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Discovering Thyself

Discovering Thyself

By Discovering Thyself

This blog is NOT intended to give any personal or professional mental health, financial, social, or other sort of advice. Heed reader, the sole purpose of this blog and podcast is to express My personal perspective of life and the happenings of life based on my own learned and lived experiences and share them with the world through my own little corner of the internet, whether it may be agreed upon, or challenged. Enjoy, if you dare!
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undress the eyes

Discovering ThyselfMar 22, 2023

Words of Persuasion

Words of Persuasion

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Their words of persuasion keep souls locked in a cage, and-

I can’t help that I want to run,

Escaping the future with the loaded gun,

The world that I see is a world un-free,

Lying to ourselves for society.

Crying in the dark when we want to fight,

Falling in a hole and we see no light,

What we aim to see becomes reality,

A soul in the dark is controlled, indeed.

Tomorrow doesn’t come until you live today,

Live in the present or you will obey,

The one’s with their pens hold our lives like keys,

Unlock your door to a life that’s free;

Awaken your soul to a world of one,

Escape from your hell that you’ve overcome,

There is no love in a tyrannical state,

Follow your heart or consume the hate."

May 11, 202300:46


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Every *Creator is a teacher speaking into the world lessons that they themself have learned. We ought to pay attention, for we All have something to learn from one another:

All of our experiences mold the world into a vast library of stories that all of us humans bare and share, it is the collection of these stories that bind The Book of Life, and the librarian of such book is God.

God hath born us unto the world, and watched as we cast our liken of His creation of us to that of our own creations, some of the creations of creation of Man are but pitiful musings of thoughtlessness, and Ego. Yet, as light hearkens God’s modus operandi within the Heart, Man is destined to find it, if He so chooses. So that, if in choosing, Man may create beauty of blissful thoughts and dreams, by following that of His own Heart, and thus, spread them unto the world to further God’s creation.

One should preclude to act as God Himself, however, lest He come to onerous judgement; lest He destroy creation altogether. For in Man’s vision, creation may bind into the metamorphosis of disruption.

*Creator: God, Writer, Artist, Singer, Actor, Dreamer, Student, Composer, Mother, Father, etc."

May 06, 202301:06
He is Free.

He is Free.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"A Man in His purest & truest form courageously prowls like a warrior,
embracing the storm, camouflaging His scars and Achilles heel —
with the wisdom learned from the Stars.
Aiming at the target through His sight, the glory mended
with His might, strengthening His soul throughout
the shadow growing, in the Night.
His logic and planning, His patience and understanding,
His landing on His feet brings forth Power,
even if He bows down to the knee.
For when He sees the beauty of life, He is truly Free.
When He finds Love within He, and Love within She,
and all of Ye — He is Free."

May 06, 202300:31
A Fever of Time

A Fever of Time

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"The fragments of history lay like treasures in the sand,
Hiding among Man and the weathered fury of the land
The relics of life’s past, a flash, a fever of ‘time’
Hastened to the beckoning of change, of life’s test, of death
Of wicked musings and fancied choosing’s of Man.

Man, the molder of thoughts & plunders of events and acts,
reflecting just who He am.

Man, the chosen one, self, leader of the Band, among the land
Leaving God, rightly, to delay His hand
For Man, fighting amongst himself, is hardly trusting of the plan
To Be
To See Clearly
Who and where to place His hand.

Drowning in clouds of thoughts
Precipitating acid rain
And cleaning it up with a mop
Frozen, sounding the horn of the train…
before he derails himself from the course,
And He, in vain..

Man, the answers of seeking, and where, too, do they grow
Into the Garden?
O, if He’d only know."

May 06, 202300:48
Diet Happiness

Diet Happiness

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"The Sun sings lovingly, announcing yet another day of the life lived through our eyes

The birds chatter things of happenings and survival, like humans, and other beings

The Earth breathes in deeply, housing our very existence, with our crowded thoughts and abandon

Life seemingly couldn’t catch our attention as of late, as our attention is already captured by algorithms and quick bursts of Diet Happiness —

as this Illusion fulfills our awareness with cheap glittering thoughts and musings.

Now we humans must rummage through all records of the past to glimpse softly at the pieces of our puzzle of Purpose —

clenching onto the hope of the all encompassing taste of Freedom, at last."

May 06, 202300:37
The Spiritual Battle

The Spiritual Battle

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"all is not lost
as the spirit remains within
if only in our hearts
does freedom rise
and the soul reach out
only for life to win

for this cause
is not for the faint of heart
it is for those who wish to
ride into the wave of light
beyond what the eyes interpret
as “sight”

the soul is not
what can be described with words,
after all,
it is what can be felt
with the heart
and shown with the energy
accumulated throughout it all."

May 06, 202300:21
Heightened senses

Heightened senses

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"the calling crisp air entices the spirit,

goosebumps rise to show the heightened senses,

hairs stand straight, then move in waves,

dancing with the wind.

eyes closed,

deep breath,

pretend to sleep, for it’s time…

to go back to reality

again and again,

until a choice is made.

here we are, 'to be, or not to be.'"

May 06, 202300:25


This episode is also available as a blog post:


the inevitable rearrange

the landscape in your mind

to envision the landscape of our time

Spinning, out of control

time, now on patrol

to capture the essence of life

within hands ripened to receive the strife

of the inevitable


The suffering of the land

the horrors of man, damn!

what have we done to be so cursed,

entrapped in a band —

wishing only for change

Looking back

contemplating our choices of the past

wondering why our ways never last

for do we lack the ability and the insight

to be free from this cast…

while praying for change

Run! Run fast as the hand hovers over the musings of man, lost in a cloud of thoughts all over the land, wishing, again, for change —

but always running from it just the same

For change leads to the unknown

and it rather grinds like a stone

pushing us against the grain

pushing us that cling, to remain."

May 06, 202301:02
As life hangs in the balance, the whole world lay in our hands.

As life hangs in the balance, the whole world lay in our hands.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Climbing, climbing
looking around
chiming, chiming
thinking aloud

Wondering how the whole
world could be so proud
Finding all these reasons
to fade into the crowd
sighing, crying
from the bottom
of the ground

eying the sky
listening to the sounds…

the people all around
on their knees
crying, hiding —

filling in the void
with vices and lies,
trying to get a grip
on the edge of the Earth
meanwhile the whole world
is dying inside

following the path
of our Mother’s and Father’s:
lying and fighting
crying and dying
but you see,
the people are
still always trying

I thank God
for this life,
yet now my
soul is sighing —

seeing that the whole
world is dying…
and I look to these
for it’s inside the mind
that We dance this dance

but there’s a chance,
there’s a chance!

before our souls
leave this land

a chance to awaken
to pry the darkness from
these hands,
the shadow from
these lands,
the hopeless from
their strands

I pray,
I pray that God
will let us
dance this last dance —

As life hangs in the balance,
the whole world lay in our hands.

And I know we have the Will
if we’d just take the Chance

I know we’ll find the Light
if we’d just lift our Hands

Try with all our Might
While we dance this Dance.

As life hangs in the balance,
the whole world lay in our hands."

May 06, 202301:20
Another Dimension

Another Dimension

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Wouldn’t it be amazing if suddenly at the lowest depths man sinks to, the seemingly inevitable decline of the economies, cultures and societies we founded,  the incline of man’s descent into chaos, war, and further, the destruction and death of our species between all nations had suddenly ceased before all of our very eyes, as we awakened from our deep slumber… only to realize that it all was just a dream. We awaken in another dimension, having been hooked to a “machine”, although it doesn’t appear to even exist, as in this dimension all beings had risen above their flesh and became what was within. Only, they were all about, they were one, all along. And the “machine” existed only in the figment of the imagination, in the creation of creation… And then the creation closed their eyes to sleep, to Dream, about All the possibilities. Our current dimension being one, but being one that simply doesn’t end well… so we all Wake up, we wake and start again. Onto the New dream. But as time does not exist, but only in our dimension, it’s almost as if nothing ever existed at all."

May 06, 202300:59
The Fever

The Fever

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"the fever
unruly thoughts
masquerading as
solutions to the pain
but the clouds only form
to give way to the rain
from the seed
planted long ago,
from the grain
leading way
to the fever
that your life
had only
known —

the tears and fears,
your thoughts had sown,
from those moments,
from way
long ago.

The fever,
when will you
allow yourself to
let it go?"

May 06, 202300:20
Sin Factory

Sin Factory

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Maybe the Earth became a Sin Factory;
to keep people harming themselves, and others,
they must know information, but too,
must be blinded by the information they are forced to learn
so that they don’t know what they do,
and don’t know what they don’t.

The sin is an undeniable truth,
the truth of our thoughts and actions
that continue to permeate throughout our
generations, past and present, and moving onward.

There is no way to go back in time to reverse
the damage we’ve caused,
there is only realizing the truth now
and correcting our current path
to stop the Hell in the world, and
avoid future afflictions.

We are all [currently] blessed with the Free Will
to Think, and thus, Choose our course.

We can create Heaven or Hell with the realization
of our power of thoughts, likewise, of our power of collective thoughts.

The invisible force is great in power,
if only you choose to believe.

And if we all believed, then maybe we wouldn’t
have to live in a Sin Factory
where we’ve heated, boiled, and simmered
in our own Hell of suffering."

May 06, 202300:53
Hey doc.

Hey doc.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Hey doc.

whatcha got?

another pill?

oh, stop!

what’s the deal,

don’t you listen?

why does my “healthcare” feel like a prison?

Hey doc.

didn’t you hear?

the pills didn’t work,

i’m leaving them here.

why are you writing more

notes on your paper?

my life ain’t a bet,

and this isn’t a wager.

Hey doc.

why don’t you care?

I tell you the problem,

but you’re just not there.

sorry to waste your time

but I’m Sick of the prescriptions.

I came to you for help,

but you can’t see past your Commissions.

Hey doc.

don’t you know?

it’s not about the money,

and the ‘Healthcare System’ is for show.

see ya now, I gotta go!"

Apr 20, 202300:43
The Repository

The Repository

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"The mind stores, like a repository, information within its filing cabinetry and walls — the cracks stuffed with information intended to be veiled until truly necessary

Yet, the heart, the foundation, may cave in and swallow it whole, if the janitor fails to organize and keep a tidy place

The mind, the storehouse of things

The heart, the janitor who either passionately tends to the storehouse, or sloppily throws the files about in haste, without regard to the beat of their own drum

The mind, the control room

The heart, the controller

Yes, I’ve stepped into the repository to obtain this information, as in the file, it states clearly, 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste.'"

Apr 20, 202300:42
Serene, serene, serene.

Serene, serene, serene.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Close your eyes don’t peep
It’s time to go to sleep
Where all your dreams fall into place
And let you win the final race
Within the clouds inside your mind
Among those seeds you plant in time
If only you would take a look
Upon this land, and in the book
The book that doesn’t spell a word
A true reflection, destined spur
Deep within and far about
The trail the spirits walk about
Behold the truth and, so, the wise
Exclaim the Will in each man’s eyes
And, too, the heart that plays a song
Had only now to right the wrong
For in the distant brilliant seas
The end of time spoke in the breeze

…This time we had to close our eyes
To wish us up a big surprise
A fantasy within the dream
Where the end had left the scene:
Serene, serene, serene."

Apr 20, 202300:36
The Dream (within The Machine).

The Dream (within The Machine).

This episode is also available as a blog post:

and her calls,
the beauty of it all
the wind
when she makes her presence known
I see the dirt
like footsteps of the Earth’s breath,
becoming unraveled,
the call of the wild
among the land
the birds chirping
and chattering
and talking
in their tongue
fluttering their wings
singing things of things
watching me as I watch
back at them
the trees swaying
the bugs claiming
the land
the Sun in the sky
lending a hand
to the beauties and beasts of the land
whilst eating and soaking
the life in
walking and stalking in circles
life, too,
will continue to lend a hand
to the call of the wild…
and meanwhile I play pretend
wishing that this life would
never end
the beauty of nature
is here, for now,
but tomorrow
man seeks the call of machines
where nature
had only intervened
I’ll miss the birds and the trees
and the bees and the spring
so I take it all in now
taking deep breaths
before man
takes it away indefinitely
and I’ll play back
the memories
the songs she sings,
when the sky was pleased
before man urgently
takes it away from thee and me
and, even then, I’ll still sing
playing them back,
the memories,
the beauty
that life had given to thee and me
the life,
the one and only,
soon to be…
The Dream (within The Machine)."

Apr 20, 202301:01


Find this on my blog:

"The heart, at its core, is an instrument
A beat and a drum, a song to explore
Its magic is truly magnificent
Its beauty shines greatly
The energy, sure.

Its path, like a hand, leading you forth
Lovingly, truly, surrounding the land
Embracing you fully,
Whispering soft
Lighting the way,
And lifting you off.

The heart, at its core, is an instrument
Its beating is rhythmic
The drum beating soft,
The song singing to you,
The energy, stored
The love travels through you
Its presence is more.

The soul, at its core, is energy
The light from within
Challenging sin
Its place isn’t seen
Its purpose is keen.

Its path like a trail
Travelled so well —
Discoveries hidden
For those who do look
Its pages are written
Like that of a book.

Our being, at its core, is a moment
Here for today
Leading a way
Discovering life
Until it all ends
For as day and
As night
The time becomes

Apr 20, 202300:47


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Your heart is a songbird,
it sings sweetly to my soul —
the realest love I’ve ever known.

It beckoned me from the depths of despair,
and I know your love is fair —
for you truly, and purely, always care."

Apr 02, 202300:12


This episode is also available as a blog post:

The robot voice reading this poem does not do it justice, but here are the words:

memories gleaming
holding hands
pocket full of posey
but we don’t fall down
the ashes cease to float around
heart pumping
happiness in knowing
it was this easy
all along
like a child always searching
yearning for freedom
to be, to see, to sing, to dream
to close the eyes
and learn to fly
so, too, in dreams
as in the world when the eyes are open wide
peaceful lullabies
and reaching for the stars
becoming just who you are
as it’s from within
to shine like a star."

Apr 02, 202300:24


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"so life, we meet again —
you come in many forms,
and I hear you,
though I don’t always see

you tell me the secrets
of the wind,
I close my eyes
and breathe in

I hear the birds so clear,
singing all day long;
I wish I could sing back to them
in their own language

Am I strange, life?
I hear you more than people,
and they don’t hear me
very well either

It’s lonely where I am,
I’ve struggled to understand
where I belong,
yet I never give up
on finding the path

Because I can feel with my soul,
the beating drum,
the song of my purpose

And though I don’t really know
where I fit, I know you’d never
leave my side, nor
throw my soul to the abyss

I hear you,
I trust you life,
it’s me that needs to change."

Apr 02, 202300:44
So clear.

So clear.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"I can’t lie, sometimes those damned tears still fill my eyes

I faltered when I spoke, because I pushed away, then moped

Then begged for the time to give it all back, and cursed at the wind, and fell off track

…But the wind took my breath when I learned to see, and I opened up my heart, and heard the song from The Sea

It washed away my fears, as I dried away my tears, and I let go of my thoughts to sail away from the loss

And then the sky remained so clear."

Mar 22, 202300:27
undress the eyes

undress the eyes

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"thick sky water
is the skies

so facing
to the screens
our looking eyes

to see the lights
and gleaming

to see through lies
and beaming

from talking heads —
around the clock

eating words
with all their “talk”

filling ears with fears
and loathes

to undress the eyes
to impose,

and direct the people
to the loom

to spread the fable
much the doom

to pave the
with divisive -odes

and reap the
that they’re “owed”

while all the while people
and blame their neighbor
same as he or she

we look to blame, cos we don’t
it’s in our hearts to
plant the seed

and maybe tuning out of
cunning creeds
is where the soul
begins to be."

Mar 22, 202300:44
A veil covered like art

A veil covered like art

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Up and down the block I see
a world that isn’t free
as every soul is locked within
until they find the key

they pray and pray
but stay the way
exactly that they aren’t

a bird enclosed
a cage imposed
a veil covered like art

the pain is full
the dream is dull
the further we all part

Until we shine the light upon
the path that leads us free

we throw the keys into the pond
and suffer, you and me

So let us find the path, away
that leads us from the shore

we shine the way, and on our way
we finally find the door

Beyond the door
unlocked, you see
the light is more, and more

so take a breath
and just believe
there’s beauty to explore."

Mar 22, 202300:36
Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Cooped up in a box with a flock of others,

destined to be locked in a cage, adorned with colors,

in our eyes the “normal” 9-5 seems fair,

yet the world outside changes by, in a countless snare,

seasons change; people change

…but when you’re cooped up in a box with a screen and a padlock,

the world outside is forgot —

by the chickens cooped up in their void of a box.

Maybe the chickens should go absorb the world once in a while…

maybe then the world wouldn’t feel like a box, devoid of smiles,

And Maybe the world has more to offer than material stock,

Just maybe the world can teach us how to escape our box."

Mar 22, 202300:37
Everlasting Light

Everlasting Light

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"That day I gazed upon the dawning skyline,
the tears swelled up in my eyes —
Not for the sake of dwelling throes,
Rather, the beauty, that life had sown.

For among the rising light of day,
And the promise of the joyful rays,
The sky oozed like paint from a tube,
With colors and hues too brilliant for my eyes to ever lose.

And I welcomed the sight —
Pushed away thoughts that ever might
Steal the beauty,
And the song,
Of that everlasting light."

Mar 22, 202300:25
Funny as can be

Funny as can be

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Listen, listen!

Do you hear that little noise? Coming from the distance, rattling our joy?

Someone’s causing thunder, but it’s funny as can be…

For now I start to wander, but the mirror is all I see.

Now listen, listen!

Do you hear that little noise? Coming from within, welcoming our joy?

Someone’s crafting love, and it’s funny as can be…

For now I start to wander, and the mirror is all I see."

Mar 22, 202300:25
Peppermint Words

Peppermint Words

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Your words strike me like a peppermint mine,
The aroma, and the lasting impact, taking my breath away.
For sometimes your words burn my ears,
Like a peppermint plant burns my nose, but not out of maliciousness, for it too, opens up the senses.

Your words hurt, but only because my mind is too fragile to accept them at the time,
My world, too broken to accept the harsh truth of my own suffering — my own self-sabotage.
Why is it you see through me so clear, and your Love is so unconditional that you fear letting me fall?
You catch me at my weakest, and teach me how to heal, then watch me as I take my steps, and grin from ear to ear.

Why is it that some words last so long, the mind captures them like a record, a picture, or a song?
Sometimes they play over and over, and sometimes they fizzle out, never to be known again…
And yet, all the while, they tend to strike, like the aroma from a peppermint mine.
Words are mysterious, lovely, and strange sometimes, but too, they hold the world and shape it all the time.

I for one like peppermint, but I prefer words, anytime."

Mar 22, 202301:04
Mind vs. Soul

Mind vs. Soul

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"vMy eyes opened, my thoughts begin to rustle through emotions within the mind’s file bin —

“Hmm…”, my mind wonders, “which to choose?”

Yet my soul says, “No! For the mind is not to lose… Emotions, to give them up or hold them, you must choose.”

My mind wondered not of the souls’ ambition, for it was the soul that made the thoughts alive, the mind just loves to subconsciously utter words for the sake of using them at times. The feeling that these thoughts inspire though, they are stoked by the soul:

Anxiety: that tightening within, that is the soul speaking, that is the warning to release, let go and win.

Joy: that great release within, that is the soul speaking, that is the bliss of energy, breathing in the wind.

But both emotions took root in the mind. The tree of being had grown from the seed of thoughts, but it’s the soul’s job to make them spring to life.

Now I must remind the mind, “Take care good soul, lest your tree decay.”"

Mar 08, 202300:57
Become like wind.

Become like wind.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"A part of me, the love it takes

And when I’m lost, the ground, it shakes

Foundation trembles from the trouble

The cracks impress their way to rubble

Among the mess, I’d caused a quake

Undressed those words, revealed my fate

…but all is not lost, you see?

For when the eyes awake, believe

They travel to the land of hope

Where destruction mends to cope

And binds upon the fragile cracks

Secures the fortress, inscribes the plaques

Conceals the self-destructive haze

Detained by the eternal flame

The plaques, like mirrors, of our youth

As on their breast, beholds the truth

The truth that we all hold within

If only we’d become like wind."

Mar 08, 202300:45


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Control, it must be claimed, you must remain sane.

The emotions, the worries, the fears, they must be tamed.

For if not, destruction booms from within, like a mine —

BOOM! The explosion collapses the structure that holds you in.

Is that what you want o seeker and dreamer of beauty?

The walls closing in, the walls you must rebuild , ever to render, truly?

Else, it’s you who be controlled, guh! Within a mold."

Mar 08, 202300:27
Rising Yonder

Rising Yonder

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Black feathered birds flap their wings across the deep sea-blue sky, grouped in threes, on to heaven, they rise.

Singing through the wind, nodding errs away, from sin. Rising yonder, up, up, and above the brim.

The wind whispers fondly, stroking enlightened plight. Lifting feathered wings along their wedded flight.

Until the high up threshold holds about its hand, and lingers with a welcome, in a dimension far from land."

Mar 08, 202300:25
Let it be.

Let it be.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"In this life,
As so plain,
You must accustom
To the pain

Hold the tears,
Forfeit the lies,
Tell the truth,
Forget the time

Today is new,
And ‘then’ is old,
You must move on
To light the road

Hold your life
Within your hands,
Build the raft,
Behold the plans

Find your route
To escape,
This mindless drift,
Where Hell relates

Or else you fall,
And suffer creeps,
Whereof perception
Always weeps

From despair
Of which you claimed,
Among the world,
And the enslaved

Find the dock,
Find the place,
Give a knock
Where bliss awaits

Shed the anger,
And the sorrow,
Give no way
To hate tomorrow

Forgive and ease,
The world and ‘me’,
For there is freedom,
Planted, from your seed

If only,
If only,
You let it be."

Feb 26, 202300:46
sink or swim

sink or swim

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"If you sink any lower, you may fall to the darkest, coldest, harshest, lowest depths imaginable.

A place where thoughts may dive deep into the unfathomable,


. . .

If you rise any higher, you may float above it all, as long as you aim for The Light just beyond The Wall

. . .

Rising, rising, be careful not to fall.

Within the mind, the path presents itself, but too, in the world, the result remains the same

. . .

And the path remain up to You, no matter which you presents to choose —

The waves thrashing, splashing, washing and folding the clues.

The path, feeding, breeding, into the muse,

Time wading,

Drops of Anticipating

The choice


sink or swim."

Feb 26, 202300:47
in the Bay.

in the Bay.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"The Sun fell down to end the day,
It fell beyond the rolling waves,
Filled the sky with water color stains,
Among the cotton candy clouds — in the Bay.

And then my eyes filled up with salty rain,
But alas, I see, there was no more pain."

Feb 21, 202300:14
clench the flame

clench the flame

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"In time we may consume whatsoever craves us blind,
But only so long as it doesn’t urge to leech our mind.
For we aim and seek to clench the flame,
And leave the remnants all the same.
If for only we be what we choose,
May the odds deflect the chance we lose."

Feb 21, 202300:15
Head Thrown

Head Thrown

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Gripping the ledge, mind falling apart
Lift one string, head thrown like a dart
The ripples making a scene
Tornadoes ripping the seams

Walking fast, under the moon, head held down
And soon
Entering town —
But there’s no sound. . .

Mind tucked up, aiming eyes
The windows closed, to shut out fright
The plume of smoke captures lungs
The lack of food, starts some fights
Yells echo, like ricochet bullets
Piercing ears, guns blazing through flesh and fears

Don’t look now, you’re in a dream
Find out how War entered sleep
Now do your eyes see Freely as you peep?
Dreaming of walking, and walking while dreaming of talking
To the one who Feeds your mind while you sleep?"

Feb 21, 202300:36
words in a sea

words in a sea

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"My eyes traveled to heaven,
Upon the landscape
They rode out till seven.
Upon which they rolled
And came back to home;
Like a projector the memories shone.

What had they seen,
What glorious scene,
As they rode out the landscape till seven?

Was it obscene,
Or was it serene,
As the projector had whirled up the memories?

As the light shone upon
The backdrop, near gone,
The memories had started to play.

And what had it projected
That glorious day,
That my eyes had witnessed till seven?

With the words in a sea,
And the world in a dream,
My reality became known as heaven."

Feb 21, 202300:31
Guild of the Lights

Guild of the Lights

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"‘Twas a ravenous quibble,
How those phases had dribbled,
And danced ’round the Mothering plane.

And only before it, fore life had to bore it,
The lights felt their squander
And pain.

Yet, as they continued and learned to lean-in-view,
The shadow had hovered with the reigns.

But were it to end and
Dispell the enchantment,
The web that beheld it so well…

Learn only in time can the Guild
Of the Lights be nurtured
To find their way home."

Feb 21, 202300:23


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Within the business
of forgiveness
it’s best not to forget the meaning
nor withdraw to dreaming
while washing away the past
with mere fake smiles and laughs.

The exchange should be quite fluid
like leaving the land of the ruins
to enter the land of bliss
while keeping eyes opened and quick
not walloping into the dark
with happiness, trust, torn apart.

Perspectives shouldn’t bind us in chains
and truth-telling shouldn’t get in the way
of being a loyal good soul
to the greatest friend we both know —
each other —
And love, loving another.

Forgiveness, oh, such is bliss."

Feb 21, 202300:30
Reality is no sweet pie.

Reality is no sweet pie.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"A cool winters night,
Mothers homemade pie --
Such a delight,
My eyes can't deny

My stomach full,
My words can't pull
The sounds together -- null.
As her love displayed a baking lull...

And I don't dare complain,
Nor use my stringed-together words in vain.
For there are less-fortuned in pain,
From those treacherous hunger pains.

Some live harsh and quickened lives,
They lack the love, and sweet surprise,
Some live on war-torn soil,
Forlorn from fallout and government toil --

Wishing and dreaming of Mothers pie,
On their own plate, that their eyes can't deny.
For the reality that meets their eyes
Is more chilling than a cool winters night --
Lacking of a sweet, lulling, lullaby

...because reality is no sweet pie."

Feb 07, 202300:42
Injected to the T

Injected to the T

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Injected to the T:

In the bosom,
In the cheeks

Any way to feel freed,
From the mirror of decrees

From the mind,
From the bees buzzing when you speak

From the lies,
Oozing when you’re weak

From the truth,
Chained to the wall of “me.”

Injected to the T,
In the lips, ass, and ti-tees

Injected, and fighting the Will to just Be,
See, see, it’s more than just “me.”

Never a good time to claim self-pity,
Nor, nor is it witty

When you’re injected to the T,
Injected to the T and only with just “me.”"

Feb 07, 202300:34
Dear Sisters

Dear Sisters

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Dear sisters,

How i adore you
How i abhor you
How i pray for you
How i wait for you
How i helped you
How i dealt you
How i see you
How i wish I could free you.

Dear sisters,

I know you are lost
But to fail you are cost
And I’d hate to just toss
Our stem-knot in a box
That knot that we knit
With our childhood wit
With our talks and our smiles
And our tears and denials.

Dear sisters,

How id love to just talk
And be honest and walk
And learn of our woes
And unite to dispose
That treacherous pain
That stems from the grain
That place we both know
Is where the story is told.

Dear sisters,

How i wish we could hold
The memories whole
And forget all the pain
And let love just remain
Forget all the hate
And the harm that we made
The words that left scars
And let peace fall apart.

Dear sisters,

Will we find that whole peace
And fight for our lives to be free
Or will we give in and stay-hate
And succumb to our pain?"

Feb 07, 202300:50


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"A sprinkle of love, a sprinkle of hate,
What wish of the mind, elicits the fate.
A swish of the tongue, a squint of the eyes,
What whirl of the words could stir a surprise.
Maybe to wish, maybe too late,
Maybe it’s time to stir a debate.
Debating of time, debating of fate,
Debating with words that fulfill our own plate.
What is to live, what will to survive,
Where in the lands had spurred our arise.
Where is the time, where is the place,
How many times have we bet in this race.
Where do we come, where do we go,
How many times had we ridden so low.
What is to guess, what is to know,
What is it like to rise like a float.
Who do you see, who do you show,
What is it like to lead and to grow.
Now that we see, now that we speak,
Realize it’s time, to rinse, not repeat."

Feb 02, 202300:48


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Fire, I am in control.
Electric, I am not.
Today I may pay the toll,
Tomorrow time forgot. . .

The Fable-tellers tell us all
To seek out Their commands,
For if We want to live so “free”
Our Will is their demand.

But they don’t see the soul within
Engulfed in its own flame,
The more you push and shove of it,
Resistance finds their claim."

Feb 02, 202300:20


This episode is also available as a blog post:

"What a mess, what a mess!
“Clean that writing off the wall,”

What a mess, what a mess!
“before those thoughts begin to fall.”

“In the mind, in the hall,
In the world, before it all…”

What a mess, what a mess!
What a royal fucking mess!

“…But grounded you are blessed,
If you try to be your best!”

What a test, what a test!
“May you rise and let your heart”

What a test, what a test!
“Lead the way and lead the part.”

What a test, what a test!
“Now, may the shadow build its nest,”

May you lay those thoughts to rest.
“As you rise above this test — blessed.”"

Feb 02, 202300:36
Golden Rose

Golden Rose

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"What divides us as a whole?
Is it the mind, is it the soul?
Is it those frequent seeds indulged?
Those seeds planted by the knoll?
With suggestive thoughts wrongly imposed?

Tell me, tell me, is it so?

But what I really want to know,
Is not where we took the road,
But rather how we can exist,
Amongst each other, far from this.
Away from hate, away from fists,
Away from segregating lists,
With our labels and our tricks,
To rule each other, without wit.

Is it possible to be
With each other planting seeds?
Of, rather, beauty,
Not decrees?
To love each other,
Through the weeds?
To help each other,
Through the seasons,
To build each other,
Finding reasons,
Not to hate, or just obey
Whimful thoughts that just decay,
And hurt each other,
Until we lay,
On our fateful, fateful, day?

Tell me, tell me, is it so?
Can we plant that Golden Rose?
From our head down to our toes,
May that garden fill and grow,
With that rather Golden Rose."

Feb 02, 202300:58
[Insert Subjective Title Here]

[Insert Subjective Title Here]

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Even a poet
Must know it
To the world
Not show it

That the world —
Fettered with bands —
Was well off before it
And if failed to explore it
May shatter and fall with the sands

But was it forsaken
Or are we mistaken
The timeline we share in these hands?

I cannot withstand it
This ploy to abandon
The thoughtless who cling to the strands

For I live among them
My heart grows more fond and
I thank God who gave us a chance."

Feb 01, 202300:22
A brave, distinguished march

A brave, distinguished march

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Solemnly approaching thee, a brave distinguished march

a rhythm so perfected, a melody protected.

The proclamation of such peace, you’ve strung along with such ease

swaying here, swaying there, dancing to and fro.

This is all just madness now, with such acts, you lift a brow

crowded thoughts were pure just once, treating all as if they’re dunce.

Innocence corrupted now, trembling and cowardice —

frolicking was in the past, the future’s here, it’s coming, fast!"

Feb 01, 202300:31
To Allow The Heart To Grow

To Allow The Heart To Grow

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"The afflictions lying within the jurisdictions of the land, may be telling of more than just friction among man.

How is it these patterns fluctuate whilst creeping up? Urging people to scatter right before reaching the cusp…

The afflictions lying within the confines of the mind, may be telling of more than just resistance traveling blind.

How is it these patterns postulate whilst deceiving through and through? Leading man to guess his fate, whilst sorting through the clues…

The afflictions lying throughout this realm, reaching high, and reaching low. Reaching then, and reeling slow —

The afflictions that exist here, it seems that we all know, but what does it take to change… to allow the heart to grow?

For you, your heart will know, and show and show and show."

Feb 01, 202300:45
Peeping from the window

Peeping from the window

This episode is also available as a blog post:

"Eyes peeping
from the window --

Thinking thinking, innuendo's.

Reeling, sinking,
no more time for seeing,
less dreaming
while your surroundings

Drinking, drinking from
the pond,
while sleeping, less time
to see the pond
is over-reaching and filling
your mind with dirty
thoughts while thinking...

Thinking all the while of breaching,
entering other's hearts
seeking, seeking for the art
of feeling,
and dreaming, dreaming of the part
of being.

But, being who you are
is seeing, and seeing takes you far
from sinking, sinking,
while peeping from the window."

Jan 22, 202300:31