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Day By Day With Holy Spirit

Day By Day With Holy Spirit

By Shane Gerhard

What if you could look into someone's day to day life as they walk with Holy Spirit?
HERE IS YOUR INVITATION: Come with me as I bring you in to my day by day life with Holy Spirit. The victories, but also the failures. The raw, untold story.
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May 13, 2019

Day By Day With Holy Spirit May 13, 2019

Ep. 37 - Who Are You Listening to?

Ep. 37 - Who Are You Listening to?

Have you ever found yourself being bombarded with bad thoughts, of lust, anger, hate or anything in that ballpark and not sure why or how you even got there? I have. I believe I found out why and how to change from the Holy Spirit, and I am sharing it all here on this episode. 

Nov 13, 202024:03
Ep. 36 - Hearing God Through Pain

Ep. 36 - Hearing God Through Pain

What if you're in a difficult position, hurting and in pain and don't have the luxury to walk away and clear your mind? What if there was a way to navigate through the pain and move from a difficult, painful position into a healthy prospering one? On this episode, we are going to dive deep into these questions and give you the roadmap to move forward through the pain - into peace. 

Aug 21, 202022:40
Episode 35 - I Was Believing A Lie

Episode 35 - I Was Believing A Lie

These last few months have been a weird one, it was as if I was unable to take action on my projects, yet working for others came so easily. The truth was, I was believing a lie. When I learned the truth, the inability was completely gone and here I am now; a changed man. Listen to learn what the lie and truth were

Jun 10, 202021:15
Episode 34 - Are You Ready For Open Doors?

Episode 34 - Are You Ready For Open Doors?

I was in a coffee shop years ago with my mentor and he ended up sharing with me one question to ask Holy Spirit on a continuous basis. This question began to expand my spiritual life is so many different ways. Doors were opening, and my life was changing like never before. This question not only changed my life, but it could change yours too....

Feb 08, 202023:21
Episode 33 - The Choice That Will Change Everything

Episode 33 - The Choice That Will Change Everything

He was there. He was with me. There was no denying it. Holy Spirit was present. What I thought was going to be a normal interaction, was nothing like it. He revealed to me a truth I wasn't seeing and has completely changed our relationship. It was one thing He said. ONE THING that has changed EVERYTHING!

Feb 04, 202024:16
Episode 32 - Hearing God In All The Noise

Episode 32 - Hearing God In All The Noise

I was trying to meet with God, but there was so much noise all around me. I couldn't focus, I was getting irritated and annoyed. How am I supposed to Hear God through all this?! Fortunately, He showed me how and I am going to bring you into what He shared with me.

Jan 31, 202022:32
Episode 31 - What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

Episode 31 - What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

I was stuck in my room, sitting on my floor with absolutely no drive. No will to do anything. I was aware I needed to do something, but what? How do I change when I have no drive to change? Where do I go when I have no idea where to go? In this episode, I dive into exactly how I knew what to do when I didn't know what to do. As well, I dive into the 3 keys to hearing God's voice! 

Jan 29, 202022:20
Episode 30 - The Two Sides Of Healing

Episode 30 - The Two Sides Of Healing

I experienced this awkward, tense moment where I felt so out of place. As I went to Holy Spirit to figure out why; He was able to bring light and healing to it in a way that changed me for the better. Also,  what if there is something in our lives that needs to be healed but we can't see it? In this episode, I go over how Holy Spirit reveals those to us!

Jan 24, 202022:03
Episode 29 - What If There Was One Thing Holy Spirit Hates?

Episode 29 - What If There Was One Thing Holy Spirit Hates?

There is something that Holy Spirit absolutely hates, at first I was a bit surprised to hear Him use a strong word, but after hearing what He had to say, I completely agree with Him.  Also, A few victories and a failure that not only brought peace but also clarity. 

Jan 21, 202021:32
Episode 28 - The 400-Year-Old Truth

Episode 28 - The 400-Year-Old Truth

What if I told you that there is a 400-year-old truth that will increase your ability to hear and interact with Holy Spirit? In this episode I dive into this truth and also into a few simple actions that allowed Holy Spirit to change my heart on something I had no interest in doing, to now, not only did I want to do it, I had joy in doing it. Listen to see how this can help you as well!

Jan 18, 202023:31
Episode 27 - Having Foundations

Episode 27 - Having Foundations

What if there was something you could do today, that would help you out of tough situations tomorrow, even if you aren't hearing God's voice?  Also, there is one way we tend to dishonor God when we practice our ability to hear His voice, what is it and how can we keep from doing it? Find out on this episode! 

Jan 13, 202021:01
Episode 26 - So Close Yet So Far Away

Episode 26 - So Close Yet So Far Away

How is it, that you can feel so close to God yet so far away all at the same time.  In this episode, I go over my dark season of coming close to depression but reaching to God and Him meeting me where I am.

An invitation He gave me, that He also has for you...

Jan 10, 202019:09
Episode 25 - Accelerating Relationship With Holy Spirit

Episode 25 - Accelerating Relationship With Holy Spirit

What if there was a way that you could accelerate your relationship with Holy Spirit? A way that allows you to hear Him more clearly then you have before? Let's dive into what that looks like.
Aug 25, 201918:10
Episode 24 - Can Holy Spirit Mentor You?

Episode 24 - Can Holy Spirit Mentor You?

Season 2 is HERE! 

Is it possible to have Holy Spirit mentor you? Let's take a look at what I have found...

 • ALSO•  

Details and goals for the new season. 

Aug 20, 201919:42
Episode 23 - Rising Above All The Junk In Our Life

Episode 23 - Rising Above All The Junk In Our Life

What does it look like to rise above all the junk in our life, the financial, relational, emotional or spiritual issues. When it becomes crippling it blocks our ability to see the silver lining, what are some tools to come higher and receive understanding from Holy Spirit.
I will walk you through the steps I took when financial and emotional issues were starting to overcome me.
Aug 08, 201918:53
Episode 22 - Check-In With Him!

Episode 22 - Check-In With Him!

How do you hear Holy Spirit's voice when you are hurt, sad, in pain or grieved? Can you move aside or even through the emotion to get to His voice? Listen in and I will show you how I did it when I was hurt; how I turned what would had been a reaction, into a well though out response. 

Aug 02, 201918:02
Episode 21 - I Didn't Hear His Voice Correctly, Now What?

Episode 21 - I Didn't Hear His Voice Correctly, Now What?

I went to Holy Spirit to hear something for my friend and I got it WRONG! What are things I can do to improve my ability to hear Him?
Jul 29, 201918:58
Episode 20 - You Must Be Intentional

Episode 20 - You Must Be Intentional

How do you involve Holy Spirit when you are SUPER busy? He is there just when you pray or is here ALL the time? •ALSO• Testimony of hearing Holy Spirits voice that led to a family getting healed!

Jul 26, 201919:05
Episode 19 - Should We Test Holy Spirit?

Episode 19 - Should We Test Holy Spirit?

When we hear Him, what do we do? Is it OK to test what He says? What does it even mean to test Him? What Does scripture have to say about that?
•ALSO• What is a Holy Spirit Warrior?
Jul 24, 201919:08
Episode 18 - 78%

Episode 18 - 78%

This was almost a very different episode, but ONE THING changed it all... •ALSO• What happens when your trust level isn't 100%?
Jul 22, 201918:23
Episode 17 - The Same Spirit

Episode 17 - The Same Spirit

Is Holy Spirit the same Holy Spirit in your hometown as He is in your state? How about internationally? What are three things we can do to become more like Jesus in regards to His relationship with Holy Spirit?
Jul 20, 201918:13
Episode 16 - He Is Worth It

Episode 16 - He Is Worth It

How many chances will the Holy Spirit give you when you do not listen? As well, what did it look like when I surrendered for the first time?

Jul 18, 201918:24
Episode 15 - Changing Our Views

Episode 15 - Changing Our Views

How do we begin to see men and woman as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom? What are some tools we can use to develop this? Take a look into Holy Spirits and my response when I disobeyed Him.
Jul 09, 201918:41
Episode 14 - He Is In The Little Things

Episode 14 - He Is In The Little Things

When is the best time of day to practice hearing Holy Spirits voice? Where is Holy Spirit in the little things?
Jul 07, 201916:48
Episode 13 - Your Spirit Compliments

Episode 13 - Your Spirit Compliments

What if you don't hear from God like others do? How can you learn to grow and develop yourself while still learning to hear from the spirit with others?
Jul 05, 201918:29
Episode 12 - Heart Pull

Episode 12 - Heart Pull

I got CALLED OUT by the Holy Spirit, but it is exactly what was needed & how do you involve Holy Spirit when you are going through emotional and relational hurt? 

Jun 21, 201918:01
Episode 11 - There Is No 18 & Out

Episode 11 - There Is No 18 & Out

What does it feel like when God shows up and how does it change you?
Jun 18, 201918:45
Episode 10 - Called Out

Episode 10 - Called Out

As I began to complain, Holy Spirit called me out and educated me. What He said floored me.
Jun 15, 201919:10
Episode 9 - Is Your Bed Made?

Episode 9 - Is Your Bed Made?

What is the term Holy Spirit gave me when He brings correction and alignment in a straight forward way?
What does Holy Spirit mean, you need to make your bed? In this episode I touch on these key subjects and more.
Jun 14, 201917:55
Episode 8 - When You Don't Follow His Plan

Episode 8 - When You Don't Follow His Plan

What happens when you get advice or correction from the Holy Spirit and you don't follow it? I give you a look into a day when I ignored His teaching and what I learned from it.
Jun 11, 201916:44
Episode 7 - Getting Back To The Path

Episode 7 - Getting Back To The Path

What if God was showing you a way to get back to the path He has for you? Here I reveal the tools and wisdom He has given me to walk confidently with Him after being in such a low point.
Jun 09, 201918:59
Episode 6 - He Is Always Our Light

Episode 6 - He Is Always Our Light

Is it possible to be too vulnerable? Here I dive a bit deeper than I have before and it gets REAL. 

Jun 08, 201917:07
Episode 5 - Tired And Down But Not Out

Episode 5 - Tired And Down But Not Out

I MESSED UP...I FAILED! Take a look into what happened, and see how Holy Spirit doesn't sit on the side lines.

May 31, 201917:41
Episode 4 - Exercising Your Spiritual Senses

Episode 4 - Exercising Your Spiritual Senses

Episode 4 - What if there was a tool that could help you develop your spiritual senses, and it was around you everyday, you just weren't utilizing it? 

I'm going to give you a quick recap of the previous episodes as well as an update on my journey of beating the lust that is constantly around me. The wins, as well as the losses. As well as a few tools to help you develop your ability to hear the Holy Spirit and ability to discern spiritual things around you. 

May 28, 201916:46
Episode 3 - Anchor

Episode 3 - Anchor

When you get breakthrough, what do you do next? I am going to dive deeper into what it is to anchor and how to pull yourself closer to Holy Spirit and away from the cares of the world. 

May 17, 201918:24
Episode 2 - One Step Forward

Episode 2 - One Step Forward

The real experience of walking in what Holy Spirit is sharing with me, the wins and failures. A recap of yesterdays HOT POINTS, as well as new ways of beating those lustful thoughts and anchoring yourself in a heavenly encounter that will show you how to view others as sons and daughters of God. 

May 15, 201917:48
Episode 1 - Starting Point

Episode 1 - Starting Point

This is the start of a journey, that I am inviting you to take with me as I bring you in to my day by day life with Holy Spirit. The victories, but also the failures. The raw, untold story. 

May 14, 201917:58
May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019

May 13, 201900:42