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Men's Modern Dating Secrets

Men's Modern Dating Secrets

By Christopher Harders

A no fluff podcast for men ready to find love and be in a powerful relationship with a fantastic woman. What works and what you need to do to get there.
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Ep. 8 The Friendzone

Men's Modern Dating SecretsJun 23, 2021

A Special Invitation for You
Dec 15, 202311:19
Why winter is the BEST time to find the ONE!
Nov 07, 202214:56
The #1 Asset to Mastering Your Dating Life

The #1 Asset to Mastering Your Dating Life

If you have this, your dating success is inevitable.


If you want to get there even faster, email me:  

You'll get an honest objective assessment of where you're at and if it makes sense to work with me to streamline the journey.

Oct 07, 202243:53
Ep 15. What dating system works?

Ep 15. What dating system works?

It is super common for me to have men ask what is that correct dating system.

And I understand why they are asking that. There is no shortage of advice and opinions out there…

Unfortunately, much of the advice is conflicting… And even more of it is flat out wrong.

In this episode, I discuss the foundations and fundamental principles that go into understanding the dating process.

We start by discussing that you can begin with the end in mind.

And you can do this for every step of the dating process, but most specifically…

Where do you actually want your dating to end up?

And based on the goal for your dating life, you can backwards engineer how to get there.

When you take a look at the key milestones that go into dating or building a relationship with someone, a lot of the what-to-do questions take care of themselves or end up not being too important.

Many elements of dating and what to do exist on a continuum or spectrum…

While there might be one preferred or recommend an option, there are many possibilities that you can choose from where you might mess up or be imperfect, but you will still be progressing things forward.

In someways, this can be a benefit because you’re putting unintentional stressors on the dating process, which allow you to see whether your relationship will have the potential of going the distance when real stressors are inevitably put on it later on.

Hope you enjoy this final episode before the new year.

And if you want to have a conversation with me to get your dating life in order, go to

Happy end of the year
Dec 30, 202139:35
Ep 14. Finding Quality Dating Advice
Dec 30, 202148:02
Ep 13. 3 Steps to Becoming More Social from Scratch
Nov 02, 202149:45
Ep 12. What to do when you don't know what do and you're with a woman

Ep 12. What to do when you don't know what do and you're with a woman

In this episode, I discuss the 5 things that you can do with a woman when you do not know what to do.  

This is a far too common thing where a guy who doesn't know what to do will just shut down or even leave a conversation that he is having with a woman out of insecurity or fear.  

When you are getting started talking to women, one of the best things you can do is have a few ideas of how to get things going.  

I break it down and gives actual examples of what you can do to take this part of your dating life into your own hands.  

Check out the YouTube channel:

To see client success stories and have a free 30 minute deep dive, go to:

Oct 13, 202138:16
Ep 11. "There are no good women in my city"

Ep 11. "There are no good women in my city"

Want this on video... go to:

In this episode, Chris takes on the common complaint he hears from both men and women…

Where are all the good people to date???

Chris will outline the three ways to solve this problem…

  1. Change location
  2. Change expectations
  3. Change yourself


Want to talk to Chris 1-on-1?

Go to:

Sep 29, 202133:21
Ep. 10 Mostly Mindset

Ep. 10 Mostly Mindset

Check it out everyone!

At long last, episode number 10 is live!

Here I start talking about mindset…

In dating and the self-help world, I have noticed a lot of unhelpful advice related to mindset, so I hope this episode can begin to set the stage for a man (or anyone really) to consider the dating life that he wants and choose the ones to view his dating Journey and the dating process through that will best help him reach his goals.

So often, we defer our opinions and decisions and beliefs systems to the loudest voice in the room or the consensus rather than asking if this is even what we want to begin with…

It's easy to believe somebody has it all figured out when they go ahead and quote surveys or data or chalk everything up to evolutionarily biology theories…

Right now, science and Darwinism are sexy topics for the dating advice niche, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it's the most effective in leading you to what you want.

Often times, a singular way of viewing something leaves many blind spots in what remains out of focus…

My personal take…

Choose the mindsets that move you towards what you want… and leave those that move you away from what you want in the dust…

For an in-depth explanation, take a listen :)

Sep 14, 202128:17
Ep. 9: Quality Not Quantity

Ep. 9: Quality Not Quantity

Let's examine the myth of dating being a numbers game and examine a common trap men fall into when they choose to go this route.  And then, let's focus on what you actually want instead.

Lots to come in this episode and if you want even more, head over to to watch how I recommend clients approach dating which gives them a leg up!


Jun 30, 202121:44
Ep. 8 The Friendzone

Ep. 8 The Friendzone

This could be the most “tough love” I dish out on an episode... if you’re in the friendzone, I get it... it sucks.... and now it’s time to understand why you’re in the friendzone, what can be done for the current friendzone situation you’re in, and how to make sure this never happens again...
Jun 23, 202124:55
Ep. 7 Conversational Flow

Ep. 7 Conversational Flow

How can you go from strangers to a date in 10 minutes? In this episode we explore the 3 part conversation formula, the 3 levels to connecting with someone, how to include flirting, and the secret key to knowing *exactly* what topics to ask about without her ever telling you that’s what she wants to talk about... enjoy!
Jun 16, 202146:32
Ep. 6 The 5 Love Languages

Ep. 6 The 5 Love Languages

Ready to become ultimate Boyfriend Material?? Learn these and a lot of eye brows will raise with women... Most men don’t know this and knowing this could *easily* save the crap out of a relationship... you’re gonna love it.
Jun 09, 202130:10
Ep. 5 The Friendship Formula

Ep. 5 The Friendship Formula

This one concept is foundational to gauging the health of a relationship and likelihood of a healthy relationship forming at all. Enjoy!
Jun 02, 202121:31
Ep. 4 Flirt Like Pro ;-)

Ep. 4 Flirt Like Pro ;-)

In this episode, I am discussing what flirting really is. We’re talking about a couple misconceptions going into win flirting is appropriate and not, and then diving into a whole lot of examples. You’ll see how flirting fits into the connection model that I use for relationship building and even how you can throw in some mild sexual banter without being **too** crass. Enjoy!
May 26, 202148:43
Ep.3 The Connection Key

Ep.3 The Connection Key

What if you had a key that could unlock a relationship or deep connection with anyone?? What if learning this could make you wildly successful in your dating life and beyond?? And what if most of the other men out there had no clue this was the secret...?? It took me 6 years to finally understand the true secret behind building powerful relationships with anyone. It will take you roughly 23 minutes to gain the major concepts! Super excited for this episode because This Is Where It All Starts... and this is what will set you apart from everyone else! Enjoy 🙏
May 19, 202123:52
Ep 2. Dating After Covid
May 15, 202117:33
Ep 1. My Dating Journey

Ep 1. My Dating Journey

In this first episode, I want to lay the groundwork for what’s the come and give some insight into my personal journey. This way, you know who I am, what I’m about and the breakthrough that I had which clarified dating for me and led me to become the expert that I am. This is *just* the beginning.
May 12, 202115:33