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Dignity Voices

Dignity Voices

By International Committee for October 17

Dignity Voices - A podcast from the International Committee for October 17th to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. (2022)
Currently playing episode

Reality of Decent Work for People Living in Extreme Poverty

Dignity VoicesSep 26, 2023

A conversation with Jenn Yablonski of UNICEF

A conversation with Jenn Yablonski of UNICEF

Jenn Yablonski, UNICEF’s Chief of Child Poverty and Social Protection talks to Aye Aye Win of the International Committee for October 17 about social protection, its critical role in addressing persistence of poverty and Unicef’s work in ending child poverty. 

Oct 17, 202336:20
A conversation with Shahra Razavi of the International Labour Organisation

A conversation with Shahra Razavi of the International Labour Organisation

Shahra Razavi, Director of the Social Protection Department at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about the ILO's mandate and programme on decent work and social protection.

Oct 10, 202335:19
Unleashing the Potential of the Green Economy for Young Adults Left Behind - the Walter Initiative.

Unleashing the Potential of the Green Economy for Young Adults Left Behind - the Walter Initiative.

Guillaume Charvon, Chair and founder of  WALTER.   - Work and Learn Together - Electronics Recycling and  National director of ATD Fourth World - USA talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about unleashing the potential of the green economy for young adults left behind: the initiative of WALTER in Brooklyn, NYC. 

Oct 03, 202335:52
Reality of Decent Work for People Living in Extreme Poverty

Reality of Decent Work for People Living in Extreme Poverty

Maryann Broxton, main representative to the United Nations of the International Movement ATD Fourth World talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about the reality of decent work and social protection for the people living in extreme poverty.

Sep 26, 202332:09
Une conversation avec Martinien Moukete

Une conversation avec Martinien Moukete

Martinien Moukete, est camerounais, il travaille avec « l’Association des Jeunes Entreprenants de Bonassama » sur le littoral du Cameroun où il est coordonnateur des projets depuis 2015, année de création de l'association. Il est chargé de mettre en œuvre la vision de l'association, coordonner les bénévoles et assurer la gestion administrative.

Il est également un correspondant du Forum du Refus de la Misère. Il est très mobilisé pour le 17 octobre, et chaque année, avec l'association, il prépare des événements et mobilise des jeunes. Martinien adhère au Forum avec son association car il se reconnaît dans ses valeurs : le partage d'expérience sur l'engagement et le combat de la misère. Tout cela, dans le but de rendre visible le témoignage des personnes qui vivent l'extrême pauvreté au Cameroun et contribuer à la synergie d'actions internationales contre la misère.

Feb 08, 202313:38
نورنا حي - Our light is alive - Notre lumière est vivante

نورنا حي - Our light is alive - Notre lumière est vivante

في ١٧تشرين الأول ٢٠٢١ الموافق ل 17 أكتوبر من سنة 2021 وبينما لبنان تشهد يوما من الإنتفاضات والمسيرات بسبب الأزمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية الذي تعيشها البلاد. أسر شباب حي النبع ببيروت بالإحتفال باليوم العالمي لمكافحة الفقر المدقع ١٧ أكتوبر. و هكذا وبعد أيام قليلة تمكنوا من جمع سكان حي النبعة ليقولوا من خلال شموع أن نورنا حي. شعار جاء ليعبروا من خلاله عن مواجهة انقطاع التيار الكهربائي اليومي، والتحديات الهائلة في مجالات التعليم والصحة والغذاء. جملة هي صرخة أمل، وتأكيد للكرامة

Nov 15, 202205:23
Notre lumière est vivante

Notre lumière est vivante

Le 17 octobre 2021, alors que le Liban vivait une journée de révoltes et d’émeutes à cause de la situation de crise économique, sociale et politique, des jeunes du quartier de Nabaa, à Beyrouth, n’ont pas voulu se résigner à une Journée Mondiale du Refus de la Misère sans célébration. Quelques jours plus tard, ils ont réussi à rassembler des habitants du quartier Nabaa pour dire, à travers le symbole des bougies, « Notre lumière est vivante ».
Face aux coupures de courant quotidiennes, et aux énormes défis dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la santé et de l’alimentation, cette phrase est un cri d’espoir, un sursaut de dignité.
Nov 08, 202207:29
30. Our Light is Alive! - 30 Years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

30. Our Light is Alive! - 30 Years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

This episode title is inspired by the courageous group of young people from Naab'a, a neighbourhood in Eastern Beirut, who refuse to give up hope despite of everything oppressing them. In this episode, we pay tribute to the frontline poverty fighters and peace builders and celebrate the wealth of wisdom, solidarity and talent. Feast your ears for a full hour of meaningful poetry and music from around the world.

Dignity Voices is brought to you by the International Committee for October 17. 

The original idea for the 30 podcasts was inspired by our work with the Collecitf France Refuser la Misère (Michel Besse, Geoffrey Renimel, Igor Czerny, the young volunteers, the school children) who prepared the Poverty Fighters: Peace Builders - 30 Years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty roundtable, photo exhibition, the paintings and other activities at CESE and Trocadero Human Rights Plaza back in June. THANK YOU.

We would like to thank all the guests who featured on the programmes, the Pole Expressions Publiques (PEPs) team at ATD Fourth World (Jeff Steiner, Nathalie Benezet, Alvero Iniesta), the teams behind the videos that were produced and used for some of the podcasts, the voice over artists ( Jos Lemmers, Zina Lemmers, Florence Altmayer, Michel Besse and Zubeir Woozeer),  the Forum for Overcoming Poverty and  Secretariat of the International Committee (Marina Mingot, Kysly Joseph, Florence Altmayer). As the person responsible for the initiative, I would like to pay a special thanks to Petra Lemmers, who offered her summer to Dignity Voices and assisted me in so many different ways during the intense three months of production. Of course, a huge thanks to those who supported the initiative so enthusiastically from the beginning (in particular Donald Lee and Monica Chowdhury) , the members of the lnternational Leadership Team (Chantal Consolini, Bruno Dabout, Martin Kalissa), those who advised (Herman van Breen, Geneviève Tardieu, Janet Nelson,  Aria Ribieras), those who actively shared the podcasts on social media (Pierre Klein, Diana Skelton, Dann Kenningham and many others) and ALL the members of the International Committee for October 17 who enthusiastically hosted many of the podcasts.  

To all of you, I say a heartfelt thank you. I feel so proud of you all and what a tribute we paid to this amazing human rights movement called the ATD Fourth World! 

Oct 16, 202254:25
29b. Towards a rich future - wealthy in wisdom, solidarity and dignity!

29b. Towards a rich future - wealthy in wisdom, solidarity and dignity!

France Fournier, Member of the International Committee for October 17th and President of “Collective for a Quebec without Poverty” talks about her experience that when you listen to those living in poverty, everyone wins. She also shares  her vision of a rich society - where everyone enjoys and celebrates wealth in compassion, wisdom and dignity.

Podcast host: Florence Ellie

Oct 15, 202212:48
29a. Vers un avenir riche - riche de sagesse, de compassion et de dignité !

29a. Vers un avenir riche - riche de sagesse, de compassion et de dignité !

France Fournier, membre du Comité international du 17 octobre et présidente du "Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté" parle de son expérience selon laquelle lorsqu'on écoute ceux qui vivent dans la pauvreté, tout le monde est gagnant. Elle partage également sa vision d'une société riche - où chacun profite et célèbre la richesse dans la compassion, la sagesse et la dignité.

Animatrice du podcast : Florence Ellie

France Fournier, Member of the International Committee for October 17th and President of “Collective for a Quebec without Poverty” talks about her experience that when you listen to those living in poverty, everyone wins. She also shares  her vision of a rich society - where everyone enjoys and celebrates wealth in compassion, wisdom and dignity.

Podcast host: Florence Ellie 

Oct 15, 202212:08
28. Making the impossible become possible - A conversation with Bruno Dabout, Director General of ATD Fourth World

28. Making the impossible become possible - A conversation with Bruno Dabout, Director General of ATD Fourth World

Bruno Dabout, Director General of ATD Fourth World talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about the work of the ATD Fourth World Movement and the continuation of the human rights project to challenge unjust systems and for people facing the most difficult lives to become genuine partners  in human development. 

Photo: ATD Fourth World

Oct 14, 202217:05
27. International Committee for October 17 - A bridge between the UN partners and people living in poverty.

27. International Committee for October 17 - A bridge between the UN partners and people living in poverty.

Cassam Uteem, former President of the International Committee for October 17, former President of the ATD Fourth World Movement and President of the Republic of Mauritius (1992-2002)  and Marina Mingot, Coordinator of the Forum for Overcoming Extreme Poverty talks to Aye Aye Win, the incumbent President of the International Committee for October 17 about the Committee's work in serving as a bridge between the UN Partners and people living in poverty. 

Oct 13, 202213:23
26. Everyone Included - A conversation with UN Under Secretary General Mr. Li Junhua

26. Everyone Included - A conversation with UN Under Secretary General Mr. Li Junhua

H. E. Mr. Li Junhua, Under Secretary General of the United Nations responsible for the Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) talks to Ms. Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17, about UNDESA's work in leaving no one behind and ending poverty in all its forms everywhere.

 Photo: UN-DESA

Oct 12, 202213:06
25. Leaving no one behind, a conversation with the United Nations Development Programme

25. Leaving no one behind, a conversation with the United Nations Development Programme

Nathalie Milbach-Bouche (PhD), a development economist working as Senior Strategic Advisor for the global Inclusive Growth team at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about UNDP's work in ending poverty, focussing on strategies deployed in leaving no one behind.

Oct 11, 202231:54
24. Ending Childhood Poverty - A conversation with UNICEF

24. Ending Childhood Poverty - A conversation with UNICEF

Sola Engilbertsdottir, a Social Policy Specialist at UNICEF Headquarters in New York talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about UNICEF's work in ending childhood poverty and efforts that are being made to leave no child behind. 

Oct 10, 202219:06
23. Rôle des missions permanentes auprès des Nations Unies pour soutenir le 17 octobre

23. Rôle des missions permanentes auprès des Nations Unies pour soutenir le 17 octobre

L'Ambassadeur Nicholas de Rivière, Représentant permanent de la France auprès des Nations Unies s'entretient avec l'Ambassadeur Filippe Savadogo, Membre du Comité international du 17 octobre et Représentant permanent de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) auprès des Nations Unies de 2012 à 2014, sur le rôle de la France dans la promotion de la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la pauvreté.

Role of Permanent Missions to the United Nations in supporting October 17 - Ambassador Nicholas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations talks to Ambassador Filippe Savadogo,  Member of the International Committee for October 17 and Permanent Representative of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) to the United Nations from 2012-2014, about the role of France in promoting the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. 


Oct 09, 202210:02
22. Global Goals and National Implementation

22. Global Goals and National Implementation

Ignacio Saiz, a leading expert on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, former Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social  Rights and presently senior advisor to several international organisations including the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Amnesty International, talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about the direct links to be made with between the implementation of a country’s human rights obligations and the progress made towards the global goals. Also, what role can National Human Rights Institutions play to monitor progress towards the global goals from a human rights lens?

Oct 08, 202213:20
21. Why is poverty a violation of human rights?

21. Why is poverty a violation of human rights?

Ignacio Saiz, a leading expert on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, former Executive Director of the Centre for Economic and Social  Rights and presently senior advisor to several international organisations including the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Amnesty International, talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about why poverty is a violation of human rights, who is responsible for human rights and how recognising poverty as a human rights violation helps us to achieve the first global goal to end poverty in all forms everywhere.

Oct 07, 202213:02
20. Merging of Knowledge - What is this approach?

20. Merging of Knowledge - What is this approach?

Xavier Godinot, Research Director at the Joseph Wresinski Centre for Poverty Research and History talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about the "Merging of Knowledge" and offers advice on the do's and don’ts for researchers and organisations are interested in embracing this approach.

Oct 06, 202213:03
19. Hidden Dimensions of Poverty

19. Hidden Dimensions of Poverty

Xavier Godinot, Research Director at the Joseph Wresinski Centre for Poverty Research and History and coordinator of the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty participatory research project with University of Oxford,  talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about the Hidden Dimensions of Poverty research findings and advances recommendations for these hidden dimensions of poverty to be reflected in legislation and policies to end poverty. 

Oct 05, 202213:55
18. Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination - some reflections by Olivier De Schutter

18. Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination - some reflections by Olivier De Schutter

Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights reflects on the cost of discrimination to the human person and to society and makes proposals to  combat discrimination on grounds of poverty. The original recording was made in February 2022 at the webinar on  “Dignity in Practice - Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination” organised by ATD Fourth World together with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the NGO Committee on Social Development.

Photo credit:

Oct 04, 202211:53
17. Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination - view from an activist

17. Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination - view from an activist

Andrew Kelly, an ATD activist from Ireland and a member of the International Committee for October 17th shares with us his own experience of socio-economic discrimination and the campaign in Ireland to bring poverty- based discrimination into the equality legislation. The original recording was made in February 2022 at the webinar on “Dignity in Practice - Overcoming Poverty Based Discrimination” organised by  ATD Fourth World with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the NGO Committee on Social Development.

Oct 03, 202209:57
16. (español) Crear Caminos de Vida

16. (español) Crear Caminos de Vida

Crear Caminos de Vida (español) - En este podcast podrán escuchar las hermosas voces de militantes, aliados y voluntarios de ATD Cuarto Mundo de América Latina. Nos hablan sobre la emergencia climática que constituye una nueva violencia ejercida contra las personas que viven en situaciones de extrema pobreza y de como la dignidad de la persona y la sostenibilidad de nuestro planeta están intrínsecamente relacionadas.

Podcast presentado por Carolina Escobar Sarti, miembro del Comité Internacional para el 17 de Octubre

Creating Pathways to Life (Spanish)- In this podcast you will hear the beautiful voices of the activists, allies and volunteers of ATD fourth world from Latin America taking about how the climate emergency constitutes a new violence against people living in extreme poverty and how the dignity of the people and the sustainability of our planet are intricately linked. Podcast host: Carolina Escobar Sarti, Member of the International Committee for October 17

Oct 02, 202207:39
15a. (English) In the Frontline of Climate Emergency - The story of Barclay and Cyndie from the Central African Republic

15a. (English) In the Frontline of Climate Emergency - The story of Barclay and Cyndie from the Central African Republic

The poorest communities bear the heaviest burden of climate change as increased occurrences of natural disasters result in the destruction of homes, crops and livelihoods. In the central African republic, floods forced Barclay and his family to seek refuge in a dangerous neighbourhood. A garbage collector, Barclay is working hard to protect his family and the environment.  Podcast hosts: Josephine Alumanah and Aye Aye Win from the International Committee for October 17

Voice Over (Barclay): Zou

Oct 01, 202206:58
15b. (en français) En première ligne de l'urgence climatique

15b. (en français) En première ligne de l'urgence climatique

Les communautés les plus pauvres supportent le plus lourd fardeau du changement climatique, l'augmentation des catastrophes naturelles entraînant la destruction des maisons, des cultures et des moyens de subsistance. En République centrafricaine, les inondations ont contraint Barclay et sa famille à se réfugier dans un quartier dangereux. Ramasseur d'ordures, Barclay travaille dur pour protéger sa famille et l'environnement. Hôte du podcast : Justin Byamungu, Membre Comité International du 17 Octobre

Voiceover (Barclay): Michel Besse


Oct 01, 202207:15
14. Ravine l’Espérance (en français)

14. Ravine l’Espérance (en français)

“Ravine l’Espérance” (French/Francais)-  Le 12 janvier 2010, un violent tremblement de terre a frappé Haïti rendant dans la seule ville de Port-au-Prince, laissant des millions de personnes sans abri. Il fallait raconter une histoire sur le courage des Haïtiens qui ont toujours fait face à l'impossible et ont traversé cette catastrophe sans jamais baisser les bras. C'est dans ce contexte qu'est né ce magnifique roman "Ravine l'Espérance". Dans ce podcast, vous entendrez les co-auteurs - Jean-Michel Defromont , Jacqueline Plaisir, Louis-Adrien Delva, Kysly Joseph, David Lockwood, Jacques Petidor, Laura Nerline Laguerre.

On 12th January 2010, a violent earthquake hit Haïti rendering in Port-au-Prince alone, millions of people homeless. A story had to be told about the courage of Haitians who have always faced the impossible and have gone through this disaster without ever giving up. This is the background to how this beautiful novel “Ravine l’Espérance” came about. In this podcast, you will hear from the co-authors - Jean-Michel Defromont , Jacqueline Plaisir, Louis-Adrien Delva, Kysly Joseph, David Lockwood, Jacques Petidor, Laura Nerline Laguerre. 

Hôte du podcast: Justin Byamungu, Membre Comité International du 17 Octobre

Sep 30, 202209:10
13b. (en français) - Nos chaînes sont tombées en créant ensemble

13b. (en français) - Nos chaînes sont tombées en créant ensemble

L'ancien détenu Moïse Compare, qui a passé des années à la prison de Bouaké, en Côte d'Ivoire, raconte comment les détenus ont réussi à résister à leur environnement et à briser leurs chaînes en créant une œuvre d'art qui a ensuite été choisie pour décorer la basilique Notre-Dame de la Paix de Yamoussoukro, un monument d'importance nationale qui n'a jamais été attaqué pendant la guerre civile.

Hôte du podcast : Justin Byamungu, Membre Comité International du 17 Octobre 

Voiceover (Moïse): Joseph Lemmers 

Photo: Matthew F. Omojola

Sep 29, 202206:40
13a. (English) In a prison in the Ivory Coast - Forging Freedom Together

13a. (English) In a prison in the Ivory Coast - Forging Freedom Together

Former inmate, Moïse Compaoré, who spent years at the Bouaké prison in the Ivory Coast talks about how the inmates were able to resist their surroundings and the chains were broken by creating a work of art that was later chosen to decorate the Yamassoukro Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, a nationally cherished monument that was never attacked during the civil war.

Podcast host: Josephine Alumanah, International Committee for October 17

Cover photo: Matthew F. Omojola

Sep 29, 202206:46
12. Families in Poverty - Key Partners in Development

12. Families in Poverty - Key Partners in Development

Do people living in extreme poverty really benefit from development policies implemented around the world? How should they be involved in decision making and evaluation? In this podcast we give an example from 2013 of how ATD Fourth world consulted people who live in deep poverty to add their knowledge and expertise to the evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals. In the Philippines residents of four impoverished communities of metro manila took part in such meetings with UNICEF partners, academics, community workers and policy makers and this podcast is about involving the poorest in such action research. See -

This episode is in the UNHEARD VOICES - BREAKING THE SILENCE OF POVERTY part of the Dignity Voices series. Over the 30 years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, there have been many examples of how people with lived experiences of poverty are breaking the silence and speaking out, how they are fighting stigma, how they are participating in decision making processes that directly affect their lives. There are inspirational stories of change.

Sep 28, 202210:11
11. The Quebec Experience

11. The Quebec Experience

Benoît Reboul-Salze, member of the International Committee for October 17 hosts the "The Quebec Experience"  podcast. In Quebec, the Act to Combat Poverty in Social Exclusion of 2002 enshrines in the law participation of people with lived experiences in the implementation and evaluation of policies to end poverty and social exclusion. We hear from Rejeanne Réjeanne Pagé, Madeleine Caron and France Fournier, activists their views on the implementation of this law . Podcast host: Benoit Reboul-Salze

Cover photo: Réjeanne Pagé

Sep 27, 202210:33
10. From the Streets of Brooklyn to the Steps of the United Nations - The Story of Alvenia Hutton

10. From the Streets of Brooklyn to the Steps of the United Nations - The Story of Alvenia Hutton

Alvenia Hutton  shares with us her journey with the Fourth World Movement, first as a child taking part in the Street Library in East New York, then becoming an advocate for and with young people in her community and being the master of ceremony in the commemoration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at the United Nations 2010, on the theme of youth and access to decent work.

Podcast host: Anna Rurka, International Committee for October 17

This episode is in the UNHEARD VOICES - BREAKING THE SILENCE OF POVERTY part of the Dignity Voices series. Over the 30 years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, there have been many examples of how people with lived experiences of poverty are breaking the silence and speaking out, how they are fighting stigma, how they are participating in decision making processes that directly affect their lives. There are inspirational stories of change.

Sep 26, 202209:46
9. (en français) - Donner aux gens la place qui leur revient/ Give People Their Rightful Place

9. (en français) - Donner aux gens la place qui leur revient/ Give People Their Rightful Place

Ce podcast nous emmène à Ginaw Rail, un quartier délaissé de l'est de Dakar au moment du Forum Social Mondial en 2011. Il pose la question de savoir comment créer des espaces pour les plus vulnérables, qui sont encore notablement absents des débats, et des confrontations d'idées même dans les forums de la société civile, qui sont justement des espaces en quête de plus de justice pour tous, comment alors se faire entendre ? Nous écoutons Lamine Sarr et André, volontaires du ATD Quart Monde. Podcast introduit par Justin Byamungu, membre du Comité international du 17 octobre. 

Give People Their Rightful Place (French/Français)-This podcast takes us to Ginaw Rail, a neglected neighbourhood in the east of Dakar at the time of the World Social Forum in 2011. It raises the question of how we create spaces for the most vulnerable, who are still notably absent from debates, and the confrontations of ideas even in civil society forums, which are precisely spaces in search of greater justice for all, how then to be heard? We hear from Lamine Sarr and André volunteers of the ATD Fourth World movement. Podcast introduced by Justin Byamungu, Membre of the International Committee for October 17

Original video at Thanks to the ATD team in Senegal and to the inhabitants of Pikine.  Editor, voice, sound: Laurent Ganeau Music: Emmanuel Blanc 

Sep 25, 202210:60
8. Partners in Development

8. Partners in Development

People living in extreme poverty have been an absent partners in development and yet heir contribution is fundamental towards assessing the impact of the current development efforts and ending extreme poverty 2030. In this podcast, we hear from Raul Detona who lives under a bridge in Manila. 

Podcast host: Romeo Lagahit, Member of the International Committee for October 17

This episode is in the UNHEARD VOICES - BREAKING THE SILENCE OF POVERTY part of the Dignity Voices podcast series. Over the 30 years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, there have been many examples of how people with lived experiences of poverty are breaking the silence and speaking out, how they are fighting stigma, how they are participating in decision making processes that directly affect their lives. There are inspirational stories of change. 

Sep 24, 202208:24
7. The Roles We Play: The Roles We Play: Recognising the Contribution of People in Poverty

7. The Roles We Play: The Roles We Play: Recognising the Contribution of People in Poverty

ATD-UK activists James, Moraene, Amanda, Seamus, Eric and Angela talk about genuine participation and the “Roles We Play” project that provided a forum for people with experience of poverty to challenge the widespread negative stereotypes of their lives through the use of positive imagery and self-representation. Cover photo by Eva Sajovic - 

The recording was made before the death, in January 2020, of our 'human rights warrior' "Moraene Roberts" featured in this podcast.  May she rest in peace.

This episode is in the UNHEARD VOICES - BREAKING THE SILENCE OF POVERTY part of the Dignity Voices podcast series. Over the 30 years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, there have been many examples of how people with lived experiences of poverty are breaking the silence and speaking out, how they are fighting stigma, how they are participating in decision making processes that directly affect their lives. There are inspirational stories of change.

Sep 23, 202211:19
6. (español) - Romper el Silencio

6. (español) - Romper el Silencio

Romper el Silencio (español) – En este podcast, viajaremos a Lima, Perú, regresando en el tiempo hasta el año 2011 para escuchar lo dicho en el seminario “La violencia ejercida contra los más pobres. ¿de qué paz son ellos portadores?”. Escucharemos las voces de Raquel, Osnel, Rosalbina, Leandro, Beatriz, Leo, Edilberta, Silvio, Alberto, Maria y Emma ; militantes, aliados y voluntarios permanentes del Movimiento ATD Cuarto Mundo de diferentes países de América Latina. Podcast presentado por Maximiliano ARAUJO, miembro del Comité Internacional 17 de Octubre

This episode is the first in this "UNHEARD VOICES - BREAKING THE SILENCE OF POVERTY" part of the Dignity Voices series, you will hear the unheard voices breaking the silence of poverty. Over the 30 years of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, there have been many examples of how people with lived experiences of poverty are breaking the silence and speaking out, how they are fighting stigma, how they are participating in decision making processes that directly affect their lives. There are inspirational stories of change.

Sep 22, 202208:58
5a. (English) What have we achieved with the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty in the past 30 years?
Sep 21, 202211:41
5b. (français) - Qu'avons-nous accompli avec la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la pauvreté au cours des 30 dernières années ?

5b. (français) - Qu'avons-nous accompli avec la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la pauvreté au cours des 30 dernières années ?

Bernard Monnet, "militant Quart Monde" et membre du Comité international pour le 17 octobre, prononce un discours au Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE), à Paris le 9 juin 2022 lors de la table ronde sur les "Combattants de la pauvreté : bâtisseurs de la paix’ organisée par le Comité international pour le 17 octobre, ATD Quart Monde et le Collectif France ‘Refuser La Misère’. 

Hôte de podcast: Jean Toussaint,  membre du Comité international pour le 17 octobre

Sep 21, 202208:49
4. The journey towards UN recognition for October 17th and the role played by Perez de Cueller

4. The journey towards UN recognition for October 17th and the role played by Perez de Cueller

Donald Lee, President of ATD Fourth World and former Chief of Social Perspective of Development Branch, UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 for our podcast today "From the Trocadero Human Rights Plaza in Paris to the UN Headquarters in New York - The journey towards UN recognition for October 17th and the role played by Perez de Cuellar."

Sep 20, 202211:24
3. Symbol of Humanity - The October 17 Commemorative Stone

3. Symbol of Humanity - The October 17 Commemorative Stone

Huguette Redegeld of ATD Fourth World Movement talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about the Commemorative Stone to honour the victims of extreme poverty.

Piano (Chopin Fantasia Impromptu op.66 in C Sharp minor) performed by the late Miguel Angel Estrella, former Member of the International Committee for October 17.

Sep 19, 202212:56
2. Remembering 17th October 1987

2. Remembering 17th October 1987

Susie Devins of ATD Fourth World USA talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17 about the first ever commemoration of the World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty at the Trocadero Human Rights Plaza, Paris, in 1987.

See the video of the day at

Sep 18, 202212:41
1. Who is Father Joseph Wresinski?

1. Who is Father Joseph Wresinski?

Jean Tonglet, first International Director of the Joseph Wresinki Centre talks to Aye Aye Win, President of the International Committee for October 17th about Father Joseph Wresinski - the inspiration behind October 17th - World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty.

Sep 16, 202211:24