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By Daniel Gustin

You do not need a PhD to be considered smart. Use your life experiences to always move your Forward through life! This podcast will be based on things that have inspired me Forward to my goals.
Currently playing episode

Unlock Your Superpower

ForwardSep 10, 2021

Challenge Time. Quit saying I so much.

Challenge Time. Quit saying I so much.

In this episode, I share facts on why you should not use the word "I" as much in daily conversations. No one wants to sounds insecure or in pain, but what we say in our daily speech might actually give the vibe that we are those such traits. Take a listen and hear for yourself.

Dec 20, 202106:54
Unlock Your Superpower

Unlock Your Superpower

Learning to not care what others' think will help you become a better and healthier version. We had the gift once to not be consumed, and we need to rediscover the tool. I give a short list of how and why you must unlock your superpower in this episode.

Sep 10, 202109:52
Attack the Day, Don't Let the Day Attack You!!

Attack the Day, Don't Let the Day Attack You!!

I give steps to help you gain the offensive in life and to not let life run you over. Attacking the day is more simple than you might think. Learn how to be on offensive with peace instead of always being on defensive filled with stress.

Aug 15, 202115:21
Sense of Touch (Feelings)

Sense of Touch (Feelings)

Quit living life through the entertainment of a visual aid. Go out and feel and experience life with the sense of touch. In doing so, your sense of touch can help you overcome any internal feelings.

May 19, 202109:43
Live for Today's Truths, not Tomorrow's Promises

Live for Today's Truths, not Tomorrow's Promises

Do not live for something that may or may not happen. Rather, live for what you know will happen today. Stay in the present without wishing the time away.

Mar 29, 202108:19
The Power of Saying No

The Power of Saying No

We all fall into the trap of saying "Yes" to everything and everyone, however those "yeses" are shallow and juvenile. When we learn to say "No," we show signs of growth to put away things that can harm us. Learn why you should say "No" for the sake of freedom and maturity.

Feb 16, 202111:58
Focus on the Results and not the Restrictions!

Focus on the Results and not the Restrictions!

Life will always throw obstacles at us from every direction. Our minds want to dwell on the negative problems, however a mental shift towards refocusing on the results and gains will allow us to live with purpose and more opportunities. 

Jan 21, 202112:24
Who is writing your histroy?

Who is writing your histroy?

I use two notorious examples of the importance of why you must be in charge of your own life to ensure the legacy that you leave is written by you. Do not let life or circumstances write your story but be in charge of your life!

Dec 23, 202011:23
What has 2020 given you?

What has 2020 given you?

Instead of seeing everything that this wild year has taken from you, I hope this episode encourages you to reflect and see what the hidden blessings that year has given you.

Dec 07, 202009:43
Remove the Mask!!

Remove the Mask!!

I am not talking about a mask that keeps us safe from the coronavirus, but the mask of selfishness that destroys us. Masks blocks our view from others and ourselves.

Aug 23, 202009:39
Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive!

Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive!

Life is not fair and has left many people damaged. Those wounds are experiences that will help you take on any challenge. This episode we take a look an a famous historical figure, we had self-inflicted damage but rose far beyond what people thought possible. You have the same potential to rise up.

Jul 18, 202010:14
Don't Change the Cycle, Change the Linear!

Don't Change the Cycle, Change the Linear!

Our negative past will be a guiding force if we do not change our way of life and thinking. I use an example of what being in the cycle looks like and the person realizes it and eventually jumps out of a boat into open water so his life changes into the linear for a brighter future. Don't be stuck in a circle with no escape, when you can move forward in the freedom of the linear.

Jul 06, 202014:14
Are you a Starter or a Finisher?

Are you a Starter or a Finisher?

To many of us are either a starter with dreams but have unfinished projects lying around or are finishers, who are great at accomplishing a goal but are to scared to start because of fear. This episodes describes what it means to be a starter or a finisher in life and why we need to learn to become what we are not to move Forward.

Jun 07, 202015:19


This show talks about the spiritual and mental benefits to breathing. Breathing does more than just fill our lungs full of air.

May 29, 202007:14
Be Kind, not Nice!

Be Kind, not Nice!

We have been taught at an early age to be nice to others but being nice is not genuine. We need to be kind! Check out this great example of kindness and see the difference why we should be kind and not nice.

May 17, 202007:04
It's In The Details

It's In The Details

Life is like home projects that the little details can be overlooked and determine the quality of your character. Take a few moments and see where your life needs attention for yourself and the community around you!

May 10, 202007:41
Final for Technology in Classroom

Final for Technology in Classroom

I recorded a podcast to share what resources I found valuable in creating a modern classroom. I do not want to be a teacher that bores my students but engages them into wanting to learn. The internet is filled with awesome tools that I preview and plan on using when I teach.

May 09, 202007:54
Painting a House:Try Something New!

Painting a House:Try Something New!

When was the last time you tried something new and challenging? Two years ago, my wife wanted to change the colors of our exterior color on our two-story home. I finally took the challenge on and learned a skill and gained an accomplishment. I believe you can do anything you want to if you just try with a little research!!

Apr 17, 202008:32
Pandemic: It's a Season, not a Crisis!

Pandemic: It's a Season, not a Crisis!

The world is in a state of panic and rightfully so, because of the unknown of Covid-19. This podcast walks through pandemics that struck the world throughout history. At the end, I layout a few lessons that can be learned at looking at pandemics at a 30,000 foot view.

Apr 16, 202013:40
How to Find Motivation

How to Find Motivation

In the podcast Change the Narrative by Michael Hernandez, he interviews Dan Ryder and asks the question, "How do you find inspiration?" I gave a synopsis of what I learned and took away from this great podcast. I hope your enjoy it as much as I did. Forward to better things!!

Apr 16, 202006:11
Conquering Fear

Conquering Fear

For a school project, I was challenged to listen to the podcast Change the Narrative by Michael Hernandez titled "What are You Afraid Of?" He interviews Sabba Quidwai, and they talk about fear and how to try new things. I give a cliff note summary and takeaways from things that I found valuable and encouraging that is going to move me forward in my life.

Apr 16, 202009:51


Welcome to Forward!! This podcast introduces you to where we are moving towards as a group to a better you, me, and us. Lets move Forward in life.

Apr 16, 202002:21