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Cult Transmissions Podcast

Cult Transmissions Podcast

By CultTransmissionsPod

A place to discuss all movies that are CULT. Join us
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The Great Outdoors

Cult Transmissions PodcastJun 04, 2021

Night of the Living Dead(1968) & Night of the Living Dead(1990)

Night of the Living Dead(1968) & Night of the Living Dead(1990)

We're Back! To celebrate the beginning of our favorite month, we take a look at a huge monster of a franchise. Social commentary, ghouls, and true horror are presented in a way most films can't. George A. Romero will always be remembered as the living dead godfather, but also his films have something more to say. Join us as we discuss both films and give some personal insights of what these movies mean to us. Join Us!!!

Oct 01, 202101:12:53
National Lampoon's Vacation

National Lampoon's Vacation

This is it, our final episode of our summer kickoff series. How could we not watch and talk about this film? Listen as we kind of talk about the film, but share some of our own personal vacation memories and nightmares. Gas up the family truckster and let's head to Wally World! Join Us!!!

Jun 25, 202155:40


Buddies!!! Here at CTP, we grew up with this movie and longed to be at a camp where things were wild and Ben Stiller was running loose in the woods. Go Karts, The Blob, and nurse Julie gives us "the best damn summer ever." How can you not love Lars??? Join Us!!!

Jun 18, 202147:35
Point Break

Point Break

Surf's up bro. This week we caught waves and watched this 90's action classic. Surfing, skydiving, and Gary Busey who loves a good meatball sub. Also, see if you can catch how many times someone says "John Wick." Join Us!!!

Jun 11, 202101:25:17
The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors

This week begins our Cult Transmissions Summer movie month. We're hoping to cover some good summer/outdoor flicks. Whether it's swimming, camping, or killing...these movies will not have snow in them. To kick things off, Clay picked an all-time John Candy masterpiece. You also get Dan Aykroyd in one of his best roles. This movie hits all the marks for us. Just stay away from the well water. So grab your coolers, get some smores, and gather 'round the's The Great Outdoors, Join Us!!!

Jun 04, 202101:22:13
Samurai Cop

Samurai Cop

It finally happened. Brian picked Samurai Cop for us to watch. What a movie it is. Does it hold up...? Who the hell knows, but Join Us anyhow!!!

May 28, 202101:17:22
Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier

This week we watched another Jean Claude film. We haven't even scratched the surface of his catalogue, but this is definitely a major one. Not only do we get some Damme fine butt scenes, but we also get Dolph Lundgren as a wild man. This film ticks plenty of your 90's action flick boxes. Join Us!!!

May 21, 202101:05:38
Nothing But Trouble

Nothing But Trouble

Oh boy did we watch a doozy. This movie gets weirder every time you watch. That's actually a scientific fact, don't bother looking it up. With a star studded cast, what could go wrong? Apparently nothing, but trouble... Also, we discuss some hot dog recipes. How ya like your dawgs? Join Us!!!

May 14, 202101:22:23
Pet Semetary 2

Pet Semetary 2

Continuing with the 90's, we visited this classic. Cue edgy alternative band. This is still a gross and fun movie for us. How does it hold up for you? Grab a rabbit and Join Us!

May 07, 202101:08:12
I Come in Peace

I Come in Peace

This week Brian picked a 90's gem. You get Dolph, Aliens, guns, and NBA stars? Also, we discover that CDs can be used as weapons. Join Us!!!

Apr 30, 202101:14:47
Perfect Blue

Perfect Blue

This week, we watched the 1997 Japanese animated psychological thriller Perfect Blue. This movie keeps you on your toes and guessing. We're still guessing. Also, what's a fax machine? Join Us!!!

Apr 23, 202101:10:55
Chopping Mall

Chopping Mall

This week, we watched a quintessential cult film. Grab your credit cards and lets go shopping! Remember, don't touch the bots. This is Chopping Mall, Join Us!!!

Apr 16, 202152:41


Well, it finally happened. Someone picked Tremors. What can be said about this "Bacon" wrapped worm filled flick that hasn't been said already? Does it still tickle your Graboid? Does it hold up? Take a listen and find out! Join Us!!!

Apr 09, 202101:10:39


This week we continued to be nostalgic and we watched Robocop. Is this film A.)the best robot movie B.)best cop movie C.)best action movie or D.)best ultra-violent gorey-gunfest. The answer is quite possibly all the above. This movie has it all and from what we can tell, it still holds up. So get comfy and Join Us!!!

Apr 02, 202101:11:52


This week we get nostalgic, again. We watched the 1989 Tim Burton classic, Batman! This movie made a big impact on all of us, not to mention laying the groundwork for future Batman films. How do you feel about it? Does it hold up? Does it need an enema??? Take a listen and Join Us!!!

Mar 26, 202101:23:42
The Editor

The Editor

The word this week is "Giallo." Can you dig? Chances are, you've already seen plenty of it. Well, here's one more for the gutters in your mind. We watched an Astron 6 flick, full of gore and full of laughs. Grab a knife and Join Us!!!

Mar 19, 202101:29:08


This week we watched what may be a hidden gem for some, by the late and great Tobe Hooper. You get space explorations, alien vampires, and zombies. Not to mention, a hell of a story and great practical effects. Everything that we here at CTP love. So strap in and Join Us!!!

Mar 12, 202101:29:08
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Hey Dudes and Dudettes! It's time to hop into the sewers, grab a slice of pie, and party! We dive into this turtley-awesome film and get uber-nostalgic. Join Us! 

Mar 05, 202101:25:54
Miami Connection

Miami Connection

We did it, we went to Miami, or was it Orlando? Either way, we watched this masterpiece. This could quite possibly be the quintessential Cult Film. Top 5 at least. If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and go watch it first. This episode does contain spoilers! Please, Join Us!!! 

Feb 26, 202101:21:18
Vampire Hunter D

Vampire Hunter D

This week Clay schools us once again, in the way of anime gems. We watched Vampire Hunter D, not to be confused with Vampire Hunter D...Bloodlust. Grab your swords, a good horse, and Join Us as we become Manpires. 

Feb 19, 202101:23:48
Exterminators of the Year 3000

Exterminators of the Year 3000

The year is 3000 and water is scarce. Gangs of Exterminators roam the wastelands, riding wheelies and killing. Luckily, we have a few heroes and a hamster. Join Us you Mother Grubbers!

Feb 12, 202101:00:25
The Oily Maniac

The Oily Maniac

What did we step in? This movie is wild. Part schlock, part drama, but covered in oil. This was a new one for all of us and it was fun to talk about and laugh at. Also, we try and get Whataburger as a sponsor. Join Us!!!

Feb 05, 202101:00:55
Masters of the Universe

Masters of the Universe

Love it or hate it, this is another example of Cult-worthy cinema. There's plenty to pick at, but it still gives us that warm fuzzy feeling, or maybe that was that BBQ sauce? Either way, listen as we make our way to the nearest pawn shop to get a synthesizer. Join Us!!!

Jan 29, 202101:15:48
No Holds Barred

No Holds Barred

Ya'll like wresslin'? How about The Hulkster? Well if you said yes to either you're in for a treat. If not, sorry. Either way you should Join Us!!!

Jan 22, 202101:32:36
Wicked City

Wicked City

Put the kids to bed, hide your wife, and cover your pet's eyes. Once again, Clay drags us into the gutter of gooey animated nightmares. We watched Wicked City. Join Us!!!

Warning: This episode contains graphic content. Listener discretion is advised.

Jan 15, 202101:15:07
The Running Man

The Running Man

This week we run, with the man, Arnold. Arguably the best King/Bachman futuristic flick...maybe. Regardless, it's better than Lawnmower Man. Where does it rate with you? Join Us!!!

Jan 08, 202101:07:44
Dead Heat

Dead Heat

Happy New Year everybody! Our first episode of 2021 is a great example of a Cult film. Uzis, Uzis, and Uzis! The effects in this movie still hold up and some of the best squib work we've seen. Listen, as we discuss how creative Joe Piscopo was with one liners and how Treat Williams, is Treat Williams. Join Us!!!

Jan 01, 202101:19:03
The Lodge

The Lodge

Merry Christmas! It's been a rough year all around. Let's kick 2020 in the nards one more time and watch something real scary. Isolation, snow, and teenagers...ugh. Hope you find it entertaining and have a great holiday. We'll talk at you next year! Join Us!!!

Dec 25, 202001:41:13
Cult Transmission's Holiday Episode!

Cult Transmission's Holiday Episode!

Season's Greetings and Happy Birthday Christmas to all! In this episode, the boys get festive and watched some classic and not so classic Christmas horror. We discuss not two, but four films...sort of. Join Us!!!

Dec 18, 202001:28:29
Fist of the North Star

Fist of the North Star

In this episode, Clay gives us another Anime assignment. Hint, it's a doozy. Join Us!!!

Dec 11, 202001:17:45
Hard Ticket to Hawaii

Hard Ticket to Hawaii

Grab your tickets, it's time to fly, with a snake, to Hawaii. This episode had us seeing doubles...and toilet snakes? Join Us!!!

Dec 04, 202001:27:01
The Crow

The Crow

Happy Thanksgiving ! Hopefully you're not turkey'd out yet, cause here comes another bird for ya. We watched The Crow and discussed how it's held up, or hasn't. Either or, take a listen and give us a review if ya want! Join Us!!

Nov 27, 202001:29:06
Maximum Overdrive

Maximum Overdrive

This week we check out a classic Stephen King flick. Trucks, explosions, and Lisa Simpson? Does it hold up, or shall we shoot it with a bazooka? Join Us!

Nov 20, 202001:13:34


Ready to go fast?!?!? Then buckle up for this one. Clay takes us racing through the cosmos with this wild anime flick. Join Us!

Nov 13, 202001:00:52
Halloween Hangover

Halloween Hangover

Halloween is over, basically. Let's take a moment to reflect on the best holiday of the year as we present our Halloween watch lists. Did you make it to 31 movies or catch anything new that will be on your list next year? Take a listen and hear what we saw. Join Us!!!

Nov 06, 202001:32:28


As we wrap up the month, Brian quizzes the rest of us on some horror movie trivia. He doesn't go easy on us, but we learned quite a bit. Take a listen to see how you'd do. Have a great Halloween and we'll have more episodes coming soon! Join Us!!!

Oct 30, 202001:14:03
Monster Squad

Monster Squad

On this episode, we cover yet another Fred Dekker classic. Most of us grew up with it and still watch it frequently. When was your first time? Don't be Bog-us, Join Us!!! See what we did there???

Oct 23, 202001:28:11
Halloween Traditions pt 3

Halloween Traditions pt 3

In the conclusion of our Traditions series, we discuss Halloween costumes. We talk about some of our childhood favorites and more. Also, Eric gives us his first hand experience at a seance. Join Us! 

Oct 21, 202001:38:54
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust

Tonight we talk about a spooky animated vampire film. We also discuss some of our favorite vampire flicks. What are some of yours? Join Us!!!

Oct 16, 202001:20:02
Halloween Traditions pt 2

Halloween Traditions pt 2

Part 2 brings us to one of the most important questions one could ask during October. What's your favorite candy?  Getcha  snack and Join Us!

Oct 14, 202019:35
Night of the Creeps

Night of the Creeps

A night just for us. An absolute Tom Atkins classic. Don't touch the brown slugs, or you'll die. Keep your mouth shut and thrill me! Join Us!!!

Oct 09, 202001:05:06
Halloween Traditions pt 1

Halloween Traditions pt 1

In this 3 part series, the boys get down to brass tacks and discuss their Halloween traditions. In this first episode we cover the basics: When to decorate, what movies, and any other nostalgia we hold on to. Also,...chili. Join Us!

Oct 07, 202032:57
Halloween 3 Season of the Witch

Halloween 3 Season of the Witch

It's October ya ghouls! Let's get into it! What better movie to start October with, than Halloween 3 Season of the Witch. A movie that really gets the Halloween mood. A movie that stars Tom Atkins. A movie that involves Halloween masks. A movie that has a John Carpenter soundtrack. Join Us as we begin our Halloween celebrations!!!

Oct 02, 202001:09:19
Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

It's finally October! This month is full of candy, spooky movies, and costumes. In keeping the spirit alive, we're bringing you extra treats to make your month the best it can be in these trying times. In this episode, the boys sit down with our good friend Jeremie and share some creepy and funny stories. Enjoy!

Oct 01, 202001:15:26
BeetleJuice w/ Commentary

BeetleJuice w/ Commentary

Say it once, say it twice, third time's a charm....Tonight we watched BeetleJuice and talked during the movie. Hopefully it's enjoyable. If not, you shouldn't have clicked on the episode. Anyway, Join Us!

Sep 18, 202001:32:49
Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky

Tonight we look to the sky as we talk about this "true story" made to film. Join Us!!!

Sep 11, 202059:16


What can be said about this classic? Who is Frank Dux? What is the Kumite? All will be answered in this episode, maybe. Either way, Join Us!

Sep 04, 202001:23:08
Class of 1999

Class of 1999

The year is 1999. Crime is everywhere and if you're late to class, your bio-droid teacher will spank you! Join us!

Aug 28, 202001:37:42
Escape from New York

Escape from New York

The year is 1997...or is it 2020? The President is kidnapped by Isaac Hayes and a guy named "Snake" is our only hope. Another John Carpenter gem takes us through the streets of New York, where The Duke is A #1. Join Us!

Aug 21, 202001:19:23
Aug 14, 202001:10:03