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By Robin

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Coronavirus Scam: If in Doubt don't give it Out

CyberSafeSeniorsFeb 08, 2020

CyberMoments-Facing Fakes: Navigating AI Impersonation in Video Calls

CyberMoments-Facing Fakes: Navigating AI Impersonation in Video Calls

AI scams are becoming more frequent, and they’re also becoming more sophisticated. In a recent scam, cybercriminals demonstrated just how convincing AI fraud can be by faking an entire video call. 

Mar 08, 202402:05
CyberMoment-Help Us Download This App

CyberMoment-Help Us Download This App

So Listen carefully….The cybercriminals start by impersonating law enforcement officers. They contact you, claiming that your bank account may have been involved in financial fraud. 

Mar 08, 202402:30
CyberMoment-ChatGPT Your New Financial Advisor

CyberMoment-ChatGPT Your New Financial Advisor

In this digital age, communication has never been easier, thanks to ChatGPT. However, as with every good thing, there are always a few downsides. Cybersecurity threats are lurking in the shadows of ChatGPT, and they're just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Apr 12, 202301:59
CyberMoment-Disaster Relief

CyberMoment-Disaster Relief

When a natural disaster strikes, many people rely on insurance providers for disaster relief to help them pay for damages to their property. Unfortunately, cybercriminals can take advantage of this vulnerable situation by manipulating you into sharing your sensitive information.

In this recent scam, cybercriminals call you on the phone and pretend to be an agent from your insurance provider.

Dec 01, 202204:34
CyberMoment-Clone Phishing

CyberMoment-Clone Phishing

Organizations often use email to send important information to their customers. If an organization sends out an email that’s missing some important information, they may actually send you a follow-up email. Just to make sure that you are receiving the important information.

Cybercriminals are using a technique called “clone phishing” to imitate these follow-up emails and manipulate you.

Dec 01, 202203:30
CyberMoment- (SEO)

CyberMoment- (SEO)

Search engine optimization abbreviated SEO, is an excellent way for legitimate websites to rank higher in search results and appear in your searches. Unfortunately, cybercriminals can also use this technique - so beware!

Jul 31, 202201:54
CyberMoment-Credit Unions Scams

CyberMoment-Credit Unions Scams

Recently in the United States, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) has warned of an increase in cyber attacks targeting credit unions. Cybercriminals send fake emails that appear to be from your credit union.

Jul 19, 202201:38
CyberMoment-Watch Out Facebook Scam

CyberMoment-Watch Out Facebook Scam

Next time you receive an email with a link to your Facebook account, remember that this could be part of the new scam. Cybercriminals are using compromised accounts and fake login pages in order to gain access for themselves or trick people into giving away personal information like your passwords, which they can use when ever they want to.

Jul 15, 202201:50
Voice Recognition to the Rescue....

Voice Recognition to the Rescue....

Wow.. technology can be hard when you get older…your fingers don’t work the way that they used to so that a mouse may be difficult to operate , the operating systems keep changing and every thing looks different .. The type face sometimes seems smaller, or maybe its just aging eyes…

Voice Recognition is here to help.

Feb 20, 202204:01
Can you Guess the 5 letter name of my podcast in 6 tries? SCAMS

Can you Guess the 5 letter name of my podcast in 6 tries? SCAMS

Millions of puzzle fans are enjoying a new, free online, web based word game called wordle. As of this date there are over 3 million users and the fan base is growing…and so are the cyberthreats.

Feb 08, 202202:57
How to Spot a Shipping Scam

How to Spot a Shipping Scam

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact supply chains for countless industries around the world. And the clever cybercriminals have found that using wide-reaching problems like shipping delays to their advantage. In this scam, the cybercriminals use the possibility of a delayed or missed shipment as phish bait.

Feb 04, 202202:26
Don't Be Scammed by Fake CBD

Don't Be Scammed by Fake CBD

Stress is a major problem during these very challenging times and yes, you guessed it….Cybercriminals are taking advantage of people's stress to get them excited about CBD products.

Feb 02, 202203:04
Could You Have an HTD? (Hacker Transmitted Disorder)

Could You Have an HTD? (Hacker Transmitted Disorder)

Have you ever noticed that your computer is slowing down, having problems starting , are you missing files......??? 

These are all signs of computer viruses.

The hackers are continuously creating smarter and more advanced viruses, but there a ways that you can protect yourself.

Jun 02, 202102:00
No, Your News Feed Is Not Limited to Posts From 25 Friends

No, Your News Feed Is Not Limited to Posts From 25 Friends

Sorry to say, but 2021 has not ushered in new “tips to bypass FB” and it does NOT limit posts on your news feed.

Neither has Facebook started using a new algorithm that “chooses the same few people – the meme says..about 25 – who will read your posts”,.

This is HOAX!

Jun 01, 202104:49
Romance Investment Scams

Romance Investment Scams

Let’s be honest, the age of social distancing can leave us feeling pretty lonely.

And to make matters worse, the scammers are leveraging our loneliness for their scams. Romance-related scams are growing more popular everyday and becoming more complex.

Feb 19, 202102:59
Scam: Hey, Is that You in the Video?

Scam: Hey, Is that You in the Video?

It’s no secret that cybercriminals love social media. And the Bad guys use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to impersonate your real friends and followers. Using this disguise, the scammers will try to trick you into sharing sensitive information.




Jan 29, 202102:37
Coronavirus Pet Scams

Coronavirus Pet Scams

With stay-at-home orders in place across the globe, many of you are buying new pets to help you feel more connected. Unfortunately, shoppers who are looking for a furry friend may be in for a big surprise. Cybercriminals are creating phony online pet shops that advertise unbelievable prices on purebred pups.




Jan 29, 202103:07
Coronavirus Financial Assistance Scams

Coronavirus Financial Assistance Scams

As we all try to navigate life during this stressful pandemic, many of us are struggling financially. In a truly malicious response to the situation, scammers are launching phishing attacks that claim to offer financial assistance to those in need.

Don't be duped!




Jan 29, 202102:23
Beware: Covid-19 Vaccine Scams

Beware: Covid-19 Vaccine Scams

Since the pandemic began, the FTC has received more than 20,000 complaints of text messages and robocalls offering testing kits, bogus treatment and pandemic-related aid. Don't get duped!!

The best way to vaccinate yourself against scam preditators ……. is to stay informed.




Jan 01, 202104:17


Has this ever happened to you? You’re browsing online when a pop-up ad appears on your screen warning you that your computer is infected with dozens of viruses. The ad conveniently says that you can remove all of these viruses by buying antivirus software that will immediately eliminate them.

If you’ve seen this, you’ve been hit with a scareware attack.

Jun 26, 202007:33
Trust Your Instincts: Economic Impact Payments SCAMS AKA Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

Trust Your Instincts: Economic Impact Payments SCAMS AKA Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

Evil scammers are using these stimulus payments to try to rip you off. They are hoping that you will be anxious enough about receiving your stimulus money quickly that you will take the bait before looking closely at the details. Trust Your Instincts! 

If something feels not quite right, or too good to be true, it might well be a SCAM.

May 08, 202004:19
Coronavirus Relief Payments

Coronavirus Relief Payments

The White House and our lawmakers have announced plans to send Americans $1,000 checks to help offset the effects of coronavirus.

The one thing to remember is that Scammers will always follow the money, and that this is just one of many scams that will follow the coronavirus pandemic. 

Our technology is more important than ever for researching important information, keeping us entertained and keeping in touch with your loved ones and friends.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is already warning consumers to beware of scammers looking to get their hands on your cash.



Mar 31, 202003:43
Covid19 Themed CyberAttacks

Covid19 Themed CyberAttacks

The Covid19 virus has created an environment where new CyberAttacks are being launched daily.  

Think before you Click, Check your website Urls, Create Strong Unique Passwords for all of your I.O.T. devices.





Mar 23, 202004:45
Lookout for the 2020 Census Scams

Lookout for the 2020 Census Scams

According to the memo issued a few days ago the 2020 Census field operations will be suspended for at least two weeks until April 1, 2020. This means if someone knocks at your door claiming to be from the U.S. Census Bureau, it is a scam and do not give them any information.

With any large political event or happening, scammers are ready to try to take your money and steal your identity. 

The official US Census website is:

#Be SeniorSmart

#Be CensusSmart


Mar 22, 202006:19
Coronavirus Cure or Snake Oil?

Coronavirus Cure or Snake Oil?

Remember those old snake oils sales people? Unfortunately, the snake oils salesman have become sophisticated scammers and swear by the old axiom that “there’s a sucker born every minute”

To date No vaccines, drugs or investigational products have been approved specifically to treat or prevent COVID-19.

In times of crisis the scammers ramp up their attacks.  Use your well-honed critical thinking skills  to determine the truth.



Mar 13, 202004:13
What is a DeepFake?

What is a DeepFake?

Deepfakes refer to any manipulated digital content produced by sophisticated artificial intelligence programs, that produce fabricated images and sounds that appear to be real. In fact, anybody who has a computer and access to the internet can technically produce deepfake content.

Don't be Tricked.



Mar 04, 202004:47
Will you be my Valentine Scam?

Will you be my Valentine Scam?

In the first week of February people around the globe visited more than 10,000 domains containing the word "Valentine."

This is the time of year that cyber criminals like to play Cupid, and you might be the object of their affections.

Cyber criminals use the word "Valentine" and "Chocolate" in the month of February to lure unsuspecting romantics to malicious websites.

It's the perfect cover. They can camouflage their dirty tricks, such as getting you to download malware, by hiding out among the many legitimate Valentine's Day websites.

Feb 14, 202003:10
Let Me Call You Sweetheart-Romance Scams

Let Me Call You Sweetheart-Romance Scams

Everyone wants to find that perfect love and baby-boomers and seniors are a very romantic group.

But...according to the Federal trade commission people reported losing $143 million dollars to romance scams last year.

This is technically called “The Sweetheart Scam” and it is one of the most widely used scams used get you money.

Valentines day is a day to celebrate you but is also is a day  to keep yourself safe as you find your perfect person to LOVE

Be Senior Smart

Feb 10, 202006:25
Coronavirus Scam: If in Doubt don't give it Out

Coronavirus Scam: If in Doubt don't give it Out

On Thursday, as coronavirus infections spread, the World Health Organization classified the outbreak as a global emergency.

And you guessed it..the scammers are already tasking advantage of this awful situation. 

We are seeing is a new malicious phishing campaign that is based on the fear of the Coronavirus, and I am sure that it will be the first of many.

Be Senior Smart

Feb 08, 202004:39
Fake Shipping Scam

Fake Shipping Scam

Do you remember what a Smishing Scam is?  This is a smishing scam that tries to get you to complete a survey, enter your credit card information and then mails you an unauthorized $98.95 gift very month. A gift that I am sure you did not expect. YIKES!

Se Senior Smart

Jan 31, 202002:23
Scammers target Roku with fake activation fees

Scammers target Roku with fake activation fees

Some things in life are actually free, regardless of what scammers try to tell you. Scammers are trying to get you to pay an activation fee and a reoccuring  monthly subscription fee.

Roku set-up is totally free with the purchase of the device, and there is no monthly subscription fee. . 

This is a gift that keeps on giving

Be Senior Smart

Dec 27, 201902:44
Yes, There is a Santa- but Watch Out for Fake Santa Scams

Yes, There is a Santa- but Watch Out for Fake Santa Scams

As children get older everyone dreads the question.....Is there really a Santa Claus? And thanks to modern technology parents and grandparents can prove that Santa is real, for a little bit longer. And you guessed it, there are fake Santa applications and sites to try to ruin Christmas and steal your identity .

So keep the magic alive as long as you can …Children and Christmas are so special.

Be Senior Smart.

Dec 22, 201903:16
Fake Shipping Notifications-Don't Let the Cyber Grinches win

Fake Shipping Notifications-Don't Let the Cyber Grinches win

If you are like me, I order many of my gifts online and – sometimes, I actually forget what I have even ordered.

This year…The Cyber Grinch’s are trying to trick you with Fake shipping notifications.

Stop and think before You Click

Be Senior Smart!

Dec 18, 201902:09
Fake Ecards: Take back the Holidays from the Cyber Grinches

Fake Ecards: Take back the Holidays from the Cyber Grinches

I just received an ecard...but is this safe to open? Did my friend really send this to me or is this one of those e-mail scams?”

Lets take back Holidays from the Grinches

Be Senior Smart

Dec 09, 201904:20
Fake Facebook Ads

Fake Facebook Ads

A devious new scam is sweeping Facebook. Scammers are taking advantage of crowdfunding sites like kickstarter and Indiegogo, and stealing the photos, and videos, and posting them on Facebook ads as their own products.

I got scammed and I want to make sure that you don’t!

See Senior Smart

Dec 08, 201903:25
It's the Scammist Time of the Year-Cyber Monday

It's the Scammist Time of the Year-Cyber Monday

75% of Americans plan to do at least half of their holiday shopping online this year...Cyber Monday is one of the busiest on-line shopping days in the year and the bad guys are planning to get rich with your money. They go into scam-overdrive mode.

Do not let the bad guys exploit your holiday spirit and use it against you. Remember to stay alert when you shop online! Think Before You Click!

Be Senior Smart!

Dec 01, 201905:34
Six Ways to STOP HTD's

Six Ways to STOP HTD's

Nasty problems can result from acquiring an HTD…..oh what is an HTD ? It is what I call a Hacker Transmitted Disorder.

Hacker transmitted disorders can just be annoying and others can be catastrophic.

Good clean Cybersecurity hygiene will help you to stay safe and HTD free.

Here are six ways that you can acquire an HTD.

Be Senior Smart

Nov 21, 201903:04
Cell Phone Charging is the New HTD (Hacker Transmitted Disorder )

Cell Phone Charging is the New HTD (Hacker Transmitted Disorder )

Did you know that charging your cell phone could be dangerous to its health and your security?

USB chargers can be turned into potential hacking devices and are able to access your personal information on your phone.

A phone with an HTD, hacker transmitted disorder, is a phone with a major problem that can potentially contaminate all of your lovers and friends.

Be Senior Smart

Nov 21, 201902:36
 Two-Factor Authentication: What does Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Google & Facebook already have?

Two-Factor Authentication: What does Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Google & Facebook already have?

Two-factor authentication has been around for a long time…it's nothing new. It is a security technique that verifies your identity when you log into a website by requiring you to both know something and have something. This extra layer of security is designed to ensure that you're the only person who can access your account, even if someone knows your password.

Nov 15, 201904:01
Halloween Treats Not Tricks

Halloween Treats Not Tricks

This year's Halloween is filled with spooky decorations, cool costumes, and lots of trick or treating –  but cybercriminals are well aware of the celebration, and very excited to trick you. Here are 5 tips to help keep you safe so that you can have fun and enjoy the holiday .

As the tricksters get tricker...we can get smarter!

Nov 01, 201903:19
4.9 Million DoorDash Customers Information Exposed

4.9 Million DoorDash Customers Information Exposed

The Food delivery service DoorDash just confirmed that they have had a data breach affecting 4.9 million customers and merchants that took place on May 4th, 2019.  Sometimes it takes months for breaches to be reported.

If you ordered food to be delivered by DoorDash on or BEFORE April 5, 2018 you definitely need to change your account password and watch for any unauthorized changes to your credit cards.

As the Hackers get tricker…we can get smarter!

Oct 29, 201901:52
The Alphabet Soup of Wi-Fi Encryption

The Alphabet Soup of Wi-Fi Encryption

We all know what WI-Fi is but how is your information protected and what do all those wireless settings mean when you go to set up your router? and by the way…..what is a router?

In today’s world, Wi-Fi or wireless networking is significantly important for keeping people connected to the Internet. However, Wi-Fi is highly vulnerable to hacking. Encryption is there to help.

Oct 24, 201905:14
Danger, Will Robinson: FBI Scam Warning

Danger, Will Robinson: FBI Scam Warning

The FBI is warning the public about a nationwide scam involving perpetrators, who are impersonating FBI Agents.

In targeting unsuspecting victims, the fraudulent caller uses technology to "spoof" the phone number from an actual FBI field office, so you believe that the call is coming from federal law enforcement.

As the scammers get trickier we get can smarter….

Oct 22, 201903:07
So you think that your Facebook account might have been “Hacked” ?

So you think that your Facebook account might have been “Hacked” ?

Hacking is a very specific term in cybersecurity. It is much more likely that Your facebook account was replicated or compromised.

If you notice (or get notified about) changes to your account that you didn’t make, it’s time to do something.

Oct 21, 201903:56
Scam of the Week: Prepaid Card Scams

Scam of the Week: Prepaid Card Scams

As we already know scammers are tricky.  What usually happens in this scam….is that the bad guys will call you to check on the quality of your service….. After confirming that everything is great….they will let you know that you been approved for a discount or upgrade. All you have to do is pay a few months in advance on a prepaid card.

This is a scam!!!!

As the scammers get trickier we get can smarter

Oct 21, 201902:58
Scam of the Week: "Wangiri" Scam- Ring and Cut

Scam of the Week: "Wangiri" Scam- Ring and Cut

This is a blast from the past.

This scam made its first appearance back in 2002 and resurfaced again 2013….and the scammers are counting on our ability to forget…

Wangiri means one ring and cut and that is exactly what happens. The scammer places a robocall to your number and hangs up after one or two rings. The idea is to peek your curiosity and get you to call the number back. Resist the urge to call back. Restrain your curiosity. 

Oct 14, 201902:44
Is You Mobile Phone Sharing Too Much Information About You?

Is You Mobile Phone Sharing Too Much Information About You?

Can you stop your phone from leaking personal data about you?  The answer appears to be no. Mobile phones are amazing…they allow us access to friends, relatives, grandchildren and a host of online activities designed to exercise our brains and keep us current.

You can’t eliminate all the personal data your phone collects and shares about you. But you can limit it.

Oct 07, 201904:13
Scam of the Week: Words with Friends- Data Breech

Scam of the Week: Words with Friends- Data Breech

This is what’s called a Major data breech. The popular mobile word game  “Words with Friends” was hacked, stealing personal information including names, email addresses, login IDs, passwords, phone numbers and Facebook IDs of 218 million players of the game.  While no credit or debit card information was stolen, personal data was compromised.

This personal information can easily be used for purposes of spear phishing and identity theft

Oct 07, 201903:19
Scam of the Week: Unusual Sign-in Activity Scam

Scam of the Week: Unusual Sign-in Activity Scam

This is a Phishing Scam that pretends to be an “Unusual sign-in activity” alert from Microsoft. Now remember I said pretends…"Think Before You Click" Be Senior Smart!

Sep 30, 201902:58
Scam of the Week: Amazon Phishing Scam

Scam of the Week: Amazon Phishing Scam

Hackers are targeting Amazon customers, urgently claiming you need to update your information within twenty-four hours or your account will be permanently disabled. They are counting on you getting worried and quickly acting without thinking it through.

It's a SCAM!!!!!!

Always…..”Think Before You Click."

Sep 24, 201902:27