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Diet Starts Never

Diet Starts Never

By Rachel Nigro

Ditch the "diet" mentality while healing your relationship with food, exercise and yourself. My goal is to elevate your current life by educating you on what is right from wrong in health & fitness. Get ready to live the life of your dreams without restriction or hours of cardio!
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How to exercise to lose fat & get toned AF

Diet Starts NeverOct 26, 2022

43. Optimizing your nutrition to boost your metabolism & lean out for good (the protein episode)
Mar 20, 202423:06
42. Down 40 pounds & counting: How Antionette made the lifestyle change she never thought was possible
Mar 06, 202424:30
41. Valentines Day Episode: Understanding how to support each other's goals
Feb 14, 202424:59
40. You're not supposed to feel bloated all of the time & how to fix it
Feb 07, 202423:59
39. Master these 5 habits before attempting to change your body
Jan 31, 202414:04
38. From Fad to Friend: Making peace with carbs & building a nourishing relationship with food
Jan 17, 202429:51
37. A Step by step guide to actually reach your goals in 2024
Jan 03, 202422:35
36. 2023 Reflection: A bridge to a more intentional future
Dec 29, 202315:53
35. Overcoming anxiety with Somatic Breathwork (ft. Rae Kraft)

35. Overcoming anxiety with Somatic Breathwork (ft. Rae Kraft)

I am so excited for you to meet Rae Kraft, a Somatic Breathwork coach who helps women ease anxiety and improve their life.

Rae specializes in trauma informed Somatic Breathwork and helps you learn to regulate your nervous system through a facilitated breathwork experience. Breathwork is used to help release, heal and see different trauma that might be stored in your body.

Rae provides a unique approach to navigating anxiety and helps you learn to enjoy the process by helping you look forward to what is on the other side of something that was once so challenging and realizing that there is another way.

Rae wants everyone to know that we are not our limitations or our past and we get to create who we are.

As someone who struggles with anxiety, I learned so much from chatting with Rae and cannot wait for you to learn from her!

Here’s how you can connect with Rae:

Work with her:

Follow her on Instagram:

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Listen to her podcast:

Breathe easy free e-book:

If you learn something in this episode, please share it with a friend or post it to your instagram story and tag me 😇

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Dec 20, 202342:05
34. Transitioning into intuitive eating
Dec 13, 202320:18
33. Client Interview: How Bre lost 14 pounds & drastically improved her health
Dec 06, 202336:48
32. Manifesting love & taking action

32. Manifesting love & taking action

You guys…I owe you an apology. I’ve been MIA on this podcast & I’m so sorry! BUT I’m back with new intentions for this podcast.

I’ve been holding back on recording episodes because I wanted to bring a more entertaining & exciting approach to you. I’ve covered A LOT of nutrition, fitness & fat loss education on this podcast so its time to spice things up. The new goal is overall wellness & lifestyle! Get ready for lots of exciting guests with a wide variety of topics! 

ALSO- We’re on Youtube now! If you prefer to watch the episode, click here to view it (make sure to subscribe to my channel). 

On today's episode I’m diving DEEP into how I manifested my dream man, the exact steps I took to do it, how I maintain my dream life & action steps for you to do the same.

I am no expert in this topic. I am simply sharing MY experience (which in my opinion, is actually pretty incredible😝) & what worked for me!

p.s. this is episode 32, not 31 as stated in the video 😅

In the episode I talked about some videos. Here are the links:The MeetCutesNYC video:

My TikTok video on how I manifested my dream man:

If you enjoyed this episode or learned something from it, please share it with a friend or post it to your instagram story and tag me 😇

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Nov 29, 202329:28
Why sleep should be your number one priority
Sep 27, 202314:13
Body image, eating disorders & how to be a responsible health professional (ft. Randi Zimmerman, LCSW-R, CEDS-S)

Body image, eating disorders & how to be a responsible health professional (ft. Randi Zimmerman, LCSW-R, CEDS-S)

We have been told if you have a negative body image, to change your body & it will fix your body image. Unfortunately that is NOT the answer. It is time to increase awareness and change our approach to overall health & wellness.

As a health & fitness professional, I encounter so many people who struggle with disordered eating, body image & yo-yo dieting. In addition, there are many health & fitness professionals who don’t know how to properly support someone who struggles in that area because it is out of our scope of practice.

Randi Zimmerman, LCSW-R, CEDS-S, is the founder & lead therapist at the group therapy practice, The Time Is Always Now Therapy Group. Randi & her team of incredible therapists see all ages & genders as well as treat all issues. They have a specialty in eating disorder treatment & recovery.

Randi has seen from a first hand view how the attention on weight loss has harmed the well-being of so many people. She believes that the overvaluation of appearance of the body and the measurement or judgment of a person based on their size & shape is what leads to weight stigma which in return, leads to fat phobia. This not only creates unrealistic & unhealthy expectations of ourselves & the feeling of “not good enough” from a very young age, but also can cause medical inequity as well as other health-harming disorders. 

My goal is to be the best health professional I can be. I want to help you reach your goal, but I want to help you live a really long, healthy life most importantly. 

I asked Randi to create this episode with me to raise awareness for everyone, specifically health & fitness professionals, on what signs to look out for & how to help somebody who is struggling. More importantly, I want her to help you learn to love yourself a little bit more.

We ask you to please share this episode with your community to spread awareness & help someone who may be struggling. If you are a health & fitness professional, please share this with your clients & network.


  • Eat-26 self assessment questionnaire that measures symptoms and concerns characteristic of eating disorders. You can take the self-test here:
  • The Health At Every Size movement is a framework for care that supports people of different body sizes and shapes to adopt healthy behaviors and attitudes without focusing on weight or weight loss. It is based on the principles of weight inclusivity, health enhancement, respectful care, eating for well-being, and life-enhancing movement. It challenges the weight-centered approach that often stigmatizes, discriminates, and harms people who do not conform to the thin ideal. It also recognizes that health is influenced by many factors beyond individual control, such as socio-economic status, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and other identities. Learn more here:
  • Recovery Record is a secure and evidence-based application that has been evaluated in clinical trials and is available to Optum/UnitedHealthcare members and their care teams to support eating disorder treatment and recovery. Learn more here:

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Sep 15, 202359:05
9 Steps to create a healthy morning routine & stick with it
Aug 31, 202329:11
My full day of eating in a fat loss cut
Aug 16, 202321:13
Are FITNESS supplements worth the hype? (PART 2)
Aug 02, 202327:58
Are supplements worth the hype? PART 1
Jul 26, 202328:25
Your guilt is holding you back from your goals
Jun 21, 202319:17
How to balance your hormones to support fat loss
May 24, 202317:20
Menstrual cycle & weight loss: everything you need to know (ft. Jamie Pelton)
May 10, 202352:52
How to lose inches before summer
Apr 26, 202318:06
Meal Prepping 101

Meal Prepping 101

It is impossible to reach your goals without being prepared. In this episode I am giving you the EXACT meal prep method I use and give to my clients, straight out of my nutrition guide! I am going to walk you through the entire process, starting from how to make a grocery list to how to prep your meals. 

This episode comes with a lot of links to set you up for success. Nothing I link is necessary, but recommended only to elevate your experience.

As promised in the episode, here is my meal prep method worksheet, grocery shopping inspo list & macro cheat sheet: Click here to view!

Here are the links to all of my fav meal prep tools:




As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, meaning I may make a small commission if you decide to purchase through one of my links, at no additional cost to you!

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Apr 12, 202320:50
Diets you need to avoid if you want to lose fat for good
Mar 29, 202325:31
If you want to get healthy, you need to stop ignoring these signs (Biofeedback)
Mar 15, 202320:38
Keeping the weight you lost off for good (Maintenance Phases)
Mar 01, 202319:27
You need a weight loss break to lose weight (Reverse Dieting)
Feb 15, 202319:28
The ugly truth about alcohol & weight loss

The ugly truth about alcohol & weight loss

The big question: Is alcohol affecting your weight loss progress?

The short answer: Yes, it absolutely is, BUT it does not have to!

On today's episode I am going to teach you how alcohol affects your body, what changes you need to make to lose weight without giving up alcohol completely and how to track alcohol so you can stay on track to your goals as well as some cleaner swaps.

Feb 01, 202316:27
5 non-negotiable habits for fat loss
Jan 04, 202319:09
Why I don't set New Year's resolutions + a gift for you!
Dec 22, 202223:41
What to do when you fall off track

What to do when you fall off track

If you feel like you over ate significantly, binge ate, fell off track or just aren't doing well, this episode is for you and we’re going to get you through this right now.

The holidays are hard and it is so easy to feel like you are failing. I am going to give you the exact steps you need to get right back on track to your goals and feel successful and proud of yourself again!

Dec 07, 202210:27
How to have a guilt free holiday + Black Friday Sale
Nov 23, 202214:20
10 weight loss mistakes you might be making
Nov 09, 202216:46
How to exercise to lose fat & get toned AF
Oct 26, 202217:38
Your metabolism isn’t broken, it's damaged
Oct 12, 202215:06
Your love/hate relationship with the weekend ends here

Your love/hate relationship with the weekend ends here

Are you so excited every time Friday rolls around, but are secretly nervous because you know you're going to self sabotage again? Listen up for my best tips and tricks to help you actually enjoy your weekends so you can finally move forward with your progress. 

Sep 28, 202217:43
Motivation won't get you results, this will.

Motivation won't get you results, this will.

Are you waiting for motivation to spark to give you everything you need to get results? Yea that's not going to work. In this episode I am giving you exactly what you need to get results because searching for motivation will get you nowhere. Seriously- has it gotten you the results you’ve been searching for yet?

In addition to your answer to getting results, I give you the deets about my new program which was inspired by this podcast, that will help you lose fat for good and create a lasting lifestyle. The Diet Starts Never Program. Enrollment closes September 26th, 2022. Here is the link to enroll:

Sep 12, 202215:53
How I lost 15 pounds without trying + my new program

How I lost 15 pounds without trying + my new program

Recently lost 15 pounds without even trying to lose weight. Literally my goal was not weight loss, and i had ZERO expectations to even lose one pound

My goal was be healthy and that's exactly what I did. I stopped searching for happiness elsewhere and started embracing happiness from the present moments and the result was my most successful cut ever.

In this episode I'm going to tell you the mindset shift you need to make to do this, exactly what I did to lose fat and how you can do the same with my new program.

Aug 31, 202222:13
Why tracking macros is the best way to reach your fat loss goal

Why tracking macros is the best way to reach your fat loss goal

As a health and fitness coach who specializes in fat loss and flexible dieting, I know that the whole concept of tracking your macros can be so confusing, BUT if you give it a chance, it will change your life. Think of this episode as macros 101. You’re going to learn what macros are, what the process of tracking them is and how it is going to absolutely change your life! Listen up until the end because I am also sharing a VERY big announcement.
Aug 10, 202229:28
Q&A: the top questions i get asked as a fitness coach

Q&A: the top questions i get asked as a fitness coach

Being in the health & fitness industry for 10+ years, I have heard it all. People come to me wondering what they can do to get the most drastic results, as quick as possible. I am here to tell you that not only is that impossible, but I will not help you get there. In this episode I will give you the answers to the TOP questions I get asked as a health & fitness coach with your health and well being in mind.

I answer everything from "What should I eat to lose weight" to "What exercises can I do for abs".

If you're not already doing so, follow me on Instagram where I post stories daily answering questions I get asked with solutions.

Jul 27, 202217:01
How your mindset is failing you on your fitness journey

How your mindset is failing you on your fitness journey

If you have not been successful in your health & fitness journey, I can guarantee you its because of your mindset. Mindset is EVERYTHING when it comes to reaching a goal, but more importantly when maintaining it for life. On this episode I am going to cover why mindset is everything, what is holding you back from being your best self and THE mindset shift that will change your life. 

If you're not already doing so, follow me on Instagram where I post health & fitness content daily:

My next episode is going to be a Q&A about the most common questions I get asked as a health & fitness coach. If you have a question you want me to cover, head to Instagram and DM it to me!

Jul 13, 202210:26
Why doing hours of cardio makes you gain weight

Why doing hours of cardio makes you gain weight

CARDIO 🤢 if that word makes you cringe, this episode is for you! I'm going to cover the exact reason why there is such thing as too much cardio, teach you about the different heart rate zones for training, go over some common cardio FAQs and as always, set you up with some action steps. 

As promised in the episode, here is the link for the Polar heart rate zone calculator:

Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your age predicted max heart rate which is 220- your age.

Thanks for listening!

Jun 29, 202216:45
How to unf*ck your relationship with food
Jun 15, 202214:54