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All In with Daniel Giordano

All In with Daniel Giordano

By Daniel Giordano

The All-In Podcast Show is the home to the top Entrepreneurs, Innovators and World Changers sharing their breakthrough moments and how they are changing the world. Our focus is being All-In on the four areas of life: faith, family, finances, and health. We will bring mentors into your world who can help you find balance and build a bold life of excellence with your host Daniel Giordano. Ask yourself is it time to get off the sidelines and step into your greatness? Join us at where we define success and give you advice on how to be all in. Make sure to catch the free gift from our guest.
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92: Dr. Douglas Brackmann, Author and Psychologist

All In with Daniel GiordanoApr 08, 2022

102: Jeremy Miner, 7th Level Founder and Chairman

102: Jeremy Miner, 7th Level Founder and Chairman

The biggest problem in sales is … not knowing what the problem is. That’s why Host Dan Giordano’s guest on this episode of The All-In Podcast is taking us a layer deeper to understand that closing deals correlates with understanding human behavior. If you want to see sales soar, you’ve got to get past resistance, says Jeremy Miner, who built his highly successful career on a science-based understanding of what drives prospects. As founder of 7th Level, he is now helping others learn to manifest sales – rather than shut them down by unconsciously triggering negative responses from prospective buyers right out of the gate. Jeremy’s NEPQ (Neuro-Emotional Persuasion Questioning) framework is all about leveraging universal principles for attracting – rather than driving towards – outcomes. It all starts with identifying behaviors that communicate self-serving quotas and neediness, then changing the message. As you’ll learn on this episode, genuine curiosity, understanding customer pain points and making human connections are what’s key to cementing long-term sales relationships (and closing deals). You’ll come away from this high-level conversation with a new sales model based in neutralizing resistance. Imagine a world in which your prospects have let down their walls

If you’re interested in hearing much more from Jeremy, you can check out his podcast – Closers are Losers – at this link. You can also ask for a free taste of NEPQ 101 Minicourse by visiting his Facebook group here.

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Feb 10, 202335:31
101: Udo Erasmus, Founder of Udo’s Choice Products
Jan 18, 202335:23
100: Ben Golden, CEO and Owner of IRS Trouble Solvers
Oct 01, 202221:25
99: Rob Kosberg, CEO of Best Seller Publishing

99: Rob Kosberg, CEO of Best Seller Publishing

Do you have a book inside of you that’s dying to get out? If so, Daniel’s guest on this episode of The All-In Podcast will be speaking directly to you. Rob Kosberg, CEO of Best Seller Publishing, has literally written chapter and verse about how publishing brings value-add and branding power to both your personal credibility and your business. The author of "Publish. Promote. Profit." brings us up to speed on the new rules for writing, marketing and making money via your niche book, as well as some of the key pitfalls you’ll want to avoid.

Rob doesn’t mince words with his clients, whose expectations are set from the start. You don’t write a book because it’s going to generate massive royalties. You do it to drive business – through lead generation, speaking engagements and media/PR applications. It’s a formula that works, bringing authors credibility and a platform. In addition to learning the ins and outs of publishing, this conversation also includes wisdom and perspective on the things that matter most in life. At the end of the day, says Rob, the depth and quality of our relationships matters more than any business venture or ambition.

Click here if you’d like to set up a free discovery call with Rob. Or you can take a look here if you’d like to receive a free download of “Publish. Promote. Profit.”

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Oct 01, 202224:60
98: Jessica Yarbrough, Business Coach and Consultant
Oct 01, 202220:10
97: Shahid Durrani, Coach and Host of the Super Entrepreneurs Podcast
Jun 22, 202222:45
96: Bill Gammon, Principal Owner of Gammon and Associates
Jun 05, 202218:24
95: Simon Severino of Strategy Sprints​
Jun 05, 202216:28
94: Jamal Miller, CEO of Miller Media Group
May 14, 202235:15
93: Roger Parrott, President, Belhaven University

93: Roger Parrott, President, Belhaven University

This episode of the All-In Podcast invites even the most ambitious of professionals to surrender the compulsion to plan, which Dan’s guest assures will yield transformational results in both life and business. Roger Parrott, who is the President of Belhaven University and a sought-after speaker, has learned through the course of his journey that the most profound opportunities arise from the commitment to “let God lead.” In his new book, "Opportunity Leadership: Stop Planning and Start Getting Results," Roger turns leadership on its head, demonstrating how unexpected turns of fortune —the ones you may be missing—are available to those who are fully committed to accepting God’s direction. He provides six traits on which to focus your leadership outlook and step-by-step strategies for achieving your mission by capturing – instead of creating – the space for change. You will be amazed at the results!

Click here to learn more about Roger’s book, "Opportunity Leadership: Stop Planning and Start Getting Results."

Apr 29, 202217:51
92: Dr. Douglas Brackmann, Author and Psychologist

92: Dr. Douglas Brackmann, Author and Psychologist

Dr. Douglas Brackmann wants to help you figure out whether you’re a member of his tribe: The Driven. In this turbocharged All-In Podcast conversation, Doug defines the neurological as well as sociological and temperamental differences between “hunters” and “farmers.” Commonly seen in entrepreneurs, pro-athletes, inventors, adventurers and Navy SEALs, research has shown that certain genes can manifest resilient, highly focused people who also tend to be impulsive and easily distracted. While these traits enabled our ancient ancestors to survive, in today’s climate they can create havoc. But what the world tells you is a disorder like ADD or OCD may in fact be your biggest gift.

As an author and entrepreneur, Doug has put his dual psychology doctorates to work by developing content, tools and a community of support for the Driven. He wants those of us who are wired for hunger, curiosity and a desire to see what’s over the next hill to understand why. Instead of self-sabotaging or suffering imposter syndrome, feeling out of sync or unrewarded, he wants his fellow “hunters” to learn how their brains work and why. He uses his psychological expertise to explain what it means to be driven, as well as practices to help you stay present and fully focused in the now. Driven, says Doug, is the difference between dreaming and doing. He’s sharing tools designed to recognize your most authentic identity, harness your gifts and banish counter-productive shame. He provides a template for the difference between “farmers” and “hunters” as well as some of the traits that define the latter:

  • High tolerance for risk.
  • Ability to think about multiple concepts simultaneously.
  • High quotient for resilience and hard-charging.
  • Eyes constantly on the horizon.

Sound like any driven entrepreneurs you might know?

You can take Doug’s “Are You Driven?” assessment here. Click here to learn more about Doug’s book, "Driven: Understanding and Harnessing the Genetic Gifts Shared by Entrepreneurs, Navy SEALs, Pro Athletes, and MAYBE You."

Apr 08, 202236:45
91: Maria Brito, Independent Art Advisor & Curator

91: Maria Brito, Independent Art Advisor & Curator

What happens when you’re a graduate of Harvard Law School with a great career ahead of you and it turns out … you don’t enjoy being an attorney? For Maria Brito, a highly successful independent art curator and advisor, the answer was clear: Time to reorient. On this episode of All-In she shares with Dan her journey to building the life she was meant to have – rather than the one society and her family programmed her to pursue. Author of the forthcoming book "How Creativity Rules the World: The Art and Business of Turning Your Ideas Into Gold," Maria is full of encouragement and permission-giving validation for anyone who is ready to take the leap. She explains what it takes and mindsets that create unnecessary barriers. Going “All-In” isn’t for the faint of heart, says Maria. There will be failures and setbacks, but those stumbling blocks are part of opening up to new ideas, innovation and the fulfillment of lifelong dreams. Many people are coming out of pandemic craving more from life, observes Maria. Step One going forward from here? Daring to imagine the life you want!

Click here to preorder Maria’s book and if you email the receipt to you’ll receive free access to her creativity online course valued at $297.

Mar 17, 202218:60
90: Reed Goosens, Author and Multifamily Syndicator

90: Reed Goosens, Author and Multifamily Syndicator

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Dan welcomes an Australian upstart whose entrepreneurial journey started with – and continues to flourish under – a simple question: Will you regret this decision when you’re 65? So far, Reed Goossens’ strategy has worked. He has compiled a great track record, working and traveling across multiple countries, meeting his future American wife and acquiring the skills necessary to launch what today is a successful real estate development career. He is also the author of "Investing in the U.S.: The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Real Estate" and "Investing in the U.S."

The conversation also touches on something that Reed has come to understand matters every bit as much as tirelessly and enthusiastically pursuing your entrepreneurial North Star: Balance. The illness and death of his mother several years ago offered Reed an opportunity to step back and recognize that no amount of professional success will replace quality of life and meaningful connections. He shares thoughts on the “pillars” he believes are key (among them health, relationships and community).

The episode wraps up with some great practical advice for anyone starting their entrepreneurial adventure. Steps that Reed recommends right out of the gate include:

  • #1 Define your North Star.
  • #2 Be curious enough that you have a drive or passion for it.
  • #3 If you don’t have the necessary skill set, get out there and start researching, learning and acquiring whatever necessary knowledge.
  • #4 Surround yourself with people who share your passion and can serve as inspiration and as mentors.

Click here to access a complimentary chapter of Reed’s book, "Investing in the U.S.: The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Real Estate."

Feb 22, 202223:18
89: Kent Ritter, Multi-Family Investor and Host of “Ritter on Real Estate”

89: Kent Ritter, Multi-Family Investor and Host of “Ritter on Real Estate”

If you’re trading precious time for a paycheck, Kent Ritter’s story is one you might want to consider. Previously a successful management consultant bringing down a hefty paycheck, he came to a personal crossroads after the birth of his first daughter. Sitting on a tarmac, about to take off on a four-day business trip, he asked himself: “Is this the kind of dad you want to be?” The answer was a resounding “no” and a new chapter was born. He decided to take an entrepreneurial risk by starting his own real estate investment firm. Everyone thought he was crazy, but he nonetheless ploughed forward, doing his homework and eradicating self-limiting beliefs (which can be a challenge).

Today Kent’s multi-family real estate investment concern is growing exponentially and his quality of life is where he wants it: Within his control. Moving the focus to practical advice for those interested in undertaking a similar journey, Daniel asks Kent about how he took his first steps, the foundation he built, lessons learned and the big vision ahead. It’s a conversation that doubles as a call to action: Don’t delay. “If you’re sitting on the fence, waiting for some moment or sign that’s going to tell you to get started, this is it,” says Kent. “That’s the sign! Get started!”

Feb 05, 202225:15
88: Jason Earle, Founder & CEO at GotMold

88: Jason Earle, Founder & CEO at GotMold

This episode of The All-In Podcast features an entrepreneur recognized nationally in the mold remediation space – but the conversation turns down a path that is about much more than business prowess. Dan welcomes Jason Earle, the founder and CEO of GotMold?, whose career and life journey has encompassed life lessons from which he’s drawn wisdom and perspective applicable across the board.

Raised on a non-working farm outside Princeton, NJ, health challenges early in life led to Jason dropping out of high school. He lost his mother to suicide early in life and wrestled by the age of 13 with what would later become full-blown alcoholism. Not a very promising start, but at every turn Jason stayed open, curious and showed up. That attitude brought him to an early opportunity that proved highly lucrative on Wall Street and ultimately to the idea that was the basis for 1-800-GOTMOLD?, a mold detection and remediation company that features affordable home test kits. Along the way he humbled himself in the face of a substance abuse problem that – now four years sober – he is grateful to have suffered. No entrepreneurial journey is without its dark spaces and shadows. Guests like Jason are what make the All-In podcast a community and empathetic resource for whatever challenge we’re facing along our career – and life – path.

Jason’s team has put together a special landing page for All-In listeners with a 10% discount code and access to an e-book that provides an overview on mold that can be found here.

Click here to enjoy additional episodes of All-In

Jan 14, 202232:31
87: Dr. Bruce L. Hartman

87: Dr. Bruce L. Hartman

This episode of The All-In Podcast features a successful businessman whose second career transcends commerce. It has been 12 years since Dr. Bruce Hartman stepped away from hard-charging executive roles at Fortune 500 companies in order to pursue advanced degrees in divinity and help others “walk towards a brighter future.” The author of four Christian books, a regular host of morning prayers and guest on popular podcasts, Bruce’s life is full of purpose today; not something he could have said with much conviction at the height of his corporate career. With his belief that “Jesus is Good for Business,” he offers a Biblical worldview that resonates on many levels with people of faith (or in search of faith) within the business community.

Daniel invites his guest to share the journey he has taken – including a moving moment of epiphany late one night when Bruce felt called quite literally into the light. This conversation highlights red flags that Type A entrepreneurs preoccupied with driving career development might want to consider. And Bruce offers some foundational advice for bringing mindfulness through openness, prayer and patience. Coming at such a busy time of year, this episode of All-In serves as a thoughtful reminder that no professional accomplishment or business achievement can take the place of life purpose and connection. With his life now centered on pro bono mentoring and sharing his message of faith, Bruce’s example challenges us to consider what truly defines success. For him, he concluded: “Instead of helping myself all the time, I completely changed my world and decided my mission in life is to help other people.”

More information about Bruce’s four current as well as forthcoming books can be found here.

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Jan 09, 202218:37
86: Ken Kladouris, Partner & President, Platinum Wealth Group

86: Ken Kladouris, Partner & President, Platinum Wealth Group

For ambitious strivers it may sound counterintuitive, but Daniel’s guest on this episode of The All-In Podcast explains why slowing down is critical to speeding things up. Ken Kladouris, Partner & President of Platinum Wealth Group, shares his journey from hard-driving real estate investor to master of stillness. A seasoned wealth advisor and author of "Get There! Chart Your Course to Abundance and Live the Life You Desire," Ken has developed a tailor-made approach to cultivating financial abundance. The cornerstone? A stillness practice. Far from the stock image of an isolated monk, Ken brings a fresh perspective to the ancient art of meditation. In silence he has found transformational power that he’s excited to share with others who aspire to wealth in the fullest sense of the word.

By becoming aligned with his “why” Ken has recognized his true purpose: Coaching others to connect with themselves and find personal power through a quieting of the mind. He recounts the story of his thunderbolt moment and how his practice evolved from that burst of clarity. He tells Daniel about his personal experience as well commitment to helping others establish similarly life-changing practices at silent retreats he plans to host in the coming years. This episode offers some tips for moving toward self-mastery through deeply intentional inner reflection. It’s all a journey – one that Ken would never have predicted for himself as a young, ambitious real estate investor. But the gifts Ken has found in stillness are as evident as the inspiring vision he’s eager to share!

Click here to download Ken’s free e-book on how to get “unstuck.” He also offers a Stillness to Success course here.

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Jan 05, 202219:53
85: Gav Gillibrand, Wellness Coach and Author

85: Gav Gillibrand, Wellness Coach and Author

Getting motivated around diet and exercise can be a challenge, but this episode of the All-In podcast introduces a wellness coach and author whose energy is an irresistible motivator. Dan welcomes Gav Gillibrand, a nutritionist and physical trainer whose methods have equipped thousands of followers with the strategy and practical tools to tackle unwanted pounds – and vanquish them once and for all. Gav, who has written a book on the subject, believes that any fitness program is doomed when it’s overly restrictive. So the trick is creating sustainability through a simple understanding of calories in, calories out – and how to manage accordingly.

You’ll enjoy hearing about Gav’s eclectic professional path, which included some major detours – a stint on a popular British reality dating show and nearly two decades of global touring as a male stripper. While performance and entertainment might seem unlikely as resume-builders, Gav actually learned life lessons that are essential to the people skills, compassion and practicality he brings to his busy, executive clients today.

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, the mechanical piece is of course straightforward. It’s the psychological aspect that consumes at least 70% of Gav’s coaching time. Unpacking and understanding our emotional relationship with food is the first order of business. Without that clarity (and accountability), says Gav, it’s impossible to disengage from reflexive habits that do not serve. Once those doors have been unlocked, however, we’re all capable of moving towards a lifetime plan that leaves us satisfied, fueled, inspired and ready to go!

Click here to learn more about Gav’s book, "The GHG Method: A No 'Bullshit' Approach to Losing Body Fat, Upgrading Your Mind Set & Radically Changing Your Life". Or click here for a free consultation with Gav.

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Dec 27, 202120:49
84: Riley Baez-Bradway, Team Lead at Interview Connections ​

84: Riley Baez-Bradway, Team Lead at Interview Connections ​

When it comes to podcasting, ever wondered what’s behind the magic curtain? How shows are made, who books the guests and what makes for a great show? Daniel’s guest on this episode of All-In shares his experience as a Lead Booker for Interview Connections, a company with years of experience helping people find their niche as podcast featured guests or hosts. Riley Baez-Bradway shares his interesting journey into digital media and lifts the curtain on some of the key elements not only for a compelling podcast but a balanced and happy life!

Riley and Dan touch on a range of topics, both personal and professional, including how to identify and develop your “wizard” versus “lizard” brain. You’ll also get some important advice about staying mentally clear and creating a mix of work-life priorities that support long-term creativity, productivity and satisfaction. Being part of a progressive, supportive work environment like the one cultivated by Interview Connections’ founders is for Riley the single most important element shaping the company’s ongoing success. It all combines to drive amazing results for podcast hosts and prospective guests – ROI on research, professional one-sheets, repurposing content, equipment recs, calls to action, interview prep and of course that all-important outreach to make the connections that launch podcast careers.

Click here to access a free podcasting master class being given by Interview Connections’ founders, who share tips for creating a global personal brand and generating warm qualified leads.

You can enjoy additional episodes of All-In here.

Dec 20, 202130:39
83: Tracy Enos, Author and Business Coach

83: Tracy Enos, Author and Business Coach

If determination and resilience are two ingredients critical to any entrepreneurial venture, then Daniel Giordano’s guest on this episode of All-In was clearly pre-destined for success. Tracy Enos’s early career path might have been bumpy, but life and professional challenges never bogged her down. With tenaciousness, humor and a thirst for knowledge, she has cultivated an amazing consulting and publishing career.

Author of the international best-seller "LinkedIn Publishing to Profits: A Simple 5-Step System to Attract High Paying Clients, Media Attention & Speaking Engagements," Tracy has figured out a recipe that includes coaching clients from across industries – solopreneur to multimillion dollar enterprises. She consults with people looking to bring in new business, secure speaking engagements and access media attention. The common denominator? Tracy knows how to leverage LinkedIn like nobody’s business.

A single mom of four, Tracy is a dynamo who prevailed over 3rd degree burns and five surgeries in nine months back in 2015 – only to come back even stronger. She has developing LinkedIn training modules for every price point and offers personalized coaching for those who want that extra feedback. Dan asks her about tips and tricks for putting the full suite of LinkedIn tools into action. Tracy also shares her basics when it comes to figuring out how to market and sell your consulting services.

As if all her entrepreneurial business and publishing activity weren’t enough, Tracy used pandemic as a time to get back into the shape of her life. The future is bright for this dynamic entrepreneur, but she got here the hard way – bouncing back time and again, better than ever!

Click here to schedule one of Tracy’s free LinkedIn Business Explosion sessions. Or check out this link to download The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile Checklist.

Nov 30, 202126:25
82: Jacob Clopton, Owner & President, Clopton Capital Lending​

82: Jacob Clopton, Owner & President, Clopton Capital Lending​

In this episode of All-In, host Daniel Giordano welcomes Jake Clopton, an entrepreneur who has found (or carved out for himself) a niche within the commercial real estate lending industry. Was the path to founding Clopton Capital Lending a straight one? As is usually the case with any successful startup enterprise, it was not quite that simple. There were stepping stones, challenges, surprises and a learning curve along the way.

A native of upstate New York now established in Chicago, where he is raising a family, Jake shares a combination of elements that have shaped his business story. The most important facet perhaps has been his ability to focus keenly and do his homework. Rather than scattering his attention among different disciplines and activities, Jake adheres to a philosophy of running one race at a time. Clearly that strategy has worked for him, since his firm is going strong after well more than a decade in business.

Jake works with CRE owners throughout the U.S. to provide finance solutions for commercial mortgages, bridge loans, home builder financing, construction, and joint venture equity. The market might be cyclical but its evolution is constant. Jake enjoys watching how various commercial properties reconfigure and reinvent themselves for future market opportunities.

Enjoy this fast-paced exchange between two entrepreneurs who have built their lives around having independence, choice and opportunity. Even if sometimes accompanied by risk, Jake says founding Clopton Capital afforded him the alternative he needed to traditional corporate structures that were never going to be the right fit. He leaves us with some advice from the trenches and wisdom about the importance of adhering to healthy, energy-enhancing daily rituals.

Nov 08, 202118:17
81: Brian (The Bacon Guy) Basilico, Content Marketing Expert

81: Brian (The Bacon Guy) Basilico, Content Marketing Expert

On this episode of All-In, Host Daniel Giordano chats with Brian Basilico, known to many as “The Bacon Guy.” The focus is on all things marketing – including the sea change that has gone on as a result of the advent of the internet. The conversation starts out with some background on Brian’s upbringing and early entrepreneurial passion for music, which turned out to reveal a powerful draw to advising people about branding and other facets of business growth.

For anyone who wonders, Brian shares a quirky backstory as to how he became “The Bacon Guy” and what the acronym means (Building Authentic Connections Online Networking). How marketers make those all-important connections has changed drastically with the explosion of social media and other web-based communications tools, but in terms of content Brian says many of the tenets remain the same. It turns out that the delivery of messages can take different forms, while effective, high-quality marketing collateral remains the same across all mediums.

Brian shares thoughts on where he is with his career, his big-picture goals (which involve more than measuring success strictly with dollar values) and a few tricks to avert pitfalls he’s stumbled into over his many years as an entrepreneur in the marketing and coaching space.

There is a lot to dig into and learn about the website optimization, online metrics and compelling content that form the core of Brian’s business – and tremendous success over four decades of helping clients create stronger sales relationships and ultimate outcomes.

To access all things Bacon Guy – including his books, podcasts and other links – click @Linktree.

Nov 08, 202115:50
80: Nina Cooke, Mindset Secret To Overcome Procrastination
Oct 30, 202119:36
79: Tara Patten, Image Coach and Virtual Stylist

79: Tara Patten, Image Coach and Virtual Stylist

This episode of All-In features a woman who clearly has found her perfect professional match. Tara Patten is an image coach and virtual stylist whose lively personality and passion for helping people uncover their best selves is nothing short of inspiring. Daniel hosts a conversation that is both energizing and informative.

While Tara is full of passion for her business and mission today, the road to get there was anything but a straight one. Born in England, raised and educated in Florida and Maryland, she was in search of a calling. That search took her to California and ultimately aboard cruise ships in the Caribbean, where she loved being a “shopping ambassador.” It was her first hint of where things ultimately would go. But, as is so often the case, there were a few storm clouds before blue sky broke through.

At one period, when the way forward seemed particularly murky, Tara realized there was only one thing to do – something she recommends we all consider when the chips are down: Ask for help. She got invaluable coaching and before long had conceived of the branding and styling niche she occupies so successfully today. Learn about the services she provides and the results she witnesses when her clients decide to focus on – and commit to – doing some personal work. This episode is like several seminars in one podcast. Tara is excited about showing up in the world and helping people put forth their very best selves – and the feeling it’s infectious!

Click here to schedule a consultation with Tara. And if you’d like to listen to episodes of Tara’s podcast, click here.

Oct 30, 202121:47
78: Lance Krek, From Boots to Business

78: Lance Krek, From Boots to Business

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel talks to Lance Krek, an entrepreneur involved on the retail side of the cannabis industry.

Lance sees the benefits of cannabis, especially for medicinal purposes. His passion for the industry enabled him to successfully transition from military life to the business realm. From boots to business and no prior formal business training, Lance initially faced adversity as an entrepreneur, yet he was determined to strive for excellence in the cannabis industry.

Lance also expresses a couple advantages of his position within the industry. First, the retail side has given him a great perspective of how the process functions from the endpoint. And second, he wants to educate the public about cannabis and how it can be used safely and responsibly.

Though a noticeable stigma still lingers within the cannabis industry, Lance hopes that the product will be treated more like alcohol – not in the sense that it can be abused, yet in the sense that it should be easily accessible, regulated efficiently, and taxed fairly.

Sep 22, 202116:49
77: Matt Johnson, Founder of the MicroFamous FastTrack

77: Matt Johnson, Founder of the MicroFamous FastTrack

Knowing how to keep laser-focused is a superpower not just for business coaches but for any entrepreneur who wants to cut through the noise. On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel discusses the power of clarity with Matt Johnson, author and founder of the MicroFamous FastTrack. He has built his successful coaching consultancy, Pursuing Results, around providing thought leaders the tools they need to achieve the profile they want.

Matt shares the foundational framework he has developed, including a marketing system on which to build dreams once they’re clearly defined. He teaches clients how to set themselves apart by optimizing every aspect of their podcast presence – from booking guests to cultivating clients to leveraging social media, blogging and networking opportunities. It all starts with making the hard choices necessary to produce a compelling business proposition.

Getting clear about clarity was itself an “aha” moment for Matt, who went All-In and found a business model to go the distance only after he finally shed distractions, side businesses and partnerships that weren’t 100 percent in his own best interest. Now? Matt has time not only to build a thriving coaching practice but also deliver impact, promote important ideas and pursue his passion for making music.

If you’re interested in producing (or appearing on) an effective podcast that delivers at every level, then this is the All-In episode for you.

You can learn more about the 80/20 principle that Matt mentions in author Richard Koch’s book, "The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less".

Matt’s book, “MicroFamous: Become Famously Influential to the Right People,” can be purchased here. Or find out about his unique  Trello networking strategy.

Sep 22, 202123:22
76: Jonathan Goldhill, Strategic Thinking, Execution Planning & Accountability Coaching

76: Jonathan Goldhill, Strategic Thinking, Execution Planning & Accountability Coaching

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel’s guest shares some of the key ingredients specific to establishing and growing a transgenerational family business. Founder of the Goldhill Group, Jonathan Goldhill grew up outside of New York City, watching his own father and grandfather manage and grow their own company. The rewards are significant and – sometimes – so are the challenges.

The Goldhill Group provides strategic thinking, execution planning, and accountability coaching to businesses. Based in the Los Angeles metro area, the consultancy serves closely-held and family business clients in the lower to middle market nationwide.

Next-Gen entrepreneurs looking to advance a legacy started by parents, grandparents or other family relations have to think not just about taking the reins but keeping that business relevant. Over 30 years of growing his coaching consultancy, Jonathan has tracked what works – and doesn’t – when it comes to building on a previous generation’s foundation. Very often visionary decision-making upsets status quo and tries interpersonal communications skills, which is why Jonathan wrote his book, Disruptive Successor: Driving Growth in Your Family Business.

Enjoy this lively conversation that spans Jonathan’s career, with its twists and turns, and wraps up with a peek inside his playbook, which is designed to help family businesses scale up and evolve with the times. It’s a unique sweet spot – and easy to understand why Jonathan has gone “all-in.”

Sep 22, 202120:10
75: Steven Lewis, Navigating the Copywriting Industry

75: Steven Lewis, Navigating the Copywriting Industry

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Steven Lewis of Taleist copywriting. Steven’s career began in web development, during which time he found himself ahead of the curve, constantly explaining to people what a website was. Afterward, he turned to writing and has been working with copywriting which, he notes, doesn’t change and will never change.

Steven says that he prefers not to gravitate toward a niche because he likes the excitement of a variety but also because it’s advantageous to bring things from one area into another. His specialization is simply making copywriting work online. The difference between content writing and copywriting is that copywriters not only need to entertain and inform (like copy writers) but they also have to get the reader to do something. This is the hard part.

When asked about a challenge in copywriting, Steven notes that an ongoing setback in copywriting is education and getting clients to understand why copywriting is a bigger investment than a couple hundred bucks. The traffic that comes to their website has to read something that converts into an action step.

At the end, Steven emphasizes the research that good copywriting involves. It is much more than writing good sentences and there is a lot of work that goes on before a single word is typed. Understanding the client’s business backward and forward is essential and letting them in on your process is also a key to success.

Sep 22, 202117:37
74: Christina Hills, Empowering People to Move Their Business Forward

74: Christina Hills, Empowering People to Move Their Business Forward

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Christina Hills, formerly the Shopping Cart Queen and now an entrepreneur passionate about empowering people to move their businesses forward.

Christina shares her background and how she came from a demanding career in the film and television industry to being a work-from-home mom helping clients to create websites and online courses to move their business forward. She and Daniel discuss what it’s like to be entrepreneurial parents with the desire to spend more time at home with kids.

As Christina built her own business, she notes that one of the biggest challenges was figuring out what was a good opportunity and what was not a good opportunity. She says that there is tons of business to be had, you simply have to discern which opportunities are right for you and which ones you need to let go.

One of the big takeaways for listeners considering exiting their career or launching something new is the Saturday Morning Test, which Christina explains in this episode. Does what you want to launch get you excited enough to get out of bed on a Saturday morning? She reminds listeners that you don’t have to be an expert, you just have to really like the market you’re in and turn to the expertise you need.

At the end, Christina and Daniel talk about the spiritual aspect of business, what sort of people her business tends to attract, trusting your gut, and letting the right clients find their way to you.

Sep 22, 202123:32
73: Resilience Speaker, Mindset Expert, & Practicing Therapist

73: Resilience Speaker, Mindset Expert, & Practicing Therapist

On this episode of The All-In podcast, Daniel sits down with therapist, author, and resilience expert Darlene Corbett to talk all things therapy and hope in the age of COVID. Darlene grew up with a disabled sister, a circumstance she believes led to her desire to help people in her career. Throughout their conversation, Darlene and Daniel touch on hypnotherapy, the practices Darlene employs to keep herself healthy as a therapist, and the best ways to beat back isolation.

Darlene’s biggest hope is that through her work she will have helped someone see their worth. Don’t miss this insightful and hopeful conversation from two people who believe that as long as there’s life on earth, there is hope.

Sep 21, 202114:48
72: Muhammed Siddique, Entrepreneurial Philanthropist

72: Muhammed Siddique, Entrepreneurial Philanthropist

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel talks to Muhammed Siddique, a current entrepreneurial philanthropist, whose ‘rags to riches’ story highlights hard work, perseverance, and relationship-focused connections to propel himself amongst the business elite.

From a small village in Pakistan, Muhammed had to earn his way through life – this was a common thread that is mentioned throughout the discussion. His hard-working and disciplined attitude enabled him to succeed in school and eventually in the business world. Though Muhammed had many hurdles to climb, he admits his biggest challenge was during college. From this experience, however, Muhammed says that he is not afraid of any challenge that he encounters, and he encourages the listener to not be fearful.

As an advocate for relationship-centered business partnerships, Muhammed expresses the reasons why this is important, he sheds light in a failed experience he had in the past, and what he learned from it. Ultimately, having a solid mentor who can help guide their mentee through these challenges will lead them to more success.

Sep 21, 202121:51
71: Christina Wegner, Building Out Platform to Help Others Have a Voice

71: Christina Wegner, Building Out Platform to Help Others Have a Voice

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel sits down with Christina Wegner, an experienced businesswoman with extensive skills in the marketing milieu. The discussion primarily focuses on her journey through the marketing sector, setbacks she encountered, and current and potential opportunities for her to make a difference in helping others.

As supportive parents, both Daniel and Christina agree that finding a balance between work and family is essential – Christina always considers a job that is not only ideal for her, but also one that will be equally beneficial for her family life.

One main topic that is discussed is Christina’s passion for diversity and inclusion. She reiterates a phrase ‘slow down to speed up’ – people often do not take the time to hear a differing perspective and they jump to conclusions. This has helped her be more respectful, and she ultimately wants to use her platform to give others an opportunity to be heard.

Sep 21, 202120:30
70: Michael Flight, CEO at Liberty Real Estate Fund

70: Michael Flight, CEO at Liberty Real Estate Fund

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel invites real estate expert Michael Flight to discuss what it means for him to have gone all-in.

Michael opens by sharing a little of his background and what made him want to get into real estate investment in the first place. Some of these stories showcase wins, while others detail heavy losses that Michael and his business partners suffered. Ultimately, he says, it’s how you take those losses and build a better plan moving forward.

One of the key takeaways from this conversation is what Michael says about preparing oneself for a career in real estate. Beyond just understanding the market, someone going into real estate investment needs to be proficient in many complementary skills. For example, they need to be financially savvy. They need to be good with people. They need to have patience and common sense. In other words, it’s so much more than just trading properties and understanding the market.

Michael believes that if you’re passionate enough and you surround yourself withthe right people, you should have no problem making headway into a field like commercial real estate. With more than three decades of experience, it’s reasonable to say that Michael’s advice is top-notch.

Listen into this episode for an intelligent conversation that highlights key skills for success in the real estate industry.

Sep 21, 202120:59
69: Mathew Passy, The Podcast Consultant

69: Mathew Passy, The Podcast Consultant

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel welcomes someone who has taken his background in media production to the podcasting world. Mathew Passy talks about how he became the self-dubbed “Podcast Consultant,” and he shares his views on the future of podcasting, the nature of entrepreneurial work, and the importance of protecting the time you have with your family. From content generation all the way down to editing and publishing, Mathew’s services as the podcast consultant can take your vision for the podcasting space and make it bloom.

Mathew shares how he got into, fell out of, and then got back into podcasting, despite all other plans to the contrary. He reflects on difficulties he’s had as a one man band and offers tips and suggestions for those who do have the entrepreneurial spirit. What’s most important for him is his family, and he does everything he can to make the most out of their time together.

Tune in for an honest conversation between two fathers who share a love for podcasting and the thrill of running your own company.

Sep 21, 202121:01
68: Jess Tiffany, CEO of Marketing & Networking University and MNU Digital

68: Jess Tiffany, CEO of Marketing & Networking University and MNU Digital

On this episode of the All-In Podcast, Daniel is excited to introduce someone who has leveraged the creative use of digital communications to blaze a trail not only for himself but for entrepreneurs of all kinds. Jess Tiffany shares lessons learned over his years of experience as a leading expert in LinkedIn optimization and the author of more than 200 books related to digital and email strategy, lead generation, brand development, social media marketing and executive coaching. With a diverse suite of marketing and networking tools, his Marketing & Networking University (MNU) services raise the profiles of established and aspiring entrepreneurs in myriad ways.

Jess shares not only a bit about his journey to digital innovation (including a re-meet cute story about how he wound up marrying his wife) but also details some of the roadblocks he encountered while building his business and tips for new authors who often don’t realize that publication is the start – not the end – of the marketing road.

Enjoy an interesting chat between two fathers who share a common bond in their commitment to pursuing entrepreneurial dreams while preserving quality family life.

Sep 21, 202115:16
67: Harry Duran, Podcast Strategist and Owner of the Podcast Platform Fullcast
Sep 21, 202120:03
66: David Jenyns, entrepreneur and author of “SYSTEMology”
Sep 21, 202126:45
65: Matt Wolfe Entrepreneur and Co-Host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast

65: Matt Wolfe Entrepreneur and Co-Host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast

In this episode of the All-In Podcast Daniel introduces listeners to Matt Wolfe, an internet entrepreneur and cohost of the Hustle and Flowchart podcast. From lessons learned while working in his family’s shutter business to the passion for all things computing that drives his endless appetite for learning new things, Matt’s positivity reflects his life philosophy: It’s the going not the getting there that has to be good.

Matt shares with Daniel his podcast’s goals and his personal aspirations. He and his co-host Joe Fier are devoted to bringing a much-needed financial balance and sense of control into the lives of people trying to define what is success in life. Hint: It’s combination of bringing in dollars but also learning how to manage and spend sustainably for a stress-free lifestyle. As is so often the case, Matt’s entrepreneurial ventures have not been without challenges – stumbling blocks he shares as well as strategies for staying on track to goals. Among the tips and tricks these two podcasts share: The importance of learning to delegate and staying present in the moment.

Sep 21, 202120:05
63: Kerry Heaps

63: Kerry Heaps

Let's face it, finding speaking gigs and submitting your information to them is a time

consuming process. If you are new to the speaking industry, you may not even know

where to start. If you are an experienced speaker, you may be struggling with how to get booked in today's market. That’s where Kerry Heaps steps in. By launching a company designed to create success for speakers as well as creating more successful events, Kerry has found her niche.

Her company, BookSpeakRepeat works with speakers two ways.  They’ve created a DIY self-paced program called Speaker in a Box and for those just starting out who have always dreamed of becoming a speaker, Speaker Academy. Book.Speak.Repeat. was created for Speakers who want help, who are willing to do the work and understand this is a process that takes time.

Kerry shares how her small town upbringing, modeling experience at a young age, and years working in a corporate atmosphere laid the perfect groundwork for her to start a business of her own. Her “all in'' moment came when a micromanaging boss helped her to realize she sought the freedom that comes with going out on your own. It may not always be stable and steady but with patience and perseverance she has found the stamina to stay the course and find success and happiness with an entrepreneurial life. Kerry’s approachable and uplifting personality makes it easy to see why so many have found success following her methods.

Jul 02, 202118:35
62: Tom Schwab

62: Tom Schwab

In this noisy digital world, you can’t break through the noise, you just add to it. Instead,

you need to get in on the conversation where your ideal customers are already listening.

As a Navy veteran who ran nuclear power plants, and an inbound marketing engineer, Tom Schwab has a refreshingly unique approach. He focuses on time-proven strategy, then supercharges it with today’s technology and podcast interview marketing. An author, speaker, and teacher, Tom helps you get more traffic, leads and raving customer fans by being interviewed on targeted podcasts.

His company, Interview Valet, has been called the category king of podcast guesting. Over the last 6 years, they have gotten over 700 top authors, coaches/consultants, and

companies featured on over 30,000 leading podcasts to grow their brand and their

business. Tom believes we are all "Just One Conversation Away”. Utilizing the power of relationships in a digital age can take your business to the next level but it is also sage advice for life. To him, that’s what legacies are made of how we helped others and made connections to make life better.

Tom sits down with Daniel to talk about his humble beginnings and how is drive for growth propelled him into an entrepreneurial space. His insight is refreshingly positive, giving listeners a new perspective for wherever they find themselves in their journey.

Jul 02, 202118:51
64: Dr. Amanda Barrientez of NFA Money & Business Coaching

64: Dr. Amanda Barrientez of NFA Money & Business Coaching

This episode of the All-In Podcast features Daniel’s conversation with a dynamo money coach who has gone from food stamps to a thriving practice helping people from all walks of life shift their wealth-building paradigm. Dr. Amanda Barrientez shares a bit about the “No F***ing Around” (NFA) philosophy that transformed her from a broke, single mother of three in pursuit of a PhD into a visionary entrepreneur, podcast host and trusted adviser. She’s on her way to meeting her long-term goal to impact 5 million people and run a seven-figure business.

Daniel asks about first steps, stumbling blocks and the journey Amanda has taken since abandoning scarcity thinking, quelling her self-critic and latching on to daily strategies that nurture balance and growth. You’ll hear tips and tricks for cultivating joy and learn why it is that Amanda especially dreams of using her teaching skills to support and inspire aspirational women, particularly those who share her Native American and Mexican lineage.

Jul 02, 202126:27
61: Success coach, writer and mentor, Steve Coombes

61: Success coach, writer and mentor, Steve Coombes

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Steve Coombes, a speaker, writer and mentor known as the ‘Solopreneur’ Success Coach.

Growing up, Steve’s parents taught him the value of hard work. It was this entrepreneurial mindset that left him dissatisfied with his corporate job and itching for something more. After a number of businesses failed, he received the opportunity to become a copywriter. It was unexpected, but enjoyable, and Steve began to write on the side as he continued his regular job.

Nothing changed. Steve explains that he was ‘reading the promotional emails and dreaming big, but not taking the action to make it happen.’ He still hadn’t gone all-in. When he was presented with a chance to write full-time, Steve knew that he couldn’t pass it up. The timing would prove to be important.

Eighteen months later, Steve was laid off from his IT position. It was no longer a ‘maybe this could work.’ It had to work. Gradually, it did and Steve built a six-figure business. Then, his mother-in-law went to the hospital and a week-long trip turned into six months.

For Steve, that highlighted exactly why he wanted to become an entrepreneur. The flexibility that his job provided gave him the opportunity to be with his family during a difficult time. Steve decided that he wanted to help as many people as possible find this freedom.

As a business owner, it is easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what you’re doing, or why you’re doing it. It took a heartbreaking comment from Steve’s son for him to realize exactly what this meant. By planning in ‘sprint periods,’ compressing time and prioritizing rest, an entrepreneur can break the cycle of guilt that they sometimes feel.

Steve credits his success to three main things – his reason ‘why,’ a strong vehicle and putting in the work. He encourages others to find what fulfills them and make a difference in the world.

Jun 29, 202126:09
59: Mister Productivity, Mark Struczewski

59: Mister Productivity, Mark Struczewski

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Mark Struczewski, a productivity expert who works with entrepreneurs to overcome distractions in order to avoid being overwhelmed.

When Mark was fired, he was angry and unsure of what to do next. It was 2005. Social media was on the upswing and entrepreneurship was still coming into its own. With little experience, Mark decided to start a wedding photography business. The venture failed, but Mark learned something valuable about himself – he loved public speaking. Not only that, but speaking could be used to promote a business.

This was a pivotal moment in Mark’s life. He thought that entrepreneurship was just about hiring coaches and taking courses. Now, he had something to call his own. Mark created an email list. In time, an empire was born.

One of the ways that entrepreneurs go wrong is they spread themselves too thin, losing focus and moving on to the newest platform. Instead of sticking to a blue ocean where the market is open, they flock to a red one and become one of many voices. Clients should never be directed to a social media page. Instead, they should be sent to YOU where the messaging is something you control.

It took Mark a while to learn this lesson. Had he not lost focus, he believes that his email list would be even larger. Mark also had to learn to let go. When he ‘came to his senses’ and allowed his wife to help behind the scenes, it freed him up to be a better content creator.

Success doesn’t mean that you plan every moment of your life. Becoming ‘Mister Productivity’ meant that Mark made the decision to remove distractions and take care of himself physically and mentally.

He encourages others to quit wasting time. Read instead, and learn as much as you can about the world. A better read person asks better questions, and better questions lead to better results.

Jun 15, 202124:01
60: Performance and mindset coach, Geoff Nicholson

60: Performance and mindset coach, Geoff Nicholson

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Geoff Nicholson, a performance and mindset coach who overcame a significant health struggle to become a successful entrepreneur.

At age 16, Geoff left school to join the workforce. After bouncing around, he found himself at his future father-in-law’s printing company. It was there he began to see success, as well as an increasing confidence in himself. But things came crashing down.

An untimely illness left him wheelchair-bound and sleeping 20 hours a day. As a young father, he couldn’t imagine becoming a burden to his wife and son. Geoff left the house with the intention to commit suicide. Then, something changed.

It all began with a question – how could he get his life back to the way it was? Geoff realized that he didn’t want that. He wanted it to be better. That’s why he committed to improving himself and helping others. To change, Geoff began to define his life with four unique qualities- fun, freedom, flexibility and service. Like Bob Parr in The Incredibles, he made the decision to reject mediocrity. Support others in a proactive way. Reject limitations and plan for the success he wanted to see.

Geoff refers to the four main parts of this plan as the ‘HITS.’ The first, health, is essential to any type of life. If your body and mind are not right, it is almost impossible to accomplish what you set out to do. The second, income, is a reality of business. Factors such as debt and savings must always be considered. The third, tribe, is also important. These are the people who are not just associates, but cheerleaders. They are constant companions and supporters of what you do.

Finally, self, is crucial to the way you interact with your business and those around you. While self-development is a lifelong pursuit, Geoff believes that this, perhaps more than anything, matters.

Jun 15, 202122:35
58: Jason Van Orden, Monetizing your Intellectual Equity

58: Jason Van Orden, Monetizing your Intellectual Equity

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Jason Van Orden, a serial entrepreneur, podcast pioneer and consultant who seeks to help thought leaders monetize their ‘intellectual equity’ by expanding their audience and creating new revenue streams.

Jason’s entry into entrepreneurship was surprisingly organic. He never had a lemonade stand, or grew up planning to work for himself. It just happened. While his first job out of college seemed like a dream come true, he found that a corporate job is just that. He quit with nothing in mind.

Due to his interest in investing, real estate seemed like a natural step. Jason quickly got involved with his local association and began to use his marketing skills to help colleagues find more buyers. As interest increased in his services, Jason decided to offer a class. He recorded it for future use.

Jason researched other forms of promotion and stumbled upon podcasting. With a background in engineering, as well as a desire to teach, it seemed like the perfect fit. Jason dove in headfirst and created a business podcast which quickly grew into a full-fledged coaching practice, then a digital course. Looking back, Jason can see these events as breadcrumbs to where he is now. To succeed, he had to embrace each challenge and have confidence in himself.

One of the things Jason learned is that an entrepreneur must figure out what audience they want to serve. Once they know that, they can figure out what’s top of mind for their audience, and find a way to solve their problem. This can only be done through honest conversation.

Productivity comes in many forms. Activities like meditation and journaling can help you ‘step back’ from your work and see it in a new light. As he looks to the future, Jason plans to keep these practices in mind and create the ‘Spotify of ideas’ to help people find others who can solve their problems.

May 22, 202128:15
57: Behavioral optometrist, Dr. Kimberley Linert

57: Behavioral optometrist, Dr. Kimberley Linert

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Dr. Kimberley Linert, a behavioral optometrist and host of the Incredible Life Creator Podcast. As a child, Dr. Linert had an aunt who was a doctor. This provided an inspiration for a career in optometry – the best fit for someone who wasn’t a fan of blood.

During her pediatric therapy rotation, Dr. Linert worked with a 9-year old boy who was doing poorly in school. After implementing a series of vision-brain exercises, she discovered that the problem stemmed from the child’s inability to read and the pushback he received from his classmates. As he progressed, the child began to smile and enjoy their sessions together. It helped Dr. Linert see the power of therapy, as well as the importance of what she did.

Then an untimely divorce and a family emergency led Dr. Linert to reevaluate her career. She realized that she was working too much and needed to adjust her priorities. In response, Dr. Linert rearranged her schedule and left more time for rest and family. That enabled her to better serve herself and her clients.

Dr. Linert’s purpose never changed, but the practical application of her passion did. For many, life does not have a simple trajectory. There will always be challenges. It’s what you do with those obstacles that show who you are.

As someone who has dedicated her life to ‘vision,’ Dr. Linert encourages everyone to ‘see’ their problems from a different perspective. What are the choices? Which direction is the most beneficial to pursue? Feelings will always change, but it’s important to say focused on what matters. Dr. Linert describes this process as being a ‘fish out of water.’

Unfortunately, stress can derail the most well-intentioned pursuit. By staying in tune with your peripheral and central vision, you can return to a relaxed state and become who you were meant to be.

May 07, 202119:22
56: Digital Marketing Expert, Melanie Galioto

56: Digital Marketing Expert, Melanie Galioto

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Daniel speaks with Melanie Galioto, a digital marketing consultant and creator of the ‘Slacker Success Formula.’ After a brief career in sales, Melanie quickly realized that she wanted something more. As she began to experiment with automation, she discovered that she loved the entire process. Unexpectedly, a new career was born.

One of the ways that Melanie helps a business is to get the owner to step back and focus on their expertise. Business owners don’t have the time to fix broken links and deal with an ever-changing platform.  In a vigorous cycle of planting seeds, prospecting and pushing forward, digital marketing makes sure a sales pipeline never runs dry.

Lead generation is key. When the pandemic hit, the business model for many industries changed overnight. Some companies got better. Others grew paralyzed and failed. A competent e-commerce platform is essential to survival. Model what works. Follow the social proof and work hard. Everyone is in this together, and a strategic partnership is a win for everyone involved.

The biggest challenge is finding the right people. An employee’s goals must be similar to that of the employer’s. The goal should also be clear. Once it’s set, all of the focus needs to be in that direction.

Melanie warns against ‘shiny object syndrome.’ When solving a problem, it’s easy to see another problem and then lose track of your original purpose. Hire an expert, if necessary, and get as much information as you can about the field you are entering. It’s not always enough to just work hard. Work smarter and embrace the ‘slacker’ lifestyle.

May 07, 202125:03
55: Marketing Communications Specialist, and Virtual Event Technologist and Producer, Sharyn Fitzpatrick

55: Marketing Communications Specialist, and Virtual Event Technologist and Producer, Sharyn Fitzpatrick

In this episode of The All-In Podcast, Sharyn Fitzpatrick shares both insights she’s gained, and challenges she’s faced, throughout her career in marketing communications and virtual event technology. Desiring to spend more time at home with her family, and focus more on projects that she really believed in, Sharyn started her own business in 2000 doing independent marketing communications, and building programs for leads generation, for a variety of clients. She now has a large focus on webinar development and how to transform clients’ virtual events/webinar programs into memorable events.

One of the biggest lessons that Sharyn has learned through running her own business is that it can often be easier to focus on helping your clients and doing things that will benefit them, rather than remembering to turn that focus around onto your own ventures and doing things that will benefit you personally as well. She stresses the importance of marketing and promoting yourself, and taking the steps required to grow yourself into success, in addition to doing those things for your company or your clients at work.

Daniel and Sharyn also discuss some of the challenges that many people are facing in today’s pandemic world, and how the technical advancements of the last 10 years have made it possible to still stay connected and keep a business running successfully even through these dark times. They both agree on the importance of staying connected with other people, either on an individual level with family/friends, or by being involved in groups or organizations of like-minded people, in order to stay motivated and energized.

May 07, 202118:28
54: Founder and CEO of Green ConnectionsTM, and Career Coach, Joan Michelson

54: Founder and CEO of Green ConnectionsTM, and Career Coach, Joan Michelson

In this episode of the All In podcast, Joan Michelson shares wisdom that she’s gained throughout her long and varied career, which has gone back and forth between corporate communications and journalism for the most part, but has been focused in the “green” economy (energy, sustainability, climate, corporate responsibility) for the last 15 years. Joan currently works mostly on career coaching about transitions; both transitions within a career, as well as helping clients with transitioning out of the workforce and into starting their own business. She also does book coaching, helping clients get started with writing books about their areas of expertise.

In her current career coaching endeavours, Joan focuses mainly on mid-career women, particularly in STEM fields (and especially women who are also in the energy/climate/sustainability sector.) Joan is striving to make an impact in the business world by making more space for women to be successful - for example, at her position at Chrysler in the past, she actively worked to get female dealers featured and frequently ran campaigns about female drivers, as women car-buyers were often being ignored.

Joan shares her idea of a “career GPS” and how one can use this idea when planning out ideal career moves by looking broadly at where you want to go, but honoring the tangents that arise. Joan and Daniel discuss the dangers of making career moves based on assumptions; she advises listeners to assess the reasons behind the assumptions they are making and try to figure out why they are doing the things they believe they need to be doing, and not to let themselves get blinded to other possibilities.

May 07, 202122:56
53: Colin Morgan, Entrepreneur and Host of the Daily Grind Podcast

53: Colin Morgan, Entrepreneur and Host of the Daily Grind Podcast

In this episode of All-In, Daniel’s guest shares the many ways in which golf (or any serious athletic pursuit) can provide a great metaphor for aspiring entrepreneurs. A former pro, Colin Morgan has traded his career in sports to become a popular podcaster, but it wasn’t a move that came without challenges. For one thing, prior to stepping away from golf, his life had been on a narrowly successful trajectory. Floundering was something entirely new for him. Colin has not found his way as a young businessman without failing and failing again. Fortunately, with the help of some perspective from his dad, Colin understood that it was all time well invested – because a significant investment of time is the defining key to long-term success. Today the Canadian host of the “Daily Grind” podcast has a clearly articulated lifestyle vision that aligns equally with his entrepreneurial vision. Listen as Daniel elicits great advice and very specific steps for developing a foothold of the kind Colin has established, using his podcast with more than 3 million downloads as a vehicle to generate revenue and make a positive impact.

Apr 03, 202127:21