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Delight in Grace

Delight in Grace

By Delight in Grace

Join us for Delight in Grace, the teaching ministry of Rich Powell - lead pastor of Grace Bible Church in Winston-Salem. To discover how to live by grace, tune in to Delight in Grace weekdays at 10 AM.
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Delight Instead of Despair, Part 2

Delight in GraceMay 14, 2024

Reconciliation, Part 1

Reconciliation, Part 1

The Bible teaches that salvation is a free gift for us, that we can be reconciled to God, our sins forgiven by placing our faith in Jesus. But it is only free because the Son of God paid a most costly price. William Barclay writes that God alone can pay the terrible price that is necessary before men can be forgiven. Forgiveness is the most costly thing in the world.” In today’s message, Pastor Rich examines the ultimate reconciliation.
May 31, 202413:00
A New Creation, Part 4

A New Creation, Part 4

In an article in Christianity Today, Russell Moore says, “ for too long, we’ve called unbelievers to “invite Jesus into your life ". Jesus doesn’t want to be in your life. Your life is a wreck. Jesus calls you into His life. And his life isn’t boring or purposeless. It’s wild and exhilarating and unpredictable.``
When we come to Christ, he doesn’t just polish up what is already there. He makes us a new creature. The old is passed away. We become dead to self and alive to Christ. Listen as Pastor Rich shares what it looks like to be made new in Christ from 2 Corinthians 5:12-17.
May 30, 202413:00
A New Creation, Part 3

A New Creation, Part 3

In an article in Christianity Today, Russell Moore says, “ for too long, we’ve called unbelievers to “invite Jesus into your life ". Jesus doesn’t want to be in your life. Your life is a wreck. Jesus calls you into His life. And his life isn’t boring or purposeless. It’s wild and exhilarating and unpredictable.``
When we come to Christ, he doesn’t just polish up what is already there. He makes us a new creature. The old is passed away. We become dead to self and alive to Christ. Listen as Pastor Rich shares what it looks like to be made new in Christ from 2 Corinthians 5:12-17.
May 29, 202413:00
A New Creation, Part 2

A New Creation, Part 2

Jesus doesn’t want to be in your life. Your life is a wreck. Jesus calls you into His life.
May 28, 202413:00
A New Creation, Part 1

A New Creation, Part 1

In an article in Christianity Today, Russell Moore says, “ for too long, we’ve called unbelievers to “invite Jesus into your life ".
May 27, 202413:00
Our Aim to Please Him, Part 3

Our Aim to Please Him, Part 3

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, Paul says that “we make it our aim to please God for we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ” So, how do we aim to please God when only Christ’s blood can satisfy Him? If the gospel teaches that Jesus did the work on our behalf, what is our role in pleasing God? Today Pastor Rich answers these questions, explaining our call to please God within the context of the grace of the gospel. Let’s listen in.
May 24, 202413:00
Our Aim to Please Him, Part 3

Our Aim to Please Him, Part 3

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, Paul says that “we make it our aim to please God for we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ” So, how do we aim to please God when only Christ’s blood can satisfy Him? If the gospel teaches that Jesus did the work on our behalf, what is our role in pleasing God? Today Pastor Rich answers these questions, explaining our call to please God within the context of the grace of the gospel. Let’s listen in.
May 24, 202413:00
Our Aim to Please Him, Part 2

Our Aim to Please Him, Part 2

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, Paul says that “we make it our aim to please God for we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ” So, how do we aim to please God when only Christ’s blood can satisfy Him? If the gospel teaches that Jesus did the work on our behalf, what is our role in pleasing God? Today Pastor Rich answers these questions, explaining our call to please God within the context of the grace of the gospel.
May 23, 202413:00
Our Aim to Please Him, Part 1

Our Aim to Please Him, Part 1

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, Paul says that “we make it our aim to please God for we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ” So, how do we aim to please God when only Christ’s blood can satisfy Him? If the gospel teaches that Jesus did the work on our behalf, what is our role in pleasing God? Today Pastor Rich answers these questions, explaining our call to please God within the context of the grace of the gospel.
May 22, 202413:00
Destined for the Best, Part 3

Destined for the Best, Part 3

2 Corinthians 5:1-8 remind us that we groan in these early bodies, longing for the eternity with God we were made for.
May 21, 202413:00
Destined for the Best, Part 2

Destined for the Best, Part 2

C.S. Lewis said, “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”. There are longings within all human hearts that can only be filled by the One we were made for. 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 remind us that we groan in these early bodies, longing for the eternity with God we were made for.
May 20, 202413:00
Destined for the BEst, Part 1

Destined for the BEst, Part 1

C.S. Lewis said, “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”
May 17, 202413:00
Delight Instead of Despair, Part 4

Delight Instead of Despair, Part 4

If the universe is without a designer, if life holds no purpose, if we are only material and all of life’s happenings are random acts of chance, what hope do we have? But the Bible teaches us that we don't have to live in such despair. What delight to know that even in the face of great difficulty, we need not lose heart! God’s character and purpose reverberate loudly through the pain and frustration of this fallen world! Let’s listen as Pastor Rich unpacks 2 Cor. 4:16-18 in this message titled Delight instead of Despair.
May 16, 202413:00
Delight Instead of Despair, Part 3

Delight Instead of Despair, Part 3

If the universe is without a designer, if life holds no purpose, if we are only material and all of life’s happenings are random acts of chance, what hope do we have? But the Bible teaches us that we don't have to live in such despair. What delight to know that even in the face of great difficulty, we need not lose heart! God’s character and purpose reverberate loudly through the pain and frustration of this fallen world! Let’s listen as Pastor Rich unpacks 2 Cor. 4:16-18 in this message titled Delight instead of Despair.
May 15, 202413:00
Delight Instead of Despair, Part 2

Delight Instead of Despair, Part 2

If the universe is without a designer, if life holds no purpose, if we are only material and all of life’s happenings are random acts of chance, what hope do we have? But the Bible teaches us that we don't have to live in such despair. What delight to know that even in the face of great difficulty, we need not lose heart! God’s character and purpose reverberate loudly through the pain and frustration of this fallen world! Let’s listen as Pastor Rich unpacks 2 Cor. 4:16-18 in this message titled Delight instead of Despair.
May 14, 202413:00
Delight Instead of Despair, Part 1

Delight Instead of Despair, Part 1

If the universe is without a designer, if life holds no purpose, if we are only material and all of life’s happenings are random acts of chance, what hope do we have? But the Bible teaches us that we don't have to live in such despair. What delight to know that even in the face of great difficulty, we need not lose heart! God’s character and purpose reverberate loudly through the pain and frustration of this fallen world!
May 13, 202413:00
Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 4

Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 4

Today’s message from 2 Cor. 4:7-15 is titled Sacrifice Outlives Survival. Our life on this earth, as Job put it, is few days and full of trouble, but we have immortal souls. We are meant to spend eternity with our Maker. It is clear that Paul believed this truth down to his core through his willingness to take risks for Christ and live with abandon. Malcolm Muggeridge writes, “ I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus”.
May 09, 202413:00
Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 2

Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 2

Today’s message from 2 Cor. 4:7-15 is titled Sacrifice Outlives Survival. Our life on this earth, as Job put it, is few days and full of trouble, but we have immortal souls. We are meant to spend eternity with our Maker. It is clear that Paul believed this truth down to his core through his willingness to take risks for Christ and live with abandon. Malcolm Muggeridge writes, “ I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus”.

May 08, 202413:00
Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 1

Sacrifice Outlives Survival, Part 1

Today’s message from 2 Cor. 4:7-15 is titled Sacrifice Outlives Survival. Our life on this earth, as Job put it, is few days and full of trouble, but we have immortal souls. We are meant to spend eternity with our Maker. It is clear that Paul believed this truth down to his core through his willingness to take risks for Christ and live with abandon. Malcolm Muggeridge writes, “ I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus”.

May 07, 202413:00
The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 3

The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 3

“The first duty of every man is to find, not his freedom, but his master” Who or what then is Master of your life? And what have you done with Jesus Christ? For those who have placed Him on life's throne, he calls you to live out bold compassion to those around you. Today Pastor Rich talks about what that kind of compassion looks like from our passage in 2 Cor 4:1-6.
May 06, 202413:00
The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 2

The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 2

Who or what then is Master of your life? And what have you done with Jesus Christ?  For those who have placed Him on life's throne, he calls you to live out bold compassion to those around you.

May 03, 202413:00
The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 1

The Essential Message of the Gospel, Part 1

P.T. Forsythe said that, “The first duty of every man is to find, not his freedom, but his master.”

Who or what then is Master of your life? And what have you done with Jesus Christ? For those who have placed Him on life's throne, he calls you to live out bold compassion to those around you. Today Pastor Rich talks about what that kind of compassion looks like from our passage in 2 Cor 4:1-6.

May 02, 202413:00
Beholding the Glory of the Gospel, Part 3

Beholding the Glory of the Gospel, Part 3

On Mount Sinai, Moses got a glimpse of the glory of God. and his face shone brightly. But 2 Corinthians 3:7-15 compares what Moses had to what we can have in Christ through the new covenant. Why is the new covenant superior to the Old? This is the question P. rich answers in today's msg, Let's listen in.

May 01, 202413:00
Beholding The Glory of the Gospel, Part 2

Beholding The Glory of the Gospel, Part 2

On Mount Sinai, Moses got a glimpse of the glory of God.  and his face shone brightly.  But 2 Corinthians 3:7-15 compares what Moses had to what we can have in Christ through the new covenant.

Apr 30, 202413:00
Beholding The Glory of the Gospel, Part 1

Beholding The Glory of the Gospel, Part 1

On Mount Sinai, Moses got a glimpse of the glory of God.  and his face shone brightly.

Apr 29, 202413:00
The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 3

The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 3

The power of the gospel is evident in the transformed lives of those who surrender themselves to Jesus. Ephesians 2:5 says that even when we were dead in our trespasses, God made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved. That is a dramatic change. In today’s message, Pastor Rich talks about the glory of God manifested through changed lives. Our text comes from 2 Corinthians 3:1-6.

Apr 26, 202413:00
The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 2

The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 2

In today’s message, Pastor Rich talks about the glory of God manifested through transformed lives.

Apr 25, 202413:00
The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 1

The Attraction of a Transformed Life, Part 1

The power of the gospel is evident in the transformed lives of those who surrender themselves to Jesus.

Apr 24, 202413:00
The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 4

The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 4

When we surrender our lives to the Master, our Messiah, God does a work that others will notice.  Our lives can be a pleasing aroma of Christ to all who see.  In today’s message titled The Aroma of a Godward Life,  Pastor RIch digs into 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 to show how His transformative work in His people proclaims Him to be worthy of worship.

Apr 23, 202413:00
The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 3

The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 3

When we surrender our lives to the Master, our Messiah, God does a work that others will notice.  Our lives can be a pleasing aroma of Christ to all who see.  In today’s message titled The Aroma of a Godward Life,  Pastor RIch digs into 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 to show how His transformative work in His people proclaims Him to be worthy of worship.

Apr 22, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 2

2 Corinthians - The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 2

When we surrender our lives to the Master, our Messiah, God does a work that others will notice.  Our lives can be a pleasing aroma of Christ to all who see.  In today’s message titled The Aroma of a Godward Life,  Pastor RIch digs into 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 to show how His transformative work in His people proclaims Him to be worthy of worship.

Apr 19, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 1

2 Corinthians - The Aroma of a Godly Life, Part 1

When we surrender our lives to the Master, our Messiah, God does a work that others will notice.  Our lives can be a pleasing aroma of Christ to all who see.  In today’s message titled The Aroma of a Godward Life,  Pastor RIch digs into 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 to show how His transformative work in His people proclaims Him to be worthy of worship.

Apr 18, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 3

2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 3

Author Kay Warren recalls her visit to Rwanda not long after the horrific 1995 genocide that left 1 million dead.  She expected to find monsters there- men and women with leering menacing faces.  Instead she found people smiling, chatting, caring for their children, living life.  Upon her return she wrote, “There were no monsters in Rwanda, just people like you and me.” She writes, You might as well face the shameful truth:

You and I, put in the right situation, will do absolutely anything.

Given the right circumstances, I am capable of any sin. 

 All of mankind is broken- the beautiful image of God in each of us is distorted and marred by our sin nature.  The world offers a thousand fixes, but we find ourselves irreparable.  So the question is, “Can anything make a difference?Is there a remedy for broken souls?  In today’s message, Pastor Rich addresses this question from our text in 2 Corinthians 2.

Apr 17, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 2

2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 2

Author Kay Warren recalls her visit to Rwanda not long after the horrific 1995 genocide that left 1 million dead.  She expected to find monsters there- men and women with leering menacing faces.  Instead she found people smiling, chatting, caring for their children, living life.  Upon her return she wrote, “There were no monsters in Rwanda, just people like you and me.” She writes, You might as well face the shameful truth:

You and I, put in the right situation, will do absolutely anything.

Given the right circumstances, I am capable of any sin. 

 All of mankind is broken- the beautiful image of God in each of us is distorted and marred by our sin nature.  The world offers a thousand fixes, but we find ourselves irreparable.  So the question is, “Can anything make a difference?Is there a remedy for broken souls?  In today’s message, Pastor Rich addresses this question from our text in 2 Corinthians 2

Apr 16, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 1

2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel, Part 1

Author Kay Warren recalls her visit to Rwanda not long after the horrific 1995 genocide that left 1 million dead.  She expected to find monsters there- men and women with leering menacing faces.  Instead she found people smiling, chatting, caring for their children, living life.  Upon her return she wrote, “There were no monsters in Rwanda, just people like you and me.” She writes, You might as well face the shameful truth:

You and I, put in the right situation, will do absolutely anything.

Given the right circumstances, I am capable of any sin. 

Apr 15, 202413:00
2 Corinthians - The Glory of the Gospel : Intro
Apr 12, 202413:00
Living a Good Life, The Last Word, Part 3

Living a Good Life, The Last Word, Part 3

This is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments.  Today’s message titled The Last Word, is the final message in our series on Ecclesiastes titled Living a Good Life: Making Sense of the Journey.  Let’s listen in as rich unpacks Solomon’s final thoughts for us.

Apr 12, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Last Word, Part 2

Living a Good Life: The Last Word, Part 2

In the first chapter of Proverbs, Solomon writes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  It is meaningful that in his old age, he wraps up the book of Ecclesiastes with the same motto:  This is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments.  Today’s message titled The Last Word, is the final message in our series on Ecclesiastes titled Living a Good Life: Making Sense of the Journey.  Let’s listen in as rich unpacks Solomon’s final thoughts for us.

Apr 11, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Last Word, Part1

Living a Good Life: The Last Word, Part1

In the first chapter of Proverbs, Solomon writes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  It is meaningful that in his old age, he wraps up the book of Ecclesiastes with the same motto:  This is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments.  Today’s message titled The Last Word, is the final message in our series on Ecclesiastes titled Living a Good Life: Making Sense of the Journey.  Let’s listen in as rich unpacks Solomon’s final thoughts for us.

Apr 11, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 4

Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 4

In todays poetic passage, Solomon calls us to live an informed life, especially in our youth.

Apr 11, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 3

Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 3

After this short life, we will meet our Creator, the One we were made for.

Apr 08, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 2

Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 2

Ecclesiastes 12:1 urges us

: Remember your Creator

    in the days of your youth,

before the days of trouble come

    and the years approach when you will say,

    “I find no pleasure in them”

There is wisdom in living life in context of eternity, remembering the gravity of approaching death.  After this short life, we will meet our Creator, the One we were made for. 

Apr 05, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 1

Living a Good Life: The Informed Life, Part 1

Ecclesiastes 12:1 urges us to "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth."

Apr 04, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 4

Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 4

You’ve Heard the expression work hard play hard.  Well, both Working and enjoying are built into life. In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon offers us wisdom for both areas, reminding us that both must be anchored in an accurate view and submission to our Heavenly Father.

Apr 03, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 3

Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 3

You’ve Heard the expression work hard play hard.  Well, both Working and enjoying are built into life. In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon offers us wisdom for both areas, reminding us that both must be anchored in an accurate view and submission to our Heavenly Father.  Let's listen in.

Apr 02, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 2

Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 2

You’ve Heard the expression work hard play hard.  Well, both Working and enjoying are built into life. In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon offers us wisdom for both areas, reminding us that both must be anchored in an accurate view and submission to our Heavenly Father.

Apr 01, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 1

Living a Good Life: Life in a Nutshell, Part 1

You’ve Heard the expression work hard play hard.  Well, both Working and enjoying are built into life God has given us. In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon offers us wisdom for both areas, reminding us that both our work and play must be anchored in an accurate view of eternity and a submission to our Heavenly Father.

Mar 29, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 2

Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 2

This life is a stewardship entrusted to us by our Creator.  We dare not live it out mindlessly.  Today’s passage is Ecclesiastes 10:12-20 in which Solomon calls us to discipline and grace in the way we communicate and the way we conduct our daily affairs.  Listen to Rich’s challenge to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and the life to come so that we can do the hard things in this life.

Mar 28, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 2

Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 2

This life is a stewardship entrusted to us by our Creator.  We dare not live it out mindlessly.  Today’s passage is Ecclesiastes 10:12-20 in which Solomon calls us to discipline and grace in the way we communicate and the way we conduct our daily affairs.

Mar 27, 202413:00
Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 1

Living a Good Life: A Life Lived Well, Part 1

This life is a stewardship entrusted to us by our Creator.  We dare not live it out mindlessly.  Today’s passage is Ecclesiastes 10:12-20 in which Solomon calls us to discipline and grace in the way we communicate and the way we conduct our daily affairs.

Mar 26, 202413:00