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Cyber Trek

Cyber Trek

By Mati Kos

Junior Dev's log - personal journey to become Junior Software Developer... and maybe beyond.
Weekly entries to a journal of a guy in Manchester England set on a long voyage to a coding job. Let's see where it takes us.
...Cyber space, the final frontier.
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Dev’s Log 3.002

Cyber TrekMar 29, 2020

Dev’s Log 3.028

Dev’s Log 3.028

There’s a lot happening here. I collect some accolades but first my back puts me out of circulation for couple of days. Unfortunately it’s not my first rodeo. I had this problem before. You can listen to an old episode of mine all about it here or here Listen. Enjoy. Share.
Jul 25, 202204:38
Dev’s Log 3.027

Dev’s Log 3.027

Very exciting week. I’m back in the in-person meetup and I can’t wait to add my own commentary… and yes I spill some beans and do another confession. Listen. Enjoy. Share.
Jul 17, 202205:26
Dev’s Log 3.026

Dev’s Log 3.026

Short cautionary tale of curiosity, frustration and spontaneous confession. All about software development. Listen. Enjoy. Share.
Jul 12, 202204:52
Dev’s Log 3.025

Dev’s Log 3.025

I’m linear progression has been distributed… or maybe not. I’m switching teams again. I have no idea how to feel about it. You want help me figure it out? Listen. Enjoy. Share
Jul 03, 202206:30
Dev’s Log 3.024

Dev’s Log 3.024

What a beautiful moment I got on the soapbox… just before the reality pulls me down again. In words of great Michael Corleone - it’s not personal Sonny, it’s strictly business. Oh and then I get to confess again as I feel bit guilty. Listen. Enjoy. Share
Jun 26, 202206:33
Dev’s Log 3.023

Dev’s Log 3.023

I’m hard at work on the winding paths of developing my latest ticket. And in the meantime I can’t stop confessing. Once you start it’s hard to stop. Listen. Enjoy. Share.
Jun 20, 202205:11
Dev’s Log 3.022

Dev’s Log 3.022

It’s time for a confession. Shall we call it confessions of #juniordeveloper ? Maybe not that scandalous… but first let me get some recognition. Sounds interesting? Listen. Enjoy. Share
Jun 14, 202205:15
Dev’s Log 3.021

Dev’s Log 3.021

I have issues with Frontend development and I want to complain. But it’s not so easy after all. And at the end they lived happily ever after. Listen. Enjoy. Share.
Jun 08, 202205:59
Dev’s Log 3.020

Dev’s Log 3.020

I did Microsoft Build last week and I cannot wait to tell you all about it. Give it a listen and enjoy!
May 31, 202205:56
Dev’s Log 3.019

Dev’s Log 3.019

As long as you remember that every learning experience is gold then nothing is scary not even writing documents. Trust me… or better give it a listen. Enjoy!
May 23, 202204:35
Dev’s Log 3.018

Dev’s Log 3.018

I’m going to my first developers’ conference… more like attending than going anywhere but it’s my first nonetheless. I am very exited. Give it a listen to find my detailed plans. Enjoy!
May 16, 202204:28
Dev’s Log 3.017

Dev’s Log 3.017

Few freestyle thoughts on learning. Something I guess on my mind right now so I felt I need to share. What do you think? Give it a listen and enjoy!
May 08, 202203:50
Dev’s Log 3.016

Dev’s Log 3.016

I’m back! At least right now. Trying to cover the last 660 days in few minutes - the world, my set up and my growth as a developer. So much changed… but not everything.
May 02, 202210:52
Dev’s Log 3.015

Dev’s Log 3.015

This is a lightning update from the frontlines of becoming a software developer. I got stuff for you about C# and I got some stuff about Flutter, including hints about my side project. And then I got a question about the Apple App Store rules so if you are a maven in that pls do give it a listen and even if you’re not - absolutely tune in and enjoy!
Jul 12, 202003:15
Dev’s Log 3.014

Dev’s Log 3.014

Just in case you forgot, this is actually a personal journal so this week I go on COVID tangent and mention some of the feelings I have about the situation right now. And I still managed to squash couple of bugs. Tune in and enjoy!
Jul 05, 202004:19
Dev’s Log 3.013

Dev’s Log 3.013

So many learning opportunities both on the job and within our development team. Also super thrilling to watch history in the making right in front of our eyes at WWDC… but the real question Ross is - are there any prizes next week?? Tune in and enjoy!
Jun 29, 202007:31
Dev’s Log 3.012

Dev’s Log 3.012

Some good news and time to celebrate! I just need to get better in asking questions … how do you actually do that? No answers included inside - tune in and enjoy!
Jun 21, 202009:29
Dev’s Log 3.011

Dev’s Log 3.011

I’m already for support tickets but where are they???
I made some branching mess just before my upcoming probation review but all this is irrelevant if I can’t hold a steady internet connection, right? Anyone out there can give me an advice? Slowly getting desperate...
For more details tune in and enjoy!
Jun 14, 202010:08
Dev’s Log 3.010

Dev’s Log 3.010

I aced my first performance review. So cool! I loved the process that has both retrospection and future goals (moonshots???). Also this past week we had another great Behind The Buzz Word meetup. This time though there was a sponsor who raffled off some prizes. For results and more tune in and enjoy!
Jun 07, 202007:54
Dev’s Log 3.009

Dev’s Log 3.009

Got so excited talking about this hot topic, I didn’t even realize I passed 20 minutes mark. But there are just so many thoughts to share about whole Working From Home vs working together in a physical office. And I top it off with my home office wish list.
May 31, 202021:17
Dev’s Log 3.008

Dev’s Log 3.008

While still being invaded by my kids, I manage to report to you on my talk I gave lat week at the CodeNation (via Zoom) and about this humongous switch statement I found! Tune in and enjoy!
May 25, 202009:58
Dev’s Log 3.007

Dev’s Log 3.007

After going AWOL for a week I’m back. I learned how to play planning poker even when I don’t really know enough. More about planning poker here I’m also super excited to be giving talk to CodeNation students in couple of days. And Anker get an apology from me. To find out more tune in and enjoy!
May 17, 202009:37
Dev’s Log 3.006

Dev’s Log 3.006

I spent whole last week in one code repository. I think I learned a lot and I even have a suggestion for my digital alma mater. Also there was another Behind The Buzz Word meetup with amazing presentations from Zach Hamilton-Bridge, Alex Cotelin and Toli Apostolidis. Really solid stuff. To find out more- tune in and enjoy!
May 03, 202006:38
Dev’s Log 3.005

Dev’s Log 3.005

Things look much better this week. If I could only get over my code snippets hurdle. For now can’t find anyone else using code snippets in VS2019. Is there no one else??? Tune in and enjoy.
Apr 26, 202010:08
Dev’s Log 3.004

Dev’s Log 3.004

There are good days and there are days... even without the lockdown this wouldn’t be an easy gig. I am going through some growing pains but also have some good news to share. Tune in and enjoy!
Apr 21, 202011:42
Dev’s Log 3.003

Dev’s Log 3.003

I fell into a rabbit hole looking for new better headphones. While learning a lot at work I’m trying to figure out how to do new remote work. And then there was a meetup that has gone online. Tune in and enjoy.
Apr 06, 202011:42
Dev’s Log 3.002

Dev’s Log 3.002

This is not a regular WFH - this is new 2020 reality. So besides like everyone else being worried about family, friends and the world, I am also worried about my career as I’m struggling to find some clarity in my journey. But it’s not all bad. Actually nothing is bad, some things are just challenging. Tune in to find out. And enjoy!
Mar 29, 202008:46
Dev’s Log 3.001

Dev’s Log 3.001

Welcome to season 3! This is absolutely not what expected from my new job as far the beginning, onboarding and getting to know my teammates. But this is not a normal time - this is Covid-19 era. So many things are different. I hope my podcast can give you some respite. Enjoy!
Mar 22, 202009:56
Dev’s Log 2-027

Dev’s Log 2-027

In the last episode of this season I decided to show off my chutzpah and argue with Sandro Mancuso over what Software Craftsmanship is. And that’s just to soften the ground before the big reveal. And then some words of gratitude and little wisdom. Good times. Enjoy!
Mar 15, 202013:50
Dev’s Log 2-026

Dev’s Log 2-026

By far the biggest highlight of the week was the Behind The Buzzword 1st birthday. Great celebration of the dev community that Ross Townsend created and one that continues to thrive and do good. It was also information overload… and the beer was so much better. Are we seedy to finish this season of Cyber Trek? Listen on to find out. Enjoy!
Mar 01, 202011:07
Dev’s Log 2-025

Dev’s Log 2-025

React React React. After completing 2nd React tech test in matter of 2 weeks I am all about growing my skills there. Even though I’m not sure any of these test will get me a job. I got some thoughts to share about what tech test says about the kind of a candidate they’re looking for. And for the finale I have my first impressions from reading Software Craftsman by Sandro Mancuso. Tune in & enjoy!
Feb 23, 202008:33
Dev’s Log 2-024

Dev’s Log 2-024

The struggle is real - let no one tell you otherwise. All the talk about strength and resilience is what you supposed to do in face of difficulties and there plenty of those. But then we take moments to celebrate good times and commemorate those who inspire us.
Feb 16, 202004:29
Dev’s Log 2-023

Dev’s Log 2-023

Kids don’t do it at home - learn from my mistakes. Don’t switch to an IDE you’ve never used before when you’re on the clock. And to also find out what Gettysburg address has to do with a good meetup - tune in & enjoy! Thanks
Feb 10, 202010:50
Dev’s Log 02-022

Dev’s Log 02-022

I’ve been busy with a React tech test and after few days I’m ready to share my dark secret. Also I had first encounter of the 3rd kind with… AI or more precisely with ML.NET, a machine learning module. So so cool. Really can’t wait for you to hear all about it. So tune in and enjoy!
Feb 02, 202011:17
Dev’s Log 2-021
Jan 26, 202006:56
Dev’s Log 2-020

Dev’s Log 2-020

This week it’s a real sprint through all lil’ things that happened in my week and job hunt update. I need some of your JavaScript expertise and also there is a call to action at the end. Enjoy!
Jan 19, 202006:37
Dev’s Log 2-019

Dev’s Log 2-019

While my passion for TDD is being fueled I am looking forward to other upcoming meetups about BFF patterns and about ML. Oh and check out how I was mistaken for mid-level developer. Tune in and enjoy!
Jan 12, 202009:00
Dev’s Log 2-018

Dev’s Log 2-018

2020. Game time! … but just just before we get in the game let me give myself a pep talk and take a chance to recognize all the kindness I was privileged to be recipient of since I joined the tech industry. And now game time for realz!!!
Jan 05, 202003:43
Dev’s Log 2-017
Dec 16, 201907:31
Dev’s Log 2-016

Dev’s Log 2-016

In the midst of my job hunt, I take a refuge in a meetup all about Kubernetes. I had some beer, met some great devs and fought my personal battle with port 3306. Good stuff - check it out!
Dec 09, 201906:14
Dev’s Log 2-015

Dev’s Log 2-015

I’m going back to C# and Visual Studio at least for now. Almost miss out on the great opportunity and after celebration at my alma mater now focusing on Kubernetes.
Dec 01, 201907:13
Dev’s Log 2-014

Dev’s Log 2-014

The app from last week is finished and I got to meet with guys from the big league. Check out how this meeting finished. Oorah!
Nov 24, 201909:43
Dev’s Log 2-013

Dev’s Log 2-013

We have been together through thick and thin so bear with me while I power through the ordeal of finding new strength and... new solutions to a tech test.
Nov 18, 201906:38
Dev’s Log 2-012
Nov 10, 201905:40
Dev’s Log 2-011

Dev’s Log 2-011

Going further into iOS development, still baby steps but the road gets bit steeper as I’m punching above my weight. It’s so much fun. Check it out.
Oct 27, 201906:37
Dev’s Log 2-010
Oct 19, 201905:13
Dev’s Log 2-009

Dev’s Log 2-009

Trying to extend my life beyond the office walls, I joined a meetup for IOS devs and other things happened. Check it out and enjoy!
Oct 13, 201905:43
Dev’s Log 2-008

Dev’s Log 2-008

Racing against (self-imposed) deadline And trying to finish my first product. In the meantime there are so many thoughts about the process rushing through my head, it’s actually noisy at times. Just lend me your ear and listen please.
Oct 06, 201908:06
Dev’s Log 2-007

Dev’s Log 2-007

Hey it’s been 3 months already! Awesome! Let’s celebrate it. And what better way than by looking back and try to extract some lessons!? Hope you’ll enjoy.
Sep 29, 201906:20
Dev’s Log 2-006
Sep 22, 201905:31