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Curiously Conscious

Curiously Conscious

By Foxy

The Grand Conjunction - Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius
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Aquarius Full Moon: Part Deux

Curiously ConsciousAug 17, 2021

Eclipse Season Begins! Taurus Solar Eclipse & Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse Season Begins! Taurus Solar Eclipse & Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

The Nodes of the Moon are moving through Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node). As a result, all of this year's eclipses will be in those signs. The first eclipse is a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus at 10 degrees and 28 minutes. It will take place on Saturday, April 30, at 4:28 pm EST. This is happening one day after Pluto, at 28 degrees of Capricorn, will station retrograde and stay retrograde until the beginning of October. This is some really powerful energy for setting a new intention, changing a habit, or making a major transformation in the area of life (house) that Taurus occupies in your chart. Then we have an extraordinarily strong Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees and 18 minutes of Scorpio. It will take place on Sunday, May 15 at 9:13 pm PST and on Monday, May 16, 12:13 am EST. A Full Moon is about releasing and this will be very deep, potentially dark things, that you no longer need to hold on to. The South Node is moving through Scorpio and represents the collective karma of the planet. Lots of old things will be shaken up so they can be faced. Look and see what house is ruled by Scorpio in your chart and that will give you more insight into how you will experience this energy. If you have anything near either one of these eclipse degrees, especially your Sun, Moon, Midheaven, or AC, then “Buckle Up Buttercup!”

Apr 16, 202201:22:15
April's Lunations - Aries/Libra - New Balance

April's Lunations - Aries/Libra - New Balance

Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss the April Lunations including the Aries New Moon and the Libra Full Moon.  This month we will be looking forward and trying to find a new sense of balance as we have many planets finishing up old cycles and starting new ones.  We will take a closer look at the brightest asteriod, Vesta, and see what she is upto as she spends this year in Aquarius and Pisces.  We will also take a look at the Fixed Star Algenib, associated with the wing of Pegasus. 

Mar 24, 202201:21:15
Aries Equinox & New Moon

Aries Equinox & New Moon

Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss the energy around the Aries (Spring) Equinox 3/20 and the Aries New Moon 3/31-4/1.  It is the beginnings the Zodiacal New Year as the Sun enters the first sign and first house in the Zodiac as we prepare for Easter or Ostara. Ostara celebrates the spring equinox. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings. There is a convergence of energy in Aries, but also in Aquarius and Pisces.  We also are preparing for the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, the two rulers of Pisces, in that sign on 4/12, but we will feel this energy that last half of March and all of Aries.

Mar 07, 202201:14:35
Pisces New Moon - Heal Thyself!

Pisces New Moon - Heal Thyself!

The Pisces New Moon on 3/2 is conjunct Jupiter and sextile Uranus in Taurus. We also have Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and a huge stellium in the upper decan of Capricorn (Pluto, Mars, Venus, Vesta). The Pisces New Moon is followed by the Virgo Full Moon and this axis is all about health: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It's time to keep your vibe high and use this magical energy for releasing the old and visioning the new. As you work on your own damn self, you heal the entire collective. Woohoo!

Feb 25, 202201:16:08
Leo Full Moon - Let Go, Let Flow

Leo Full Moon - Let Go, Let Flow

Join Cory and Foxy as they break down the Leo Full Moon.  This lunation happens on February 16, 2022 at 8:56 am PST/ 11:56 am EST, and should be full of drama and emotion.  It's time for Leo to let down his hair a bit as this lunation will be part of a Grand Fixed Cross with the Sun in Aquarius and the Nodes of the Moon in Taurus (NN) and Scorpio (SN).  It is the perfect lunation to let go of the past and embrace the future as your true self, because you are enough!  

Feb 09, 202201:14:54
WTF is Up in 2022 - and the Aquarius New Moon

WTF is Up in 2022 - and the Aquarius New Moon

What happened to our two Curiously Conscious goddesses? A whole lotta LIFE! Yes that is right 2021 went out on a note of great transformation for our heroines, but they are back and ready to kick 2022 in the teeth! Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss Cory's recent trip to the underworld, while taking a look at how the first quarter of 2022, and the upcoming Aquarius New Moon will impact you.

Jan 24, 202201:28:58
Gemini Full Moon - The Last Lunation

Gemini Full Moon - The Last Lunation

Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss the Last Lunation of 2021. On Saturday, December 18 we will have the Gemini Full Moon at 27 degrees of Gemini, opposing the Galactic Center of the Universe and the Sun at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This lunation will help us bring things to a close for 2021. For some it will be a release and for others they may hold on, kicking and screaming across the threshold of the New Year. Whatever path you chose, time stops for no one and it is time to close the door on another year and look ahead to the future. Join us!

Dec 17, 202101:11:22
Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse - New Vision

Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse - New Vision

Join Cory and Foxy as they break down the coming Sagittarius Solar Eclipse. This lunation packs a punch and will give each of us an opportunity to create a new vision for the future of ourselves, our earth, and the collective. It's time to empty out the skeletons from your closet and see what no longer serves you. This energy of this lunation will drive us for the next six months to make quantum leaps in our life around our beliefs. What empowers you? What gives you shame? Look and see what house Sagittarius ruling in your natal chart? This is the place where you can set some monumental intentions for your future self and the future of us all.

Nov 28, 202101:14:44
Taurus Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse - Wish Upon a Star

Taurus Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse - Wish Upon a Star

Join Cory and Foxy as they talk about this Taurus Full Partial Lunar eclipse happening at 27 degrees on 11/19. This eclipse has the Sun, in Scorpio, and the Moon in Taurus, both squaring Jupiter in Aquarius.  So get ready to brush off the cinders and get ready for the ball as Jupiter is ready to grant us our dearest wish.  But wait, how do we know for sure what to wish for?  Aye, there's the rub? Time to check your chart and see what lies ahead. Don't know how?  Cory and Foxy are here to help.

Nov 12, 202101:17:02
Scorpio New Moon - Foreshadowing the Future

Scorpio New Moon - Foreshadowing the Future

Welcome to the 22nd episode of Consciously Curious!  Join Cory and Foxy as they break down this "spooktacular" Scorpio New Moon on 11/4 at 12 degrees and 40 minutes. Intensity and frustration will ensue.  There is a t-square with this lunation, which is opposing Uranus Rx in Taurus and squaring Saturn in Aquarius.  Also, this Scorpio New Moon is followed by a Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 11/19.  November will be intense and also give us a snapshot of 2022 since the Nodal Axis of the Moon, which rules the collective future (dharma) and past (karma) of us all, will shift to the Taurus (2nd house) and Scorpio (8th house) Axis.  These are the money houses in the chart so pay attention to this next two lunations since they will potentially show you what's coming up for your future. 

Oct 27, 202101:01:38
Aries Full Moon: Choose Wisely

Aries Full Moon: Choose Wisely

Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss the Aries Full Moon, happening on 10/20 at 27 degrees and 26 minutes of Aries.  There is a whole lot going on during this Full Moon with a quincunx from Mercury (he will station direct 10/18) to Uranus Rx in Taurus. Mars is still combust the Sun in Libra and is conjunct Medusa and Elatus, the Iago of the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs).  Venus will be exactly conjunct the Great Attractor at 14 degrees of Sagittarius. So many downloads; so many opportunities; so many choices...choose wisely.

Oct 14, 202101:18:38
Libra New Moon - New Balance

Libra New Moon - New Balance

Join Cory and Foxy as they talk about the Libra New Moon happening on Wednesday October 6, 2021.  This New Moon is conjunct Mars, who is also traveling through Libra as is Mercury Rx.  This dynamic duo will be breaking down this last Air Sign retrograde of Mercury along with the subsequent slew of planets going direct in October: Pluto (10/6), Saturn (10/10), Jupiter (10/17), and Mercury (10/18). Time to find a new balance in your soul.  

Sep 27, 202101:19:43
Pisces Full Moon - Into the Wild

Pisces Full Moon - Into the Wild

Join Cory and Foxy as the discuss this wild and untamed Pisces Full Moon driven by some Neptunian oppositions. They also discuss the ingress of Venus into Scorpio and the coming of the Autumnal Equinox. Not to be forgotten, they discuss Mercury's third and final retrograde in Air as many of the outer planets slow down and prepare to station direct in mid-October.

Sep 12, 202101:23:54
Shiny and New...Like a Virgo New Moon

Shiny and New...Like a Virgo New Moon

We have a Virgo New Moon on September 6, at 8:51 pm EST/5:51 pm PST and this moon will be exactly trine to Uranus Rx in Taurus.  Expect the unexpected and prepare for the future.  We also will discuss Mercury's ingress into Libra for the next two months and his third and final retrograde of 2021. Join Cory and Foxy as we discuss this Shiny New Moon that is like a Virgo!

Aug 31, 202101:18:22
Aquarius Full Moon: Part Deux

Aquarius Full Moon: Part Deux

Cory and Foxy are about to get Super Galactic on yo' ass!  Super Galactic Center that is... Also, they will breakdown this 2nd Aquarius Full Moon in a row that is at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Time to start working with the FORCE!  The future is now...

Aug 17, 202101:31:27
The Inspirational Leo New Moon

The Inspirational Leo New Moon

We have a very creative Leo New Moon happening on August 8, 2021 and this New Moon is conjunct Mercury, opposing Saturn Rx in Aquarius, and squaring Uranus in Taurus.  This creates a t-square which could force us to dig deep inside and find a new way to express ourselves verbally, creatively, or both.  This is the beginning of a new lunar cycle and a great time to set a new intention in the house that Leo rules in your chart. Cory and Foxy will break it all down.

Aug 05, 202101:18:42
Illuminating the Future - Back-to-Back Aquarius Full Moons

Illuminating the Future - Back-to-Back Aquarius Full Moons

Join Cory and Foxy as they talk about the significance of having two Full Moons back-to-back on July (23rd) and August (22nd).  Are you ready for the illumination?  Time to release so you can move forward to the collective future. Also they discuss how you can journal to facilitate your manifestation.

Jul 19, 202101:20:47
Holy Goalie! It's the Cancer New Moon

Holy Goalie! It's the Cancer New Moon

We have a New Moon in Cancer on July 9, at 9:16pm EST.  This New Moon is at 18 degrees and 1 minute of nurturing Cancer, ruler of the fourth house of the Zodiac. This is a surprisingly impactful New Moon, with issues of self-care, boundaries, and power struggles -- encouraging us to set some new intentions that could be the first step in shaping the new world we are co-creating with the universe.  There are some very intense configurations happening leading up to and during this lunation. Time for some defense!  You might need to defend your goal, which might be extra challenging since it could be a moving target. Don't worry Cory and the Fox will break it down for you. 

Jul 04, 202101:34:52
June Isn't for Quitters!

June Isn't for Quitters!

This last couple of weeks of June are going to be a white water rafting trip for the soul.  Don't give up now! This week we have a Full Moon at 3 degrees, 27 minutes of Capricorn. This means that the moon is in detriment (she is opposing Cancer; the sign she rules).  The Sun is in Cancer since we just had the Summer Solstice, Jupiter is stationing to go retrograde, Mercury is stationing to go direct, Neptune is stationing to go retrograde, and Venus will enter Leo.  PHEW!  That's alot!!! Pace yourself; ground yourself; and find the fun in the chaos.

Jun 21, 202101:41:57
Gemini New Moon, Annular, Solar Eclipse

Gemini New Moon, Annular, Solar Eclipse

How are you handling eclipse season?  Cory and Foxy break down the Eclipse "vestibule" and how to use the power of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis can help you determine the how, what, and why of setting a new intentions.  This is the perfect time to embrace a new future free of the old engeries that you have outgrown.

Jun 07, 202101:16:12
Eclipse Season Begins

Eclipse Season Begins

It's going to be an interesting Summer! Join Cory and Foxy as we discuss this eclipse season, starting with the Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Super Moon, in Sagittarius, Saturn Rx, Mercury Rx, and the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  

May 24, 202101:22:05
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Join Cory and Foxy as they talk about the major celestial events happening this month, including: Taurus New Moon 5/11, Jupiter's ingress into Pisces 5/13, Saturn Rx 5/23, and the Full Moon, total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  Phew!  That's a lot.  We didn't even get to Mercury going retrograde on 5/29.  Plus there is all kinds of crazy Metonic Cycle stuff happening.  

What is a Metonic Cycle?  Glad you asked it is a 18.5 year cycle where the Eclipses happen in the same sign and usually the same degree.  This can bring lots of deja'vu.  Basically, the energy is the same but you are different -- "Bennifer" sightings...need I say more?

Join us for this magical, mystical exploration!

May 11, 202101:12:43
Scorpio Full Moon - Pluto Rx - Jupiter in Pisces

Scorpio Full Moon - Pluto Rx - Jupiter in Pisces

Join Cory and Foxy as they discuss the ups, and potential downs, of the coming celestial events.  Each one of these events is a perfect opportunity to continue to understand, accept, and transform our shadow as we continue our collective journey to heal the past and embrace the future.  

Apr 25, 202101:15:33
Eris in Aries - Chaos & Catharsis

Eris in Aries - Chaos & Catharsis

Between the New Moon in Aries 4/11 and the Full Moon in Scorpio 4/26 we have a series of very important exact conjunctions happening with the dwarf planet Eris in Aries.  This is really important as all of the planets that are conjuncting with Eris will go on to conjunct with Uranus in Taurus.  Recently it was discovered that Uranus's radiation acts as an X-ray with the other celestial objects it comes into conjunction with.  Literally, this is a internal scan that we are all experiencing as we get closer to the deep lessons and revelations that will unfurl on our collective journey to the Scorpio Full Moon.   

Apr 11, 202157:00
Aries New Moon - Eclipse Season

Aries New Moon - Eclipse Season

On April 11, we have a very powerful New Moon in Aries at 22 degrees and 24 minutes of the sign of the ram.  This New Moon is part of a ginormous stellium in Aries: Kassandra, Chiron, Mercury, Ceres, Sun/Moon, Eris, and Venus.  Phew!  That's a lot... The Sun/Moon, Eris, Venus will sextile Mars at 23 degrees of Gemini and will square Pluto at 26 degrees of Capricorn. Don't know what that means  -- put in your earbuds and press PLAY!  

Apr 01, 202101:07:01
Full Moon in Libra - March 28, 2021

Full Moon in Libra - March 28, 2021

On March 28th we have a Full Moon at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Libra, opposing a whopper of a stellium in Aries: Kassandra, The Sun, Chiron, Venus, and Ceres.  We are also getting ready to head into Eclipse Season (May) and we take a little moment to revisit Metonic Cycles.  It's time for some balance.

Mar 22, 202101:13:31
New Moon in Pisces - Psyche conjunct the North Node in Gemini

New Moon in Pisces - Psyche conjunct the North Node in Gemini

On March 13, we have a New Moon in Pisces that will be conjunct Neptune and Venus in Pisces. Also with Psyche conjunct the North Node in Gemini we have lots of mutable energy requiring us to take stock of our needs.  What no longer serves us, and what we require going forward will be front and center.  During a New Moon we release so we can planet new seeds for the future; Cory and Foxy will talk all about the opportunities that await each one of us.

Mar 08, 202101:01:13
Pisces Season - Darkest before the Dawn

Pisces Season - Darkest before the Dawn

It's Pisces Season and time to reflect and feel all the feels. Join Cory (Pisces Sun) and Foxy (Pisces North Node) as they look at Pisces Season from very different points of view.  

Feb 21, 202101:09:42
Aquarius New Moon - Virgo Full Moon

Aquarius New Moon - Virgo Full Moon

Even though February is the shortest month of the year, there are some BIG TIME Moon energies going down this month.  The New Moon in Aquarius is happening on 2/11 at 2:05 pm EST at 23 degrees.  There will be a ginormous stellium in Aquarius at this time: Chariklo, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury Rx, Pallas Athena, the Sun and the Moon.  This will be one of three major Moon events in Aquarius this year and the only New Moon.  We also have 2 Full Moons in Aquarius 7/23 and 8/22. If you have any placements in Aquarius or any of the other Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) you will definitely feel this energy significantly in your life.  The Virgo Full Moon will be all about releasing the old and dealing with our OCD tendencies.  This Full Moon will happen 2/27 at 3:17 pm EST at 8 degrees.  This will be a great opportunity to use your discernment and create some space for yourself.  

Feb 09, 202159:34
Saturn square Uranus 3X in 2021

Saturn square Uranus 3X in 2021

In 2021 Saturn in Aquarius (Fixed Air) will exactly square Uranus in Taurus (Fixed Earth) this will happen 2/17 (7 degrees), 6/14 (13 degrees), 12/24 (11 degrees). The tension between the Lord of Karma (Saturn) and the Great Awakener (Uranus) is a push and pull between the status quo and progressive change.  Cory and Foxy will discuss this major aspect that will impact us all of 2021, along with the coming Leo Full Moon on 1/28 and the Aquarius New Moon on 2/11.   If you want to keep listening after that -- you will hear exactly what two friends that have known each other for 20 years blather on about...

Jan 25, 202159:48
Eris square Pluto, but don't forget to check Uranus!

Eris square Pluto, but don't forget to check Uranus!

Eris, the goddess of discord will exactly square Pluto, the god of transformation three times in 2021.  However they will be squaring each other all of 2021.  This could bring about lots of people taking to the streets.  Not to be outdone, on January 20, 2021 Mars, the warrior, will square Uranus, the changemaker, about 30 minutes prior to the inauguration.  After an explosive and shocking first week of the year, and as we head into the Pluto return for the United States of America, Cory and Foxy will discuss this energy.   

Jan 11, 202101:00:10
Uranus Goes Direct in Taurus

Uranus Goes Direct in Taurus

Uranus will station to go direct in Taurus on January 14 , 2021; The same day he conjuncts Mars.  This is a combustible combo.  Join friends, and cosmic wonderers, Cory Hawkins and Jennifer Fox, as they converse about the universe in this episode of "Curiously Conscious."

Jan 01, 202143:11
Grand Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius

Grand Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius

The Grand Conjuction between Saturn and Jupiter happens every 20 years and is usually hearalded by a signiture event before or after the conjunction happens.  This conjunction is part of a larger 200-year cycle, where the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction take place in a sign that shares an elemental connection (Earth, Air, Fire, Water).  For the last 200 years the Grand Conjunction has taken place in Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and now that cycle changes to Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) starting with Aquarius on December 21, 2020.

Dec 14, 202039:09
Pallas Athena - Asteroid Goddess - Episode 4

Pallas Athena - Asteroid Goddess - Episode 4

In this episode, we explore Pallas Athena, a strategic warrior goddess, daughter of Jupiter, and some of her other incarnations.  Also, we take a look at the importance of Athena in an astrological chart and her ability to show you where your challenges can be overcome with creative intelligence.

Apr 17, 202016:42
Mars in Aries - The Warrior Goes Home

Mars in Aries - The Warrior Goes Home

In 2020, Mars goes retrograde.  He only does this every other year and this time he will be spending six months in his rulership of Aries. The Warrior enters into Aries in late June and remains there until January 7, 2021. He will go retrograde in September and not go direct until November.  How can you take advantage of the courageous, passionate, and driving energy?  Listen to find out.

Mar 24, 202031:11
Know Your Nodes - Soul Groups
Feb 29, 202019:44
Get to know the Nodes of the Moon

Get to know the Nodes of the Moon

This episode discusses the Nodes of the Moon, specifically Nodal Returns, Nodal Reverses, and Nodal Squares.  These are pivotal times in your life that bring great change. 

Feb 11, 202017:33