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The Find Your Freedom Podcast

The Find Your Freedom Podcast

By deb

Find Your Freedom is all about helping busy moms and dads, who struggle to maintain focus, organization and time for themselves to build a foundational health practice that supports their many roles and responsibilities. Each episode supports the mindset and empowered decision making that makes YOU the rising tide that lifts all ships so you can feel confident prioritizing a commitment to self and learn the various modalities, habits, routines, strategies and mindset re-frames behind true growth, high performance, and utter fulfillment. listen in for interviews, action steps and foundational health strategies to implement into your unique life, right away!
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The Law of Attraction Series Part 3: The Universe Can See Around The Corner

The Find Your Freedom PodcastMay 26, 2020

Season 1 Review and Thank You!
Nov 10, 202046:33
The Sleep Series Part 2

The Sleep Series Part 2

This week marks the second half of our two part sleep series and I brought on some friends of mine to help me distill the most important action steps you can take to optimize your sleep!

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How to create an evening routine that will set you up to go to sleep faster and stay asleep including when to stop eating, when to power down electronics and priming relaxation response. 
  • Preparing your sleep environment to foster tranquility.  We learn about bedding, light, temperature, sound and essential to use them, why they work!
  • How stimulants like caffeine and alcohol play a role in disrupting sleep and the pointers to help you make smart choices when taking part!
  • How exercise  helps you get better quality sleep and some things to take into consideration when planning your workout schedule 

Meet our guests!!

Lindsey Wolf: Nutritionist and Founder of The Nourish Company helping busy mamas shed 20lbs in 90 days.  You can follow Lindsey or join her FREE Facebook Group The Nourished Life.

Dr. Laura Hughes: Life Coach, DoTERRA Essential Oils Expert and voice behind the Earthling 101 Podcast.  Follow her @drlaurahughes or check out her website at

Adriana G. Liberatore aka GetFitMom: Functional Nutritionist tailoring wellness plans for professionals, parents and kids.  Follow her @getfitmom_ or check out her website at

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  You can also write a review- it's no cost and helps more people find this podcast!! THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:).   

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Nov 03, 202033:20
The Sleep Series Part 1

The Sleep Series Part 1

This week's episode is the first part of a 2 part series all about SLEEP!! 

In today's world, we are bombarded with distractions, obligations, stress and a to-do list a mile long.  Add to that a pandemic and one of the most polarizing presidential elections to date and we're all feeling taxed mentally and physically. 

When overwhelmed and overbooked, it's more important than ever to turn to our most innate, natural tool to refuel and restore our mind and body..... SLEEP.

Part 1 will discuss the science of sleep, what happens in the body and brain when we sleep, the pitfalls of sleep debt, the theory of cumulative stress and how to know how much sleep you actually need.

Topics in order of appearance:

The sleep/wake cycle,  neuroplasticity and learning
Metabolic Health
Energy conservation
Managing Emotional Health
Weight Management
Sleep Debt
Sleep Study ( ref by James Clear)
The Theory of Cumulative Stress
How to counter/make up for losses
General Sleep Guidelines
Questions to Ask to determine personal needs

Links to articles/resources mentioned:

Science of Sleep
Sleep article
Sleep Diary PDF

Stay Tuned for Part 2 where we'll be talking all about sleep hygiene and how to optimize sleep so you can fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and get more out of those precious zzz's.

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  You can also write a review- it's no cost and helps more people find this podcast!! THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:).   

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Oct 27, 202042:51
Healing from Trauma with Jillian Curley

Healing from Trauma with Jillian Curley

This week,I had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Jillian Curley of Collective Energies Fitness.  Jillian is a sports medicine and neuromyofascial Therapist, SRT certified practitioner and an intuitive Soul Coach supporting clients in their health journey. 

Jillian came on to talk about  how trauma shows up in the body, how it effects our day to day lives and what we can do to start truly healing it!

you'll learn:

  • What your aches and pains (physical and mental) can tell you about how much stress your body is holding
  • How disfunction in the body is preventing you from moving forward
  • How we take on energy of others
  • What trauma bonding is
  • What you should look for to release deeper emotional/mental stress
  • Modalities available to help you heal
  • How Jillian Finds her Freedom

Follow Jillian @collectiveenergiesfitness on instagram!

Oct 20, 202059:25
Is Your Negativity Bias Running The Show?

Is Your Negativity Bias Running The Show?

This week we're uncovering the subconscious tendency we all have that's making it harder for us to see the good, the opportunity, the the face of life's day to day happenings. 

Scientists call it The Negativity Bias and we'll be diving in to discuss what it is, why it exists, how it shows up and what we can do to balance out the scales and train our brain away from this tendency.   We'll be calling on the work of Rick Hansen, Author of "Just One Thing.  He uses Neuroscience to help us make small, approachable changes to train our brains toward mindful action and increased fulfillment.

Topics by Time Stamp:

3:50 What is the Negativity Bias and how did our brains get wired this way to begin with?
7:42 How it shows up in your decision making, risk taking, social tendencies, etc
12:05 1st action Step: Positive Prompts that remind us of the good/neutral that still exists and now to use your senses to seek more truth when triggered.
14:06 Elaboration....Know, then feel and root yourself there for 30 seconds
16:00 Elaboration...Feel then Enjoy it ( increasing implicit memories) The more senses involved, the more neurons that fire together.   
18:28 Questions you can ask yourself
20:30 Action Step #2 Remembering our Hidden Generosity.  In the moments you just can't take it anymore, focus on what you can give.
24:25 Action Step #3 Stop adding Salt to your Wounds. 
30:55 What to do- Think Salt in a Bucket, not salt in a teacup to see the big picture
35:00 Learning how to find the silver lining/ building intrinsic motivation and learning

Links to Resources Discussed in Episode

Rick Hanson's Website
Just One Thing on Amazon
Email Deb at for:

  • Rose/Thorn Bud
  • 5-4-3-2-1 Exercise
  • List of What you can Give

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Oct 13, 202044:04
October's Energetic Support Overview

October's Energetic Support Overview

As we head into the last 90 days of the Year, it's more important than ever to make sure you are supported, grounded and building upon your foundational strength.  It's been a rocky year to say the least and we're being called to show our resilience so we can GROW through what we GO through.

In this episode, we talk about the resources available to you- both in how you THINK and VIEW the world.....and what tools you can access to support you along the way ( ie: the lunar calendar, crystals and essential oils.)

Topic by time stamp:

4:30 When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
7:07 Excerpt from Self Care Workshop audio-
-what happens when stressed, how to know if it's manifested into other areas of your life...(13:50) the Difference between Selfish and Self Centered (20:00) The difference between service and servitude.
25:30 Kids and the PFC- giving them chances to flex their mental muscles
27:55 The Pilot Story
30:15 Insight into common resistance to that story
31:40 we are all searching for certainty.  We need a centered approach to find resiliency and mental fortitude.
32:52 Energetic Support Tools
-Lunar Cycle
 10/1-10/8 Full Moon Phase
10/9-10/15 Waning Phase
10/16-10/22 New Moon (a super moon)
10/23-10/30 Waxing Phase
10/31 Full Moon on Halloween!
39:33 Spiritual resources- crystals and oils
39:56 Emeralds: steadiness, balance, harmony ( Heart Chakra)
42:53 Green Mandarin: soothes nervous system, diffuse, apply topically or drink with liquid
44:50 Steadying blend: Anchor from Doterra, encourages balance and bravery

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by
Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Oct 06, 202048:31
Catch All: "Best Of" Deb's Life Coach Insight

Catch All: "Best Of" Deb's Life Coach Insight

This week's episode is a compilation of three social media posts I recorded almost 2 years ago.  They give my two cents on the reframes and tools we can use to set ourselves up for success amongst the chaos.  Who doesn't want that? 

The Topics:
Remaining Strong through Struggle
A ritual you can use when you get stuck
7 morning habits/routine to give you foundational support

Episode by time stamp:
2:50 What strength is and isn't, being willing to feel differently, to sit in discomfort and show gratitude for growth/opportunity.
7:15 Mindfulness can help you through struggle
8:12 Putting yourself in your Future Self- staying aware of the 'plus side"
11:15 FACE it till you make it!
12:00 RECAP
14:10 Ritual for getting Unstuck
15:30 Supplies: sage, box, paper, pen (blue and 1 other color), lighter, music
18:30 Process: pick a private place, write down fears/blocks in non blue ink, recite prayer, read paper strips, cover box and play music, open box and re-write related affirmations in blue ink.
23:45 Shifting energy to present tense belief which leads to problem solving action
24:08 RECAP
25:45 Morning Routine Practices for awareness, intension and self-care
28:20 No more snoozing, morning meditation, water, stretching/movement, EssentialOils, Music/book/podcast, Do these BEFORE checking social media and comparing yourself to others.
34:50 RECAP
38:18 Call To Action: take these ideas and be the rising tide that lifts all ships in your life.  You deserve it and the world needs you.

Links to Resources Discussed in this Episode:

Sage (full kit) for Ritual
Song for Liberation (Om Namo Bhagavate by Deva Primal)
Insight Timer App ( deb's profile)
Doterra Essential Oils
Prayer when using Sage to clear energy: email

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Sep 29, 202040:00
Do Less To Accomplish More!

Do Less To Accomplish More!

This week, I'm diving into one of my favorite books, written by a huge mentor of mine, Kate Northrup.

What we cover in this episode: 

  • The need for this book!
  • the 4 phases of the physiological cycle and how they align with the lunar cycle, yearly calendar and 24 our clock. 
  • Why we should treat sleep like a spiritual practice
  • How to streamline your to-do list
  • How and when to use a Universe to-do list

Topics by Timestamp:

3:00 background for why this book is needed
5:25 Caviat to this episode: Using
Maslow's Hierarchy to know if we're supported enough to take action on this episode's practices.
9:30 Talking is set up on a 24 hour cycle, but women are on a 28 day cycle
12:15 4 phases per cycle: Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal and Menstrual.  Each align with Lunar Calendar and seasons of the year.
13:05 Follicutlar: Spring/Waxing Moon/Emergence
14:40 Ovulation: Summer/Full Moon/Visibility
16:52 Luteal: Fall/ Waning Moon/ Culmination
18:03 Menstrual: Winter/New Moon/ Fertile Void
19:35 Macro to Micro- Phases also line up with the 24 hour daily clock when allos us to change the way we spend our time.
20:50 Breakdown of the 24 hour clock by cycle
24:25 The reframe of the 24 hour day
25:45 Making sleep a spiritual practice: benefits and what whats happens when we are sleep deprived.
29:37 Deb's best practices for prioritizing rest ( reverse alarm, wear blue light glasses, make time for meditation.  Sleep is rest for the body- meditation is rest for the mind.  You need both
36:00 Streamlining your to-do list: Monday hour 1, obligation/delegation matrix, saying no
50:50 The Universe's to-do list- what to do when you feel out of control or at a loss for solution
53:56 overview and good byes

Links to resources we talked about!

Do Less by Kate Northrup
Kate's Website
Blue Light Glasses by BluBlox
Monday Hour 1 by Brook Castillo
The Life Coach School Podcast by Brooke Castillo

Email me to get your own PDF's of: 

  • Obligation/Delegation Matrix
  • The Universe's To-Do List

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Sep 22, 202057:13
Mantras for the Win!

Mantras for the Win!

This week we are taking a deep dive into one of my favorite mantras for removing obstacles and breaking down what mantras are, how they can benefit you and the ways you can bring them into your own spiritual practice.

2:00 Episode Overview
4:05 Mantras defined ane why they are worth learning about
7:50 Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha - what does it mean?
9:42 Short story of Ganesha by Emma Newlan
13:15 Ganesha symbolism
20:00 How you can get into a 4th state of consciousness
20:45 Activating your Root Chakra
22:00 Benefit Overview
24:20 Ways to bring mantras into your practice
25:05 Significance of 108
27:40 more ways to add mantras into yoru practice
30:15 reminder that mantra track is available for last 8 min of this episode
31:50 Deva Primal's Mantra track ) download below

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Story of Ganesha
Deva Premal's Om Gam Ganapataye Namanha
Crystal Muse Book

Connect with Deb
If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Sep 15, 202040:04
Take The Novelty Challenge: Three ways you can boost your brain health AND bond with your tribe!

Take The Novelty Challenge: Three ways you can boost your brain health AND bond with your tribe!

In today's episode, we're kicking off the school year with some engaging ways to NOT ONLY boost your brain health, but improve and nurture your relationships with friends, family, your partner...there is no limit. 

Did you know the body has two ways to respond to life?? 
We can call on our sympathetic nervous system that sends stress signals throughout the body in the fight, flight, freeze fashion...or we can use our parasympathetic nervous system to send signals of safety, support and centering.  One floods brain fuel to the limbic brain and the other sends it to the pre-frontal cortex.  Your limbic brain's main goal is to keep you safe....but your pre-frontal cortex can help you problem solve, think critically, show patience, compassion and creativity.  And with this high level thinking, you can respond to life with confidence...even when it's stressful!

In this episode, you will learn why NOVELTY is the best way to flood your Pre-Frontal Cortex with fuel and HOW to do that!

2:48 Why Novelty is so important and how its related to yoru stress response
7:10 using Novelty to bring fuel to the PFC
8:40 Novelty Prompts- benign ways to flood the PFC and reroute pathways away from limbic behavior.
9:35 Spacial Prompts
15:10 Non Dominant Hand Prompts
18:32 Sensorial Prompts
22:22 Same But Different Prompts
27:35 Beyond Your Comfort Zone Prompts
34:25 Two games you can play on your own or with fam/friends to boost PFC and connect with your tribe
36:15 Rose, Thorn, Bud- mindfulness and big picture thinking exercise. 
41:30 Question Jar- questions you can ask to add insight and learn more about yourself, your friends and family.

EMAIL DEB at for:

  • Novelty Prompt Download
  • Rose, Thorn, Bud Download
  • The Question Jar Download

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by
Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Sep 08, 202046:56
Embracing Educational Design at Home: Interview with Dr. Karen Aronian

Embracing Educational Design at Home: Interview with Dr. Karen Aronian

This week I had the chance to sit down with Dr. Karen Aronian, Founder of Aronian Educational Design.  Karen, a past NYC school teacher and College Professor, creates learning spaces, programs and staffing for schools, hospitality brands and private clients!

I met Karen as a fellow Montessori Parent a few years ago and knew she would be the perfect person to talk about all things HOMESCHOOL as we return to this new school year with many of us doing online learning or hybrid models.

In this episode, Karen and I talk about the obvious challenges this year presents, the mindset reframes needed to embrace the challenges and new normal.  We also talk about the practical action steps parents can take to set their homes up for a successful school year- at any age.

Important takeaways by time stamp:

2:37 Karen introduces herself and gives some background about what led her to this career and passion.
4:46 What does Educational Design mean?
9:10 Helping parents adjust to new environment: How do we mentally prepare and what resources do we have?
17:00 3 pieces of advice on managing the stress of everyone being at home throughout the entire day
30:44 Actions steps for turning your home a learning environment
42:00 Proactive investment of LISTING (learning spaces, snacks, free time activities...)
46:30 How to create some practice for returning to school
51:00 Growth and bandwidth- Investing in YOU so you can hold space for the family
53:40 How does Karen Find Her Freedom?

Connect with Karen:

Visit her
Follow her on Instagram @drkaronian
Watch her latest interview from abc10 News

Connect with Deb
If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Sign up for a FREE Online Angel Card Reading with Deb and get some focus, guidance and support with whatever you're navigating! 

Sep 01, 202001:02:43
The Power of Epigenetics with Nicole Rios

The Power of Epigenetics with Nicole Rios

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nicole Rios, an experienced body worker, intuitive transformational healer and fitness and wellness coach. We sat down to talk all things epigenetics...the study of gene expression that allows us to take more ownership over our wellbeing. 

Nicole reversed her Cancer diagnosis within 6 months with just a few focused lifestyle changes and she's been blending her knowledge of the physical and spiritual world ever since to help clients release old programming, emotional patterns, injury and disease.  Through massage, movement, visualizations and behavior/programming identification, she can guide YOU to find your freedom and live with more vitality than before. 

Tune in as we talk about how to use this science in your everyday life, why it's so beneficial, the assumptions we've been making about our body's and what chronic injury/illness can mean from a holistic standpoint. 

Some key points by timestamp include:

8:58 Nicole defines Epigenetics and the "old'' school of thought
11:50 Body WANTS to be healthy and why we're making it hard to achieve
17:25 Why mindfulness is so important when it comes to epigenetics
20:57 Helpful Metaphor and Parenting!
27:04 Assumptions we make
33:50 Lifestyle Choice examples
40:16 How do you change a mindset to get unstuck?
45:20 Other holistic health modalities to compliment your path to wellbeing
47:45 Chronic Injury: physical vs spiritual outlook
55:00 owning what box you're creating for yourself- dare to envision!
58:17 How does Nicole find her freedom?
1:03 Connect with Nicole via email:
or follow her on

Connect with Deb
If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Check out all the ways Heart Centered You-niversity can support YOU!

Aug 25, 202001:05:35
My Favorite Spiritual Practice: ANGEL CARDS

My Favorite Spiritual Practice: ANGEL CARDS

In this week's Episode, I'm sharing one of my favorite spiritual practices....ANGEL CARDS!!

Angel cards have supported me through some of the most difficult and uncertain times and have been a daily source of wisdom and inspiration ever since.  Join me as I dive into what they are, how they work, what makes a supportive reading and an example of what a reading looks like so you can start a practice all your own!

Episode by time stamp/What you'll learn:

1:30 I talk about Kyle Gray's Decks and how much I love his work.  Connect with Kyle or grab one of his decks on amazon.
Keepers of the Light is my favorite.
Kyle's Website
Kyle on Instagram

3:00 What are Angel Cards?  Guardian angles, a bridge connecting us...

5:40 How do Angle Cards work? Energy and elements of a reading

7:50 Free Will and giving permission to the Angels

10:00 Angels are multi-dimentional beings

11:15 Mindset when pulling cards

13:40 Bonding with you cards

14:50 2 types of spreads...single card and three card spread (Strength, Heart, Challenge)

19:25 Real time Angel Card Reading with Deb....ISIS, magic Manifesting

For anyone who would like to learn more OR get a complimentary Reading with Deb, use this link to book a 20 min session.  40.00 value, FREE to you....A thank you for supporting the Find Your Freedom Podcast.

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head.

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Check out all the ways Heart Centered You-niversity can support YOU.

Aug 18, 202032:37
Book Review:  Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

Book Review: Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

Today I am highlighting my favorite takeaways from WOLFPACK by Abby Wambach.

Wolfpack is a book encouraging women everywhere to venture off the path, let go of old rules and change the landscape of their lives and the world.  As an olympic gold medalist, world record holder and co-captain of the 2015 woman's world cut Team, Abby knows a thing or two about leadership and sisterhood.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • The impact of reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone National Park
  • Symbolism of the Wolf
  • 2 of the 8 game changing rules to honor the power of your wolf and the strength of your pack. (10:00) Lead From The Bench and (20:47) Champion Each Other!
  • How these rules can help you find your freedom...the action steps you can take as you unleash your power and change the game for yourself!
  • Deb's experience leading from the bench and supporting her pack, even when it felt hard to do so.

Purchase Wolfpack on Amazon
Check out Abby's Website for gear, videos and inspiration
And stay tuned for Abby's Young Readers Edition of Wolfpack coming out in Oct 2020

Connect with Deb
If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head.

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Check out all the ways Heart Centered You-niversity can support YOU.

Aug 04, 202037:52
Catch All Interviews: Recovery and High Performance

Catch All Interviews: Recovery and High Performance

This week I bring you answers to the question:  Why is it so important to invest in rest and recovery and how does it relate to high performance?

You'll hear from three experts about how investing in rest can benefit YOU as recovery relates to athletics, parenting and mindfulness.

Guests on today's episode:

Jillian Curley
Sports Medicine and Neuromyofascial Therapist, intuitive Life Coach and Fire Reiki Practitioner. Jillian talks about what happens in your body when you don't take time to recover from the stress of your workouts and why its so important to prioritize rest!
Follow her at
@collectiveenergiesfitness on instagram

Sarika Mahtani
Communication Coach and Speech and Language Pathologist. Sarika works with families to help them see the potential in every child and talks to us today about why rest and recovery is something us parents need to both invest in AND model for our children!
Follow her at @sarikamahtani on instagram or visit her website

Darren Cockburn
Multi-faith Author, Teacher and Coach who helps online mindfulness/meditation teachers grow their businesses.  Darren takes us through suggestions of various meditation styles and encourages us to take time out each day so that we can sleep better, improve our immune system and heal dormant emotional wounds.
Darren recommends his body awareness practice and a Yoga Nidra practice from Lynn Holloway.
Follow him at @darren.cockburn on instagram and @darrencockburn on insight timer.

Additional Commentary from Deb
 Taking cues from Emily Fletcher of Ziva Meditation, I review:

  • What happens to our bodies and mind during sleep and meditative rest
  • Why we need caffeine and how meditation can replace it (with added benefits)
  • reference to book Stress Less, Accomplish More 

Connect with Deb
If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head.

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

Check out all the ways Heart Centered You-niversity can support YOU.

Jul 28, 202035:06
Heart Rate Variability with Kristi Britto and Jessica Corbin

Heart Rate Variability with Kristi Britto and Jessica Corbin

Your energy is your most precious resource and with a little knowledge and commitment to self, you can cultivate a wellspring of energy to fuel your biggest goals, find patience when you need it and avoid the burnout that often comes after pushing too hard and giving too much of yourself.

Follow along with me as I talk with Kristi Britto and Jessica Corbin of Sorce- an up and coming company dedicated to solving the human energy crisis!  We talk everything Heart Rate Variability....the primary way to measure, track and treat the nervous system of individuals and organizations alike. 

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • What is HRV and how does it work?
  • The benefits of knowing your HRV score
  • Why burnout is an epidemic
  • How Corporate America can use HRV to better understand the energetic pulse of their employees and how that relates to productivity, burnout and mental fortitude
  • The connection between recovery and high performance- why slowing down is worth your while whether you are training in the gym or working at an office!

More about today's guests:

Connect with Deb

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

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Jul 21, 202054:53
Language Hacks for a Growth Mindset

Language Hacks for a Growth Mindset

Did you know that language has the power to re-train your brain to bypass your stress response?  Just by changing the words you use to self talk or assess a situation can change the trajectory of your path.... one of a fixed or growth mindset. 

What you'll learn in today's episode:

  • Meaning of Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
  • Why knowing the differences MATTER!
  • Examples of these differences in classroom and relationship settings
  • Language hacks to use in your life when challenges or threats to comfort zone appear
  • Shame and the connection to a fixed Mindset
  • More language awareness you can use for self talk

2:57 Defining Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
5:45 Why the difference matters: it changes what people strive for, their meaning of success/failure, the richness of their relationships and connection.
9:42 Overview of Growth vs Fixed Mindset Chart by Carol Dweck
15:42 Classroom Study
21:40 How language impacts everything: Action steps for using language to foster growth mindset in your life
22:42 The Power of Yet
24:44 Process Praise over Product Praise
29.27 Creating sentence stems when giving compliments or feedback
         -I noticed how...
         -Have you considered?...
         -I admire how....
         -Look how much progress you made...
31.45 Connecting mindset to shame hijacks the limbic brain
34.10 Shame vs Guilt, Humiliation or Embarrassment
36:00 Example of language that leads to shame proneness and fixed mindset
          Explaining how guilt can be a catalyst for meaningful change
39:20 4 Language suggestions for self talk that inspire growth mindset
         -Notice when you start blaming people for making you feel bad
         -Notice when you get overly defensive, angry or dismissive
         -Notice when you are self deprecating with humor or self worth
         -Using affirmations
50:45 Some personal examples of my own affirmations to get you started.

If you're loving this podcast and want to support Deb so she can keep bringing you fun and informative AD FREE episodes each and every week, consider swinging by
Patreon!  For as little as 5.00/month you can become a Find Your Freedom contributor and receive behind the scenes goodies and first dibs at episode topic suggestions!  THANK YOU, in advance, for your support:)

Connect with Deb
Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head.

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

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Jul 14, 202054:47
A Parent's Guide to Brain Devolpment

A Parent's Guide to Brain Devolpment

More and more studies are showing that human beings have the ability to continue to improve brain function throughout life.  Our episode today is here to both highlight how we can foster this improvement and show how, as parents, we can better understand just whats going on in our child's brain from birth to age 25. 

What you will learn: 

  • What the Pre-Frontal Cortex is and why our brain needs it
  • The 4 ways the brain evolves and learns how to self regulate
  • What helps fuel and hinder higher thinking (aka executive functions)
  • Various tools, games and resources you can use to support brain development 

3:28 Overview of brain development
4:47 The limbic Brain and Pre-Front Cortex order of operations
6:18 The 4 ways the brain evolves ( myelination, synaptic pruning, increased connectivity and executive function)
11:37 Lisa Wimberger Analogy of PFC as a diva/high performance car and what the PFC needs to turn on!
28:58 What hinders the PFC development
30:30 Tools and support that activate PFC so you can support your child's journey to independence.
32:25 Recommendations from Birth-4 years
34:18 7 steps to navigating tantrums from
47:56 Tantrums are a normal part of child development and essential for building the higher thinking skills they need as adults
49:51 Elementary Years Activity recommendations
1;00:00 Teen Years Recommendations- in addition to new list, everything applies from Elementary but can tweak as needed to engage older kids
1:05:20 Early 20's Recommendations: focus on mindfulness

Did you love this episode?  Would you like to support the Find Your Freedom Podcast so it can stay ad free and keep bringing you quality episodes week after week?
Head over to Patreon to become a monthly contributor for as little as 5.00/month!

Resource discussed in this episode:
Lisa Wimberger, The Neuroscultping Institute
Question Jar PDF
Rose Thorn Bud PDF
52 List Project, Moorea Seal
Lumosity App
Cards against humanity or Not Parent Approved ( kiddo version)
BONUS: 25 Mindfulness Activities for kids

Connect with Deb

Jul 07, 202001:12:12
Catch All Interviews on Imperfect Action

Catch All Interviews on Imperfect Action

This week I gathered insight from a few of my favorite coaches and online teachers in the health and wellness industry to talk about the idea of imperfect action: what it means to them, how it shows up in their life, results, growth and lessons it's taught them.

Join me and Flow Trandu, Solveig Pedersen, Andrea Robinson and Destiny Spurrell for a catch all that will leave you thinking more about how imperfect action can help you grow and build upon your life!

Time stamps of each interview soundbite:

3:38 Flow Trandu, Trainer, motivator and owner of Flow Squad Fitness
-Imperfect action and Fear
-Follow Flow
2:23 Deb's Comments

8:44 Solveig Pedersen, Life, Love and Leadership Coach, helping clients transform themselves and the world.
-Imperfect action and using your intuition
-Follow @solandheart, website:
13:02 Deb's Comments

15:15 Andrea Robinson, Personal Trainer and Online Health Coach
-Imperfect Action and the beginner's mind
-Follow @andrearobinsonfitness
19:54 Deb's Comments

23:36 Destiny Spurrell, Naturapath and Co-Founder of Soul Spark taking women from tired and done to energized and soul sparked by addressing energy on the level of body, mind and soul.
-Imperfect action and alignment
-Follow @soulsparksisterhood and/or download FREE guide to rebuilding energy HERE
28:07 Deb's Comments

31:32 Review and Call to Action!

Thanks so much for tuning in...if you liked this episode and want to support the podcast for a few dollars a month, become a fan or partner on Patreon! 

See you next week!

Connect with Deb
Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head!

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Jun 30, 202034:42
Implicit Bias

Implicit Bias

This week's episode comes at a time when everything seems to be changing.  The world knows more chaos than ever before and it can take a toll on just about every aspect of life.  
The Find Your Freedom Podcast is here to help you find the awareness and tools to navigate through change.  It's here to guide you, inspire you and support you as you ask new questions and confront new circumstances and perspective.

Listen in as I discuss one of the biggest hidden influences dictating our thoughts, decisions and actions- especially in times of stress.  Implicit Bias: a subconscious tendency that looks to your past, your peers, your teachers, your unique exposure to life, and uses that lens to form your interpretations of life without you even knowing it. We all have it and we can all use mindfulness and our brain's neuroplasticity to re-train our brains IF and WHEN we want to! 

3:15 Defining implicit Bias
4:25 Explicit vs. implicit
5:37 connection to neuroscience via our subconscious
6:13 Dispelling myths
9:00 Neuroplasticity and new associations
9:50 acknowledgement of bias
10:15 Examples of implicit bias effects when gone unchecked (red lining, mortgage lending, classrooms, interviews, loans, law enforcement, disaster response...)
12:18 Bias can be unlearned, we have a say over how we process information
14:40 1st way you can use neuroplasticity to dissolve bias that doesn't serve: Breathwork
17:24 2nd way...looking at a photo of someone doing things not typically associated with their age/race/gender
20:30 3rd way...Educate yourself by exposing yourself to new authors, documentaries, music, thought leaders...
21:40 4th way...move through your fear by going back to your intention. Action is scary, but when you start the conversations, take the first step, your fear gets reprogrammed into excitement, and that excitement can turn into enthusiasm.  
27:55 Reference:
Neutralizing Failure (Episode 30)
28:30 5th way...Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I share a personal example of realizing my own bias and the pain/discomfort i had to sit with and acknowledge.
34:00 Review and how this knowledge can help us become allies for underrepresented communities.
34:26 Allyship from Aja Barber:
-Starts with accountability and trust
-Acknowledge how you've benefited personally and process your place
-White fragility and doing the right thing
37:35 Tuning into yourself with Michael Beckwith
-What are yoru strengths? What is your expertise? Find your inner authority

Links discussed in episode
2017 State of Science implicit Bias Review
Michael Beckwith website and Michael Beckwith Instagram
Aja Barber Instagram post
MTV Bias Cleanse
Breathwork Meditation
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Jun 23, 202043:04
Hormones 101 with Esther Blum
Jun 16, 202053:26
Neutralizing Failure

Neutralizing Failure

What do Thomas Edison, JK Rowlings, Michael Jordan, Steve jobs and Richard Branson all have in common?
They all failed....multiple times...on their path to the success we know them for.

Someone once asked...."How did the African Rain Dance have a 100% success rate"? 
Answer.....Because they danced until it rained!

What You'll Learn here:
Today, we're talking about the other F word....Failure.  Why we fear it, how to lean into it, neutralize it and the possibilities that can arise when you do. This episode is dedicated to uncovering the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone, getting rejected, failing the test, getting it wrong. 

Learn how failure makes you more interesting, how it teaches you more than your wins ever will and how failure, ultimately, strengthens your resilience.  Failure is simply part of the path of taking action until you get a result.  If you want to succeed at something new or challenging, you'll need to redefine what it means to fail and keep dancing until it rains.

Quotes mentioned in this podcast:

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" Winston Churchill

"I'm not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward." Thomas Edison

Personal stories discussed in this episode:

How my boys selling cookie dough 10.00 at a time was hard for them to get excited about when they had a 100.00 goal

Why I keep a failure file

How I fail more than I succeed as I learn to box.....and why that makes my progress so much more meaningful!

Connect with Deb

Schedule your
FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head!

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

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Jun 09, 202038:31
The Law Of Attraction Series Part 4: Changing Others vs. Supporting Yourself

The Law Of Attraction Series Part 4: Changing Others vs. Supporting Yourself

Kicking off this week with the last of our Law of Attraction series....Changing Others vs. Supporting Ourselves. 

In today's episode, I talk about the common tendency many of us have to want to change the people we interact with on any given day.  From wishing your mother wasn't so opinionated or your friend would show up on time to trying to convince your neighbor to keep it down after 10 or expecting your kids to take the same pride in organizing the playroom as you do....the desire to bring people to our side is simply how we're wired. Just think of what watching the news does to your thoughts about others! 

Seeking change in others is our way of processing discomfort.

What you'll learn here:
1. What needs/scenarios trigger your deep need to change others
2. Why we resist accepting others as they are or hearing them out
3. The only reason people do change
4. Strategy you can take to manage your mind away from the need to change others and toward the path of self-awareness and support.

Main concepts discussed:
1. Choosing your response to people/life on purpose
2. How to ask questions from a place of curiosity and neutrality
3. The impact of surrendering to what IS and taking control of yourself
4. Deb's Real life examples from traffic to depression!

Want to keep the conversation going or connect with Deb to share YOUR story?

Schedule your
FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head!

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

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Jun 02, 202043:10
The Law of Attraction Series Part 3: The Universe Can See Around The Corner

The Law of Attraction Series Part 3: The Universe Can See Around The Corner

This week we are discussing how the law of attraction helps us see why what happens to us...or doesn't happen to the universe's way of giving us the experience that support our long term growth!

There are so many times in life when we feel like we're missing out, or we wish things worked out differently, where we struggle and suffer and it's hard to find the silver lining.  Listen in for ways you can better interpret and asses the experiences that come your way.

Topics by time stamp:
Intro: how the universe can see around the corner in relationships, missed opportunities, challenges, mistakes and overall change. 
2:54 How the universe tells us our relationships may not be aligned with our highest good/version of ourselves 10 years down the line. 
5:18 Universe is always serving you, but you have to discern if its serving your habit or your goal.  it's showing you were you can audit yourself!
8:30 What you see has to be dominant in you first.  You can't control others but you can own your behavior and your thoughts...that then get reflected back to you.
10:00 Other people aren't the only people to fill your cup.  not being "acknowlddged" can be a way the universe is trying to teach you to show up for yourself.
12:40When you get stuck on the "who", try to focus on the result/the feeling you're after.
13:45 Parenting/Relationship with parents changes as you get older and into new life phases.
15:54 Missed Opportunities.  the universe sees skills you still need to learn or where you can be more prepared.
17:18 My brother's interview example
20:50 Challenges and Mistakes- both are a part of life. We need the evolution that the challenges present to us. Challenges are opportunities in disguise.
22:30 Navy Seals and the 40%
24:20 Looking back on heartache and challenge- sometimes the growth is harder than the challenge.
26:00 Glennon Doyle and Byron Katie: both navigated challenge and struggle that became the trigger for their ultimate growth and status as public figures.
28:00 The universe is helping you when it presents you with challenge
29:00 My dad feeling bad that I had to struggle into order to evolve into my present day self.
33:22 Change: it's the universe moving things around for you so you can actualize the best parts of life.
36:20 Yoru brain sees change as a threat so it triggers yoru stress response
37:15 Change feels bad because it doesn't support your old narrative.  You have to play the what if game:
What if this change is opening doors?
What if this change will teach me a new skill?
What if this limit helps me simplify life?
What if this loss is making space for the life/identity/feelings I want more of?
What if my fear is temporary...that i'm afraid because its new, not because its wrong?
What if this change is part of the journey, not the destination?
46:45 Handling resistance
49:35 What if nothing changed? We think we hate change, but we need it!
51:25 Conclusion

Connect with Deb

Schedule your
FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head!

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

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May 26, 202053:54
Story Time with Deb: The Granny Shot Comeback
May 19, 202012:19
Putting the "VALUE" in e-VALU-ation

Putting the "VALUE" in e-VALU-ation

Navigating Change is hard...lets just get that out of the way.  There isn't a person on this planet that can rock change without doing some commendable mind management.

Today, we're going to talk about the VALUE of evaluating your thoughts, beliefs and actions as they relate to navigating change.  The everyday changes that seem to come out of no-where...the lost job, the break ups, the pandemic....AND the change that comes when you've actualized yoru goals and now you are freaked out because you don't have any practice HAVING what it is you've been working towards.  You lost the weight, you paid off the debt, you got the job, you found more what?

This new version of you is pretty F-ing scary isn't it?

One of the most valuable things you can do when in the face of change is to evaluate.
Listen in for the 3 step process I've been using to bring awareness, mindfullness and peace of mind amidst countless change in my can do it too.

Topics discussed in order of appearance:

Connect With Deb

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call with Deb: Share your story, ask for advice, let your thoughts exist somewhere outside your head!

Sign up for What's Up Weekly Newsletter: Keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You.

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Stay tuned fro next week....Story time with Deb: The Granny shot Comeback

May 12, 202049:19
Busting your Belief Ceilings

Busting your Belief Ceilings

Today is about awareness....awareness of our thoughts and the thoughts that lead to our beliefs.

Did you know the average person has about 50,000 thoughts a day? 
And only 15% of those, you're aware of.
That means the other 85% are automatic, subconscious thoughts happening without you even realizing it.
And of those, 70% of them are typically negative.   

With those stats, it's no wonder why willpower and desire or a strong work ethic isn't always enough to get you past your comfort zone and into new territory. 
You've been thinking thoughts over and over and over again, patterning beliefs into your subconscious that can hinder your growth. Today, we're going to talk about how this happens and what you can do about it.

Episode by time stamp:

3:15 Your negative subconscious thoughts are 4x more prevalent in the mind than the thoughts we choose.
5:20 Benefits of our beliefs can offer
5:45 growth requires proving some beliefs false.  Beliefs are interpretations, not fact but we're wired to be RIGHT, so we don't want to change them ( even when they don't serve us anymore or we're given evidence to the contrary)
7:16 Beliefs lead to action ( or lack of action). Examples of consequences from our beliefs.
8:20 Inaction serves you by keeping you safe, but wont help you when the result you seek requires you to change or get out of your comfort zone.
9:10 Beliefs are patterns in the brain.  You can retrain your neurons to wire together differently to store NEW patterns. You can actually use your brain's efficiency to your advantage.
11:00 examples of belief ceilings
14:20 You have to look for evidence that proves your belief false.  You have to be willing to be wrong about it or go against the grain.
15:30 Q1 What is the result you're after
16:06 Explain why you don't have that result, whats in your way? determine fact vs story.
18:25 What is the result that yoru belief IS creating? What is it costing you?
19:35 Can you look for proof of the opposite belief? neutralize the argument.
22:00 Open up seeds of possibility.  What if I was wrong about my belief being true? Then you get to have the result you're after!
24:00 Whats the worst that could happen if i'm wrong? let your subconscious uproot all the fear, doubt, worry, assumption, etc
27:30 Once you've acknowledged the worst case scenario, you're ego can't sabotage you anymore- you've made the unfamiliar, familiar!
30:15 Habits and beliefs are had to break because they, at some level, satisfy a core need: status, approval, safety.
31:42 Limiting beliefs and belief ceilings are not bad or negative- they just affect your action, which effects your result. If you don't need a different result, the belief isn't limiting.
33:20 Once you set your new belief in place, try it out, test it out, look for proof and live it!
34:13 Review

Links to resources discussed:
Belief Ceilings Worksheet

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May 05, 202037:27
The Law Of Attraction Series Part 2: Your Relationship with Money

The Law Of Attraction Series Part 2: Your Relationship with Money

That's right, loved ones, you have a relationship with money!! 

Listen in to learn how the law of attraction principals can teach you about your ability to attract money into your life.  Today, I will guide you through 4 paths of awareness and action that set the tone for your energy and thought patterns directly related to abundance (or lack there of). 

Time stamp of topics and action steps:

Intro: What to expect from this episode and the 4 topics overvie
5:00 What are you vibrating?  Do you have goals while also still in full gratitude and acceptance of what currently is?
7:20 What it means to have an attitude of gratitude.  No matter how challenging life gets, there is always something to appreciate.
9:00 If we take time out to pay attention and attune to whats available, it raises our vibration so the universe can reflect what we're already appreciate of and give us "more" or the next level.
11:58 Tithing: putting energy into the world that doesn't directly benefit you. Showing up for life outside your immediate circle helps remind you that you are part of the greater whole.
14:40 Meet yourself where you're at.  Give 10 percent of your energy, time or talent if you don't feel comfortable giving 10 percent of finances.
16:26 Challenging your limiting beliefs that you don't have enough.  According to the law, you have to give in order to receive so you'll never have enough until you start giving:)
19:00 an attitude of CAN.  Change your mindset for excitement and pride around what you get to contribute- no matter the size.
20:00 Ideas for making tithing easier and more achievable.
24:56 Using the Law of Fair Exchange: Where-ever a service is provided, the value should be equal or greater than the cost.
26:00 Business value example of Self Coaching Scholars
27:30 Personal value examples of appreciation, reciprocation and paying it forward.
Fair exchange helps you stay focused on good.
29:45 Starbucks drive thru example of building momentum.
31:11 Life is 50/50.  The law is about training your brain to notice more of the good 1/2 and accept the not so good with more trust and peace of mind.
33:38 Taking inventory of your receiving channels: saying yes to help, support, abundance.  The Capacity to have! Sometimes we over-identify with the pursuit of a goal that we end up not knowing how to be with it, and keep it, when we actually get it.
36:20 When our receiving channel is blocked, our conscious desire is separate from subconscious acceptance.  AKA neural dissonance.
37:00 Action steps: ask yourself questions.  Am I open to compliments? do I allow people to treat me to a meal or experience? If your channels are blocked in these smaller ways, chances are they are blocked in the bigger ways- including financial abundance.
40:10 Paying attention to your future self.
42:06 Conclusion.  Feel free to write in to to let me know what you resonated with....what can you start putting into practice today to expand on your relationship with money??

Links mentioned
Acorns App
Self Coaching Scholars

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Apr 28, 202044:11
Law Of Attraction Series: Part 1

Law Of Attraction Series: Part 1

The Law of Attraction states:  We attract to ourselves what we hold inside.  Every  circumstance, every person, every situation that we attract and experience is based on what is inside us.  Your life is a reflection of what you hold inside you and what you hold inside you is always in your control.

This is Part 1 of a 4 part series all about how you can use the Law of Attraction in your life to attract and align your energy and thoughts with the life you always wanted....its about moving brain fuel to keep your thoughts on a frequency of gratitude, appreciation and trust...ahead of time!

Topics by time stamp:

:50 Episode introduction
4:40 Clip from 2018 Law of Attraction series
9:30 Whatever you seek needs to be dominant in you first and then the universe can reflect it back
11:00 Rhonda Bryne's Quote
You can't wait for life to change in order to feel better or make a change yourself. 
13:10 Your brain is wired to look for proof of what you already believe.  It flags your dominant thoughts to filter what parts of reality it deems relevant and that's what you pay attention to.
15:00 Action step: Use the 54321 method to start practicing neutral thoughts as a way to transition to positive thoughts when it feels like too big a jump from pain/frustration. 
16:24 Energetically sending love
negative thoughts toward others don't ever hurt them as much as they hurt YOU
18:12 When you feel judged, the best thing you can do is hold space for yourself.
No one can bring negativity to you without you giving them permission by lowering your frequency to meet them there.
21:15 Action steps for Sending love: Use any of the three phases ideas-
1. accept people are doing the best they can
2. acknowledge person as hurt themselves and reflecting that hurt
3. feel capacity for offering love, forgiveness, tolerance, good will...
Walking around in pain doesn't help you heal or enhance your life.  Once you've processed your emotions, you can move through these phases and activate yoru pre-frontal cortex.  This, in turn, creates more momentum for compassion and abundance.
25:45 Brain doesn't know the difference between reality and perception. Anticipation brings more dopamine release than the event itself.
Action steeps: Meditation and Journalling are perfect ways you can practice success, abundance, joy, gratitude...ahead of time.  Then, the Law of Attraction will photocopy that's in your brain and reflect it in your life.  Make it a habit....what's the worse that could happen?;)

Links mentioned in this podcast

Rhonda Bryne's the Secret
What if Workbook Journal Prompts

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Namaste, Loved ones!

Apr 21, 202032:19
Catch All!!  Interviews on Mindfulness

Catch All!! Interviews on Mindfulness

This week, we have the pleasure of hearing from 3 beautiful, bright, inspiring woman who have come on this episode to share their thoughts on how they stay centered in times of overwhelm and uncertainty.

In this episode, you'll here from:

Donna Elliott, Co-Founder of Now Is Your Time, a mindset and leadership company supporting businesses and individuals to empower and evolve through mindset mastery and wellbeing work.  They work with best selling authors, multi million dollar fashion labels and mumtreprenuers around the world.
Sign up for their
FREE Imposter Syndrome Masterclass

Jenn Acosta, Alignment Coach of 15 years, helping moms with big dreams build their lives from alignment so that they can finally have the massive impact and freedom they desire.
Connect with Jenn to learn more about her programs

Lindsey Wolf, Fitness Nutritionist and Founder of The Nourish Company, helping moms reengineer their diets, transform their eating habits, and feel confident and in control of their health and nutrition – no matter what life throws at them!
Sign up for a FREE Unblock Your Weightloss Call with Lindsey

Brief summary with Time Stamps:

3:24 Donna Elliott Intro
4:40 Donna's Answer:  Donna uses the  "Right Now" Method to remind herself whats real, true, safe, ok right helps her bridge the gap between fear and joy and keeps her from future tripping about the "what ifs" that haven't happened yet. 
6:45 Deb's comments and elaboration.   
10:14 Jenn Acosta Intro
11:03 Jenn's Answer: She gets out of her head and back into her body.   She feels her feet on the ground, hand on heart, connects to order to hear what she needs to know. 
12:47 Deb's comments and elaboration. 
15:50 Lindsey Wolf Intro
17:02 Lindsey's Answer: Asking "Is this true"?  and Journalling!   Understanding that her ego is responding to our past stories and exposure allows her to do a gut check and make sure her fears are actually true.  And journaling works by writing down everything she's afraid of and then writing about it.....for longer than she thinks she needs to.....its the page 2, 3, 4 that shows the truth of what's really at the heart of her fear and what's in control.
21:25 Deb's comments and elaboration. 
25:55 We have so much say in managing our stress.  This can be daunting and empowering!   Use these free, available resources so you can have your own back! Start where you're at, do your best with it.  It's hard, but it's also a journey so give yourself support and time to take it, one step at a time.
27:55 Thank you to our contributors

Connect with Deb:

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Namaste, Loved ones!

Apr 14, 202029:60
Unlock Your Superpower!  The Reticular Activating System

Unlock Your Superpower! The Reticular Activating System

Want to know how you can unlock your hidden superpower?

That's right.  You can program the Reticular Activating System in your brain.  This helps you flag people, opportunities, conversations, etc that support the goals, desires and relationships that serve you!

Your small cluster of neurons act as the bouncer to your nightclub (aka conscious mind) and you can tell it who/what to let in- FOR REAL!

Listen in if you want to learn what it is and how it works.  Plus, I go over a multitude of ways you can train your RAS to filter based on your parameters. Once you start you, most certainly, won't want to stop!  In other words, I feel a good addiction brewing!!

Topics by time stamp:

3:00 Play the game with me.  We're only aware of 2000 of 400 Billion bits of information per second.  could it be possible that your interpretation of the world is just one possibility?

5:40 Definition of Reticular Activating System

6:30 Train the bouncer at the Night Club of your Conscious brain

8:00 The primitive Brain and it's evolution with the RAS

9:20 RAS works in your favor, but you have to train it

10:45 Often times, it FEELS as if our circumstances determine our choices.  However, your RAS merely shows you what you programmed it to look for.  Change your thoughts and the RAS can show you different things!

13:45 using the example: "I'm always late".  Your RAS proves what you already believe

15:45 Neural Dissonance; two conflicting thoughts at the same time

19:25 Storytelling primes the brain

22:35 How writing out goals trains your RAS

24:20 How Journal Prompts train yoru RAS

27:45 Stop relying on the past for proof

29:13 How Visualization trains your RAS

33:09 How Guided Imagery Meditation train your RAS

34:30 How Affirmations and Intention Setting trains your RAS

37:05 How Novelty trains your RAS

40:25 Summary and Review

Links to topics discussed:

Joe Dispenza: International researcher, lecturer and author who educates thousands of people, detailing how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes.

Ruben Gonzalez: Olympian, public speaker and author inspiring people to achieve more!

What if Prompts

Affirmation and Guided Imagery Meditations from Deb

Sign up for the What's Up Weekly Newsletter (with weekly novelty prompts)

Work with Deb

Become a Mindful Monthly Planner.  Watch this info video to learn more!

Stay Tuned for Next week: Identifying your Relationship with Money

Namaste, Deb

Apr 07, 202042:48
BONUS EPISODE: Compassion around COVID-19

BONUS EPISODE: Compassion around COVID-19

Taking a moment to gather thoughts around how we can take a stance of compassion during this time of change and uncertainty.   

This podcast was inspired by a post I saw on facebook. It gave people permission to have some grace with themselves if they haven't been able to have fun or create opportunities during this time.   While I teach growth mindset as a whole as a life coach, I think it's important to understand that growth comes in all shapes and sizes. Ultimately,  we have to meet ourselves where we're at before we can look to evolve, adapt and "improve".

Listen in for some perspective and action steps to take if you've been having a hard time navigating this collective life change. 

Topics discussed in order of appearance:

Connect with Deb: check out all the ways Heart Centered You-niversity can help YOU!

Opt in to the What's Up Weekly Newsletter: keeping you up to date on new podcasts, meditations, events and resources at Heart Centered You 

Cheers to doing our best, 

Namaste, Loved ones!

Apr 06, 202036:11
Gain 3-4 hours sleep back with Yoga Nidra
Mar 31, 202036:28
How to build better habits

How to build better habits

Ever wonder why its so hard to break bad habits and even harder to start new, healthy ones?

This week, expand your knowledge! Gain new insights into how creating your own dopamine feedback loop can increase the chances of new, desired habits.

We tackle your brain chemistry and human evolution for an interesting look at how our past keeps influencing us. Knowing this, we can re-train our brains away from old tendencies and toward the decision making that serves and in the future! Similarly, we increase self trust, confidence and energy spent in the right direction.

If you want support understanding your habitual behavior then this is the podcast for you. For instance,  Learn concepts from James Clear's Atomic Habits.  He gives us insight into the main neurotransmitter that controls pleasure.  In addition, I've added some helpful tips on protecting against anxiety and overwhelm.

Topics by Time Stamp:

3:28 Definition of Neurotransmittors and how your cravings connect to body's biochemistry

5:40 Evolution role in our changing environment and brain

7:20 Our brains haven't evolved for the Delayed Return Environment we now find ourselves in

10:50 cost of good habits vs. cost of bad habits

12:28 Habits play off the primitive brain. Craving comes, then habit forms

13:17 Marketing hooks lead to Dopamine Spikes

14:35 Lab rat test found that dopamine gets released in anticipation of pleasure, not just during it

15:30 Predicting a reward increases motivation

17:00 Brain is designed with more receptors for wanting than liking. As a result, wanting/craving drives action.

18:00 Habit Stacking (James Clear, Atomic Habits)

20:27 Habit Stacking plus Temptation Building ( Jaces Clear, Atomic Habits)

Meet yourself where you're at! Create your own dopamine feedback loop with these two approaches!

22:22 Building trust in yourself with habit formation

23:08 The ways you can control and support neurotransmitter balance:

Avoid sensory overload, stock up on proteins and B complex vitamins (25:40), lubricate Meilin Sheaths with healthy fats (26.40)

28:44 Macro Nutrient review for brain function

29:35 Gaba: your main inhibitory neurotransmitter

31:30 What low GABA feels like physically, emotionally and energetically

32:25 Natural ways of balancing GABA (taurine, ginger, B6, exercise...)

35.25 Practicing these strategies

Links to topics discussed

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Connect with Deb

Sign up for What's up Weekly Newsletter- your weekly roundup of new episodes, meditations and other goodies to support your foundational health journey!

Join Mindful Monthly Planners: online monthly membership where we take all the concepts of this podcast and dive deeper with monthly video trainings, worksheets, a 1:1 coaching session plus daily audio chat for ongoing support!

Stay tuned for next week...gain 3-4 hours of sleep with Yoga Nidra Meditation



Mar 24, 202037:43
Getting in front of your stress response

Getting in front of your stress response

Getting in front of your stress response might be the single most important thing you can do with your time and energy!

Why? Because I said so:).  Seriously though. 

Did you know your autonomic nervous system works by protecting your short term survival and long-term health? Knowing this enables proactive and reactive investments in the self that lower stress and, as a result, increase energy and performance.

Wired to protect us from danger, our primitive brain keeps us safe.  Helpful when we truly find our life at risk.  But, the brain can't tell the difference between a real and perceived threat and consequently, sends the same stress response regardless. Furthermore, this repeated arousal leads to chronic stress, inflammation, fatigue and under-performance.  Seems like learning about how to offset this might be worth the time spent!

Listen in for a mini science lesson about the nervous system, its function and how we can get in front of the subconscious tendencies.

1:45 The science if whats happening when you get stressed
4:25 Your nervous system in a nutshell
6:00 Sympathetic Arousal
8:00 Parasympathetic Arousal
9:28 We need the BOTH, but we tend often misuse the sympathetic response11:30 The brain lacks context for stress and, as a result, steals brain fuel from the PFC
13:50 Why getting past blocks, finding patience, etc is so hard.  The limbic brain has a 20 year head start on the PFC
15:50 All programming is limbic weighted.  Therefor, using the PFC takes conscious, intentional effort.  When left to habit and old programming, we risk pre-mature aging, chronic fatigue, inflammation and disease.18:10 nurturing your nervous system even when benefits are invisible
18:55 Your reactionary response via coping mechanisms may down-regulate the limbic brain but lacks PFC activation
20:50 True relaxation does both
21:55 Why investing in yourself is time worth spending!  Recovery from long term body attrition matters.
24:25 Implementing the fueling of the PFC
24:55 Physical PFC support: stretching, physical activity, journalling, singing..
27:40 Breath-work PFC support: eliciting the relaxation response and HRV30:08 Cultivating awareness PFC support: using the 5 senses.
5 things you see
4 things you touch
3 things you hear
2 things you smell
1 thing you taste/say32:30 Meditation PFC support
34:20 Types of meditation: mantras and affirmations, breath-work, guided imagery
36:20 Benefits of supporting your PFC and being the rising tide that lifts all ships.
39:45 How stress influences Performance and what successful business owner attributes meditation to his success!

If you loved this episode, please consider writing a review. It helps more listeners find these episodes, we build community and make a difference!  


Insight Timer: Follow Deb and browse free meditations.  For example, choose from 30,000 free tracks or sample Courses a la carte or via yearly memberships.

Journaling prompts for PFC support

Connect with Deb

Become a Mindful Monthly Planner

Sign up for What's up Weekly- your weekly roundup of new episodes and offerings for your foundational health journey!

Sign up for FREE Webinar Live Wed, Mar 25th, 2020. All registrants receive eligibility for a HUGE DISCOUNT on online memberships!!!   Maybe that will be YOU!

Mar 17, 202046:03
What you didn't know about your Atma and Koshas

What you didn't know about your Atma and Koshas

FYF Podcast listeners!!

Do you run yourself ragged trying to time manage or control your surroundings in an effort to avoid discomfort?  Are you overtired no matter how much sleep you get, forced to cling to easy, convenient food/habit choices in order to offset that ever growing to-do list?  Are you asking yourself…. Why isn’t life getting any easier?


It turns out, our control lies in our inner landscape (our thoughts, habits, beliefs, assumptions, judgements), not in the external environment (our set of circumstances, the people around us). Therefore, trying to manage stress from the outside won’t actually do the trick.


Our stress results from how triggers are filtered through the energy bodies (called Koshas).  By decoding what lens we see the stress through, we uncover its deeper meaning and work toward disarming its influence.  As a result, this gives us ideas on how to fill in the missing pieces our body/mind needs to get back to center- our unchanging, blissful self, aka....the Atma.

Today's episode overviews this concept for you and outlines an assessment you can take that will help uncover the root causes of many day to day stresses. Overall, I hope this gives you some inside into how the Koshas are influencing YOUR day to day life.

1:55 What it means to be multi-dimentional beings
4:35 Kosha names and how we attach them to stress
6:10-Descriptions of each energetic body
9:24 How all of this connects to how we interpret the world
11:20 Maya= illusion
12:30 Separating from the lens, how to peel layers away and look inward
14:00 Stress decoding assessment
15:30 Questions1 and 2  as they relate to Physical Kosha
18:03 Questions 3 and 4 as they relate to the Energetic Kosha
22:08 Questions 5 and 6 as they relate to the Mental Kosha
28:18 Questions 7 and 8 as they relate to the Intuitive Kosha
33:10 Questions 9 and 10 as they relate to the Bliss Kosha
37:10 Summary
39:20 Closing Remarks and contact info

Links to what was discussed in Episode

Download your Stress Decoding Assessment

If you liked this episode, please consider writing a review. The more reviews, the more likely Apple will put this podcast in front of more listeners who might need or enjoy it too.   Spread the love and then email me at  As a thank you,  I'll send you a PROMO CODE for 15% off any HCY service!!

Connect with Deb

Become a Mindful Monthly Planner: Online monthly membership where we dive in deeper and implement the road map to your FREEDOM!

Sign up for What's up Weekly Newsletter- your weekly roundup of new episodes, meditations and other goodies to support your foundational health journey!

Sign up for FREE Webinar Live Wednesday, March 25th, 2020....All registrants receive eligibility for a HUGE DISCOUNT on online memberships!!!   You gotta see it to believe it:)

NEXT WEEK:  Now that you see how your stress is filtered through your koshas, next week we discuss the science behind your Stress Response and how you can protect your own well being by understanding your nervous system!  I'll make the science lesson fun, promise:)

Mar 10, 202041:23
Feed your Brain: How to use food to stay centered at the cellular level

Feed your Brain: How to use food to stay centered at the cellular level

In this week's episode, I invited Erin Livers, certified nutrition therapist, to come on the podcast and talk about the role food plays in our energy management and mental well being.  Erin discusses the importance of balanced blood sugar, how to use macro nutrients like Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats to maximize your energy stores and answers my questions about picky eaters, disease prevention and much more!

Erin reminds us that food is an integral part of our foundational health, providing the protein for our structures, the fat for our brain and body insulation and carbohydrates that fuel every cell that breathes life into us.  Food gives us the energy to think, move and pursue goals while also fueling our stress response.  It's all connected and we HAVE A SAY as to what kind of support we want to give our bodies and minds!

Topics discussed by time stamp:

3:48 Erin's background and path to becoming a Nutrition Therapist
10:40 The importance and role of Breakfast and the science of what's happening in your body overnight.
16:54 Negative effects of imbalanced blood sugar
19:40- Bio-individuality and the many diets available
26:15: How to: Balancing blood sugar
30:30 Naked Carbs and picky eaters
40:30 One change at a steps
1:05 How Erin uses food to find freedom and how to connect with Erin

Links mentioned in this Podcast

Blood Sugar Roller Coaster Handout
Erin's Breakfast Suggestions (Breakfast ideas that contain a balance of macro nutrients)
Erin's Food as Nourishment Website
Erin's email:

Connect with Deb

Sign up for What's up Weekly Newsletter- your weekly roundup of new episodes, meditations and other goodies to support your foundational health journey!

Learn more about Heart Centered You-niversity Offerings

Follow on Social Media: Instagram or Facebook

Stay tuned for NEXT WEEK where I discuss the the Atma and bodies that serve as lenses through which we view life....for better or worse.  What are they and how can we use them to find our freedom and achieve self actualization?!

Mar 03, 202001:09:39
A Balanced Chakra A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

A Balanced Chakra A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Hi Loved Ones!

Lets get right to it...
Understanding the Chakra system can be one of the greatest gifts you give yourself, empowering you with a blueprint for your own self-care. Think of them as a window into what parts of your mind, body and spirit need nurturing thus, giving you a way to harness and shift your energy in ANY direction of your choosing.   Yes, you have the power, you are in the drivers seat and you own the direction your life takes.  You just have to take the wheel.  Learning your Chakras is like learning what fuel to put in your car and how to know when you need maintenance. 

Follow along as I interview Me, an amazing energy healer and founder of M.A.D.E Ministries.  She works in many roles from tarot reading to past life healing, Chakra readings to creating products that help people navigate their spiritual journey.

:45 Intro from Me, our esteemed guest!
6:03 What to expect from this episode
15:40 General Overview

18:26 Crown Chakra: Spirituality, Self Realization, Purple
Overactive- loss and disconnection
Under-active- depression, confusion
Balanced- strong trust, connectedness, faith
Advice: visualization, chanting Om

25:48 Third Eye Chakra: Fantasy, Intuition, Perception, Indigo
Overactive- paranoid, distrustful
Under-active- daydreamy, withdrawal, moody, avoids vulnerability
Balanced- open, focused, connection to higher self, morality and truth
Advice- rosemary and basil herbs via aroma therapy, purple food, oils

32:29 Throat Chakra: Authenticity, Communication, Truth, Hearing, Blue
Overactive- talkative, dogmatic, cutting people off, need to be loud
Under-active- self expression trouble, quiet, worried about acceptance
Balanced- Living authentic Self, not worried about other opinions
Advice: Singing, journalling, letter writing, elemental healing (air)

41:52 Heart Chakra: Love, Empathy, Humanity, Green
Overactive- accepting anything, co-dependance, jealousy
Under-active- abandonment, loneliness, bitterness
Balanced- Harmony, reciprocal love, forgiveness, sincerity
Advice- Chest opener yoga poses (cat and cobra), hand mudras/affirmations

46:10 Solar Plexus Chakra: Willpower, Self Control, Confidence, Yellow
Overactive- over competitive, drama, overpowering
Under-active- loss of personal power, lack of self-esteem
Balanced- confident in own skin, ownership
Advice- Crystals that match vibration of chakra (tigers eye, citrine), elemental support ( fire, candles, video/audio of fire burning)

55:40 Sacral Chakra: Sexuality, Creativity, Fertility, Orange
Overactive- hyper-sexuality, possessive, guilt
Under-active- shameful, lack of creativity, apathy
Balanced- In tune with body, creative, flexible
Advice- Water therapy, bath, swim, shower meditation, essential oils like orange, sandalwood, myrrh and pepper.

1:02:50 Root Chakra: Foundational, Sexual Organs, Survival, Red
Overactive- Fear, instability, anxious, worry
Under-active- Lazy, unmotivated, fatigue
Balanced- Secure, Stable, comfort in home life
Advice- music therapy (drumming, rhythm) red things (art, jewelry, clothing) Red root veggies

1:09 Energy Healing Modalities (Reiki, pendulum chakra readings)
1:13 How to get in touch with Me (links below)
1:14 How Me uses her spiritual tools to Find her Freedom


Connect with Me
YouTube Channel

Additional Resources:
Grounding Meditation
Sign up for Heart Centered You's weekly Mailing List!
Join Free W

Feb 25, 202001:18:32
Meditations with Affirmations

Meditations with Affirmations

This week offers up a new way to spend your dedicated podcast time!

Join me for a brief talk about the power of affirmation, followed by a recording of a Yoga Nidra meditation I wrote using healing affirmations to cultivate self love and peace within the chaos of life.

The core of building foundational life skills and habits is knowing and becoming yourself.  This, ultimately, comes from looking within, remembering your gifts, your innate goodness and acting from that place of knowing.

Affirmations serve as a way to remember just how strong, capable and resilient we are.  They help us find the limitless potential that often lies dormant under a mountain of doubt or fear.

Use this meditation to nurture yourself, to introduce yourself to the beauty that is YOU.
Acknowledge your challenges, honor what you're up against....and then MEET IT with your inner wisdom and strength!

Episode Time Stamps:

:40-9:24 Intro on Affirmations
9:25 Healing Affirmation Practice ( 27 min long- best with headphones )

Links to topics discussed:

Play on Insight Timer
Join the Find Your Freedom Tribe on Facebook!

Sign up for What's up Weekly Newsletter- your weekly roundup of new episodes, meditations and other goodies to support your foundational health journey!

Register for This Month's Free Webinar: Wed Feb 26th, 2020 8:30pmEST where we talk in greater detail about Mantras and Affirmations and how they relate the 4 paths of yoga and your path to self realization! 

Stay tuned for next week's Interview with @messagesbyme learning all about the Chakras: what they are, how to know where they are imbalanced and how to nurture them so you can live at optimum levels!

Feb 18, 202038:28
Co-Creating 101

Co-Creating 101

Have you ever heard the term, Co-Create?
Did anyone ever tell you that you could co-create with the universe to manifest your desires?

Ever wonder HOW that could be? or HOW to actually do it?
Listen in for some action steps and ideas about the ways YOU can start co-creating with the universe to both create the life you want AND lower stress and manage your energy!!

Topics discussed in this episode by time stamp:

2:25 What is Co-creation?
5:30 overall benefits of co-creation
6:50 Why do we need to co-create?
9:05 Option 1: using a Trust Box ( creating space outside the mind and body, avoiding toxicity and wasted time, owning feelings, acknowledging circumstances without letting them sabotage you, opening create head space to problem solve)
13:15 Creating ceremony with your Trust Box ( scripts you can say)
16:22 Priming your brain, awareness of what you have control over
18:20 Option 2: Setting Intentions and the science behind why this works!
19:45 Limbic brain vs Pre-Frontal Cortex
22:30 Benefit of freeing up space to make room for what you can control, why letting go is so hard but so necessary
23:30 The "sand in your hand" story
24:30 Advice from Kate Northrup
27:05 You don't have to have it all figured out just yet, Team work makes the dream work!
28:00 Raise your Vibration
28:35 Option 3: Journal Prompts (accessing your deepest truths by writing from yoru future self, asking questions like what would a person who succeeded in my goal do, what do i need to learn from this experience...)
31:40 What are you willing to try?

Links to what was discussed:

Do Less by Kate Northrup

What if Prompts to get you co-creating and accessing your bigger truths!

More ways to Connect with Deb!

Stay tuned for next week's episode where I share a healing affirmation Meditation I wrote!

xoxo, Deb

Feb 11, 202034:20
Cultivating a Relationship with...YOU!

Cultivating a Relationship with...YOU!

You will have many relationships over this lifetime. On any given day, we navigate other people in our home, jobs, hobbies, commutes, everywhere....

But your relationship with yourself, while often subconscious, provides the framework and seeds to your perception of the world around you and how you plan and prioritize your life.   Today, we peel back how the way you view your circumstances and others around you is ACTUALLY determined by your own inner landscape...the narratives, thoughts and feelings that color everything you see.

Topics discussed by time stamp:

3:10- Various thoughts we're saying to ourselves that relate to our relationships with others, work, money, time, etc
5:45- Connecting to a vulnerability within
6:20- Feeling taken for granted ( example of how to trace this back to our own valuation of self)
11:25- Action steps for what you can do the next time you feel taken for granted
13:00- When you do something genuinely.....appreciation is bonus. Making the distinction between needing appreciation to fill our cup or just receive thanks.
15:50- Applying a self audit in other areas
16:40- Sharing about the Self-Care Sun and self care within your relationships
18:00- Benefits of using the self care sun to take the pressure off the outside world and giving you all the cards!!  A review of the ways you can assess your self care with regard to your relationship with career, others, money, the environment and your body
19:40- Career
22:40- Others
31:09- Money
36:40- Environment
38:20- Body
41:18- Recap and conclusion

Links to what was discussed in this episode:

Miracles Now: Gabby Bernstein's book on tools for less stress, more flow and finding your purpose (podcast referred to her recommendation to buying a beautiful wallet)

Download your FREE Relationships Self-Care Sun PDF

SIGN UP for your FREE interactive Webinar on Wednesday Feb 5th, 2020 ALL about relationships and their role in planning and prioritizing your time!  

Stay tuned for next week!!!

Namaste, Loved One

Feb 04, 202044:41
Storytelling: Ironman and the Growth Mindset
Jan 28, 202020:42
Building Your Boundary Muscle

Building Your Boundary Muscle

Boundaries are becoming a real buzz word these days....i see a lot of posts and talk about setting and keeping boundaries and talk a lot about this with my clients as a way to self care and preserve your well being...your emotional and physical health.

but you may be asking yourself...WHAT DOES THAT REALLY MEAN??  what counts as a boundary? what scenarios need them? what self-care is it REALLY providing??? 

Listen in if you are someone who often feels limited by circumstance, if you are regularly affected by those around you, if you ever feel guilted into a commitment or decision, if you carry resentment or exhaustion due to the MANY roles you play....

TOPICS by time stamp:

What it means to set a boundary
4:47- Poor Boundary setting
6:54- What counts as a boundary
8:20- Some types of boundaries
11:11- How to set a Boundary
11:14- Focus on your Behavior ( if you_____, I will _____)
12:35- Not changing other people's behavior, Accepting them for where they are at
13:44- Make your decisions w/o explanation, saying no effectively, saying yes truthfully
17:10- Only take responsibility for communicating your boundary, not other people's reaction to it.
19:07- Barriers to Boundary Setting
19:22- Being responsible for other people's happiness
21:42- Boundaries require a level of confrontation
23:34- We weren't taught how or didn't grow up thinking we deserved boundaries
25:00 Results from building your boundary muscle
25:20- Increase self esteem, self respect, clear communication, helps you honor individuality
27:00- Boundaries with kids
28:17- Sharing my story
32:40- Unintentionally stepping away from my authority
33:20- Negotiating and implementing my own mindset reframe
33:40- Pushing back is a normal part of child development- it is our job to guide that inclination in the right direction
34:38- Kids can't MAKE you do anything, they can just make it uncomfortable for us to follow through ( example from swim practice)
37:05- Violations are not about disrespect, they do not villanize you.  We aren't the bad guys....we are the CEO with a vision that our employees (kids) just can see yet
40:25- Kids can't "make you look bad" and reasons why...
45:00- Fair is a relative term.  Personally, I found confidence holding boundaries because boundaries infuse choice within measured freedom
46:27- Example of complaining about school lunch leads to a boundary communication.
I maintain my leadership while still giving my children the freedom to live life anyway they chose as long as they take responsibility for their choices.
47:53- The Game Changer.....and how it relates back to adulthood

Links to What was talked about

Brooke Castillo: The Life Coach School
Boundaries with Kids by Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend

If you liked this episode, please come on over and join the Find Your Freedom Tribe Facebook Group

You can also browse Heart Centered You Website- Take a look at Free Resources OR schedule a FREE Discovery Call with deb

On Tap Next Week: Storytelling....Ironman and the Growth Mindset

Jan 21, 202051:10
Interview: Using Essential Oils to Support Your Growth in 2020

Interview: Using Essential Oils to Support Your Growth in 2020

How do YOU want to feel this year?

How you FEEL determines what you do....and what you do determines your overall results for the year.  January is a month dedicated to restructuring, building foundation and coming into your own.   Getting clear on how you want to feel will help you stay on coarse and confident in your goal setting and decision making.

In today's episode I interview Natalie Leiker, Founder of Village Essentials online community and wildly fierce entreprenuer/mom of two. Her team supports 2000 homes in 19 countries and she is sharing her insights with us today with so much openness and heart!  I loved having Natalia on as we riffed back and forth about the science and soul filling benefits of essetial oils!

Topics Discussed: 

  • What motivated Natalia to start using oils
  • Using oils for emotional benefits
  • The science behind how oils interact with your brain
  • Practical ways Natalia uses oils with her family
  • The Feelings and Mindset of 2020 and the oils used to support them!
    • Empowered: Melaleuca (cleansing, moving energetic boundaries), Ginger (presence, empowerment), Passion Blend (motivation, movement)
    • Grounded: Balance (rooted, trees, steadiness) Frankincense (truth, wisdom, connection)
    • At Peace: Patchouli (physicality, present in your body, amplifies natural process), Reassuring Blend (peace, connection to divine, release)
  • How Natalia finds freedom through oils
  • How to connect with Natalia on social media
    • FB @village essentials with Natalia
    • Insta @village_essentials

Links mentioned in this episode

Natalia's Doterra Website

Thats all for this week, loved ones!

Stay Tuned for next week....Drawing Physical and Energetic Boundaries! And don't forget to join the Find Your Freedom Tribe on Facebook if you want to get sneak peeks of new episodes, have more in depth conversation about podcast topics or get to know interview guests even better!

Namaste, Deb

Jan 14, 202050:15
How to Overcome Overwhelm

How to Overcome Overwhelm

Do you ever feel like there just isn't enough time? That you have too much to do? But you cant afford to take a break? 

We "think" this leads to overwhelm, but this is actually the result of a learned mindset...a cognitive dissonance ( fancy term for a mismatch of conscious and subconscious thought) that creates a belief ceiling about what's true, possible or available.

In today's episode, I break down the reasons we tend to feel overwhelm and bring some clarity as to how to dispel the myths, re-train your mindset around it, and support yourself PRO-actively.

Topics in today's episode:

- What is overwhelm and how does it come into your life and take over
- Losing purpose in pursuit of obligation/expectation
- Do you have a willingness to fail?
- The role of Planning and Self Awareness
- Mindset Reframe for having too much to do (8:10)
- Mindset Reframe for not having enough time (16:50)
- Mindset Reframe for "I can't afford to take a break" (34:05)
- How your body is like a tree!

Links mentioned in this Episode

Download your Free
Obligation Delegation Worksheet

Neurogym Website (John Asaraf)
Upwork (online freelancers)
Fiverr (online freelancers)
Instacart Grocery Delivery
Prime Now (Whole Foods Delivery)

To keep the conversation going, feel free to join the Find Your Freedom Tribe on Facebook!
Ask questions, take part in extended conversations, meet interview guests and connect with other tribe members finding their freedom!! 

Till Next week.....i'm interviewing Natalia Leiker- Essential Oils Expert and all around High Vibe Mom-treprenuer!

Jan 07, 202042:18
Tuning In To Your Own Bio Individuality with Heidi Symonds

Tuning In To Your Own Bio Individuality with Heidi Symonds

In this week's episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Heidi Symonds, Integrative Nutritionist and Holistic Lifestyle Coach.

As the New Year sets in and many of us start setting big resolutions, forming new habits and plotting out can be all too easy to jump on the bandwagon of gym memberships and diets galore. What we forget is that life isn't a one size fits all world.  We are unique from our family history to our own bodily constitution and it's up to us to learn how to foster intuitive, supportive relationships with the food we eat, the way we move our bodies and the way we praise and/or shame our choices.

Listen in as Heidi shares insights on:

The importance of Bio-individuality and how your uniqueness matters in what you feed your body

The Art of Sacred Eating- building ritual, meaning and presence into your meals and snack time

How using the Energy Almanac can help guide your decision making

The 80/20 rule as a place to give space for flexiblity and compassion

Questions to ask yourself with in a downward spiral

The secret Ingredient we can all infuse into our food

Cell memory and how to use that to our advantage!

Links mentioned in this Episode:

Book Sales:

The Art of Sacred Eating:

Join Heidi's e- list and receive an Infused Water Guide as well as more recipes and nourishment at





Thank you SO much for listening!

If you want to start 2020 off with support and tune into what's uniquely alined with you....join my FREE web class Jan 3rd or Jan 7th and participate in my January Planning session....this is the same type of coaching I do with my private clients and will kickstart your year off with focus, intention and a plan to keep momentum high!

You can also join the Find Your Freedom Tribe!  a private Facebook Group for all listeners who want to keep the discussion going, ask more questions and get access to sneak peaks and bonus material!

Stay Tuned for next week as we discuss "Getting OVER overwhelm!"

Namaste, Deb


Dec 31, 201901:06:41
How Reframing Fear Can Lead To Your Freedom

How Reframing Fear Can Lead To Your Freedom

In this weeks Episode, we get down and dirty with FEAR...False Evidence Appearing Real!

All too often, this false evidence, created from our inner stories, assumptions, doubts and emotional lenses, has a tendency to hijack our pursuit of goals and personal growth.

Fear is our brain's way of efficiently keeping us and our life safe, predictable and familiar- just the way our ego likes it.   This is helpful when we are in true danger, yes....but not when our stress is only PERCEIVED or simply a result of traveling into new energetic territory (read: growth!)

Topics Discussed:

  • The Limbic Brain and it's role in FEAR
  • Fear and my experience zip-lining in the Dominican Republic 
  • How to find Neural Cohesion: when your subconscious and conscious ALIGN!
  • Why Neural Dissonance is the #1 reason we feel stuck
  • How Re-framing fear can move brain fuel into the regions of the brain responsible for delayed gratification, problem solving, compassion, logic....the thought patterns that help you see and BELIEVE in opportunity!
  • Example of Re-framing the fear..."what if the truth hurts?"

Links mentioned in this Episode:

Re-framing Fear Worksheet from Heart Centered You:
Download here

Honoring and Detaching From Fear Meditation on Insight Timer
Click Here to Listen

And Don't Forget to....
Sign up for Deb's FREE January Planning Webinar: Enrollment is OPEN!
Learn holistic tools to plan this January with more of the foundational practices in place so you can own your TIME, ENERGY and FOCUS.
Sign Me Up!

Stay Tuned for Next Week....Join me and the magical Heidi Symonds, Integrative Nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach, as we discuss the idea of Bio Individuality and honing in on your intuition when making your personal food and nourishment choices!

Thank you so much for tuning in!
See you next week!

Dec 24, 201931:19
A Deep Dive into "The 4 Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
Dec 17, 201950:45
It's Interview time!! Using The Lunar Cycle...there's an App for that!

It's Interview time!! Using The Lunar Cycle...there's an App for that!

In this weeks Episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Starlys; an astrologer, tarot card reader and the lunar wisdom behind the Moon Calendar App. 

Topics Discussed:

Differences between the typical sun sign Horoscope readings and your moon sign

The cyclical phases of the lunar cycle and how they can guide your planning, energy use and mood

How to use the Moon Calendar App ( a productivity app that helps you organize and align your life) and what makes it so helpful for day to day planning

Links discussed in Episode:
The Moon Calendar

The moon calendar app comes with:
Monthly lunar cycles customized to your timezone and location
Daily moon aligned self-care suggestions
Daily astrology insights for each sign with longer reports on full/new moon
Sync with your personal calendar
Daily reminders/to-do's
and more!

Leave a review and let us know how this podcast is supporting you ( and ask any questions/request topics as well!) .  You can reach me personally over at Heart Centered You

Stay tuned next week for a talk on The 4 Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

Namaste, Deb

Dec 10, 201927:42
How The Science of Gratitude Can Help You..... (you fill in the blank)

How The Science of Gratitude Can Help You..... (you fill in the blank)

This week we are discussing how the science of gratitude can change not only the ways you view life but what you attract into it as well. 
Topics Discussed:  
Our stress as it relates to the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system
The fuel exchange between limbic brain and pre-frontal cortex
How the PFC aids in our ability to create new prediction scripts and access best self qualities
Real time steps to down-regualting our stress response and implementing an attitude of gratitude
How instilling new habits of Gratitude can change what comes into view!


Nov 21, 201929:55