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David Bahn - Reflections

David Bahn - Reflections

By David Bahn

Light from the Word and through the lens
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David Bahn - ReflectionsMay 14, 2024

Silver or Gold, or Apparel

Silver or Gold, or Apparel

We might want a better car, a nicer home, or even a backyard pool. But we never need to seek these things at the expense of others, or let them get in the way of seeking God's kingdom. A friend of mine decided several years ago to forego building a summer home in Colorado. They had all the money saved. They had the lot picked out and purchased. But they decided that if they built that place he wouldn't be able to teach his Sunday School class; it would get in the way of his pursuit of God's mission. 

May gold, silver or apparel never get in the way of my witness or God's rule and reign in my life. 

Jun 06, 202404:59
Commendations of Grace

Commendations of Grace

Paul commends the Ephesian elders to God and to the word of his grace. This gift is not earned. It is a gift freely given. It builds us up and grants us an eternally rich and glorious inheritance. 

Paul's words are appropriate for me today for any number of reasons. I am deeply thankful for his grace,. I need it constantly. And God's supply is rich and deep. As Paul says in Romans 5: "Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more." That builds me up and keeps me going. As I un-retire again, serving Hope Lutheran Church in Friendswood, Texas, I need that up-building and strength, and the presence of God. I'll take what Paul says to the Ephesian elders as my own and rejoice in the goodness and grace of God. 

Jun 05, 202405:54
Dire Warning

Dire Warning

In the earliest days of the Christian church there were many dangers within and without. The message of the Gospel of Jesus was very different from the then-common religious beliefs - pagan or Jewish. There was every danger of reverting to old ways of thinking and believing. Paul's warnings were not over emphasized.

Jun 04, 202405:54
Take Care of Yourself

Take Care of Yourself

Reflection based on Acts 20:28-38

It's good for pastors to be reminded, as it is also for you, dear reader, to take good care of yourself so you can offer care, kindness, grace, and mercy to those in your life for whom you have care. Be it a husband, wife, child, grandchild, or friend. Take good care so you can give good care to those in your life who need your care.

Jun 03, 202405:54
Going but Not Knowing

Going but Not Knowing

We who serve God’s people do well to remember that they are precious to God, bought with the precious blood of Jesus, and worth whatever burden we must bear in order to serve them well. That’s true no matter where we go and whether that path takes us to green pastures and still waters, or through the valley of the shadow of death. Thankfully God is with us through the journey wherever we go. 

May 31, 202405:55
The Gospel of the Grace of God

The Gospel of the Grace of God

This gospel is the good news of God's redemption of a fallen and lost world through Jesus' suffering and death. It's the good news of this redemption's gifts of life and salvation for all people. It's the good news that God wants all people to be saved and will not wait idly by for people to come to him and seek his mercy. He sends people to tell the good news. He comes to them - not only in Jesus, which is essential and of primary importance - but also in Paul and others who bring this gospel of the grace of God to people where they are.

May 30, 202405:26
Repentance toward God and  Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

Repentance toward God and  Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

I believe in the One who became man to save us all, pointing us to repentance and faith in God. I trust him. I love him. I entrust my life to him. Such is the stuff of faith. But the most essential element of faith is simple trust. Like a child. Looking to Jesus in anticipation of his favor, blessing, and good will. 

Repentance, then, is a matter of turning away from any way in which I fail simply to trust in Jesus. It’s about believing that God is good, merciful, faithful, loving, just, and kind. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!

May 29, 202405:34
He and We: Paul and Luke & Company

He and We: Paul and Luke & Company

When Luke speaks of Paul going on ahead without the rest of the group, and then joining them later at Assos, he is giving us a picture of how the mission of God best proceeds. Paul will not only meet up with Luke and the others, he will pour out his heart to the Ephesian elders. God never intended that mission and ministry would be a solo performance. Jesus’ modeled that in his earthly ministry. We are now his body on earth to carry on his mission. Thankfully we do not have to do that alone.

This is the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of God’s people. It brings Jesus glory. And it brings people to Jesus.

May 28, 202405:12
A Miracle and a Mystery In a Meal

A Miracle and a Mystery In a Meal

Gathering with other believers for worship and the Lord's Supper is a blessing too easily and often ignored by Christians today. Too often we treat gathering for public worship to be an add-on to life, rather than a springboard of grace into the week ahead. Covid certainly put a dent in people's appreciation and practice of public worship and sacrament. But it is not only a mystery and miracle. It is a treasure not to be despised or abandoned.

May 24, 202404:44
Friendly Fire...that's not so friendly

Friendly Fire...that's not so friendly

Injury by friendly fire is a casualty of war. But friendly fire that isn’t really so friendly is so very sad. Wounds of a friend can be trusted. Let’s do all we can to wound others only for their good, only when absolutely necessary, and only with the kindest heart. Correcting and disciplining a brother or sister must be done gently, as Paul counsels so graciously in Galatians 6:1, “If anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” The temptation would be to self-righteousness and pride. The goal is always to win the brother or sister in Christ, and restore her or him to fellowship and faithfulness.

That’s not friendly fire, that’s friendly faithfulness.

May 23, 202405:15
It takes a Team

It takes a Team

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes a team - the body of Christ - to propel God's mission. You may think of someone who has helped you along the path of faith active in love. Thank God for them. Do it now.

May 22, 202405:55
Sleepers Beware!

Sleepers Beware!

Falling asleep in church isn't the most grave danger. I've done it a couple times in years gone by. Nor is falling out the window - embarrassing as that might be. The greatest danger is being asleep to the word of God, trading the truth of God's word comfort of the pillow, and remaining unaware of God's presence in our lives - in a church service, or a Tuesday afternoon commute.

May 21, 202405:23
Naming Names

Naming Names

Luke records that Gaius and Aristarchus accompany Paul as he continues his mission. They are listed in Acts 20:1-6 along with Timothy and others in that journey. He is listed in Romans 16:23 as a gracious host to Paul. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:14 that Gaius was one of the people he baptized. In 3 John 1:1, a man named Gaius is mentioned as a beloved brother in Christ. But the name was apparently common in those days it is not widely believed that these are the same persons. 

According to ChatGPT, Aristarchus is portrayed as a steadfast and loyal associate of Paul, playing a significant role in the early Christian movement. His repeated presence alongside Paul in various challenging situations underscores his commitment to the spread of Christianity and his support for Paul’s ministry. He is mentioned here as well as in Acts 20:4; 27:2; Colossians 4:10 (where he is listed as a fellow prisoner with Paul), and Philemon 1:24.

May 17, 202406:18
The Voice of Reason

The Voice of Reason

When the city clerk quieted the crowd it ultimately aided the mission of God. Paul was not caught up in the mob. He would make his way to Jerusalem, and on to Rome eventually. But when the crowd was not silenced, and the people continued to shout, "Crucify," it also aided the mission of God! Jesus' crucifixion was part and parcel of God's plan for our salvation. This is akin to Luther's thought, The devil is always God's devil. God limits the power and reach of Satan. So, we could say, the mob is always God's mob. Sometimes they will be quieted, sometimes not.

May 16, 202406:33
Much Ado About Something

Much Ado About Something

The message of Jesus is one of peace. Although people will get up in arms against Jesus' followers, we do not represent him well by mob action, boisterous demonstrations, or chaotic comotion. Our best witness is the powerful soft whisper of grace, mercy, and love. Shown in Christ. Empowered by the Spirit. Honoring the Father.

May 15, 202406:00
What really works?

What really works?

Faith working in love, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and anchored in God's word and promise is a beautiful and magnificent thing. Jesus has done the work that needs to have been done. He is truly great and worthy of our worship.

May 14, 202406:37
Now You're Meddlin'

Now You're Meddlin'

Martin Luther is credited to having said that there are three conversions. He is quoted as saying, “People go through three conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart, and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time.” He says that we need to have our purses or pocketbooks baptized. This conversion had decidedly not been the case with Demetrius and the silversmiths of Ephesus. He is no-bones-about-it concerned that the message of Jesus would undercut his profits. It didn't make any difference that these prophets fed on the false notions of idol worship. All that these artisans did was make money in exchange for overpriced pieces of silver. 

May 13, 202406:52
May 10, 202405:10
Book Burning

Book Burning

This nor the book burning recorded here were acts of censorship. These were acts of repudiation. They were not saying, "You cannot read these books," per se. But they were saying, "We won't read these books any longer. We repudiate our practice of magic arts and divest ourselves of all that was involved in that practice. These people had a profound change of heart. They were dramatically converted. I'm reminded of Saul on the road to Damascus.

May 09, 202404:34
Borrowed Faith

Borrowed Faith

Faith finds the grace of God already there. Faith does not cause God's grace. So when I believed for that struggling wife, or the father of the little girl believed for the sake of his daughter, we looked for something that was already there.

May 08, 202405:03
Handkerchiefs and Aprons?

Handkerchiefs and Aprons?

God is the true healer of our body and souls. He heals sometimes miraculously. Sometimes medically. And sometimes mercifully – when he takes us from this veil of tears into the clear and gracious presence of Jesus. And on the Great Last Day we will experience that full and complete healing ourselves – forever.

May 07, 202405:23
God at Work

God at Work

When someone's skill and competence is not complemented by their character, dangerous things happen. If character is lacking, competent people can do great harm. God shaped Paul's character through his suffering and hardships. We can keep this in mind whenever we meet challenges and difficulties of any kind. God is at work not only in the times of glory and success, but also when we face trials and tribulations. For our good and the good of others.

May 06, 202404:36
The Kingdom of God - Part 2

The Kingdom of God - Part 2

We live under Christ in his rule and reign of grace and truth. His is the way of life and salvation, glory and joy. Jesus is Lord because he is Redeemer. When I was lost, he found me. When I was ensnared by sin, he forgave me. When I was dead he made me alive. When I was blind, he gave me sight. He did all this so that I may live under him in his rule and reign.

May 03, 202404:37
Persuasion about the Kingdom of God

Persuasion about the Kingdom of God

Paul spent months and years teaching, persuading, and reasoning with the people there about the rule and reign of God. That should tell us something. While I may be able to define the Kingdom of God succinctly (and I believe correctly), the implications, significance, and impact of God’s reign and rule are profound and far-reaching. This merits deeper study.

May 02, 202403:47


The validation of baptism is not in the pastor’s character who baptizes, nor even the name of the church in which one is baptized. (Don’t get me started by saying, “I was baptized Lutheran.” That’s simply not true.) The validity of baptism is found in the Words used and the confession of the Gospel held by the community of believers where one is being baptized.

May 01, 202404:40
What ought we to think?

What ought we to think?

Scripture instructs us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, knowing the will of God and doing it (cf. Romans 12). Paul corrects the people on Mars Hill regarding their understanding of God's essence. He tells them that they "ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man." This was their way of thinking about God.

But we are called to think of themselves with sober judgement, and to think about God as one to be feared, loved, and trusted. This is a far better way to think.

Apr 12, 202406:10
All People Everywhere

All People Everywhere

Not only was Jesus vindicated by his resurrection, but he will come to judge the living and the dead. Our need for his salvation is exceeded only by his grace and forgiveness to all who repent and believe. “All people everywhere should repent,” says Paul. Luther said that the entire life of a Christian should be one of repentance. We drown the old nature by daily repentance and faith. That’s a good message for all people everywhere.

Apr 11, 202405:55
Godly Discontent

Godly Discontent

Godly contentment is a good thing. It is essential to living in the fullness of God's peace. We are soon paralyzed with anxiety if we live in a state of discontent. Paul tells the Philippians years later that he learned the secret of contentment. That state of contentment surely helped him to write those reflective thoughts to the church there. But for now he has a holy discontent that people do not know the source of true life, love, grace, and peace. Perhaps we should feel a little bit of that godly discontent whenever we encounter the broken world around us.

Apr 10, 202406:05
A Band of Brothers

A Band of Brothers

I once attended a workshop for pastors and church leaders. John Maxwell was the presenter and gave this advice to pastors doing ministry or mission, "Take someone along," he said. We're better together - whether that is a band of brothers or the body of Christ, brothers and sisters in Christ who partner with one another for the sake of the Gospel.

Apr 05, 202405:36
The Witness of Scripture: CORRECTION

The Witness of Scripture: CORRECTION

This is a corrected version of today's podcast. The correct word (not corrected in the recording - sorry - is apocryphal, not apocolyptic.

Here is a link to the passages I refer to in today's podcast:;NLT;NRSVA;SBLGNT

Paul and Silas taught that it was necessary for Jesus to suffer and die, and be raised from the dead. The little Greek word, ἔδει (edei) means it was necessary. Gotta happen. Plan of God. Promised by God. Delivered by Jesus. Necessary because of our sin and God's abiding love. He did not flinch from this rescue. He has done it. We have been saved. The seeds of that salvation were sown in the Old Testament. They came to full bloom in the life and ministry of Jesus. They will be fully harvested on the Great Last Day. This is the witness of Scripture.

Apr 04, 202406:56
The Witness of Scripture

The Witness of Scripture

Here is a link to the passages I refer to in today's podcast:;NLT;NRSVA;SBLGNT

Paul and Silas taught that it was necessary for Jesus to suffer and die, and be raised from the dead. The little Greek word, ἔδει (edei) means it was necessary. Gotta happen. Plan of God. Promised by God. Delivered by Jesus. Necessary because of our sin and God's abiding love. He did not flinch from this rescue. He has done it. We have been saved. The seeds of that salvation were sown in the Old Testament. They came to full bloom in the life and ministry of Jesus. They will be fully harvested on the Great Last Day. This is the witness of Scripture.

Apr 04, 202406:07
The Bigger Story

The Bigger Story

The story of God starts before the foundation of time and goes on through eternity in the life of the world to come. Paul and Silas are very important parts of that story, for they bear witness to Jesus Christ – the center of it all. And because of their witness, the message of Jesus has gone on to the ends of the earth.

Apr 03, 202405:42
The Paradox of Being of More Noble Character

The Paradox of Being of More Noble Character

The paradox of being of more noble character is that to be of noble character means that you are not easily swayed from convictions firmly founded. But it also means that you're constantly willing to reexamine your beliefs in light of Scripture. It's said that if you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for everything. On the other hand, if you refuse to change your stand, you may find you are standing for the wrong thing. The only way I know of to avoid that is to search the Scriptures in a constant effort to conform to what God has revealed there.

Apr 02, 202405:52
Resurrection Power

Resurrection Power

Easter Sunday was a multi-exclamation point day. Beautiful hymns. A powerful message. Joyful Lord’s Supper Celebration. Then delightful time with family. For 2000 years the message of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave has been the cornerstone of the Christian faith. It forms the foundation for God’s Good News of life and salvation through faith in Jesus of Nazareth. Without the resurrection we have no hope. With the resurrection we have people who for centuries have witnessed to this remarkable truth: Jesus Christ is risen!

Apr 01, 202405:19
Holy Week: Sunday - Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!
Mar 31, 202404:43
Holy Week: Saturday

Holy Week: Saturday

Here is a link to the readings for Saturday of Holy Week.

Matthew 27:62-66, Mark 16:1, Luke 23:56, John 19:40

Mar 30, 202402:48
Holy Week: Friday

Holy Week: Friday

Each of the seven words of Jesus hold a special place in my heart.

 "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34)

"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43)

"Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother" (John 19:26-27)

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)

"I thirst" (John 19:28)

"It is finished" (John 19:30)

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46)

Mar 29, 202404:18
Holy Week: Thursday

Holy Week: Thursday

Many major events occur on Maundy Thursday the Day of Unleavened Bread, the day on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. Jesus washes the disciples' feet and gives them a "new command." He institutes the Lord's Supper. He prays in the garden. He is arrested, taken away, and tortured. 

These things happened on the night he was betrayed. I love the tender teaching moment when Jesus washes the disciples' feet. I love the new command Jesus gives, "Love one another." I love the care and grace he extends - even to Judas. 

Mar 28, 202407:49
Holy Week: Wednesday

Holy Week: Wednesday

It is not clear just what Jesus did on the Wednesday of Holy Week. Perhaps he was staying in the home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus. It would be nearby Jerusalem, and they would be gracious hosts. But the Bible does not tie any particular action or words of Jesus to Wednesday. So I am meditating on these thoughts from John’s gospel. They are a sad refrain of unbelief and rejection.

Mar 27, 202404:20
Holy Week: Tuesday

Holy Week: Tuesday

So many of the events of this week must have tugged on Jesus' emotions. He knew he was facing his last days. The conflict between him and the Pharisees is reaching a climax. He will instruct his disciples before he is betrayed. Then will come the betrayal, the scourging, beating, crucifixion, and death. These events loom before him and his disciples.

One of them - for reasons known only to God - takes matters into his own hands and decides to betray Jesus. Judas will sell his soul for 30 pieces of silver. The Jewish leaders will agree to this bargain. They will question Jesus' authority. But as great of an emotional and dramatic vortex this is, none of it is happening apart from God's will. This is his plan - for our good and his glory.

Mar 26, 202406:34
Holy Week: Monday

Holy Week: Monday

Here's the link to Pastor DeMik's message on Palm Sunday. The message starts at 46:26 into the service.

Maybe there are tables that need to be overturned in your life. I’m sure there are in mine. Perhaps you recognize there are fruitless and barren spaces in your heart. Thankfully, when Jesus overturns tables, he makes a way for people to come to God. And when fig trees are cursed, he uses it as an opportunity to teach us about the impact of our prayers before the throne of God.

Today is a good day to pray. God has made a way for us to do so. His name is Jesus. And when we pray in his name, we will be heard.

Mar 25, 202405:07
The Missionary Way

The Missionary Way

Years ago, when a coworker found out that I was going to the seminary, he asked Diane, "What do you do for fun?" I suppose he thought every moment of a pastor's life was filled with sermonizing, Bible reading, praying, and religious stuff. We do spend all our time with Jesus - at our best - and need him most at our worst. But he's with us on the front lines of the mission as well as in the moments of rest and relaxation life sometimes affords. And on more than one occasion, we've been able to share the gospel even in those down times. You never know when the opportunity may arise.

Mar 22, 202405:40
Not so fast!

Not so fast!

God's providence shines through all of Paul's missionary work. It is for the sake of Paul's wellbeing and even more for the sake of the gospel message. Followers of Jesus need never be bullied. Standing up for the sake of the gospel is sometimes necessary. Sometimes it may bring trouble. But sometimes even governmental regulations can aid and protect God's servants. I thank God for those brave men and women who will not be sidelined in their witness to Jesus.

Mar 21, 202405:30
Wondering About Another

Wondering About Another

Perhaps there was a Mr. Jailer's mother-in-law, or father who was praying that God would touch this man's heart. And now their prayers were being answered - perhaps even beyond their imaginations. To become a God Fearer meant that a non-Jew would be sympathetic to the Jewish faith. They might observe certain of the Jewish customs, rites, and traditions. But they would not be fully Jewish. They would, however, respect and appreciate the Jewish faith, and morality. There is no evidence of any such person in Mr. Jailer's household. But it is interesting to me that the whole household rejoiced that they had believed in God. 

There may be a lost son, a wayward daughter, a stubborn husband, an estranged mother, or a good friend for whom you would rejoice were he or she to come to faith. Whether or not there was a person in Mr. Jailer's household who was praying for his conversion, you can be the person who is praying for that one. May God honor your prayers and bring him or her to himself. Hopefully it won't take an earthquake or a night in jail to make it happen!

Mar 20, 202405:11


The true, living, gracious God did not need to be manipulated or bought off. His favor came to people by his grace. And just as the jailer discovered, he wanted nothing more than their faith. And even that was not a matter of his need, but of our blessing. For to believe in his goodness, grace, love, and salvation aligns us with the gifts he offers. We're saved by faith because the gift is already there. Faith receives it.

I'm certain I don't often enough give thanks to God for my faith, for his salvation, for coming to me, for showing me himself. This jailer and his family are good reminders and examples for us all.

Mar 19, 202405:40


Maybe you can identify the place and time the Gospel message impacted you and your loved ones. Perhaps it wasn't a whole family event. It might have been. Be sure of this, however, the stone the builders rejected has made quite an impact in many people's lives down through the ages. And the ripples continue to spread.

Mar 18, 202404:41
A Most Urgent Question

A Most Urgent Question

Whether or not the Jailer was asking for a worldly salvation, Paul was offering him an eternal one. And in the end the jailer believed and was baptized. Rather than believing in Caesar’s power, his superior’s control, or any of the many false gods of his day, Paul told him to put his faith in Jesus.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved,” is still a good message for us. We can look to false gods, fear, money, sex, power, or a myriad of other demigods. None of those will give life, much less eternal salvation. The question is whether or not we fully understand the depth of our need for Jesus, or the full meaning of being saved. When we put our faith in Jesus we will be saved. And there’s no question about that.

Mar 15, 202405:20
Safe Keeping

Safe Keeping

Diane and I have gone on several foreign mission trips. Most of them have been to teach pastors and their spouses about effective ways to expand their work in the Mission of God. Many of these pastors and church leaders are completely committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ. They put into practice what they learn about multiplying disciples, leading change in their churches, and doing this with character and integrity. 

But we spend much more time and energy pursuing God's mission right where we are. Thankfully, we've  been kept safe here and in our mission travels. It is important for us to remember that safety isn't just so we can live easy lives. But thanking God for "quiet and peaceful lives" we delight to be part of God's work in his mission field wherever we may be. 

Mar 14, 202405:32
Oops! Ugh. Aha! Whee! Yeah...

Oops! Ugh. Aha! Whee! Yeah...

What's going on here? Is God orchestrating all this just so that Luke has something interesting to report? Is this just the makings of a Christian cinema offering? No. And no. Luke will write about it; we're reading his book even now. And this would make a great movie. But this isn't about books or movies - plotline or not. This is about the grace of God and his desire for all people to be saved. It's about helping us understand that through faith in Jesus we are saved. That's true whether we've lived a life totally apart from God from our birth, or claim a lifelong commitment to Jesus and a front pew in the Church on the Corner of Grace and Truth Streets.

Mar 13, 202405:28
Sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

Sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

When we were facing some grave medical concerns over our youngest child, I would often go into the sanctuary of the church I served. I'd get there early and pray and sing hymns. I came to love the hymn, Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart. Now, when I wake up in the middle of the night I'll sing the Agnus Dei or Kyrie (in my heart-not outloud!). I'll silently pray the Lord's Prayer, and recite psalms in those quiet hours. These calm my heart and God grants peace in those moments.

You may or may not have a great singing voice. But I'm confident that God loves to hear the songs we sing from our hearts and to his glory - no matter how well we may sing them.

Mar 12, 202405:28