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Dawomxn Tokyo

Dawomxn Tokyo

By Dawomxn Tokyo

Share, connect and improve womxn's health and wellness for all.
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What do you think about "Period Leave??"

Dawomxn TokyoJun 03, 2021

Reproductive Health and Rights in India??

Reproductive Health and Rights in India??

今回は、DawomxnのCommunity Organiserであり、日本一周中のStephanieが、あるコミュニティーで出会った会社員のふみさんをお招きし、彼女が大学時代にインドをフィールドに書いたリプロダクティブヘルス&ライツ(性と生殖の健康と権利)に関する卒業論文のことや、彼女自身のフェムテックへの興味、その他彼女の性に関する個人の経験などを聞いてみました!

- なぜインドをフィールドに?
- どんな内容になった?
- 書いてみてどう思った?(日本との違いなど...etc.)

- Femtechという言葉自体どうやって知ったの?

- 日本の『性』のイメージ??


Aug 24, 202135:35
Womxn-Centered Design「かわいい工具、ってなくない?」with a creator of A DECOR LIFE (spatial factory OKOME)

Womxn-Centered Design「かわいい工具、ってなくない?」with a creator of A DECOR LIFE (spatial factory OKOME)

ゲスト: クリエイターのYumekoさん

今までなかった「かわいい工具」を世に生み出しているA DECOR LIFEというプロダクトを手掛けているクリエイターのYumekoさんをお招きして、プロダクトについて、また、Yumekoさんの生理事情などについてNarumiとErikaの3人で話しています!

トピック includes:

  • A DECOR LIFE を手掛けた背景
  • ジョインにしてYumekoさんが思った感じたA DECOR LIFEの魅力
  • A DECOR LIFEのこれからの展望
  • A DECOR LIFEの取り組みと「フェムテック」との親和性
  • 120日間生理から解放される方法?!
  • 子宮内膜症が発覚した
  • 産婦人科って若ければ若いほど行きづらいと感じやすいかも?
  • ピルのトラッキングってしてる?どうやってる?


Aug 16, 202137:04
Sex Education in Japan??

Sex Education in Japan??


性と恋愛 2019 日本の若者の性と恋愛のリアルを意識調査 - I LADY. :

ABEMAオリジナルドラマ『17.3 about a sex』

ハルさん (Kirinさんの飼っている文鳥で、ハルさんの声がエピソード中に聞こえてきます、お楽しみに!)

Jul 28, 202101:20:02
Mi Amor, Mirena: Womxn Living In Japan Talking About Contraceptions

Mi Amor, Mirena: Womxn Living In Japan Talking About Contraceptions


In this episode Connie from Argentina living in Japan with her Japanese partner and Narumi (a Japanese womxn) are talking about contraceptive methods focusing on IUS Mirena.

This episode is entirely in English!

Topics include:

・Why IUS Mirena? Why not other contraceptive methods?

・How accessible is Mirena in Tokyo? How much does it cost?

・Difficulty getting contraceptive information as a non-Japanese resident in Japan

・The power of hearing real stories from other womxn

Jul 27, 202122:18
Girls Playing Football in Japan

Girls Playing Football in Japan

今回のエピソードでは、2021年6月30日にNew York Timesから刊行された、Expected to Be Demure, Japan’s Girls Face Steep Hurdles to Athletic Dreamsという記事を取り上げながら、幼少期から高校卒業まで、実際に日本でずっとサッカーをやっていた現在20代後半の女性である「みきさん」に彼女の体験や今振り返って思うことなどについて話してもらっています。

Jul 22, 202148:58
Case of Connie: Argentinian Womxn living in Japan

Case of Connie: Argentinian Womxn living in Japan

We had Connie from Buenos Aires, Argentina who has been living in Japan for two years as a guest speaker in this episode. 

This episode is all in English.

- Narumi found more posts about IUD/IUSs in Portuguese/Spanish on Instagram than English!  Why do you think there are a lot of Latina posts on IUD/IUSs?
- How do you get the information on contraception, menstruation...etc?
- Differences between Argentina and Japan regarding reproductive health?
- Connie is a master of menstruation cup!...etc.


Muchas Gracias. ¡Hablamos nuevamente, Connie!

Jul 15, 202149:03
Case of Yui 2021-07-12

Case of Yui 2021-07-12

Yui in her late 20s, who has been living in Tokyo area and working as a cabin crew is a guest speaker in this podcast.  We asked her how to deal with her menstruation and what kind of support and leave system regarding womxn's wellness her company offers to employees. 


- まず周りでどれくらいの人がピルを飲んでいるの? / How many people around you at your company have been taking contraception pills?
- 月経カップを私も買いました! / I bought a menstruation cup too!
- CAさんたち秘密の生理痛対処法って? / This is what a lot of cabin crews use for dealing with period cramps!
- CAさんって産休いつからとれる? / When do pregnant womxn in your company normally get a maternity leave?
- CAさんの子育て事情!などなど / How do cabin crews manage the time with their children?...etc

Me Luna Online Shop:

Jul 12, 202150:50
Case of Mi-san 2021-07-05

Case of Mi-san 2021-07-05


- 私の月経カップはこれです!
- なぜそれを選んだの?
- 実際使ってみて、使い心地は?
- 手入れはどうしてる?...etc.

- みーさんの会社ではどんな支援・制度があるの?
- 社内の雰囲気としてその支援・制度は使いやすい?
- ERGって?
- 改善してほしいこととかある?...etc.

In this episode, Mi-san working for a foreign owned company in Japan, Narumi and Erika are talking in Japanese about Mi-san's menstrual cup, supports and leave system related to female body that she can get from her company.

- This is my menstrual cup!
- Why did you choose it out of other cups?
- How do you like it?
- How do you clean it? and how often do you clean it?...etc.

- What kinds of supports and leave can you get?
- Are the people at your company supportive?
- What is ERG?
- Is there anything you think the company should improve?...etc.




ERG: Employee Resource Group:



Jul 05, 202138:47
Coffee Break - Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-28

Coffee Break - Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-28

In this episode, we talked about a new cutting-edge period underwear called "OPT" and also how period pads and tampons are sold at the supermarkets/drugstores...etc. around the world.


- 世間一般の定義である「かわいい」やレースのデザインではなく、アスリートも機能性的に満足でき、すべての人が選びやすいデザインのショーツ? / No laces on period underwear anymore!

- 世界の生理用品売り場、生理用品のデザインは?ピンクや「紫」だけじゃない!? / How are period pads and tampons are sold in other countries? Not only pink or purple that the packages of a lot of feminine hygiene products in Japan have but more various colors??

This episode is only about 10 minutes long so that you can enjoy during your coffee break!

ファッション誌Nylonの記事 :

Jun 28, 202111:53
Maternity Journey in Japan: 妊娠〜産休取得〜出産〜育休・子育て~復職
Jun 24, 202101:21:57
Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-21

Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-21

2 womxn exposing what it's like to live in Japan in the 2020s.

This episode is based on talking about 4 femtech products and services: Livia (Israel), IUB-Ballerine (Israel), Dusk (Denmark) and Ferly (UK). Mostly spoken in broken-Japanese + sometimes more broken-English.

Topics covered:

- How do you deal with your period cramp?  How hard is it? / 生理痛ってどう対処してる?どれだけ大変?

- The new kind of IUD in the market?! / 避妊・月経困難症の新しい手段!?

- Stylish and sophisticated valva-care products that you might want to get! / こんなおしゃれなデリケートゾーン商品があるの!

- Have you ever seriously thought about your sexuality, your sex life...etc.? / 自分のセクシャリティーや自分の性生活に関して真剣に考えたことある?

Jun 21, 202157:28
Femtech Week in Tokyo

Femtech Week in Tokyo

We went to the event of "Femtech Week" held in Tokyo.
So many to learn and so many products we would like to use (and we actually bought some of them.)
In this podcast, we reviewed the brands and products we saw.
You will get to know what kind of femtech products are already in the Japanese market!

Thank you to Fermata, K+1% and amiee x Ayuwa!

今回のポッドキャストでは、先週末(~6/7/2021)に西武渋谷にて開催されたFemtech Weekについてです。


#femtech #Tokyo #Japan

Jun 09, 202150:16
Case of Grace: British Womxn in Japan

Case of Grace: British Womxn in Japan

In this episode, there's a frank discussion of racial and gender discrimination and mental health issues including the details of medication. There's also some explicit language.


Featuring Grace, a British womxn who has been living in Japan for 5+ years.

She's an educator, instagrammer and voice-actor.

She delivers a powerful and caring message to all of us living in Japan and abroad.

Don't miss out! (Bonus: her smooth voice and accent)

Topics includes:

  • Grace's experience of living in Japan as a "外国人" and womxn
  • Mental health issues and treatment in Japan and the UK
  • Contraceptive choices and access to them in Japan and the UK
  • How can we solve the problems we are facing?
Jun 04, 202101:09:22
What do you think about "Period Leave??"

What do you think about "Period Leave??"

What do you think about "Period Leave??" by Dawomxn Tokyo

In this podcast, 4 people working in Japan with different nationalities,ethnicities,gender...etc. are discussing "Period Leave" at workplace based on the article, "Should women be entitled to period leave? These countries think so" from CNN Business on Nov. 21st, 2020.

今回は、日本で働いている4人の国籍・民族・ジェンダー、その他バックグラウンドの違うメンバーでCNN Businessの202年11月21日の生理休暇の記事を基に、生理休暇についてディスカッションしています。

- Have you taken a period leave or do you want to take one? / 生理休暇取ったことある?取るつもりある?

- What is the situation in the UK like? / UKでは?

- Why do a lot of people think it is difficult to take a period leave? / 何で取りにくいとたくさんの人が思ってるんだろう?

- Is a period leave necessary? / てかそもそも生理休暇っている?

- Isn't there any other ways that people feel more comfortable with? / もしかしたら他の方法がいいかも?

Jun 03, 202154:43
Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-01

Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-06-01

2 womxn exposing what it's like to live in Japan in the 2020s.

This episode is based on talking about 3 femtech products this time: FERTI・LILY, dripstick and Vella Women’s Pleasure Serum.  Mostly spoken in broken-Japanese + more broken-English.

Topics covered:

- What do womxn do to get pregnant?  妊活のために何をする?

- How do you deal with the mess after sex?  セックス後のフローバック問題どうしてる?

- How a lot of people see Sexual Pleasure in Japan? 日本の性的快感のとらえ方...etc

Jun 02, 202156:02
Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-05-30

Dawomxn Tokyo 2021-05-30

2 womxn exposing what it's like to live in Japan in the 2020s.

This episode is based on talking about 4 femtech products and services: Testmate, Tulipon, Clementine, The Lowdown. Mostly spoken in broken-Japanese + more  broken-English.

Topics covered:

- Have you done STD testing? / 性病検査したことある?

- How have you been dealing with the menstrual care? / 生理ケアどうしてる?

- What's hypnotherapy? / ヒプノセラピーって何?

- Contraceptive methods: where have we getting the information and the devices? / 避妊についてどうやって情報手に入れてる?

May 30, 202101:08:29