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Seeking Knowledge!

Seeking Knowledge!

By DeMarcus David Brewster

Join me as we engage in meaningful conversations, share stories of resilience, and seek the universal threads that connect us all on the path to greater understanding and enlightenment. This season is dedicated to exploring the profound changes that shape our lives and foster a deeper connection to the spiritual dimensions within us. Get ready for a season of renewal, growth, and the pursuit of higher knowledge.

Remember, in 'Seeking Knowledge,' we embrace diversity, foster compassion, and embark on a shared quest for wisdom that transcends religious boundaries. Subscribe now!
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S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stop Been Complacent"!

Seeking Knowledge!May 14, 2024

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"F**k Your Approval"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"F**k Your Approval"!

"Ever feel like the world is watching and waiting for you to conform? Here's a reminder: You don't need anyone's approval to live your truth. Your journey, your dreams, and your passions are uniquely yours. So, to all the naysayers and doubters, here's a message: #FuckYourApproval. Embrace your authenticity, chase your dreams with relentless passion, and never let anyone dim your light. Shine on, unapologetically.
Jun 02, 202409:01
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Silence Is The Key"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Silence Is The Key"!

"Silence Is The Key" underscores the strategic importance of discretion and confidentiality in various aspects of life. By keeping plans and intentions private, individuals can gain a significant advantage in competitive environments, such as business, sports, and negotiations, by preventing others from anticipating and countering their moves.
Jun 01, 202405:59
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Take Some Time Off"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Take Some Time Off"!

Take time off regularly—it's non-negotiable for your health, productivity, and sanity.
May 31, 202407:02
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Change Your Circle Before You Become A Square"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Change Your Circle Before You Become A Square"!

"Change your circle before you become a square" suggests that it's important to evaluate and possibly change the people you associate with to avoid becoming stagnant or conformist. It implies that your social environment significantly influences your personal growth and mindset. If you surround yourself with people who are positive, innovative, and supportive, you are more likely to thrive and stay dynamic. Conversely, if your circle is limiting or negative, you risk becoming rigid and losing your individuality.
May 30, 202407:03
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Present"D.E.A"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Present"D.E.A"!

"Don't Entertain Assholes" is a phrase that serves as a straightforward reminder to avoid engaging with difficult or toxic individuals who can negatively impact your life. This concept is often emphasized in self-help, leadership, and personal development literature, where it's advised to set boundaries and focus your time and energy on positive and supportive relationships.

If you have a specific context or example in mind, feel free to share more details, and I can provide a more targeted explanation or advice.
May 29, 202411:04
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"S.L.A.P"

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"S.L.A.P"

Shout-out to my mud Bruddas' D'Vante Chapman, James Swanigan, and Joe Swanigan for helping me come up with this acronym! They have been solid since day 1! Check out S.L.A.P because we are definitely about to make history 💯
May 28, 202407:47
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"T.R.U.S.T

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"T.R.U.S.T

"Turning Real Unto Something Talented" encapsulates the profound concept of transforming ordinary experiences and real-world challenges into extraordinary and talented outcomes. This idea underscores the power of creativity and innovation to elevate the mundane into remarkable achievements. It involves taking everyday scenes or emotions and creating compelling artworks, identifying real-world problems and turning them into successful business ventures or innovative solutions, and leveraging personal experiences to build skills and talents. Essentially, it is about recognizing the potential within the ordinary and using imagination and ingenuity to create something exceptional and impactful.
May 27, 202411:33
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.I.P"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.I.P"!

To catch blessings from others, focus on building meaningful relationships and staying open to help and opportunities. Be present in interactions, show gratitude, and always be prepared to take advantage of what comes your way. Engage with your community and stay connected—you never know where the next blessing might come from.
May 26, 202410:34
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"C.A.R.T"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"C.A.R.T"!

Advocating for spirituality over organized religion respects individual freedom and personal growth, but it risks disrupting cultural continuity, social cohesion, and the moral and ethical guidance provided by religious traditions; balancing personal spiritual paths with respect for cultural and community structures offers a way to honor both individual and collective needs.
May 25, 202405:36
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Know When To Move On"

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Know When To Move On"

Knowing when to move on can be challenging but is crucial for personal growth and well-being. Here are some signs that it might be time to move on:

- **Persistent Unhappiness**: If a situation consistently makes you unhappy, it might be time to leave.
- **Lack of Progress**: When you no longer see growth or potential for improvement in your current situation.
- **Toxic Environment**: If a relationship, job, or environment is harmful to your mental or physical health.
- **Misalignment with Values**: When your values and goals are no longer aligned with the situation or people involved.
- **Loss of Passion**: If you have lost interest and passion, and it's unlikely to return.
May 24, 202407:36
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Choose Wisely(Relationship Edition)

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Choose Wisely(Relationship Edition)

"Choose Wisely: Relationship Edition" underscores the importance of thoughtful decisions in romance. Know yourself and communicate openly. Seek compatibility in values and future plans. Build on mutual respect, trust, and support. Be mindful of red flags and establish clear boundaries. Resolve conflicts healthily and nurture shared interests. Align on long-term visions. Choose intentionally, and prioritize a balanced, respectful partnership.
May 23, 202409:41
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" A job is a stepping stone, not a step ladder"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" A job is a stepping stone, not a step ladder"!

The statement "A job is a stepping stone, not a step ladder" underscores the importance of perceiving employment as a means to gain valuable experience, skills, and networks essential for long-term career success. Unlike the rigid, sequential progression implied by a step ladder, a stepping stone approach encourages flexibility and adaptability in navigating one's career. This perspective is crucial in today's dynamic job market, where diverse experiences and continuous learning are key to staying competitive and achieving professional growth. Thus, viewing jobs as stepping stones fosters a proactive and strategic approach to career development.
May 22, 202409:20
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" If you don't support me, I'm not supporting you!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" If you don't support me, I'm not supporting you!

"If you don’t support me, don’t expect my support in return. Relationships thrive on mutual respect and understanding. Let’s lift each other up, not tear each other down."
May 21, 202407:02
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Show Up"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Show Up"!

"Show up" means to be present, participate actively, make yourself noticeable, or demonstrate effort and commitment.
May 20, 202409:57
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Always Do what Is Best For You"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Always Do what Is Best For You"!

"Always do what is best for you" means prioritizing your well-being and interests. Know yourself, set boundaries, practice self-care, pursue growth, and maintain balance. Taking care of yourself allows you to be your best for others.
May 19, 202407:43
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"No Means No"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"No Means No"!

"No means no" is a phrase emphasizing that when someone refuses or rejects something, their decision should be respected without further pressure or questioning. It's commonly associated with issues of consent, particularly in the context of sexual relationships, but it can be applied broadly to any situation where an individual’s boundaries are being established. The core idea is about respecting autonomy and personal boundaries.
May 18, 202409:30
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stop Babysitting People"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stop Babysitting People"!

Stop baby sitting people and let them grow is the only way they are gonna grow 🪴
May 17, 202408:28
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"80/20 Rule(Business Edition)

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"80/20 Rule(Business Edition)

📊 Unlock Business Success with the 80/20 Rule! 🌟

Did you know 80% of your results come from just 20% of your efforts? Focus on key customers, top-performing products, and impactful tasks to maximize efficiency and profits. Prioritize smart, work smarter!

#BusinessTips #ParetoPrinciple #Efficiency #Productivity #Success
May 16, 202408:02
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Put The Past In The Past"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Put The Past In The Past"!

"Put yesterday where it belongs—behind you. Start by acknowledging and accepting what happened, then extract the lessons learned. Forgive yourself and others to release the weight of grudges and guilt. Ground yourself in the present through mindfulness, and set goals to guide your future. Seek support when needed to navigate this journey. Embrace these steps to move forward with clarity and purpose, making room for a brighter and more fulfilling tomorrow."
May 15, 202408:44
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stop Been Complacent"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stop Been Complacent"!

🌟 Keep Growing, Don't Settle!Embrace change, push your limits, and keep learning every day. Consistent effort leads to significant progress. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Let's challenge ourselves and keep moving forward together! 💪💫 #Motivation #GrowthMindset #ChallengeYourself
May 14, 202408:11
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Who are you doing it for"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents" Who are you doing it for"!

"Who are you doing it for?" 🤔 This question often invites us to reflect on the motivations behind our actions. Whether it's pursuing a passion, working hard, or making sacrifices, understanding our why can provide clarity and purpose. So, who or what are you doing it for today? Share your thoughts! 🌟 #Motivation #Purpose #Reflection
May 13, 202409:11
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"T.O.T

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"T.O.T

🚀 Ready to launch your business to new heights? ⬆️ Take off today with determination and drive! Set your goals, make a plan, and blast off towards success. 🌟 Whether it's refining your product, reaching out to new clients, or optimizing your processes, seize the day and propel your business forward! 💪 #BusinessGrowth #Entrepreneurship #TakeOff
May 12, 202410:29
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Invest in Yourself"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Invest in Yourself"!

Investing in yourself is one of the most valuable decisions you can make. It means dedicating time, effort, and resources to improve your skills, knowledge, health, and overall well-being. Here are a few ways you can invest in yourself:

1. **Continuous Learning**: Acquire new skills and knowledge through courses, workshops, reading, or online tutorials.

2. **Health and Wellness**: Prioritize physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating nutritious food, and practicing mindfulness.

3. **Personal Development**: Set goals and work on personal growth areas such as communication, time management, or emotional intelligence.

4. **Networking**: Build meaningful relationships and expand your professional network through networking events, conferences, or social platforms.

5. **Financial Education**: Learn about investing, budgeting, and managing money wisely to secure your financial future.

6. **Self-Care**: Take time for activities that rejuvenate and relax you, whether it's hobbies, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

Investing in yourself pays dividends in all areas of life, leading to greater fulfillment, success, and resilience.
May 11, 202411:01
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Motivate Yourself"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Motivate Yourself"!

Motivating yourself consistently is key to achieving your goals and maintaining a positive outlook. Here are some reasons why it's important to stay motivated:

1. **Progress**: Motivation fuels progress by encouraging action towards your goals.
2. **Resilience**: It helps you bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
3. **Focus**: Keeps your attention on what matters most, reducing distractions.
4. **Positivity**: A motivated mindset fosters optimism and a can-do attitude.
5. **Productivity**: It boosts productivity and efficiency in your daily tasks.
6. **Self-belief**: Builds confidence in your abilities and potential.
7. **Personal Growth**: Motivation drives continuous improvement and learning.
8. **Happiness**: Achieving goals brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Find what inspires you and nurture that motivation daily. It's a powerful force that propels you towards success and personal fulfillment.
May 10, 202411:20
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"C.O.R.P"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"C.O.R.P"!

Counting on real people means relying on actual individuals, their capabilities, and their actions. It's about trusting others to contribute their skills and efforts towards achieving goals or solving problems together.
May 09, 202407:30
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"L.M.E"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"L.M.E"!

Loyalty Means Everything

The importance of loyalty in relationships and beyond. Join us for insightful conversations and practical tips on fostering meaningful connections. Tune in to discover why loyalty is essential in every aspect of life.
May 08, 202408:39
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Season 18 Opener Keep Striving'!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Season 18 Opener Keep Striving'!

🌟 Keep Striving! 🌟
No matter what challenges come your way, keep pushing forward. Success is often the result of consistent effort and determination. Believe in yourself and your dreams. You've got this! 💪 #KeepStriving #Persistence #Motivation
May 07, 202408:48
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Season 17 Finale Stop Letting People Hold Your Past Over You"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Season 17 Finale Stop Letting People Hold Your Past Over You"!

It sounds like you're going through something tough. Holding onto the past can be really challenging, especially when others use it against you. Remember, your past doesn't define you. People who care about you will focus on who you are now and where you're going.
May 06, 202409:35
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Toxic Relationships with my Brudda D'Vante Chapman"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Toxic Relationships with my Brudda D'Vante Chapman"!

Toxic relationships can be really tough. They often involve manipulation, disrespect, or imbalance in power dynamics. If you're in one, it's important to prioritize your well-being. Seek support from friends, family, or a counselor to figure out how to move forward.
May 05, 202433:27
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Be The Best You Can Be"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Be The Best You Can Be"!

"Be the best you can be" means striving for excellence and growth. Set clear goals, keep learning, embrace challenges, seek feedback, practice self-care, celebrate successes, and stay true to yourself. It's a journey of continuous improvement and self-discovery.
May 04, 202408:21
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Let's Fight Together and Not Each Other with my Brudda D'Vante"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Let's Fight Together and Not Each Other with my Brudda D'Vante"!

Let's embrace the power of unity and cooperation, choosing collaboration over conflict. When we join forces and work together, we can achieve remarkable things and overcome challenges that seem insurmountable when faced alone. By setting aside differences and focusing on our shared goals, we can build stronger relationships, foster mutual understanding, and create positive change in our communities and beyond. Let's strive for unity, embracing diversity as a source of strength, and together, we can make a meaningful impact on the world around us.
May 03, 202434:07
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Living A Social Media Life"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Living A Social Media Life"!

Living a social media life refers to portraying a version of yourself online that may not reflect your true feelings or experiences. It can involve posting curated content that presents an idealized or unrealistic image of your life. While this can be tempting for various reasons, like seeking validation or fitting in, it often leads to feelings of inadequacy and disconnect. Authenticity is key in building meaningful connections, both online and offline. How do you navigate this aspect of social media?
May 02, 202410:03
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.A.R(Build A Relationship)

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.A.R(Build A Relationship)

Building a strong relationship requires open communication, trust, respect, quality time together, empathy, compromise, appreciation, humor, support during challenges, and encouragement for personal growth. These elements foster lasting connections and deepen bonds between individuals.
May 01, 202408:16
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Take Some Time Off Or Quit"

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Take Some Time Off Or Quit"

Deciding whether to take time off or quit entirely depends on your specific circumstances and goals. If you're feeling burned out or overwhelmed, taking a break could be a good option to recharge and reassess. However, if you're consistently unhappy or unfulfilled in your current role and see no potential for improvement, quitting might be a more suitable choice to explore new opportunities. It's important to weigh the pros and cons, consider your financial situation, and reflect on your long-term career aspirations before making a decision. If you'd like, I can help you think through these aspects further.
Apr 30, 202407:55
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"P.O.F(Profit Off Pain)"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"P.O.F(Profit Off Pain)"!

The phrase "profit off pain" typically refers to making money or gaining benefits from the suffering or misfortune of others. It often carries a negative connotation, implying exploitation or unethical behavior. This concept can apply to various scenarios, such as businesses or individuals seeking financial gain through activities that capitalize on others' hardships or vulnerabilities, like price gouging during crises or unethical medical practices. In ethical contexts, it's important to ensure that one's pursuits are fair and respectful of others' well-being.
Apr 29, 202410:32
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Health Is Wealth"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Health Is Wealth"!

"Health is wealth" is a common saying that emphasizes the importance of good health as a valuable asset. It suggests that being in good health is more valuable than material wealth because without good health, it can be challenging to enjoy life or achieve one's goals. When we prioritize our health through proper nutrition, exercise, and wellness practices, we are investing in our overall well-being and quality of life. Taking care of our health not only improves our physical condition but also contributes to mental and emotional well-being, enabling us to lead more fulfilling lives.
Apr 28, 202408:24
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Life Will Throw You Punches"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Life Will Throw You Punches"!

The phrase "life will throw you punches" is a metaphorical way of saying that life can be challenging and unpredictable. It suggests that we will encounter difficulties, setbacks, and unexpected obstacles along our journey. Just like in a boxing match where punches are thrown unexpectedly, life can sometimes deliver unexpected hardships or struggles. The important thing is how we respond to these challenges and setbacks, learning and growing stronger from them.
Apr 27, 202409:06
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"You vs You"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"You vs You"!

You vs You is a comparison within oneself, perhaps reflecting on personal growth or self-improvement. It's common to think about how we've evolved over time or how we're striving to be better versions of ourselves.
Apr 26, 202408:60
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"H.O.M.E"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"H.O.M.E"!

Supporting and uplifting others, especially fellow men, is essential for fostering growth and creating a positive community.
Apr 25, 202409:17
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Absent Father Part 2 (Positive Effects) with my homie LA T"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Absent Father Part 2 (Positive Effects) with my homie LA T"!

While the absence of a father figure can present challenges, it can also foster resilience and independence in individuals. Some positive effects may include:

1. **Self-reliance**: Being without a father figure can encourage individuals to learn to rely on themselves and become more self-sufficient.

2. **Stronger bonds with other family members**: Absent fathers can lead to closer relationships with other family members, such as mothers, siblings, or extended family members, fostering a sense of community and support.

3. **Increased empathy and understanding**: Growing up without a father can sometimes lead to heightened empathy and understanding towards others who may be going through similar situations.

4. **Personal growth and resilience**: Overcoming the challenges associated with an absent father can build resilience and foster personal growth, leading to greater adaptability and strength in facing life's obstacles.

5. **Alternative role models**: In the absence of a father figure, individuals may seek guidance and mentorship from other positive role models, such as teachers, coaches, or community leaders.

Apr 24, 202438:48
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Is It A Lie"

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Is It A Lie"

"Is it a lie" is a statement in the form of a question, asking whether something is false or deceptive. It's not inherently a lie itself, but it prompts investigation into the truthfulness of a claim or situation.
Apr 23, 202407:51
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Absent Father Part 1(Negative Effect) with my homie LA. T

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Absent Father Part 1(Negative Effect) with my homie LA. T

The absence of a father can have various negative effects on children, including emotional and psychological challenges such as low self-esteem, difficulty forming relationships, and behavioral problems. It can also impact academic performance and increase the likelihood of delinquency and substance abuse. However, it's important to note that the impact can vary depending on individual circumstances and the presence of other supportive figures in the child's life.
Apr 22, 202442:17
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Butcher Shop"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Butcher Shop"!

Do some research on why I call this episode the butchershop! The hospital reminds me of a butcher shop because there is no life in either place !
Apr 21, 202407:49
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.I.G(Believe In Goals)"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.I.G(Believe In Goals)"!

Believing in goals is essential for achieving them; it's the inner conviction that propels us forward, even in the face of challenges.
Apr 20, 202407:45
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"G.P.S(Gotta Prepare Someone)

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"G.P.S(Gotta Prepare Someone)

"Time to gear up and get ready! Gotta prepare someone for their upcoming presentation. Let's make it epic! 💼🚀 #PreparationIsKey #SuccessAhead"
Apr 19, 202407:25
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"H.O.P.E(Helping Other People Elevate)"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"H.O.P.E(Helping Other People Elevate)"!

"Helping Other People Elevate" is the ultimate guide to unlocking your potential by empowering those around you. Join us on a journey of personal growth and community impact as we explore practical strategies, share inspiring stories, and engage in meaningful discussions aimed at lifting others up. Together, let's create a ripple effect of positive change and elevate each other to new heights of success and fulfillment.
Apr 18, 202407:35
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Life Is A Gift(Present)

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Life Is A Gift(Present)

Life, in its intricate tapestry of moments and experiences, is undeniably a precious gift bestowed upon us. With each passing day, we have the opportunity to explore, grow, and connect with the world around us, embracing the richness of existence in all its forms.
Apr 17, 202407:14
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"L.O.V.E(Leave Out Vicious Energy) pt 1"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"L.O.V.E(Leave Out Vicious Energy) pt 1"!

"Leave out vicious energy" is a reminder to focus on positive vibes and avoid negativity. It's a great mantra for promoting a peaceful and harmonious environment.
Apr 16, 202408:10
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Chase What You Love"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Chase What You Love"!

"Chase what you love" is a powerful mantra that encourages pursuing your passions and dreams with determination and enthusiasm. It's about following your heart and striving for fulfillment in your life's pursuits.
Apr 15, 202407:54
S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Build Connections"!

S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Build Connections"!

Building connections is about fostering meaningful relationships with others. Whether it's through shared interests, mutual goals, or simply getting to know one another on a personal level, connecting with people enriches our lives. How can I assist you in building connections?
Apr 14, 202406:43