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By Darla Delayne

For powerhouse business owners who want consistent skyrocketing growth without working harder! Find the mindset, foundation, structures and systems for time, energy, and resources to build and grow a legacy business.
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Outcome Focused

SHE'S C.E.O.Mar 15, 2024



When you expect something there's a level of knowing that accompanies that thought.
This is the step in the decision to allowing process that can move ahead your desire or slow it down. If you know it then you aren't in the way.
Putting meanings on an expectation can also effect the outcome. Depending on your belief system it can slow you down or send you on a wild goose chase away from what you want.
And when working with a team in your business, your processes around expectations will determine how the whole team works.
Listen to find out how to use expectations in these and other instances to ensure your outcomes are what you want!

Jun 07, 202410:48


Creating, creativity and being a creative in business can be a little confusing. Is it a good thing? How is it helpful?
All business owners create. We've created our business values, messaging, brand, etc and yet I've heard some say they aren't "creative."
All creatives have a business. We want to be paid for our art which is our work so we need processes, systems, marketing, etc and yet I've heard some speak of art being a business as a negative thing.
It could be that some limiting beliefs around the inclusion of creating and creativity in business may be keeping us from being more productive, efficient and profitable.
Could it be that accepting a righteous cultural belief around how a creative should  be struggling, disorganized, or suffering in order to be deemed  successful is in fact, the reason many are not financially stable and  their art is not being seen?
Listen to see how to integrate creating, creativity and the creative with a sound profitable business.

May 31, 202411:29


As you optimistically run thru the lilies of your life enjoying the eager anticipation of your big vision materializing, have you ever had a "friend" say to you, "You need to be realistic." ????

Or maybe when the 2 of you are standing there looking at the same thing, your optimistic perception is met with a determined theory around why it  won't work.

Or it isn't good and they are so worried about you acting like you've got your head in the sand about this thing. Then they say, "I'm just being realistic.", as you feel yourself being drug down the hole to despair???

Who is right???

What if there's no right or wrong, just a decision made and empowered determination put behind it? One way or the other, it's your choice to decide how you want to look at something.

Listen to find out which one gets you more of what you want; which one will make for a more successful business and happier life!!!

May 24, 202410:41


We don't use the word eager a lot. The image of an "eager beaver" seems kinda uncool and needy.
What if we use eagerness as a way to lean back into our sureness or confidence instead? Feeling an eager anticipation of what we are sure is  coming.
Now it brings with it a high-vibe knowing and we are empowered while still feeling very playful. Yes, it's not only ok, but very healthy to be playful.
It's so much easier and smarter to  move forward this way. You are actually helping along the very thing that you have an eagerness about by being even more open to letting it happen.
Listen to find out how to get to a place of eager anticipation and the steps from there that will bring into being what you want!!

May 17, 202416:54


Why do we feel we need clarity?? How do we know when we have it?
We use our need for clarity to give ourselves permission to act. Because of this, we often let it be the very thing that stands in the way of having exactly what we want.
That back and forth and indecision is something that we've just gotten used to. We let the worry about the outcome be a way of life, even what is expected. Culturally it can be required.
Listen to find out what clarity really is and why we want it so badly. You'll also learn how to get it whenever you want and what gets in the way.

May 10, 202414:17


Wanna do more with whatcha got?? We're talking OPTIMIZE!!
We do it when we think we have to, so why not be deliberate about paying attention to getting the most out of what we already have.
>>>Such an awesome way to totally stay in appreciation!
When we're in appreciation we already are more creative, intuitive, innovative and happier. This is how to allow more into both your business AND your life with no extra effort.
Basically, optimizing is the key to the "work smarter" model.
Listen and explore how living this way can make you even more abundant with what you already have!!

May 03, 202406:05


When you know better (not more) you do better (not more).
Anytime someone says, "How do you do this?", they are asking to learn.
To really EDUCATE, it takes more than basic knowledge which is what a freebie offers. This applies to you and your clients or customers. Knowing what to do is just the first step to truly creating the vision you have so if you stop here you are limited in moving forward.
You also can't skip a level, they're building blocks. You must have one to move to the next. If you try to skip over there's major frustration because the learner isn't ready.
By deepening the learning it deepens the satisfaction of the learner because they are expanding and growing at a pace that feels comfortable.
You can take the levels in Bloom's Taxonomy and use them as a guide to the levels a person travels through and equate them with the clients' journey or onboarding a team member or personally learning something new.
Listen to this for how each of these levels equates to your business and to your own interests!!

Apr 26, 202410:45
Apr 19, 202408:12


When we say be open, there is more power and calm behind the meaning.  It is from a complete love space and there is no fear of pain, in fact it's the opposite. There is an expectation of possibility and creativity because it comes from a higher connected energy.
And in that place there is no pain or suffering there's only love, protection, peace, and freedom. There's empowerment in being completely open to listening, collaborating, honoring.
Now in our business we can move forward with more ease and innovation and a swifter achievement of our goals. More business!!
If we slowly open the door to putting out into the world our authentic  self, who we really are and it is slow, then we are being cautious or feel vulnerable. This slows things down and brings resistance.
When we say be vulnerable, the meaning behind that is usually to be open even though it might hurt. It acknowledges the fear that the hurt is  possibly coming and there's a willingness to accept the pain and take a chance on ridicule, embarrassment or humiliation by being vulnerable.
Who wants to risk that? Oh right, push thru, fight it, bust the fear.  More of the very things that bring on more fear and more resistance which is slower, harder, and not NEAR as much fun. Less business.
Listen to this to see how being open can not only feel better but bring you more of what you want!!

Apr 12, 202412:14


When you think about being empowered to do or say something, do you take a hot minute to see if it's ok?
Sometimes as women, we hesitate as we run through our list of people that would need to approve or that we feel we need to please before we move forward. This very act will show you that you are not feeling empowered.
In business, if we are comparing ourselves others or giving ourself limits on whether we deserve to speak or act in a truthful empowered way will shut down our ability to grow or scale.
This may not be something you've ever considered and yet it may be really holding you back. Watch this video to get some ideas on how to  get clear on your personal empowerment!!

Apr 05, 202412:19


Being connected is your job if you want a successful business!

Where are your connections taking you? Not other people, your connection to fear or security, lack or plenty, frustration or calm, massive action or inspired action.
As the leader of the business you created, your job is to maintain the connection to the vision you had that started it all. For the team you brought on, your job is to be aware of what you are connected to so you can lead them towards what you all are wanting.
Nothing affects your revenue more than what you think about it because that's what determines your actions.
Listen to this episode on connection to help you fine tune yours!!

Mar 22, 202413:02
Outcome Focused

Outcome Focused

Have you made a prison out of setting up or working your systems or structures? Are they the end all and be all in your work day?
If so, news flash, that's what you're gonna get more of. Or, how about let's get the outcomes you intend for your business faster and be free to be working on what you want to be doing!!
It's all about focus. There are soooo many things that are at play in your focus. It is the LEADER of your business. (and your LIFE!!)

Listen to this to find out all the areas that are affected by your focus and what steps you can take today to ensure that your outcomes will happen.

Mar 15, 202413:50


How to be even more EFFICIENT in times of change!

Who's got family members in their house that they aren't used to being with 24/7?? Or a business that can't run like it used to??
Most of our structures and systems we rely on aren't available or have changed recently. These are the very things that make us feel supported and comfortable.
Hear how time and productivity are affected by how we feel. We'll backtrack from what you're actually doing and find out how noticing fear can help you be more EFFICIENT in your business and your life.
Get back a sense of support and comfort!!

Mar 08, 202417:27


Want more time and better productivity in your business?? Then feel, be, and act centered.
After you've set up your time management and are feeling calm, energized and organized, it's time to move into action.
Wait!! Not so fast.
If you just head over into massive action without getting centered you can waste time and end up doing lots of stuff you don't want to be doing. No, thank you!!
Listen to this to find out how to get the action going and save time and only be doing what you want to be doing in the process!!

Mar 01, 202411:10


Are you organized in your business? ✔
At home? ✔
Do you feel organized?? ✔
Some people are naturally organized, they love systems and structures that serve as containers for their things and even their time. For them, they can have a hard time adding something new or a change in plans. This can send them over the edge!
And, some are not and they struggle with keeping their life organized at all. Adding new things or changes in plans just keeps them in overwhelm.
But what is the feeling or emotion of organized? Can it only happen when everything is in its place or there are no additions or surprises?
Listen to this and find out how being and feeling organized can be the key to your up level!!

Feb 23, 202412:14


Feeling energized is the greatest #timehack ever!! It's also very misunderstood and can be leveraged in the process of having a vision to it materializing.  

It could be the missing piece to why "it" hasn't happened yet in your life & business!!

Feb 16, 202412:14


Does looking at your calendar have you feeling calm? How about when you check out your planner or that to do list??
Calm doesn't mean being still. It's a strong, high vibration, magnetic way of being that shows you know all is well no matter what.
It displays true POWER.
Our time is the one thing we all have the same of every day. And we get more of it every new day. The way a woman approaches her time shows her priorities and determines her focus.
Listen to find out more about how being calm about your time can literally bring you what you want!

Feb 09, 202415:09
getting "there" isn't the answer, there's always more

getting "there" isn't the answer, there's always more

Why is that when we finally get "there"... 

we find it isn't the answer or solution to everything that we thought it would be??? 

It sometimes...

* doesn't feel like we thought it would

* doesn't look like we thought it would

* doesn't have that lasting excitement

And...we start wanting what's next right away! 

Listen to this latest episode to find out why this happens and what you can do to prolong the fun and be ok with what's next to have what you want!

Feb 02, 202421:43
how much effort does it need to take

how much effort does it need to take

How much effort does it need to take to get from here to there??

Let's first start with how much is it taking now? What if it could be less?

Most of us haven't even considered that it might be ok to let it be easier or that what we are massively doing isn't really even making a difference.

Listen to this latest episode to understand where to put your efforts that will REALLY make a difference in moving you forward towards what you want!!

Jan 26, 202424:18
how you get from here to there is everything

how you get from here to there is everything

Let's take a trip!

You do it everyday all day long. Go from here to there. From where you are to where you want to be.

So why is it that A LOT of the time you can't seem to get from where you are to where you want to be???

Well, first you need to understand how this trip works.

* There are only one-way roads.

* You always can know which way you are headed.

* You are the only one that sets the route and the destination.

Next, listen to this latest episode to find out how to set yourself up for a fantastic trip heading to exactly what you want or better!!

Jan 19, 202428:37
it's totally your choice... suffer or don't

it's totally your choice... suffer or don't

Why do we continue to suffer when the suffer inducing event is long over???

Often we have a belief or rules of exchange, earning, or deserving. And that belief or rule is something like:

* I must suffer to get to have what I want.

* I earn what I want by it being hard.

* Once I suffer enough I will deserve or be entitled to what I want.

* If you suffer enough, good things will come and if you have a lot of good things the suffering will come.

So we believe there is value in re-membering the suffering events as they are the tickets to the gold at the end of the rainbow.

That's not true, not how it works and a fear based lie.

Unless... you believe it's true then that IS how you allow. Everything you want comes to you from a path of the least resistance you have to it getting there. So, if you think you must suffer to receive then that's the only way it CAN get to you.


If you don't believe that lie...

You get to have all you want through the truth that you only need ask.

Listen to this latest episode to get more understanding of how memory is trained to work, what the past can do for you and what you can do to let that happen so you receive what you're wanting!

Jan 12, 202433:09
feelings aren't good or bad, they can feel good or bad

feelings aren't good or bad, they can feel good or bad

Feeling bad about feeling bad makes you feel worse.

This is a vicious cycle that literally builds momentum based on a judgement that's not even true. Feelings just are.

Any judgement comes from fear and any feeling that doesn't feel good is a fear feeling. And we all know what fear is, right?!!


Evidence that



...but it isn't. Love, appreciation and the calmness that comes with knowing all is well despite any condition is the ONLY thing that is REAL. And knowing this expands having more of it.

Listen to this episode to find out why you're feeling bad about feeling bad and it making it worse. And you'll learn what to do to slow that down, turn it around and start having more of what you DO want!

Jan 05, 202425:34
you're either in fight/flight/freeze or you're in calm & content

you're either in fight/flight/freeze or you're in calm & content

There's only 2 places you can BE..

Are you...

Massively acting or hustling- you're in fight

Avoiding or procrastinating- you're in flight

Stuck or groundhog day- you're in freeze.

Are you...

Feeling safe and know that all is well not matter what- you're CALM

Appreciating what you have and eagerly anticipating the next- you're CONTENT

Checking in to see what you're feeling will let you know what you're believing and allowing. And trying to change a believe without feeling the truth in what you're saying will just keep you where you are.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how to have affirmations work for you instead of against you. And...get the steps to more allowing of what you want!

Dec 29, 202332:23
Resting B**** Face Is a choice. Is it yours??

Resting B**** Face Is a choice. Is it yours??

What is resting b**** face and where did it come from?

It’s just the set point of your current vibration/emotion/energy that has the most calibrated momentum.

In other words, how you feel most of the time when nothing super great or really awful is happening. It came from practicing the same choice over time and the great news…

YOU get to choose how you feel no matter what’s happening so you can change it!!

You CAN have resting b***** face OR…

you can have resting happy face, or calm face or hopeful face, it’s up to you.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how to decide on the set point (resting face) you really want that leads to more of what you want!

Dec 22, 202312:12
Swiftly & Gracefully Pivot (Without the Drama)

Swiftly & Gracefully Pivot (Without the Drama)

Here you are again…

A big change is about to happen and you’ve been here before. If it usually comes with some drama maybe this time you're not available to have it feel like it did last time. Oh, it was great in the end but isn't there a way to do this swiftly and gracefully??

The answer is YES!!

A big change isn’t just a shift over, it’s a pivot 180 degrees, totally a different direction.

In order to do this swiftly and gracefully it will require a brainhack around what your patterning already thinks it’s supposed to do. And then a brand new programming will need to be set and implemented at high vibration. Sounds complicated but it’s really simple.

Listen to this episode to get the steps to begin to pivot in a way that’s fast and feels great. Most importantly it will have you build momentum heading towards what you want!

Dec 15, 202316:27
They ARE here… Let them know you are here.

They ARE here… Let them know you are here.

All of it. It’s all here, everything you want that you think you don’t have.

If you’re asking, where is the money, clients, partner, kids, travel, dream home, healthy body, etc that I want…it’s already here. It came to be, came into being, both energetically and vibrationally the minute you decided you wanted it.

All that’s necessary from here is to allow it in through the path of least resistance you have to receiving it.

Your job then, is to raise your hand emphatically in an “I’m over here!” way. This gives your brain the information that it’s here and you can brain hack around that fear ridden nervous system. It also removes the doubt, having to do something to get it and noticing lack which will sweep clear that path of receiving.

Catch this latest episode to find out the steps to show what you want that you’re here and ready for it so you can let in what you’re wanting faster and easier.

Dec 08, 202320:02
All of “THAT you want”... Will feel just like “THIS you have”

All of “THAT you want”... Will feel just like “THIS you have”

Have you thought, or said, “I’ll be happy when_____” or “All I need is _______ and then everything will be ok.” ??

I hear this often in my coaching practice. And it’s not just about the business growth, it’s all tied together…the money, clients, relationships, children, home, time, health, travel, etc. All of it is connected and it all works the same way.

What I’ve found is that every single time I DO get one of those “thats” that I’ve been waiting for, I end up feeling just like “this” again after just a hot minute. Sure, I celebrate, feel ecstatic, dance around and then I take a breath and begin to move forward in this brand new life with this thing I’ve been waiting for and am so excited to get and BAMMMM!! I realize I want another “that”! And now I’m back to the “if I only had _____, then I’d be ok” thinking.

Yep, it happens every time and it’s called expansion.

It’s a natural part of being a human being. Nothing is wrong, we just need to know how to work within the system to be able to feel happy NOW and when you get THAT thing you want. That roller coaster up and down is not fun and feels very self defeating.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how to feel better along the way AND continue to enjoy your expansion while letting even more of THAT you want come to you!

Dec 01, 202313:01
heart inspired action

heart inspired action

what do I want to do?

This question is the key to being sure you're taking inspired action. Action that will lead to what you want.

But the next question is...What do you mean by that???

Do you mean,"What do I want to do that is...

** what I will like doing?

**what will get me what I want?

The former is a green light go ahead for next right action. The latter says STOP!!

If you know you've already created what you want and you know that your job is to allow it then why are you concerning yourself with "get it"? That just focuses on that you don't have it, doesn't trust that it's done and literally has you building momentum AWAY from what you are really wanting.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how your open heart is the green light to knowing what do to next that will have what you want come in faster!

Nov 24, 202328:24
You don’t need to decide… You already have.

You don’t need to decide… You already have.

I need to decide…I hear this a lot.

The truth is that you already have decided. Your aligned self already knows what you REALLY want.

All you “need” to do if you want clarity is become aware of what it is through your alignment and connection to your heart.

We think we change our “mind” or need to “think” about it. What really happens is we get more clarity through our experiences and our mind just translates it for us.

To find out more about how this works and the steps you can take that will help you get clearer and have what you want faster, listen to this latest podcast episode!

Nov 17, 202315:18
Expect a miracle.

Expect a miracle.

We thrill and marvel at them...


But are they any more amazing than the things we expect?

The fact that we want something, envision it and therefore create it and then let it happen is pretty spectacular. Because we do it over and over again it somehow looses it's shine.

We also don't expect miracles, coincidences or out of the blue happenings so we think that they are harder to have. More rare.

What if we begin to expect them??? Could that release the resistance we have and let them in more often?

Or what if we begin to be thrilled and marvel at the everyday things in our life that we appreciate? We might begin to have more joy in the in between times of our life.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how to begin to expect a miracle and fill your life with more joy in between while moving toward what you want faster and easier.

Nov 10, 202324:07
Ready...Aim...Expand the momentum.

Ready...Aim...Expand the momentum.

This SO reminds me of my 3 sons...

When they were younger, I would constantly say,

"Where are you pointing that (fill in the blank type of toy)?!"

"What is your intention???!"

It's the same with expanding the momentum. Getting ready to take any action from a thought requires a moment of readiness.

Next, the aiming towards what we are aware of usually is just automatic, without noticing if it's something we want more of or not. Making a thoughtful choice about what we're aiming our energy towards can change everything.

Listen to this latest episode to find out what to do to get READY and the steps when AIMING that will expand the momentum. This brings a flow of possibilities of what we want our way!

Nov 03, 202320:58
appreciation for what is brings more of what is wanted

appreciation for what is brings more of what is wanted

I noticed that I was justifying again.

You know, looking for more of what's bad to justify allowing myself to have something else, something better that I wanted.

Why was I doing that?? It literally was the very action that was doing the not allowing!!

When I remembered how this all really works, how as I step into the energy of the emotion I had when I decided I wanted that actually already created it...

I realized the justification was such a waste of time. Not only was it not necessary, it was making it all harder.

Listen to the latest episode to lock in all the steps of how this really works to use as leverage in changing the patterns to start bringing in what you want faster!

Oct 27, 202326:13
Better, better, better...

Better, better, better...

I'm a former disco queen.

The other day I was dancing around to my fav disco music and the song, "More, more, more" came on and I got the answer to a question I'd been asked a lot.

What if what you got isn't exactly what you want?

More, more, more sent me to better, better, better and I felt instant relief. As we release whatever resistance we have to allowing ourselves exactly what we want, it gets better and better and better.

This totally shifts our focus from noticing it's not what we asked for into a state of noticing what we ARE getting and feeling that eager anticipation that helps the whole process along.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how this works and the steps to hone this practice so you'll be allowing more, more, more of what you want!!

Oct 20, 202321:11
To fully have... accept, allow and receive.

To fully have... accept, allow and receive.

there's a doing to having...

I realized as I delved into fulling having what I've manifested, there's a lot that is around me that I haven't fully owned.

Not that it isn't mine, just that I haven't, for one reason or another, acknowledged it because I was judging it... or me.

There are really three actions that we must embrace and act upon

to fully own what we have and

to have what we want and...

this might be the very thing that's keeping it from coming!!

The 3 aspects of having are:

Accept, Allow, and Receive

Listen to this latest episode to find out how and when you can up your having what you want by taking action on these 3 aspects of having.

Oct 13, 202316:22
Emotion is your fuel FROM thought.

Emotion is your fuel FROM thought.

Have you heard the saying, "fuel FOR thought?"

I realized that really, you get fuel FROM thought but it's through emotion.

There's a scientific process that happens in your body when you have a thought. It starts with you paying attention to something and then a thought "crosses your mind" and the instant that happens there's an electric charge that occurs.

If it's a thought you've had over and over then the electric charge becomes magnetized and immediately your brain searches for any past data you've downloaded to your brain about this topic. It might be training you received, an experience you had or something from your other senses.

This past data has a past emotion you felt about it based on the perception you had stored in a file for future use.

So once this electric or electromagnetic charge occurs you feel the emotion from that past data and a chemical is released that matches the emotion. If it's fear it's a form of epinephrine, adrenaline. If it's a good feeling it's a form of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins.

This chemical release fuels the body for action.

This is super news!! It means that as you look for the truth in what you think something means and connect to this in love and appreciation, your emotion raises and...

you begin to electromagnetically attract what you want and...

you bathe your body in chemicals that bring well being!!!

Listen to this latest episode to hear more about this process as well as the steps to begin to master bringing in what you are wanting faster and easier!

Oct 06, 202328:21
Choose a focus; justifying needs or allowing wants.

Choose a focus; justifying needs or allowing wants.

Yep, I'm going there...entitlement.

I had no idea that's where I was headed as I was working out my budget for this next quarter. When I asked myself about my attention to needs instead of wants it led me to dive into the word, "entitlement."

In an investigation of the words NEEDS and WANTS, I discovered a loop that was keeping me stuck that I didn't know existed.

The meaning of a word comes from culture and personal perception from experience. The same word means something a bit different for each individual person due to their experience and feeling around that experience. 

In looking at what I "need" and what I "want" I saw the lack to abundance and abundance to lack cycle that I needed to break in order to move forward faster and with more ease.

This led to a truth about entitlement that shifted this current cultural meaning to open up a whole level of relief and quantum leap. 

Listen to this latest episode to take yourself on a journey of allowing and receiving that is all encompassing and leads to all that you want.

Sep 29, 202329:45
What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

What is a "victory" really??

The word "victory" can be very charged for some people. I know it was for me so I decided to investigate why. 

It started by asking myself, "what victory am I still waiting for?" From there I realized I needed to define victory.

In our culture there is a winner vs loser known outcome behind this word. And it is solely determined by an outcome.

If I what I want manifests then I'm a winner. Otherwise I'm in perpetual waiting and can't feel good or I'm a loser. And that means I either didn't do something right, didn't do enough or don't deserve it. 

This then becomes a never ending, multiple topic sink hole that only serves to hold us back from moving forward. 

Listen to this latest training to discover not only how this is playing out to block us but also a brand new way to use this concept that releases the blocks AND heads us straight towards what we really want.

Sep 22, 202329:53
"Which reality are you living in?"

"Which reality are you living in?"

Ready to go back to the future???

At all present moments we are living one of two realities and both are as real as the other.

One is the Past Present Reality and one is the Future Present Reality.

You created them both. You live in each one at different times and you choose from these two opposing realities in each NOW moment. 

The Past Present Reality is created from past experiences, what they mean and the duality of a perception of fear. It is wholly conditional.

The Future Present Reality is created from your own vision of what you want your life to be with no limitations and all abundance of love. It is un-conditional. 

This reality is also your own personal blueprint to the business of your dreams. It holds the exact steps to take that will lead to allowing what you want.

Listen to this latest episode to find out which one you're living in at any moment. Also learn the steps to getting into that Future Present Reality as often as possible so you begin living your dream now. 

Sep 15, 202323:37
How you feel is the light that illuminates the path to what you want.

How you feel is the light that illuminates the path to what you want.

How do I get what I want?

More money, clients, love, health, fun...

The "how" question is tricky. Just by asking we doubt the ease.

So instead of asking just notice how you feel. This is the light that illuminates the path to what you want.

We think that we can look at how things are to get a hint or guide to how to get to what we want. But how things "are" is only a reflection of the past.

It's the path of least resistance that allowed in what we have now based on how we thought, believed or felt.

The NOW is creating our future and the better we feel, the less resistance we have to allowing what we want.

The worse you feel the dimmer the light. The better you feel the brighter the light.

Listen to this episode for the best #timehack
and business strategy everrrrrrr!!!

Find out the steps to feel better about anything so that you can let yourself have what you want with ease.

Sep 08, 202338:49
If thoughts create, what are YOU thinking about?

If thoughts create, what are YOU thinking about?

If thoughts create, what are YOU thinking about?

We have thousands of thoughts everyday. The dominant thoughts, or ones we think the most, are the ones with the most momentum so they show up more often.


are they the ones you WANT to be thinking about?

are they thoughts about what you want?

are they thoughts about what you don't want or what hasn't shown up yet?

The fantastic news is that if we are aware of what we're thinking and we can see what we've already materialized in our world, then we can begin to use this power for more of what we want.

Listen to this latest episode to find out how this works and why it's important. Learn the steps to becoming more proactive in purposely creating the life and business you really want.

Sep 01, 202332:51
Feel for the how.

Feel for the how.

If I don't ask "how", what do I do to make it happen?

The short answer...any inspired action.

The problem arises when the the dream or vision isn't a new one and the eager anticipation has worn off a bit. After time and time again noticing that what you want isn't here yet, the fear that it won't ever happen begins to take hold.

Now it makes it a little difficult to identify if and action I want to take is inspired from eager anticipation or from worry about the outcome.

In this latest podcast episode, we went over the steps involved to discerning what type of actions we're really taking. Are they moving us toward or away from what we want.

Listen to find out how to be sure you're taking only inspired actions that move you closer especially if you've been on this journey awhile.

Aug 25, 202329:50
Who ARE you?

Who ARE you?

Who are you?

Really, who actually ARE you?

When you know who you are then you know what to listen to, pay attention to and focus on. And you get clarity on what is NOT you and therefore you stay in the truth.

In this episode we took a look at several areas that people think of when they answer this question.

Are you your:

* thoughts

* actions

* emotions

* dreams

* mind

* character

* heart

* soul

* all of the above

* none of the above

As we investigated each one of these the answer became clear.

Listen to find out what the answer is and the steps to step into and embody it more and more to lead you towards what you want.

Aug 18, 202319:26
Clarity is the cure that gives the RELIEF.

Clarity is the cure that gives the RELIEF.

So, can fear be helpful at all??

Fear is all about judgements and leads us away from what we want, right?

Because we can only feel that ecstasy of relief when we get some clarity...

and we can get clarity from knowing what we don't want...

then feeling fear about something is an opportunity for clarity.

If we don't sit too long in it, then we can get some benefit from our experience with fear.

Listen to this latest episode to find out the steps to successfully use any contrast that feels bad to your advantage and move you closer to what you want.

Aug 11, 202333:52
Satisfaction is the guide.

Satisfaction is the guide.

Your relationships are more about your thoughts about that thing, topic or person...

than your actual interactions with them.

And your level of satisfaction when you think about that thing, topic or person...

tells you EVERYTHING about whether you are heading towards how you want it to be or away from it.

The higher your satisfaction, the faster you're moving ahead. The lower, the slower.

And that's the GREAT NEWS!!

That means if you can clear up your thoughts to a level of satisfaction that is high vibe, you can be in control of where that relationship is headed for you.

Listen to this latest podcast episode to find out how to clarify the TRUTH about your relationship with money, success, partners, family, friends, etc. so you can begin moving towards how you want it much faster!

Aug 04, 202330:12
Why make it harder when you can make it easier?

Why make it harder when you can make it easier?

What's the #1 question to constantly be asking?

Which way are you headed??

Your most important right action to be taking before you begin any action is to ask yourself this question. Noticing if you're headed away from or towards what you want is the masterful key to guiding your life and business.

This is all about MOMENTUM.

Momentum is the magic to allowing in what you're wanting, have it happen faster, and with less work or effort. It also will keep you from what you want, make it take FOREVER and force you to work even harder.

Why would you EVAHHH want to be headed away from your vision of what you want?? Right?!

Listen to this latest episode to find out all about momentum and the steps to take to make it work for you!

Jul 28, 202331:02
All actions are not created equal.

All actions are not created equal.

In the intuitive, inspirational world of always doing what you want...

Is massive action, hustling and working hard bad?

When we define these 3 concepts and dive deep into the cultural beliefs around them we see how the current business model of honoring this type of action has really just held us back from what we could've accomplished.

There are some instances where taking these type of actions actually do move us forward.

In this latest episode, we went over the steps to take to be clear about why we take the actions we choose to take, how we feel about them and the meanings we attach to them.

Listen to find out how to determine if and when massive action, hustling or working hard are the smart steps to take and when they are in fact, holding you back.

Jul 14, 202319:23
Just do it?? Only if you WANT to.

Just do it?? Only if you WANT to.

Taking action just for the sake of taking action is a waste of time.

Taking action when you are in fear wastes even more time.

Knowing what an inspired action is helps us to be certain that the actions we're taking...NO MATTER WHAT, will move us forward.  

If we aren't noticing if an action is inspired and we allow our thoughts to guide us then we spend most of our time either not moving or moving away from what we want.

How do we know if it's an inspired action?

Listen to find out how to determine if an action is moving you forward and what can happen if we always only take inspired actions.

Jul 07, 202334:55
Trust is the answer to fear.

Trust is the answer to fear.

I get asked a lot...  

"What do I do when I notice I'm feeling fear?"  

One of the 1st steps in moving toward what you want is noticing when you're moving away from it. We do this by noticing how we feel.  

That's our signal.  

If we feel "bad" we're in fear so we want to get some relief. So what do we do?  


That's the answer to fear. 

Trust is knowing all is well even if it looks like it isn't. By trusting you get immediate relief and are able to act from a place of love and appreciation instead of bringing on more fear.   

Listen to find out how to do that as well as who to trust and what to trust to move you closer to what you want faster!

Jun 23, 202329:35
I feel...therefore I am.

I feel...therefore I am.

Yes, I know, the quote is "I think, therefore I am."

I beg to differ. Thinking is not really who I am. My feelings and emotions are more in touch with being, living and who I am.

When we understand the true purpose of our emotions then we can begin to expand the ones that help us move toward what we want and shrink the ones that aren't doing us any favors.

This way of being in control without judgement, keeps us feeling better and better no matter the conditions.

Listen to clarify how to identify where the feeling is coming from and the steps to finding relief while raising your energy that allows more of what you're wanting.

Jun 16, 202349:30
The problem is that it's a problem!

The problem is that it's a problem!

If you think it is...then it is. 

Yep, you're that powerful!!   

We were reminded in this episode of the control we have when we are aware of it and how that can guide us to what we want.   

Diving into what resistance really is and how it works helps our minds  to help us stay in the experience of what is wanted. It's this kind of  fine tuning that leads to a mastery level where you're working less and having more, happier in all you do and feeling the empowerment of a life lived on your terms.  

Listen to the replay (see below) for the steps to keep your attention on what you want and increase the momentum moving towards it!

Jun 09, 202338:02