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Discover Life - Experiencing God with Brock @ RWC

Discover Life - Experiencing God with Brock @ RWC

By Brock MacDonald

Discover Life - find the path to Strong Health, Whole Hearts and Steady Impact with Roblin Youth. A Podcast by Brock MacDonald @ Roblin Wesleyan Church
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Oct 7 - What’s a Parable?

Discover Life - Experiencing God with Brock @ RWCOct 04, 2021

Summer Plans

Summer Plans

Proverbs 29:18
Without a prophetic vision, people cast off restraint.

Ask for your adventure. Listen. Write. Share. Chase.
Jul 12, 202203:17
Be Yourself. Trees. Steel. Infrared.

Be Yourself. Trees. Steel. Infrared.

A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. For in being what God means it to be it is obeying [God]. It “consents,” so to speak, to [God's] creative love. It is expressing an idea which is in God and
which is not distinct from the essence of God, and therefore a tree imitates God by being a tree”
- Thomas Merton.
1. Do I know what has God made me to be? Generally - as a person? Specifically to me?
2. Am I focused on that? Passively growing? Ignoring? Opposing?
3. Self Maintenance. What are some causes of grit in my life? What loosens my connection with God?
4. How can I stay oiled up?
Jun 29, 202211:40
Idols: Ultimates & Comforts

Idols: Ultimates & Comforts

‘Idols’ - things we look to other than God to control our lives. A thing higher than it should be. * Our brokenness leads us to make something else God in us The Ultimate. What’s your comfort? Think: When are you most fragile? Rejected? Misunderstood? Isolated? Shamed? What do you comfort yourself with? If you don’t experience God in that, it might be your idol - aka addiction. A comfort that you need. - * - reminder - the goal of your life - is to know God & love people. He has stuff he wants to do with you too, these 3 are your life’s calling- your destiny - your purpose. Know God, love people, and do the stuff he made you to do. Old man, Augustan said “We must empty ourselves of all we are full of so we can be filled with all we are empty of.” Give all your worries and cares to God because He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 What’s your ultimate Goal? Does it honour & Love God? Does it include him? - if not, you should stop chasing this - it’ll break you and the people around you. How do you cope with life? Does it honour & Love God? Does it include him?
Jun 21, 202211:34
Calling - Matthew 7:7

Calling - Matthew 7:7

Consider your calling. What are you doing with your life? What are you focused on?
People ask what you’ll do with your life. Probably go to school. Get a job. Yeah. Is that what you want to be remember for? Sure new how to make a good burger. Or code. Or edit. Or speak.

You are not average. Not the norm. Don’t try to be. The norm is missing the point. They are collecting napkins from all the different restaurants at wonderland, trying to get one of each. Not the point. Wonderland is about the rides. And food. With friends. Not napkins.

Life is not about popularity. Or grades. Or money. Or followers. Or romance. Or fitness.
- these things are tools. Don’t be a tool collector. Be a builder.
- The thing we build is relationship.
- The most important one is God. And then the people he gives you.

Is your life about stuff? I like stuff. But if my life is only as nice as my stuff, will people be happier when I’m gone, so they can have my stuff? Gotta find a better focus.

Or is your life about people. Fitting in. Being cool.

We have a fear of being lonely. A desire to be accepted. These are normal, good things, like hunger is a healthy warning. Food needed soon. Tired. Need rest soon. But if we satisfy it the wrong way, it messes us up. I eat too much. I don’t want to ever feel hunger. Maybe you hate feeling tired. So you caffeinate or stimulate.
If you fear being lonely, so you try to fit in with the majority. (The majority is headed the wrong way. Broad path leads to hell) don’t follow the crowd.

These good desires are meant to be mostly satisfied in God. He is always with you. You don’t have to feel lonely. He also wants you to be with people, it’s not just you n Jesus in a desert island for ever. But mostly God. Without God, it’s like trying to fill up on just soup. Fills you up for a minute. But soon, you’ll need some substance.

He accepts you. Jesus was perfect. And said we can have his marks if we follow him. Perfection. Not based on my performance. I’m accepted. And God is proud of my efforts to become like him.

There’s life to be found here guys. He understands you. He cares. He doesn’t leave.

Be with him.

So your life. Is there space for him? Pause app. Bible reading. Think about dedicating a time n space to him. Make it special. He wants to meet you.

He’s waiting for you. And as we wait for him, we become like him.

This is a huge part of your life’s calling. Figure it out on the way.

A boss I had, he always said it’s fixing the plane while we’re flying. No getting it perfect first. Invite God into this moment. Right now. And before bed tonight. Into your meals. Into your class. Your next game. Next reel. Next chat. Next problem. Next fight.

He’s calling you to chase him. Will you?

Mar 29, 202208:48
Parable of the Phones

Parable of the Phones

A retelling of the parable of the 10 virgins. Also get the cool prayer app - Pause - by Ransomed Heart
Mar 03, 202204:32


Sleep Bees don’t sleep. Or play. Just work. Die in 7 weeks. We need sleep. What if we don’t sleep? - High blood pressure - Diabetes - Heart attack - Heart failure - Stroke - Depression, temper, anger - Obesity - Lowered immune system So schedule sleep. Have a bed time. Note what you consume before bed - avoid uppers and downers. Uppers: Caffeine, sugar, hunger, screens, exercise. 30 mins of no uppers in your system before sleep. Downers: Alcohol, over fed, pot. These things make us drowsy but disturb and inhibit rest. Try to limit naps - more than 30 mins & you’re cutting in to tonight’s/tomorrow’s rest. Some exercise & fresh air during the day will help you sleep better & faster. Screens out of the bedroom. Make a routine - * Have a Snack * Brush your teeth, wash * Read a story * Journal * Stretch * Pray The activities help some, but the routine itself helps most. Your body will know what’s coming through habit. Take control of your life via habits & routines. - don’t make them so elaborate that they’re easily disrupted. - Be resilient - anti fragile - able to deal in a variety of circumstances. Take control of your mind - anxious thoughts come. It can feel overwhelming. Don’t let anxiety rule your life. There’s freedom to be found in following Jesus, even in to sleep. “It’s in vain that you rise early & go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil, for he gives to his beloved sleep.” Psalm 127 - God wants to give us rest. He loves you.He wants you to have rest. sleep. that’s his plan. * What’s in the way of it? I find when I’m tossing and turning, is not the time that I can pray and clearly understand lol. * Follow him in to life. Receive his gifts. * Fight against the things that would get in the way. Satan wants to ruin your life. He’s a liar and killer. Don’t trust him. Military sleep system 1. Find a place & get comfy - 30s 2. Relax your face & breathe 3. Relax your arms & breathe 4. Relax your legs & breath 5. Think of still, peaceful thoughts - 30s Rest - Soul Charge What’s missing in your life? * Think SOUL - learning, feeling, relationships - fill in gaps & holes. * Do you miss your friends? Message them. Call them. Hang out. Family? Do something with them. * Emotionally spent? Do low key stuff. Down? Get a pick-me-up * School Boring? Learn something cool. Or read a fun book. Sabbath Sabbath was made for man, not man for sabbath. The first day was a holiday. Holy Day. Re-think what a holiday is, a holy day. * It’s a chill out at the park. Pray as you watch your favourite show - if you can’t pray during your favorite stuff, ask why? Is it doing good for you? How to sabbath? * make a time to chill. W God. * Try to get all your chores done. * Don’t feel bad if you have to do something anyway. They still fed their animals and did whatever they had to, but focused on chillin. Sabbath means ‘sit’ rest, dwell - think of the goal as hanging out. If anything comes up, deal with it, and get back to chillin. * Make some tasty food - explore this idea that Jews worship by eating. * John Mark Comer - Garden City - great book - his family starts off sabbath by making a HUGE cookie and dumping a tub of ice cream on top, and eating it all together. Let’s do that!
Nov 18, 202123:51


Primer - Identity A key to the good life is knowing who you are. Who are you? Intro: Philosophical Concepts: Historical Handles. 1:03 Trichotomy. 1:33 1. Body - (Greek: Isxuos Hebrew: Gadol) 2. Soul - (Greek: Psyche Hebrew: Nephesh) 3. Spirit - (Greek: Cardia Hebrew: Lavav) Breakdown of parts - 4:51 This isn’t an appraisal of your value, but your health. If you have bad symptoms, lets talk about them, so we can deal with them. Don’t identify as your bad symptom, it’s not who you are. But realize it’s real, and find a way to get healthy. We’re here to help. Physical 1. Rested/Tired 2. Fit/Sickly, Weak, out of shape 3. Nourished/over or under eating, eating poorly Mental 1. Learning/Stagnant or Stuck 2. Happy/Anxious, Depressed, Apathetic, Weary, Angry 3. Relationships - Family, Friends, Peers, Romance Love/Alone/Abuse Spirit 1. Connected to God/Distant/Connected to something else 2. Free/Stuck or Addicted 3. Healed & Whole/Hurt, Bitter, Jaded, Traumatized
Nov 10, 202117:57
Parables 3 - Your Own Parables Competition

Parables 3 - Your Own Parables Competition

Welcome! Tonight is the Parable Competition! Which Parable do you connect with? We’ll vote on our favourites tonight.
Tomato Plants
The Injured Dove
The Sea Shells
The Apple Tree
Nov 04, 202106:24
Parables 2 - Oct. 14

Parables 2 - Oct. 14

Last week we talked a bit about what parables are. This week, I’m just going to share a few with you. Some I made up, others are ones Jesus said. As I share, I encourage you, pick your favourite. Which one do you identify with most? What’s God saying to you in these? Think on it. Share about it in small group. Parables: Made to Burn. The kingdom App. the Kingdom Video. The Kingdom Field. The Kingdom Pearl.
- sometimes Jesus parables were intentionally vague, cause people weren’t interested in his story, they only wanted to look good.
Oct 12, 202109:08
Oct 7 - What’s a Parable?

Oct 7 - What’s a Parable?

Jesus used these short, made up stories a lot in his teaching. What are they? How do we read them? They explore 1 idea. The different characters have different responses to the idea. Where are you in the story? They’re short and memorable so we can think on them. Try to catch the gist. Don’t get hung up on details. God wants to talk to you. Take some time and chat with him about these two ideas, expressed via plants lol. These parables were from Matthew 13, if you want to re-read them (highly recommend, super short reading), or delisted to my reading. Sower & Seeds 4:28 Wheat & Weeds 5:16
Oct 04, 202107:51
Sept 30 ! Stress ! How to beat back stress, anxiety & depression

Sept 30 ! Stress ! How to beat back stress, anxiety & depression

It’s a practical dip into how to take control of our emotions & mental state. Life beats us up. What can we do about it? It’s been a crazy year. 
How have you coped? What worked? What do you do when you’re stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Exercise. We know it’s good for us. How do you feel about exercising? What makes you feel that way? Do you have a goal for personal fitness? I encourage you to find a good first step you can take this week to train towards mental health & fitness. What’s something you could start? When will you start? (Think little steps) Quick Times 0:00 Intro 1:32 The Problem 6:30 Bible 12:51 Practice 27:53 Outro
Sep 27, 202131:10
Classics 5 - Solitude

Classics 5 - Solitude

What’s it mean to be lonely? Alone? In solitude? Do you like the crowd? What do you do when you’re alone? Solitude is good for us. Jesus did it. And he wants to teach you how to find life through this classic habit!
Aug 08, 202108:28
Church Chats 5 - Worship

Church Chats 5 - Worship

What do you love to talk about? What is Worship? 

Where do you go when you're stressed? 

Why do we worship? What does it do in us? 

Hebrews 12:1 B - "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us"

John 14:1-7 - check it out. He's preparing a place for us - he is the path we walk. He is the life we live. 

John Wesley "As long as God has work for me, I am immortal."

C.S. Lewis: If I find in myself desires that nothing in this world can satisfy, I can only conclude that I was not made for here. 

Rev. 3:17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

C.S. Lewis "When we consider the unblushing promises offered in the gospels from Christ it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not to strong but too weak. He says, “we are half hearted creatures falling about with drink, sex and ambition while infinite joy is being offered to us.” He says "we are like a peasant playing with a mudpie in a slum because we don't know what is meant by the offer to vacation at sea. And he ends with this great line, "We are far too easily pleased.

Aug 07, 202125:37
Classic 4 - Silence

Classic 4 - Silence

Silence - a classic pray habit. Meet God in the quiet
Jul 25, 202107:10
Church Chats 4 - Who is God? Awe

Church Chats 4 - Who is God? Awe

Who is God to me? How do I know what’s true? Where do I meet God? Where does he find me? Isaiah 29 and 30. Romans 14:23
Jul 25, 202114:28
Fasting - Spirit Boost by a Simple Stop

Fasting - Spirit Boost by a Simple Stop

Welcome to the Discover Life Podcast
- find the path to:
* Strong Health,
* Whole Hearts and
* Steady Impact
Jul 17, 202112:01
Church Chats 3 - Humanity - The State of Me

Church Chats 3 - Humanity - The State of Me

What does it mean to be created in ‘the image of God’? What are people like? Before Christ? With Christ? How do I change? Scriptures Image of God - Genesis 1 Ambassadors - 2 Cor 5:20 Kindness -> Repentance Romans 2:4 Romans 1:16-3:10 Dr. Trevor Kasey on Change: Ask What do I do? When do I do it? How does it make me think and feel? (Do I like who it is making me become?)
Jul 17, 202136:00
Youth Episode 2 Classic Bible reading

Youth Episode 2 Classic Bible reading

Hey everyone, here is a modified version of episode 2, that should push to all the services.
Jul 11, 202107:36
Church Chats 2 - Heaven

Church Chats 2 - Heaven

Here’s my thoughts to get the ball rolling for this Sundays discussion on “What is heaven?” If you want a great book to read, check John Mark Comer’s Garden City. Thanks for tuning in!
Jul 10, 202131:29
Youth - Classic Bible Reading

Youth - Classic Bible Reading

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Learn a classic, simple way to experience God in Bible reading today - Lection Divina with Brock
Jul 08, 202107:57
Church Chats - What’s a SOUL?
Jul 03, 202135:52
A Beginning - Discover a way to talk with God

A Beginning - Discover a way to talk with God

Learn how to hear from God and talk with him. Celebrate and be sad and learn with him, any time, any place. He’s always there, waiting to talk with you. Don’t believe anything else. The price is paid, and free for you. Here’s how to do it.
Jun 25, 202119:12