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Dad Space Podcast - for Dads by Dads

Dad Space Podcast - for Dads by Dads

By Dave Campbell

DadSpace - A Podcast for Dads by Dads. Dad Space is a safe space to ask questions, learn from other Dads and grow in community! We equip Dads with how to tips, marriage tips, family insights and even the occasional Dad Joke! Great guests will join us to share their Dad journey with you. Whether you are a new Dad, a Step-Dad, an empty nester or Grandparent! Dad Space is a safe space for Dads to connect and do life together! Visit for all things Dad!
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E101 - Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting

Dad Space Podcast - for Dads by DadsMay 06, 2024

E101 - Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting

E101 - Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting

May 06, 202446:13
E100 - Hold the Door for Others, Our Journey Differs, Be Patient and Hold a Space for Others
Apr 29, 202443:06
E99 - A Message for Dads - Legacy and what will matter 100 years from now
Apr 22, 202417:11
E98 - Queon Wilcox - Make No Assumptions as to What Your Next Looks Like
Apr 15, 202459:44
E97 - Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier Dad

E97 - Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier Dad

Episode 97 - Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier Dad

My Previous Life My Injuries

Hello, my name is Deepak Saini. I am 46 years young and my wife and I have two beautiful girls. For as long as I can remember I had always struggled with my weight. I am under six feet tall and at one point in my life I was 270 pounds and morbidly obese. I was always in pain and constantly getting sick. My big wakeup call was six years ago when I injured my back and went into depression.


I eventually decided to take matters into my own hands. I educated myself and made small changes to my lifestyle and saw some small changes. In learning how to heal myself and get back to the activities I love doing, I learned about eating a low inflammatory diet. I was able to lose the last 40 pounds of fat in months without really trying. I never get sick and am healthier, and more fulfilled than ever before.


I have less joint pain and more energy than I ever have. I have lost over 100 pounds total and am a constant 160 pounds. Now that I have found the secrets that works for me, I am never going to look back. My goal is to be a healthy and functional centenarian.


I am 100% confident that eating a low inflammatory diet that is customized to the individual will work for everyone. At a high level, the principles I follow and that works for me, are eating a higher fat, lower carb diet. I particularly watch my sugar, dairy and grains intake. No one has to eat exactly like me, but a customized low inflammatory diet will work wonders for everyone. I have forged my own method by taking the best wisdom from many of the leading experts in the field like Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey, Mark Hyman, Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman and many more…

Check out the bonus content at the end of the episode! We swap moose stories, yes, moose stories!


Apr 08, 202451:24
E96 - Rod Jeter - YBAngry - Why Be Angry, The NO FUSS NO DRAMA Relationship Game
Apr 01, 202447:16
E95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help

E95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help

Episode 95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help

Hi, I'm Mike Van Pelt Men's Mentor & Life CoachI help men unpack the goodness that’s already in their heart and discover the True Man inside of them. 

We live in extraordinary times! Men are now more afraid than ever to be masculine, free, and alive.  Many men live isolated, lonely, and unconnected lives.  We hide behind the veil of status symbols hoping the truth will never come out. Ultimately, our social lives, and intimate relationships with family and God suffer.  Does that sound familiar?

When we live without purpose and clarity we live in a world of confusion and doubt.  Does that sound like you?

This Special Report will help you:

  • Discover, the benefits of living your life of purpose!
  • Enhance your passion for life.
  • Find your purpose through writing and journaling your thoughts.
  • Get clear, by defining your “why” and true motivation, so you can experience more success, satisfaction, and goal achievement in your life.
  • Awaken your heart, deepen your relationships, and align with a new heart full of purpose and clarity.

You’re not alone! I’ve helped men like you take their lives back and gain understanding of their identity, purpose, and truth.

Submit your name in the form to the right and you'll receive this Special Report ... PLUS some more surprises to help you quickly get started in your purpose driven life.


Mar 25, 202444:30
E94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human

E94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human

Episode 94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human

Tammy Cohen, has been partnering with top-tier corporate executives and entrepreneurs to develop

their personal and professional brands for more than 20 years.

Today, she understands her role as a connector and sees opportunities for women to thrive and grow exponentially, which is why she founded the Women Beyond the Table; a business network with a soul.

Tammy added podcaster by launching the Beyond the Table Podcast, leveraging her ability to connect with audiences by sharing her guest’s stories and wisdom.

In her consulting work, Tammy connects her clients to their mission, vision and core values statements and utilizes her networks to develop brands. Tammy is a frequent podcast guest and speaker on topics ranging from branding to leadership

When she is not helping brands stand out or women to thrive, Tammy lives in Manhattan with her husband and 3 sons and owns Eighteen Restaurant on the Upper Eastside. Text Messages to My Sons is Tammy’s first book where she connects

Have you ever struggled to communicate with your children? If you know kids, in-person conversations are just not happening. It can seem like we have so many more options available to us than any other time in history, yet we also feel more disconnected than ever. Just because technology has provided us more immediate access to our loved ones than ever before does not mean we are using the luxury wisely. And there is no better feeling than to let those we love know just how much we think of them and value their presence in our life. There is no greater power than being able to find a direct and simple way to communicate knowledge, inspiration, gratitude, and love; using technology may be the key.
Over the past few years, I wanted to not only evolve but also change the way I interact with my sons. I wanted to be someone they wanted to hear from, that they would look forward to my messages. So, to find a more meaningful relationship with my sons, I reached out to them in a language they understand – texting! It is my true hope for anyone reading this book to become inspired with new ways to connect with your loved ones, whether it is children, siblings, extended family, or spouses. The evidence is undeniable. Ever since I started this journey, my relationship with my sons is enriched and those friends who I have shared this passion project with reacted with encouragement and the desire to do this with their loved ones. For those who started doing this, the results have been wonderful.
Remember, the power lies within each of us. We just need to share it one message at a time. ___

Mar 18, 202437:29
E93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy

E93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy

Episode 93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy

Hear David's heart wrenching story of almost loosing his infant son and how first responders brought his child back

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a focus on working with men, adolescents, couples therapy, and multi-ethnic individuals. I received my Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Golden Gate University and a Masters degree in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State University. During graduate school

I completed my practicum internship at UCSF AIDS Health Project, followed by a post-graduate psychodynamic intensive program at The Psychotherapy Institute. I also have extensive experience working with teenagers, as well as with those experiencing grief, trauma and substance abuse issues. I also specialize in working with multi-ethnic individuals and those who have immigrated recently or are first-generation American born.

Issues I have focused on include, but are not limited to:

  • Sex and Sexuality

  • Sex and anxiety

  • Polyamory, Open Relationships and Kink

  • Sexual Disorders

  • Accessing Emotions

  • Trauma/PTSD

  • Men’s Groups

I focus on helping you improve your insight and awareness on how you relate to yourself and your life in order to help reach the goals you desire. 

Studies show that the key to effective therapy is the person's relationship with the therapist.


Mar 11, 202438:22
E92 - Joseph Neary - Father of 9, Podcast Host and Expert Diaper Changer

E92 - Joseph Neary - Father of 9, Podcast Host and Expert Diaper Changer

Mar 04, 202445:24
E91 - William Hemphill - A Discussion About Adoption, Identity, and Where Parents Can Get Stuck
Feb 26, 202442:08
E90 - Mike Van Pelt - Make Your Podcast Story Worthy, Contagious Curiosity, True Man Life Coaching
Feb 19, 202401:03:36
E89 - Milton Sithole - Growing Up Without A Dad and Now A Father - There is Greatness in You
Feb 12, 202443:48
E88 - Matthew Mangiapane - Marriage and Relationship Therapy and Daddy Hugs
Feb 05, 202438:47
E87 - Four Rules For Dads and Parents - How To Make Your Home Healthier Today
Jan 29, 202420:07
E86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework

E86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework

Episode 86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework

Leadership in your business & in life

The ultimate goal of Freedom

FREEDOM Framework adapted for you as a Dad

My journey into entrepreneurship was fueled by a relentless drive to do and be better. In my early days, while working for various businesses, I often found myself at odds with the practices of the owners. I believed that the businesses weren’t always reinvesting as they should and, as a result, clients were not receiving the caliber of service they truly deserved.

Often times myself or other team members were asked to do things that simply did not align with my values or logic, and to no surprise, the outcome that I assumed would happen was often that outcome that did happen. These feelings were the catalyst, pushing me to step into the entrepreneurial world, confident that I could bring about a transformative change.

Experience has been my greatest educator. Through trials, errors, successes, and everything in between, I've unearthed the secrets of business leadership and the profound impact of accountability through systematic operations. More than any specific niche, it's this universal tenet of business growth that I'm passionate about. The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Framework encapsulates this passion. It's not just a tool or a strategy; it's a distilled version of every lesson I've learned, every strategy I've developed, and every insight I've gained. Designed to empower businesses to execute at their highest potential, it's my contribution to entrepreneurs and leaders everywhere who aim to redefine their boundaries.

My leadership style has matured over the years. Today, it’s a blend of empathy, passion, and determination, coupled with a no-nonsense approach when required. But this wasn't always the case. I've evolved from being curt and emotionally distant to embracing a style that's both compassionate and fiercely driven.

As I look to the future, my vision is clear. I'm committed to guiding business owners and leaders, helping them harness the power of focus and unlock their unmatched potential. Because, at the end of the day, true success is not just about growth, but about clarity, commitment, and the pursuit of a purpose-driven vision.


Jan 22, 202437:34
E85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group

E85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group

Episode 85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group

Episode 85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group Kevin McNee is a dedicated Transformational Coach & Mentor specializing in helping men become the best versions of themselves. With a focus on navigating life transitions, overcoming self-doubt, shedding limited beliefs, and breaking free from self-limiting behaviors, Kevin provides a safe and open space for men to be vulnerable and authentic.

Through personalized coaching, he empowers men to confront and conquer obstacles, unlocking their full potential for greater fulfillment and success in all aspects of life. Kevin's compassionate and empathetic approach has earned him a reputation as a trusted mentor, guiding men towards positive and lasting transformations that lead to deeper connections and purposeful lives Kevin was the GM of an Oil & Gas company and he quit his job from that company last year.

He's got a very rich background, he was a professional golf player, he ran a half marathon, a half Iron Man and now he's on a mission to help Men find the Warrior within. He was a high achiever but he was giving himself away in the process and not honouring himself, making sure everyone else was comfortable at his own discomfort. He was doing that as he didn't want to upset anyone and cause any conflict. He would do anything to keep the peace and bury his own thoughts. This was applicable to every aspect of his life but where it hurt him the most was in his personal life, in his relationship with his ex wife. This went on for a while until he couldn't take it anymore. He asked himself a very powerful question: "How is this my life? Living small, a small life, in a small town, a job he doesn't like?"

That's when he made a drastic change and he started on a new path to get control of his life: first stop smoking and drinking, losing weight and getting back in shape and that reflected on other parts of his life. He then had a life changing meeting with an energy healer which blew his mind and that started his journey on his spiritual awakening path. He started seeing signs everywhere around him to the point of becoming a total believer and a totally new person, fully aware of his gift. Now, he's on a mission to help men get their lives in control and has built a wonderful community where men can have REAL meaningful conversations about issues that affect men.

Usually, society frowns upon men having any emotions, feelings and needing any help as they tell us to "do the right thing" or worst, "be a man!" whatever that may mean. In his community, men can freely talk about whatever issue they may have that they cannot express anywhere else but can do so among other men in his group. Which is truly refreshing!

Kevin's YouTube


Jan 15, 202441:26
E84 - Joel Salomon - Money Lessons for Your Kids, Navigating Fatherhood as a Divorced Dad

E84 - Joel Salomon - Money Lessons for Your Kids, Navigating Fatherhood as a Divorced Dad

Episode 84 - Joel Salomon - Money Lessons for Your Kids, Navigating Fatherhood as a Divorced Dad

Joel Salomon is a prosperity coach who helps people overcome obstacles standing in the way of their financial freedom. In 2018, he published Mindful Money Management: Memoirs of a Hedge Fund Manager, which immediately became a Best Seller. In 2019, Joel published The 9 Money Rules Millionaires Use: Only The Unconventional Ones to effusive praise. Joel is an award-winning speaker and frequent podcast guest.

He has led 9 workshops teaching the concepts of how to overcome limiting beliefs. He has spoken at numerous Rotary and Lions’ Clubs in the New York Metropolitan area and at Mercy College’s MBA program, as well as at Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities Training Conference in New Orleans in March 2018. He appeared on TV with CEO Money and has also been a guest on more than 20 podcasts including Every Day is a New Day Show, the Award-Winning Nice Guys Podcast, The Financial Survival Network, and Think, Believe, Manifest.

Joel has also been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, U.S. News and World Report, and interviewed in Forbes and on Bloomberg Radio. In 2012, he achieved a decades-long dream with the launch of his own hedge fund, SaLaurMor Capital (named after his two daughters, Lauren and Morgan).Salomon’s financial experience includes managing a $700 million long/short equity and credit portfolio for Citi. Salomon generated positive returns every full year during his time at Citi, including 2008, when the market suffered 40 percent losses and financial stocks—the only ones he was managing—collapsed 57%.Salomon has been a Chartered Financial Analyst since 1995. In 1992, he was named a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.

He is also an Advanced Communicator Gold Toastmaster and a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer & Trailblazer. When not helping others achieve their financial dreams, Salomon enjoys table tennis, bowling, and skiing. He is also an avid traveler and has visited over forty countries and five continents.


Jan 08, 202441:51
E83 - Michael Jacobus - Reset Summer Camp - Digital Detox For Your Kids

E83 - Michael Jacobus - Reset Summer Camp - Digital Detox For Your Kids

Jan 01, 202438:25
E82 - David Frazier - Step Parenting is about Helping Not Replacing, Being Present
Dec 25, 202343:56
E81 - Dan Roth - Twins, Autism, PTSD and a Welding Mask
Dec 18, 202348:55
E80 - Carla Crivaro - Sex, Love and Relationships - Breaking the Silence in Your Relationship
Dec 11, 202351:25
BONUS - Thank you for being there for our family and for my Mom

BONUS - Thank you for being there for our family and for my Mom

BONUS - Thank you for being there for our family and for my Mom
Over the past 10 - 12 days you have shown up for our family in a very meaningful way.  Past guests, podcast friends and listeners alike have been sending toughts, prayers, love and encouraging words that I have been sharing with my family and with my Mom.  It has been a very difficult few days, but I wanted to release a short epiosde to thank all of you for your kindness.
When I started a podcast I wasn't totally prepared for the impact of shared voices via the internet - the connections made, the new friendships and the great conversations that have happened with and without a microphone.  For those that have been following these past few days thank you, and for those that might be here for the very first time, thank you for pressing play.
A podcast can be entertainment, a diversion or company - but for me as a podcast host, it has become deeper and far richer by having you as apart of this community.  I am looking forward to more amazing conversations in the future, and Mom if you can still hear my podcast wherever you are, I hope you know that we are always thinking of you.
On behalf of my Mom Sharon, our immediate and extended family - to you, thank you.
Sharon Winona

1945 - 2023

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of Sharon, December 2 at Niagara Health St. Catharines site, aged 78. 

Sharon was born in Temiskaming Shores to Gibson and Muriel Lowe on May 3, 1945.

The family would like to sincerely thank the Critical Care team at Niagara Health for their excellent care and compassion.

Dec 04, 202311:52
E79 - Dorian Johnson - Parenting After The Loss of A Child - Let Go Of The Outcome
Dec 04, 202343:23
E78 - Earnest James - Two Questions for Girl Dads and The Core Four Things Dad's Need to Provide

E78 - Earnest James - Two Questions for Girl Dads and The Core Four Things Dad's Need to Provide

Episode 78 - Earnest James - Two Questions for Girl Dads and The Core Four Things Dad's Need to Provide

Girl Dad Discussions Podcast with E. James Deal Heal Fulfill .Org llc (Author)About the podcastGirl Dad Discussions Podcast with E. James is a podcast promoting the Daddy-Daughter relationship, hosted by Earnest James (Podcaster, Speaker, and Author).

We believe the relationship between Father and Daughter is one of the most important relationships in a daughter’s life. We also want to combat the narrative of the absent father and fatherless daughter by having conversations with Dads and Daughters highlighting the love, support, and impact of their relationship with one another.

Our mission is to spread the voices of Girl Dads and their Daughters in order to give advice, encouragement, and information to other Girl Dads and Daughters around the world that they may continue to build beautiful Daddy Daughter relationships.

We will discuss "The Core Four: the four core values every daughter should get from her father" eBook, which was written by our host, Earnest James, to see how these values has impacted the each guests Daddy Daughter journey.

The eBook can be purchased at


Nov 27, 202344:33
E77 - Brian P Swift - Advice for Dads from Two Dads With Adult Kids - There are snakes in the trees
Nov 20, 202333:53
E76 - When Your Parent Passes Away and You Realize How Fleeting Life Really Is
Nov 13, 202322:39
E75 - Brad Nelson -Debt Free Dad - Financial Freedom is More Than Just Money

E75 - Brad Nelson -Debt Free Dad - Financial Freedom is More Than Just Money

EPISODE 75 - Brad Nelson - Debt Free Dad - Financial Freedom is More Than Just Money

A great conversation with our guest Brad as we talk about his amazing podcast and his journey as a Dad - many struggles, many stories and a great resource for you as a Dad and for you as a model to your family around debt!

Brad has dedicated his life to serving and helping people with their personal finances. He provides an eye-opening outlook on debt and money that challenge today's popular thinking through speaking, The Debt Free Dad Podcast, social media, and his online membership site, Roots of Personal Finance, which has helped people save and pay off tens-of-millions of dollars.

Like many, Brad struggled with living paycheck-to-paycheck, debt, and the constant hamster wheel of never-ending payments for much of his adult life. After losing his home to foreclosure and his first marriage ending in 2012, Brad decided enough was enough and went on a journey to become debt-free. After 4-5 years of hard work, he paid off all his debt and has been debt-free for over ten years outside of his mortgage.

Many people struggle with money and debt. Brad teaches a simple process to help people develop a healthier financial mindset. Learn how to save money and eliminate debt, allowing them to take control of their finances so they can do more of what they love. Brad uses his personal story to relate to others. He provides practical steps and advice for a new financial plan that shows people how to win and live a stress-free and debt-free life.

Brad is a single and dedicated father to his two kids, Noah, and Avery.

Brad has encountered many obstacles on his journey. In 2018, his wife Sarah gave birth to their daughter Avery. Avery was born with a brain injury and was later diagnosed with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy. Being debt-free allowed him and his wife to put all of their efforts into getting the care that Avery needed. Thankfully, today, Avery is thriving and living a normal life, and Brad contributes her progress to the time they've spent on Avery's therapy and care since birth.

In March 2023, Brad tragically lost his wife, Sarah, to a battle with mental illness and suicide. Again, Brad and his financial life were tested, but because of the work they put in on their finances leading up to this tragic event, he has remained debt-free while allowing him and his kids to grieve and begin to build a new life.

Brad's a normal guy with everyday life challenges, and he is using his experiences and story to encourage and motivate others to improve their financial health for themselves and their family.

When Brad isn't helping people with their finances, he loves to continue his education through reading and conferences. His family is the most important. They spend a significant amount of time camping and being outdoors. Brad puts a lot of value in experiences and making memories.


Nov 06, 202352:28
E74 - Brian Teague - Becoming A Dad, Parenting Young Children, Finding Your Seat At The Table

E74 - Brian Teague - Becoming A Dad, Parenting Young Children, Finding Your Seat At The Table

EPISODE 74 - Brian Teague - Becoming A Dad, Parenting Young Children, Finding Your Seat At The Table

Brian is a husband and father with a passion for family, and growing the kingdom by sharing my life and experiences and investing in others.

From growing up to walking on at Oregon to marriage and raising kids, I want to share the things that life has taught me in order to help others.

Brian Teague is a husband, father, and former educator who fell in love with Houston when he moved here with his wife 7 years ago. As a graduate of the University of Oregon and a football alumnus, he left school and tried his hand at a few different industries, but nothing seemed to be a good fit. That’s when he decided to use his experience on the field and start coaching. Coaching soon turned into applying for Teach for America to become a teacher. Brian and Chandra decided that if he got into TFA they would go wherever they were sent because it was only for 2 years. years later, our 2 children were born in Texas, and with roots growing deeper each year they fell in love with the culture, diversity, and love that Houston offered. After spending 7 years in the classroom teaching Brian started to feel called to something different.

Having a passion for family and wanting to serve a city and community that has given him and his family a home for good he decided it was time to give that love back. We Love HTX Inc. was founded in January of 2023 and is now his full-time labor of love. With plans to launch services and start to help families all over the city this Fall, we can’t wait to see what this will grow into and are committed to serving families from any background and with any situation in order to help them find the resources necessary to make it through whatever life throws their way. Houston has given us a community that we love so much and we want to help other families find their place in their community in order to help it grow and thrive.


Oct 30, 202351:54
E73 - Marty Suidgeest - An Ally For Recently Divorced Men - Radical Self Responsibility
Oct 23, 202347:10
E72 - Aly Bird - How To Be A Better Ally in Grief, Showing Up For Others

E72 - Aly Bird - How To Be A Better Ally in Grief, Showing Up For Others

EPISODE 72 - Aly Bird - How To Be A Better Ally in Grief, Showing Up For Others

When I was thirty the person that I loved and trusted the most in this world died without any warning or time to prepare. I wasn’t left with just heartbreak and longing, I was leftover in a world that no longer made sense to me anymore and sensations in my body that were foreign, involuntary and happening without my consent.

Before my beloved died I’d never experienced a loss that changed my life so dramatically. From my spiritual beliefs to my worldview right down to not knowing what possessive pronouns to use, I was left bewildered. Was it still our bed if I would be the only one sleeping in it now?

In the world I was familiar with, people died when they were old, if you were a good person then good things happened to you. I longed for my future because I thought we, me and my beloved – the person that I chose to spend my life with – were in control of it. But my beloved’s death changed all of that.

In the aftermath of my loss, I quickly realized that my experience of support was unique and unlike the horror stories of isolation and ignorance that I would hear from my widowed peers. With a willingness to lean into personal development, my support network and I dove headfirst into a world that none of us ever wanted to live in. And with unconditional love, courage, and brutal honesty, we’ve been auspiciously navigating how to live without my beloved, together. It’s our collective experience that inspired me to write Grief Ally, and develop a practice in teaching grief allyship because no one will ever know how to support someone they love through the long-haul of grief if we’re not willing to talk about it.

The Book: Grief Ally: Helping people you love cope with death, loss, and grief -

When you hear that your best friend, partner, sibling – your person – has lost someone that they love you’re going to be shocked. You’re going to panic. You’re going to want to do everything that you can to help them with the pain that you know they are experiencing.  Unfortunately, despite your best intentions, a misplaced gesture or word can have serious consequences. 

Drawing from first-hand experience and therapeutic practices, Grief Ally will teach you essential life skills that everyone will, unfortunately, need at some point in their life: how to console a grieving loved one.  It’s written for friends and family members who want to support a loved one suffering a loss that they never wanted or expected. And with a flexible approach that anyone can learn and practice, there’s no excuse for you to be terrible at grief support. 

Grief Ally is the answer we’re all looking for when someone dies and we’re left asking “What do I do?” and “How do I help?”


Oct 16, 202340:17
E71 - Kyle Jetsel - The Driven Autism Dad - Non-Verbal Communication and De-escalation

E71 - Kyle Jetsel - The Driven Autism Dad - Non-Verbal Communication and De-escalation

EPISODE 71 - Kyle Jetsel - The Driven Autism Dad - Non-Verbal Communication and De-escalation

Meet Kyle Jetsel, also known as the "Driven Autism Dad," a compassionate coach dedicated to supporting parents of children with autism in overcoming challenges and finding harmony within their homes.

Over 15 years ago, Kyle's life took a transformative turn when his son was diagnosed with autism. In those early days, resources and awareness for parents were scarce, leaving Kyle and his family feeling like they were navigating uncharted waters. Determined to make a difference, Kyle took it upon himself to find solutions and create a roadmap for other families facing similar challenges.

As traditional experts, books, and therapies fell short in addressing their specific at-home autism challenges, Kyle's determination grew stronger. He became "driven" to lower stress within his family and uncover strategies to not just survive, but to "thrive" as they raised their children.

Today, Kyle shares his invaluable framework and customizable recipe with other families, empowering them to become top 1% happy families. Through his coaching, he guides autism parents in unlocking their unique potential, adapting strategies to their family's specific needs and situation. Together, they navigate the autism journey with resilience and create a nurturing environment where every family member can flourish.

Join us as we delve into inspiring conversations with Kyle Jetsel, where he shares his personal experiences, insights, and practical tools for transforming challenges into opportunities. Discover how to create a harmonious and thriving environment for your family, embracing the joys of raising children with autism.


Oct 09, 202357:29
E70 - J D McCabe - Author and Dad - Restoring Relationships With Your Children

E70 - J D McCabe - Author and Dad - Restoring Relationships With Your Children

EPISODE 70 - J D McCabe - Author and Dad - Restoring Relationships With Your Children

Can you rebuild your relationship with your kids after a horrifying breakup?

Unprogramming lies and damaging accusations fed to your children as truth by a vendictive family member

Knowing the truth and not being able to say a word to your kids as your reputation is trashed

Restoring relationships

Mascot Books announces the release of The Third Gift: My Dance with the Devil (And Her Mother) by J.D. McCabe 

You hear horror stories about someone you love turning on you and vowing to ruin your life, but you never think it would happen to you. This is the story of how one man’s wife of twenty plus years—and the mother of his children—changed their lives irrevocably.  

Based on his real diaries, J. D. “Danny” recounts the unimaginable story of how his marriage with his wife, Erin, fell apart. It started with Erin blaming him for everything. Most importantly, the lack of trust in their marriage. She enlisted her mother in her efforts, and together they forged the words of family, trust and honesty into a metaphorical hammer and beat him into the ground. Their accusations of infidelity and drug addiction accumulated, twisting reality and eventually resulting in Danny’s involuntary hospitalization. Despite the abuse he faced at the hands of someone he once loved, Danny revisits the horrifying story with an astounding sense of bravery, strength, and hope. Danny hopes that readers come away valuing the importance of real friendship, family, and faith. Above all, he hopes to encourage people going through similar situations to believe in themselves, and be their own advocates. 

J.D. “Danny” McCabe grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the middle child of a very large family. From an early age, he was independent and a practical realist. This first-time author began writing his diary as a historical journal of events that evolved quickly and came without context.

Danny was encouraged to share this personal and unbelievable voyage in rediscovering himself by the many people who witnessed and heard about his journey first hand. He is blessed with two beautiful adult children. J.D. resides in the Charleston, SC area.

To set up an interview, reading, signing, or for information The Third Gift: My Dance with the Devil: And Her Mother please contact J.D.  at

Follow The Third Gift on

Facebook @thirdgift

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Oct 02, 202343:59
E69 - Celebrating My Anniversary, Thirty Years of Marriage and six questions to ask your partner

E69 - Celebrating My Anniversary, Thirty Years of Marriage and six questions to ask your partner

EPISODE 69 - Celebrating My Anniversary, Thirty Years of Marriage and six questions to ask your partner

Questions to ask your spouse on your wedding anniversary

The relationship my husband and I have built is far from perfect, but it’s ours. This acknowledgment from us, two couples therapists, has never been more important. We’ve put the work in and will continue to put the work in. And along the way, we’ve leaned into a few key questions that help us reflect and adjust. 

  1. How have we changed this year?
  2. What obstacles have we gone through individually, and how has our relationship weathered them?
  3. What hardships have happened in our relationship? Did we resolve them? Or are there things we still need to work through?
  4. What turns me on about you after all these years together? 
  5. What do we want to accomplish individually this next year? And as a couple?
  6. What three things do I appreciate about you?

These questions are meant to guide you and your partner to define and evaluate your purpose together. There are multiple benefits to asking these questions, and your anniversary is a great time to do so. This is your opportunity to tune in and listen to each other, hopefully distraction-free. You might be pleasantly surprised at the little ways you excite your partner! You’ll also be keenly aware of the strengths your relationship has exhibited and the resiliency you tapped into over the past year. Lastly, these questions are meant to foster gratitude – you can do hard things together, and love isn’t the only thing that your relationship is made of.



Sep 25, 202318:35
E68 - My Van is a Total Loss - 8 tips on overcoming even the most crippling setbacks

E68 - My Van is a Total Loss - 8 tips on overcoming even the most crippling setbacks

EPISODE 68 - My Van is a Total Loss - 8 tips on overcoming even the most crippling setbacks

So our recently paid off van, parked on the side of the road was destroyed by a getaway stolen backhoe - how is your day going?

Have you ever had a bunch of terrible things happen, seemingly all at once? That is how things are going for me right now, and to be honest, I am getting super frustrated, a little down and it doesn't feel good at the moment - I am pretty sure that I am not the only one, so I found this article and it helped, a bit - so I thought I would share it with you and maybe find some solace in commiserating with you as I work through some pretty awful "luck" as of late!

8 tips on overcoming even the most crippling setbacks

Everyone experiences challenges. It’s how you react to those challenges that determines whether you’ll be successful.

If you do something, do it with passion and purpose. The best way to prepare for whatever the future holds is to do everything to the best of your ability. Enjoy the journey. There will always be setbacks You may have to go against the grain for years. The experiences we value most in life are often the most challenging. They push you out of your comfort zone and help you grow.

—Melanie Perkins, co-founder and CEO of Canva

If you’re experiencing hard times, just keep showing up and adding value. Over-deliver in every relationship — business or personal — until you focus more on what’s ahead, rather than behind you.

Helping others reach their goals became my obsession. Eventually, I no longer compared or measured opportunities against my past mistakes. I measured them against the future’s limitless potential.

Focus on something you can do or fix, no matter how small. Then take time to appreciate each accomplishment along the way. If you do, you will make it through and come out on the other side.

No matter what life throws at you, it is an incredible opportunity to grow. It comes down to how you perceive your challenges — and what you do about them. Keep a positive mindset, and reframe challenges into your greatest gifts. Find meaning in your challenges, and take action to make things go your way.

Making it through things allows us to persevere and grow like never before.

When I face challenges, remember the strength it took to get through a challenging time.

There is no substitute for mindset, work ethic and discipline.

1. Keep pushing and adjusting

2. Show up and help others

3. Focus on what you can control

4. Have faith and act

5. Find others who encourage you

6. You can handle more than you think

7. Don’t make failure an option

8. Accept responsibility Source:


Sep 18, 202323:11
E67 - Kyle Goodknight - Four Things That Can Destroy Your Marriage and How to Save It
Sep 11, 202350:56
E66 - Eric Guttmann - Be a Healthy Dad, You Can't Surge Trust, and Fat Loss Over 40

E66 - Eric Guttmann - Be a Healthy Dad, You Can't Surge Trust, and Fat Loss Over 40

EPISODE 66 - Eric Guttmann - Be a Healthy Dad, You Can't Surge Trust, and Fat Loss Over 40

Eric Guttmann takes his military training and focuses now on helping Dad's live a healthier life!

The Book: Fat Loss After 40: A Simple System to Reduce Inflammation, Reset Your Body, and Restore Health First it’s five pounds, then ten. Before long, you find yourself fifty pounds overweight and relying on motivation to magically melt the pounds—only your motivation is gone.
Perhaps you’ve always struggled with weight gain. Or maybe this was never a concern until your forties. For most of us, though, weight gain is a constant battle that becomes harder to win the older we are.
How do we make progress against Mother Nature? When do we stop fighting our own bodies? In Fat Loss After 40, retired Naval Officer Eric Guttmann—a health and fitness expert—provides his sensible system for shedding fat without starvation or excessive exercise. He shows you how to adopt a successful mindset and incorporate an elimination diet to reduce inflammation and drop pounds—potentially ten to fifteen in the first thirty days. You’ll learn how to reap benefits from fasting, incorporate a single exercise to boost human growth hormone, and use supplements to optimize cellular energy. If you’re tired of bearing the burden of excess weight, Fat Loss After 40 is the inspiration and know-how you need to lose the pounds—for good. Eric Guttmann is an author and an Ultimate Human Performance (UHP) certified physio/kinesiology expert who served for more than twenty years in active duty as both a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) and a Foreign Area Officer (FAO). With several instruction certifications, including Elite Combat Fitness and Commando Krav Maga, Eric is a US Navy Certified Fitness Leader (CFL) with degrees in Physical Education and National Security Affairs. He studied acupuncture and Eastern medicine. He was also a collegiate track athlete in the javelin, along with judo and gymnastics.


Sep 04, 202347:01
E65 - Dr. John DeGarmo - Foster Parenting, Adoption and Family without the labels

E65 - Dr. John DeGarmo - Foster Parenting, Adoption and Family without the labels

Episode 65 - Dr. John DeGarmo - Foster Parenting, Adoption and Family without the labels

International Speaker and Foster Care/ Parenting Expert
Global Key Note Speaker and Presenter
Motivational Speaker
Inspirational Speaker
Consultant to foster care and child welfare agencies across the globe 
Trauma Informed Speaker and Trainer
Best selling author of 10 books
​Expert Witness for legal firms 

the best selling book  The Little Book of Foster Care Wisdom: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement for Foster Care Families.   
Recipient of the Good Morning America Ultimate Hero Award, the Heroes of the Homeless Award, and several other honors.

Dr. John DeGarmo is a popular and in demand Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) tranformational and motivational speaker and trainer.   Dr. John travels the nation and globe working with schools, businesses, child welfare programs, foster care systems, and foster and adoptive parent groups, delivering powerful, humor filled, and inspiring messages and training seminars, empowering audiences across the world.
Dr. John brings tremendous energy to his delivery.  He is a powerfully dynamic speaker, engaging the audience from beginning to end. John's presentations are thoroughly researched beforehand, and full of insight and information.  Dr. John does not stop after the presentations, though, as he is a relationship builder, and spends quality time with audiences afterward, answering questions, listening to others, and giving additional insight.

Aug 28, 202338:14
E64 - Dave Guesting on Get Real Parental Coaching with Sandra Trew - I am not a Babysitter, I am a Dad
Aug 21, 202324:34
E63 - Jared Brenchley - Giving the Gift of Financial Legacy to Your Family, Being a Good Example to Your Kids
Aug 14, 202343:15
E62 - Doug Beitz - Adult Children, Being a Grandfather and Men's Intuition

E62 - Doug Beitz - Adult Children, Being a Grandfather and Men's Intuition

Aug 07, 202359:43
E61 - Becoming A Grandpa For The First Time - Five Things to Consider in This Next Chapter

E61 - Becoming A Grandpa For The First Time - Five Things to Consider in This Next Chapter

E61 - Becoming A Grandpa For The First Time - Five Things to Consider in This Next Chapter

So, some news from my side of the microphone - I am recording this episode a few days from becoming a first time Grandpa - I am in my early 50's, so this feels early to me to cross this line into becoming a Grandfather, I am struggling with feelings of inadequacy, some fear, excitement, nervousness and feeling a little lost in the whole thing to be honest - so I recorded this ahead of the big day so that I can listen back and hear my thoughts pre and post - and I want to reach out to others just like me to gain your wisdom and support in this next chapter of life!

New Role, New Responsibilities

So, if you’re about to become a first-time grandparent, congratulations! It’s sure to be a rewarding and life-changing experience. 

You’ll likely have a lot of unkowns, and that’s totally normal. Learning as you go is part of the fun. Here’s what you can expect:

  • #1 An emotional rollercoaster — there’s no denying that becoming a grandparent is a huge life event and you’ll feel a range of emotions, from excitement and happiness to anxiety 
  • #2 A change in lifestyle — depending on how involved you’ll be, you can expect your weekly routine to change as you take on grandparenting duties
  • #3 A deeper understanding of parenting — seeing your child become a parent can be both rewarding and emotional, giving you a new perspective on parenting

And to prepare for becoming a first-time grandparent:

  • #1 Set expectations — talk to your child about how involved you’ll be and what role you’ll play in your grandchild’s life
  • #2 Offer advice if asked — don’t give out unsolicited advice, but be open and honest if your child comes to you with questions or concerns
  • #3 Stick to their rules — respect the parenting style of your child and follow their rules when you’re around the grandkids
  • #4 Offer help (when needed) — offer to babysit or help out around the house, but don’t overstay your welcome or cross boundaries
  • #5 Enjoy this special time — be present and savor every moment because it flies by

Get ready to embark on an amazing adventure as you accept your new role and responsibilities as a new grandparent. Although it can be exhausting at times, there’s nothing quite like seeing the world through the eyes of a child.

The most important thing, though, is just being there for your family and showing them how much you love them. That’s what being a grandparent – and parent – is all about.

Jul 31, 202319:31
E60 - James Francis - The Dark Days of Attempting Suicide to the Brighter Days of Being Here For Your Family

E60 - James Francis - The Dark Days of Attempting Suicide to the Brighter Days of Being Here For Your Family

E60 - James Francis - The Dark Days of Attempting Suicide to the Brighter Days of Being Here For Your Family

About James Francis

James Francis is an entrepreneur and professional speaker. He has been a successful executive starting and running several businesses in the well-being and insurance markets. Through the course of his three decade career, he has worked closely with private equity and venture capital investors, he has run sales teams for large publicly traded companies, he has been a c-suite executive for six start ups in the healthcare and well-being space, and he has even owned and operated a vintage Good Humor ice cream truck. James also works as a varsity high school Lacrosse coach every spring, pursuing his passion for the game he loves and coaching. He has been diagnosed with severe anxiety and clinical depression and has learned, through different modalities, how to manage his mental illness and thrive and live in peace. James brings his learnings into the boardroom and has taught many executives how to meditate and the importance of "slowing down" to achieve their goals.

He grew up on Long Island and he and his family have lived on the shoreline of Connecticut for over 28 years.

Book: There's Coffee in the Fridge: One Man's Journey Through Anxiety and Depression Does our past define us? Or does it merely serve to inform our future?
At its heart, this book is a story of overcoming anxiety and depression, as well as suicidal tendencies and attempts. With a remarkably candid approach, peppered with dry humor and keen observation, author James Francis takes us on a journey that is all at once deep, dark, twisting, and ultimately so very redemptive.
One part gripping memoir, and one part how-to guide, you will come away with tools such as:

  • A better understanding of anxiety and depression Ideas for a roadmap to personal mental health
  • Exploration of personal and romantic relationship dynamics in regard to mental health
  • Notable authors to read on the journey to healing
  • Music suggestions to stir your soul and learn from
  • A reality check on the uniqueness of each person’s journey

This is a book of triumph, a victory over mental health struggles earned through the hardest of trials. You can use your past to create a healthier future too - it starts here, it starts now.

If you are in need of help - please contact Talk Suicide Canada - 1.833.456.4566 If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call Talk Suicide Canada at 1-833-456-4566 (24/7) or text 45645 (4 PM - 12 AM ET)

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Jul 24, 202339:09
E59 - Mark Gordon - What if there was a Dad Test, Empty Nest Musings and Advice for a New Dad
Jul 17, 202340:07
E58 - Nate Turner - The Harvard University Blueprint for Raising Your Kids

E58 - Nate Turner - The Harvard University Blueprint for Raising Your Kids

E58 - Nate A Turner J.D. - The Harvard University Blueprint for Raising Your Kids

Book - Raising Supaman - Although many years have passed since Nathaniel A. Turner began writing letters to his then two-year-old son, Raising Supaman remains as prophetic as ever. Turner's aim in writing his son was to witness during his lifetime the outward manifestation of his deepest hopes and most profound dreams, namely that his child would be a better man than him.
In Raising Supaman, Turner explores the most critical issues in the lives of males of all ages. From academic success and professional advancement to personal achievement to social responsibility, Turner wrote a practical travel guide that anyone might use to navigate their way through the incredible journey called life.
Join this TED speaker and internationally renowned Humanity Propulsion Engineer for a transparent, authentic, and loving examination of the role and purpose of a man through the letters of a father to his son, correspondence intuitively written from one man to another man. In Raising Supaman, not only will you discover what is necessary to raise a great man, but you will find everything you need to become a Supaman. About the Author

Author and TED speaker, Nathaniel A. Turner, JD, MALS is a self-described “Humanity Propulsion Engineer.” Turner’s appeared in many media outlets, including The Washington Post, Black Enterprise, iHeartRadio, The Good Men Project, Sirius XM, and U.S. News & World Report. Corporations, municipalities, and NGOs like Anthem, Inc., National Collegiate Athletic Association, the City of Indianapolis, and the National Society of Black Engineers invite Nate to share his practical message for living the life we’ve always imagined while also serving the greater good.

A modern-day Renaissance Man, as evidenced by the diversity of his education, including a bachelor in accounting, masters in history and theology, and doctor of jurisprudence combined with a wide range of personal experiences and professions, are only part of what makes his wide-ranging presentations “can’t miss” events. What truly sets Nate apart from others is his unique oft times comical ability not only to see the world differently but to challenge his audiences in an edutaining way to live outside the box so that the world might be able to experience us at our very best.

As a zealous advocate that every person has an opportunity to maximize their human potential, Nate regularly shares through books, courses, workshops, and conferences a backward design life process initially created to help his unborn child become a great global citizen and meet the rigorous educational requirements of the top colleges and universities without means of wealth, privilege, legacy status, fraud, bribery, cheating or Adobe Photoshop. Today, those tools, techniques, and strategies initially created to help a Gen Zer thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are educational and life development staples for students and parents of all ages, and organizations all over the country.

When you hear Nathaniel, not only will it be obvious why he is a highly sought after speaker, you will never be the same. Moreover, there is little doubt that those in the audience will leave with a renewed commitment to live the life they’ve always imagined while doing their part to leave the earth better than it was when they arrived. For more information, visit

Book: The Amazing World of STEM Book: Stop The Bus: Education Reform in 31 Days Book: It's A Jungle Out There: Power Parenting Lessons Inspired by The Lion King Book: Journey Forward: How to Use Journaling to Envision and Manifest the Life You Always Wanted ___

Jul 10, 202341:06
E57 - Stay on Course The Life and Legacy of Ennio Riga, Chef to the Stars by Julie Riga
Jul 03, 202337:51
E56 - Mark Craven - Dads, Kiss Your Sons, Facing Your Fears of Becoming A Dad and Finding Love for Your Son

E56 - Mark Craven - Dads, Kiss Your Sons, Facing Your Fears of Becoming A Dad and Finding Love for Your Son

E56 - Mark Craven - Dads, Kiss Your Sons, Facing Your Fears of Becoming A Dad and Finding Love for Your Son

Mark Craven is the author of several books and writes a self-development blog for his website, Mark also hosts the podcast, The Craven Effect. He has worked as a Math Instructor, Student Success Coach, and Senior Academic Advisor at the college level. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Higher Education Management. Mark lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his family Terrified to Become a Dad? So Was I.

Fear is often our first response when we discover we are going to be fathers. We talk to just about everyone we know or search for quick answers to give us some sense of confidence to see our way through the unknown ahead. But what if you didn't have a dad? What if you didn't have role models to follow? What if the whole idea of being a dad is so completely foreign to you that quantum mechanics seems easier to master? That's my story along with becoming everything to my son that I never had growing up.

As a teacher and coach in higher education, Mark Craven has researched numerous behavioral studies as well as the biology of neurological systems pointing to insights for new and expectant dads to adhere in Dad's, Kiss Your Sons, bringing a whole new level of significance to being a dad.

The current generation of dads has made fatherhood a part of their self-identity. They are seeking resources and feeling that there aren't enough content-related resources available to them.

Dad's, Kiss Your Sons is the book every dad needs.

Jun 26, 202334:10
E55 - A Podcast Feed Drop - Mark Gordon - Strength-based Parenting Model - Helping Kids Flourish

E55 - A Podcast Feed Drop - Mark Gordon - Strength-based Parenting Model - Helping Kids Flourish

Episode 55 - A Podcast Feed Drop - Mark Gordon - Strength-based Parenting Model - Helping Kids Flourish

We are doing a Feed Drop on this episode! Mark has given us an episode of his show for me to share here on Dad Space and in turn, Mark will be playing an episode of Dad Space on his podcast!


Relationships are in crisis, that’s why I love to empower people in developing healthy relationships. I do this through transformational Courses and creating content that gives you the tools needed to succeed. People’s lives have been transformed by using the principles taught in my courses, book and keynotes.

Relationship Matters Course

5 Pillars for a Healthy Foundation in ALL Your Relationships 

Based on my groundbreaking book Relationship Matters, this course is a powerful journey to relational healing.

Relationships can bring the greatest joy in your life, however they can also bring the most pain. Many people don’t put a lot of thought into what it takes to build a healthy relationship. I know for me, for many years I took relationships for granted in my life. To build a healthy relationship you need a healthy relational culture in your home, extended family or any organisations you may be involved with. To do that you need to make intentional investments into the foundation of your relationships. There are three primary relationships that require investment, with God, with yourself and with others. When one of those relationships is out of line, it affects the others. The best investment you can make is to work on the 5 pillars of your relational foundation; Trust, Communication, Authenticity, Honesty and Honour. This video series takes you on a journey to build those pillars into the fabric of how you relate to yourself and others. The process in the worksheets and the daily work uniquely sets you up for success!    

In this video series you will learn: 

  • How to build trust equity 
  • How to have healthy communication 
  • How to live authentically
  • How honesty is a superpower 
  • How to reclaim the lost art of honour

Mark's Podcast - Relationship Matters -

Jun 19, 202357:06
Happy Father's Day 2023 - Some Thoughts Around Father's Day and Thanks for Listening Over the Past Year

Happy Father's Day 2023 - Some Thoughts Around Father's Day and Thanks for Listening Over the Past Year

Happy Father's Day 2023 - Some Thoughts Around Father's Day and Thanks for Listening Over the Past Year

On this special day dedicated to celebrating your role as fathers, I want to offer you words of encouragement and appreciation. Being a dad is an incredible journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and an abundance of love. Your presence and dedication have a profound impact on the lives of your children, shaping them into the remarkable individuals they are becoming.

As a dad, you are a source of strength, guidance, and unwavering support. Your children look up to you, seeking your wisdom and seeking comfort in your presence. Your love and involvement leave lasting impressions on their hearts and minds, instilling in them the values and qualities that will guide them through life.

Remember that your presence matters more than you may realize. Your time spent playing, teaching, and simply being with your children creates bonds that are unbreakable. The laughter you share, the stories you tell, and the lessons you impart are invaluable gifts that they will carry with them for a lifetime.

It's important to recognize that being a dad isn't about being perfect; it's about being there. Embrace the imperfections and allow yourself to learn and grow alongside your children. Your love, patience, and willingness to be present in their lives are what truly matter.

Celebrate the small victories and milestones. Each step, whether big or small, is a testament to the incredible impact you have as a father. Cherish the moments of joy, for they are the building blocks of lasting memories.

Remember to take care of yourself too. Being a dad can be demanding, and it's essential to prioritize your well-being. By nurturing your own happiness and fulfillment, you become an even better role model for your children.

So, dear dads, on this Father's Day, I want you to know that you are seen, appreciated, and loved. Your dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering love are gifts that transcend time. Keep being the amazing dad that you are, and know that your influence will shape the future in extraordinary ways.

Happy Father's Day!


Jun 17, 202314:25
E54 - Gary Martinez Jr - Parenting and Autism, How an Abandoned Park Became A Rescue Mission
Jun 12, 202344:23