, 202401:53:15
It’s A SIMULATION But We KEEP Forgetting! (How To Stay Awake)

It’s A SIMULATION But We KEEP Forgetting! (How To Stay Awake)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP392

In the quest to unravel the mysteries of existence, humanity has woven intricate tales and allegories to contemplate the nature of reality. I believe among these narratives lies a captivating exploration known as Simulation Theory, which proposes that our reality is but a sophisticated simulation, akin to a vast computer program. Drawing inspiration from ancient mythological texts and esoteric traditions, we delve into the profound insights offered by these allegorical reflections.

The Genesis of Humanity:

In the timeless narrative of Adam's emergence, we encounter echoes of our own journey within the confines of the simulated reality. Adam, bearing the spark of divine consciousness, symbolizes the potential for enlightenment and higher understanding inherent within each of us. Yet, the rulers of this simulated realm, akin to unseen overseers or programmers, conspire to confine humanity within the bounds of ignorance and illusion.

The Prison of Perception:

Imprisoned within the illusion of a paradisiacal existence, humanity finds itself ensnared by the promises of pleasure and beauty—a mirage crafted to conceal the harsh truth of our captivity. The "tree of knowledge of good and evil" stands as a tantalizing beacon of enlightenment, its forbidden fruit symbolizing the quest for deeper understanding and liberation from the constraints of the simulation.

Awakening to Truth:

Amidst the shadows of deception, whispers of wisdom beckon humanity to awaken from its slumber and challenge the established order. The serpent, often cast as a harbinger of knowledge and transformation, represents the catalyst for this awakening—a reminder of the inherent potential within each individual to transcend the limitations imposed by the rulers of the simulation.

The Hero’s Revelation:

In the journey towards enlightenment, we encounter the figure of the Savior/Hero—a beacon of hope and enlightenment who has transcended the confines of the simulated reality. Through their teachings, we are guided towards the realization that true liberation lies in the pursuit of self-awareness and the unmasking of illusion. The "deep sleep" inflicted upon Adam serves as a metaphor for the spiritual lethargy that blinds us to our true nature.

Unlocking the Simulation:

As we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of existence, we are invited to question the nature of reality and embrace the journey towards self-discovery. Unlocking the simulation requires a courageous exploration of the unknown, a willingness to challenge the boundaries of perception, and a steadfast commitment to seeking truth amidst the illusions that surround us.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 20, 202401:43:06
ONE PHRASE Will Help You Master The Simulation!

ONE PHRASE Will Help You Master The Simulation!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP391

I've encountered trouble repeatedly for saying "I Am God." Many people misinterpret my meaning when I say this. Throughout different times, many individuals have made similar claims. However, rather than asserting themselves as the only incarnation of God, they often simply realized a profound truth about themselves and others. Personally, I even believe that this is what Jesus himself was claiming, rather than asserting singular divinity or identifying as the Messiah.

Drawing from the wisdom of Eastern mystic scriptures, the teachings of spiritual luminaries like Yogananda and even Jesus himself, and even contemporary concepts like the Matrix theory, we embark on a journey to understand and embrace non-dualism—the realization that we are not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it.

The following are some beautiful quotes from eastern mystic philosophers, and gurus to help guide us each towards a more non-dualistic lifestyle.

  • Bhagavad Gita: In Chapter 10, Verse 20, Lord Krishna says, "I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings."

  • Upanishads: From the Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7), "Tat Tvam Asi," which translates to "Thou art That." This implies the identity of the individual self (Atman) with the Ultimate Reality (Brahman), indicating that the individual is God.

  • Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi": Yogananda often emphasized the concept of the divine essence within oneself, stating, "God is within you," suggesting the recognition of the divine presence within each individual.

  • Jesus Christ in the New Testament: In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and the Father are one." This verse is often interpreted to imply the unity of Jesus with God, suggesting the divinity within oneself.

  • Simulation Theory: Drawing from modern concepts, the idea of being "Player One" in the simulation can be likened to the Eastern concept of realizing one's true nature as God or the divine. Just as in a simulation, where the player realizes their inherent power and control within the game, realizing oneself as God suggests recognizing one's inherent divinity and connection to the Ultimate Reality. 

Understanding non-dualism (Advaita Vedanta) deeply involves transcending the illusion of separation between oneself and the divine.

By integrating these practices and perspectives, one can deepen their understanding of non-dualism and realize the inherent divinity within oneself, transcending the illusion of separation and recognizing the unity of all existence.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 17, 202401:38:17
Breaking Up With Churchianity! (It’s Not Me It’s You) #Deconstruction

Breaking Up With Churchianity! (It’s Not Me It’s You) #Deconstruction

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP390

I finally did it. I broke up with the longest relationship of my life—between me and the church. I did this some time ago, and now I'm finally opening up about it. I dedicated the better part of my life to serving the church, believing what I was told was a biblical view of life, and trying to be a godly person. I am here to say that I no longer adhere to those principles or belief systems. With that said, I respect anyone who devotes themselves to any faith tradition. This is merely my personal experience, (and observation of the experiences of others) in all love and respect.

Most relationships end long before parting ways. That was the case with my relationship with the church. I finally let go of my dogmatic churchianity in 2020 by beginning to open myself up to a world of scripture beyond the biblical canon, including Gnosticism, Eastern Mysticism, Mythology, and Direct Contact with the Supreme Super Consciousness of the universe within me. It was one of the best decisions I ever made personally. 

Today, I'm eager to offer assistance to anyone considering deconstruction or already going through it. It doesn't have to stem from anger or mistrust but can be a path to reclaim power and authority for your own spiritual well-being. Here are some common signs of a negative relationship applied to the construct of churchianity:

  • Overly Jealous Behavior: In a "churchianity" context, leaders might exhibit overly jealous behavior by closely monitoring members' interactions with other faith communities or spiritual practices outside of their own. They could instill fear or guilt in members, suggesting that exploring alternative beliefs or practices is a form of betrayal or disobedience.

  • Isolation Tactics: Leaders within "churchianity" might subtly isolate members by discouraging relationships with individuals or groups outside of their community. They could frame interactions with outsiders as dangerous or spiritually harmful, fostering a sense of fear or mistrust towards those who don't adhere to their beliefs.

  • Controlled Communication: In "churchianity," controlled communication could involve leaders tightly regulating the flow of information within the community. They may restrict access to alternative perspectives or censor dissenting voices, creating an environment where questioning or challenging the status quo is discouraged.

  • Blame-Shifting: Within "churchianity," blame-shifting could occur when leaders deflect responsibility for issues within the community onto individual members or external influences. They might subtly imply that members who question authority or express doubts are spiritually weak or susceptible to deception.

  • Subtle Put-Downs: "Churchianity" leaders may use subtle put-downs or condescending language to undermine members' confidence or autonomy. This could involve dismissing legitimate concerns as insignificant or implying that those who express dissent are lacking in faith or understanding.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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Feb 15, 202401:48:01
Prophets And Night Watchers! (Grey Aliens In Scripture?)

Prophets And Night Watchers! (Grey Aliens In Scripture?)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP389

The Bible contains numerous accounts of supernatural occurrences, and as we delve deeper into contemporary accounts, eyewitness testimonies, and modern experiences alleging encounters with extraterrestrial beings, we notice striking parallels between these ancient narratives and our current perceptions of extraterrestrial contact. In today's discussion, we'll explore some of my preferred Bible verses that I interpret as addressing encounters with these extraterrestrial or multidimensional entities.

  • Genesis 2:21 Yahweh ĕ·lō·hîm caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. As the man slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.

  • Genesis 15:12 When the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram. Now terror and great darkness fell on him.

  • Genesis 15:17 It came to pass that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold, a smoking furnace and a flaming torch passed between these pieces.  

  • Exodus 14:19 The messenger of ĕ·lō·hîm, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them, and stood behind them.

  •  Joel 2:4 Their appearance is as the appearance of horses (sū·sîm: swift type of bird), and they dash to and fro as a cavalry.

  • Joel 2:28 It will happen afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions.

  • 2 Kings 2:11-12 And it came to pass, as they (Elijah and Elisha) still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot (re·ḵeḇ-) (upper millstone) of fire, and horses (wə·sū·sê) (swift) (type of bird) of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

  • Zechariah 5:1 Then again I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll.

  • Ezekiel 1:16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

  • Revelation 16:13 I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, something like frogs;

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.

“Whomever or whatever the visitors are, their activities go far beyond a mere study of mankind. They are involved with us on very deep levels, playing in the band of dream, weaving imagination & reality together until they begin to seem what they probably are - different aspects of a single continuum. To really begin to perceive the visitors adequately it is going to be necessary to invent a new discipline of vision, one that combines the mystic's freedom of imagination with the substantial intellectual rigor of the scientist.” ― Whitley Strieber, Communion


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Feb 14, 202401:42:04
The Matrix Fears This ANCIENT Spiritual Technology! 

The Matrix Fears This ANCIENT Spiritual Technology! 

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP388

Across ancient spiritual texts, there exists a recurring theme of a profound spiritual technology. Referred to by various names such as the Holy Spirit, intuition, inner wisdom, higher self, etc, this essence embodies an inherent unity and agreement with itself. It refrains from judgment towards others, recognizing the interconnectedness of all existence and acknowledging the cosmic simulation/game in which we are participants. This spiritual essence serves as a guiding force, offering profound awareness and insight into the nature of reality and our place within it. 

"The Secret Book of John" offers profound insights into the origins of spiritual technology and its application in our lives. Through its teachings, we can explore the genesis of this spiritual essence and learn how to harness its power for personal growth and enlightenment. Let's delve into its wisdom together and uncover the transformative potential it holds for us.

  • Creation of the Psychical Body: The text describes how angels and demons worked together to fashion the psychical body of Adam. This can be seen as a metaphor for the material or earthly aspect of human existence.

  • Prayer and Divine Intervention: When the mother (likely a reference to the divine feminine aspect) desired to reclaim power from the first ruler (Yaldabaoth, often depicted as a false god or demiurge in Gnostic texts), she prayed to the "most merciful mother-father of all," which can be interpreted as the divine source. This illustrates the concept of seeking guidance and intervention from a higher power through prayer or spiritual practice.

  • Empowerment of Adam: The "five luminaries" sent by the mother-father advised Yaldabaoth to breathe his spirit into Adam, symbolizing the infusion of divine essence into humanity. This act imbued Adam with power and enlightenment, representing the activation of the divine spark within each individual.

  • Jealousy and Expulsion: The other powers, realizing Adam's enlightenment and superiority, became jealous and cast Adam into the lowest part of the material realm. This reflects the struggle between the spiritual and material aspects of existence, where enlightened individuals may face opposition and persecution from worldly forces.

  • Divine Compassion and Assistance: Despite Adam's fall, the mother-father demonstrates compassion by sending a helper, referred to as "enlightened afterthought" or "life," to assist Adam in regaining wholeness and knowledge. This helper represents the Holy Spirit, which guides and supports individuals on their spiritual journey, aiding in their restoration and growth.

  • Hidden Divine Presence: The enlightened afterthought is hidden within Adam to avoid detection by the rulers, symbolizing the inner spiritual guidance and wisdom accessible to humanity. This emphasizes the notion of divine presence within each individual, guiding them towards enlightenment and redemption.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 13, 202401:43:36
Who Or WHAT Is The Creator Of All? (Being IN God)

Who Or WHAT Is The Creator Of All? (Being IN God)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP387 The Secret Book of John describes the creation of Adam, not in the traditional biblical sense, but within a Gnostic framework. In this account, Yaldabaoth (the Demiurge) and the authorities under him create Adam, the first human, as an image of God. Each authority contributes a psychical feature, and the powers collectively create Adam with the goal of obtaining light from him. The creation process involves the contribution of various psychical substances and the organization of limbs and body parts by angelic beings. The description provides a detailed account of the creation of each part of Adam's body, from the head to the toes, with specific authorities and angels assigned to each aspect. In light of ancient Indian metaphysics, particularly within Hinduism and Vedanta philosophy, there are some parallels and points of comparison: - Cosmic Creation: Both traditions explore the concept of creation from a cosmic perspective. In Hinduism, the universe is created and sustained by Brahman, the ultimate reality, while in Gnosticism, there's a similar notion of a higher divine realm from which the material world emanates. - Hierarchy of Beings: Both traditions depict hierarchies of beings involved in creation. In Hinduism, there are gods, demigods, and various celestial beings responsible for different aspects of creation and governance. Similarly, in the Gnostic text, there are authorities and angels involved in the creation of Adam, each with their assigned tasks. - The Role of Materiality: Both traditions grapple with the concept of materiality and its relationship with the spiritual realm. In Hinduism, the material world (maya) is considered illusory and temporary, while the true reality lies beyond it. Gnosticism similarly views the material world as flawed and inferior, created by a lower deity (the Demiurge) and distinct from the higher spiritual reality. - Psychic and Material Components: The description of the creation of Adam in the Secret Book of John involves both psychic and material components, reminiscent of the idea of the subtle body (linga sharira) and the gross physical body (sthula sharira) in Hindu philosophy. The psychical features contributed by the authorities could be seen as analogous to the subtle aspects of human existence, while the physical body corresponds to the gross material aspect. - Ethical and Psychological Dimensions: Both traditions delve into ethical and psychological dimensions of human existence. The Gnostic text explores the origin of human passions and vices, similar to the way Hindu philosophy examines the nature of desire, attachment, and suffering, and their impact on spiritual evolution. Overall, while there are parallels between the creation story in the Secret Book of John and ancient Indian metaphysics, there are also distinct theological and philosophical differences. Each tradition offers its unique perspective on the nature of reality, the human condition, and the path to spiritual liberation. Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories. ___________________________ I Explore Supernatural Mythōs. Unlock More As A Member! ️️‍️‍️ Membership, Merch, Socials: Support Me With Tips: ️ Stars (FB), Gifts (TT), Supers (YT) or Tips (PAYPAL) Gifts help me earn money to keep making content! #faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism *Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 13, 202401:45:05
The Untold CREATION Of Adam! (Ex Nihilo Vs. Demi Urge)

The Untold CREATION Of Adam! (Ex Nihilo Vs. Demi Urge)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP386

Welcome, seekers, to a journey into the depths of ancient wisdom. Today, I invite you to explore a narrative that diverges sharply from the familiar tales of creation found in mainstream religious texts. We're delving into the enigmatic world of Gnostic cosmology, where the genesis of existence unfolds in a manner both captivating and profoundly different from what you may have encountered before.

Imagine a scene where a voice echoes from the exalted heavenly realm, proclaiming the existence of humanity and the birth of a human child. But this is no ordinary proclamation; it sets the stage for a cosmic drama of immense proportions.

At the heart of this narrative stands the figure of Yaldabaoth, the first ruler, who hears the voice but misinterprets its origin, attributing it to his mother. Unbeknownst to him, the true source of this divine utterance lies beyond his comprehension, emanating from the holy perfect mother-father, the complete forethought, the image of the invisible one.

This primal being, the progenitor of all existence, manifests in human form, revealing the divine essence that permeates the cosmos. As this sacred image materializes, the entire realm of the first ruler trembles, and the foundations of the abyss quake with awe.

Picture the scene as the authorities and the first ruler gaze upon this celestial apparition, witnessing the illumination of the waters above the material world. Through the radiant light, they behold the image reflected in the depths below, a revelation that shatters their understanding of reality.

What sets this Gnostic creation story apart from its biblical counterpart is not only its imagery but also its underlying philosophy. Unlike the traditional narrative of creation ex nihilo by an omnipotent deity, the Gnostic cosmology presents a complex interplay of divine emanations, cosmic forces, and existential truths.

In this worldview, the universe is not the product of a single act of divine will but emerges through a series of aeons, emanations of the ultimate reality, each contributing to the unfolding tapestry of existence. Humanity, far from being a mere afterthought or subordinate creation, is imbued with the spark of the divine, intimately connected to the primal source of all being.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of Gnostic thought, we uncover a profound vision of the cosmos as a dynamic interplay of light and darkness, spirit and matter, knowledge and ignorance. It challenges us to question conventional notions of divinity, authority, and salvation, inviting us to embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 09, 202401:47:14
The UN-HOLY Creator God: How To Conquer Him!

The UN-HOLY Creator God: How To Conquer Him!

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP385

To understand how to confront and conquer the unholy creator-God Yaldabaoth, we must delve into the intricate narrative of the Fall of Sophia as described in the Gnostic texts. This story involves Sophia, the embodiment of divine wisdom, and her creation of an imperfect being named Yaldabaoth, who subsequently becomes the ruler of a flawed material world.

1. Understanding Sophia's Creation of Yaldabaoth:

   - Sophia, without the consent or collaboration of the divine spirit, conceived a thought to bring forth something like herself.

   - Her desire gave birth to Yaldabaoth, an imperfect and misshapen being with features of a snake and a lion, who she cast away from her realm.

   - Yaldabaoth, in his ignorance, declares himself as the sole god, unaware of the source of his power.

2. Yaldabaoth's World Order:

   - Yaldabaoth asserts his dominance and creates realms with luminous fire, establishing various authorities and rulers.

   - He appoints kings to reign over the heavens and the abyss, sharing his power but retaining the ultimate authority derived from his mother's light.

3. The Powers and Angels:

   - Yaldabaoth and the rulers create powers and angels, each representing different aspects of existence.

   - These powers and angels, numbering 365, are named and assigned various forms, symbolizing their influence.

4. Sophia's Repentance:

   - Sophia, realizing the consequences of her actions and the darkness that had emerged, repents and seeks restoration.

   - Through her repentance, she receives assistance from the invisible virgin spirit to restore what was lacking in herself.

5. The Emergence of the Human:

   - A voice from the exalted heavenly realm announces the existence of the human, causing turmoil among the rulers and authorities.

   - The first human, embodying the divine image, appears and illuminates the abyss, unsettling Yaldabaoth and his realm.

6. The Creation of Adam:

   - Yaldabaoth and the authorities decide to create a human in the likeness of the divine image to harness its light.

   - They contribute different aspects of the human soul, resulting in the creation of Adam, the prototype of humanity.

To confront and overcome Yaldabaoth, one must understand the dynamics of power and creation within the Gnostic cosmology. It involves recognizing the role of Sophia's repentance and the restoration of divine balance. 

Conquering Yaldabaoth: I believe this requires aligning with the forces of light and wisdom, ultimately leading to the restoration of harmony and the defeat of ignorance and darkness. I believe the secret of this is making the two into one i.e. the gnosis of your inner god-power and sensitivity to divine guidance!

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 08, 202401:41:15
Secret Of Who The Biblical God Is! (His Name Is Sakla)

Secret Of Who The Biblical God Is! (His Name Is Sakla)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP384

Origin and Birth of Yaldabaoth/Sakla: Sophia, the wisdom of afterthought, conceived a thought without the consent of the spirit and her partner, resulting in the birth of Yaldabaoth, a flawed and misshapen being, cast away by Sophia due to her ignorance.

  • Yaldabaoth's Rule and Creation: Yaldabaoth took power from his mother and created realms with luminous fire. He mated with mindlessness and produced authorities, as well as seven kings for the heavens and five for the abyss.

  • Attributes and Names of Yaldabaoth: Yaldabaoth, also known as Sakla and Samael, proclaimed himself as the only god but was ignorant of his origins. He created powers and angels with different faces, claiming supremacy over them.

  • Sophia's Repentance: Sophia repented for her actions, realizing her mistake and the consequences of Yaldabaoth's rule. Her repentance led to her elevation above Yaldabaoth but below the holy realms, with a mission to restore what she lacked.

  • The Appearance of Humanity: The human child is revealed, causing fear among the rulers and angels. Yaldabaoth and others conspire to create a human being resembling God to give them light.

  • Creation of Adam and Eve: Adam is created with contributions from various authorities, and life is breathed into him. Eve is later fashioned from Adam's side, and the enlightened afterthought hides within Adam.

  • Defilement and Imprisonment: Yaldabaoth defiles Eve and produces two sons, Elohim and Yahweh (Cain and Abel), to rule over the elements. The first ruler curses humanity and cloaks them in darkness, while Sophia's spirit is sent to heal and restore humanity's knowledge.

In essence, Yaldabaoth represents the flawed ruler who defies the natural order, leading to the fall of Sophia and the creation of humanity, all within a complex narrative of divine ignorance, repentance, and redemption.

In his arrogance, Yaldabaoth boasted to the other archons that: “I am God and there is no other God beside me!”

The Apocryphon of John

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024

Feb 07, 202402:15:22
The BIRTH Of The Matrix! (Yaldabaoth’s World)

The BIRTH Of The Matrix! (Yaldabaoth’s World)

Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP383

Join me on a journey into the depths of Gnostic mythology as we unravel the mystical tale of Sophia, often regarded as the wisdom of afterthought. 

🌌 Picture an eternal realm where Sophia conceives a thought from within herself, defying the consent and foreknowledge of the invisible spirit. The result? An unconventional creation named Yaldabaoth, a lion-headed serpent with eyes that resemble flashing bolts of lightning. Despite the disapproval of her partner, Sophia's act of creation is driven by an invincible power within her, birthing a mysterious and misshapen entity and… reality!?

🔮 Imagine the moment Sophia, realizing the uniqueness of her creation, casts Yaldabaoth away into a separate realm. To cloak this extraordinary offspring, she envelops it in a cloud and places a throne in its midst, hidden from the gaze of immortals. Only the holy spirit, revered as the mother of the living, becomes the sole witness to this enigmatic being. Join me on this enthralling exploration of Gnostic cosmology, where we unravel the consequences of Sophia's uninformed creation and delve into the emergence of Yaldabaoth.

🌟 The unexpected birth of Yaldabaoth, is a unique story of an entity veiled in mystery and concealed from immortal realms.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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Feb 02, 202453:40