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Daily Gospel Exegesis

Daily Gospel Exegesis

By Logical Bible Study

This is a short daily podcast, where we go through an exegesis of the gospel reading from the current day's Mass.
The Catholic Church teaches that in order to understand the Scriptures, we must start with the literal sense - in other words, how the original hearers of the text would have understood it.
That is our aim in this podcast - to help understand what the gospel writers (and more importantly, Jesus) were intending to communicate in today's reading, as well as providing links to the Catechism. Each episode is short and designed to be listened to before or after attending daily Mass.
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Wednesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 38-40

Daily Gospel ExegesisMay 21, 2024

Monday of Week 9 in Ordinary Time - Mark 12: 1-12

Monday of Week 9 in Ordinary Time - Mark 12: 1-12

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Mark 12: 1-12 - 'They seized the beloved son, killed him and threw him out of the vineyard.'

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Jun 02, 202425:53
Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Year B) - Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26

Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Year B) - Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26

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Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26 - This is my body; this is my blood.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1328 (in 'What is this Sacrament Called?') - The inexhaustible richness of this sacrament is expressed in the different names we give it. Each name evokes certain aspects of it. It is called: Eucharist, because it is an action of thanksgiving to God. the Greek words eucharistein and eulogein recall the Jewish blessings that proclaim - especially during a meal - God's works: creation, redemption, and sanctification.

- 1339 (in 'The Institution of the Eucharist') - Jesus chose the time of Passover to fulfill what he had announced at Capernaum: giving his disciples his Body and his Blood: Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the passover lamb had to be sacrificed. So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the passover meal for us, that we may eat it...." They went ... and prepared the passover. and when the hour came, he sat at table, and the apostles with him. and he said to them, "I have earnestly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer; for I tell you I shall not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.".... and he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." and likewise the cup after supper, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my blood."

- 1335 (in 'The Signs of Bread and Wine') - The miracles of the multiplication of the loaves, when the Lord says the blessing, breaks and distributes the loaves through his disciples to feed the multitude, prefigure the superabundance of this unique bread of his Eucharist. The sign of water turned into wine at Cana already announces the Hour of Jesus' glorification. It makes manifest the fulfillment of the wedding feast in the Father's kingdom, where the faithful will drink the new wine that has become the Blood of Christ.

- 1403 (in 'Pledge of the Glory to Come') - At the Last Supper the Lord himself directed his disciples' attention toward the fulfillment of the Passover in the kingdom of God: "I tell you I shall not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." Whenever the Church celebrates the Eucharist she remembers this promise and turns her gaze "to him who is to come." In her prayer she calls for his coming: "Marana tha!" "Come, Lord Jesus!" "May your grace come and this world pass away!"

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Jun 01, 202435:55
Saturday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 11: 27-33

Saturday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 11: 27-33

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Mark 11: 27-33 - 'I will not tell you my authority for acting like this.'

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May 31, 202412:09
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Luke 1: 39-56

Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Luke 1: 39-56

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Luke 1: 39-56 - 'The almighty has done great things for me.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2619 (in 'The Prayer of the Virgin Mary') - That is why the Canticle of Mary, The Magnificat (Latin) or Megalynei (byzantine) is the song both of the Mother of God and of the Church; the song of the Daughter of Zion and of the new People of God; the song of thanksgiving for the fullness of graces poured out in the economy of salvation and the song of the "poor" whose hope is met by the fulfillment of the promises made to our ancestors, "to Abraham and to his posterity for ever."

- 2097 (in 'Adoration') - To adore God is to acknowledge, in respect and absolute submission, the "nothingness of the creature" who would not exist but for God. To adore God is to praise and exalt him and to humble oneself, as Mary did in the Magnificat, confessing with gratitude that he has done great things and holy is his name (abbreviated).

- 148 (in 'Mary - Blessed is she who believed') - The Virgin Mary most perfectly embodies the obedience of faith. By faith Mary welcomes the tidings and promise brought by the angel Gabriel, believing that "with God nothing will be impossible" and so giving her assent: "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be [done] to me according to your word." Elizabeth greeted her: "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." It is for this faith that all generations have called Mary blessed.

- 971 (in 'Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary') - "All generations will call me blessed": "The Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship." The Church rightly honors "the Blessed Virgin with special devotion (abbreviated).

- 273 (in 'The Mystery of God's apparent powerlessness') - Only faith can embrace the mysterious ways of God's almighty power. This faith glories in its weaknesses in order to draw to itself Christ's power. The Virgin Mary is the supreme model of this faith, for she believed that "nothing will be impossible with God", and was able to magnify the Lord: "For he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name." (abbreviated).

- 2599 (in 'Jesus prays') - The Son of God who became Son of the Virgin learned to pray according to his human heart. He learns the formulas of prayer from his mother, who kept in her heart and meditated upon all the "great things" done by the Almighty (abbreviated)

- 422 (in 'The Good News: God has sent his son') - But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.' This is 'the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God': God has visited his people. He has fulfilled the promise he made to Abraham and his descendants. He acted far beyond all expectation - he has sent his own 'beloved Son'.

- 523 (in 'The Preparations')

- 717 (in 'John, precursor, prophet and baptist')

- 2676-2677 (in 'Communion with the Holy Mother of God')

- 448 (in 'LORD')

- 495 (in 'Mary's Divine Motherhood')

- 148 (in 'Blessed is she who believed')

- 722 (in 'Rejoice, you who are full of grace')

- 2675 (in 'In Communion with the Holy Mother of God')

- 2807 (in 'Hallowed be thy name')

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May 30, 202429:39
Thursday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 46-52

Thursday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 46-52

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Mark 10: 46-52 - 'Go; your faith has saved you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2616 (in 'Jesus Hears our Prayer') - Prayer to Jesus is answered by him already during his ministry, through signs that anticipate the power of his death and Resurrection: Jesus hears the prayer of faith, expressed in words (the leper, Jairus, the Canaanite woman, the good thief) or in silence (the bearers of the paralytic, the woman with a hemorrhage who touches his clothes, the tears and ointment of the sinful woman). The urgent request of the blind men, "Have mercy on us, Son of David" or "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" has-been renewed in the traditional prayer to Jesus known as the Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" Healing infirmities or forgiving sins, Jesus always responds to a prayer offered in faith: "Your faith has made you well; go in peace."

- 548 (in 'The Signs of the Kingdom of God') - The signs worked by Jesus attest that the Father has sent him. They invite belief in him. To those who turn to him in faith, he grants what they ask. So miracles strengthen faith in the One who does his Father's works; they bear witness that he is the Son of God (abbreviated).

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May 29, 202414:59
Wednesday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 32-45

Wednesday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 32-45

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Mark 10: 32-45 - 'The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 557 (in 'Jesus' ascent to Jerusalem') - "When the days drew near for him to be taken up [Jesus] set his face to go to Jerusalem." By this decision he indicated that he was going up to Jerusalem prepared to die there. Three times he had announced his Passion and Resurrection; now, heading toward Jerusalem, Jesus says: "It cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem."

- 474 (in 'Christ's Soul and his human knowledge') - By its union to the divine wisdom in the person of the Word incarnate, Christ enjoyed in his human knowledge the fullness of understanding of the eternal plans he had come to reveal (abbreviated).

- 649 (in 'The Resurrection - A Work of the Holy Trinity') - As for the Son, he effects his own Resurrection by virtue of his divine power. Jesus announces that the Son of man will have to suffer much, die, and then rise (abbreviated).

- 536 (in 'The Baptism of Jesus') - The baptism of Jesus is on his part the acceptance and inauguration of his mission as God's suffering Servant. He allows himself to be numbered among sinners; he is already "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world". Already he is anticipating the "baptism" of his bloody death. Already he is coming to "fulfil all righteousness", that is, he is submitting himself entirely to his Father's will: out of love he consents to this baptism of death for the remission of our sins (abbreviated).

- 1225 (in 'Christ's Baptism') - In his Passover Christ opened to all men the fountain of Baptism. He had already spoken of his Passion, which he was about to suffer in Jerusalem, as a "Baptism" with which he had to be baptized. The blood and water that flowed from the pierced side of the      crucified Jesus are types of Baptism and the Eucharist, the sacraments of new life. From then on, it is possible "to be born of water and the      Spirit" in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

'See where you are baptized, see where Baptism comes from, if not from the cross of Christ, from his death. There is the whole mystery: he died for you. In him you are redeemed, in him you are saved.'

- 618 (in 'Our Participation in Christ's sacrifice') - He calls his disciples to "take up [their] cross and follow (him)",for "Christ also suffered for (us), leaving (us) an example so that (we) should follow in his steps" (abbreviated).

- 1551 (in 'In the person of Christ the Head') - This priesthood is ministerial. "That office . . . which the Lord committed to the pastors of his people, is in the strict sense of the term a service." It is entirely related to Christ and to men. It depends entirely on Christ and on his unique priesthood; it has been instituted for the good of men and the communion of the Church. the sacrament of Holy Orders communicates a "sacred power" which is none other than that of Christ. the exercise of this authority must therefore be measured against the model of Christ, who by love made himself the least and the servant of all (abbreviated).

- 1570 (in 'The Ordination of deacons - 'in order to serve') - Deacons share in Christ's mission and grace in a special way. The sacrament of Holy Orders marks them with an imprint (“character") which cannot be removed and which configures them to Christ, who made himself the "deacon" or servant of all (abbreviated).

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May 28, 202428:12
Tuesday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 28-31

Tuesday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 28-31

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Mark 10: 28-31 - 'Whoever has left everything for the sake of the gospel will be repaid.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1618 (in 'Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom') - Christ is the center of all Christian life. The bond with him takes precedence over all other bonds, familial or social. From the very beginning of the Church there have been men and women who have renounced the great good of marriage to follow the Lamb wherever he goes, to be intent on the things of the Lord, to seek to please him, and to go out to meet the Bridegroom who is coming (abbreviated).

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May 27, 202413:27
Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 17-27

Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 17-27

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Mark 10: 17-27 - 'Give everything you own to the poor, and follow me.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1858 (in 'The Gravity of Sin: Mortal and Venial Sin') - Grave matter is specified by the Ten Commandments, corresponding to the answer of Jesus to the rich young man: "Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and your mother." The gravity of sins is more or less great: murder is graver than theft. One must also take into account who is wronged: violence against parents is in itself graver than violence against a stranger.

- 2728 (in 'Objections to Prayer') - Finally, our battle has to confront what we experience as failure in prayer: discouragement during periods of dryness; sadness that, because we have "great possessions," we have not given all to the Lord; disappointment over not being heard according to our own will; wounded pride, stiffened by the indignity that is ours as sinners; our resistance to the idea that prayer is a free and unmerited gift; and so forth. the conclusion is always the same: what good does it do to pray? To overcome these obstacles, we must battle to gain humility, trust, and perseverance.

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May 26, 202433:54
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year B) - Matt 28: 16-20

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year B) - Matt 28: 16-20

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Matthew 28: 16-20 - 'Go and make disciples of all nations.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 849 (in 'Mission - a requirement of the Church's catholicity') - The missionary mandate. "Having been divinely sent to the nations that she might be 'the universal sacrament of salvation,' the Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men": "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, until the close of the age."

- 1257 (in 'The Necessity of Baptism') - The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation. He also commands his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament (abbreviated).

- 232 (in 'in the Name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit') - Christians are baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Before receiving the sacrament, they respond to a three-part question when asked to confess the Father, the Son and the Spirit: "I do." "The faith of all Christians rests on the Trinity."

- 831 (in 'What does Catholic Mean?') - Secondly, the Church is catholic because she has been sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole of the human race: All men are called to belong to the new People of God. This People, therefore, while remaining one and only one, is to be spread throughout the whole world and to all ages in order that the design of God's will may be fulfilled: he made human nature one in the beginning and has decreed that all his children who were scattered should be finally gathered together as one.... the character of universality which adorns the People of God is a gift from the Lord himself whereby the Catholic Church ceaselessly and efficaciously seeks for the return of all humanity and all its goods, under Christ the Head in the unity of his Spirit.

- 2743 (in 'Persevering in Love') - It is always possible to pray: the time of the Christian is that of the risen Christ who is with us always, no matter what tempests may arise. Our time is in the hands of God (abbreviated).

- 1120 (in 'The Sacraments of the Church') - The ordained priesthood guarantees that it really is Christ who acts in the sacraments through the Holy Spirit for the Church. the saving mission entrusted by the Father to his incarnate Son was committed to the apostles and through them to their successors: they receive the Spirit of Jesus to act in his name and in his person (abbreviated).

- 644 (in 'The Appearances of the Risen One')

- 2 (in 'Prologue')

- 767 (in 'The Church - revealed by the Holy Spirit')

- 189 (in 'The Creeds')

- 543 (in 'The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God')

- 691 (in 'The Proper name of the Holy Spirit')

- 2156 (in 'The Christian Name')

- 80 (in 'One Common Source')

- 788 (in 'The Church is communion with Jesus')

- 860 (in 'The Apostles Mission')

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May 25, 202427:26
Saturday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 13-16

Saturday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 13-16

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Mark 10: 13-16 - 'It is to such as these little children that the kingdom of God belongs.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1244 (in 'Christian Initiation') - First Holy Communion. Having become a child of God clothed with the wedding garment, the neophyte is admitted "to the marriage supper of the Lamb" and receives the food of the new life, the body and blood of Christ. the Eastern Churches maintain a lively awareness of the unity of Christian initiation by giving Holy Communion to all the newly baptized and confirmed, even little children, recalling the Lord's words: "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them." The Latin Church, which reserves admission to Holy Communion to those who have attained the age of reason, expresses the orientation of Baptism to the Eucharist by having the newly baptized child brought to the altar for the praying of the Our Father."

- 1261 (in 'The Necessity of Baptism') - As regards children who have died without Baptism, the Church can only entrust them to the mercy of God, as she does in her funeral rites for them. Indeed, the great mercy of God who desires that all men should be saved, and Jesus' tenderness toward children which caused him to say: "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them," allow us to hope that there is a way of salvation for children who have died without Baptism. All the more urgent is the Church's call not to prevent little children coming to Christ through the gift of holy Baptism.

- 699 (in 'Symbols of the Holy Spirit') - The hand. Jesus heals the sick and blesses little children by laying hands on them. In his name the apostles will do the same. Even more pointedly, it is by the Apostles' imposition of hands that the Holy Spirit is given. The Letter to the Hebrews lists the imposition of hands among the "fundamental elements" of its teaching. The Church has kept this sign of the all-powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in its sacramental epicleses.

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May 24, 202415:30
Friday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 1-12

Friday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 10: 1-12

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Mark 10: 1-12 - 'What God has united, man must not divide.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1627 (in 'Matrimonial Consent') - The consent consists in a "human act by which the partners mutually give themselves to each other": "I take you to be my wife" - "I take you to be my husband." This consent that binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfillment in the two "becoming one flesh."

- 1639 (in 'The Marriage Bond') - The consent by which the spouses mutually give and receive one another is sealed by God himself. From their covenant arises "an institution, confirmed by the divine law, . . . even in the eyes of society." The covenant between the spouses is integrated into God's covenant with man: "Authentic married love is caught up into divine love."

- 2364 (in 'Conjugal Fidelity') - The married couple forms "the intimate partnership of life and love established by the Creator and governed by his laws; it is rooted in the conjugal covenant, that is, in their irrevocable personal consent. Both give themselves definitively and totally to one another. They are no longer two; from now on they form one flesh. the covenant they freely contracted imposes on the spouses the obligation to preserve it as unique and indissoluble." What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder."

- 2382 (in 'Divorce') - The Lord Jesus insisted on the original intention of the Creator who willed that marriage be indissoluble. He abrogates the accommodations that had slipped into the old Law.

- 1650 (in 'The Unity and Indissolubility of Marriage') - Today there are numerous Catholics in many countries who have recourse to civil divorce and contract new civil unions. In fidelity to the words of Jesus Christ - "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery" The Church maintains that a new union cannot be recognized as valid, if the first marriage was. If the divorced are remarried civilly, they find themselves in a situation that objectively contravenes God's law. Consequently, they cannot receive Eucharistic communion as long as this situation persists. For the same reason, they cannot exercise certain ecclesial responsibilities. Reconciliation through the sacrament of Penance can be granted only to those who have repented for having violated the sign of the covenant and of fidelity to Christ, and who are committed to living in complete continence.

- 2380 (in 'Adultery') - Adultery refers to marital infidelity. When two partners, of whom at least one is married to another party, have sexual relations - even transient ones - they commit adultery. Christ condemns even adultery of mere desire. The sixth commandment and the New Testament forbid adultery absolutely. The prophets denounce the gravity of adultery; they see it as an image of the sin of idolatry.

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May 23, 202438:04
Thursday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 41-50

Thursday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 41-50

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Mark 9: 41-50 - 'If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1034 (in 'Hell') - Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather . . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire," and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!"

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May 22, 202432:13
Wednesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 38-40

Wednesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 38-40

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Mark 9: 38-40 - 'Do not stop anyone from working a miracle in my name.'

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May 21, 202410:05
Tuesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 30-37

Tuesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time - Mark 9: 30-37

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Mark 9: 30-37 - 'Anyone who welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 557 (in 'Jesus' ascent to Jerusalem') - "When the days drew near for him to be taken up [Jesus] set his face to go to Jerusalem." By this decision he indicated that he was going up to Jerusalem prepared to die there. Three times he had announced his Passion and Resurrection (abbreviated)

- 474 (in 'Christ's Soul and his human knowledge') - By its union to the divine wisdom in the person of the Word incarnate, Christ enjoyed in his human knowledge the fullness of understanding of the eternal plans he had come to reveal. What he admitted to not knowing in this area, he elsewhere declared himself not sent to reveal.

- 1824 (in 'Charity') - Christ died out of love for us, while we were still "enemies." The Lord asks us to love as he does, even our enemies, to make ourselves the neighbor of those farthest away, and to love children and the poor as Christ himself.

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May 20, 202417:52
Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church - John 19: 25-34

Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church - John 19: 25-34

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John 19: 25-34 - 'Behold your Son. Behold your Mother.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 544 (in 'The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God') - Jesus shares the life of the poor, from the cradle to the cross; he experiences hunger, thirst and privation (abbreviated).

- 607 (in 'Christ's whole life is an offering to the Father') - From the cross, just before "It is finished", he said, "I thirst." (abbreviated).

- 2561 (in 'What is Prayer?') - Prayer is the response of faith to the free promise of salvation and also a response of love to the thirst of the only Son of God (abbreviated).

- 2605 (in 'Jesus Prays') - When the hour had come for him to fulfill the Father's plan of love, Jesus allows a glimpse of the boundless depth of his filial prayer, not only before he freely delivered himself up (“Abba . . . not my will, but yours."), but even in his last words on the Cross, where prayer and the gift of self are but one: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise", "Woman, behold your son" - "Behold your mother", "I thirst."; "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" "It is finished"; "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" until the "loud cry" as he expires, giving up his spirit.

- 624 (in 'Jesus Christ was Buried') - "By the grace of God" Jesus tasted death "for every one". In his plan of salvation, God ordained that his Son should not only "die for our sins" but should also "taste death", experience the condition of death, the separation of his soul from his body, between the time he expired on the cross and the time he was raised from the dead. The state of the dead Christ is the mystery of the tomb and the descent into hell. It is the mystery of Holy Saturday, when Christ, lying in the tomb, reveals God's great sabbath rest after the fulfilment of man's salvation, which brings peace to the whole universe.

- 730 (in 'Christ Jesus') - At last Jesus' hour arrives: he commends his spirit into the Father's hands at the very moment when by his death he conquers death, so that, "raised from the dead by the glory of the Father," he might immediately give the Holy Spirit by "breathing" on his disciples (abbreviated).

- 726 (in 'Rejoice you who are full of grace')

- 2618 (in 'The Prayer of the Virgin Mary')

- 501 (in 'Mary ever-virgin')

- 964 (in 'Wholly united with her Son')

- 2677-2679 (in 'In Communion with the Holy Mother of God')

- 641 (in 'The Appearances of the Risen One')

- 478 (in 'The Heart of the Incarnate Word')

- 694 (in 'Symbols of the Holy Spirit')

- 1225 (in 'Christ's Baptism')

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May 19, 202442:54
Pentecost - John 20: 19-23

Pentecost - John 20: 19-23

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John 20: 19-23 - 'As the Father sent me, so I am sending you: receive the Holy Spirit.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 645 (in 'The Condition of Christ's risen humanity') - By means of touch and the sharing of a meal, the risen Jesus establishes direct contact with his disciples. He invites them in this way to recognize that he is not a ghost and above all to verify that the risen body in which he appears to them is the same body that had been tortured and crucified, for it still bears the traces of his Passion. Yet at the same time this authentic, real body possesses the new properties of a glorious body: not limited by space and time but able to be present how and when he wills; for Christ's humanity can no longer be confined to earth, and belongs henceforth only to the Father's divine realm (abbreviated).

- 1120 (in 'The Sacraments of the Church') - The ordained priesthood guarantees that it really is Christ who acts in the sacraments through the Holy Spirit for the Church. the saving mission entrusted by the Father to his incarnate Son was committed to the apostles and through them to their successors: they receive the Spirit of Jesus to act in his name and in his person (abbreviated).

- 1441 (in 'Only God forgives sin') - Only God forgives sins. Since he is the Son of God, Jesus says of himself, "The Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins" and exercises this divine power: "Your sins are forgiven." Further, by virtue of his divine authority he gives this power to men to exercise in his name.

- 858 (in 'The Apostles' Mission) - Jesus is the Father's Emissary. From the beginning of his ministry, he "called to him those whom he desired; .... and he appointed twelve, whom also he named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to preach." From then on, they would also be his "emissaries" (Greek apostoloi). In them, Christ continues his own mission: "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." The apostles' ministry is the continuation of his mission; Jesus said to the Twelve: "he who receives you receives me."

- 976 (in 'I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins') - The Apostle's Creed associates faith in the forgiveness of sins not only with faith in the Holy Spirit, but also with faith in the Church and in the communion of saints. It was when he gave the Holy Spirit to his apostles that the risen Christ conferred on them his own divine power to forgive sins: "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

- 1287 (in 'Confirmation in the economy of salvation') - This fullness of the Spirit was not to remain uniquely the Messiah's, but was to be communicated to the whole messianic people. On several occasions Christ promised this outpouring of the Spirit, a promise which he fulfilled first on Easter Sunday and then more strikingly at Pentecost (abbreviated).

- 644 (in 'The Appearances of the Risen One')

- 1461 (in 'The Minister of this Sacrament')

- 1087 (in 'from the time of the church of the apostles')

- 730 (in 'Christ Jesus')

- 1485 (in 'The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation')

- 788 (in 'The Church is communion with Jesus')

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May 18, 202418:36
Saturday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 21: 20-25

Saturday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 21: 20-25

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John 21: 20-25 - 'The disciple is the one who vouches for these things and we know that his testimony is true.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 878 (in 'Why the Ecclesial Ministry') - Finally, it belongs to the sacramental nature of ecclesial ministry that it have a personal character. Although Christ's ministers act in communion with one another, they also always act in a personal way. Each one is called personally: "You, follow me" in order to be a personal witness within the common mission, to bear personal responsibility before him who gives the mission, acting "in his person" and for other persons: "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ..."; "I absolve you...."

- 515 (in 'Christ's whole life is a mystery') - The Gospels were written by men who were among the first to have the faith and wanted to share it with others. Having known  in faith who Jesus is, they could see and make others see the traces of his mystery in all his earthly life.

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May 17, 202424:06
Friday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 21: 15-19

Friday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 21: 15-19

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John 21: 15-19 - 'Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 553 (in 'The Keys of the Kingdom') - The "power of the keys" designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the Church. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, confirmed this mandate after his Resurrection: "Feed my sheep. The power to "bind and loose" connotes the authority to absolve sins, to pronounce doctrinal judgements, and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. Jesus entrusted this authority to the Church through the ministry of the apostles and in particular through the ministry of Peter, the only one to whom he specifically entrusted the keys of the kingdom (abbreviated).

- 881 (in 'The Episcopal College and its head, the Pope') - The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter, the "rock" of his Church. He gave him the keys of his Church and instituted him shepherd of the whole flock. "The office of binding and loosing which was given to Peter was also assigned to the college of apostles united to its head." This pastoral office of Peter and the other apostles belongs to the Church's very foundation and is continued by the bishops under the primacy of the Pope.

- 1429 (in 'The Conversion of the Baptised') - St. Peter's conversion after he had denied his master three times bears witness to this. Jesus' look of infinite mercy drew tears of repentance from Peter and, after the Lord's resurrection, a threefold affirmation of love for him. The second conversion also has a communitarian dimension, as is clear in the Lord's call to a whole Church: "Repent!"

- 1551 (in 'In the person of Christ, the head') - This priesthood is ministerial. "That office . . . which the Lord committed to the pastors of his people, is in the strict sense of the term a service." It is entirely related to Christ and to men. It depends entirely on Christ and on his unique priesthood; it has been instituted for the good of men and the communion of the Church. the sacrament of Holy Orders communicates a "sacred power" which is none other than that of Christ. the exercise of this authority must therefore be measured against the model of Christ, who by love made himself the least and the servant of all. "The Lord said clearly that concern for his flock was proof of love for him."

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May 16, 202432:08
Thursday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 17: 20-26

Thursday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 17: 20-26

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John 17: 20-26 - 'Father, may they be completely one.''

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 260 (in 'The Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions') - The ultimate end of the whole divine economy is the entry of God's creatures into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity. But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity: "If a man loves me", says the Lord, "he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him":

- 877 (in 'Why the Ecclesial Ministry?') - Likewise, it belongs to the sacramental nature of ecclesial ministry that it have a collegial character. In fact, from the beginning of his ministry, the Lord Jesus instituted the Twelve as "the seeds of the new Israel and the beginning of the sacred hierarchy." Chosen together, they were also sent out together, and their fraternal unity would be at the service of the fraternal communion of all the faithful: they would reflect and witness to the communion of the divine persons. For this reason every bishop exercises his ministry from within the episcopal college, in communion with the bishop of Rome, the successor of St. Peter and head of the college. So also priests exercise their ministry from within the presbyterium of the diocese, under the direction of their bishop.

- 820 (in 'Toward Unity') - "Christ bestowed unity on his Church from the beginning. This unity, we believe, subsists in the Catholic Church as something she can never lose, and we hope that it will continue to increase until the end of time." Christ always gives his Church the gift of unity, but the Church must always pray and work to maintain, reinforce, and perfect the unity that Christ wills for her. This is why Jesus himself prayed at the hour of his Passion, and does not cease praying to his Father, for the unity of his disciples: "That they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us, . . . so that the world may know that you have sent me." The desire to recover the unity of all Christians is a gift of Christ and a call of the Holy Spirit.

- 690 (in 'The Joint Mission of the Son and the Spirit') - When Christ is finally glorified, he can in turn send the Spirit from his place with the Father to those who believe in him: he communicates to them his glory, that is, the Holy Spirit who glorifies him. From that time on, this joint mission will be manifested in the children adopted by the Father in the Body of his Son: the mission of the Spirit of adoption is to unite them to Christ and make them live in him (abbreviated).

- 2751 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus') - Finally, in this prayer Jesus reveals and gives to us the "knowledge," inseparably one, of the Father and of the Son, which is the very mystery of the life of prayer.

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May 15, 202423:50
Wednesday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 17: 11b-19

Wednesday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 17: 11b-19

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John 17: 11b-19 - 'Father, keep those you have given me true to your name.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2747 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus') - Christian Tradition rightly calls this prayer the "priestly" prayer of Jesus. It is the prayer of our high priest, inseparable from his sacrifice, from his passing over (Passover) to the Father to whom he is wholly "consecrated."

- 2750 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus') - By entering into the holy name of the Lord Jesus we can accept, from within, the prayer he teaches us: "Our Father!" His priestly prayer fulfills, from within, the great petitions of the Lord's Prayer: concern for the Father's name; passionate zeal for his kingdom (Glory); The accomplishment of the will of the Father, of his plan of salvation; and deliverance from evil.

- 2815 (in 'Hallowed be thy name') - his petition embodies all the others. Like the six petitions that follow, it is fulfilled by the prayer of Christ. Prayer to our Father is our prayer, if it is prayed in the name of Jesus. In his priestly prayer, Jesus asks: "Holy Father, protect in your name those whom you have given me" (abbreviated).

- 2849 (in 'and lead us not into temptation') - In this petition to our heavenly Father, Christ unites us to his battle and his agony. He urges us to vigilance of the heart in communion with his own. Vigilance is "custody of the heart," and Jesus prayed for us to the Father: "Keep them in your name" (abbreviated).

- 2850 (in 'But deliver us from evil') - The last petition to our Father is also included in Jesus' prayer: "I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I ask you to protect them from the evil one." It touches each of us personally, but it is always "we" who pray, in communion with the whole Church, for the deliverance of the whole human family (abbreviated).

- 2812 (in 'Hallowed be thy name') - Finally, in Jesus the name of the Holy God is revealed and given to us, in the flesh, as Savior, revealed by what he is, by his word, and by his sacrifice. This is the heart of his priestly prayer: "Holy Father . . . for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth." Because he "sanctifies" his own name, Jesus reveals to us the name of the Father. At the end of Christ's Passover, the Father gives him the name that is above all names: "Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth') - he disciple of Jesus continues in his word so as to know "the truth [that] will make you free" and that sanctifies (abbreviated).

- 611 (in 'At the Last Supper Jesus anticipated the free offering of his life') - The Eucharist that Christ institutes at that moment will be the memorial of his sacrifice. Jesus includes the apostles in his own offering and bids them perpetuate it. By doing so, the Lord institutes his apostles as priests of the New Covenant: "For their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth."

- 858 (in 'The Apostles' Mission')

- 611 (in 'At the Last Supper Jesus anticipated the free offering of his life')

- 2747 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus')

- 2815 (in 'Hallowed be thy name')

- 2850 (in 'But deliver us from evil')

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth')

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May 14, 202420:30
Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle - John 15: 9-17

Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle - John 15: 9-17

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John 15: 9-17 -'You are my friends if you do what I command you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1823-1824 (in 'Charity') - Jesus makes charity the new commandment. By loving his own "to the end," he makes manifest the Father's love which he receives. By loving one another, the disciples imitate the love of Jesus which they themselves receive. Whence Jesus says: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love." and again: "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Fruit of the Spirit and fullness of the Law, charity keeps the commandments of God and his Christ: "Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love."

- 1970 (in 'The New Law') - The entire Law of the Gospel is contained in the "new commandment" of Jesus, to love one another as he has loved us (abbreviated).

- 609 (in 'Jesus freely embraced the Father's redeeming love') - By embracing in his human heart the Father's love for men, Jesus "loved them to the end", for "greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In suffering and death his humanity became the free and perfect instrument of his divine love which desires the salvation of men. Indeed, out of love for his Father and for men, whom the Father wants to save, Jesus freely accepted his Passion and death: "No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord." Hence the sovereign freedom of God's Son as he went out to his death.

- 1972 (in 'The New Law') - The New Law is called a law of love because it makes us act out of the love infused by the Holy Spirit, rather than from fear; a law of grace, because it confers the strength of grace to act, by means of faith and the sacraments; a law of freedom, because it sets us free from the ritual and juridical observances of the Old Law, inclines us to act spontaneously by the prompting of charity and, finally, lets us pass from the condition of a servant who "does not know what his master is doing" to that of a friend of Christ - "For all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you" - or even to the status of son and heir.

- 2347 (in 'The Integrality of the gift of self') - The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship. It shows the disciple how to follow and imitate him who has chosen us as his friends, who has given himself totally to us and allows us to participate in his divine estate. Chastity is a promise of immortality. Chastity is expressed notably in friendship with one's neighbor. Whether it develops between persons of the same or opposite sex, friendship represents a great good for all. It leads to spiritual communion.

- 459 (in 'Why did the Word become Flesh') - Jesus is the model for the Beatitudes and the norm of the new law: "Love one another as I have loved you." This love implies an effective offering of oneself, after his example (abbreviated).

- 737 (in 'The Holy Spirit and the Church') - He makes present the mystery of Christ, supremely in the Eucharist, in order to reconcile them, to bring them into communion with God, that they may "bear much fruit" (abbreviated).

- 2074 (in 'The Decalogue and the Natural Law')

- 2745 (in 'Persevering in Love')

- 2615 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray')

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May 13, 202424:21
Monday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 16: 29-33

Monday of Week 7 of Eastertide - John 16: 29-33

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John 16: 29-33 - 'Be brave, for I have conquered the world.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1808 (in 'The Cardinal Virtues') - Fortitude is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. It strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to renounce and sacrifice his life in defense of a just cause. "The Lord is my strength and my song." "In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

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May 12, 202413:47
7th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 17: 11b-19

7th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 17: 11b-19

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John 17: 11b-19 - 'Father, keep those you have given me true to your name.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2747 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus') - Christian Tradition rightly calls this prayer the "priestly" prayer of Jesus. It is the prayer of our high priest, inseparable from his sacrifice, from his passing over (Passover) to the Father to whom he is wholly "consecrated."

- 2750 (in 'The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus') - By entering into the holy name of the Lord Jesus we can accept, from within, the prayer he teaches us: "Our Father!" His priestly prayer fulfills, from within, the great petitions of the Lord's Prayer: concern for the Father's name; passionate zeal for his kingdom (Glory); The accomplishment of the will of the Father, of his plan of salvation; and deliverance from evil.

- 2815 (in 'Hallowed be thy name') - his petition embodies all the others. Like the six petitions that follow, it is fulfilled by the prayer of Christ. Prayer to our Father is our prayer, if it is prayed in the name of Jesus. In his priestly prayer, Jesus asks: "Holy Father, protect in your name those whom you have given me" (abbreviated).

- 2849 (in 'and lead us not into temptation') - In this petition to our heavenly Father, Christ unites us to his battle and his agony. He urges us to vigilance of the heart in communion with his own. Vigilance is "custody of the heart," and Jesus prayed for us to the Father: "Keep them in your name" (abbreviated).

- 2850 (in 'But deliver us from evil') - The last petition to our Father is also included in Jesus' prayer: "I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I ask you to protect them from the evil one." It touches each of us personally, but it is always "we" who pray, in communion with the whole Church, for the deliverance of the whole human family (abbreviated).

- 2812 (in 'Hallowed be thy name') - Finally, in Jesus the name of the Holy God is revealed and given to us, in the flesh, as Savior, revealed by what he is, by his word, and by his sacrifice. This is the heart of his priestly prayer: "Holy Father . . . for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated in truth." Because he "sanctifies" his own name, Jesus reveals to us the name of the Father. At the end of Christ's Passover, the Father gives him the name that is above all names: "Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth') - he disciple of Jesus continues in his word so as to know "the truth [that] will make you free" and that sanctifies (abbreviated).

- 611 (in 'At the Last Supper Jesus anticipated the free offering of his life') - The Eucharist that Christ institutes at that moment will be the memorial of his sacrifice. Jesus includes the apostles in his own offering and bids them perpetuate it. By doing so, the Lord institutes his apostles as priests of the New Covenant: "For their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth."

- 858 (in 'The Apostles' Mission')

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May 11, 202420:30
Saturday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 23b-28

Saturday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 23b-28

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John 16: 23b-28 - ''The Father loves you for loving me and believing that I came from God.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2615 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - Even more, what the Father gives us when our prayer is united with that of Jesus is "another Counselor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth." This new dimension of prayer and of its circumstances is displayed throughout the farewell discourse. In the Holy Spirit, Christian prayer is a communion of love with the Father, not only through Christ but also in him: "Hitherto you have asked nothing in my name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."

- 2815 (in 'Hallowed be thy name') - This petition embodies all the others. Like the six petitions that follow, it is fulfilled by the prayer of Christ. Prayer to our Father is our prayer, if it is prayed in the name of Jesus (abbreviated).

- 661 (in 'He Ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father') - This final stage stays closely linked to the first, that is, to his descent from heaven in the Incarnation. Only the one who "came from the Father" can return to the Father: Christ Jesus. "No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man (abbreviated).

- 2795 (in 'Who Art in Heaven') - Jn Christ, then, heaven and earth are reconciled, for the Son alone "descended from heaven" and causes us to ascend there with him, by his Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension (abbreviated).

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May 10, 202418:42
Friday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 20-23a

Friday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 20-23a

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John 16: 20-23a - 'Your hearts will be full of joy that no-one will take from you.'

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May 09, 202410:10
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Year B) - Mark 16: 15-20

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Year B) - Mark 16: 15-20

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Mark 16: 15-20 - 'Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 659 (in 'He Ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father') - "So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God." Christ's body was glorified at the moment of his Resurrection, as proved by the new and supernatural properties it subsequently and permanently enjoys. But during the forty days when he eats and drinks familiarly with his disciples and teaches them about the kingdom, his glory remains veiled under the appearance of ordinary humanity. Jesus' final apparition ends with the irreversible entry of his humanity into divine glory, symbolized by the cloud and by heaven, where he is seated from that time forward at God's right hand (abbreviated).

- 2 (in 'The Life of Man - to know and love God') - So that this call should resound throughout the world, Christ sent forth the apostles he had chosen, commissioning them to proclaim the gospel: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Strengthened by this mission, the apostles "went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it."

- 156 (in 'Faith and Understanding') - What moves us to believe is not the fact that revealed truths appear as true and intelligible in the light of our natural reason: we believe "because of the authority of God himself who reveals them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived". So "that the submission of our faith might nevertheless be in accordance with reason, God willed that external proofs of his Revelation should be joined to the internal helps of the Holy Spirit." Thus the miracles of Christ and the saints, prophecies, the Church's growth and holiness, and her fruitfulness and stability "are the most certain signs of divine Revelation, adapted to the intelligence of all"; they are "motives of credibility" (motiva credibilitatis), which show that the assent of faith is "by no means a blind impulse of the mind."

- 670 (in 'Christ already reigns through the Church') - Since the Ascension God's plan has entered into its fulfilment. We are already at "the last hour". "Already the final age of the world is with us, and the renewal of the world is irrevocably under way; it is even now anticipated in a certain real way, for the Church on earth is endowed already with a sanctity that is real but imperfect." Christ's kingdom already manifests its presence through the miraculous signs that attend its proclamation by the Church.

- 977 (in' One Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins')

- 1223 (in 'Christ's Baptism')

- 888 (in 'The Teaching Office')

- 161 (in 'The Necessity of Faith')

- 183 (in 'Faith')

- 1253 (in 'Faith and Baptism')

- 1257 (in 'The Necessity of Baptism') 

- 1507 (in 'Heal the sick')

- 434 (in 'Jesus')

- 1673 (in 'Various forms of sacramentals')

- 699 (in 'Symbols of the Holy Spirit')

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May 08, 202418:10
Wednesday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 12-15

Wednesday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 12-15

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John 16: 12-15 - 'The Spirit of truth will lead you to the complete truth.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 221 (in 'God is Love') - God's very being is love. By sending his only Son and the Spirit of Love in the fullness of time, God has revealed his innermost secret: God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange (abbreviated).

- 91 (in 'The Supernatural Sense of Faith') - All the faithful share in understanding and handing on revealed truth. They have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who instructs them and guides them into all truth.

- 243-244 (in 'The Father and the Son revealed by the Spirit') - Before his Passover, Jesus announced the sending of "another Paraclete" (Advocate), the Holy Spirit. At work since creation, having previously "spoken through the prophets", the Spirit will now be with and in the disciples, to teach them and guide them "into all the truth". The Holy Spirit is thus revealed as another divine person with Jesus and the Father. The eternal origin of the Holy Spirit is revealed in his mission in time. the Spirit is sent to the apostles and to the Church both by the Father in the name of the Son, and by the Son in person, once he had returned to the Father. The sending of the person of the Spirit after Jesus' glorification reveals in its fullness the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

- 687 (in 'I Believe in the Holy Spirit') - "No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God." Now God's Spirit, who reveals God, makes known to us Christ, his Word, his living Utterance, but the Spirit does not speak of himself. the Spirit who "has spoken through the prophets" makes us hear the Father's Word, but we do not hear the Spirit himself. We know him only in the movement by which he reveals the Word to us and disposes us to welcome him in faith. the Spirit of truth who "unveils" Christ to us "will not speak on his own." Such properly divine self-effacement explains why "the world cannot receive (him), because it neither sees him nor knows him," while those who believe in Christ know the Spirit because he dwells with them.

- 1117 (in 'The Sacraments of the Church') - As she has done for the canon of Sacred Scripture and for the doctrine of the faith, the Church, by the power of the Spirit who guides her "into all truth," has gradually recognized this treasure received from Christ and, as the faithful steward of God's mysteries, has determined its "dispensation." Thus the Church has discerned over the centuries that among liturgical celebrations there are seven that are, in the strict sense of the term, sacraments instituted by the Lord.

- 690 (in 'The Joint Mission of the Son and the Spirit') - When Christ is finally glorified, he can in turn send the Spirit from his place with the Father to those who believe in him: he communicates to them his glory, that is, the Holy Spirit who glorifies him. From that time on, this joint mission will be manifested in the children adopted by the Father in the Body of his Son: the mission of the Spirit of adoption is to unite them to Christ and make them live in him (abbreviated).

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth')

- 485 (in 'Conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit')

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May 07, 202418:25
Tuesday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 5-11

Tuesday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 16: 5-11

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John 16: 5-11 - 'Unless I go, the advocate will not come to you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 729 (in 'Christ Jesus') - Only when the hour has arrived for his glorification does Jesus promise the coming of the Holy Spirit, since his Death and Resurrection will fulfill the promise made to the fathers. The Spirit of truth, the other Paraclete, will be given by the Father in answer to Jesus' prayer; he will be sent by the Father in Jesus' name; and Jesus will send him from the Father's side, since he comes from the Father. the Holy Spirit will come and we shall know him; he will be with us for ever; he will remain with us. the Spirit will teach us everything, remind us of all that Christ said to us and bear witness to him. the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth and will glorify Christ. He will prove the world wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment.

- 692 (in 'Titles of the Holy Spirit') - When he proclaims and promises the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus calls him the "Paraclete," literally, "he who is called to one's side," advocatus. "Paraclete" is commonly translated by "consoler," and Jesus is the first consoler. The Lord also called the Holy Spirit "the Spirit of truth."

- 1433 (in 'Interior Penance') - Since Easter, the Holy Spirit has proved "the world wrong about sin," i.e., proved that the world has not believed in him whom the Father has sent. But this same Spirit who brings sin to light is also the Consoler who gives the human heart grace for repentance and conversion.

- 388 (in 'Original Sin - an essential truth of the faith') - With the progress of Revelation, the reality of sin is also illuminated. Although to some extent the People of God in the Old Testament had tried to understand the pathos of the human condition in the light of the history of the fall narrated in Genesis, they could not grasp this story's ultimate meaning, which is revealed only in the light of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We must know Christ as the source of grace in order to know Adam as the source of sin. the Spirit-Paraclete, sent by the risen Christ, came to "convict the world concerning sin", by revealing him who is its Redeemer.

- 385 (in 'The Fall') - The revelation of divine love in Christ manifested at the same time the extent of evil and the superabundance of grace. We must therefore approach the question of the origin of evil by fixing the eyes of our faith on him who alone is its conqueror (abbreviated).

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May 06, 202419:23
Monday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 15:26-16:4a

Monday of Week 6 of Eastertide - John 15:26-16:4a

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John 15:26-16:4a - 'The Spirit of truth will be my witness.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 244 (in 'The Father and the Son revealed by the Spirit') - The eternal origin of the Holy Spirit is revealed in his mission in time. the Spirit is sent to the apostles and to the Church both by the Father in the name of the Son, and by the Son in person, once he had returned to the Father. The sending of the person of the Spirit after Jesus' glorification reveals in its fullness the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

- 248 (in 'The Father and the Son revealed by the Spirit') - At the outset the Eastern tradition expresses the Father's character as first origin of the Spirit. By confessing the Spirit as he "who proceeds from the Father",  it affirms that he comes from the Father through the Son. The Western      tradition expresses first the consubstantial communion between Father and Son, by saying that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son      (filioque). It says this, "legitimately and with good reason", for the eternal order of the divine persons in their consubstantial communion implies that the Father, as "the principle without principle", is the first origin of the Spirit, but also that as Father of the only Son, he is, with the Son, the single principle from which the Holy Spirit proceeds. This legitimate complementarity, provided it does not become rigid, does not affect the identity of faith in the reality of the same mystery confessed.

- 263 (in 'The Holy Spirit') - The mission of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of the Son (Jn 14:26) and by the Son "from the Father" (Jn 15:26), reveals that, with them, the Spirit is one and the same God. "With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified" (Nicene Creed).

- 692 (in 'Titles of the Holy Spirit') - When he proclaims and promises the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus calls him the "Paraclete," literally, "he who is called to one's side," advocatus. "Paraclete" is commonly translated by "consoler," and Jesus is the first consoler (abbreviated).

- 719 (in 'John, precursor, prophet and baptist') - As the Spirit of truth will also do, John "came to bear witness to the light" (abbreviated).

- 729 (in 'Christ Jesus') - Only when the hour has arrived for his glorification does Jesus promise the coming of the Holy Spirit, since his Death and Resurrection will fulfill the promise made to the fathers. The Spirit of truth, the other Paraclete, will be given by the Father in answer to Jesus' prayer; he will be sent by the Father in Jesus' name; and Jesus will send him from the Father's side, since he comes from the Father. the Holy Spirit will come and we shall know him; he will be with us for ever; he will remain with us. the Spirit will teach us everything, remind us of all that Christ said to us and bear witness to him. the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth and will glorify Christ. He will prove the world wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment.

- 1433 (in 'Interior Penance') -Since Easter, the Holy Spirit has proved "the world wrong about sin," i.e., proved that the world has not believed in him whom the Father has sent. But this same Spirit who brings sin to light is also the Consoler who gives the human heart grace for repentance and conversion.

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May 05, 202417:47
6th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 15: 9-17

6th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 15: 9-17

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John 15: 9-17 -'You are my friends if you do what I command you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1823-1824 (in 'Charity') - Jesus makes charity the new commandment. By loving his own "to the end," he makes manifest the Father's love which he receives. By loving one another, the disciples imitate the love of Jesus which they themselves receive. Whence Jesus says: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love." and again: "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Fruit of the Spirit and fullness of the Law, charity keeps the commandments of God and his Christ: "Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love."

- 1970 (in 'The New Law') - The entire Law of the Gospel is contained in the "new commandment" of Jesus, to love one another as he has loved us (abbreviated).

- 609 (in 'Jesus freely embraced the Father's redeeming love') - By embracing in his human heart the Father's love for men, Jesus "loved them to the end", for "greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In suffering and death his humanity became the free and perfect instrument of his divine love which desires the salvation of men. Indeed, out of love for his Father and for men, whom the Father wants to save, Jesus freely accepted his Passion and death: "No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord." Hence the sovereign freedom of God's Son as he went out to his death.

- 1972 (in 'The New Law') - The New Law is called a law of love because it makes us act out of the love infused by the Holy Spirit, rather than from fear; a law of grace, because it confers the strength of grace to act, by means of faith and the sacraments; a law of freedom, because it sets us free from the ritual and juridical observances of the Old Law, inclines us to act spontaneously by the prompting of charity and, finally, lets us pass from the condition of a servant who "does not know what his master is doing" to that of a friend of Christ - "For all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you" - or even to the status of son and heir.

- 2347 (in 'The Integrality of the gift of self') - The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship. It shows the disciple how to follow and imitate him who has chosen us as his friends, who has given himself totally to us and allows us to participate in his divine estate. Chastity is a promise of immortality. Chastity is expressed notably in friendship with one's neighbor. Whether it develops between persons of the same or opposite sex, friendship represents a great good for all. It leads to spiritual communion.

- 459 (in 'Why did the Word become Flesh') - Jesus is the model for the Beatitudes and the norm of the new law: "Love one another as I have loved you." This love implies an effective offering of oneself, after his example (abbreviated).

- 737 (in 'The Holy Spirit and the Church') - He makes present the mystery of Christ, supremely in the Eucharist, in order to reconcile them, to bring them into communion with God, that they may "bear much fruit" (abbreviated).

- 2074 (in 'The Decalogue and the Natural Law')

- 2745 (in 'Persevering in Love')

- 2615 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') 

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May 04, 202422:50
Saturday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 18-21

Saturday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 18-21

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John 15: 18-21 - 'The world hated me before it hated you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 765 (in 'The Church - instituted by Christ Jesus') - Representing the twelve tribes of Israel, they are the foundation stones of the new Jerusalem. The Twelve and the other disciples share in Christ's mission and his power, but also in his lot (abbreviated).

- 530 (in 'The Mysteries of Jesus' Infancy') - The flight into Egypt and the massacre of the innocents make manifest the opposition of darkness to the light: "He came to his own home, and his own people received him not." Christ's whole life was lived under the sign of persecution. His own share it with him (abbreviated).

- 675 (in 'The Church's ultimate trial') - Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" (abbreviated).

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May 03, 202414:41
Feast of Saints Phillip & James, Apostles - John 14: 6-14

Feast of Saints Phillip & James, Apostles - John 14: 6-14

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John 14: 6-14 - 'To have seen me is to have seen the Father.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 74 (in 'The Transmission of Divine Revelation') - God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth: that is, of Christ Jesus Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth.

- 459 (in 'Why did the Word become Flesh?') - The Word became flesh to be our model of holiness: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me." "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (abbreviated).

- 1698 (in 'Life in Christ') - The first and last point of reference of this catechesis will always be Jesus Christ himself, who is "the way, and the truth, and the life" (abbreviated).

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth') - In Jesus Christ, the whole of God's truth has been made manifest. "Full of grace and truth," he came as the "light of the world," he is the Truth. "Whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." The disciple of Jesus continues in his word so as to know "the truth [that] will make you free" and that sanctifies (abbreviated).

- 2614 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - When Jesus openly entrusts to his disciples the mystery of prayer to the Father, he reveals to them what their prayer and ours must be, once he has returned to the Father in his glorified humanity. What is new is to "ask in his name." Faith in the Son introduces the disciples into the knowledge of the Father, because Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life."

- 470 (in 'How is the Son of God Man?') - The Son of God therefore communicates to his humanity his own personal mode of existence in the Trinity. In his soul as in his body, Christ thus expresses humanly the divine ways of the Trinity.

- 516 (in 'Characteristics common to Jesus' ministry') - Christ's whole earthly life - his words and deeds, his silences and sufferings, indeed his manner of being and speaking - is Revelation of the Father. Jesus can say: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father", and the Father can say: "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" Because our Lord became man in order to do his Father's will, even the least characteristics of his mysteries manifest "God's love. . . among us".

- 2614 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - When Jesus openly entrusts to his disciples the mystery of prayer to the Father, he reveals to them what their prayer and ours must be, once he has returned to the Father in his glorified humanity. What is new is to "ask in his name." Faith in the Son introduces the disciples into the knowledge of the Father, because Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life" (abbreviated).

- 2633 (in 'Prayer of Petition') - When we share in God's saving love, we understand that every need can become the object of petition. Christ, who assumed all things in order to redeem all things, is glorified by what we ask the Father in his name (abbreviated).

- 2815 (in 'The Seven Petitions') - Prayer to our Father is our prayer, if it is prayed in the name of Jesus (abbreviated).

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May 02, 202422:30
Thursday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 9-11

Thursday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 9-11

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John 15: 9-11 - 'Remain in my love.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1823 (in 'Charity') - Jesus makes charity the new commandment. By loving his own "to the end," he makes manifest the Father's love which he receives. By loving one another, the disciples imitate the love of Jesus which they themselves receive. Whence Jesus says: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love." and again: "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

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May 01, 202407:39
Wednesday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 1-8

Wednesday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 15: 1-8

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John 15: 1-8 - 'I am the vine, you are the branches.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1108 (in 'The Communion of the Holy Spirit') - In every liturgical action the Holy Spirit is sent in order to bring us into communion with Christ and so to form his Body. the Holy Spirit is like the sap of the Father's vine which bears fruit on its branches. The most intimate cooperation of the Holy Spirit and the Church is achieved in the liturgy. the Spirit who is the Spirit of communion, abides indefectibly in the Church. For this reason the Church is the great sacrament of divine communion which gathers God's scattered children together. Communion with the Holy Trinity and fraternal communion are inseparably the fruit of the Spirit in the liturgy.

- 755 (in 'Symbols of the Church') - The Church is a cultivated field, the tillage of God. On that land the ancient olive tree grows whose holy roots were the prophets and in which the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles has been brought about and will be brought about again. That land, like a choice vineyard, has been planted by the heavenly cultivator. Yet the true vine is Christ who gives life and fruitfulness to the branches, that is, to us, who through the Church remain in Christ, without whom we can do nothing.

- 1988 (in 'Justification') - Through the power of the Holy Spirit we take part in Christ's Passion by dying to sin, and in his Resurrection by being born to a new life; we are members of his Body which is the Church, branches grafted onto the vine which is himself: (God) gave himself to us through his Spirit. By the participation of the Spirit, we become communicants in the divine nature.... For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.

- 787 (in 'The Church is communion with Jesus') - Jesus spoke of a still more intimate communion between him and those who would follow him: "Abide in me, and I in you.... I am the vine, you are the branches." and he proclaimed a mysterious and real communion between his own body and ours: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him" (abbreviated).

- 308 (in 'Providence and Secondary Causes') - The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator. God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes: "For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Far from diminishing the creature's dignity, this truth enhances it. Drawn from nothingness by God's power, wisdom and goodness, it can do nothing if it is cut off from its origin, for "without a Creator the creature vanishes." Still less can a creature attain its ultimate end without the help of God's grace.

- 864 (in 'The Apostolate') - "Christ, sent by the Father, is the source of the Church's whole apostolate"; thus the fruitfulness of apostolate for ordained ministers as well as for lay people clearly depends on their vital union with Christ (abbreviated).

- 1694 (in 'Life in Christ')

- 2074 (in 'The Decalogue and the Natural Law')

- 2732 (in 'Facing Temptations in Prayer')

- 517 (in 'Characteristics common to Jesus' mysteries')

- 737 (in 'The Holy Spirit and the Church')

- 859 (in 'The Apostle's Mission')

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Apr 30, 202430:23
Tuesday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 14: 27-31

Tuesday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 14: 27-31

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John 14: 27-31 - 'A peace the world cannot give is my gift to you.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1851 (in 'The Definition of Sin') - It is precisely in the Passion, when the mercy of Christ is about to vanquish it, that sin most clearly manifests its violence and its many forms: unbelief, murderous hatred, shunning and mockery by the leaders and the people, Pilate's cowardice and the cruelty of the soldiers, Judas' betrayal - so bitter to Jesus, Peter's denial and the disciples' flight. However, at the very hour of darkness, the hour of the prince of this world, the sacrifice of Christ secretly becomes the source from which the forgiveness of our sins will pour forth inexhaustibly.

- 2853 (in 'But Deliver us from Evil') - Victory over the "prince of this world" was won once for all at the Hour when Jesus freely gave himself up to death to give us his life. This is the judgment of this world, and the prince of this world is "cast out" (abbreviated).

- 606 (in 'Christ's whole life is an offering to the Father') - The Son of God, who came down "from heaven, not to do (his) own will, but the will of him who sent (him)", said on coming into the world, "Lo, I have come to do your will, O God." "and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." From the first moment of his Incarnation the Son embraces the Father's plan of divine salvation in his redemptive mission: "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work." The sacrifice of Jesus "for the sins of the whole world" expresses his loving communion with the Father. "The Father loves me, because I lay down my life", said the Lord, "(for) I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."

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Apr 29, 202419:13
Monday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 14: 21-26

Monday of Week 5 of Eastertide - John 14: 21-26

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John 14: 21-26 - 'The advocate, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 647 (in 'The Resurrection as a transcendent event') - Although the Resurrection was an historical event that could be verified by the sign of the empty tomb and by the reality of the apostles' encounters with the risen Christ, still it remains at the very heart of the mystery of faith as something that transcends and surpasses history. This is why the risen Christ does not reveal himself to the world, but to his disciples, "to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people" (abbreviated).

- 2615 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - Even more, what the Father gives us when our prayer is united with that of Jesus is "another Counselor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth." This new dimension of prayer and of its circumstances is displayed throughout the farewell discourse. In the Holy Spirit, Christian prayer is a communion of love with the Father, not only through Christ but also in him: "Hitherto you have asked nothing in my name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full" (abbreviated).

- 260 (in 'The Divine works and the Trinitarian Missions') - The ultimate end of the whole divine economy is the entry of God's creatures into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity. But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity: "If a man loves me", says the Lord, "he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him."

- 243 (in 'The Father and the Son revealed by the spirit') - Before his Passover, Jesus announced the sending of "another Paraclete" (Advocate), the Holy Spirit. At work since creation, having previously "spoken through the prophets", the Spirit will now be with and in the disciples, to teach them and guide them "into all the truth". The Holy Spirit is thus revealed as another divine person with Jesus and the Father.

- 263 (in 'The Holy Trinity in the teaching of the faith') - The mission of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of the Son (Jn 14:26) and by the Son "from the Father" (Jn 15:26), reveals that, with them, the Spirit is one and the same God. "With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified" (Nicene Creed).

- 692 (in 'Titles of the Holy Spirit') - When he proclaims and promises the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus calls him the "Paraclete," literally, "he who is called to one's side," advocatus. "Paraclete" is commonly translated by "consoler," and Jesus is the first consoler (abbreviated).

- 729 (in 'Christ Jesus') - The Spirit of truth, the other Paraclete, will be given by the Father in answer to Jesus' prayer; he will be sent by the Father in Jesus' name; and Jesus will send him from the Father's side, since he comes from the Father. the Holy Spirit will come and we shall know him; he will be with us for ever; he will remain with us. the Spirit will teach us everything, remind us of all that Christ said to us and bear witness to him. the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth and will glorify Christ. He will prove the world wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment (abbreviated).

- 1099 (in 'The Holy Spirit recalls the mystery of Christ') 

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Apr 28, 202422:27
5th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 15: 1-8

5th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 15: 1-8

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John 15: 1-8 - 'I am the vine, you are the branches.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1108 (in 'The Communion of the Holy Spirit') - In every liturgical action the Holy Spirit is sent in order to bring us into communion with Christ and so to form his Body. the Holy Spirit is like the sap of the Father's vine which bears fruit on its branches. The most intimate cooperation of the Holy Spirit and the Church is achieved in the liturgy. the Spirit who is the Spirit of communion, abides indefectibly in the Church. For this reason the Church is the great sacrament of divine communion which gathers God's scattered children together. Communion with the Holy Trinity and fraternal communion are inseparably the fruit of the Spirit in the liturgy.

- 755 (in 'Symbols of the Church') - The Church is a cultivated field, the tillage of God. On that land the ancient olive tree grows whose holy roots were the prophets and in which the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles has been brought about and will be brought about again. That land, like a choice vineyard, has been planted by the heavenly cultivator. Yet the true vine is Christ who gives life and fruitfulness to the branches, that is, to us, who through the Church remain in Christ, without whom we can do nothing.

- 1988 (in 'Justification') - Through the power of the Holy Spirit we take part in Christ's Passion by dying to sin, and in his Resurrection by being born to a new life; we are members of his Body which is the Church, branches grafted onto the vine which is himself: (God) gave himself to us through his Spirit. By the participation of the Spirit, we become communicants in the divine nature.... For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.

- 787 (in 'The Church is communion with Jesus') - Jesus spoke of a still more intimate communion between him and those who would follow him: "Abide in me, and I in you.... I am the vine, you are the branches." and he proclaimed a mysterious and real communion between his own body and ours: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him" (abbreviated).

- 308 (in 'Providence and Secondary Causes') - The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator. God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes: "For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Far from diminishing the creature's dignity, this truth enhances it. Drawn from nothingness by God's power, wisdom and goodness, it can do nothing if it is cut off from its origin, for "without a Creator the creature vanishes." Still less can a creature attain its ultimate end without the help of God's grace.

- 864 (in 'The Apostolate') - "Christ, sent by the Father, is the source of the Church's whole apostolate"; thus the fruitfulness of apostolate for ordained ministers as well as for lay people clearly depends on their vital union with Christ (abbreviated).

- 1694 (in 'Life in Christ')

- 2074 (in 'The Decalogue and the Natural Law')

- 2732 (in 'Facing Temptations in Prayer')

- 517 (in 'Characteristics common to Jesus' mysteries')

- 737 (in 'The Holy Spirit and the Church')

- 859 (in 'The Apostle's Mission')

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Apr 27, 202430:23
Saturday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 14: 7-14

Saturday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 14: 7-14

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John 14: 7-14 - 'To have seen me is to have seen the Father.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 470 (in 'How is the Son of God Man?') - The Son of God therefore communicates to his humanity his own personal mode of existence in the Trinity. In his soul as in his body, Christ thus expresses humanly the divine ways of the Trinity (abbreviated).

- 516 (in 'Characteristics common to Jesus' ministry') - Christ's whole earthly life - his words and deeds, his silences and sufferings, indeed his manner of being and speaking - is Revelation of the Father. Jesus can say: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father", and the Father can say: "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" Because our Lord became man in order to do his Father's will, even the least characteristics of his mysteries manifest "God's love. . . among us".

- 2614 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - When Jesus openly entrusts to his disciples the mystery of prayer to the Father, he reveals to them what their prayer and ours must be, once he has returned to the Father in his glorified humanity. What is new is to "ask in his name." Faith in the Son introduces the disciples into the knowledge of the Father, because Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life" (abbreviated).

- 2633 (in 'Prayer of Petition') - When we share in God's saving love, we understand that every need can become the object of petition. Christ, who assumed all things in order to redeem all things, is glorified by what we ask the Father in his name (abbreviated).

- 2815 (in 'The Seven Petitions') - Prayer to our Father is our prayer, if it is prayed in the name of Jesus (abbreviated).

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Apr 26, 202418:53
Friday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 14: 1-6

Friday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 14: 1-6

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John 14: 1-6 - 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 151 (in 'To Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God') - For a Christian, believing in God cannot be separated from believing in the One he sent, his "beloved Son", in whom the Father is "well pleased"; God tells us to listen to him. The Lord himself said to his disciples: "Believe in God, believe also in me." (abbreviated)..

- 2795 (in 'Who Art in Heaven') - He is in heaven, his dwelling place; the Father's house is our homeland. Sin has exiled us from the land of the covenant, but conversion of heart enables us to return to the Father, to heaven. In Christ, then, heaven and earth are reconciled, for the Son alone "descended from heaven" and causes us to ascend there with him, by his Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension (abbreviated).

- 661 (in 'He Ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father') - This final stage stays closely linked to the first, that is, to his descent from heaven in the Incarnation. Only the one who "came from the Father" can return to the Father: Christ Jesus. "No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man." Left to its own natural powers humanity does not have access to the "Father's house", to God's life and happiness Only Christ can open to man such access that we, his members, might have confidence that we too shall go where he, our Head and our Source, has preceded us.

- 1025 (in 'Heaven') - To live in heaven is "to be with Christ." the elect live "in Christ," but they retain, or rather find, their true identity, their own name. For life is to be with Christ; where Christ is, there is life, there is the kingdom.

- 74 (in 'The Transmission of Divine Revelation') - God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth: that is, of Christ Jesus Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth.

- 459 (in 'Why did the Word become Flesh?') - The Word became flesh to be our model of holiness: "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me." "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (abbreviated).

- 1698 (in 'Life in Christ') - The first and last point of reference of this catechesis will always be Jesus Christ himself, who is "the way, and the truth, and the life" (abbreviated).

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth') - In Jesus Christ, the whole of God's truth has been made manifest. "Full of grace and truth," he came as the "light of the world," he is the Truth. "Whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." The disciple of Jesus continues in his word so as to know "the truth [that] will make you free" and that sanctifies (abbreviated).

- 2614 (in 'Jesus teaches us how to pray') - When Jesus openly entrusts to his disciples the mystery of prayer to the Father, he reveals to them what their prayer and ours must be, once he has returned to the Father in his glorified humanity. What is new is to "ask in his name." Faith in the Son introduces the disciples into the knowledge of the Father, because Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life."

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Apr 25, 202415:45
Feast of Saint Mark, Evangelist - Mark 16: 15-20

Feast of Saint Mark, Evangelist - Mark 16: 15-20

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Mark 16: 15-20 - 'Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 659 (in 'He Ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father') - "So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God." Christ's body was glorified at the moment of his Resurrection, as proved by the new and supernatural properties it subsequently and permanently enjoys. But during the forty days when he eats and drinks familiarly with his disciples and teaches them about the kingdom, his glory remains veiled under the appearance of ordinary humanity. Jesus' final apparition ends with the irreversible entry of his humanity into divine glory, symbolized by the cloud and by heaven, where he is seated from that time forward at God's right hand (abbreviated).

- 2 (in 'The Life of Man - to know and love God') - So that this call should resound throughout the world, Christ sent forth the apostles he had chosen, commissioning them to proclaim the gospel: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Strengthened by this mission, the apostles "went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it."

- 156 (in 'Faith and Understanding') - What moves us to believe is not the fact that revealed truths appear as true and intelligible in the light of our natural reason: we believe "because of the authority of God himself who reveals them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived". So "that the submission of our faith might nevertheless be in accordance with reason, God willed that external proofs of his Revelation should be joined to the internal helps of the Holy Spirit." Thus the miracles of Christ and the saints, prophecies, the Church's growth and holiness, and her fruitfulness and stability "are the most certain signs of divine Revelation, adapted to the intelligence of all"; they are "motives of credibility" (motiva credibilitatis), which show that the assent of faith is "by no means a blind impulse of the mind."

- 670 (in 'Christ already reigns through the Church') - Since the Ascension God's plan has entered into its fulfilment. We are already at "the last hour". "Already the final age of the world is with us, and the renewal of the world is irrevocably under way; it is even now anticipated in a certain real way, for the Church on earth is endowed already with a sanctity that is real but imperfect." Christ's kingdom already manifests its presence through the miraculous signs that attend its proclamation by the Church.

- 977 (in 'One Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins') - Our Lord tied the forgiveness of sins to faith and Baptism: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved" (abbreviated)

- 1223 (in 'Christ's Baptism') - After his resurrection Christ gives this mission to his apostles: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father andof the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (abbreviated)

- 888 (in 'The Teaching Office')

- 161 (in 'The Necessity of Faith')

- 183 (in 'Faith')

- 1253 (in 'Faith and Baptism')

- 1257 (in 'The Necessity of Baptism')

- 1507 (in 'Heal the sick')

- 434 (in 'Jesus')

- 1673 (in 'Various forms of sacramentals')

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Apr 24, 202418:10
Wednesday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 12: 44-50

Wednesday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 12: 44-50

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John 12: 44-50 - 'I, the light, have come into the world.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2466 (in 'Living in the Truth') - In Jesus Christ, the whole of God's truth has been made manifest. "Full of grace and truth," he came as the "light of the world," he is the Truth. "Whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." The disciple of Jesus continues in his word so as to know "the truth [that] will make you free" and that sanctifies. To follow Jesus is to live in "the Spirit of truth," whom the Father sends in his name and who leads "into all the truth." To his disciples Jesus teaches the unconditional love of truth: "Let what you say be simply 'Yes or No.'"

- 679 (in 'To Judge the Living and the Dead') - Christ is Lord of eternal life. Full right to pass definitive judgement on the works and hearts of men belongs to him as redeemer of the world. He "acquired" this right by his cross. the Father has given "all judgement to the Son". Yet the Son did not come to judge, but to save and to give the life he has in himself. By rejecting grace in this life, one already judges oneself, receives according to one's works, and can even condemn oneself for all eternity by rejecting the Spirit of love.

- 1039 (in 'The Last Judgement') - In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare (abbreviated).

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Apr 23, 202417:13
Tuesday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 10: 22-30

Tuesday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 10: 22-30

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John 10: 22-30 - 'The Father and I are one.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 548 (in 'The Signs of the Kingdom of God') - The signs worked by Jesus attest that the Father has sent him. They invite belief in him. To those who turn to him in faith, he grants what they ask. So miracles strengthen faith in the One who does his Father's works; they bear witness that he is the Son of God (abbreviated).

- 583 (in 'Jesus and the Temple') - His public ministry itself was patterned by his pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the great Jewish Feasts (abbreviated).

- 590 (in 'Jesus and Israel's faith in the One God and Saviour') - Only the divine identity of Jesus' person can justify so absolute a claim as "He who is not with me is against me"; and his saying that there was in him "something greater than Jonah,. . . greater than Solomon", something "greater than the Temple"; his reminder that David had called the Messiah his Lord, and his affirmations, "Before Abraham was, I AM", and even "I and the Father are one."

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Apr 22, 202418:53
Monday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 10: 1-10

Monday of Week 4 of Eastertide - John 10: 1-10

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John 10: 1-10 - 'I am the gate of the sheepfold.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 754 (in 'Symbols of the Church') - "The Church is, accordingly, a sheepfold, the sole and necessary gateway to which is Christ. It is also the flock of which God himself foretold that he would be the shepherd, and whose sheep, even though governed by human shepherds, are unfailingly nourished and led by Christ himself, the Good Shepherd and Prince of Shepherds, who gave his life for his sheep.

- 2158 (in 'The Christian Name') - God calls each one by name. Everyone's name is sacred. the name is the icon of the person. It demands respect as a sign of the dignity of the one who bears it.

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Apr 21, 202422:35
4th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 10: 11-18

4th Sunday of Easter (Year B) - John 10: 11-18

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John 10: 11-18 - 'The good shepherd is the one who lays down his life for his sheep.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 764 (in 'The Church - Instituted by Jesus Christ') - "This Kingdom shines out before men in the word, in the works and in the presence of Christ." To welcome Jesus' word is to welcome "the Kingdom itself." The seed and beginning of the Kingdom are the "little flock" of those whom Jesus came to gather around him, the flock whose shepherd he is. They form Jesus' true family. To those whom he thus gathered around him, he taught a new "way of acting" and a prayer of their own.

- 754 (in 'Symbols of the Church') - "The Church is, accordingly, a sheepfold, the sole and necessary gateway to which is Christ. It is also the flock of which God himself foretold that he would be the shepherd, and whose sheep, even though governed by human shepherds, are unfailingly nourished and led by Christ himself, the Good Shepherd and Prince of Shepherds, who gave his life for his sheep.

- 553 (in 'The Keys of the Kingdom') - The "power of the keys" designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the Church. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, confirmed this mandate after his Resurrection: "Feed my sheep" (abbreviated).

- 60 (in 'God Chooses Abraham') - The people descended from Abraham would be the trustee of the promise made to the patriarchs, the chosen people, called to prepare for that day when God would gather all his children into the unity of the Church. They would be the root on to which the Gentiles would be grafted, once they came to believe.

- 606 (in 'Christ's whole life is an offering to the Father') - The sacrifice of Jesus "for the sins of the whole world" expresses his loving communion      with the Father. "The Father loves me, because I lay down my life", said the Lord, "(for) I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father" (abbreviated).

- 609 (in 'Jesus freely embraced the Father's redeeming love') - By embracing in his human heart the Father's love for men, Jesus "loved them to the end", for "greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In suffering and death his humanity became the free and perfect instrument of his divine love which desires the salvation of men. Indeed, out of love for his Father and for men, whom the Father wants to save, Jesus freely accepted his Passion and death: "No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord." Hence the sovereign freedom of God's Son as he went out to his death.

- 649 (in 'The Resurrection - A Work of the Holy Trinity') - As for the Son, he effects his own Resurrection by virtue of his divine power. Jesus announces that the Son of man will have to suffer much, die, and then rise. Elsewhere he affirms explicitly: "I lay down my life, that I may take it again. . . I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." "We believe that Jesus died and rose again."

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Apr 20, 202428:17
Saturday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 60-69

Saturday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 60-69

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John 6: 60-69 - 'Who shall we go to? You are the Holy One of God.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1336 (in 'The Signs of Bread and Wine') - The first announcement of the Eucharist divided the disciples, just as the announcement of the Passion scandalized them: "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" The Eucharist and the Cross are stumbling blocks. It is the same mystery and it never ceases to be an occasion of division. "Will you also go away?": The Lord's question echoes through the ages, as a loving invitation to discover that only he has "the words of eternal life" and that to receive in faith the gift of his Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself.

- 473 (in 'Christ's Soul and his human knowledge') - But at the same time, this truly human knowledge of God's Son expressed the divine life of his person. "The human nature of God's Son, not by itself but by its union with the Word, knew and showed forth in itself everything that pertains to God." Such is first of all the case with the intimate and immediate knowledge that the Son of God made man has of his Father. The Son in his human knowledge also showed the divine penetration he had into the secret thoughts of human hearts.

- 728 (in 'Christ Jesus') - Jesus does not reveal the Holy Spirit fully, until he himself has been glorified through his Death and Resurrection. Nevertheless, little by little he alludes to him even in his teaching of the multitudes, as when he reveals that his own flesh will be food for the life of the world (abbreviated).

- 2766 (in 'the Lord's Prayer') - But Jesus does not give us a formula to repeat mechanically. As in every vocal prayer, it is through the Word of God that the Holy Spirit teaches the children of God to pray to their Father. Jesus not only gives us the words of our filial prayer; at the same time he gives us the Spirit by whom these words become in us "spirit and life" (abbreviated).

- 438 (in 'Christ') - Jesus' messianic consecration reveals his divine mission, "for the name 'Christ' implies 'he who anointed', 'he who was anointed' and 'the very anointing with which he was anointed'. The one who anointed is the Father, the one who was anointed is the Son, and he was anointed with the Spirit who is the anointing.'" His eternal messianic consecration was revealed during the time of his earthly life at the moment of his baptism by John, when "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power", "that he might be revealed to Israel" as its Messiah. His works and words will manifest him as "the Holy One of God".

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Apr 19, 202420:18
Friday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 52-59

Friday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 52-59

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John 6: 52-59 - 'My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2837 (in 'Give us this day our Daily Bread') - "Daily" (epiousios) occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Taken in a temporal sense, this word is a pedagogical repetition of "this day," to confirm us in trust "without reservation." Taken in the qualitative sense, it signifies what is necessary for life, and more broadly every good thing sufficient for subsistence. Taken literally (epi-ousios: "super-essential"), it refers directly to the Bread of Life, the Body of Christ, the "medicine of immortality," without which we have no life within us.

- 1384 (in 'The Sacrament of the Eucharist') - The Lord addresses an invitation to us, urging us to receive him in the sacrament of the Eucharist: "Truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."

- 1406 (in 'The Sacrament of the Eucharist') - Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; . . . he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and . . . abides in me, and I in him"

- 1509 (in 'Heal the Sick') - "Heal the sick!" The Church has received this charge from the Lord and strives to carry it out by taking care of the sick as well as by accompanying them with her prayer of intercession. She believes in the life-giving presence of Christ, the physician of souls and bodies. This presence is particularly active through the sacraments, and in an altogether special way through the Eucharist, the bread that gives eternal life and that St. Paul suggests is connected with bodily health.

- 1524 (in 'Viaticum') - In addition to the Anointing of the Sick, the Church offers those who are about to leave this life the Eucharist as viaticum. Communion in the body and blood of Christ, received at this moment of "passing over" to the Father, has a particular significance and importance. It is the seed of eternal life and the power of resurrection, according to the words of the Lord: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." The sacrament of Christ once dead and now risen, the Eucharist is here the sacrament of passing over from death to life, from this world to the Father.

- 787 (in 'The Church is communion with Jesus') - Jesus spoke of a still more intimate communion between him and those who would follow him: "Abide in me, and I in you.... I am the vine, you are the branches", and he proclaimed a mysterious and real communion between his own body and ours: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him." (abbreviated).

- 1391 (in 'The Fruits of Holy Communion') - Holy Communion augments our union with Christ. The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus. Indeed, the Lord said: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him." Life in Christ has its foundation in the Eucharistic banquet: "As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me."

- 994 (in 'The Progressive revelation of the Resurrection')

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Apr 18, 202426:44
Thursday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 44-51

Thursday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 44-51

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John 6: 44-51 - 'I am the living bread which has come down from Heaven.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 259 (in 'The Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions') - Being a work at once common and personal, the whole divine economy makes known both what is proper to the divine persons, and their one divine nature. Hence the whole Christian life is a communion with each of the divine persons, without in any way separating them. Everyone who glorifies the Father does so through the Son in the Holy Spirit; everyone who follows Christ does so because the Father draws him and the Spirit moves him.

- 1001 (in 'How do the dead rise?') - When? Definitively "at the last day," "at the end of the world." Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is closely associated with Christ's Parousia: For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. and the dead in Christ will rise first.

- 151 (in 'To Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God') - For a Christian, believing in God cannot be separated from believing in the One he sent, his "beloved Son", in whom the Father is "well pleased"; God tells us to listen to him. The Lord himself said to his disciples: "Believe in God, believe also in me." We can believe in Jesus Christ because he is himself God, the Word made flesh: "No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known." Because he "has seen the Father", Jesus Christ is the only one who knows him and can reveal him.

- 728 (in 'Christ Jesus') - Jesus does not reveal the Holy Spirit fully, until he himself has been glorified through his Death and Resurrection. Nevertheless, little by little he alludes to him even in his teaching of the multitudes, as when he reveals that his own flesh will be food for the life of the world (abbreviated).

- 1355 (in 'The Movement of the Eucharistic Celebration') - In the communion, preceded by the Lord's prayer and the breaking of the bread, the faithful receive "the bread of heaven" and "the cup of salvation," the body and blood of Christ who offered himself "for the life of the world." Because this bread and wine have been made Eucharist ("eucharisted," according to an ancient expression), "we call this food Eucharist, and no one may take part in it unless he believes that what we teach is true, has received baptism for the forgiveness of sins and new birth, and lives in keeping with what Christ taught."

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Apr 17, 202417:35
Wednesday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 35-40

Wednesday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 35-40

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John 6: 35-40 - 'It is my Father's will that whoever sees the Son should have eternal life.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 606 (in 'Christ's whole life is an offering to the Father') - The Son of God, who came down "from heaven, not to do (his) own will, but the will of him who sent (him)", said on coming into the world, "Lo, I have come to do your will, O God." "and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." From the first moment of his Incarnation the Son embraces the Father's plan of divine salvation in his redemptive mission: "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work." The sacrifice of Jesus "for the sins of the whole world" expresses his loving communion with the Father. "The Father loves me, because I lay down my life", said the Lord, "(for) I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."

- 2824 (in 'Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven') - In Christ, and through his human will, the will of the Father has been perfectly fulfilled once for all. Jesus said on entering into this world: "Lo, I have come to do your will, O God." Only Jesus can say: "I always do what is pleasing to him." In the prayer of his agony, he consents totally to this will: "not my will, but yours be done." For this reason Jesus "gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father." "and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

- 989 (in 'I believe in the resurrection of the body') - We firmly believe, and hence we hope that, just as Christ is truly risen from the dead and lives for ever, so after death the righteous will live for ever with the risen Christ and he will raise them up on the last day. Our resurrection, like his own, will be the work of the Most Holy Trinity (abbreviated).

- 1001 (in 'How do the dead rise?') - When? Definitively "at the last day," "at the end of the world." Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is closely associated with Christ's Parousia: For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. and the dead in Christ will rise first.

- 161 (in 'The Necessity of faith') - Believing in Jesus Christ and in the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation (abbreviated).

- 994 (in 'The Progressive Revelation of the Resurrection') - But there is more. Jesus links faith in the resurrection to his own person: "I am the Resurrection and the life." It is Jesus himself who on the last day will raise up those who have believed in him, who have eaten his body and drunk his blood (abbreviated).

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Apr 16, 202416:36
Tuesday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 30-35

Tuesday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 30-35

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John 6: 30-35 - 'It is my Father who gives you the bread from heaven.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 1094 (in 'The Holy Spirit prepares for the reception of Christ') - It is on this harmony of the two Testaments that the Paschal catechesis of the Lord is built, and then, that of the Apostles and the Fathers of the Church. This catechesis unveils what lay hidden under the letter of the Old Testament: the mystery of Christ. It is called "typological" because it reveals the newness of Christ on the basis of the "figures" (types) which announce him in the deeds, words, and symbols of the first covenant. By this re-reading in the Spirit of Truth, starting from Christ, the figures are unveiled. Thus the flood and Noah's ark prefigured salvation by Baptism, as did the cloud and the crossing of the Red Sea. Water from the rock was the figure of the spiritual gifts of Christ, and manna in the desert prefigured the Eucharist, "the true bread from heaven."

- 423 (in 'The Good News: God has sent his Son') - We believe and confess that Jesus of Nazareth, born a Jew of a daughter of Israel at Bethlehem at the time of King Herod the Great and the emperor Caesar Augustus, a carpenter by trade, who died crucified in Jerusalem under the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of the emperor Tiberius, is the eternal Son of God made man. He 'came from God', 'descended from heaven', and 'came in the flesh'. For 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. . . and from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace.'

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Apr 15, 202416:49
Monday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 22-29

Monday of Week 3 of Eastertide - John 6: 22-29

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John 6: 22-29 - 'Do not work for food that cannot last, but for food that endures to eternal life.'

Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs:

- 2835 (in 'Give us this day our daily bread') - This petition, with the responsibility it involves, also applies to another hunger from which men are perishing: "Man does not live by bread alone, but . . . by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God," that is, by the Word he speaks and the Spirit he breathes forth. Christians must make every effort "to proclaim the good news to the poor." There is a famine on earth, "not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD." For this reason the specifically Christian sense of this fourth petition concerns the Bread of Life: the Word of God accepted in faith, the Body of Christ received in the Eucharist.

- 698 (in 'Symbols of the Holy Spirit') - The seal is a symbol close to that of anointing. "The Father has set his seal" on Christ and also seals us in him. Because this seal indicates the indelible effect of the anointing with the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, the image of the seal (sphragis) has been used in some theological traditions to express the indelible "character" imprinted by these three unrepeatable sacraments.

- 1296 (in 'The Rite of Confirmation') - Christ himself declared that he was marked with his Father's seal. Christians are also marked with a seal: "It is God who establishes us with you in Christ and has commissioned us; he has put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee." This seal of the Holy Spirit marks our total belonging to Christ, our enrollment in his service for ever, as well as the promise of divine protection in the great eschatological trial.

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Apr 14, 202419:15