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GRACE PLACE (a Songwriter’s Devotional)

GRACE PLACE (a Songwriter’s Devotional)

By Daniel

Hi Saints 😇, I’m Daniel, a Gospel Song Writer. Don’t ask me if I have a good singing voice 😉. The Channel is about the unheard songs of the Holy Spirit. The team and I use the Podcast platform daily to Glorify God through prayer, the Word and Fresh unrecorded Heavenly Songs. We also tie-in current events to the Bible prophesies of the end times, believing that we do live in the last age of the last days. This way, we reach more people & tell them of that Man Jesus 😀 Reach me on or +2348160847001, call or WhatsApp and please, Subscribe. Thank you 🙏. God bless you.
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A Blessed Sunday

GRACE PLACE (a Songwriter’s Devotional)Mar 14, 2021

Prayer Constantly Moves Mountains

Prayer Constantly Moves Mountains

Oh yes it does. As we meet that Goliath on our daily walk with THE LORD, we ought not fret cause our uncarnal weapon of warfare will see us through to the other side, victorious.
Jul 03, 202307:20
Billy is in Nigeria

Billy is in Nigeria

While world leaders are over there in France with Tedros of WHO for the something something pact, Billy is in Nigeria making $7B available for across board immunisations. I heard them speak of a malaria vaccine. My mind tells me the GMO mosquitoes will carry the shots. We cover up with THE BLOOD OF JESUS
Jun 24, 202307:04
No wonder I failed

No wonder I failed

Someone said, if you spend 18 minutes of everyday at a particular task, you'll be better than 95% of the people doing that same with you. The power of consistency. But that was not me. Procrastinating, quieting The Still Small Voice, making up excuses, blaming unproductivity on other indulgences, feeling unsupported, being overwhelmed and faint-hearted, thinking I've tried and settling for less, has resulted in my inconsistencies. It is true we wrestle not against flesh and blood but by The Spirit and a determination to win that Crown, we will succeed. Hallelujah.
Jun 23, 202311:25
Links to Revelations
Dec 01, 202206:00


The King Reigns and forever He will reign. The Kings of the earth have ganged up against Him and you can agree they have made 'giant' strides. But giants can't swim neither are they fireproof. We have the front row seat, let's watch.
Aug 12, 202209:38


Father's are appalling? Really? Whoever started such a smear campaign misfired. I think the role of a father is a very unique one, maybe because I was raised by one of the best of them all or because my Father in Heaven is hot. Cancel culture is slowly gaining against fathers in a vicious 'toxic masculinity' attack under the slippery guise of feminism. Watch out Saints so that our innocent and long overdue drive for more women inclusion will not be hijacked and rerouted into fighting against the structures of God
Aug 10, 202212:49
More Than We Know

More Than We Know

Sunday the 5th of June, 2022, was a tragic day for Christians all over the world. Our prayers go out to the families of those massacred at St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo, Ondo State. Islamic extremists are fingered to have been responsible for the onslaught. Nigeria needs your prayers, pray for us.
Jun 07, 202214:46
The Psalms are more than Songs

The Psalms are more than Songs

It's the beautiful 3rd day of June and we're on to something awesome. Reading Psalms with curiosity and relevance has doors we never knew existed flung wide open to reveal deep truths about the time of the end that we currently live in. Share space with us as we enjoy Psalm 48. Thank You Jesus
Jun 03, 202214:26
Pop Eyes

Pop Eyes

We should know. We owe it to those that don’t have access to information to go further and source for ‘beyond the mainstream’ content so we can bring them closer to the truth. What do you think?
Jan 02, 202207:51
Kick off 2022

Kick off 2022

Oh we made it. I’m pleased it turned out this good. I’ve seen joy and I’m certain it’ll last the span of 2022. Hallelujah, Amen. Praise He The Lord
Jan 01, 202205:21
Don’t force it into Me

Don’t force it into Me

You can roll in the guillotines, set up the torture chamber, tie me to a stake and blaze it, drag my ish on the streets till it all tears off and apart, hang me upside down and amuse yourselves at my face changing colour. Do all you can to an anti-vaxxer but don’t force the mark into me.
Nov 25, 202111:32


Give more details about God to your listeners and be ready to tell them every other thing they need to know about your faith. For me, I’m always looking out for opportunities to cease. Sample your conviction.
Sep 06, 202110:42


I exploded on top the matter. And here I was thinking that I’m perfected in love and temperance. I have a long way to go. The Reverend will be more cautious when approaching people next time. But I was wrong, I shouldn’t have barked at him the way I did. The thing that makes me feel like a betrayer is that I’m still happy I gave it to the man the way I did. Daddy please help me get rid of what I’m not 💯 sure I want to leave before it leaves me out of Your plan for me, Amen.
Aug 26, 202108:30
Congregate with The Spirit

Congregate with The Spirit

Soon our churches will be only for the vaccinated so surely, Wagun won’t be going. Learn how to congregate with the host of heaven cause two or three never stood for people but for entities. With this Approval by the FDA god the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines, Ish has just hit the fan for the vaccine hesitant like me. And I’ll always be me. Thank you. 🙏
Aug 25, 202110:54
New Covenant Church Teenagers’ Camp Anthem

New Covenant Church Teenagers’ Camp Anthem

SamSax this is for you to add the Sax instrumental and link up with another camp attendee, maybe the lady that led choruses & worship. You have less than 48hrs to put something really beautiful together and we’ll take it up from there. God be with you SamSax.
Aug 25, 202102:01
I’m unprofitable

I’m unprofitable

Thank You Jesus

Stay Humble but connect to The Most High

Luke 17:7-10.
7. But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when He is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat?
8. And will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
9. Doth He thank that servant because He did the things that were commanded him? I trow not.
10. So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

We’re humble.

Thank You Jesus
Aug 24, 202109:14
Scripture is explaining itself

Scripture is explaining itself

With prophetic events overlapping each other on a daily basis, the Bible is explaining itself. The Spirit is needed to teach and He is available to anyone that truly desires to be taught of Him. In the last days I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh God says. So Teacher is here, just engage Him
Aug 22, 202109:09
I Failed Successfully. But I’ll Try Again?

I Failed Successfully. But I’ll Try Again?

Bless The Name of Lord. Spent my day off course today doing everything except Kingdom work. What a shame. I was all bent over few days ago telling God all He needs to do is speak the Word and I’ll obey. Fast forward to few days after, today, He gave me clear instructions on what I was to do today but I failed to do it. 😞😭. Dad please I’m sorry. Please be merciful unto me and teach me diligence Father in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Aug 21, 202110:06
Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

Thank You Jesus

You think God is wicked right?
Your ability to even think is a sign that He cares for you.
I believe It’ll take God so much, and I mean so much to finally decide to destroy this earth.
And that so much is coming from your torture and maybe, death.
Wait a season until them that will be killed as you are are come in. Rev.6:11.
It took Him so much to destroy Sodom, those Angels were harassed by the Sodomites who wanted to Gomorrah them. 😂.
The Bible is full of stories upon stories of God’s hesitance to destroy a people.

Not that He lacks the power to quench it in a split second, not that, because He eventually will destroy but the will power to go on ahead and do it is what we’re talking about here.

So it’s wise to ask ourselves, “what will it then take God to finally sum up the courage to destroy this world?”

It’s you. The Great Tribulation is ‘the last straw that will break the camel’s back’.

Jesus has already told us that a time like the GT has never happened before and will never happen again so Saints, like the Boys Scouts say, “Be Prepared”.
Aug 19, 202112:21


This one is tough🤔. What I Received through Discernment concerning the 144,000 Elects. Praise The Lord for another opportunity to reveal Him to us which I myself I’m a beneficiary. God told me “do not learn Me, reveal Me”. So let’s get revealing. The Great Tribulation (GT) will have all those that refused to take the mark of the beast fully participating in it. Some will be in for medical reasons and all other canal excuses/skepticisms, Matt. 22:11&12, while we will be there for the Word of God and the testimony we hold. Note: that’s why necessity is laid on us to keep preaching and WARNING for the time comes when no man can work again. John 9:4. The sealing of the 144,000 is strategically positioned between two great events: 1. The end of the Great Tribulation and 2. The Beginning of the wrath of our God Rev.7:2-4. Saints that died during the Great Tribulation (GT) will be immediately added to the constantly growing number of White robe wearing payback seeking Saints standing under the alter waiting and resting gladly for the fullness of their fellow Martyrs to be brought in. Rev.6:9-11. But there will be some that will survive it and these are the 144,000 Elects. WOW. Rev.7:2-8. The Wrath, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls, replaces the GT and the Great Tribulation Champions, those that died during the GT, after the event of the sealing of the 144,000 became more exceedingly happy and with their white robes and palms in their hands, cried with a loud voice saying “Salvation to our God which sits upon the throne and unto The Lamb”. Rev.7:9-10. Why? Why declare that now and not earlier or later? Because the sealing of the 144,000 Israelites with the Seal of God in their foreheads means that death has been conquered for all the survivors (144,000) and salvation is sure for them and even though they’ll be around for the wrath, they will be protected by the Seal, Hallelujah. If they were not going to be around, why seal them? They 144,000 sealed are not among the Saints in White robes and palms Rev.7:9. Those came out of the GT as described by one of the Twenty four Elders, Rev.7:13-14, and are the fullness of the Martyrs. To show this, they receive palms to go with their white robes. The 144,000 are the Saints that’ll be alive for the Second Coming. They are the only group of creation that will never taste of death, first and second. They are the ones that will be divinely shielded and their location during that tough time is seen in Matt.24:30-31 below. 30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Have you noticed how Jesus calls them ”His Elect” They will be gathered from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Where else did we hear the four winds of the earth?🤔 From Rev. 7:1-4, The Angels that sealed the 144,000 kept them in their care in the four winds of the earth where they operated from and when the time for gathering came, that’s where they gathered them from. Hallelujah. With the composition of the 144,000 Elects, two things are possible: 1. Either the Israel here consists of born again gentiles which of course will make this number a symbolic one representing perfection/ perfect sample or 2. This is the number of the actual nationals from Israel that made it leaving room for born again gentiles whose figure is not mentioned but included in the category. Rev. 7:4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Aug 18, 202117:32
He that Letteth, continue

He that Letteth, continue

Thank YOU JESUS (This is an important one). 2 Thess: 2:1-8. 1. Deception = Pre-Tribulation Rapture teaching/belief. 2. Falling Away(no remedy/no solution/abomination of desolation/666) = vaccinated Christians. 3. Man of sin revealed = popping out to show himself as the one in the vaccines that contains Luciferase and peptides found in serpents & scorpions, controlling the thoughts & deeds(nanotech) of those marked by his pharmakeia. Remember Luke10:19? 4. Sits in the temple of God = succeeds in dwelling in believers that were once holy but now completely desolate and irredeemable. 5. Remember I told you these things = Paul had been warning them of this cause he perceived that the father of all lies will slither in and try to deceive them into misery or having a false hope(pre-trib. escape). 6. He that letteth until he be taken away = a complete roundup of the deceived believers and others who have received the shots/multiple doses of it and become fully non human. They let him have his way blindly until they are “taken away” by him, 4th horseman death with hell following behind, then he shows up when it’s too late for them. 7. Whom The Lord shall destroy by the Brightness of His Coming, Hallelujah = The Second Coming of our Saviour to redeem us His faithful ones. I think this is it. What does the Spirit of God tell you? God bless you Beloved. Thank You Jesus
Aug 17, 202121:09
His spirit dwells in Them

His spirit dwells in Them

In hindsight, John forewarned us in his epistles that the spirit of the anti Christ is already at work. It’s largely a spirit of deception and like the serpent’s venom, it is very potent. Have you been bitten? Shake off the beast into the fire and gird your waist with the gospel of Truth. No more time to play around fables.
Jul 31, 202107:54
One under God

One under God

Thank You Jesus

There’s a saying that Prophet Daniel’s 70 weeks indicates a 69week period for the gentiles and a one week(7years) period for all the Jews to be saved.

My Bible doesn’t support this and here is why.

The scripture tells us that there is no difference between Jew and Gentile and that the apocalyptic fate of the Jews is identical to that of the Barbarian. Come and see.

1. Acts 15:8-11.
2. Romans 1:6-7; 2:26-27; 10:12.
3. Gal. 3:26-29.
4. Eph. 2.11-22.
5. Col. 3:9-11.

So now you ask, “What is the profit of the Jew?” The gain of the Jew is that they received salvation first, Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8, Matt. 10:5-6.

There got it first and then the uttermost parts of the earth followed suit but we’re all one in Christ.

When He returns, He’s coming for Faithful Believers and anyone not taken is condemned for eternity be he from Tel Aviv or Antananarivo.
We’re keep marching.
Jul 30, 202121:49
With God it is Possible

With God it is Possible

Lord, who then can be saved? They asked. Jesus responded “with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible.” Nothing sounds normal anymore coming from everything mainstream and they are closing in on us by enacting laws to criminalise us. It’s all good. The prison will soon be our home Christian, prepare and carry with you an extra container of oil so as to keep your lamp burning cause I have mine and it is burning burning, Hallelujah.
Jul 29, 202110:35
Martyr William Tyndale

Martyr William Tyndale

Someone had to do it. Someone had to have it translated from Latin into English and William Tyndale was that man for the job. The burden to get the Gospel to the commoners of England was so heavy on him that he couldn’t but let go of his own safety and let God have his way. Guess who wanted to hide the Gospel from the people? You’re guess is right, the Church. We will experience a lot of pushbacks as we lunch out to let Believers know that we should be prepared for the sword. Tyndale was strangled by his executioner just before being burned at the stake. Death, torture or neglect cannot deter us from fulfilling our destiny or would it? The Church loves the world but we’ll change all that by His Grace, Amen.
Jul 28, 202106:30
See His Face?

See His Face?

I was shell shocked when I found out that in Rev 22;4a, that God has promised us that we will see His Face. I always thought that death succeeded such action. I’m so excited Beloved and I believe you should be too. Join us as we express our joy in tonight’s episode. God bless you real good.
Jul 27, 202108:55
One Topic Only

One Topic Only

The message will not change. When I’m hot or cold, when I’m strong or weak, when I’m applauded or scorned, when I’m awarded or pelted with stones, when I’m encouraged or persecuted, it will never ever change. And that message is that Jesus is returning as King to topple the kingdom of the anti Christ after he has overcome the people of the Saints in the Great Tribulation and The Lord will gather us, His Faithful Ones(dead and living), from all the ends of the earth to reign with Him a thousand years. The others will be experiencing the wrath of God as contained in the 7th Seal until the devil has been released from the bottomless pit and he’ll go out to deceive them that will remain whose number will be like the sand of the sea. There is no second chances friends, you miss it you miss out. The anti Christ is here, refuse his mark, number and worship God alone. I love you.
Jul 26, 202118:39
It’s Simply Complex

It’s Simply Complex

It’s not what it seems. It will never be. Bottomline is that the Church will regain its strength if it rises up to the realisation that it has been infiltrated by a lie for so long. Join us as we subsequently analyse the chronology of events as stipulated by the book of Revelation and other relevant scriptural texts. God bless you richly, Amen.
Jul 25, 202107:24
Stay Beautiful

Stay Beautiful

It’s no more a choice is it? When your encouragement plugs are nowhere to be found when you need them most, honey stay beautiful. When it seems like you’re running out of time to perform what God has laid in your heart to do, dear stay beautiful. He’s bringing your Aaron to take you to your place of fulfillment but you have to stay inwardly Beautiful and the outward side of beauty won’t hurt if it gets a face lift itself 😉
Jul 24, 202107:42
Too close and comfortable

Too close and comfortable

Now that sounds like a real king to me
Jun 04, 202111:38
Israel Belongs to Jesus

Israel Belongs to Jesus

With the government touting a full reopening of the economy for both vaccinated and non vaccinated people we are delighted yet cautious so we don’t get fooled by the antics of the evil one. Pray for Israel.
May 30, 202114:00
It’s gotten to me

It’s gotten to me

The vaccinated are growing in number and I’m now directly affected
May 22, 202116:10


Back to the reality of the times we’re in. Still not vaccinated and never will be. What about you. But one thing is certain and that is that I love the Lord now more than I’ve ever loved Him before. Love you too. Please be kind to your vaccinated family and friends.
May 07, 202111:58
Let’s Spark Intimacy

Let’s Spark Intimacy

Thank You Jesus

Skipped libation sessions by custodians of deities attract penalties that must be meted out one way or the other.
Unethical or unprofessional behaviours at the workplace attracts queries that must be answered with substantial proof that the course of action taken, was the best option at that given time.
Why then do we brush off our mistakes against our God and fail to give Him the Honour due His Holy name?
Beloved it’s time for us to sit up and rekindle our love for our Father cause He yearns to go deeper with us and unravel mysteries that’ll be relevant to His Church in this last days.
Let’s spark intimacy.

Thank You Jesus
Mar 17, 202108:54
A Shocker of a Revelation
Mar 15, 202110:05
Joy (makeup episode Feb. 21)

Joy (makeup episode Feb. 21)

Joy should happen to each and everyone of us going through tough and difficult times. But for me my greatest Joy will be to look around on that day and see all my family members, all my friends, all my acquaintances, all my loved ones, all my exes and most importantly, all my enemies in Heaven. Oh what a day that’ll be and what a scenario that’ll pose. Take the money and give me the Souls any day and I’ll call it a fair trade. Disclaimer: the Souls are for Jesus Oh, not me per say Oh. 😆. I love you but Jesus loves you most.
Mar 15, 202109:37
A Blessed Sunday

A Blessed Sunday

Sundays are great days for the body of Christ. People argue that it has roots in pagan worship while others say it’s not the real Sabbath but Apostle Paul helped us clarify things in Col. 2:16-23 and it says “ 16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 18Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. 19They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
20Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: 21“Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? 22These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. 23Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.” Hallelujah. If you’re Church is locked down, Church at home and leg it come from the heart. God bless us all.
Mar 14, 202104:19
Let’s Arise and Build

Let’s Arise and Build

The Word of God is so sweet and so rich that in it is everything we need to live victoriously. Nehemiah did a great job and his legacy of building back the Walls and Gate of Jerusalem can’t be more suitable and applicable than now. This is the time for genuine Believers to Arise and Build the broken structures of The Kingdom of God in anticipation of His return even in the midst of mockers and naysayers. Don’t get it twisted, it’s a war. Nehemiah built with bricks and mortar in one hand and a sword in the other. When we rebuild, Believers will feel safe in Jesus and others will see the Glory of the city and come in to be a part of the Kingdom, Hallelujah. Receive strength and skill as we build the kingdom together, Amen.
Mar 13, 202111:07
China’s Global Vaccine Passport Lobby

China’s Global Vaccine Passport Lobby

Should you be worried? I think you know the answer to this. The WHO is at preset, being urged by China to allow the communist regime, take control of running the the Global C19 Vaccine Passport. This can only be great news for the mainstream media and their brainwashed subscribers but to all other informed and right thinking persons, this is a way of introducing military grade surveillance on the earth’s population and slipping in their social credit system where citizens are compensated for obeying the government and punished for deviant behaviors. The end is now. Put your house in order I repeat. God help is all.
Mar 12, 202108:38
Resist The Mind Control

Resist The Mind Control

Thank You Jesus Be careful what you wish for. It’s one of the talk back episodes that I think is worthy of a rehear considering how much of it is being shoved down our ears by the media, movies, Oprah, educational system, the government and the international organizations. This is the feminist and racial traditions that have resurfaced on our screens. Did the “me too” movement of few years back of which in the surface, I have no issues against cause I’m not a fan of molestation myself & “ the BLM’s george floyd” of last year not do enough damage to our society? Why bringing this all up again and getting the people agitated coupled with the vaccine riots? Do these people really want order coming out of chaos as their motto reads so that the lawless one will come out promising to bring peace? Please we need to know the devil is a master at subtlety and will stop at nothing until he gets the last one of his people trapped in trash but not us, cause we carry the mark of Christ, Amen. Thank You Jesus
Mar 11, 202113:19
She let me Down 🙁

She let me Down 🙁

She went in for the vacs today. I cried although I didn’t shed a tear but my heart bleed. Something keeps telling me that this vacs is a precursor to the mark of the beast that’s hurriedly Coming. Please, we need to learn how to draw strength from The Holy Ghost Alone and not from any other cause the one we look up to might one day yield to the pressure and go get the jab. Remember that what’s at stake is too high to brush aside, we need to let go of everything to stand for Jesus
Mar 10, 202109:52
Please Ridicule Me Again

Please Ridicule Me Again

New inclusions on my to-expect list for being a True Christian in 2021: shame, ridicule, torture, disgrace, cancellation, disdain, restraint, bullying, stripping, sack, excommunication, eviction, rejection, breakup, lockup, beat up, etc. Now do you still think loving Jesus is fun? Oh yes I always will stand by Him through it all. Watch out!
Mar 09, 202109:06
No More Slumber

No More Slumber

Thank You Jesus

Like I always say, I’m tired of being a cute little Christian minding my own business when I know that millions of Souls are perishing by the second.
Time to go out and win them. The world is wrapping up and we Christians are outright lazy.
In today’s passage, we see that they that win Souls shall shine like the stars and we seem not to like the idea of shining for eternity, we would rather shine for 20/40 years and burn for eternity.
Not me Oh, I’ll get into their faces to preach and warn them of what is coming, per adventure, they’ll have a change of heart and repent.
Imagine someone winning Bill Gates over to Christ.
Repent and wake up from thy slumber Beloved.

Thank You Jesus
Mar 08, 202109:32
Our President&Vice have been Jabbed

Our President&Vice have been Jabbed

Thank You Jesus

Our political, social, educational, economic leaders have all gone astray but it’s not as weighty as the reality that our religious leaders, Pastors of the Churches, have also gone their separate ways.
Nigeria applauded yesterday, 06-03-21, as our president, (Rtd.) Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and his vice, Pastor Yemi Osinbajo, rolled up their sleeves and took the Astra Zeneca shots to the applause of dignitaries.
In the evening, something strange then happened in the clouds and those who saw it that possess The Spirit of Discernment could immediately tell that the wrath of The Almighty was kindled against our nation.
We could only plead for Him to have Mercy and stay His Hand lest the faithful be consumed together with the erring.
And thanks goodness He did but just for a season.
Get yourself and your house in order, time is running out.
We have suffered too much in Africa, it’ll not be good for us to go and suffer again, this time for eternity, in hell.
Run from the vaccines I pray thee.

Thank You Jesus
Mar 07, 202108:18
CDC’s Zombie Invasion Toolkit

CDC’s Zombie Invasion Toolkit

Thank You Jesus

Where would we have been now without the precious CDC? Wait a minute, I think I know. We would have been fine, our Church seats would still be filled up, our parks would still resonate with the laughter of Children, our businesses would have still brought in it’s income and we would have been just fine, except for the poisonous school curriculum fed to our kids.
Now the CDC have posted on their website that we should prepare for a zombie apocalypse Incase Nostradamus’ prediction of a zombie invasion in 2021 takes place.
We are already living in a zombie occupied world where everything is accepted without question except the Gospel.
But vaccers, get ready to eat brains sooner than you would ever wish to cause the CDC that gave you the vacs have a zombie invasion tool kit for you and it’s up on their website now.
Place your orders and have fun zombies.

Thank You Jesus
Mar 06, 202110:55
I See Beautiful Feet

I See Beautiful Feet

Thank You Jesus

Gone are the days when it was just ok to be a Christian. A faithful, Jesus sharing Christian was once the envy of the town and everyone spoke well of them and wanted to model their lives after them.
The Pastor didn’t need to say to “hey Believer, share your faith with others” because necessity was laid upon them to witness to the lost.
Now those were Beautiful Feet.
Fast forward to 2021. Dare you make mention of Jesus in this world of science and fact and you stand a clear chance of being beaten to a pulp as a conspiracy theorist.
But this also presents us with an opportunity of maximising our take home because the harder the conditions, the better the reward.
Let’s disregard our lives and status and launch out fully through any means possible, to ensure that we bring in the Harvest before it’s too late.
May God Strengthen us all, Amen.

Thank You Jesus
Mar 05, 202108:07
False Positive Again?

False Positive Again?

First it was false +HIV, now it’s false positive breast cancer results for women that went in for their mammogram after receiving the C19 vaccines. They say that swollen lymph nodes are a common side effect to the shots and will disappear in just about a matter of weeks. Who knows, maybe next will be false positive for the mark of the little beast but will it disappear after a couple of weeks too? hell no, excuse my French, but that won’t be going nowhere and the only thing that’s gonna disappear is the receiver’s name from the record of humanity. That I can assure you. Please do not take the shots.
Mar 04, 202109:33
Working on my Worst fears

Working on my Worst fears

My friend Philomo knows I’m a C19 vaccine warner so after the arrival of 3.94m doses of the eternal life stripper shots in Nigeria, he sent me this message, “get ready to be vaccinated Bro, The Lord is your strength.” When I’m done posting today’s episode, I’ll reply him “for A, you’re wrong, I’m not that dumb and for B, yes, the Lord is surely and forever will be my Strength. Who is your strength Beloved?
Mar 03, 202112:18
A Red Carpet for the Doses

A Red Carpet for the Doses

Tongues are mean weapons to use when fighting battles you know are complex. There’s never been a battle like the one against these vacs & discerning Christians will yet stop at nothing until they pray it aground or die refusing it. You need to see the VIP treatment given to the mark of the little beast aka vaccines when they were flown in by emirates airline into Nigeria earlier today. Are these people really that ignorant or is it that the governments of this world are all in on the anti Christ takeover agenda? Well, which ever way, we win if we refuse to deny Christ
Mar 02, 202106:12
Our God has Lifted Us

Our God has Lifted Us

Our God has lifted us, He has saved our Souls from sin&death. In this first day of the month of March, we march out of discouragement and despair into surplus and overflow. We will lend to even nations and will not borrow. Where it seems like our supplies are leaning out, Ravens will come visiting with replenishing stock just like they did for Prophet Elijah. These are the days of God’s power and we are courageous enough to walk in its manifestation. Your stories will be different only because you love the Lord so please, tell others about Jesus and also share your possessions with them. God bless us all and Happy New Month.
Mar 01, 202106:18