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Gangster Service Announement #GSA Nay6oHood Gangster CAST Hosted by @dirty4andahalf_rsc

Gangster Service Announement #GSA Nay6oHood Gangster CAST Hosted by @dirty4andahalf_rsc

By @Dirty4andahalf_RSC

The Gangster Service Announcement Nay60Hood Cast is a News station for the common person . We are regular people from normal walks of life.
A lot of Times I felt Story get Swept under the rug or flew over other head or don't get told at all we hope to be the voice to the voiceless .

You can watch the filming of this Show on You tube

We have merch to keep the light on so please support
at least go sub to the You Tube its Free

got topics you want us to talk about on the Show hit your family up
on an social media location